path: root/meta
diff options
authorAlexander Kanavin <>2018-03-01 15:53:46 +0200
committerRichard Purdie <>2018-03-03 17:08:30 +0000
commit7c3df6782bbd5b623dcb6ee8a9bc914926640cdd (patch)
treec0305b5cf835f0ce1eceb451a214a09dcdd4da67 /meta
parente3a68ae0477f527b13a9551f9b0ecad4f37130a9 (diff)
pseudo: update to latest master
Dropped patches: 0001-Use-epoll-API-on-Linux.patch replaced by (also add --enable-epoll to configure options) b6b68db896f9963558334aff7fca61adde4ec10f.patch merged upstream efe0be279901006f939cd357ccee47b651c786da.patch merged upstream fastopreply.patch replaced by toomanyfiles.patch rebased Signed-off-by: Alexander Kanavin <> Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <>
Diffstat (limited to 'meta')
8 files changed, 34 insertions, 554 deletions
diff --git a/meta/recipes-devtools/pseudo/files/0001-Use-epoll-API-on-Linux.patch b/meta/recipes-devtools/pseudo/files/0001-Use-epoll-API-on-Linux.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 42557b17a7..0000000000
--- a/meta/recipes-devtools/pseudo/files/0001-Use-epoll-API-on-Linux.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-From 9e407e0be01695e7b927f5820ade87ee9602c248 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Alexander Kanavin <>
-Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2017 17:00:14 +0300
-Subject: [PATCH] Use epoll API on Linux
-Also a couple of other modifications due to epoll having
-a different approach to how the working set of fds is defined
-and used:
-1) open_client() returns an index into the array of clients
-2) close_client() has a protection against being called twice
-with the same client (which would mess up the active_clients
-Upstream-Status: Submitted [Seebs CC'd by email]
-Signed-off-by: Alexander Kanavin <>
- enums/ | 3 +
- pseudo_server.c | 189 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
- 2 files changed, 190 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/enums/ b/enums/
-index 6be44d3..88f94cd 100644
---- a/enums/
-+++ b/enums/
-@@ -18,3 +18,6 @@ listen_fd, "server loop had no valid listen fd"
- pseudo_loaded, "server couldn't get out of pseudo environment"
- pseudo_prefix, "couldn't get valid pseudo prefix"
- pseudo_invocation, "invalid server command arguments"
-+epoll_create, "epoll_create() failed"
-+epoll_ctl, "epoll_ctl() failed"
-diff --git a/pseudo_server.c b/pseudo_server.c
-index ff16efd..14d34de 100644
---- a/pseudo_server.c
-+++ b/pseudo_server.c
-@@ -40,6 +40,12 @@
- #include "pseudo_client.h"
- #include "pseudo_db.h"
-+// This has to come after pseudo includes, as that's where PSEUDO_PORT defines are
-+#include <sys/epoll.h>
- static int listen_fd = -1;
- typedef struct {
-@@ -59,6 +65,7 @@ static int active_clients = 0, highest_client = 0, max_clients = 0;
- #define LOOP_DELAY 2
-+#define EPOLL_MAX_EVENTS 10
- int pseudo_server_timeout = DEFAULT_PSEUDO_SERVER_TIMEOUT;
- static int die_peacefully = 0;
- static int die_forcefully = 0;
-@@ -80,6 +87,9 @@ quit_now(int signal) {
- static int messages = 0, responses = 0;
- static struct timeval message_time = { .tv_sec = 0 };
-+static void pseudo_server_loop_epoll(void);
- static void pseudo_server_loop(void);
- /* helper function to make a directory, just like mkdir -p.
