path: root/meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFiles reset TCLIBCAPPENDKai Kang1 drop test_sstate_allarch_samesigs_multilibKai Kang1
2018-02-24sstatetests: pass the right files when comparing sigfilesRoss Burton1
2018-01-06bitbake.conf: Set AUTOREV to have a vardepvalueRichard Purdie1
2017-08-11sstatetests: limit the number of signature comparisons when differLeonardo Sandoval1
2017-08-08sstatetests: Use python function instead of bitbake-diffsigs scriptLeonardo Sandoval1
2017-06-23selftest: Add Testopia ID to test casesJose Perez Carranza1
2017-06-14selftest/sstatetests: Fix potential failure on uniprocessor machinesRichard Purdie1
2017-06-14sstatetests: Use higher parallelism valueRichard Purdie1
2017-06-05oeqa/selftest/cases: Migrate test cases into the new oe-qa frameworkLeonardo Sandoval1