path: root/scripts/lib/mic
diff options
authorTom Zanussi <>2014-08-03 19:04:36 -0500
committerRichard Purdie <>2014-08-11 10:52:16 +0100
commit84e1e13ce3af216e304f61c7ea6e5e9338f94bc6 (patch)
tree9c996c40b24e1bc645353d1e4649cc0e6144a9e8 /scripts/lib/mic
parente18d5393a556e1ff4826c1e5b1a75f4ac998b10e (diff)
wic: Remove unused misc code
wic doesn't use it, so remove it. Signed-off-by: Tom Zanussi <>
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/lib/mic')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 179 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/lib/mic/utils/ b/scripts/lib/mic/utils/
index 8c1f0160b1..010b16ca49 100644
--- a/scripts/lib/mic/utils/
+++ b/scripts/lib/mic/utils/
@@ -18,29 +18,9 @@
import os
import sys
import time
-import tempfile
-import re
-import shutil
-import glob
-import hashlib
-import subprocess
-import platform
-import traceback
- import sqlite3 as sqlite
-except ImportError:
- import sqlite
- from xml.etree import cElementTree
-except ImportError:
- import cElementTree
-xmlparse = cElementTree.parse
from mic import msger
-from mic.utils.errors import CreatorError, SquashfsError
+from mic.utils.errors import CreatorError
from mic.utils.fs_related import find_binary_path, makedirs
from mic.utils import runner
@@ -82,115 +62,6 @@ def build_name(kscfg, release=None, prefix = None, suffix = None):
ret = prefix + name + suffix
return ret
-def get_distro():
- """Detect linux distribution, support "meego"
- """
- support_dists = ('SuSE',
- 'debian',
- 'fedora',
- 'redhat',
- 'centos',
- 'meego',
- 'moblin',
- 'tizen')
- try:
- (dist, ver, id) = platform.linux_distribution( \
- supported_dists = support_dists)
- except:
- (dist, ver, id) = platform.dist( \
- supported_dists = support_dists)
- return (dist, ver, id)
-def get_distro_str():
- """Get composited string for current linux distribution
- """
- (dist, ver, id) = get_distro()
- if not dist:
- return 'Unknown Linux Distro'
- else:
- distro_str = ' '.join(map(str.strip, (dist, ver, id)))
- return distro_str.strip()
-def human_size(size):
- """Return human readable string for Bytes size
- """
- if size <= 0:
- return "0M"
- import math
- measure = ['B', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y']
- expo = int(math.log(size, 1024))
- mant = float(size/math.pow(1024, expo))
- return "{0:.1f}{1:s}".format(mant, measure[expo])
-def get_block_size(file_obj):
- """ Returns block size for file object 'file_obj'. Errors are indicated by
- the 'IOError' exception. """
- from fcntl import ioctl
- import struct
- # Get the block size of the host file-system for the image file by calling
- # the FIGETBSZ ioctl (number 2).
- binary_data = ioctl(file_obj, 2, struct.pack('I', 0))
- return struct.unpack('I', binary_data)[0]
-def check_space_pre_cp(src, dst):
- """Check whether disk space is enough before 'cp' like
- operations, else exception will be raised.
- """
- srcsize = get_file_size(src) * 1024 * 1024
- freesize = get_filesystem_avail(dst)
- if srcsize > freesize:
- raise CreatorError("space on %s(%s) is not enough for about %s files"
- % (dst, human_size(freesize), human_size(srcsize)))
-def calc_hashes(file_path, hash_names, start = 0, end = None):
- """ Calculate hashes for a file. The 'file_path' argument is the file
- to calculate hash functions for, 'start' and 'end' are the starting and
- ending file offset to calculate the has functions for. The 'hash_names'
- argument is a list of hash names to calculate. Returns the the list
- of calculated hash values in the hexadecimal form in the same order
- as 'hash_names'.
- """
- if end == None:
- end = os.path.getsize(file_path)
- chunk_size = 65536
- to_read = end - start
- read = 0
- hashes = []
- for hash_name in hash_names:
- hashes.append(
- with open(file_path, "rb") as f:
- while read < to_read:
- if read + chunk_size > to_read:
- chunk_size = to_read - read
- chunk =
- for hash_obj in hashes:
- hash_obj.update(chunk)
- read += chunk_size
- result = []
- for hash_obj in hashes:
- result.append(hash_obj.hexdigest())
- return result
-def get_md5sum(fpath):
- return calc_hashes(fpath, ('md5', ))[0]
def normalize_ksfile(ksconf, release, arch):
Return the name of a normalized ks file in which macro variables
@@ -232,52 +103,3 @@ def normalize_ksfile(ksconf, release, arch):
return ksconf
-def selinux_check(arch, fstypes):
- try:
- getenforce = find_binary_path('getenforce')
- except CreatorError:
- return
- selinux_status = runner.outs([getenforce])
- if arch and arch.startswith("arm") and selinux_status == "Enforcing":
- raise CreatorError("Can't create arm image if selinux is enabled, "
- "please run 'setenforce 0' to disable selinux")
- use_btrfs = filter(lambda typ: typ == 'btrfs', fstypes)
- if use_btrfs and selinux_status == "Enforcing":
- raise CreatorError("Can't create btrfs image if selinux is enabled,"
- " please run 'setenforce 0' to disable selinux")
-def get_file_size(filename):
- """ Return size in MB unit """
- cmd = ['du', "-s", "-b", "-B", "1M", filename]
- rc, duOutput = runner.runtool(cmd)
- if rc != 0:
- raise CreatorError("Failed to run: %s" % ' '.join(cmd))
- size1 = int(duOutput.split()[0])
- cmd = ['du', "-s", "-B", "1M", filename]
- rc, duOutput = runner.runtool(cmd)
- if rc != 0:
- raise CreatorError("Failed to run: %s" % ' '.join(cmd))
- size2 = int(duOutput.split()[0])
- return max(size1, size2)
-def get_filesystem_avail(fs):
- vfstat = os.statvfs(fs)
- return vfstat.f_bavail * vfstat.f_bsize
-def mkdtemp(dir = "/var/tmp", prefix = "wic-tmp-"):
- """ FIXME: use the dir in wic.conf instead """
- makedirs(dir)
- return tempfile.mkdtemp(dir = dir, prefix = prefix)
-def strip_end(text, suffix):
- if not text.endswith(suffix):
- return text
- return text[:-len(suffix)]