path: root/meta/conf/machine/include/powerpc/
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFiles disable the use of qemu usermode on ppc64Alexander Kanavin1
2016-01-07arm/arch-arm*, tune-cortexa*,, powerpac/ Jansa1
2015-12-01meta/conf/machine: use ' inside quoted valuesMartin Jansa1
2013-04-29conf/machine: use .= instead of += in TUNE_CCARGSMartin Jansa1
2012-07-16conf/machine: replace TUNE_CONFLICTS with TUNECONFLICTSMartin Jansa1
2012-04-04conf/machine/include: Cleanup PowerPC tunings to match READMEMark Hatle1
2012-02-28arch-powerpc{, 64}.inc: update/add PACKAGE_EXTRA_ARCHS for powerpc/powerpc64Matthew McClintock1
2011-08-05tune/arch-powerpc64: include to keep things in syncKumar Gala1
2011-08-01tune/arch-powerpc64: Remove support for soft-float from ppc64Kumar Gala1
2011-08-01tune/arch-powerpc64: Fix typo with 64-bit TUNE_CCARGS handlingKumar Gala1
2011-07-27Add basic PowerPC core tune configRichard Purdie1