path: root/meta
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'meta')
2 files changed, 144 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/meta/lib/oeqa/files/testresults/testresults.json b/meta/lib/oeqa/files/testresults/testresults.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a62155618
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/lib/oeqa/files/testresults/testresults.json
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ "runtime_core-image-minimal_qemuarm_20181225195701": {
+ "configuration": {
+ "DISTRO": "poky",
+ "HOST_DISTRO": "ubuntu-16.04",
+ "IMAGE_BASENAME": "core-image-minimal",
+ "IMAGE_PKGTYPE": "rpm",
+ "LAYERS": {
+ "meta": {
+ "branch": "master",
+ "commit": "801745d918e83f976c706f29669779f5b292ade3",
+ "commit_count": 52782
+ },
+ "meta-poky": {
+ "branch": "master",
+ "commit": "801745d918e83f976c706f29669779f5b292ade3",
+ "commit_count": 52782
+ },
+ "meta-yocto-bsp": {
+ "branch": "master",
+ "commit": "801745d918e83f976c706f29669779f5b292ade3",
+ "commit_count": 52782
+ }
+ },
+ "MACHINE": "qemuarm",
+ "STARTTIME": "20181225195701",
+ "TEST_TYPE": "runtime"
+ },
+ "result": {
+ "apt.AptRepoTest.test_apt_install_from_repo": {
+ "log": "Test requires apt to be installed",
+ "status": "PASSED"
+ },
+ "buildcpio.BuildCpioTest.test_cpio": {
+ "log": "Test requires autoconf to be installed",
+ "status": "ERROR"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/ b/meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7bf1ec60c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+import os
+import sys
+basepath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/../../../../../')
+lib_path = basepath + '/scripts/lib'
+sys.path = sys.path + [lib_path]
+from import ResultsTextReport
+from resulttool.regression import ResultsRegressionSelector, ResultsRegression
+from resulttool.merge import ResultsMerge
+from import ResultsGitStore
+from resulttool.resultsutils import checkout_git_dir
+from import OESelftestTestCase
+class ResultToolTests(OESelftestTestCase):
+ def test_report_can_aggregate_test_result(self):
+ result_data = {'result': {'test1': {'status': 'PASSED'},
+ 'test2': {'status': 'PASSED'},
+ 'test3': {'status': 'FAILED'},
+ 'test4': {'status': 'ERROR'},
+ 'test5': {'status': 'SKIPPED'}}}
+ report = ResultsTextReport()
+ result_report = report.get_aggregated_test_result(None, result_data)
+ self.assertTrue(result_report['passed'] == 2, msg="Passed count not correct:%s" % result_report['passed'])
+ self.assertTrue(result_report['failed'] == 2, msg="Failed count not correct:%s" % result_report['failed'])
+ self.assertTrue(result_report['skipped'] == 1, msg="Skipped count not correct:%s" % result_report['skipped'])
+ def test_regression_can_get_regression_base_target_pair(self):
+ base_results_data = {'base_result1': {'configuration': {"TEST_TYPE": "oeselftest",
+ "HOST": "centos-7"}},
+ 'base_result2': {'configuration': {"TEST_TYPE": "oeselftest",
+ "HOST": "centos-7",
+ "MACHINE": "qemux86-64"}}}
+ target_results_data = {'target_result1': {'configuration': {"TEST_TYPE": "oeselftest",
+ "HOST": "centos-7"}},
+ 'target_result2': {'configuration': {"TEST_TYPE": "oeselftest",
+ "HOST": "centos-7",
+ "MACHINE": "qemux86"}},
+ 'target_result3': {'configuration': {"TEST_TYPE": "oeselftest",
+ "HOST": "centos-7",
+ "MACHINE": "qemux86-64"}}}
+ regression = ResultsRegressionSelector()
+ pair = regression.get_regression_base_target_pair(self.logger, base_results_data, target_results_data)
+ self.assertTrue('target_result1' in pair['base_result1'], msg="Pair not correct:%s" % pair['base_result1'])
+ self.assertTrue('target_result3' in pair['base_result2'], msg="Pair not correct:%s" % pair['base_result2'])
+ def test_regrresion_can_get_regression_result(self):
+ base_result_data = {'result': {'test1': {'status': 'PASSED'},
+ 'test2': {'status': 'PASSED'},
+ 'test3': {'status': 'FAILED'},
+ 'test4': {'status': 'ERROR'},
+ 'test5': {'status': 'SKIPPED'}}}
+ target_result_data = {'result': {'test1': {'status': 'PASSED'},
+ 'test2': {'status': 'FAILED'},
+ 'test3': {'status': 'PASSED'},
+ 'test4': {'status': 'ERROR'},
+ 'test5': {'status': 'SKIPPED'}}}
+ regression = ResultsRegression()
+ result = regression.get_regression_result(self.logger, base_result_data, target_result_data)
+ self.assertTrue(result['test2']['base'] == 'PASSED',
+ msg="regression not correct:%s" % result['test2']['base'])
+ self.assertTrue(result['test2']['target'] == 'FAILED',
+ msg="regression not correct:%s" % result['test2']['target'])
+ self.assertTrue(result['test3']['base'] == 'FAILED',
+ msg="regression not correct:%s" % result['test3']['base'])
+ self.assertTrue(result['test3']['target'] == 'PASSED',
+ msg="regression not correct:%s" % result['test3']['target'])
+ def test_merge_can_merged_results(self):
+ base_results_data = {'base_result1': {},
+ 'base_result2': {}}
+ target_results_data = {'target_result1': {},
+ 'target_result2': {},
+ 'target_result3': {}}
+ merge = ResultsMerge()
+ results = merge.merge_results(base_results_data, target_results_data)
+ self.assertTrue(len(results.keys()) == 5, msg="merge not correct:%s" % len(results.keys()))
+ def test_store_can_store_to_new_git_repository(self):
+ basepath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/../../')
+ source_dir = basepath + '/files/testresults'
+ git_branch = 'qa-cycle-2.7'
+ store = ResultsGitStore()
+ output_dir = store.store_to_new(self.logger, source_dir, git_branch)
+ self.assertTrue(checkout_git_dir(output_dir, git_branch), msg="store to new git repository failed:%s" %
+ output_dir)
+ store._remove_temporary_workspace_dir(output_dir)
+ def test_store_can_store_to_existing(self):
+ basepath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/../../')
+ source_dir = basepath + '/files/testresults'
+ git_branch = 'qa-cycle-2.6'
+ store = ResultsGitStore()
+ output_dir = store.store_to_new(self.logger, source_dir, git_branch)
+ self.assertTrue(checkout_git_dir(output_dir, git_branch), msg="store to new git repository failed:%s" %
+ output_dir)
+ git_branch = 'qa-cycle-2.7'
+ output_dir = store.store_to_existing_with_new_branch(self.logger, source_dir, output_dir, git_branch)
+ self.assertTrue(checkout_git_dir(output_dir, git_branch), msg="store to existing git repository failed:%s" %
+ output_dir)
+ output_dir = store.store_to_existing(self.logger, source_dir, output_dir, git_branch)
+ self.assertTrue(checkout_git_dir(output_dir, git_branch), msg="store to existing git repository failed:%s" %
+ output_dir)
+ store._remove_temporary_workspace_dir(output_dir)