path: root/meta/classes/rm_work.bbclass
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFiles
2017-08-16rm_work: fix build break for do_image_completeMartin Jansa1
2017-08-03meta: drop do_bootdirectdisk do_vmimg referencesMing Liu1
2017-07-31image/rm_work: Promote do_image_complete to be more sstate likeRichard Purdie1
2017-07-31rm_work: Improve handling for addto_recipe_sysrootRichard Purdie1
2017-03-30rm_work.bbclass: introduce do_build_without_rm_workPatrick Ohly1
2017-03-21rm_work.bbclass: re-enable recursive do_rm_work_allPatrick Ohly1
2017-01-19rm_work.bbclass: clean up soonerPatrick Ohly1
2017-01-19rm_work.bbclass: allow preserving additional contentPatrick Ohly1
2016-12-16meta: remove True option to getVar callsJoshua Lock1
2016-12-13rm_work: add do_write_qemuboot_conf to task listRoss Burton1
2016-11-03rm_work: Ensure we don't remove sigbasedata filesRichard Purdie1
2016-08-23rm_work: don't remove timestamps of image tasksEd Bartosh1
2016-06-15classes/rm_work: use the idle I/O scheduler classRoss Burton1
2016-06-06rm_work: exclude all kernel recipesMartin Jansa1
2016-01-11classes: Fix do_rootfs referencesRichard Purdie1
2015-11-16rm_work.bbclass: Exclude do_rootfs stamp removalJate Sujjavanich1
2015-05-15kernel/rm_work: Improve interactionRichard Purdie1
2015-01-07rm_work: Fix RM_WORK_EXCLUDE for image/sdk recipesRichard Purdie1
2014-10-24rm_work: Speed up rootfs/populate_sdk removalRichard Purdie1
2013-05-24rm_work.bbclass: ignore failure for removing pseudo folderMing Liu1
2013-03-26classes/rm_work: rename RM_WORK_WHITELIST to RM_WORK_EXCLUDEPaul Eggleton1
2013-03-18rm_work.bbclass: inhibit rm_work per recipeChen Qi1
2013-03-02rm_work: remove package and packages-split dirsMartin Jansa1
2012-03-26Various typoes fixed, all comments or output strings.Robert P. J. Day1
2011-05-27rm_work: keep all sigdata files in stamps dirMartin Jansa1
2011-02-21rm_work.bbclass: Improve handling of noexec tasksRichard Purdie1
2011-02-10rm_work.bbclass: Fix typo for package task directory preservationRichard Purdie1
2011-02-03rm_work: Retain package and package-split directories to be consistent with s...Richard Purdie1
2011-01-27rm_work.bbclass: Update to convert stamps to setscene stampsRichard Purdie1
2010-12-21rm_work: With the recent pseudo changes, this no longer makes senseRichard Purdie1
2010-11-28rm_work: Set BB_SCHEDULER as done in to ensure disk space is freed soo...Richard Purdie1
2010-10-23rm_work.bbclass: Handle case where pseudo directory doesn't existRichard Purdie1
2010-10-12rm_work: Fix interaction issues with pseudoRichard Purdie1
2010-07-25rm_work.bbclasS: Don't remove the pseudo database as it causes problems with ...Richard Purdie1
2007-09-01rm_work.bbclass: Update for bitbake 1.8.8Richard Purdie1
2007-08-08classes: Sync various classes with OE for various bugfixesRichard Purdie1
2007-02-21Fix bashismsRoss Burton1
2006-11-20classes: Sync with OE - mainly quoting fixes or other minor updatesRichard Purdie1
2006-07-21Rename /openembedded/ -> /meta/Richard Purdie1