path: root/libloragw/tst
diff options
authorSylvain Miermont <>2013-09-19 15:46:06 +0200
committerSylvain Miermont <>2013-10-23 14:03:05 +0200
commitb922932d1c9869d82042b600db2382d8c15f63dc (patch)
treeb97b83a74f5b3faadb674867f6cc004b8426a8a9 /libloragw/tst
parent68b8b7a70d9104888997174506fbbaa0abb12a4c (diff)
Beta 7 (beta6 skipped)v1.b7
- API: change memory allocation for payload, they are now part of the struct for TX/RX, no need to malloc/free - reduced number of SPI transactions to fetch a packet (improved number a packets par second that can be downloaded from gateway) - streamlined build process, main target is now a static library: libloragw.a - All RX chains can use any of the two radios now - FSK is available and working in TX and RX (variable length mode) - Calibrated RSSI for FSK - lgw_connect now check the CHIP_ID - Added a license file and a changelog - Added a function returning a version string to allow identification of the version/options once compiled
Diffstat (limited to 'libloragw/tst')
3 files changed, 490 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libloragw/tst/test_loragw_hal.c b/libloragw/tst/test_loragw_hal.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a210bee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libloragw/tst/test_loragw_hal.c
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+ / _____) _ | |
+( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__
+ \____ \| ___ | (_ _) ___ |/ ___) _ \
+ _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
+(______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_|
+ ©2013 Semtech-Cycleo
+ Minimum test program for the loragw_hal 'library'
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- DEPENDANCIES --------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* fix an issue between POSIX and C99 */
+#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
+ #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 600
+ #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500
+#include <stdint.h> /* C99 types */
+#include <stdbool.h> /* bool type */
+#include <stdio.h> /* printf */
+#include <string.h> /* memset */
+#include <signal.h> /* sigaction */
+#include "loragw_hal.h"
+#include "loragw_aux.h"
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- PRIVATE MACROS ------------------------------------------------------- */
+#define ARRAY_SIZE(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof((a)[0]))
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- PRIVATE VARIABLES ---------------------------------------------------- */
+static int exit_sig = 0; /* 1 -> application terminates cleanly (shut down hardware, close open files, etc) */
+static int quit_sig = 0; /* 1 -> application terminates without shutting down the hardware */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- PRIVATE FUNCTIONS DECLARATION ---------------------------------------- */
+static void sig_handler(int sigio);
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- PRIVATE FUNCTIONS DEFINITION ----------------------------------------- */
+static void sig_handler(int sigio) {
+ if (sigio == SIGQUIT) {
+ quit_sig = 1;;
+ } else if ((sigio == SIGINT) || (sigio == SIGTERM)) {
+ exit_sig = 1;
+ }
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- MAIN FUNCTION -------------------------------------------------------- */
