path: root/meta/recipes-sato/matchbox-desktop
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFiles
2017-07-17matchbox-desktop: Upgrade to 2.2Jussi Kukkonen1
2016-11-30meta: add explicit gnome-common dependenciesRoss Burton1
2016-08-07matchbox-desktop: remove dangling patchStefan Müller-Klieser1
2016-06-15matchbox-desktop: Add Sato folder configurationJussi Kukkonen6
2016-06-15matchbox-desktop: Ugrade to 2.1Jussi Kukkonen1
2016-03-28matchbox-desktop: Do not close desktop on alt-F4Jussi Kukkonen2
2015-05-14recipes-sato: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURESRobert Yang1
2015-02-07matchbox-desktop: remove 0.9.1 and 2.0 versionRobert Yang3
2014-01-02Replace one-line DESCRIPTION with SUMMARYPaul Eggleton3
2014-01-02Replace OpenedHand Bugzilla in BUGTRACKERPaul Eggleton1
2013-10-30recipes: Remove PR = r0 from all recipesRichard Purdie1
2013-08-30remove the unnecessary protocol parametersJackie Huang1
2011-12-21matchbox-desktop: fix SRC_URIPaul Eggleton2
2011-12-21matchbox-desktop: clarify LICENSE is GPLv2.0+Joshua Lock2
2011-09-26matchbox: Upgrade SRCREV to reflect recent accpeted patches by upstreamZhai Edwin3
2011-05-12recipes: Add Upstream-Status to multiple recipesZhai Edwin2
2011-05-04poky-default-revisions: move the SRCREV to recipe fileYu Ke1
2011-04-20Fix urls to git.yoctoproject.orgRichard Purdie1
2011-03-16matchbox-desktop: add configure event handler to fix bug 658Yu Ke2
2011-03-14Update SRC_URIs to use BPN instead of PNRichard Purdie1
2011-01-28matchbox: Convert all the matchbox components' repo from svn to git including:Zhai Edwin1
2011-01-20matchbox-desktop: fix build issue with gcc dso linking changeNitin A Kamble3
2011-01-06recpies: use SRCPV instead of SRCREV for PVYu Ke1
2010-08-27Major layout change to the packages directoryRichard Purdie3