path: root/bitbake/lib/bb/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bitbake/lib/bb/')
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 909 deletions
diff --git a/bitbake/lib/bb/ b/bitbake/lib/bb/
index 84116f4f6a..92749d56f2 100644
--- a/bitbake/lib/bb/
+++ b/bitbake/lib/bb/
@@ -66,11 +66,7 @@ __all__ = [
-whitespace = '\t\n\x0b\x0c\r '
-lowercase = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
import sys, os, types, re, string, bb
-from bb import msg
#projectdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])))
projectdir = os.getcwd()
@@ -109,914 +105,14 @@ def fatal(*args):
bb.msg.fatal(None, ''.join(args))
-# SECTION: File
-# PURPOSE: Basic file and directory tree related functions
-def mkdirhier(dir):
- """Create a directory like 'mkdir -p', but does not complain if
- directory already exists like os.makedirs
- """
- debug(3, "mkdirhier(%s)" % dir)
- try:
- os.makedirs(dir)
- debug(2, "created " + dir)
- except OSError, e:
- if e.errno != 17: raise e
-import stat
-def movefile(src,dest,newmtime=None,sstat=None):
- """Moves a file from src to dest, preserving all permissions and
- attributes; mtime will be preserved even when moving across
- filesystems. Returns true on success and false on failure. Move is
- atomic.
- """
- #print "movefile("+src+","+dest+","+str(newmtime)+","+str(sstat)+")"
- try:
- if not sstat:
- sstat=os.lstat(src)
- except Exception, e:
- print "movefile: Stating source file failed...", e
- return None
- destexists=1
- try:
- dstat=os.lstat(dest)
- except:
- dstat=os.lstat(os.path.dirname(dest))
- destexists=0
- if destexists:
- if stat.S_ISLNK(dstat[stat.ST_MODE]):
- try:
- os.unlink(dest)
- destexists=0
- except Exception, e:
- pass
- if stat.S_ISLNK(sstat[stat.ST_MODE]):
- try:
- target=os.readlink(src)
- if destexists and not stat.S_ISDIR(dstat[stat.ST_MODE]):
- os.unlink(dest)
- os.symlink(target,dest)
- #os.lchown(dest,sstat[stat.ST_UID],sstat[stat.ST_GID])
- os.unlink(src)
- return os.lstat(dest)
- except Exception, e:
- print "movefile: failed to properly create symlink:", dest, "->", target, e
- return None
- renamefailed=1
- if sstat[stat.ST_DEV]==dstat[stat.ST_DEV]:
- try:
- ret=os.rename(src,dest)
- renamefailed=0
- except Exception, e:
- import errno
- if e[0]!=errno.EXDEV:
- # Some random error.
- print "movefile: Failed to move", src, "to", dest, e
- return None
- # Invalid cross-device-link 'bind' mounted or actually Cross-Device
- if renamefailed:
- didcopy=0
- if stat.S_ISREG(sstat[stat.ST_MODE]):
- try: # For safety copy then move it over.
- shutil.copyfile(src,dest+"#new")
- os.rename(dest+"#new",dest)
- didcopy=1
- except Exception, e:
- print 'movefile: copy', src, '->', dest, 'failed.', e
- return None
- else:
- #we don't yet handle special, so we need to fall back to /bin/mv
- a=getstatusoutput("/bin/mv -f "+"'"+src+"' '"+dest+"'")
- if a[0]!=0:
- print "movefile: Failed to move special file:" + src + "' to '" + dest + "'", a
- return None # failure
- try:
- if didcopy:
- missingos.lchown(dest,sstat[stat.ST_UID],sstat[stat.ST_GID])
- os.chmod(dest, stat.S_IMODE(sstat[stat.ST_MODE])) # Sticky is reset on chown
- os.unlink(src)
- except Exception, e:
- print "movefile: Failed to chown/chmod/unlink", dest, e
- return None
- if newmtime:
- os.utime(dest,(newmtime,newmtime))
- else:
- os.utime(dest, (sstat[stat.ST_ATIME], sstat[stat.ST_MTIME]))
- newmtime=sstat[stat.ST_MTIME]
- return newmtime
-def copyfile(src,dest,newmtime=None,sstat=None):
- """
- Copies a file from src to dest, preserving all permissions and
- attributes; mtime will be preserved even when moving across
- filesystems. Returns true on success and false on failure.