-@@ -369,12 +379,16 @@ pseudo_server_start(int daemonize) {
- kill(ppid, SIGUSR1);
- }
- }
-+ pseudo_server_loop_epoll();
- pseudo_server_loop();
- return 0;
- }
- /* mess with internal tables as needed */
--static void
-+static unsigned int
- open_client(int fd) {
- pseudo_client_t *new_clients;
- int i;
-@@ -390,7 +404,7 @@ open_client(int fd) {
- ++active_clients;
- if (i > highest_client)
- highest_client = i;
-- return;
-+ return i;
- }
- }
-@@ -414,9 +428,11 @@ open_client(int fd) {
- max_clients += 16;
- ++active_clients;
-+ return max_clients - 16;
- } else {
- pseudo_diag("error allocating new client, fd %d\n", fd);
- close(fd);
-+ return 0;
- }
- }
-@@ -433,6 +449,10 @@ close_client(int client) {
- client, highest_client);
- return;
- }
-+ if (clients[client].fd == -1) {
-+ pseudo_debug(PDBGF_SERVER, "client %d already closed\n", client);
-+ return;
-+ }
- close(clients[client].fd);
- clients[client].fd = -1;
- free(clients[client].tag);
-@@ -566,6 +586,171 @@ serve_client(int i) {
- }
- }
-+static void pseudo_server_loop_epoll(void)
-+ struct sockaddr_un client;
-+ socklen_t len;
-+ int i;
-+ int rc;
-+ int fd;
-+ int timeout;
-+ struct epoll_event ev, events[EPOLL_MAX_EVENTS];
-+ int loop_timeout = pseudo_server_timeout;
-+ clients = malloc(16 * sizeof(*clients));
-+ clients[0].fd = listen_fd;
-+ clients[0].pid = getpid();
-+ for (i = 1; i < 16; ++i) {
-+ clients[i].fd = -1;
-+ clients[i].pid = 0;
-+ clients[i].tag = NULL;
-+ clients[i].program = NULL;
-+ }
-+ active_clients = 1;
-+ max_clients = 16;
-+ highest_client = 0;
-+ pseudo_debug(PDBGF_SERVER, "server loop started.\n");
-+ if (listen_fd < 0) {
-+ pseudo_diag("got into loop with no valid listen fd.\n");
-+ }
-+ timeout = LOOP_DELAY * 1000;
-+ int epollfd = epoll_create1(0);
-+ if (epollfd == -1) {
-+ pseudo_diag("epoll_create1() failed.\n");
-+ }
-+ = 0;
-+ if (epoll_ctl(epollfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, clients[0].fd, &ev) == -1) {
-+ pseudo_diag("epoll_ctl() failed with listening socket.\n");
-+ }
-+ pdb_log_msg(SEVERITY_INFO, NULL, NULL, NULL, "server started (pid %d)", getpid());
-+ for (;;) {
-+ rc = epoll_wait(epollfd, events, EPOLL_MAX_EVENTS, timeout);
-+ if (rc == 0 || (rc == -1 && errno == EINTR)) {
-+ /* If there's no clients, start timing out. If there
-+ * are active clients, never time out.
-+ */
-+ if (active_clients == 1) {
-+ loop_timeout -= LOOP_DELAY;
-+ /* maybe flush database to disk */
-+ pdb_maybe_backup();
-+ if (loop_timeout <= 0) {
-+ pseudo_debug(PDBGF_SERVER, "no more clients, got bored.\n");
-+ die_peacefully = 1;
-+ } else {
-+ /* display this if not exiting */
-+ pseudo_debug(PDBGF_SERVER | PDBGF_BENCHMARK, "%d messages handled in %.4f seconds, %d responses\n",
-+ messages,
-+ (double) message_time.tv_sec +
-+ (double) message_time.tv_usec / 1000000.0,
-+ responses);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ } else if (rc > 0) {
-+ loop_timeout = pseudo_server_timeout;
-+ for (i = 0; i < rc; ++i) {
-+ if (clients[events[i].data.u64].fd == listen_fd) {
-+ if (!die_forcefully) {
-+ len = sizeof(client);
-+ if ((fd = accept(listen_fd, (struct sockaddr *) &client, &len)) != -1) {
-+ /* Don't allow clients to end up on fd 2, because glibc's
-+ * malloc debug uses that fd unconditionally.
