path: root/packages/python
diff options
authorMichael 'Mickey' Lauer <>2009-01-14 01:55:37 +0000
committerMichael 'Mickey' Lauer <>2009-01-14 01:55:37 +0000
commit3034731805fdf734efc1ce545b1057b01448ab16 (patch)
tree3da4503d6fdf31a612576e7b4ed0dd24e0b34cf6 /packages/python
parent580147c9d5057521261cb654518025d41b0a87c5 (diff)
python-webpy: 0.21 -> 0.31
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/python')
-rw-r--r--packages/python/ (renamed from packages/python/
2 files changed, 7 insertions, 2350 deletions
diff --git a/packages/python/python-webpy/ b/packages/python/python-webpy/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2761fa30a0..0000000000
--- a/packages/python/python-webpy/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2349 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-""" makes web apps ("""
-__version__ = "0.1381"
-__revision__ = "$Rev: 72 $"
-__license__ = "public domain"
-__author__ = "Aaron Swartz <>"
-__contributors__ = "see"
-from __future__ import generators
-# long term todo:
-# - new form system
-# - new templating system
-# - unit tests?
-# todo:
-# - get rid of upvars
-# - break up into separate files
-# - provide an option to use .write()
-# - allow people to do $ from inside a reparam
-# - add sqlite support
-# - convert datetimes, floats in WebSafe
-# - locks around memoize
-# - fix memoize to use cacheify style techniques
-# - merge curval query with the insert
-# - figure out how to handle squid, etc. for web.ctx.ip
-import os, os.path, sys, time, types, traceback, threading
-import cgi, re, urllib, urlparse, Cookie, pprint
-from threading import currentThread
-from tokenize import tokenprog
-iters = (list, tuple)
-if hasattr(__builtins__, 'set') or (
- hasattr(__builtins__, 'has_key') and __builtins__.has_key('set')):
- iters += (set,)
- from sets import Set
- iters += (Set,)
-except ImportError:
- pass
- import datetime, itertools
-except ImportError:
- pass
- from Cheetah.Compiler import Compiler
- from Cheetah.Filters import Filter
- _hasTemplating = True
-except ImportError:
- _hasTemplating = False
- from DBUtils.PooledDB import PooledDB
- _hasPooling = True
-except ImportError:
- _hasPooling = False
-# hack for compatibility with Python 2.3:
-if not hasattr(traceback, 'format_exc'):
- from cStringIO import StringIO
- def format_exc(limit=None):
- strbuf = StringIO()
- traceback.print_exc(limit, strbuf)
- return strbuf.getvalue()
- traceback.format_exc = format_exc
-## General Utilities
-def _strips(direction, text, remove):
- if direction == 'l':
- if text.startswith(remove):
- return text[len(remove):]
- elif direction == 'r':
- if text.endswith(remove):
- return text[:-len(remove)]
- else:
- raise ValueError, "Direction needs to be r or l."
- return text
-def rstrips(text, remove):
- """removes the string `remove` from the right of `text`"""
- return _strips('r', text, remove)
-def lstrips(text, remove):
- """removes the string `remove` from the left of `text`"""
- return _strips('l', text, remove)
-def strips(text, remove):
- """removes the string `remove` from the both sides of `text`"""
- return rstrips(lstrips(text, remove), remove)
-def autoassign(self, locals):
- """
- Automatically assigns local variables to `self`.
- Generally used in `__init__` methods, as in:
- def __init__(self, foo, bar, baz=1): autoassign(self, locals())
- """
- #locals = sys._getframe(1).f_locals
- #self = locals['self']
- for (key, value) in locals.iteritems():
- if key == 'self':
- continue
- setattr(self, key, value)
-class Storage(dict):
- """
- A Storage object is like a dictionary except `` can be used
- instead of `obj['foo']`. Create one by doing `storage({'a':1})`.
- """
- def __getattr__(self, key):
- if self.has_key(key):
- return self[key]
- raise AttributeError, repr(key)
- def __setattr__(self, key, value):
- self[key] = value
- def __repr__(self):
- return '<Storage ' + dict.__repr__(self) + '>'
-storage = Storage
-def storify(mapping, *requireds, **defaults):
- """
- Creates a `storage` object from dictionary `mapping`, raising `KeyError` if
- d doesn't have all of the keys in `requireds` and using the default
- values for keys found in `defaults`.
- For example, `storify({'a':1, 'c':3}, b=2, c=0)` will return the equivalent of
- `storage({'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3})`.
- If a `storify` value is a list (e.g. multiple values in a form submission),
- `storify` returns the last element of the list, unless the key appears in
- `defaults` as a list. Thus:
- >>> storify({'a':[1, 2]}).a
- 2
- >>> storify({'a':[1, 2]}, a=[]).a
- [1, 2]
- >>> storify({'a':1}, a=[]).a
- [1]
- >>> storify({}, a=[]).a
- []
- Similarly, if the value has a `value` attribute, `storify will return _its_
- value, unless the key appears in `defaults` as a dictionary.
- >>> storify({'a':storage(value=1)}).a
- 1
- >>> storify({'a':storage(value=1)}, a={}).a
- <Storage {'value': 1}>
- >>> storify({}, a={}).a
- {}
- """
- def getvalue(x):
- if hasattr(x, 'value'):
- return x.value
- else:
- return x
- stor = Storage()
- for key in requireds + tuple(mapping.keys()):
- value = mapping[key]
- if isinstance(value, list):
- if isinstance(defaults.get(key), list):
- value = [getvalue(x) for x in value]
- else:
- value = value[-1]
- if not isinstance(defaults.get(key), dict):
- value = getvalue(value)
- if isinstance(defaults.get(key), list) and not isinstance(value, list):
- value = [value]
- setattr(stor, key, value)
- for (key, value) in defaults.iteritems():
- result = value
- if hasattr(stor, key):
- result = stor[key]
- if value == () and not isinstance(result, tuple):
- result = (result,)
- setattr(stor, key, result)
- return stor
-class Memoize:
- """
- 'Memoizes' a function, caching its return values for each input.
- """
- def __init__(self, func):
- self.func = func
- self.cache = {}
- def __call__(self, *args, **keywords):
- key = (args, tuple(keywords.items()))
- if key not in self.cache:
- self.cache[key] = self.func(*args, **keywords)
- return self.cache[key]
-memoize = Memoize
-re_compile = memoize(re.compile) #@@ threadsafe?
-re_compile.__doc__ = """
-A memoized version of re.compile.
-class _re_subm_proxy:
- def __init__(self):
- self.match = None
- def __call__(self, match):
- self.match = match
- return ''
-def re_subm(pat, repl, string):
- """Like re.sub, but returns the replacement _and_ the match object."""
- compiled_pat = re_compile(pat)
- proxy = _re_subm_proxy()
- compiled_pat.sub(proxy.__call__, string)
- return compiled_pat.sub(repl, string), proxy.match
-def group(seq, size):
- """
- Returns an iterator over a series of lists of length size from iterable.
- For example, `list(group([1,2,3,4], 2))` returns `[[1,2],[3,4]]`.
- """
- if not hasattr(seq, 'next'):
- seq = iter(seq)
- while True:
- yield [ for i in xrange(size)]
-class IterBetter:
- """
- Returns an object that can be used as an iterator
- but can also be used via __getitem__ (although it
- cannot go backwards -- that is, you cannot request
- `iterbetter[0]` after requesting `iterbetter[1]`).
- """
- def __init__(self, iterator):
- self.i, self.c = iterator, 0
- def __iter__(self):
- while 1:
- yield
- self.c += 1
- def __getitem__(self, i):
- #todo: slices
- if i > self.c:
- raise IndexError, "already passed "+str(i)
- try:
- while i < self.c:
- self.c += 1
- # now self.c == i
- self.c += 1
- return
- except StopIteration:
- raise IndexError, str(i)
-iterbetter = IterBetter
-def dictreverse(mapping):
- """Takes a dictionary like `{1:2, 3:4}` and returns `{2:1, 4:3}`."""
- return dict([(value, key) for (key, value) in mapping.iteritems()])
-def dictfind(dictionary, element):
- """
- Returns a key whose value in `dictionary` is `element`
- or, if none exists, None.
