path: root/scripts/lib/recipetool
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFiles
2019-05-17recipetool: fix unbound variable when fixed SRCREV can't be foundAlex Kiernan1
2019-04-14recipetool: add missed moduleLei Yang1
2018-07-26logging: use warning instead warnChen Qi5
2018-07-03recipetool: add 'edit' subcommandChristopher Larson1
2018-05-04recipetool: fixed uncaught NameError exceptionSarah Marsh1
2018-04-03recipetool: create: fix port number parsing issueMing Liu1
2017-12-18recipetool: create: fix conflict between SRCREV and tagChang Rebecca Swee Fun1
2017-11-21recipetool: create: fix failure handling included dictsPaul Eggleton1
2017-11-10recipetool: create: show a warning for github archive URLsPaul Eggleton1
2017-11-10recipetool: create: drop debug printPaul Eggleton1
2017-11-10recipetool: ignore incidental kernel module sourcePaul Eggleton2
2017-11-10recipetool: pass absolute source tree path to pluginsPaul Eggleton1
2017-09-13devtool/standard: set a preferred provider when adding a new recipe with devtoolJuan M Cruz Alcaraz1
2017-08-31recipetool: create: detect Eclipse licensesPaul Eggleton1
2017-08-31recipetool: create: suppress npm shrinkwrap/lockdown warnings againPaul Eggleton1
2017-08-31recipetool: create: fix SRCPV prefix for non-git SCMsPaul Eggleton1
2017-08-31recipetool: create: make recently added branch/tag handling git specificPaul Eggleton1
2017-08-31devtool: add: add explicit srcrev/branch optionsPaul Eggleton1
2017-08-23recipetool: create: fix npm license code regressionPaul Eggleton1
2017-08-23recipetool: create: fix broken import in npm modulePaul Eggleton1
2017-08-21recipetool: allow plugins to set LICENSE and LIC_FILES_CHKSUMPaul Eggleton2
2017-08-21recipetool: allow plugins to set PN / PV more easilyPaul Eggleton1
2017-08-21recipetool: create: replacing PV in SRCURIStanley Phoong1
2017-08-21recipetool: create: handle git URLs specifying only a tagStanley Phoong1
2017-08-21recipetool: create: being able to set branch when revision is providedChang Rebecca Swee Fun1
2017-08-21recipetool: create: disable PREMIRRORS and MIRRORS by defaultChang Rebecca Swee Fun1
2017-08-16recipetool: create: fix incorrect URL variable usagePaul Eggleton1
2017-07-21scriptutils: pass in logger as parameterChang Rebecca Swee Fun1
2017-07-21recipetool: create: refactor code for ensuring npm is availablePaul Eggleton2
2017-07-21recipetool: create: reimplement fetching with normal fetch/unpack tasksPaul Eggleton2
2017-07-21recipetool: create: eliminate second fetch for packagesPaul Eggleton1
2017-07-21recipetool: create: ensure meaningful error for malformed tarballsPaul Eggleton1
2017-07-17recipetool: git reformat URI mangling & parameter strippedStanley Cheong Kwan, Phoong1
2017-05-23recipetool: create: extract name of package from a repositoryPaul Eggleton1
2017-05-23recipetool: create: skip values extracted from spec files containing macrosPaul Eggleton1
2017-04-12recipetool: create: hide missing npm error when called from devtoolPaul Eggleton2
2017-04-12devtool: add: fix node.js/npm handling with recipe specific sysrootsPaul Eggleton2
2017-04-12recipetool: create: fix for regression in npm license handlingPaul Eggleton1
2017-03-21devtool/recipetill: npm install of devDependenciesAnders Darander2
2017-03-04scripts/lib/create_npm: handle Public Domain licensesAnders Darander1
2017-03-04scripts/lib/create_npm: handle AND and OR in licensesAnders Darander1
2017-03-04scripts/lib/create_npm: rewrite see license in eulaAnders Darander1 convert MIT/X11 to MITAnders Darander1
2017-02-15classes: Drop now unneeded update_data callsRichard Purdie1
2017-02-07recipetool: create: do not treat numbers in SCM URLs as versionsPaul Eggleton1
2017-02-07recipetool: create: properly handle npm optional dependenciesPaul Eggleton1
2016-12-16scripts: remove True option to getVarFlag callsJoshua Lock1
2016-12-16scripts: remove True option to getVar callsJoshua Lock6
2016-12-14devtool / recipetool: use tinfoil parsing APIPaul Eggleton3
2016-12-08recipetool: fix encoding-related errors creating python recipesPaul Eggleton1