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ struct sigaction sigact; /* SIGQUIT&SIGINT&SIGTERM signal handling */
+ struct lgw_conf_rxrf_s rfconf;
+ struct lgw_conf_rxif_s ifconf;
+ struct lgw_pkt_rx_s rxpkt[4]; /* array containing up to 4 inbound packets metadata */
+ struct lgw_pkt_tx_s txpkt; /* configuration and metadata for an outbound packet */
+ struct lgw_pkt_rx_s *p; /* pointer on a RX packet */
+ int i, j;
+ int nb_pkt;
+ uint8_t x;
+ uint32_t tx_cnt = 0;
+ unsigned long loop_cnt = 0;
+ int tx_path = 0;
+ struct lgw_pkt_tx_s txs;
+ uint8_t status_var = 0;
+ /* configure signal handling */
+ sigemptyset(&sigact.sa_mask);
+ sigact.sa_flags = 0;
+ sigact.sa_handler = sig_handler;
+ sigaction(SIGQUIT, &sigact, NULL);
+ sigaction(SIGINT, &sigact, NULL);
+ sigaction(SIGTERM, &sigact, NULL);
+ /* beginning of Lora gateway-specific code */
+ printf("Beginning of test for loragw_hal.c\n");
+ /* set configuration for RF chains */
+ memset(&rfconf, 0, sizeof(rfconf));
+ rfconf.enable = true;
+ rfconf.freq_hz = 866000000;
+ lgw_rxrf_setconf(0, rfconf); /* radio A */
+ rfconf.enable = true;
+ rfconf.freq_hz = 868000000;
+ lgw_rxrf_setconf(1, rfconf); /* radio B */
+ /* set configuration for Lora multi-SF channels (bandwidth cannot be set) */
+ memset(&ifconf, 0, sizeof(ifconf));
+ ifconf.enable = true;
+ ifconf.rf_chain = 0;
+ ifconf.freq_hz = -300000;
+ ifconf.bandwidth = BW_125KHZ;
+ ifconf.datarate = DR_LORA_MULTI;
+ lgw_rxif_setconf(0, ifconf); /* chain 0: Lora 125kHz, all SF, on 865.7 MHz */
+ ifconf.enable = true;
+ ifconf.rf_chain = 0;
+ ifconf.freq_hz = 300000;
+ ifconf.bandwidth = BW_125KHZ;
+ ifconf.datarate = DR_LORA_MULTI;
+ lgw_rxif_setconf(1, ifconf); /* chain 1: Lora 125kHz, all SF, on 866.3 MHz */
+ ifconf.enable = true;
+ ifconf.rf_chain = 1;
+ ifconf.freq_hz = -300000;
+ ifconf.bandwidth = BW_125KHZ;
+ ifconf.datarate = DR_LORA_MULTI;
+ lgw_rxif_setconf(2, ifconf); /* chain 2: Lora 125kHz, all SF, on 867.7 MHz */
+ ifconf.enable = true;
+ ifconf.rf_chain = 1;
+ ifconf.freq_hz = 300000;
+ ifconf.bandwidth = BW_125KHZ;
+ ifconf.datarate = DR_LORA_MULTI;
+ lgw_rxif_setconf(3, ifconf); /* chain 3: Lora 125kHz, all SF, on 868.3 MHz */
+ /* set configuration for Lora 'stand alone' channel */
+ ifconf.enable = true;
+ ifconf.rf_chain = 0;
+ ifconf.freq_hz = 0;
+ ifconf.bandwidth = BW_250KHZ;
+ ifconf.datarate = DR_LORA_SF10;
+ lgw_rxif_setconf(8, ifconf); /* chain 8: Lora 250kHz, SF10, on 866.0 MHz */
+ /* set configuration for FSK channel */
+ ifconf.enable = true;
+ ifconf.rf_chain = 1;
+ ifconf.freq_hz = 0;
+ ifconf.bandwidth = BW_250KHZ;
+ ifconf.datarate = 64000;
+ lgw_rxif_setconf(9, ifconf); /* chain 9: FSK 64kbps, fdev 32kHz, variable payload, on 868.0 MHz */
+ /* set configuration for TX packet */
+ memset(&txs, 0, sizeof(txs));
+ txs.freq_hz = 867000000;
+ txs.tx_mode = IMMEDIATE;
+ txs.modulation = MOD_LORA;
+ txs.bandwidth = BW_250KHZ;
+ txs.datarate = DR_LORA_SF10;
+ txs.coderate = CR_LORA_4_5;
+ strcpy((char *)txs.payload, "TX.TEST.LORA.GW.????" );
+ txs.size = 20;
+ txs.preamble = 6;
+ txs.rf_chain = 0;
+ memset(&txs, 0, sizeof(txs));
+ txs.freq_hz = 867000000;
+ txs.tx_mode = IMMEDIATE;
+ txs.modulation = MOD_FSK;
+ txs.f_dev = 50;
+ txs.datarate = 64000;
+ strcpy((char *)txs.payload, "TX.TEST.LORA.GW.????" );
+ txs.size = 20;
+ txs.preamble = 4;
+ txs.rf_chain = 0;
+// printf("***\n%s\n***\n", lgw_version_info());
+ /* connect, configure and start the Lora gateway */