-+ */
-+ if (fd == 2) {
-+ int newfd = fcntl(fd, F_DUPFD, 3);
-+ close(fd);
-+ fd = newfd;
-+ }
-+ pseudo_debug(PDBGF_SERVER, "new client fd %d\n", fd);
-+ /* A new client implicitly cancels any
-+ * previous shutdown request, or a
-+ * shutdown for lack of clients.
-+ */
-+ pseudo_server_timeout = DEFAULT_PSEUDO_SERVER_TIMEOUT;
-+ die_peacefully = 0;
-+ = open_client(fd);
-+ if ( != 0 && epoll_ctl(epollfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, clients[].fd, &ev) == -1) {
-+ pseudo_diag("epoll_ctl() failed with accepted socket.\n");
-+ }
-+ } else if (errno == EMFILE) {
-+ pseudo_debug(PDBGF_SERVER, "Hit max open files, dropping a client.\n");
-+ /* In theory there is a potential race here where if we close a client,
-+ it may have sent us a fastop message which we don't act upon.
-+ If we don't close a filehandle we'll loop indefinitely thought.
-+ Only close one per loop iteration in the interests of caution */
-+ for (int j = 1; j <= highest_client; ++j) {
-+ if (clients[j].fd != -1) {
-+ close_client(j);
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ } else {
-+ struct timeval tv1, tv2;
-+ int rc;
-+ gettimeofday(&tv1, NULL);
-+ rc = serve_client(events[i].data.u64);
-+ gettimeofday(&tv2, NULL);
-+ ++messages;
-+ if (rc == 0)
-+ ++responses;
-+ message_time.tv_sec += (tv2.tv_sec - tv1.tv_sec);
-+ message_time.tv_usec += (tv2.tv_usec - tv1.tv_usec);
-+ if (message_time.tv_usec < 0) {
-+ message_time.tv_usec += 1000000;
-+ --message_time.tv_sec;
-+ } else while (message_time.tv_usec > 1000000) {
-+ message_time.tv_usec -= 1000000;
-+ ++message_time.tv_sec;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ if (die_forcefully)
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ pseudo_debug(PDBGF_SERVER, "server loop complete [%d clients left]\n", active_clients);
-+ } else {
-+ pseudo_diag("epoll_wait failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ if (die_peacefully || die_forcefully) {
-+ pseudo_debug(PDBGF_SERVER, "quitting.\n");
-+ pseudo_debug(PDBGF_SERVER | PDBGF_BENCHMARK, "server %d exiting: handled %d messages in %.4f seconds\n",
-+ getpid(), messages,
-+ (double) message_time.tv_sec +
-+ (double) message_time.tv_usec / 1000000.0);
-+ pdb_log_msg(SEVERITY_INFO, NULL, NULL, NULL, "server %d exiting: handled %d messages in %.4f seconds",
-+ getpid(), messages,
-+ (double) message_time.tv_sec +
-+ (double) message_time.tv_usec / 1000000.0);
-+ /* and at this point, we'll start refusing connections */
-+ close(clients[0].fd);
-+ /* This is a good place to insert a delay for
-+ * debugging race conditions during startup. */
-+ /* usleep(300000); */
-+ exit(0);
-+ }
-+ }
- /* get clients, handle messages, shut down.
- * This doesn't actually do any work, it just calls a ton of things which
- * do work.
diff --git a/meta/recipes-devtools/pseudo/files/b6b68db896f9963558334aff7fca61adde4ec10f.patch b/meta/recipes-devtools/pseudo/files/b6b68db896f9963558334aff7fca61adde4ec10f.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 3045a3b736..0000000000
--- a/meta/recipes-devtools/pseudo/files/b6b68db896f9963558334aff7fca61adde4ec10f.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-From b6b68db896f9963558334aff7fca61adde4ec10f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Seebs <>
-Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2017 18:12:01 -0500
-Subject: Prevent bash from segfaulting when unloading pseudo
-bash's extremely fancy internal awareness of how the environment looks
-means that, if you directly call the underlying libc "unsetenv" on
-a variable, bash can end up trying to access a null pointer. Fixing
-this generically is actually rather hard; you can't really avoid
-writing to environ on fork() or popen(), even if you change all
-execv*() functions to use the execv*e() variants. So for now, instead
-of unsetting the variable, set it to an empty string.