- """
- import os, stat, shutil
- #print "copyfile("+src+","+dest+","+str(newmtime)+","+str(sstat)+")"
- try:
- if not sstat:
- sstat=os.lstat(src)
- except Exception, e:
- print "copyfile: Stating source file failed...", e
- return False
- destexists=1
- try:
- dstat=os.lstat(dest)
- except:
- dstat=os.lstat(os.path.dirname(dest))
- destexists=0
- if destexists:
- if stat.S_ISLNK(dstat[stat.ST_MODE]):
- try:
- os.unlink(dest)
- destexists=0
- except Exception, e:
- pass
- if stat.S_ISLNK(sstat[stat.ST_MODE]):
- try:
- target=os.readlink(src)
- if destexists and not stat.S_ISDIR(dstat[stat.ST_MODE]):
- os.unlink(dest)
- os.symlink(target,dest)
- #os.lchown(dest,sstat[stat.ST_UID],sstat[stat.ST_GID])
- return os.lstat(dest)
- except Exception, e:
- print "copyfile: failed to properly create symlink:", dest, "->", target, e
- return False
- if stat.S_ISREG(sstat[stat.ST_MODE]):
- try: # For safety copy then move it over.
- shutil.copyfile(src,dest+"#new")
- os.rename(dest+"#new",dest)
- except Exception, e:
- print 'copyfile: copy', src, '->', dest, 'failed.', e
- return False
- else:
- #we don't yet handle special, so we need to fall back to /bin/mv
- a=getstatusoutput("/bin/cp -f "+"'"+src+"' '"+dest+"'")
- if a[0]!=0:
- print "copyfile: Failed to copy special file:" + src + "' to '" + dest + "'", a
- return False # failure
- try:
- os.lchown(dest,sstat[stat.ST_UID],sstat[stat.ST_GID])
- os.chmod(dest, stat.S_IMODE(sstat[stat.ST_MODE])) # Sticky is reset on chown
- except Exception, e:
- print "copyfile: Failed to chown/chmod/unlink", dest, e
- return False
- if newmtime:
- os.utime(dest,(newmtime,newmtime))
- else:
- os.utime(dest, (sstat[stat.ST_ATIME], sstat[stat.ST_MTIME]))
- newmtime=sstat[stat.ST_MTIME]
- return newmtime
-def which(path, item, direction = 0):
- """
- Locate a file in a PATH
- """
- paths = (path or "").split(':')
- if direction != 0:
- paths.reverse()
- for p in (path or "").split(':'):
- next = os.path.join(p, item)
- if os.path.exists(next):
- return next
- return ""
-# SECTION: Dependency
-# PURPOSE: Compare build & run dependencies
-def tokenize(mystring):
- """Breaks a string like 'foo? (bar) oni? (blah (blah))' into (possibly embedded) lists:
- >>> tokenize("x")
- ['x']
- >>> tokenize("x y")
- ['x', 'y']
- >>> tokenize("(x y)")
- [['x', 'y']]
- >>> tokenize("(x y) b c")
- [['x', 'y'], 'b', 'c']
- >>> tokenize("foo? (bar) oni? (blah (blah))")
- ['foo?', ['bar'], 'oni?', ['blah', ['blah']]]
- >>> tokenize("sys-apps/linux-headers nls? (sys-devel/gettext)")
- ['sys-apps/linux-headers', 'nls?', ['sys-devel/gettext']]
- """
- newtokens = []
- curlist = newtokens
- prevlists = []
- level = 0
- accum = ""
- for x in mystring:
- if x=="(":
- if accum:
- curlist.append(accum)
- accum=""
- prevlists.append(curlist)
- curlist=[]
- level=level+1
- elif x==")":
- if accum:
- curlist.append(accum)
- accum=""
- if level==0:
- print "!!! tokenizer: Unmatched left parenthesis in:\n'"+mystring+"'"
- return None
- newlist=curlist
- curlist=prevlists.pop()
- curlist.append(newlist)
- level=level-1
- elif x in whitespace:
- if accum:
- curlist.append(accum)
- accum=""
- else:
- accum=accum+x
- if accum:
- curlist.append(accum)
- if (level!=0):
- print "!!! tokenizer: Exiting with unterminated parenthesis in:\n'"+mystring+"'"
- return None
- return newtokens
-def evaluate(tokens,mydefines,allon=0):
- """Removes tokens based on whether conditional definitions exist or not.
