path: root/scripts/contrib
diff options
authorRoss Burton <>2017-06-29 12:43:10 +0100
committerRichard Purdie <>2017-06-29 13:01:32 +0100
commitde7914954571ea8e717f56b6d6df13157b0973bc (patch)
tree9af74ec60743a590a6e4266c59f03e52d1b82326 /scripts/contrib
parentc594cacc88b4239f2be2ee97ea127ae27186dbcd (diff)
scripts/contrib/patchreview: add new script
This script analyses the patches we apply and can sanity check or output statistics. Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/contrib')
1 files changed, 211 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/contrib/ b/scripts/contrib/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..4e3e73c7a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/contrib/
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python3
+# - option to just list all broken files
+# - test suite
+# - validate signed-off-by
+class Result:
+ # Whether the patch has an Upstream-Status or not
+ missing_upstream_status = False
+ # If the Upstream-Status tag is malformed in some way (string for bad bit)
+ malformed_upstream_status = None
+ # If the Upstream-Status value is unknown (boolean)
+ unknown_upstream_status = False
+ # The upstream status value (Pending, etc)
+ upstream_status = None
+ # Whether the patch has a Signed-off-by or not
+ missing_sob = False
+ # Whether the Signed-off-by tag is malformed in some way
+ malformed_sob = False
+ # The Signed-off-by tag value
+ sob = None
+ # Whether a patch looks like a CVE but doesn't have a CVE tag
+ missing_cve = False
+def blame_patch(patch):
+ """
+ From a patch filename, return a list of "commit summary (author name <author
+ email>)" strings representing the history.
+ """
+ import subprocess
+ return subprocess.check_output(("git", "log",
+ "--follow", "--find-renames", "--diff-filter=A",
+ "--format=%s (%aN <%aE>)",
+ "--", patch)).decode("utf-8").splitlines()
+def patchreview(patches):
+ import re
+ # General pattern: start of line, optional whitespace, tag with optional
+ # hyphen or spaces, maybe a colon, some whitespace, then the value, all case
+ # insensitive.
+ sob_re = re.compile(r"^[\t ]*(Signed[-_ ]off[-_ ]by:?)[\t ]*(.+)", re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE)
+ status_re = re.compile(r"^[\t ]*(Upstream[-_ ]Status:?)[\t ]*(\w*)", re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE)
+ status_values = ("accepted", "pending", "inappropriate", "backport", "submitted", "denied")
+ cve_tag_re = re.compile(r"^[\t ]*(CVE:)[\t ]*(.*)", re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE)
+ cve_re = re.compile(r"cve-[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4,6}", re.IGNORECASE)
+ results = {}
+ for patch in patches:
+ result = Result()
+ results[patch] = result
+ content = open(patch, encoding='ascii', errors='ignore').read()
+ # Find the Signed-off-by tag
+ match =
+ if match:
+ value =
+ if value != "Signed-off-by:":
+ result.malformed_sob = value
+ result.sob =
+ else:
+ result.missing_sob = True
+ # Find the Upstream-Status tag
+ match =
+ if match:
+ value =
+ if value != "Upstream-Status:":
+ result.malformed_upstream_status = value
+ value =
+ # TODO: check case
+ if value not in status_values:
+ result.unknown_upstream_status = True
+ result.upstream_status = value
+ else:
+ result.missing_upstream_status = True
+ # Check that patches which looks like CVEs have CVE tags
+ if or
+ if not
+ result.missing_cve = True
+ # TODO: extract CVE list
+ return results
+def analyse(results, want_blame=False, verbose=True):
+ """
+ want_blame: display blame data for each malformed patch
+ verbose: display per-file results instead of just summary
+ """
+ # want_blame requires verbose, so disable blame if we're not verbose
+ if want_blame and not verbose:
+ want_blame = False
+ total_patches = 0
+ missing_sob = 0
+ malformed_sob = 0
+ missing_status = 0
+ malformed_status = 0
+ missing_cve = 0
+ pending_patches = 0
+ for patch in sorted(results):
+ r = results[patch]
+ total_patches += 1
+ need_blame = False
+ # Build statistics
+ if r.missing_sob:
+ missing_sob += 1
+ if r.malformed_sob:
+ malformed_sob += 1
+ if r.missing_upstream_status:
+ missing_status += 1
+ if r.malformed_upstream_status or r.unknown_upstream_status:
+ malformed_status += 1
+ if r.missing_cve:
+ missing_cve += 1
+ if r.upstream_status == "pending":
+ pending_patches += 1
+ # Output warnings
+ if r.missing_sob:
+ need_blame = True
+ if verbose:
+ print("Missing Signed-off-by tag (%s)" % patch)
+ # TODO: disable this for now as too much fails
+ if False and r.malformed_sob:
+ need_blame = True
+ if verbose:
+ print("Malformed Signed-off-by '%s' (%s)" % (r.malformed_sob, patch))
+ if r.missing_cve:
+ need_blame = True
+ if verbose:
+ print("Missing CVE tag (%s)" % patch)
+ if r.missing_upstream_status:
+ need_blame = True
+ if verbose:
+ print("Missing Upstream-Status tag (%s)" % patch)
+ if r.malformed_upstream_status:
+ need_blame = True
+ if verbose:
+ print("Malformed Upstream-Status '%s' (%s)" % (r.malformed_upstream_status, patch))
+ if r.unknown_upstream_status:
+ need_blame = True
+ if verbose:
+ print("Unknown Upstream-Status value '%s' (%s)" % (r.upstream_status, patch))
+ if want_blame and need_blame:
+ print("\n".join(blame_patch(patch)) + "\n")
+ def percent(num):
+ try:
+ return "%d (%d%%)" % (num, round(num * 100.0 / total_patches))
+ except ZeroDivisionError:
+ return "N/A"
+ if verbose:
+ print()
+ print("""Total patches found: %d
+Patches missing Signed-off-by: %s
+Patches with malformed Signed-off-by: %s
+Patches missing CVE: %s
+Patches missing Upstream-Status: %s
+Patches with malformed Upstream-Status: %s
+Patches in Pending state: %s""" % (total_patches,
+ percent(missing_sob),
+ percent(malformed_sob),
+ percent(missing_cve),
+ percent(missing_status),
+ percent(malformed_status),
+ percent(pending_patches)))
+def histogram(results):
+ from toolz import recipes, dicttoolz
+ import math
+ counts = recipes.countby(lambda r: r.upstream_status, results.values())
+ bars = dicttoolz.valmap(lambda v: "#" * int(math.ceil(float(v) / len(results) * 100)), counts)
+ for k in bars:
+ print("%-20s %s (%d)" % (k.capitalize() if k else "No status", bars[k], counts[k]))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ import argparse, subprocess, os
+ args = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Patch Review Tool")
+ args.add_argument("-b", "--blame", action="store_true", help="show blame for malformed patches")
+ args.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="show per-patch results")
+ args.add_argument("-g", "--histogram", action="store_true", help="show patch histogram")
+ args.add_argument("directory", nargs="?", help="directory to scan")
+ args = args.parse_args()
+ if
+ os.chdir(
+ patches = subprocess.check_output(("git", "ls-files", "*.patch", "*.diff")).decode("utf-8").split()
+ results = patchreview(patches)
+ analyse(results, want_blame=args.blame, verbose=args.verbose)
+ if args.histogram:
+ print()
+ histogram(results)