path: root/meta/packages
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFiles
2009-10-14linux-igep2: kernel recipe for IGEP v2 boardEnric Balletbo i Serra2
2009-10-14xf86-video-omapfb: Add X.Org driver for TI OMAP framebuffersEnric Balletbo i Serra2
2009-10-12pango: Add 1.26.0Richard Purdie3
2009-10-12connman: Add option to enable testsRichard Purdie1
2009-10-12xf86-video-intel: Drop patches from git versionRichard Purdie6
2009-10-09telepathy-glib: 0.7.29 -> 0.9.0Richard Purdie2
2009-10-09util-macros: 1.2.1 -> 1.3.0Richard Purdie1
2009-10-05opkg: Switch to google svn and patch to export a version comparision function...Richard Purdie5
2009-09-18task-sdk-host: Add gdb-cross-canadianRichard Purdie1
2009-09-18gcc-crosssdk: Add code to change the deafult linker path in the case of sdk b...Richard Purdie1
2009-09-18gdb: Add cross-canadian recipeRichard Purdie1
2009-09-18ncurses: Fix up BUILD_LDFLAGS variable corrupting buildsRichard Purdie4
2009-09-18qemu-nativesdk: Use HOST_CC to build parse_gl_hRichard Purdie2 Fix to use target system pathsRichard Purdie1
2009-09-17meta-toolchain: Don't ship libGLRichard Purdie1
2009-09-17qemu-nativesdk: Add patch to fix linkageRichard Purdie2
2009-09-17qemugl: Relax COMPATIBLE_MACHINE slightly for x86_64 caseRichard Purdie1
2009-09-17external-poky-toolchain: Don't inherit nativesdkRichard Purdie1 Drop no unused fileRichard Purdie1
2009-09-17qemu-nativesdk: Add qemugl-nativesdk to DEPENDSRichard Purdie1
2009-09-17qemugl: Add staging functionRichard Purdie1
2009-09-17glibc-2.6.1: Fix accidental unintended changeRichard Purdie1
2009-09-17task-sdk-host: Use cross-canadian packagesRichard Purdie1
2009-09-17qemu-nativesdk: Use a specific gcc as otherwise configure tests breakRichard Purdie1
2009-09-17libx11-nativesdk: No need to hardcode DEPENDS/PROVIDESRichard Purdie2
2009-09-17gmp-nativesdk: Don't hardcode PVRichard Purdie2
2009-09-17gcc-configure-sdk: Tweak compiler options for working canadian cross compilesRichard Purdie1
2009-09-17gcc-configure-common: Allow the sysroot layout seen by the compiler to be con...Richard Purdie1 Allow the multilib option to be changedRichard Purdie1
2009-09-17meta-toolchain: Fix --build CONFIGURE_FLAG and add a target prefix to scriptsRichard Purdie1
2009-09-17gcc-package-cross: Cope with lib64 binariesRichard Purdie1
2009-09-17nativesdk: Convert to use crosssdk toolchain and remove binutils/gcc nativesd...Richard Purdie9
2009-09-17cross-canadian: Add cross-canadian class with gcc and binutils recipesRichard Purdie5
2009-09-17crosssdk: Add crosssdk class with gcc and binutils recipesRichard Purdie4
2009-09-17Extend various packages to use nativesdk using BBCLASSEXTENDRichard Purdie6
2009-09-17mpfr: Convert to use BBCLASSEXTENDRichard Purdie3
2009-09-17sdk.bbclass: Rename to nativesdk.bbclassRichard Purdie57
2009-09-17Remove layout_* variablesRichard Purdie46
2009-09-17glibc: Use PN instead of hardcoded package nameRichard Purdie1
2009-09-17inputproto: Add missing DEPENDS on util-macrosRichard Purdie2
2009-09-17gnome-settings-daemon: Fix problems with bad paths creeping into the configur...Richard Purdie2
2009-09-17sysfsutils: Drop custom staging function and broken includedir changeRichard Purdie1
2009-09-14gcc-4.3.3: Sync patchset with OE.devRichard Purdie19
2009-09-14glibc-2.9: Sync with and update patchsetRichard Purdie4 Massively simplify and speedup by just copying the data gene...Richard Purdie1
2009-09-14glibc-package.bbclass: Sync with and remove hardcoded path referencesRichard Purdie1
2009-09-10bitbake.conf: Rename SDK_PREFIX SDKPATHRichard Purdie1
2009-09-10binutils-cross: Remove uneeded custom staging functionsRichard Purdie2
2009-09-08meta-toolchain: Exclude from world buildsRichard Purdie1
2009-09-04libnl: Fix compile header problemsRichard Purdie3