path: root/scripts/lib/mic/imager/
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Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/lib/mic/imager/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 418 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/lib/mic/imager/ b/scripts/lib/mic/imager/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d05ef271d..0000000000
--- a/scripts/lib/mic/imager/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,418 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/python -tt
-# Copyright (c) 2011 Intel, Inc.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-# Software Foundation; version 2 of the License
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
-# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
-# for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
-# Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-import os
-import glob
-import shutil
-from mic import kickstart, msger
-from mic.utils.errors import CreatorError, MountError
-from mic.utils import misc, runner, fs_related as fs
-from mic.imager.baseimager import BaseImageCreator
-# The maximum string length supported for LoopImageCreator.fslabel
-def save_mountpoints(fpath, loops, arch = None):
- """Save mount points mapping to file
- :fpath, the xml file to store partition info
- :loops, dict of partition info
- :arch, image arch
- """
- if not fpath or not loops:
- return
- from xml.dom import minidom
- doc = minidom.Document()
- imgroot = doc.createElement("image")
- doc.appendChild(imgroot)
- if arch:
- imgroot.setAttribute('arch', arch)
- for loop in loops:
- part = doc.createElement("partition")
- imgroot.appendChild(part)
- for (key, val) in loop.items():
- if isinstance(val, fs.Mount):
- continue
- part.setAttribute(key, str(val))
- with open(fpath, 'w') as wf:
- wf.write(doc.toprettyxml(indent=' '))
- return
-def load_mountpoints(fpath):
- """Load mount points mapping from file
- :fpath, file path to load
- """
- if not fpath:
- return
- from xml.dom import minidom
- mount_maps = []
- with open(fpath, 'r') as rf:
- dom = minidom.parse(rf)
- imgroot = dom.documentElement
- for part in imgroot.getElementsByTagName("partition"):
- p = dict(part.attributes.items())
- try:
- mp = (p['mountpoint'], p['label'], p['name'],
- int(p['size']), p['fstype'])
- except KeyError:
- msger.warning("Wrong format line in file: %s" % fpath)
- except ValueError:
- msger.warning("Invalid size '%s' in file: %s" % (p['size'], fpath))
- else:
- mount_maps.append(mp)
- return mount_maps
-class LoopImageCreator(BaseImageCreator):
- """Installs a system into a loopback-mountable filesystem image.
- LoopImageCreator is a straightforward ImageCreator subclass; the system
- is installed into an ext3 filesystem on a sparse file which can be
- subsequently loopback-mounted.
- When specifying multiple partitions in kickstart file, each partition
- will be created as a separated loop image.
- """
- def __init__(self, creatoropts=None, pkgmgr=None,
- compress_image=None,
- shrink_image=False):
- """Initialize a LoopImageCreator instance.
- This method takes the same arguments as ImageCreator.__init__()
- with the addition of:
- fslabel -- A string used as a label for any filesystems created.
- """
- BaseImageCreator.__init__(self, creatoropts, pkgmgr)
- self.compress_image = compress_image
- self.shrink_image = shrink_image
- self.__fslabel = None
- self.fslabel =
- self.__blocksize = 4096
- if self.ks:
- self.__fstype = kickstart.get_image_fstype(self.ks,
- "ext3")
- self.__fsopts = kickstart.get_image_fsopts(self.ks,
- "defaults,noatime")
- allloops = []
- for part in sorted(kickstart.get_partitions(self.ks),
- key=lambda p: p.mountpoint):
- if part.fstype == "swap":
- continue
- label = part.label
- mp = part.mountpoint
- if mp == '/':
- # the base image
- if not label:
- label =
- else:
- mp = mp.rstrip('/')
- if not label:
- msger.warning('no "label" specified for loop img at %s'
- ', use the mountpoint as the name' % mp)
- label = mp.split('/')[-1]
- imgname = misc.strip_end(label, '.img') + '.img'
- allloops.append({
- 'mountpoint': mp,
- 'label': label,
- 'name': imgname,
- 'size': part.size or 4096L * 1024 * 1024,
- 'fstype': part.fstype or 'ext3',
- 'extopts': part.extopts or None,
- 'loop': None, # to be created in _mount_instroot
- })
- self._instloops = allloops
- else:
- self.__fstype = None
- self.__fsopts = None
- self._instloops = []
- self.__imgdir = None
- if self.ks:
- self.__image_size = kickstart.get_image_size(self.ks,
- 4096L * 1024 * 1024)
- else:
- self.__image_size = 0
- self._img_name = + ".img"
- def get_image_names(self):
- if not self._instloops:
- return None
- return [lo['name'] for lo in self._instloops]
- def _set_fstype(self, fstype):
- self.__fstype = fstype
- def _set_image_size(self, imgsize):
- self.__image_size = imgsize
- #
- # Properties
- #
- def __get_fslabel(self):
- if self.__fslabel is None:
- return
- else:
- return self.__fslabel
- def __set_fslabel(self, val):
- if val is None:
- self.__fslabel = None
- else:
- self.__fslabel = val[:FSLABEL_MAXLEN]
- #A string used to label any filesystems created.