- Recognizes !
- >>> evaluate(['sys-apps/linux-headers', 'nls?', ['sys-devel/gettext']], {})
- ['sys-apps/linux-headers']
- Negate the flag:
- >>> evaluate(['sys-apps/linux-headers', '!nls?', ['sys-devel/gettext']], {})
- ['sys-apps/linux-headers', ['sys-devel/gettext']]
- Define 'nls':
- >>> evaluate(['sys-apps/linux-headers', 'nls?', ['sys-devel/gettext']], {"nls":1})
- ['sys-apps/linux-headers', ['sys-devel/gettext']]
- Turn allon on:
- >>> evaluate(['sys-apps/linux-headers', 'nls?', ['sys-devel/gettext']], {}, True)
- ['sys-apps/linux-headers', ['sys-devel/gettext']]
- """
- if tokens == None:
- return None
- mytokens = tokens + [] # this copies the list
- pos = 0
- while pos < len(mytokens):
- if type(mytokens[pos]) == types.ListType:
- evaluate(mytokens[pos], mydefines)
- if not len(mytokens[pos]):
- del mytokens[pos]
- continue
- elif mytokens[pos][-1] == "?":
- cur = mytokens[pos][:-1]
- del mytokens[pos]
- if allon:
- if cur[0] == "!":
- del mytokens[pos]
- else:
- if cur[0] == "!":
- if (cur[1:] in mydefines) and (pos < len(mytokens)):
- del mytokens[pos]
- continue
- elif (cur not in mydefines) and (pos < len(mytokens)):
- del mytokens[pos]
- continue
- pos = pos + 1
- return mytokens
-def flatten(mytokens):
- """Converts nested arrays into a flat arrays:
- >>> flatten([1,[2,3]])
- [1, 2, 3]
- >>> flatten(['sys-apps/linux-headers', ['sys-devel/gettext']])
- ['sys-apps/linux-headers', 'sys-devel/gettext']
- """
- newlist=[]
- for x in mytokens:
- if type(x)==types.ListType:
- newlist.extend(flatten(x))
- else:
- newlist.append(x)
- return newlist
-_package_weights_ = {"pre":-2,"p":0,"alpha":-4,"beta":-3,"rc":-1} # dicts are unordered
-_package_ends_ = ["pre", "p", "alpha", "beta", "rc", "cvs", "bk", "HEAD" ] # so we need ordered list
-def relparse(myver):
- """Parses the last elements of a version number into a triplet, that can
- later be compared:
- >>> relparse('1.2_pre3')
- [1.2, -2, 3.0]
- >>> relparse('1.2b')
- [1.2, 98, 0]
- >>> relparse('1.2')
- [1.2, 0, 0]
- """
- number = 0
- p1 = 0
- p2 = 0
- mynewver = myver.split('_')
- if len(mynewver)==2:
- # an _package_weights_
- number = float(mynewver[0])
- match = 0
- for x in _package_ends_:
- elen = len(x)
- if mynewver[1][:elen] == x:
- match = 1
- p1 = _package_weights_[x]
- try:
- p2 = float(mynewver[1][elen:])
- except:
- p2 = 0
- break
- if not match:
- # normal number or number with letter at end
- divider = len(myver)-1
- if myver[divider:] not in "1234567890":
- # letter at end
- p1 = ord(myver[divider:])
- number = float(myver[0:divider])
- else:
- number = float(myver)
- else:
- # normal number or number with letter at end
- divider = len(myver)-1
- if myver[divider:] not in "1234567890":
- #letter at end
- p1 = ord(myver[divider:])
- number = float(myver[0:divider])
- else:
- number = float(myver)
- return [number,p1,p2]
-__ververify_cache__ = {}
-def ververify(myorigval,silent=1):
- """Returns 1 if given a valid version string, els 0. Valid versions are in the format
- <v1>.<v2>...<vx>[a-z,_{_package_weights_}[vy]]
- >>> ververify('2.4.20')
- 1
- >>> ververify('2.4..20') # two dots