+ lgw_start();
+ while ((quit_sig != 1) && (exit_sig != 1)) {
+ loop_cnt++;
+ /* fetch N packets */
+ nb_pkt = lgw_receive(ARRAY_SIZE(rxpkt), rxpkt);
+ if (nb_pkt == 0) {
+ wait_ms(300);
+ } else {
+ /* display received packets */
+ for(i=0; i < nb_pkt; ++i) {
+ p = &rxpkt[i];
+ printf("---\nRcv pkt #%d >>", i+1);
+ if (p->status == STAT_CRC_OK) {
+ printf(" if_chain:%2d", p->if_chain);
+ printf(" tstamp:%010u", p->count_us);
+ printf(" size:%3u", p->size);
+ switch (p-> modulation) {
+ case MOD_LORA: printf(" Lora"); break;
+ case MOD_FSK: printf(" FSK"); break;
+ default: printf(" modulation?");
+ }
+ switch (p->datarate) {
+ case DR_LORA_SF7: printf(" SF7"); break;
+ case DR_LORA_SF8: printf(" SF8"); break;
+ case DR_LORA_SF9: printf(" SF9"); break;
+ case DR_LORA_SF10: printf(" SF10"); break;
+ case DR_LORA_SF11: printf(" SF11"); break;
+ case DR_LORA_SF12: printf(" SF12"); break;
+ default: printf(" datarate?");
+ }
+ switch (p->coderate) {
+ case CR_LORA_4_5: printf(" CR1(4/5)"); break;
+ case CR_LORA_4_6: printf(" CR2(2/3)"); break;
+ case CR_LORA_4_7: printf(" CR3(4/7)"); break;
+ case CR_LORA_4_8: printf(" CR4(1/2)"); break;
+ default: printf(" coderate?");
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ printf(" RSSI:%+6.1f SNR:%+5.1f (min:%+5.1f, max:%+5.1f) payload:\n", p->rssi, p->snr, p->snr_min, p->snr_max);
+ for (j = 0; j < p->size; ++j) {
+ printf(" %02X", p->payload[j]);
+ }
+ printf(" #\n");
+ } else if (p->status == STAT_CRC_BAD) {
+ printf(" if_chain:%2d", p->if_chain);
+ printf(" tstamp:%010u", p->count_us);
+ printf(" size:%3u\n", p->size);
+ printf(" CRC error, damaged packet\n\n");
+ } else if (p->status == STAT_NO_CRC){
+ printf(" if_chain:%2d", p->if_chain);
+ printf(" tstamp:%010u", p->count_us);
+ printf(" size:%3u\n", p->size);
+ printf(" no CRC\n\n");
+ } else {
+ printf(" if_chain:%2d", p->if_chain);
+ printf(" tstamp:%010u", p->count_us);
+ printf(" size:%3u\n", p->size);
+ printf(" invalid status ?!?\n\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* send a packet every X loop */
+ if (loop_cnt%16 == 0) {
+ /* 32b counter in the payload, big endian */
+ txs.payload[16] = 0xff & (tx_cnt >> 24);
+ txs.payload[17] = 0xff & (tx_cnt >> 16);
+ txs.payload[18] = 0xff & (tx_cnt >> 8);
+ txs.payload[19] = 0xff & tx_cnt;
+ i = lgw_send(txs); /* non-blocking scheduling of TX packet */
+ j = 0;
+ printf("+++\nSending packet #%d, rf path %d, return %d\nstatus -> ", tx_cnt, txs.rf_chain, i);
+ do {
+ ++j;
+ wait_ms(100);
+ lgw_status(TX_STATUS, &status_var); /* get TX status */
+ printf("%d:", status_var);
+ } while ((status_var != TX_FREE) && (j < 100));
+ ++tx_cnt;
+ printf("\nTX finished\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if (exit_sig == 1) {
+ /* clean up before leaving */
+ lgw_stop();
+ }
+ printf("\nEnd of test for loragw_hal.c\n");
+ return 0;
+/* --- EOF ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
diff --git a/libloragw/tst/test_loragw_reg.c b/libloragw/tst/test_loragw_reg.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b80109
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libloragw/tst/test_loragw_reg.c
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+ / _____) _ | |
+( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__
+ \____ \| ___ | (_ _) ___ |/ ___) _ \
+ _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
+(______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_|
