path: root/recipes/obsolete/zd1211/zd1211-r83
diff options
authorRolf Leggewie <>2010-01-16 15:08:38 +0100
committerRolf Leggewie <>2010-01-16 15:23:39 +0100
commit83f66a32dca5628342e49735f1b45800350b9b22 (patch)
treefd059d4a3347c69b60b155fa396c8666de7fa909 /recipes/obsolete/zd1211/zd1211-r83
parentcc13f5b5773379c39262a221b2f9b4d60d64dcff (diff)
zd1211: move oldest and unfetchable entries to obsolete/
Diffstat (limited to 'recipes/obsolete/zd1211/zd1211-r83')
2 files changed, 95 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/recipes/obsolete/zd1211/zd1211-r83/makefile-unslung.patch b/recipes/obsolete/zd1211/zd1211-r83/makefile-unslung.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bc189e823f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes/obsolete/zd1211/zd1211-r83/makefile-unslung.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+--- zd1211-driver-r83.orig/Makefile 2006-07-09 04:59:42.000000000 -0500
++++ zd1211-driver-r83/Makefile 2006-10-21 16:27:41.000000000 -0500
+@@ -4,25 +4,25 @@
+ #
+ #
++CC ?= gcc
++CPP ?= g++
++LD ?= ld
+ rM=rm -f -r
+ VERSION := $(shell uname -r)
+-MODPATH := /lib/modules/$(VERSION)
++MODPATH ?= /lib/modules/$(VERSION)
+ # if the kernel is 2.6.x, turn on this
+ #KERNEL_SOURCE=/usr/src/linux
+ # set to 1 for zd1211b
+ ZD1211REV_B=0
+ SRC_DIR=src
+@@ -228,9 +228,9 @@
+ depmod -a $(VERSION)
+ #for apdbg
+- gcc -o apdbg apdbg.c
+- chmod +x apdbg
+- cp ./apdbg /sbin/apdbg
++# gcc -o apdbg apdbg.c
++# chmod +x apdbg
++# cp ./apdbg /sbin/apdbg
+ clean:
+ rm -rf .tmp_versions .*.cmd *.ko *.mod.c *.mod.o *.o $(SRC_DIR)/*.o $(SRC_DIR)/.*.o.cmd
diff --git a/recipes/obsolete/zd1211/zd1211-r83/makefile.patch b/recipes/obsolete/zd1211/zd1211-r83/makefile.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..adc2bd416d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes/obsolete/zd1211/zd1211-r83/makefile.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+--- zd1211-driver-r83/Makefile.orig 2006-09-02 16:00:00.000000000 +0200
++++ zd1211-driver-r83/Makefile 2006-09-02 16:01:57.000000000 +0200
+@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
+ #
+ #
+-rM=rm -f -r
++#rM=rm -f -r
+ VERSION := $(shell uname -r)
+ MODPATH := /lib/modules/$(VERSION)
+@@ -15,14 +15,14 @@
+ # if the kernel is 2.6.x, turn on this
+ KERN_26=y
+ #KERNEL_SOURCE=/usr/src/linux
+ # set to 1 for zd1211b
+ ZD1211REV_B=0
+ SRC_DIR=src
+@@ -228,9 +228,9 @@
+ depmod -a $(VERSION)
+ #for apdbg
+- gcc -o apdbg apdbg.c
+- chmod +x apdbg
+- cp ./apdbg /sbin/apdbg
++# gcc -o apdbg apdbg.c
++# chmod +x apdbg
++# cp ./apdbg /sbin/apdbg
+ clean:
+ rm -rf .tmp_versions .*.cmd *.ko *.mod.c *.mod.o *.o $(SRC_DIR)/*.o $(SRC_DIR)/.*.o.cmd