- 0
- >>> ververify('2.x.20') # 'x' is not numeric
- 0
- >>> ververify('2.4.20a')
- 1
- >>> ververify('2.4.20cvs') # only one trailing letter
- 0
- >>> ververify('1a')
- 1
- >>> ververify('test_a') # no version at all
- 0
- >>> ververify('2.4.20_beta1')
- 1
- >>> ververify('2.4.20_beta')
- 1
- >>> ververify('2.4.20_wrongext') # _wrongext is no valid trailer
- 0
- """
- # Lookup the cache first
- try:
- return __ververify_cache__[myorigval]
- except KeyError:
- pass
- if len(myorigval) == 0:
- if not silent:
- error("package version is empty")
- __ververify_cache__[myorigval] = 0
- return 0
- myval = myorigval.split('.')
- if len(myval)==0:
- if not silent:
- error("package name has empty version string")
- __ververify_cache__[myorigval] = 0
- return 0
- # all but the last version must be a numeric
- for x in myval[:-1]:
- if not len(x):
- if not silent:
- error("package version has two points in a row")
- __ververify_cache__[myorigval] = 0
- return 0
- try:
- foo = int(x)
- except:
- if not silent:
- error("package version contains non-numeric '"+x+"'")
- __ververify_cache__[myorigval] = 0
- return 0
- if not len(myval[-1]):
- if not silent:
- error("package version has trailing dot")
- __ververify_cache__[myorigval] = 0
- return 0
- try:
- foo = int(myval[-1])
- __ververify_cache__[myorigval] = 1
- return 1
- except:
- pass
- # ok, our last component is not a plain number or blank, let's continue
- if myval[-1][-1] in lowercase:
- try:
- foo = int(myval[-1][:-1])
- return 1
- __ververify_cache__[myorigval] = 1
- # 1a, 2.0b, etc.
- except:
- pass
- # ok, maybe we have a 1_alpha or 1_beta2; let's see
- ep=string.split(myval[-1],"_")
- if len(ep)!= 2:
- if not silent:
- error("package version has more than one letter at then end")
- __ververify_cache__[myorigval] = 0
- return 0
- try:
- foo = string.atoi(ep[0])
- except:
- # this needs to be numeric, i.e. the "1" in "1_alpha"
- if not silent:
- error("package version must have numeric part before the '_'")
- __ververify_cache__[myorigval] = 0
- return 0
- for mye in _package_ends_:
- if ep[1][0:len(mye)] == mye:
- if len(mye) == len(ep[1]):
- # no trailing numeric is ok
- __ververify_cache__[myorigval] = 1
- return 1
- else:
- try:
- foo = string.atoi(ep[1][len(mye):])
- __ververify_cache__[myorigval] = 1
- return 1
- except:
- # if no _package_weights_ work, *then* we return 0
- pass
- if not silent:
- error("package version extension after '_' is invalid")
- __ververify_cache__[myorigval] = 0
- return 0
-def isjustname(mypkg):
- myparts = string.split(mypkg,'-')
- for x in myparts:
- if ververify(x):
- return 0
- return 1
-def isspecific(mypkg):
- "now supports packages with no category"
- try:
- return __isspecific_cache__[mypkg]
- except:
- pass
- mysplit = string.split(mypkg,"/")
- if not isjustname(mysplit[-1]):
- __isspecific_cache__[mypkg] = 1
- return 1
- __isspecific_cache__[mypkg] = 0
- return 0
-def pkgsplit(mypkg, silent=1):
- """This function can be used as a package verification function. If
- it is a valid name, pkgsplit will return a list containing:
- [pkgname, pkgversion(norev), pkgrev ].