- """
- for (key, value) in dictionary.iteritems():
- if element is value:
- return key
-def dictfindall(dictionary, element):
- """
- Returns the keys whose values in `dictionary` are `element`
- or, if none exists, [].
- """
- res = []
- for (key, value) in dictionary.iteritems():
- if element is value:
- res.append(key)
- return res
-def dictincr(dictionary, element):
- """
- Increments `element` in `dictionary`,
- setting it to one if it doesn't exist.
- """
- dictionary.setdefault(element, 0)
- dictionary[element] += 1
- return dictionary[element]
-def dictadd(dict_a, dict_b):
- """
- Returns a dictionary consisting of the keys in `a` and `b`.
- If they share a key, the value from b is used.
- """
- result = {}
- result.update(dict_a)
- result.update(dict_b)
- return result
-sumdicts = dictadd # deprecated
-def listget(lst, ind, default=None):
- """Returns `lst[ind]` if it exists, `default` otherwise."""
- if len(lst)-1 < ind:
- return default
- return lst[ind]
-def intget(integer, default=None):
- """Returns `integer` as an int or `default` if it can't."""
- try:
- return int(integer)
- except (TypeError, ValueError):
- return default
-def datestr(then, now=None):
- """Converts a (UTC) datetime object to a nice string representation."""
- def agohence(n, what, divisor=None):
- if divisor: n = n // divisor
- out = str(abs(n)) + ' ' + what # '2 day'
- if abs(n) != 1: out += 's' # '2 days'
- out += ' ' # '2 days '
- if n < 0:
- out += 'from now'
- else:
- out += 'ago'
- return out # '2 days ago'
- oneday = 24 * 60 * 60
- if not now: now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
- delta = now - then
- deltaseconds = int(delta.days * oneday + delta.seconds + delta.microseconds * 1e-06)
- deltadays = abs(deltaseconds) // oneday
- if deltaseconds < 0: deltadays *= -1 # fix for oddity of floor
- if deltadays:
- if abs(deltadays) < 4:
- return agohence(deltadays, 'day')
- out = then.strftime('%B %e') # e.g. 'June 13'
- if then.year != now.year or deltadays < 0:
- out += ', %s' % then.year
- return out
- if int(deltaseconds):
- if abs(deltaseconds) > (60 * 60):
- return agohence(deltaseconds, 'hour', 60 * 60)
- elif abs(deltaseconds) > 60:
- return agohence(deltaseconds, 'minute', 60)
- else:
- return agohence(deltaseconds, 'second')
- deltamicroseconds = delta.microseconds
- if delta.days: deltamicroseconds = int(delta.microseconds - 1e6) # datetime oddity
- if abs(deltamicroseconds) > 1000:
- return agohence(deltamicroseconds, 'millisecond', 1000)
- return agohence(deltamicroseconds, 'microsecond')
-def upvars(level=2):
- """Guido van Rossum doesn't want you to use this function."""
- return dictadd(
- sys._getframe(level).f_globals,
- sys._getframe(level).f_locals)
-class CaptureStdout:
- """
- Captures everything func prints to stdout and returns it instead.
- **WARNING:** Not threadsafe!
- """
- def __init__(self, func):
- self.func = func
- def __call__(self, *args, **keywords):
- from cStringIO import StringIO
- # Not threadsafe!
- out = StringIO()
- oldstdout = sys.stdout
- sys.stdout = out
- try:
- self.func(*args, **keywords)
- finally:
- sys.stdout = oldstdout
- return out.getvalue()
-capturestdout = CaptureStdout
-class Profile:
- """
- Profiles `func` and returns a tuple containing its output
- and a string with human-readable profiling information.
- """
- def __init__(self, func):
- self.func = func
- def __call__(self, *args): ##, **kw): kw unused
- import hotshot, hotshot.stats, tempfile ##, time already imported
- temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
- prof = hotshot.Profile(
- stime = time.time()
- result = prof.runcall(self.func, *args)
- stime = time.time() - stime
- prof.close()
- stats = hotshot.stats.load(
- stats.strip_dirs()
- stats.sort_stats('time', 'calls')
- x = '\n\ntook '+ str(stime) + ' seconds\n'
- x += capturestdout(stats.print_stats)(40)
- x += capturestdout(stats.print_callers)()
- return result, x
-profile = Profile
-def tryall(context, prefix=None):
- """
- Tries a series of functions and prints their results.
- `context` is a dictionary mapping names to values;
- the value will only be tried if it's callable.
- For example, you might have a file `test/`
- with a series of functions testing various things in it.
- At the bottom, have a line:
- if __name__ == "__main__": tryall(globals())
- Then you can run `python test/` and get the results of
- all the tests.
- """
- context = context.copy() # vars() would update
- results = {}
- for (key, value) in context.iteritems():
- if not hasattr(value, '__call__'):
- continue
- if prefix and not key.startswith(prefix):
- continue
- print key + ':',
- try:
- r = value()
- dictincr(results, r)
- print r
- except:
- print 'ERROR'
- dictincr(results, 'ERROR')
- print ' ' + '\n '.join(traceback.format_exc().split('\n'))
- print '-'*40
- print 'results:'
- for (key, value) in results.iteritems():
- print ' '*2, str(key)+':', value
-class ThreadedDict:
- """
- Takes a dictionary that maps threads to objects.
- When a thread tries to get or set an attribute or item
- of the threadeddict, it passes it on to the object
- for that thread in dictionary.
- """
- def __init__(self, dictionary):
- self.__dict__['_ThreadedDict__d'] = dictionary
- def __getattr__(self, attr):
- return getattr(self.__d[currentThread()], attr)
- def __getitem__(self, item):
- return self.__d[currentThread()][item]
- def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
- if attr == '__doc__':
- self.__dict__[attr] = value
- else:
- return setattr(self.__d[currentThread()], attr, value)
- def __setitem__(self, item, value):
- self.__d[currentThread()][item] = value
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash(self.__d[currentThread()])
-threadeddict = ThreadedDict
-## IP Utilities
-def validipaddr(address):
- """returns True if `address` is a valid IPv4 address"""
- try:
- octets = address.split('.')
- assert len(octets) == 4
- for x in octets:
- assert 0 <= int(x) <= 255
- except (AssertionError, ValueError):
- return False
- return True
-def validipport(port):
- """returns True if `port` is a valid IPv4 port"""
- try:
- assert 0 <= int(port) <= 65535
- except (AssertionError, ValueError):
- return False
- return True
-def validip(ip, defaultaddr="", defaultport=8080):
- """returns `(ip_address, port)` from string `ip_addr_port`"""
- addr = defaultaddr
- port = defaultport
- ip = ip.split(":", 1)
- if len(ip) == 1:
- if not ip[0]:
- pass
- elif validipaddr(ip[0]):
- addr = ip[0]
- elif validipport(ip[0]):
- port = int(ip[0])
- else:
- raise ValueError, ':'.join(ip) + ' is not a valid IP address/port'
- elif len(ip) == 2:
- addr, port = ip
- if not validipaddr(addr) and validipport(port):
- raise ValueError, ':'.join(ip) + ' is not a valid IP address/port'
- port = int(port)
- else:
- raise ValueError, ':'.join(ip) + ' is not a valid IP address/port'
- return (addr, port)
-def validaddr(string_):
- """returns either (ip_address, port) or "/path/to/socket" from string_"""
- if '/' in string_:
- return string_
- else:
- return validip(string_)
-## URL Utilities
-def prefixurl(base=''):
- """
- Sorry, this function is really difficult to explain.
- Maybe some other time.
- """
- url = ctx.path.lstrip('/')
- for i in xrange(url.count('/')):
- base += '../'
- if not base:
- base = './'
- return base
-def urlquote(x): return urllib.quote(websafe(x).encode('utf-8'))
-## Formatting
- from markdown import markdown #
-except ImportError:
- pass
-r_url = re_compile('(?<!\()(http://(\S+))')
-def safemarkdown(text):
- """
- Converts text to HTML following the rules of Markdown, but blocking any
- outside HTML input, so that only the things supported by Markdown
- can be used. Also converts raw URLs to links.