- #
- #Some filesystems impose a constraint on the maximum allowed size of the
- #filesystem label. In the case of ext3 it's 16 characters, but in the case
- #of ISO9660 it's 32 characters.
- #
- #mke2fs silently truncates the label, but mkisofs aborts if the label is
- #too long. So, for convenience sake, any string assigned to this attribute
- #is silently truncated to FSLABEL_MAXLEN (32) characters.
- fslabel = property(__get_fslabel, __set_fslabel)
- def __get_image(self):
- if self.__imgdir is None:
- raise CreatorError("_image is not valid before calling mount()")
- return os.path.join(self.__imgdir, self._img_name)
- #The location of the image file.
- #
- #This is the path to the filesystem image. Subclasses may use this path
- #in order to package the image in _stage_final_image().
- #
- #Note, this directory does not exist before ImageCreator.mount() is called.
- #
- #Note also, this is a read-only attribute.
- _image = property(__get_image)
- def __get_blocksize(self):
- return self.__blocksize
- def __set_blocksize(self, val):
- if self._instloops:
- raise CreatorError("_blocksize must be set before calling mount()")
- try:
- self.__blocksize = int(val)
- except ValueError:
- raise CreatorError("'%s' is not a valid integer value "
- "for _blocksize" % val)
- #The block size used by the image's filesystem.
- #
- #This is the block size used when creating the filesystem image. Subclasses
- #may change this if they wish to use something other than a 4k block size.
- #
- #Note, this attribute may only be set before calling mount().
- _blocksize = property(__get_blocksize, __set_blocksize)
- def __get_fstype(self):
- return self.__fstype
- def __set_fstype(self, val):
- if val != "ext2" and val != "ext3":
- raise CreatorError("Unknown _fstype '%s' supplied" % val)
- self.__fstype = val
- #The type of filesystem used for the image.
- #
- #This is the filesystem type used when creating the filesystem image.
- #Subclasses may change this if they wish to use something other ext3.
- #
- #Note, only ext2 and ext3 are currently supported.
- #
- #Note also, this attribute may only be set before calling mount().
- _fstype = property(__get_fstype, __set_fstype)
- def __get_fsopts(self):
- return self.__fsopts
- def __set_fsopts(self, val):
- self.__fsopts = val
- #Mount options of filesystem used for the image.
- #
- #This can be specified by --fsoptions="xxx,yyy" in part command in
- #kickstart file.
- _fsopts = property(__get_fsopts, __set_fsopts)
- #
- # Helpers for subclasses
- #
- def _resparse(self, size=None):
- """Rebuild the filesystem image to be as sparse as possible.
- This method should be used by subclasses when staging the final image
- in order to reduce the actual space taken up by the sparse image file
- to be as little as possible.
- This is done by resizing the filesystem to the minimal size (thereby
- eliminating any space taken up by deleted files) and then resizing it
- back to the supplied size.