-Thanks to Saur in IRC for spotting this and helping debug it.
-Signed-off-by: Seebs <>
-Upstream-Status: Backport
-diff --git a/ChangeLog.txt b/ChangeLog.txt
-index a2d30e9..8ba1ffa 100644
---- a/ChangeLog.txt
-+++ b/ChangeLog.txt
-@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
-+ * (seebs) don't unset LD_PRELOAD or the like, because if you
-+ do that, bash can segfault because it "knows" how many
-+ fields are in environ.
- 2017-02-24:
- * (seebs) import posix_acl_default fix from Anton Gerasimov
- <>
-diff --git a/pseudo_util.c b/pseudo_util.c
-index 172990b..6a1fac2 100644
---- a/pseudo_util.c
-+++ b/pseudo_util.c
-@@ -844,7 +844,7 @@ void pseudo_dropenv() {
- if (ld_preload && strlen(ld_preload)) {
- } else {
- }
- }
- }
-cgit v0.10.2
diff --git a/meta/recipes-devtools/pseudo/files/efe0be279901006f939cd357ccee47b651c786da.patch b/meta/recipes-devtools/pseudo/files/efe0be279901006f939cd357ccee47b651c786da.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 64fc58c4fe..0000000000
--- a/meta/recipes-devtools/pseudo/files/efe0be279901006f939cd357ccee47b651c786da.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-From efe0be279901006f939cd357ccee47b651c786da Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Seebs <>
-Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2017 12:47:38 -0600
-Subject: Don't try to record 0-length posix_acl_default xattrs
-Based on a submission from Anton Gerasimov <>
-On some systems, with some kernel configs, "cp -a" apparently tries to
-set an empty ACL list, with a valid header but no contents, which causes
-strange and mysterious behavior later if we actually create such an entry.
-So filter that out, also sanity-check a couple of other things.
-Signed-off-by: Seebs <>
-Upstream-Status: Backport
-diff --git a/ChangeLog.txt b/ChangeLog.txt
-index ae2a6e9..a2d30e9 100644
---- a/ChangeLog.txt
-+++ b/ChangeLog.txt
-@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
-+ * (seebs) import posix_acl_default fix from Anton Gerasimov
-+ <>
- 2017-02-01:
- * (seebs) handle xattr deletion slightly more carefully.
- * (seebs) tag this as 1.8.2
-diff --git a/ports/linux/xattr/pseudo_wrappers.c b/ports/linux/xattr/pseudo_wrappers.c
-index 46bc053..d69d53e 100644
---- a/ports/linux/xattr/pseudo_wrappers.c
-+++ b/ports/linux/xattr/pseudo_wrappers.c
-@@ -62,9 +62,9 @@ static int
- posix_permissions(const acl_header *header, int entries, int *extra, int *mode) {
- int acl_seen = 0;
- if (le32(header->version) != 2) {
-- pseudo_diag("Fatal: ACL support no available for header version %d.\n",
-+ pseudo_diag("Fatal: ACL support not available for header version %d.\n",
- le32(header->version));
-- return 1;
-+ return -1;
- }
- *mode = 0;
- *extra = 0;
-@@ -140,12 +140,38 @@ static int shared_setxattr(const char *path, int fd, const char *name, const voi
- pseudo_debug(PDBGF_XATTR, "setxattr(%s [fd %d], %s => '%.*s')\n",
- path ? path : "<no path>", fd, name, (int) size, (char *) value);
-+ /* Filter out erroneous sizes for POSIX ACL
-+ * see posix_acl_xattr_count in include/linux/posix_acl_xattr.h of Linux source code */
-+ /* I don't think there's any posix_acl_* values that aren't in this format */
-+ if (!strncmp(name, "system.posix_acl_", 17)) {
-+ // ACL is corrupt, issue an error
-+ if(size < sizeof(acl_header) || (size - sizeof(acl_header)) % sizeof(acl_entry) != 0) {
-+ pseudo_debug(PDBGF_XATTR, "invalid data size for %s: %d\n",
-+ name, (int) size);
-+ errno = EINVAL;
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ // ACL is empty, do nothing
-+ if((size - sizeof(acl_header)) / sizeof(acl_entry) == 0) {
-+ /* on some systems, "cp -a" will attempt to clone the
-+ * posix_acl_default entry for a directory (which would specify
-+ * default ACLs for new files in that directory), but if the
-+ * original was empty, we get a header but no entries. With
-+ * real xattr, that ends up being silently discarded, apparently,
-+ * so we discard it too.
