path: root/meta
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFiles Update to support installing multiple kernelsCalifornia Sullivan1
2018-03-06grub-efi*.bbclass: don't reference vmlinuzCalifornia Sullivan2
2018-03-06live-vm-common.bbclass: Don't use vmlinuz or VM_DEFAULT_KERNELCalifornia Sullivan1
2018-03-06packagegroup-core-boot: add bootloader to EFI systemsCalifornia Sullivan1
2018-03-06grub-efi: if installed and EFI_PROVIDER, install as bootx64 or bootia32California Sullivan1
2018-03-06grub-efi: install to /boot/California Sullivan2
2018-03-06grub: create recipe for configurationCalifornia Sullivan1
2018-03-06grub-efi.bbclass: split out configuration portionCalifornia Sullivan2
2018-03-06glibc: Compile using thumb2 for arch > armv5 if user choosesKhem Raj2 self-assign recipes from recipes-extended/perlTim Orling1
2018-03-06maintainers: self-assign perl module maintainershipTim Orling1
2018-03-06libxml-sax-perl: inherit ptest-perlTim Orling1
2018-03-06libxml-sax-base-perl: inherit ptest-perlTim Orling1
2018-03-06libtimedate-perl: inherit ptest-perlTim Orling1
2018-03-06libsdl2: Upgrade 2.0.7 -> 2.0.8Khem Raj1
2018-03-06libxml-simple-perl: inherit ptest-perlTim Orling1
2018-03-06libxml-perl: inherit ptest-perlTim Orling1
2018-03-06libxml-parser-perl: inherit ptest-perlTim Orling1
2018-03-06liburi-perl: inherit ptest-perlTim Orling1
2018-03-06liberror-perl: inherit ptest-perlTim Orling1
2018-03-06libtest-needs-perl: add 0.002005Tim Orling1
2018-03-06meta/classes: add ptest-perl.bbclassTim Orling2
2018-03-06populate_sdk_base: depend on nativesdk-glibc-localeRoss Burton1
2018-03-06sdk: only install locales if we're using glibcRoss Burton1
2018-03-06testexport-tarball: sync with buildtools-tarballRoss Burton1
2018-03-06xcb-proto: solve python cache collisionRoss Burton1 add myself as maintainer for the new busybox-inittabDenys Dmytriyenko1
2018-03-04layer.conf: add busybox-inittab to SIGGEN_EXCLUDERECIPES_ABISAFEDenys Dmytriyenko1
2018-03-04busybox: separate inittab into own package, due to SERIAL_CONSOLES being mach...Denys Dmytriyenko2
2018-03-04base: Handle backfilling in anonymous python code, not event handlerRichard Purdie1
2018-03-04image: Remove the do_package_write_* tasksRichard Purdie1
2018-03-04base: Don't print LICENSE warning for non-recipe contextRichard Purdie1
2018-03-04oeqa/runtime/ add runtime test for opkgYeoh Ee Peng1
2018-03-04oeqa/runtime/ add runtime test for aptYeoh Ee Peng1 Add needed libc deps for musl for on-device SDKKhem Raj1
2018-03-04maintainers: Add myself for musl-utilsKhem Raj1
2018-03-04musl-utils: Add packageKhem Raj1
2018-03-04musl: Rename files/ directory to musl/Khem Raj1
2018-03-04bsd-headers: Move next to musl recipesKhem Raj4
2018-03-04busybox: fix CVE-2017-15873Andrej Valek2
2018-03-04perf: fix packaging of scripting modulesAnuj Mittal1
2018-03-03libjpeg-turbo: improve reproducibilityJuro Bystricky1
2018-03-03ttf-bitstream-vera: cleanup recipeRoss Burton1
2018-03-03libepoxy: improve musl patchRoss Burton3
2018-03-03libepoxy: update to version 1.5.0Francesco Giancane4
2018-03-03trace-cmd: update to 2.7Alexander Kanavin1
2018-03-03meson: upgrade 0.44.0 -> 0.44.1Alexander Kanavin2
2018-03-03vala: upgrade 0.38.6 -> 0.38.8Alexander Kanavin1
2018-03-03epiphany: upgrade -> 3.26.6Alexander Kanavin1
2018-03-03ffmpeg: upgrade 3.4.1 -> 3.4.2Alexander Kanavin1