- (requires [](
- """
- if text:
- text = text.replace('<', '&lt;')
- # TODO: automatically get page title?
- text = r_url.sub(r'<\1>', text)
- text = markdown(text)
- return text
-## Databases
-class _ItplError(ValueError):
- """String Interpolation Error
- from <>
- (cf. below for license)
- """
- def __init__(self, text, pos):
- ValueError.__init__(self)
- self.text = text
- self.pos = pos
- def __str__(self):
- return "unfinished expression in %s at char %d" % (
- repr(self.text), self.pos)
-def _interpolate(format):
- """
- Takes a format string and returns a list of 2-tuples of the form
- (boolean, string) where boolean says whether string should be evaled
- or not.
- from <> (public domain, Ka-Ping Yee)
- """
- def matchorfail(text, pos):
- match = tokenprog.match(text, pos)
- if match is None:
- raise _ItplError(text, pos)
- return match, match.end()
- namechars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" \
- chunks = []
- pos = 0
- while 1:
- dollar = format.find("$", pos)
- if dollar < 0:
- break
- nextchar = format[dollar + 1]
- if nextchar == "{":
- chunks.append((0, format[pos:dollar]))
- pos, level = dollar + 2, 1
- while level:
- match, pos = matchorfail(format, pos)
- tstart, tend = match.regs[3]
- token = format[tstart:tend]
- if token == "{":
- level = level + 1
- elif token == "}":
- level = level - 1
- chunks.append((1, format[dollar + 2:pos - 1]))
- elif nextchar in namechars:
- chunks.append((0, format[pos:dollar]))
- match, pos = matchorfail(format, dollar + 1)
- while pos < len(format):
- if format[pos] == "." and \
- pos + 1 < len(format) and format[pos + 1] in namechars:
- match, pos = matchorfail(format, pos + 1)
- elif format[pos] in "([":
- pos, level = pos + 1, 1
- while level:
- match, pos = matchorfail(format, pos)
- tstart, tend = match.regs[3]
- token = format[tstart:tend]
- if token[0] in "([":
- level = level + 1
- elif token[0] in ")]":
- level = level - 1
- else:
- break
- chunks.append((1, format[dollar + 1:pos]))
- else:
- chunks.append((0, format[pos:dollar + 1]))
- pos = dollar + 1 + (nextchar == "$")
- if pos < len(format):
- chunks.append((0, format[pos:]))
- return chunks
-def sqlors(left, lst):
- """
- `left is a SQL clause like `tablename.arg = `
- and `lst` is a list of values. Returns a reparam-style
- pair featuring the SQL that ORs together the clause
- for each item in the lst.
- For example:
- web.sqlors('foo =', [1,2,3])
- would result in:
- foo = 1 OR foo = 2 OR foo = 3
- """
- if isinstance(lst, iters):
- lst = list(lst)
- ln = len(lst)
- if ln == 0:
- return ("2+2=5", [])
- if ln == 1:
- lst = lst[0]
- if isinstance(lst, iters):
- return '(' + left + \
- (' OR ' + left).join([aparam() for param in lst]) + ")", lst
- else:
- return left + aparam(), [lst]
-class UnknownParamstyle(Exception):
- """raised for unsupported db paramstyles
- Currently supported: qmark,numeric, format, pyformat
- """
- pass
-def aparam():
- """Use in a SQL string to make a spot for a db value."""
- style = ctx.db_module.paramstyle
- if style == 'qmark':
- return '?'
- elif style == 'numeric':
- return ':1'
- elif style in ['format', 'pyformat']:
- return '%s'
- raise UnknownParamstyle, style
-def reparam(string_, dictionary):
- """
- Takes a string and a dictionary and interpolates the string
- using values from the dictionary. Returns a 2-tuple containing
- the a string with `aparam()`s in it and a list of the matching values.
- You can pass this sort of thing as a clause in any db function.
- Otherwise, you can pass a dictionary to the keyword argument `vars`
- and the function will call reparam for you.
- """
- vals = []
- result = []
- for live, chunk in _interpolate(string_):
- if live:
- result.append(aparam())
- vals.append(eval(chunk, dictionary))
- else: result.append(chunk)
- return ''.join(result), vals
-class UnknownDB(Exception):
- """raised for unsupported dbms"""
- pass
-def connect(dbn, **keywords):
- """
- Connects to the specified database.
- db currently must be "postgres" or "mysql".
- If DBUtils is installed, connection pooling will be used.
- """
- if dbn == "postgres":
- try:
- import psycopg2 as db
- except ImportError:
- try:
- import psycopg as db
- except ImportError:
- import pgdb as db
- keywords['password'] = keywords['pw']
- del keywords['pw']
- keywords['database'] = keywords['db']
- del keywords['db']
- elif dbn == "mysql":
- import MySQLdb as db
- keywords['passwd'] = keywords['pw']
- del keywords['pw']
- db.paramstyle = 'pyformat' # it's both, like psycopg
- elif dbn == "sqlite":
- try: ## try first sqlite3 version
- from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as db
- db.paramstyle = 'qmark'
- except ImportError: ## else try sqlite2
- import sqlite as db
- keywords['database'] = keywords['db']
- del keywords['db']
- else:
- raise UnknownDB, dbn
- ctx.db_name = dbn
- ctx.db_module = db
- ctx.db_transaction = False
- if _hasPooling:
- if 'db' not in globals():
- globals()['db'] = PooledDB(dbapi=db, **keywords)
- ctx.db = globals()['db'].connection()
- else:
- ctx.db = db.connect(**keywords)
- ctx.dbq_count = 0
- if globals().get('db_printing'):
- def db_execute(cur, sql_query, d=None):
- """executes an sql query"""
- def sqlquote(obj):
- """converts `obj` to its proper SQL version"""
- # because `1 == True and hash(1) == hash(True)`
- # we have to do this the hard way...
- if obj is None:
- return 'NULL'
- elif obj is True:
- return "'t'"
- elif obj is False:
- return "'f'"
- elif isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime):
- return repr(obj.isoformat())
- else:
- return repr(obj)
- ctx.dbq_count += 1
- try:
- outq = sql_query % tuple(map(sqlquote, d))
- except TypeError:
- outq = sql_query
- print >> debug, str(ctx.dbq_count)+':', outq
- a = time.time()
- out = cur.execute(sql_query, d)
- b = time.time()
- print >> debug, '(%s)' % round(b - a, 2)
- return out
- ctx.db_execute = db_execute
- else:
- ctx.db_execute = lambda cur, sql_query, d=None: \
- cur.execute(sql_query, d)
- return ctx.db
-def transact():
- """Start a transaction."""
- # commit everything up to now, so we don't rollback it later
- ctx.db.commit()
- ctx.db_transaction = True
-def commit():
- """Commits a transaction."""
- ctx.db.commit()
- ctx.db_transaction = False
-def rollback():
- """Rolls back a transaction."""
- ctx.db.rollback()
- ctx.db_transaction = False
-def query(sql_query, vars=None, processed=False):
- """
- Execute SQL query `sql_query` using dictionary `vars` to interpolate it.
- If `processed=True`, `vars` is a `reparam`-style list to use
- instead of interpolating.
- """
- if vars is None:
- vars = {}
- db_cursor = ctx.db.cursor()
- if not processed:
- sql_query, vars = reparam(sql_query, vars)
- ctx.db_execute(db_cursor, sql_query, vars)
- if db_cursor.description:
- names = [x[0] for x in db_cursor.description]
- def iterwrapper():
- row = db_cursor.fetchone()
- while row:
- yield Storage(dict(zip(names, row)))
- row = db_cursor.fetchone()
- out = iterbetter(iterwrapper())
- out.__len__ = lambda: int(db_cursor.rowcount)
- out.list = lambda: [Storage(dict(zip(names, x))) \
- for x in db_cursor.fetchall()]
- else:
- out = db_cursor.rowcount
- if not ctx.db_transaction:
- ctx.db.commit()
- return out
-def sqllist(lst):
- """
- If a list, converts it to a comma-separated string.
- Otherwise, returns the string.