+ ©2013 Semtech-Cycleo
+ Minimum test program for the loragw_spi 'library'
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- DEPENDANCIES --------------------------------------------------------- */
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "loragw_reg.h"
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- MAIN FUNCTION -------------------------------------------------------- */
+#define BURST_TEST_LENGTH 8192
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ int32_t read_value, test_value;
+ uint16_t lfsr;
+ uint8_t burst_buffout[BURST_TEST_LENGTH];
+ uint8_t burst_buffin[BURST_TEST_LENGTH];
+ int i;
+ printf("Beginning of test for loragw_reg.c\n");
+ lgw_connect();
+ /* 2 SPI transactions:
+ -> 0x80 0x00 <- 0x00 0x00 forcing page 0
+ -> 0x01 0x00 <- 0x00 0x64 checking version
+ */
+ /* --- READ TEST --- */
+ lgw_reg_w(LGW_SOFT_RESET, 1);
+ lgw_reg_check(stdout);
+ /* 8b unsigned */
+ test_value = 197; /* 11000101b */
+ lgw_reg_w(LGW_IMPLICIT_PAYLOAD_LENGHT, test_value);
+ lgw_reg_r(LGW_IMPLICIT_PAYLOAD_LENGHT, &read_value);
+ printf("IMPLICIT_PAYLOAD_LENGHT = %d (should be %d)\n", read_value, test_value);
+ /* 8b signed */
+ // /* RADIO_SELECT is normally unsigned, modify it manually in loragw_reg.c */
+ // test_value = -59; /* 11000101b */
+ // lgw_reg_w(LGW_RADIO_SELECT, test_value);
+ // lgw_reg_r(LGW_RADIO_SELECT, &read_value);
+ // printf("RADIO_SELECT = %d (should be %d)\n", read_value, test_value);
+ /* less than 8b, with offset, unsigned */
+ test_value = 11; /* 1011b */
+ lgw_reg_w(LGW_FRAME_SYNCH_PEAK2_POS, test_value);
+ lgw_reg_r(LGW_FRAME_SYNCH_PEAK2_POS, &read_value);
+ printf("FRAME_SYNCH_PEAK2_POS = %d (should be %d)\n", read_value, test_value);
+ /* less than 8b, with offset, signed */
+ // /* MBWSSF_FRAME_SYNCH_PEAK2_POS is normally unsigned, modify it manually in loragw_reg.c */
+ // test_value = -5; /* 1011b */
+ // lgw_reg_w(LGW_MBWSSF_FRAME_SYNCH_PEAK2_POS, test_value);
+ // lgw_reg_r(LGW_MBWSSF_FRAME_SYNCH_PEAK2_POS, &read_value);
+ // printf("MBWSSF_FRAME_SYNCH_PEAK2_POS = %d (should be %d)\n", read_value, test_value);
+ /* 16b unsigned */
+ test_value = 49253; /* 11000000 01100101b */
+ lgw_reg_w(LGW_PREAMBLE_SYMB1_NB, test_value);
+ lgw_reg_r(LGW_PREAMBLE_SYMB1_NB, &read_value);
+ printf("PREAMBLE_SYMB1_NB = %d (should be %d)\n", read_value, test_value);
+ /* 16b signed */
+ // /* CAPTURE_PERIOD is normally unsigned, modify it manually in loragw_reg.c */
+ // test_value = -16283; /* 11000000 01100101b */
+ // lgw_reg_w(LGW_CAPTURE_PERIOD, test_value);
+ // lgw_reg_r(LGW_CAPTURE_PERIOD, &read_value);
+ // printf("CAPTURE_PERIOD = %d (should be %d)\n", read_value, test_value);
+ /* between 8b and 16b, unsigned */
+ test_value = 3173; /* 1100 01100101b */
+ lgw_reg_w(LGW_ADJUST_MODEM_START_OFFSET_SF12_RDX4, test_value);
+ lgw_reg_r(LGW_ADJUST_MODEM_START_OFFSET_SF12_RDX4, &read_value);
+ printf("ADJUST_MODEM_START_OFFSET_SF12_RDX4 = %d (should be %d)\n", read_value, test_value);
+ /* between 8b and 16b, signed */
+ test_value = -1947; /* 11000 01100101b */
+ lgw_reg_w(LGW_IF_FREQ_1, test_value);
+ lgw_reg_r(LGW_IF_FREQ_1, &read_value);
+ printf("IF_FREQ_1 = %d (should be %d)\n", read_value, test_value);
+ /* initialize data for SPI test */
+ lfsr = 0xFFFF;
+ for(i=0; i<BURST_TEST_LENGTH; ++i) {
+ burst_buffout[i] = (uint8_t)(lfsr ^ (lfsr >> 4));
+ /* printf("%05d # 0x%04x 0x%02x\n", i, lfsr, burst_buffout[i]); */
