path: root/packages/altboot/files/nslu2le/altboot-menu/30-bootUSB-Stick
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Diffstat (limited to 'packages/altboot/files/nslu2le/altboot-menu/30-bootUSB-Stick')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 174 deletions
diff --git a/packages/altboot/files/nslu2le/altboot-menu/30-bootUSB-Stick b/packages/altboot/files/nslu2le/altboot-menu/30-bootUSB-Stick
deleted file mode 100644
index c6c215ecc4..0000000000
--- a/packages/altboot/files/nslu2le/altboot-menu/30-bootUSB-Stick
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-# !/bin/sh
-# Copyright Matthias Hentges (c) 2005
-# License: GPL (see for a copy of the GPL)
-M_TITLE="USB Attached Storage"
-test "$USB_HOST_AVAILABLE" = "yes" || exit 0
-# This function is activated by init.altboot by calling this script with the "run" option
-run_module() {
- test -e /etc/altboot.func && . /etc/altboot.func || die "ERROR: /etc/altboot.func not found. Check your installation!"
- # Mount /proc, etc
- init_rootfs
- echo -e "\nStarting USB..."
- for module in $USB_STORAGE_MODULES
- do
- echo -en "\t - $module: "
- modprobe "$module" >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo ok || die "Failed to modprobe [$module]"
- done
- echo ""
- scan_devices
- usb_show_menu
-# echo -n "Mounting $USB_STORAGE_PARTITION..." >/dev/tty0
-# mkdir -p /media/usb-storage >/dev/null 2>&1
-# sleep "$USB_STORAGE_WAIT"
-# /bin/mount -t auto -o defaults,noatime $USB_STORAGE_PARTITION /media/usb-storage >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo ok >/dev/tty0|| die "/bin/mount -t auto -o defaults,noatime $SD_DEVICE $SD_MOUNTPOINT failed"
-# echo ""
-# # Check for a real fs and loop-images.
-# check_target "/media/usb-storage" >/dev/tty0
-scan_devices() {
- reset_pref "available_devices"
- cnt=1
- for scsi_disk in `ls -1 /sys/block/ | grep ^sd`
- do
- scsi_disk_name="`echo "$scsi_disk" | awk '{printf("%s\n",toupper($0))}'`"
- test -e /sys/block/$scsi_disk/device/vendor && HDD_VENDOR="`cat /sys/block/$scsi_disk/device/vendor | sed "s/\ $//"`"
- test -z "$HDD_VENDOR" && HDD_VENDOR="Unknown Vendor"
- test -e /sys/block/$scsi_disk/device/model && HDD_MODEL="`cat /sys/block/$scsi_disk/device/model`"
- test -z "$HDD_MODEL" && HDD_MODEL="Unknown Model"
- scsi_disk_partition_cnt="`ls -1 /sys/block/$scsi_disk | grep ^$scsi_disk | wc -l | tr -d " "`"
- test "$scsi_disk_partition_cnt" -gt 1 && scsi_disk_partition_cnt="$scsi_disk_partition_cnt partitions" || scsi_disk_partition_cnt="$scsi_disk_partition_cnt partition"
- set_pref "available_devices" "$cnt" "$scsi_disk_name ( $HDD_VENDOR $HDD_MODEL with $scsi_disk_partition_cnt)"
- set_pref "available_devices_short" "$cnt" "$scsi_disk"
- set_pref "available_devices_type" "$cnt" "usb"
- let cnt=$cnt+1
- done
-usb_show_menu() {
- cnt2=0 ; let cnt=$cnt-1
- while test "$cnt" != "$cnt2"
- do
- let cnt2=$cnt2+1
- get_pref "available_devices" "$cnt2" dev
- echo -e "\t[$cnt2] - $dev"
- done
- while test -z "$selected_dev"
- do
- echo -en "\nYour choice: "
- read junk
- get_pref "available_devices" "$junk" selected_dev
- get_pref "available_devices_type" "$junk" part_mode
-# debug_echo "show_menu(): selected: [$selected_dev]"
- done
- if ( echo "$selected_dev" | grep -q "^Flash" )
- then
- boot_from flash
- else
- get_pref "available_devices_short" "$junk" selected_dev
-# debug_echo "show_menu(): selected_devices_short: [$selected_dev]"
- partitions="`ls -1 /sys/block/$selected_dev|grep ^$selected_dev`"
- test -z "$partitions" && die "No partitions found on /dev/$selected_dev!"
- echo -e "\nPlease select a partition on $selected_dev to boot from:\n"
- cnt=1
- for partition in $partitions
- do
- # We assume that partitions with a "size" < 10 are extended partitions
- # and should not be listed. TYPE=swap is blacklisted as well.
- part_size="`cat /sys/block/$selected_dev/$partition/size`"
- part_type="`blkid -s TYPE -o value /dev/$partition`"
- if test "$part_size" -gt 10 -a "$part_type" != "swap"
- then
- let part_size="($part_size/2)/1000"
- echo -e "\t[$cnt] $partition (~ ${part_size}Mb, $part_type)"
- set_pref "available_partitions" "$cnt" "$partition"
- let cnt=$cnt+1
- fi
- done
- while test -z "$selected_partition"
- do
- echo -en "\nYour choice: "
- read junk
- get_pref "available_partitions" "$junk" selected_partition
- done
- part_uuid="`blkid -c /dev/null -s UUID -o value /dev/$selected_partition`"
- boot_from "$part_mode" "$selected_partition" "$part_uuid"
- fi
-boot_from() {
- debug_echo "boot_from() [$*]"
- part_mode="$1"
- part_name="$2"
- part_uuid="$3"
- case "$part_mode" in
- usb) umount /tmp/mnt.set-bootdev >/dev/null 2>&1
- rm -rf /tmp/mnt.set-bootdev ; mkdir -p /tmp/mnt.set-bootdev
- if ! ( mount -U "$part_uuid" /tmp/mnt.set-bootdev )
- then
- echo "** Note: UUID mount for $part_name failed"
- mount /dev/$part_name /tmp/mnt.set-bootdev && echo "** Note: Normal mount for $part_name successful"
- fi
- if ! test -e /tmp/mnt.set-bootdev/sbin/init.sysvinit
- then
- copy_rootfs /tmp/mnt.set-bootdev/
- else
- umount /tmp/mnt.set-bootdev
- echo -e "\nSetting /dev/$part_name as boot-partition"
- echo "3 $part_name $part_uuid" > /etc/altboot.last
- fi
- ;;
- esac
-copy_rootfs() {
- debug_echo "copy_rootfs() [$*]"
-case "$1" in
-title) echo "$M_TITLE";;
-run) run_module "$2";;