- """
- if isinstance(lst, str):
- return lst
- else: return ', '.join(lst)
-def sqlwhere(dictionary):
- """
- Converts a `dictionary` to an SQL WHERE clause in
- `reparam` format. Thus,
- {'cust_id': 2, 'order_id':3}
- would result in the equivalent of:
- 'cust_id = 2 AND order_id = 3'
- but properly quoted.
- """
- return ' AND '.join([
- '%s = %s' % (k, aparam()) for k in dictionary.keys()
- ]), dictionary.values()
-def select(tables, vars=None, what='*', where=None, order=None, group=None,
- limit=None, offset=None):
- """
- Selects `what` from `tables` with clauses `where`, `order`,
- `group`, `limit`, and `offset. Uses vars to interpolate.
- Otherwise, each clause can take a reparam-style list.
- """
- if vars is None:
- vars = {}
- values = []
- qout = ""
- for (sql, val) in (
- ('SELECT', what),
- ('FROM', sqllist(tables)),
- ('WHERE', where),
- ('GROUP BY', group),
- ('ORDER BY', order),
- ('LIMIT', limit),
- ('OFFSET', offset)):
- if isinstance(val, (int, long)):
- if sql == 'WHERE':
- nquery, nvalue = 'id = '+aparam(), [val]
- else:
- nquery, nvalue = str(val), ()
- elif isinstance(val, (list, tuple)) and len(val) == 2:
- nquery, nvalue = val
- elif val:
- nquery, nvalue = reparam(val, vars)
- else:
- continue
- qout += " " + sql + " " + nquery
- values.extend(nvalue)
- return query(qout, values, processed=True)
-def insert(tablename, seqname=None, **values):
- """
- Inserts `values` into `tablename`. Returns current sequence ID.
- Set `seqname` to the ID if it's not the default, or to `False`
- if there isn't one.
- """
- db_cursor = ctx.db.cursor()
- if values:
- sql_query, v = "INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)" % (
- tablename,
- ", ".join(values.keys()),
- ', '.join([aparam() for x in values])
- ), values.values()
- else:
- sql_query, v = "INSERT INTO %s DEFAULT VALUES" % tablename, None
- if seqname is False:
- pass
- elif ctx.db_name == "postgres":
- if seqname is None:
- seqname = tablename + "_id_seq"
- sql_query += "; SELECT currval('%s')" % seqname
- elif ctx.db_name == "mysql":
- ctx.db_execute(db_cursor, sql_query, v)
- sql_query = "SELECT last_insert_id()"
- v = ()
- elif ctx.db_name == "sqlite":
- ctx.db_execute(db_cursor, sql_query, v)
- # not really the same...
- sql_query = "SELECT last_insert_rowid()"
- v = ()
- ctx.db_execute(db_cursor, sql_query, v)
- try:
- out = db_cursor.fetchone()[0]
- except Exception:
- out = None
- if not ctx.db_transaction:
- ctx.db.commit()
- return out
-def update(tables, where, vars=None, **values):
- """
- Update `tables` with clause `where` (interpolated using `vars`)
- and setting `values`.
- """
- if vars is None:
- vars = {}
- if isinstance(where, (int, long)):
- vars = [where]
- where = "id = " + aparam()
- elif isinstance(where, (list, tuple)) and len(where) == 2:
- where, vars = where
- else:
- where, vars = reparam(where, vars)
- db_cursor = ctx.db.cursor()
- ctx.db_execute(db_cursor, "UPDATE %s SET %s WHERE %s" % (
- sqllist(tables),
- ', '.join([k + '=' + aparam() for k in values.keys()]),
- where),
- values.values() + vars)
- if not ctx.db_transaction:
- ctx.db.commit()
- return db_cursor.rowcount
-def delete(table, where, using=None, vars=None):
- """
- Deletes from `table` with clauses `where` and `using`.
- """
- if vars is None:
- vars = {}
- db_cursor = ctx.db.cursor()
- if isinstance(where, (int, long)):
- vars = [where]
- where = "id = " + aparam()
- elif isinstance(where, (list, tuple)) and len(where) == 2:
- where, vars = where
- else:
- where, vars = reparam(where, vars)
- q = 'DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s' % (table, where)
- if using:
- q += ' USING ' + sqllist(using)
- ctx.db_execute(db_cursor, q, vars)
- if not ctx.db_transaction:
- ctx.db.commit()
- return db_cursor.rowcount
-## Request Handlers
-def handle(mapping, fvars=None):
- """
- Call the appropriate function based on the url to function mapping in `mapping`.
- If no module for the function is specified, look up the function in `fvars`. If
- `fvars` is empty, using the caller's context.
- `mapping` should be a tuple of paired regular expressions with function name
- substitutions. `handle` will import modules as necessary.
- """
- for url, ofno in group(mapping, 2):
- if isinstance(ofno, tuple):
- ofn, fna = ofno[0], list(ofno[1:])
- else:
- ofn, fna = ofno, []
- fn, result = re_subm('^' + url + '$', ofn, ctx.path)
- if result: # it's a match
- if fn.split(' ', 1)[0] == "redirect":
- url = fn.split(' ', 1)[1]
- if ctx.method == "GET":
- x = ctx.env.get('QUERY_STRING', '')
- if x:
- url += '?' + x
- return redirect(url)
- elif '.' in fn:
- x = fn.split('.')
- mod, cls = '.'.join(x[:-1]), x[-1]
- mod = __import__(mod, globals(), locals(), [""])
- cls = getattr(mod, cls)
- else:
- cls = fn
- mod = fvars or upvars()
- if isinstance(mod, types.ModuleType):
- mod = vars(mod)
- try:
- cls = mod[cls]
- except KeyError:
- return notfound()
- meth = ctx.method
- if meth == "HEAD":
- if not hasattr(cls, meth):
- meth = "GET"
- if not hasattr(cls, meth):
- return nomethod(cls)
- tocall = getattr(cls(), meth)
- args = list(result.groups())
- for d in re.findall(r'\\(\d+)', ofn):
- args.pop(int(d) - 1)
- return tocall(*([urllib.unquote(x) for x in args] + fna))
- return notfound()
-def autodelegate(prefix=''):
- """
- Returns a method that takes one argument and calls the method named prefix+arg,
- calling `notfound()` if there isn't one. Example:
- urls = ('/prefs/(.*)', 'prefs')
- class prefs:
- GET = autodelegate('GET_')
- def GET_password(self): pass
- def GET_privacy(self): pass
- `GET_password` would get called for `/prefs/password` while `GET_privacy` for
- `GET_privacy` gets called for `/prefs/privacy`.
- If a user visits `/prefs/password/change` then `GET_password(self, '/change')`
- is called.
- """
- def internal(self, arg):
- if '/' in arg:
- first, rest = arg.split('/', 1)
- func = prefix + first
- args = ['/' + rest]
- else:
- func = prefix + arg
- args = []
- if hasattr(self, func):
- try:
- return getattr(self, func)(*args)
- except TypeError:
- return notfound()
- else:
- return notfound()
- return internal
-def background(func):
- """A function decorator to run a long-running function as a background thread."""
- def internal(*a, **kw):
- data() # cache it
- ctx = _context[currentThread()]
- _context[currentThread()] = storage(ctx.copy())
- def newfunc():
- _context[currentThread()] = ctx
- func(*a, **kw)
- t = threading.Thread(target=newfunc)
- background.threaddb[id(t)] = t
- t.start()
- ctx.headers = []
- return seeother(changequery(_t=id(t)))
- return internal
-background.threaddb = {}
-def backgrounder(func):
- def internal(*a, **kw):
- i = input(_method='get')
- if '_t' in i:
- try:
- t = background.threaddb[int(i._t)]
- except KeyError:
- return notfound()
- _context[currentThread()] = _context[t]
- return
- else:
- return func(*a, **kw)
- return internal
-## HTTP Functions
-def httpdate(date_obj):
- """Formats a datetime object for use in HTTP headers."""
- return date_obj.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT")
-def parsehttpdate(string_):
- """Parses an HTTP date into a datetime object."""
- try:
- t = time.strptime(string_, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z")
- except ValueError:
- return None
- return datetime.datetime(*t[:6])
-def expires(delta):
- """
- Outputs an `Expires` header for `delta` from now.
- `delta` is a `timedelta` object or a number of seconds.