- >>> pkgsplit('')
- >>> pkgsplit('x')
- >>> pkgsplit('x-')
- >>> pkgsplit('-1')
- >>> pkgsplit('glibc-1.2-8.9-r7')
- >>> pkgsplit('glibc-2.2.5-r7')
- ['glibc', '2.2.5', 'r7']
- >>> pkgsplit('foo-1.2-1')
- >>> pkgsplit('Mesa-3.0')
- ['Mesa', '3.0', 'r0']
- """
- try:
- return __pkgsplit_cache__[mypkg]
- except KeyError:
- pass
- myparts = string.split(mypkg,'-')
- if len(myparts) < 2:
- if not silent:
- error("package name without name or version part")
- __pkgsplit_cache__[mypkg] = None
- return None
- for x in myparts:
- if len(x) == 0:
- if not silent:
- error("package name with empty name or version part")
- __pkgsplit_cache__[mypkg] = None
- return None
- # verify rev
- revok = 0
- myrev = myparts[-1]
- ververify(myrev, silent)
- if len(myrev) and myrev[0] == "r":
- try:
- string.atoi(myrev[1:])
- revok = 1
- except:
- pass
- if revok:
- if ververify(myparts[-2]):
- if len(myparts) == 2:
- __pkgsplit_cache__[mypkg] = None
- return None
- else:
- for x in myparts[:-2]:
- if ververify(x):
- __pkgsplit_cache__[mypkg]=None
- return None
- # names can't have versiony looking parts
- myval=[string.join(myparts[:-2],"-"),myparts[-2],myparts[-1]]
- __pkgsplit_cache__[mypkg]=myval
- return myval
- else:
- __pkgsplit_cache__[mypkg] = None
- return None
- elif ververify(myparts[-1],silent):
- if len(myparts)==1:
- if not silent:
- print "!!! Name error in",mypkg+": missing name part."
- __pkgsplit_cache__[mypkg]=None
- return None
- else:
- for x in myparts[:-1]:
- if ververify(x):
- if not silent: error("package name has multiple version parts")
- __pkgsplit_cache__[mypkg] = None
- return None
- myval = [string.join(myparts[:-1],"-"), myparts[-1],"r0"]
- __pkgsplit_cache__[mypkg] = myval
- return myval
- else:
- __pkgsplit_cache__[mypkg] = None
- return None
-__catpkgsplit_cache__ = {}
-def catpkgsplit(mydata,silent=1):
- """returns [cat, pkgname, version, rev ]
- >>> catpkgsplit('sys-libs/glibc-1.2-r7')
- ['sys-libs', 'glibc', '1.2', 'r7']
- >>> catpkgsplit('glibc-1.2-r7')
- [None, 'glibc', '1.2', 'r7']
- """
- try:
- return __catpkgsplit_cache__[mydata]
- except KeyError:
- pass
- cat = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(mydata))
- mydata = os.path.join(cat, os.path.basename(mydata))
- if mydata[-3:] == '.bb':
- mydata = mydata[:-3]
- mysplit = mydata.split("/")
- p_split = None
- splitlen = len(mysplit)
- if splitlen == 1:
- retval = [None]
- p_split = pkgsplit(mydata,silent)
- else:
- retval = [mysplit[splitlen - 2]]
- p_split = pkgsplit(mysplit[splitlen - 1],silent)
- if not p_split:
- __catpkgsplit_cache__[mydata] = None
- return None
- retval.extend(p_split)
- __catpkgsplit_cache__[mydata] = retval
- return retval
-__vercmp_cache__ = {}
-def vercmp(val1,val2):
- """This takes two version strings and returns an integer to tell you whether
- the versions are the same, val1>val2 or val2>val1.
