path: root/meta/recipes-multimedia/libsamplerate
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFiles set CVE_PRODUCT to libsamplerateMikko Rapeli1
2016-11-06libsamplerate0: clean up dependenciesTanu Kaskinen2
2016-11-06libsamplerate0: 0.1.8 -> 0.1.9Tanu Kaskinen1 split the rest of the entries to their recipesAlexander Kanavin1
2014-01-02libsamplerate0: add HOMEPAGEPaul Eggleton1
2014-01-02Replace one-line DESCRIPTION with SUMMARYPaul Eggleton1
2013-08-30libsamplerate0: add PACKAGECONFIG for fftwRoy.Li1
2012-08-17libsamplerate: depends on libsdnfileSaul Wold1
2012-01-02libsamplerate0: upgrade to 0.1.8Shane Wang2
2011-06-29Upstream-Status: update the status for some patchesDongxiao Xu1
2011-04-28libsamplerate0: upgrade to version 0.1.7Dongxiao Xu2
2010-12-09SRC_URI Checksums AdditionalsSaul Wold1
2010-12-02libsamplerate0: Fix LICENSE and LIC_FILES_CHKSUM infoDongxiao Xu1
2010-11-22Meta: Recipe ReogranizationSaul Wold1