path: root/meta/recipes-kernel/dtc/
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFiles
2018-05-29dtc: upgrade to 1.4.6Alexander Kanavin1
2018-03-06dtc: add rdepends_${PN}-misc = diffutilsIoan-Adrian Ratiu1
2017-11-29dtc: update to 1.4.5Alexander Kanavin1
2017-09-21dtc: Add HOMEPAGE info into recipe file.Huang Qiyu1
2014-12-11dtc: don't use autotools as this doesn't use autotoolsRoss Burton1
2014-11-21dtc: old SRC_URI died, changing to new working oneKrzysztof Sywula1
2014-08-23dtc: add bash to RDEPENDS_dtc-miscRobert Yang1
2014-02-28autotools-brokensep: Mark recipes with broken separate build dir supportRichard Purdie1
2013-08-30remove the unnecessary protocol parametersJackie Huang1
2013-07-05dtc: Update to 1.4.0 Git TagSaul Wold1 fix for libdir == /usr/lib64Matthew McClintock1
2012-03-15dtc: Fix License warningSaul Wold1
2011-11-07dtc: Add patch to correctly install shared libraries and linksSaul Wold1
2011-11-07dtc: update to latest git versionMatthew McClintock1
2011-07-01Drop PRIORITY variableRichard Purdie1
2011-06-01dtc: Cleanup and update recipeSaul Wold1
2010-12-16recipes-kernel: Update SUMMARY and DESCRIPTIONMark Hatle1
2010-09-10dtc: device tree compiler recipesAdrian Alonso1