- size -- the size in, in bytes, which the filesystem image should be
- resized to after it has been minimized; this defaults to None,
- causing the original size specified by the kickstart file to
- be used (or 4GiB if not specified in the kickstart).
- """
- minsize = 0
- for item in self._instloops:
- if item['name'] == self._img_name:
- minsize = item['loop'].resparse(size)
- else:
- item['loop'].resparse(size)
- return minsize
- def _base_on(self, base_on=None):
- if base_on and self._image != base_on:
- shutil.copyfile(base_on, self._image)
- def _check_imgdir(self):
- if self.__imgdir is None:
- self.__imgdir = self._mkdtemp()
- #
- # Actual implementation
- #
- def _mount_instroot(self, base_on=None):
- if base_on and os.path.isfile(base_on):
- self.__imgdir = os.path.dirname(base_on)
- imgname = os.path.basename(base_on)
- self._base_on(base_on)
- self._set_image_size(misc.get_file_size(self._image))
- # here, self._instloops must be []
- self._instloops.append({
- "mountpoint": "/",
- "label":,
- "name": imgname,
- "size": self.__image_size or 4096L,
- "fstype": self.__fstype or "ext3",
- "extopts": None,
- "loop": None
- })
- self._check_imgdir()
- for loop in self._instloops:
- fstype = loop['fstype']
- mp = os.path.join(self._instroot, loop['mountpoint'].lstrip('/'))
- size = loop['size'] * 1024L * 1024L
- imgname = loop['name']
- if fstype in ("ext2", "ext3", "ext4"):
- MyDiskMount = fs.ExtDiskMount
- elif fstype == "btrfs":
- MyDiskMount = fs.BtrfsDiskMount
- elif fstype in ("vfat", "msdos"):
- MyDiskMount = fs.VfatDiskMount
- else:
- msger.error('Cannot support fstype: %s' % fstype)
- loop['loop'] = MyDiskMount(fs.SparseLoopbackDisk(
- os.path.join(self.__imgdir, imgname),
- size),
- mp,
- fstype,
- self._blocksize,
- loop['label'])
- if fstype in ("ext2", "ext3", "ext4"):
- loop['loop'].extopts = loop['extopts']
- try:
- msger.verbose('Mounting image "%s" on "%s"' % (imgname, mp))
- fs.makedirs(mp)
- loop['loop'].mount()
- except MountError, e:
- raise
- def _unmount_instroot(self):
- for item in reversed(self._instloops):
- try:
- item['loop'].cleanup()
- except:
- pass
- def _stage_final_image(self):
- if self.pack_to or self.shrink_image:
- self._resparse(0)
- else:
- self._resparse()
- for item in self._instloops:
- imgfile = os.path.join(self.__imgdir, item['name'])
- if item['fstype'] == "ext4":
-'/sbin/tune2fs -O ^huge_file,extents,uninit_bg %s '
- % imgfile)
- if self.compress_image:
- misc.compressing(imgfile, self.compress_image)
- if not self.pack_to:
- for item in os.listdir(self.__imgdir):
- shutil.move(os.path.join(self.__imgdir, item),
- os.path.join(self._outdir, item))
- else:
-"Pack all loop images together to %s" % self.pack_to)
- dstfile = os.path.join(self._outdir, self.pack_to)
- misc.packing(dstfile, self.__imgdir)
- if self.pack_to:
- mountfp_xml = os.path.splitext(self.pack_to)[0]
- mountfp_xml = misc.strip_end(mountfp_xml, '.tar') + ".xml"
- else:
- mountfp_xml = + ".xml"
- # save mount points mapping file to xml
- save_mountpoints(os.path.join(self._outdir, mountfp_xml),
- self._instloops,
- self.target_arch)
- def copy_attachment(self):
- if not hasattr(self, '_attachment') or not self._attachment:
- return
- self._check_imgdir()
-"Copying attachment files...")
- for item in self._attachment:
- if not os.path.exists(item):
- continue
- dpath = os.path.join(self.__imgdir, os.path.basename(item))
- msger.verbose("Copy attachment %s to %s" % (item, dpath))
- shutil.copy(item, dpath)