path: root/meta
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFiles
2017-08-29qemurunner: Tweak qemu pid starting timeout codeRichard Purdie1
2017-08-29libdrm: Upgrade to 2.4.83Otavio Salvador1
2017-08-29watchdog: enable systemd supportKai Kang1
2017-08-29gettext.bbclass: do not add virtual/gettext to DEPENDSAlexander Kanavin2
2017-08-29insane: add qa check for uppercase recipe nameYeoh Ee Peng1
2017-08-29openssh: Fix syntax error on x32sweeaun2
2017-08-29libsdl: Move PACKAGECONFIG options from meta-mingwMark Hatle1
2017-08-27wic: setlftest: test expanding MBR imageEd Bartosh1
2017-08-27wic: extend list of used toolsEd Bartosh1 add support for mate-terminal in check_terminal_version()Andre McCurdy1 fix devshell with mate-terminalAndre McCurdy1 avoid 100% cpu while waiting for phonehome pid fileAndre McCurdy1
2017-08-27gnome-themes-standard: drop .la file as unusedMark Asselstine1
2017-08-27staging: Ensure dependencies are removed before being addedRichard Purdie1
2017-08-27staging: Avoid sysroot removal racesRichard Purdie1
2017-08-27systemd-boot: Make EFI_CC overridableKhem Raj1
2017-08-27mesa: Upgrade to 17.1.7 releaseOtavio Salvador2
2017-08-27bitbake.conf: Drop usage of build/BUILD_SYS and target/TARGET_SYS conf filesRichard Purdie1
2017-08-27ninja: fix upstream version checkAlexander Kanavin1
2017-08-27libva: fix upstream version checkAlexander Kanavin1
2017-08-27qemu: fix upstream version checkAlexander Kanavin1 strip_execs: Support for .ko modulesTobias Hagelborn1 Fix some lint errorsTobias Hagelborn1
2017-08-27rng-tools: add systemd service fileDengke Du2
2017-08-27bash: memleak bug fix for builtin command readZhang Xiao2
2017-08-27libxml2: Fix CVE-2017-8872Hongxu Jia2
2017-08-25taglib: Security fix CVE-2017-12678Yi Zhao2
2017-08-25e2fsprogs: fix ptest scriptYi Zhao2
2017-08-24db: Add --tag parameter to libtool invocationKhem Raj2
2017-08-24ca-certificates: Fix postinst dependency issuesRichard Purdie1
2017-08-24debianutils: Add a native version (for run-parts)Richard Purdie1
2017-08-24default-providers: Add entries for pkgconfig (due to pkg-conf being added)Richard Purdie1
2017-08-24populate_sdk_ext: Add BB_SERVER_TIMEOUT to SDK_LOCAL_CONF_BLACKLISTRichard Purdie1
2017-08-24boost: add python to default PACKAGECONFIG optionsJackie Huang1
2017-08-24kernel-yocto: relax BSP definition testBruce Ashfield1
2017-08-24acl_2.25: improve reproducibilityJuro Bystricky1
2017-08-24attr: improve reproducibilityJuro Bystricky1
2017-08-24initramfs-framework/setup-live: quote bootparam_root variableCalifornia Sullivan1
2017-08-24webkitgtk: disable gobject-introspection on armv7aJackie Huang1
2017-08-24core/target/ use reader to handle partial dataRobert Yang1
2017-08-24libinput: remove obsolete touchpad patchJose Alarcon2
2017-08-24gpg_sign: depress the owership warnings on homedirJia Zhang1
2017-08-24kernel-yocto: fix typo in error messageLuca Ceresoli1
2017-08-24vulkan: Only build when 'vulkan' distro flag is setMark Hatle2
2017-08-23buildhistory.bbclass: add ptestRobert Yang1
2017-08-23testimage.bbclass: update commentsRobert Yang1
2017-08-23buildhistory.bbclass: print message when no commitRobert Yang1
2017-08-23core/target/ replace decode errorsRobert Yang1
2017-08-23utils/ fix section checkRobert Yang1
2017-08-23runtime/cases/ rename it to ptest.pyRobert Yang1