- """
- try:
- datetime
- except NameError:
- raise Exception, "requires Python 2.3 or later"
- if isinstance(delta, (int, long)):
- delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=delta)
- date_obj = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + delta
- header('Expires', httpdate(date_obj))
-def lastmodified(date_obj):
- """Outputs a `Last-Modified` header for `datetime`."""
- header('Last-Modified', httpdate(date_obj))
-def modified(date=None, etag=None):
- n = ctx.env.get('HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH')
- m = parsehttpdate(ctx.env.get('HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE', '').split(';')[0])
- validate = False
- if etag:
- raise NotImplementedError, "no etag support yet"
- # should really be a warning
- if date and m:
- # we subtract a second because
- # HTTP dates don't have sub-second precision
- if date-datetime.timedelta(seconds=1) <= m:
- validate = True
- if validate: ctx.status = '304 Not Modified'
- return not validate
-By default, these all return simple error messages that send very short messages
-(like "bad request") to the user. They can and should be overridden
-to return nicer ones.
-def redirect(url, status='301 Moved Permanently'):
- """
- Returns a `status` redirect to the new URL.
- `url` is joined with the base URL so that things like
- `redirect("about") will work properly.
- """
- newloc = urlparse.urljoin(ctx.home + ctx.path, url)
- ctx.status = status
- ctx.output = ''
- header('Content-Type', 'text/html')
- header('Location', newloc)
- # seems to add a three-second delay for some reason:
- # output('<a href="'+ newloc + '">moved permanently</a>')
-def found(url):
- """A `302 Found` redirect."""
- return redirect(url, '302 Found')
-def seeother(url):
- """A `303 See Other` redirect."""
- return redirect(url, '303 See Other')
-def tempredirect(url):
- """A `307 Temporary Redirect` redirect."""
- return redirect(url, '307 Temporary Redirect')
-def badrequest():
- """Return a `400 Bad Request` error."""
- ctx.status = '400 Bad Request'
- header('Content-Type', 'text/html')
- return output('bad request')
-def notfound():
- """Returns a `404 Not Found` error."""
- ctx.status = '404 Not Found'
- header('Content-Type', 'text/html')
- return output('not found')
-def nomethod(cls):
- """Returns a `405 Method Not Allowed` error for `cls`."""
- ctx.status = '405 Method Not Allowed'
- header('Content-Type', 'text/html')
- header('Allow', \
- ', '.join([method for method in \
- ['GET', 'HEAD', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE'] \
- if hasattr(cls, method)]))
- # commented out for the same reason redirect is
- # return output('method not allowed')
-def gone():
- """Returns a `410 Gone` error."""
- ctx.status = '410 Gone'
- header('Content-Type', 'text/html')
- return output("gone")
-def internalerror():
- """Returns a `500 Internal Server` error."""
- ctx.status = "500 Internal Server Error"
- ctx.headers = [('Content-Type', 'text/html')]
- ctx.output = "internal server error"
-# adapted from Django <>
-# Copyright (c) 2005, the Lawrence Journal-World
-# Used under the modified BSD license:
-DJANGO_500_PAGE = """#import inspect
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
-<html lang="en">
- <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
- <meta name="robots" content="NONE,NOARCHIVE" />
- <title>$exception_type at $ctx.path</title>
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- div.context ol.context-line li span { float: right; }
- div.commands { margin-left: 40px; }
- div.commands a { color:black; text-decoration:none; }
- #summary { background: #ffc; }
- #summary h2 { font-weight: normal; color: #666; }
- #explanation { background:#eee; }
- #template, #template-not-exist { background:#f6f6f6; }
- #template-not-exist ul { margin: 0 0 0 20px; }
- #traceback { background:#eee; }
- #requestinfo { background:#f6f6f6; padding-left:120px; }
- #summary table { border:none; background:transparent; }
- #requestinfo h2, #requestinfo h3 { position:relative; margin-left:-100px; }
- #requestinfo h3 { margin-bottom:-1em; }
- .error { background: #ffc; }
- .specific { color:#cc3300; font-weight:bold; }
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- // Written by Jonathan Snook,;
- // Add-ons by Robert Nyman,
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- return false;
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- //-->
- </script>
-<div id="summary">
- <h1>$exception_type at $ctx.path</h1>
- <h2>$exception_value</h2>
- <table><tr>
- <th>Python</th>
- <td>$lastframe.filename in $lastframe.function, line $lastframe.lineno</td>
- </tr><tr>
- <th>Web</th>
- <td>$ctx.method $ctx.home$ctx.path</td>
- </tr></table>
-<div id="traceback">
- <h2>Traceback <span>(innermost first)</span></h2>
- <ul class="traceback">
- #for frame in $frames
- <li class="frame">
- <code>$frame.filename</code> in <code>$frame.function</code>
- #if $frame.context_line
- <div class="context" id="c$">
- #if $frame.pre_context
- <ol start="$frame.pre_context_lineno" class="pre-context" id="pre$">#for line in $frame.pre_context#<li onclick="toggle('pre$', 'post$')">$line</li>#end for#</ol>
- #end if
- <ol start="$frame.lineno" class="context-line"><li onclick="toggle('pre$', 'post$')">$frame.context_line <span>...</span></li></ol>
- #if $frame.post_context
- <ol start='$(frame.lineno+1)' class="post-context" id="post$">#for line in $frame.post_context#<li onclick="toggle('pre$', 'post$')">$line</li>#end for#</ol>
- #end if
- </div>
- #end if
- #if $frame.vars
- <div class="commands">
- <a href='#' onclick="return varToggle(this, '$')"><span>&#x25b6;</span> Local vars</a>## $inspect.formatargvalues(*inspect.getargvalues(frame['tb'].tb_frame))
- </div>
- <table class="vars" id="v$">
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th>Variable</th>
- <th>Value</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- #set frameitems = $frame.vars
- #silent frameitems.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(x[0], y[0]))
- #for (key, val) in frameitems
- <tr>
- <td>$key</td>
- <td class="code"><div>$prettify(val)</div></td>
- </tr>
- #end for
- </tbody>
- </table>
- #end if
- </li>
- #end for
- </ul>
-<div id="requestinfo">
- #if $context_.output or $context_.headers
- <h2>Response so far</h2>
- <h3>HEADERS</h3>
- #if $ctx.headers
- <p class="req"><code>
- #for (k, v) in $context_.headers
- $k: $v<br />
- #end for
- </code></p>
- #else
- <p>No headers.</p>
- #end if
- <h3>BODY</h3>
- <p class="req" style="padding-bottom: 2em"><code>
- $context_.output
- </code></p>
- #end if
- <h2>Request information</h2>
- <h3>INPUT</h3>
- #if $input_
- <table class="req">
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th>Variable</th>
- <th>Value</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- #set myitems = $input_.items()
- #silent myitems.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(x[0], y[0]))
- #for (key, val) in myitems
- <tr>
- <td>$key</td>
- <td class="code"><div>$val</div></td>
- </tr>
- #end for
- </tbody>
- </table>
- #else
- <p>No input data.</p>
- #end if
- <h3 id="cookie-info">COOKIES</h3>
- #if $cookies_
- <table class="req">
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th>Variable</th>
- <th>Value</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- #for (key, val) in $cookies_.items()
- <tr>
- <td>$key</td>
- <td class="code"><div>$val</div></td>
- </tr>
- #end for
- </tbody>
- </table>
- #else
- <p>No cookie data</p>
- #end if
- <h3 id="meta-info">META</h3>
- <table class="req">
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th>Variable</th>
- <th>Value</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- #set myitems = $context_.items()
- #silent myitems.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(x[0], y[0]))
- #for (key, val) in $myitems
- #if not $key.startswith('_') and $key not in ['env', 'output', 'headers', 'environ', 'status', 'db_execute']
- <tr>
- <td>$key</td>
- <td class="code"><div>$prettify($val)</div></td>
- </tr>
- #end if
- #end for
- </tbody>
- </table>
- <h3 id="meta-info">ENVIRONMENT</h3>
- <table class="req">
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th>Variable</th>
- <th>Value</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- #set myitems = $context_.env.items()
- #silent myitems.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(x[0], y[0]))
- #for (key, val) in $myitems
- <tr>
- <td>$key</td>
- <td class="code"><div>$prettify($val)</div></td>
- </tr>
- #end for
- </tbody>
- </table>
-<div id="explanation">
- <p>
- You're seeing this error because you have <code>web.internalerror</code>
- set to <code>web.debugerror</code>. Change that if you want a different one.
