path: root/meta/recipes-graphics/ttf-fonts
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFiles
2018-03-03ttf-bitstream-vera: cleanup recipeRoss Burton1
2017-05-16liberation-fonts: update to 2.00.1Alexander Kanavin1
2017-04-05liberation-fonts: replace SRC_URI with sourceChoong YinThong1 deprecate and move contents to recipesAlexander Kanavin1
2015-03-16liberation-fonts: inherit allarch as fonts are arch-independentRoss Burton1
2014-03-21fontcache.bbclass: add fontconfig-utils runtime dependencyMatthieu Crapet2
2013-04-15allarch: Drop various problematic allarch usagesRichard Purdie2
2013-04-15ttf-bitstream-vera: Use fontcache class for postinstallRichard Purdie1
2013-04-04liberation-fonts: remove 1.06Ross Burton1
2013-03-16ttf-fonts: fix PN -> BPN in do_install for multilibsJackie Huang3
2013-02-06liberation-fonts: use the new fontcache.bbclassLaurentiu Palcu1
2012-02-26More quoting fixesMartin Jansa1
2011-12-08OECore license fixes: meta/*Elizabeth Flanagan1
2011-10-04Improve handling of 'all' architecture recipes and their interaction with sstateRichard Purdie3
2011-09-16ttf-bitstream-vera_1.10: add PN to RDEPENDSTom Zanussi1
2011-09-16liberation-fonts_1.06: add PN to RDEPENDSTom Zanussi1
2011-09-16liberation-fonts_1.04: add PN to RDEPENDSTom Zanussi1
2011-08-04SRC_URI, S: use BPN instead of PN for multilib caseYu Ke1
2011-07-01Drop PRIORITY variableRichard Purdie3
2011-05-27License Field Cleanup: Non-standard field namesBeth Flanagan1
2011-05-04liberation-fonts: postinst can't be called offlineIlya Yanok2
2011-03-23Various: Switch to GNOME_MIRRORTom Rini1
2011-03-14Update SRC_URIs to use BPN instead of PNRichard Purdie1
2011-02-12recipes: pre/post actionsMark Hatle3
2011-02-03recipes-graphics: Add more detailed SUMMARY and DESCRIPTIONSMark Hatle3
2010-12-16recipes-graphics: Add SUMMARY and update DESCRIPTIONMark Hatle1
2010-12-09SRC_URI Checksums AdditionalsSaul Wold2
2010-11-24liberation-fonts: Added version 1.06, PREFERRED_VERSION is still 1.04Saul Wold1
2010-11-23ttf-bitstream-vera:Add license file checksum to bb fileMei Lei1
2010-11-23liberation-fonts:Add license file checksum to bb fileMei Lei1
2010-08-27Major layout change to the packages directoryRichard Purdie3