- >>> vercmp('1', '2')
- -1.0
- >>> vercmp('2', '1')
- 1.0
- >>> vercmp('1', '1.0')
- 0
- >>> vercmp('1', '1.1')
- -1.0
- >>> vercmp('1.1', '1_p2')
- 1.0
- """
- # quick short-circuit
- if val1 == val2:
- return 0
- valkey = val1+" "+val2
- # cache lookup
- try:
- return __vercmp_cache__[valkey]
- try:
- return - __vercmp_cache__[val2+" "+val1]
- except KeyError:
- pass
- except KeyError:
- pass
- # consider 1_p2 vc 1.1
- # after expansion will become (1_p2,0) vc (1,1)
- # then 1_p2 is compared with 1 before 0 is compared with 1
- # to solve the bug we need to convert it to (1,0_p2)
- # by splitting _prepart part and adding it back _after_expansion
- val1_prepart = val2_prepart = ''
- if val1.count('_'):
- val1, val1_prepart = val1.split('_', 1)
- if val2.count('_'):
- val2, val2_prepart = val2.split('_', 1)
- # replace '-' by '.'
- # FIXME: Is it needed? can val1/2 contain '-'?
- val1 = string.split(val1,'-')
- if len(val1) == 2:
- val1[0] = val1[0] +"."+ val1[1]
- val2 = string.split(val2,'-')
- if len(val2) == 2:
- val2[0] = val2[0] +"."+ val2[1]
- val1 = string.split(val1[0],'.')
- val2 = string.split(val2[0],'.')
- # add back decimal point so that .03 does not become "3" !
- for x in range(1,len(val1)):
- if val1[x][0] == '0' :
- val1[x] = '.' + val1[x]
- for x in range(1,len(val2)):
- if val2[x][0] == '0' :
- val2[x] = '.' + val2[x]
- # extend varion numbers
- if len(val2) < len(val1):
- val2.extend(["0"]*(len(val1)-len(val2)))
- elif len(val1) < len(val2):
- val1.extend(["0"]*(len(val2)-len(val1)))
- # add back _prepart tails
- if val1_prepart:
- val1[-1] += '_' + val1_prepart
- if val2_prepart:
- val2[-1] += '_' + val2_prepart
- # The above code will extend version numbers out so they
- # have the same number of digits.
- for x in range(0,len(val1)):
- cmp1 = relparse(val1[x])
- cmp2 = relparse(val2[x])
- for y in range(0,3):
- myret = cmp1[y] - cmp2[y]
- if myret != 0:
- __vercmp_cache__[valkey] = myret
- return myret
- __vercmp_cache__[valkey] = 0
- return 0
-def pkgcmp(pkg1,pkg2):
- """ Compares two packages, which should have been split via
- pkgsplit(). if the return value val is less than zero, then pkg2 is
- newer than pkg1, zero if equal and positive if older.