- </p>
-def djangoerror():
- def _get_lines_from_file(filename, lineno, context_lines):
- """
- Returns context_lines before and after lineno from file.
- Returns (pre_context_lineno, pre_context, context_line, post_context).
- """
- try:
- source = open(filename).readlines()
- lower_bound = max(0, lineno - context_lines)
- upper_bound = lineno + context_lines
- pre_context = \
- [line.strip('\n') for line in source[lower_bound:lineno]]
- context_line = source[lineno].strip('\n')
- post_context = \
- [line.strip('\n') for line in source[lineno + 1:upper_bound]]
- return lower_bound, pre_context, context_line, post_context
- except (OSError, IOError):
- return None, [], None, []
- exception_type, exception_value, tback = sys.exc_info()
- frames = []
- while tback is not None:
- filename = tback.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename
- function = tback.tb_frame.f_code.co_name
- lineno = tback.tb_lineno - 1
- pre_context_lineno, pre_context, context_line, post_context = \
- _get_lines_from_file(filename, lineno, 7)
- frames.append({
- 'tback': tback,
- 'filename': filename,
- 'function': function,
- 'lineno': lineno,
- 'vars': tback.tb_frame.f_locals.items(),
- 'id': id(tback),
- 'pre_context': pre_context,
- 'context_line': context_line,
- 'post_context': post_context,
- 'pre_context_lineno': pre_context_lineno,
- })
- tback = tback.tb_next
- lastframe = frames[-1]
- frames.reverse()
- urljoin = urlparse.urljoin
- input_ = input()
- cookies_ = cookies()
- context_ = ctx
- def prettify(x):
- try:
- out = pprint.pformat(x)
- except Exception, e:
- out = '[could not display: <' + e.__class__.__name__ + \
- ': '+str(e)+'>]'
- return out
- return render(DJANGO_500_PAGE, asTemplate=True, isString=True)
-def debugerror():
- """
- A replacement for `internalerror` that presents a nice page with lots
- of debug information for the programmer.
- (Based on the beautiful 500 page from [Django](,
- designed by [Wilson Miner](
- Requires [Cheetah](
- """
- # need to do django first, so it can get the old stuff
- if _hasTemplating:
- out = str(djangoerror())
- else:
- # Cheetah isn't installed
- out = """<p>You've set to use the fancier debugerror error
-messages, but these messages require you install the Cheetah template
-system. For more information, see
-<a href="">the website</a>.</p>
-<p>In the meantime, here's a plain old error message:</p>
-<p>(If it says something about 'Compiler', then it's probably
-because you're trying to use templates and you haven't
-installed Cheetah. See above.)</p>
-""" % htmlquote(traceback.format_exc())
- ctx.status = "500 Internal Server Error"
- ctx.headers = [('Content-Type', 'text/html')]
- ctx.output = out
-## Rendering
-r_include = re_compile(r'(?!\\)#include \"(.*?)\"($|#)', re.M)
-def __compiletemplate(template, base=None, isString=False):
- if isString:
- text = template
- else:
- text = open('templates/'+template).read()
- # implement #include at compile-time
- def do_include(match):
- text = open('templates/'+match.groups()[0]).read()
- return text
- while r_include.findall(text):
- text = r_include.sub(do_include, text)
- execspace = _compiletemplate.bases.copy()
- tmpl_compiler = Compiler(source=text, mainClassName='GenTemplate')
- tmpl_compiler.addImportedVarNames(execspace.keys())
- exec str(tmpl_compiler) in execspace
- if base:
- _compiletemplate.bases[base] = execspace['GenTemplate']
- return execspace['GenTemplate']
-_compiletemplate = memoize(__compiletemplate)
-_compiletemplate.bases = {}
-def htmlquote(text):
- """Encodes `text` for raw use in HTML."""
- text = text.replace("&", "&amp;") # Must be done first!
- text = text.replace("<", "&lt;")
- text = text.replace(">", "&gt;")
- text = text.replace("'", "&#39;")
- text = text.replace('"', "&quot;")
- return text
-def websafe(val):
- """
- Converts `val` so that it's safe for use in HTML.
- HTML metacharacters are encoded,
- None becomes the empty string, and
- unicode is converted to UTF-8.
- """
- if val is None: return ''
- if not isinstance(val, unicode): val = str(val)
- return htmlquote(val)
-if _hasTemplating:
- class WebSafe(Filter):
- def filter(self, val, **keywords):
- return websafe(val)
-def render(template, terms=None, asTemplate=False, base=None,
- isString=False):
- """
- Renders a template, caching where it can.
- `template` is the name of a file containing the a template in
- the `templates/` folder, unless `isString`, in which case it's the
- template itself.
- `terms` is a dictionary used to fill the template. If it's None, then
- the caller's local variables are used instead, plus context, if it's not
- already set, is set to `context`.
- If asTemplate is False, it `output`s the template directly. Otherwise,
- it returns the template object.
- If the template is a potential base template (that is, something other templates)
- can extend, then base should be a string with the name of the template. The
- template will be cached and made available for future calls to `render`.
- Requires [Cheetah](
- """
- # terms=['var1', 'var2'] means grab those variables
- if isinstance(terms, list):
- new = {}
- old = upvars()
- for k in terms:
- new[k] = old[k]
- terms = new
- # default: grab all locals
- elif terms is None:
- terms = {'context': context, 'ctx':ctx}
- terms.update(sys._getframe(1).f_locals)
- # terms=d means use d as the searchList
- if not isinstance(terms, tuple):
- terms = (terms,)
- if not isString and template.endswith('.html'):
- header('Content-Type','text/html; charset=utf-8', unique=True)
- compiled_tmpl = _compiletemplate(template, base=base, isString=isString)
- compiled_tmpl = compiled_tmpl(searchList=terms, filter=WebSafe)
- if asTemplate:
- return compiled_tmpl
- else:
- return output(str(compiled_tmpl))
-## Input Forms
-def input(*requireds, **defaults):
- """
- Returns a `storage` object with the GET and POST arguments.
- See `storify` for how `requireds` and `defaults` work.
- """
- from cStringIO import StringIO
- def dictify(fs): return dict([(k, fs[k]) for k in fs.keys()])
- _method = defaults.pop('_method', 'both')
- e = ctx.env.copy()
- out = {}
- if _method.lower() in ['both', 'post']:
- a = {}
- if e['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST':
- a = cgi.FieldStorage(fp = StringIO(data()), environ=e,
- keep_blank_values=1)
- a = dictify(a)
- out = dictadd(out, a)
- if _method.lower() in ['both', 'get']:
- a = dictify(cgi.FieldStorage(environ=e, keep_blank_values=1))
- out = dictadd(out, a)
- try:
- return storify(out, *requireds, **defaults)
- except KeyError:
- badrequest()
- raise StopIteration
-def data():
- """Returns the data sent with the request."""
- if 'data' not in ctx:
- cl = intget(ctx.env.get('CONTENT_LENGTH'), 0)
- = ctx.env['wsgi.input'].read(cl)
- return
-def changequery(**kw):
- """
- Imagine you're at `/foo?a=1&b=2`. Then `changequery(a=3)` will return
- `/foo?a=3&b=2` -- the same URL but with the arguments you requested
- changed.
- """
- query = input(_method='get')
- for k, v in kw.iteritems():
- if v is None:
- query.pop(k, None)
- else:
- query[k] = v
- out = ctx.path
- if query:
- out += '?' + urllib.urlencode(query)
- return out
-## Cookies
-def setcookie(name, value, expires="", domain=None):
- """Sets a cookie."""
- if expires < 0:
- expires = -1000000000
- kargs = {'expires': expires, 'path':'/'}
- if domain:
- kargs['domain'] = domain
- # @@ should we limit cookies to a different path?