+ lfsr = (lfsr & 1) ? ((lfsr >> 1) ^ 0x8679) : (lfsr >> 1);
+ }
+ lgw_reg_wb(LGW_TX_DATA_BUF_DATA, burst_buffout, 256);
+ lgw_reg_rb(LGW_RX_DATA_BUF_DATA, burst_buffin, 256);
+ /* impossible to check in software,
+ RX_DATA_BUF_DATA is read-only,
+ TX_DATA_BUF_DATA is write only,
+ use a logic analyser */
+ /* --- END OF TEST --- */
+ lgw_disconnect();
+ /* no SPI transaction */
+ printf("End of test for loragw_reg.c\n");
+ return 0;
+/* --- EOF ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
diff --git a/libloragw/tst/test_loragw_spi.c b/libloragw/tst/test_loragw_spi.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0eae55d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libloragw/tst/test_loragw_spi.c
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+ / _____) _ | |
+( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__
+ \____ \| ___ | (_ _) ___ |/ ___) _ \
+ _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
+(______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_|
+ ©2013 Semtech-Cycleo
+ Minimum test program for the loragw_spi 'library'
+ Use logic analyser to check the results.
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- DEPENDANCIES --------------------------------------------------------- */
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "loragw_spi.h"
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- PRIVATE MACROS ------------------------------------------------------- */
+#define ARRAY_SIZE(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof((a)[0]))
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- PRIVATE CONSTANTS ---------------------------------------------------- */
+#define BURST_TEST_SIZE 2500 /* >> LGW_BURST_CHUNK */
+#define TIMING_REPEAT 1 /* repeat transactions multiple times for timing characterisation */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- MAIN FUNCTION -------------------------------------------------------- */
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ int i;
+ void *spi_target = NULL;
+ uint8_t data = 0;
+ uint8_t dataout[BURST_TEST_SIZE];
+ uint8_t datain[BURST_TEST_SIZE];
+ for (i = 0; i < BURST_TEST_SIZE; ++i) {
+ dataout[i] = 0x30 + (i % 10); /* ASCCI code for 0 -> 9 */
+ datain[i] = 0x23; /* garbage data, to be overwritten by received data */
+ }
+ printf("Beginning of test for loragw_spi.c\n");
+ lgw_spi_open(&spi_target);
+ /* normal R/W test */
+ for (i = 0; i < TIMING_REPEAT; ++i)
+ lgw_spi_w(spi_target, 0xAA, 0x96);
+ for (i = 0; i < TIMING_REPEAT; ++i)
+ lgw_spi_r(spi_target, 0x55, &data);
+ /* burst R/W test, small bursts << LGW_BURST_CHUNK */
+ for (i = 0; i < TIMING_REPEAT; ++i)
+ lgw_spi_wb(spi_target, 0x55, dataout, 16);
+ for (i = 0; i < TIMING_REPEAT; ++i)
+ lgw_spi_rb(spi_target, 0x55, datain, 16);
+ /* burst R/W test, large bursts >> LGW_BURST_CHUNK */
+ for (i = 0; i < TIMING_REPEAT; ++i)
+ lgw_spi_wb(spi_target, 0x5A, dataout, ARRAY_SIZE(dataout));
+ for (i = 0; i < TIMING_REPEAT; ++i)
+ lgw_spi_rb(spi_target, 0x5A, datain, ARRAY_SIZE(datain));
+ /* last read (blocking), just to be sure no to quit before the FTDI buffer is flushed */
+ lgw_spi_r(spi_target, 0x55, &data);
+ printf("data received (simple read): %d\n",data);
+ lgw_spi_close(spi_target);
+ printf("End of test for loragw_spi.c\n");
+ return 0;
+/* --- EOF ------------------------------------------------------------------ */