- >>> pkgcmp(['glibc', '2.2.5', 'r7'], ['glibc', '2.2.5', 'r7'])
- 0
- >>> pkgcmp(['glibc', '2.2.5', 'r4'], ['glibc', '2.2.5', 'r7'])
- -1
- >>> pkgcmp(['glibc', '2.2.5', 'r7'], ['glibc', '2.2.5', 'r2'])
- 1
- """
- mycmp = vercmp(pkg1[1],pkg2[1])
- if mycmp > 0:
- return 1
- if mycmp < 0:
- return -1
- r1=string.atoi(pkg1[2][1:])
- r2=string.atoi(pkg2[2][1:])
- if r1 > r2:
- return 1
- if r2 > r1:
- return -1
- return 0
-def dep_parenreduce(mysplit, mypos=0):
- """Accepts a list of strings, and converts '(' and ')' surrounded items to sub-lists:
- >>> dep_parenreduce([''])
- ['']
- >>> dep_parenreduce(['1', '2', '3'])
- ['1', '2', '3']
- >>> dep_parenreduce(['1', '(', '2', '3', ')', '4'])
- ['1', ['2', '3'], '4']
- """
- while mypos < len(mysplit):
- if mysplit[mypos] == "(":
- firstpos = mypos
- mypos = mypos + 1
- while mypos < len(mysplit):
- if mysplit[mypos] == ")":
- mysplit[firstpos:mypos+1] = [mysplit[firstpos+1:mypos]]
- mypos = firstpos
- break
- elif mysplit[mypos] == "(":
- # recurse
- mysplit = dep_parenreduce(mysplit,mypos)
- mypos = mypos + 1
- mypos = mypos + 1
- return mysplit
-def dep_opconvert(mysplit, myuse):
- "Does dependency operator conversion"
- mypos = 0
- newsplit = []
- while mypos < len(mysplit):
- if type(mysplit[mypos]) == types.ListType:
- newsplit.append(dep_opconvert(mysplit[mypos],myuse))
- mypos += 1
- elif mysplit[mypos] == ")":
- # mismatched paren, error
- return None
- elif mysplit[mypos]=="||":
- if ((mypos+1)>=len(mysplit)) or (type(mysplit[mypos+1])!=types.ListType):
- # || must be followed by paren'd list
- return None
- try:
- mynew = dep_opconvert(mysplit[mypos+1],myuse)
- except Exception, e:
- error("unable to satisfy OR dependancy: " + string.join(mysplit," || "))
- raise e
- mynew[0:0] = ["||"]
- newsplit.append(mynew)
- mypos += 2
- elif mysplit[mypos][-1] == "?":
- # use clause, i.e "gnome? ( foo bar )"
- # this is a quick and dirty hack so that repoman can enable all USE vars:
- if (len(myuse) == 1) and (myuse[0] == "*"):
- # enable it even if it's ! (for repoman) but kill it if it's
- # an arch variable that isn't for this arch. XXX Sparc64?
- if (mysplit[mypos][:-1] not in settings.usemask) or \
- (mysplit[mypos][:-1]==settings["ARCH"]):
- enabled=1
- else:
- enabled=0
- else:
- if mysplit[mypos][0] == "!":
- myusevar = mysplit[mypos][1:-1]
- enabled = not myusevar in myuse
- #if myusevar in myuse:
- # enabled = 0
- #else:
- # enabled = 1
- else:
- myusevar=mysplit[mypos][:-1]
- enabled = myusevar in myuse
- #if myusevar in myuse:
- # enabled=1
- #else:
- # enabled=0
- if (mypos +2 < len(mysplit)) and (mysplit[mypos+2] == ":"):
- # colon mode
- if enabled:
- # choose the first option
- if type(mysplit[mypos+1]) == types.ListType:
- newsplit.append(dep_opconvert(mysplit[mypos+1],myuse))
- else:
- newsplit.append(mysplit[mypos+1])
- else:
- # choose the alternate option
- if type(mysplit[mypos+1]) == types.ListType:
- newsplit.append(dep_opconvert(mysplit[mypos+3],myuse))
- else:
- newsplit.append(mysplit[mypos+3])
- mypos += 4
- else:
- # normal use mode
- if enabled:
- if type(mysplit[mypos+1]) == types.ListType:
- newsplit.append(dep_opconvert(mysplit[mypos+1],myuse))
- else:
- newsplit.append(mysplit[mypos+1])
- # otherwise, continue
- mypos += 2
- else:
- # normal item
- newsplit.append(mysplit[mypos])
- mypos += 1
- return newsplit
# For compatibility
from bb.fetch import MalformedUrl, encodeurl, decodeurl
from import VarExpandError
+from bb.utils import mkdirhier, movefile, copyfile, which
+from bb.utils import tokenize, evaluate, flatten
+from bb.utils import vercmp, pkgcmp, relparse, ververify
+from bb.utils import pkgsplit, catpkgsplit, isjustname, isspecific
+from bb.utils import dep_parenreduce, dep_opconvert
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest, bb