- cookie = Cookie.SimpleCookie()
- cookie[name] = value
- for key, val in kargs.iteritems():
- cookie[name][key] = val
- header('Set-Cookie', cookie.items()[0][1].OutputString())
-def cookies(*requireds, **defaults):
- """
- Returns a `storage` object with all the cookies in it.
- See `storify` for how `requireds` and `defaults` work.
- """
- cookie = Cookie.SimpleCookie()
- cookie.load(ctx.env.get('HTTP_COOKIE', ''))
- try:
- return storify(cookie, *requireds, **defaults)
- except KeyError:
- badrequest()
- raise StopIteration
-## WSGI Sugar
-def header(hdr, value, unique=False):
- """
- Adds the header `hdr: value` with the response.
- If `unique` is True and a header with that name already exists,
- it doesn't add a new one. If `unique` is None and a header with
- that name already exists, it replaces it with this one.
- """
- if unique is True:
- for h, v in ctx.headers:
- if h == hdr: return
- elif unique is None:
- ctx.headers = [h for h in ctx.headers if h[0] != hdr]
- ctx.headers.append((hdr, value))
-def output(string_):
- """Appends `string_` to the response."""
- if isinstance(string_, unicode): string_ = string_.encode('utf8')
- if ctx.get('flush'):
- ctx._write(string_)
- else:
- ctx.output += str(string_)
-def flush():
- ctx.flush = True
- return flush
-def write(cgi_response):
- """
- Converts a standard CGI-style string response into `header` and
- `output` calls.
- """
- cgi_response = str(cgi_response)
- cgi_response.replace('\r\n', '\n')
- head, body = cgi_response.split('\n\n', 1)
- lines = head.split('\n')
- for line in lines:
- if line.isspace():
- continue
- hdr, value = line.split(":", 1)
- value = value.strip()
- if hdr.lower() == "status":
- ctx.status = value
- else:
- header(hdr, value)
- output(body)
-def webpyfunc(inp, fvars=None, autoreload=False):
- """If `inp` is a url mapping, returns a function that calls handle."""
- if not fvars:
- fvars = upvars()
- if not hasattr(inp, '__call__'):
- if autoreload:
- # black magic to make autoreload work:
- mod = \
- __import__(
- fvars['__file__'].split(os.path.sep).pop().split('.')[0])
- #@@probably should replace this with some inspect magic
- name = dictfind(fvars, inp)
- func = lambda: handle(getattr(mod, name), mod)
- else:
- func = lambda: handle(inp, fvars)
- else:
- func = inp
- return func
-def wsgifunc(func, *middleware):
- """Returns a WSGI-compatible function from a webpy-function."""
- middleware = list(middleware)
- if reloader in middleware:
- relr = reloader(None)
- relrcheck = relr.check
- middleware.remove(reloader)
- else:
- relr = None
- relrcheck = lambda: None
- def wsgifunc(env, start_resp):
- _load(env)
- relrcheck()
- try:
- result = func()
- except StopIteration:
- result = None
- is_generator = result and hasattr(result, 'next')
- if is_generator:
- # wsgi requires the headers first
- # so we need to do an iteration
- # and save the result for later
- try:
- firstchunk =
- except StopIteration:
- firstchunk = ''
- status, headers, output = ctx.status, ctx.headers, ctx.output
- ctx._write = start_resp(status, headers)
- # and now, the fun:
- def cleanup():
- # we insert this little generator
- # at the end of our itertools.chain
- # so that it unloads the request
- # when everything else is done
- yield '' # force it to be a generator
- _unload()
- # result is the output of calling the webpy function
- # it could be a generator...
- if is_generator:
- if firstchunk is flush:
- # oh, it's just our special flush mode
- # ctx._write is set up, so just continue execution
- try:
- except StopIteration:
- pass
- _unload()
- return []
- else:
- return itertools.chain([firstchunk], result, cleanup())
- # ... but it's usually just None
- #
- # output is the stuff in ctx.output
- # it's usually a string...
- if isinstance(output, str): #@@ other stringlikes?
- _unload()
- return [output]
- # it could be a generator...
- elif hasattr(output, 'next'):
- return itertools.chain(output, cleanup())
- else:
- _unload()
- raise Exception, "Invalid web.ctx.output"
- for mw_func in middleware:
- wsgifunc = mw_func(wsgifunc)
- if relr:
- relr.func = wsgifunc
- return wsgifunc
- return wsgifunc
-def run(inp, *middleware):
- """
- Starts handling requests. If called in a CGI or FastCGI context, it will follow
- that protocol. If called from the command line, it will start an HTTP
- server on the port named in the first command line argument, or, if there
- is no argument, on port 8080.
- `input` is a callable, then it's called with no arguments.
- Otherwise, it's a `mapping` object to be passed to `handle(...)`.
- **Caveat:** So that `reloader` will work correctly, input has to be a variable,
- it can't be a tuple passed in directly.
- `middleware` is a list of WSGI middleware which is applied to the resulting WSGI
- function.
- """
- autoreload = reloader in middleware
- fvars = upvars()
- return runwsgi(wsgifunc(webpyfunc(inp, fvars, autoreload), *middleware))
-def runwsgi(func):
- """
- Runs a WSGI-compatible function using FCGI, SCGI, or a simple web server,
- as appropriate.
- """
- #@@ improve detection
- if os.environ.has_key('SERVER_SOFTWARE'): # cgi
- os.environ['FCGI_FORCE_CGI'] = 'Y'
- if (os.environ.has_key('PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN') #lighttpd fastcgi
- or os.environ.has_key('SERVER_SOFTWARE')
- or 'fcgi' in sys.argv or 'fastcgi' in sys.argv):
- return runfcgi(func)
- if 'scgi' in sys.argv:
- return runscgi(func)
- # command line:
- return runsimple(func, validip(listget(sys.argv, 1, '')))
-def runsimple(func, server_address=("", 8080)):
- """
- Runs a simple HTTP server hosting WSGI app `func`. The directory `static/`
- is hosted statically.
- Based on [WsgiServer][ws] from [Colin Stewart][cs].
- [ws]:
- [cs]:
- """
- # Copyright (c) 2004 Colin Stewart (
- # Modified somewhat for simplicity
- # Used under the modified BSD license:
- #
- import SimpleHTTPServer, SocketServer, BaseHTTPServer, urlparse
- import socket, errno
- import traceback
- class WSGIHandler(SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
- def run_wsgi_app(self):
- protocol, host, path, parameters, query, fragment = \
- urlparse.urlparse('http://dummyhost%s' % self.path)
- # we only use path, query
- env = {'wsgi.version': (1, 0)
- ,'wsgi.url_scheme': 'http'
- ,'wsgi.input': self.rfile
- ,'wsgi.errors': sys.stderr
- ,'wsgi.multithread': 1
- ,'wsgi.multiprocess': 0
- ,'wsgi.run_once': 0
- ,'REQUEST_METHOD': self.command
- ,'REQUEST_URI': self.path
- ,'PATH_INFO': path
- ,'QUERY_STRING': query
- ,'CONTENT_TYPE': self.headers.get('Content-Type', '')
- ,'CONTENT_LENGTH': self.headers.get('Content-Length', '')
- ,'REMOTE_ADDR': self.client_address[0]
- ,'SERVER_NAME': self.server.server_address[0]
- ,'SERVER_PORT': str(self.server.server_address[1])
- ,'SERVER_PROTOCOL': self.request_version
- }
- for http_header, http_value in self.headers.items():
- env ['HTTP_%s' % http_header.replace('-', '_').upper()] = \
- http_value
- # Setup the state
- self.wsgi_sent_headers = 0
- self.wsgi_headers = []
- try:
- # We have there environment, now invoke the application
- result =, self.wsgi_start_response)
- try:
- try:
- for data in result:
- if data:
- self.wsgi_write_data(data)
- finally:
- if hasattr(result, 'close'):
- result.close()
- except socket.error, socket_err:
- # Catch common network errors and suppress them
- if (socket_err.args[0] in \
- (errno.ECONNABORTED, errno.EPIPE)):
- return
- except socket.timeout, socket_timeout:
- return
- except:
- print >> debug, traceback.format_exc(),
- internalerror()
- if not self.wsgi_sent_headers:
- self.wsgi_start_response(ctx.status, ctx.headers)
- self.wsgi_write_data(ctx.output)
- if (not self.wsgi_sent_headers):
- # We must write out something!
