path: root/scripts/lib/devtool/
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFiles
2019-04-13correct do_patch for kernel bbappend in sdkYann CARDAILLAC1
2019-02-25devtool: improve git repo checks before check_commits logicDan Dedrick1
2019-02-25devtool: remove duplicate overridesDan Dedrick1
2018-07-26logging: use warning instead warnChen Qi1
2018-03-11devtool: add --force-patch-refresh to 'modify' and 'finish' commandsAlexander Kanavin1
2018-03-01devtool: finish: fix erroneously creating bbappend for relative pathsPaul Eggleton1
2018-03-01devtool: reset: delete bbappend file if _check_preserve() doesn'tPaul Eggleton1
2018-03-01devtool: fix poor handling of upgraded BBCLASSEXTENDed recipesPaul Eggleton1
2017-11-10devtool: implement conditional patch handlingPaul Eggleton1
2017-11-10devtool: finish: add dry-run optionPaul Eggleton1
2017-11-10devtool: finish: improve reporting for removed filesPaul Eggleton1
2017-11-10devtool: show a better error message if meta-files aren't foundPaul Eggleton1
2017-11-10devtool: upgrade: automatically handle changes to source subdirectoryPaul Eggleton1
2017-11-10devtool: finish: fix "layer not in bblayers.conf" warning when path specifiedPaul Eggleton1
2017-11-10devtool: finish: ensure repository is clean before proceedingPaul Eggleton1
2017-11-10devtool: reset: print source tree base pathPaul Eggleton1
2017-11-10devtool: show some warnings for upgrade versionsPaul Eggleton1
2017-11-10devtool: fix handling of oe-local-files when source is in a subdirectoryPaul Eggleton1
2017-10-16devtool: standard: Expand SRCREV before using it in _update_recipe_srcrevPeter Kjellerstedt1
2017-09-18devtool: ensure recipes devtool is working on are unlocked within the eSDKPaul Eggleton1
2017-09-18devtool: rework source extraction so that dependencies are handledPaul Eggleton1
2017-09-13devtool/standard: set a preferred provider when adding a new recipe with devtoolJuan M Cruz Alcaraz1
2017-09-11devtool: status: Sort entries before printingOla x Nilsson1
2017-08-31devtool: add: add explicit srcrev/branch optionsPaul Eggleton1
2017-08-31devtool: update-recipe: ensure patches get deleted in srcrev modePaul Eggleton1
2017-08-21devtool: append md5sum only if not already presentLeonardo Sandoval1
2017-08-08devtool: fix handling of errors during task executionPaul Eggleton1
2017-07-21devtool: standard: enable options for PREMIRRORS and MIRRORSChang Rebecca Swee Fun1
2017-07-21recipetool: create: refactor code for ensuring npm is availablePaul Eggleton1
2017-07-21devtool: extract: refactor kern-tools-native handlingPaul Eggleton1
2017-06-12devtool/standard: Fix lock in _prep_extract_operationAníbal Limón1
2017-05-25devtool/ Enable perf to be buildableSaul Wold1
2017-04-13devtool: extract: drop erroneous bb.event.TaskStartedPaul Eggleton1
2017-04-13devtool: extract: fix handling of failed tasksPaul Eggleton1
2017-04-13devtool: modify: add --keep-temp option for debuggingPaul Eggleton1
2017-04-12devtool: add: prevent repeatedly running recipetoolPaul Eggleton1
2017-04-12devtool: add: fix node.js/npm handling with recipe specific sysrootsPaul Eggleton1
2017-03-28devtool: open kconfig fragment in binary modeStephano Cetola1
2017-03-21devtool/recipetill: npm install of devDependenciesAnders Darander1
2017-02-07devtool: improve parse failure handlingPaul Eggleton1
2017-01-19devtool: fix source extraction to work with recipe specific sysrootsPaul Eggleton1
2016-12-22devtool: modify: fix usage on the kernelPaul Eggleton1
2016-12-16scripts: remove True option to getVar callsJoshua Lock1
2016-12-14devtool: extract: disable basehash mismatch errorsPaul Eggleton1
2016-12-14devtool: fix extraction of source to work in memres modePaul Eggleton1
2016-12-14classes/patch: move in logic to commit for additional tasksPaul Eggleton1
2016-12-14devtool / recipetool: use tinfoil parsing APIPaul Eggleton1
2016-11-23devtool: modify: support recipes with only local files as sourcePaul Eggleton1
2016-11-23devtool: update-recipe: support replacing remote patchesPaul Eggleton1
2016-11-23devtool: update-recipe: fix handling of compressed local patchesPaul Eggleton1