path: root/meta
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFiles
2018-07-24package/package_manager: multiprocess_exec -> multiprocess_launchRichard Purdie3
2018-07-24package: Clean up getstatusoutput usageRichard Purdie1
2018-07-24sstate/bitbake.conf: Use pigz if availableRichard Purdie2
2018-07-24package: Call file to determine elf status in parallelRichard Purdie3
2018-07-24package: Refactor to remove isElf/is_elf function duplicationRichard Purdie2
2018-07-24package: Allow parallel processing of shlib analysisRichard Purdie1
2018-07-24package: Allow parallel processing of debug splittingRichard Purdie1
2018-07-24package: Don't use subshell to execute fileRichard Purdie2
2018-07-24package: Drop subshell usage for dwarfsrcfile generation.Richard Purdie1
2018-07-24package_ipk|deb: Use oe.utils.multiprocess_launchRichard Purdie2
2018-07-24package: Rework PACKAGELOCK based upon sstate for do_packagedataRichard Purdie1
2018-07-24utils: Add multiprocess_launch API and testcaseRichard Purdie2
2018-07-24matchbox-terminal: Upgrade to 0.2Devarsh Thakkar1 remove hardcoded SDK pathRuslan Bilovol2
2018-07-24xf86-input-libinput: upgrade 0.27.1 -> 0.28.0Ross Burton1
2018-07-24shared-mime-info: upgrade 1.9 -> 1.10Ross Burton2
2018-07-24harfbuzz: upgrade 1.7.5 -> 1.8.4Ross Burton1
2018-07-24libinput: upgrade 1.11.0 -> 1.11.2Ross Burton1
2018-07-24pciutils: upgrade 3.5.6 -> 3.6.1Ross Burton1
2018-07-24strace: upgrade 4.22 -> 4.23Ross Burton2
2018-07-24xz: upgrade 5.2.3 -> 5.2.4Ross Burton1
2018-07-24sysstat: upgrade 11.7.3 -> 11.7.4Ross Burton1
2018-07-24libgpg-error: upgrade 1.31 -> 1.32Ross Burton1
2018-07-24gnupg: upgrade 2.2.8 -> 2.2.9Ross Burton2
2018-07-24btrfs-tools: upgrade 4.16.1 -> 4.17Ross Burton1
2018-07-24libyaml: upgrade to 0.2.1Ross Burton1
2018-07-24tcf-agent: upgrade to 1.7.0Ross Burton3
2018-07-24bc: upgrade to 1.07.1Ross Burton5
2018-07-24package.bbclass: exclude packages as shlib providersOleksii Konoplitskyi1
2018-07-18systemd-boot: upgrade to 239Chen Qi2
2018-07-18systemd: upgrade to 239Chen Qi48
2018-07-18musl: Update to latest masterKhem Raj1
2018-07-18recipes: Enforce ARM ISA just for arm arches <= armv5Khem Raj6
2018-07-18curl: add PACKAGECONFIG options for brotli, built-in manpages, etcAndre McCurdy1
2018-07-18curl: update 7.60.0 -> 7.61.0Andre McCurdy1
2018-07-18atk: add explicit gettext-native dependencyRoss Burton1
2018-07-18mesa: Fix build with wayland and eglKhem Raj3
2018-07-18spdx.bbclass: Encode strings before passing to hashlibOlof Johansson1
2018-07-18spdx.bbclass: Make use of bb.utils' sha1_file()Olof Johansson1
2018-07-18spdx.bbclass: Fix undefined variable errorOlof Johansson1
2018-07-18spdx.bbclass: Replace deprecated string.replace with str.replaceOlof Johansson1
2018-07-18perl: update to 5.24.4Andrej Valek7
2018-07-18bash: fix wrong exit status offsetRui Wang1
2018-07-18packagegroups: Disable unbuildable dependencies for riscv64Khem Raj3
2018-07-18epiphany: fix epiphany cannot start problemChangqing Li1
2018-07-18oeqa/sdk/python: clean up Python testRoss Burton2
2018-07-18oeqa/runtime/python: clean up Python testRoss Burton1
2018-07-18gnutls: use HTTP instead of FTPRoss Burton1
2018-07-18gstreamer1.0-plugins-good: disable gtk pluginAnuj Mittal1
2018-07-18libva-utils: upgrade 2.1.0 -> 2.2.0Anuj Mittal1