- self.wsgi_write_data(" ")
- return
- do_POST = run_wsgi_app
- do_PUT = run_wsgi_app
- do_DELETE = run_wsgi_app
- def do_GET(self):
- if self.path.startswith('/static/'):
- SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.do_GET(self)
- else:
- self.run_wsgi_app()
- def wsgi_start_response(self, response_status, response_headers,
- exc_info=None):
- if (self.wsgi_sent_headers):
- raise Exception \
- ("Headers already sent and start_response called again!")
- # Should really take a copy to avoid changes in the application....
- self.wsgi_headers = (response_status, response_headers)
- return self.wsgi_write_data
- def wsgi_write_data(self, data):
- if (not self.wsgi_sent_headers):
- status, headers = self.wsgi_headers
- # Need to send header prior to data
- status_code = status [:status.find(' ')]
- status_msg = status [status.find(' ') + 1:]
- self.send_response(int(status_code), status_msg)
- for header, value in headers:
- self.send_header(header, value)
- self.end_headers()
- self.wsgi_sent_headers = 1
- # Send the data
- self.wfile.write(data)
- class WSGIServer(SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn, BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer):
- def __init__(self, func, server_address):
- BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer.__init__(self,
- server_address,
- WSGIHandler)
- = func
- self.serverShuttingDown = 0
- print "Launching server: http://%s:%d/" % server_address
- WSGIServer(func, server_address).serve_forever()
-def makeserver(wsgi_server):
- """Updates a flup-style WSGIServer with error support."""
- class MyServer(wsgi_server):
- def error(self, req):
- w = req.stdout.write
- internalerror()
- w('Status: ' + ctx.status + '\r\n')
- for (h, v) in ctx.headers:
- w(h + ': ' + v + '\r\n')
- w('\r\n' + ctx.output)
- return MyServer
-def runfcgi(func):
- """Runs a WSGI-function with a FastCGI server."""
- from flup.server.fcgi import WSGIServer
- if len(sys.argv) > 2: # progname, scgi
- args = sys.argv[:]
- if 'fastcgi' in args: args.remove('fastcgi')
- elif 'fcgi' in args: args.remove('fcgi')
- hostport = validaddr(args[1])
- elif len(sys.argv) > 1:
- hostport = ('localhost', 8000)
- else:
- hostport = None
- return makeserver(WSGIServer)(func, multiplexed=True, bindAddress=hostport).run()
-def runscgi(func):
- """Runs a WSGI-function with an SCGI server."""
- from flup.server.scgi import WSGIServer
- my_server = makeserver(WSGIServer)
- if len(sys.argv) > 2: # progname, scgi
- args = sys.argv[:]
- args.remove('scgi')
- hostport = validaddr(args[1])
- else:
- hostport = ('localhost', 4000)
- return my_server(func, bindAddress=hostport).run()
-## Debugging
-def debug(*args):
- """
- Prints a prettyprinted version of `args` to stderr.
- """
- try:
- out = ctx.environ['wsgi.errors']
- except:
- out = sys.stderr
- for arg in args:
- print >> out, pprint.pformat(arg)
- return ''
-def debugwrite(x):
- """writes debug data to error stream"""
- try:
- out = ctx.environ['wsgi.errors']
- except:
- out = sys.stderr
- out.write(x)
-debug.write = debugwrite
-class Reloader:
- """
- Before every request, checks to see if any loaded modules have changed on
- disk and, if so, reloads them.
- """
- def __init__(self, func):
- self.func = func
- self.mtimes = {}
- global _compiletemplate
- b = _compiletemplate.bases
- _compiletemplate = globals()['__compiletemplate']
- _compiletemplate.bases = b
- def check(self):
- for mod in sys.modules.values():
- try:
- mtime = os.stat(mod.__file__).st_mtime
- except (AttributeError, OSError, IOError):
- continue
- if mod.__file__.endswith('.pyc') and \
- os.path.exists(mod.__file__[:-1]):
- mtime = max(os.stat(mod.__file__[:-1]).st_mtime, mtime)
- if mod not in self.mtimes:
- self.mtimes[mod] = mtime
- elif self.mtimes[mod] < mtime:
- try:
- reload(mod)
- except ImportError:
- pass
- return True
- def __call__(self, e, o):
- self.check()
- return self.func(e, o)
-reloader = Reloader
-def profiler(app):
- """Outputs basic profiling information at the bottom of each response."""
- def profile_internal(e, o):
- out, result = profile(app)(e, o)
- return out + ['<pre>' + result + '</pre>'] #@@encode
- return profile_internal
-## Context
-class _outputter:
- """Wraps `sys.stdout` so that print statements go into the response."""
- def write(self, string_):
- if hasattr(ctx, 'output'):
- return output(string_)
- else:
- _oldstdout.write(string_)
- def flush(self):
- return _oldstdout.flush()
- def close(self):
- return _oldstdout.close()
-_context = {currentThread():Storage()}
-ctx = context = threadeddict(_context)
-ctx.__doc__ = """
-A `storage` object containing various information about the request:
-`environ` (aka `env`)
- : A dictionary containing the standard WSGI environment variables.
- : The domain (`Host` header) requested by the user.
- : The base path for the application.
- : The IP address of the requester.
- : The HTTP method used.
- : The path request.
- : The full path requested, including query arguments.
-### Response Data
-`status` (default: "200 OK")
- : The status code to be used in the response.
- : A list of 2-tuples to be used in the response.
- : A string to be used as the response.
-if not '_oldstdout' in globals():
- _oldstdout = sys.stdout
- sys.stdout = _outputter()
-loadhooks = {}
-def load():
- """
- Loads a new context for the thread.
- You can ask for a function to be run at loadtime by
- adding it to the dictionary `loadhooks`.
- """
- _context[currentThread()] = Storage()
- ctx.status = '200 OK'
- ctx.headers = []
- if 'db_parameters' in globals():
- connect(**db_parameters)
- for x in loadhooks.values(): x()
-def _load(env):
- load()
- ctx.output = ''
- ctx.environ = ctx.env = env
- = env.get('HTTP_HOST')
- ctx.home = 'http://' + env.get('HTTP_HOST', '[unknown]') + \
- os.environ.get('REAL_SCRIPT_NAME', env.get('SCRIPT_NAME', ''))
- ctx.ip = env.get('REMOTE_ADDR')
- ctx.method = env.get('REQUEST_METHOD')
- ctx.path = env.get('PATH_INFO')
- # requires:
- if env.get('SERVER_SOFTWARE', '').startswith('lighttpd/'):
- ctx.path = lstrips(env.get('REQUEST_URI').split('?')[0],
- os.environ.get('REAL_SCRIPT_NAME', env.get('SCRIPT_NAME', '')))
- ctx.fullpath = ctx.path
- if env.get('QUERY_STRING'):
- ctx.fullpath += '?' + env.get('QUERY_STRING', '')
-unloadhooks = {}
-def unload():
- """
- Unloads the context for the thread.
- You can ask for a function to be run at loadtime by
- adding it ot the dictionary `unloadhooks`.
- """
- for x in unloadhooks.values(): x()
- # ensures db cursors and such are GCed promptly
- del _context[currentThread()]
-def _unload():
- unload()
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- import doctest
- doctest.testmod()
- urls = ('/', 'source')
- class source:
- def GET(self):
- header('Content-Type', 'text/python')
- print open(sys.argv[0]).read()
- run(urls)
diff --git a/packages/python/ b/packages/python/
index f6bb1812d0..616e8b4c9b 100644
--- a/packages/python/
+++ b/packages/python/
@@ -2,10 +2,16 @@ DESCRIPTION = "A Lightweight Web Application Framework"
SECTION = "devel/python"
PRIORITY = "optional"
-RDEPENDS = "python-netserver python-netclient python-pprint"
PR = "ml0"
SRC_URI = "${PV}.tar.gz"
S = "${WORKDIR}/webpy"
inherit distutils
+ python-netserver \
+ python-netclient \
+ python-pprint \