-+ */
-+ pseudo_debug(PDBGF_XATTR, "0-length ACL entry %s.\n", name);
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ }
- /* this may be a plain chmod */
- if (!strcmp(name, "system.posix_acl_access")) {
- int extra;
- int mode;
- int entries = (size - sizeof(acl_header)) / sizeof(acl_entry);
-- if (!posix_permissions(value, entries, &extra, &mode)) {
-+ int res = posix_permissions(value, entries, &extra, &mode);
-+ if (res == 0) {
- pseudo_debug(PDBGF_XATTR, "posix_acl_access translated to mode %04o. Remaining attribute(s): %d.\n",
- mode, extra);
- buf.st_mode = mode;
-@@ -164,8 +190,12 @@ static int shared_setxattr(const char *path, int fd, const char *name, const voi
- if (!extra) {
- return 0;
- }
-+ } else if (res == -1) {
-+ errno = EOPNOTSUPP;
-+ return -1;
- }
- }
- if (!strcmp(name, "user.pseudo_data")) {
- pseudo_debug(PDBGF_XATTR | PDBGF_XATTRDB, "user.pseudo_data xattribute does not get to go in database.\n");
- return -1;
-cgit v0.10.2
diff --git a/meta/recipes-devtools/pseudo/files/fastopreply.patch b/meta/recipes-devtools/pseudo/files/fastopreply.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 904c2d04e6..0000000000
--- a/meta/recipes-devtools/pseudo/files/fastopreply.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-Ensure FASTOP messages get an ACK reply so that the client can be sure the server
-recieved them. This means if connections are terminated, data isn't lost.
-RP 2017/9/22
-Upstream-Status: Submitted
-Index: pseudo-1.8.2/pseudo_client.c
---- pseudo-1.8.2.orig/pseudo_client.c
-+++ pseudo-1.8.2/pseudo_client.c
-@@ -1331,21 +1331,19 @@ pseudo_client_request(pseudo_msg_t *msg,
- * indicating a successful send.
- */
- pseudo_debug(PDBGF_CLIENT | PDBGF_VERBOSE, "sent!\n");
-- if (msg->type != PSEUDO_MSG_FASTOP) {
-- response = pseudo_msg_receive(connect_fd);
-- if (!response) {
-- pseudo_debug(PDBGF_CLIENT, "expected response did not occur; retrying\n");
-+ response = pseudo_msg_receive(connect_fd);
-+ if (!response) {
-+ pseudo_debug(PDBGF_CLIENT, "expected response did not occur; retrying\n");
-+ } else {
-+ if (response->type != PSEUDO_MSG_ACK) {
-+ pseudo_debug(PDBGF_CLIENT, "got non-ack response %d\n", response->type);
-+ return 0;
-+ } else if (msg->type != PSEUDO_MSG_FASTOP) {
-+ pseudo_debug(PDBGF_CLIENT | PDBGF_VERBOSE, "got response type %d\n", response->type);
-+ return response;
- } else {
-- if (response->type != PSEUDO_MSG_ACK) {
-- pseudo_debug(PDBGF_CLIENT, "got non-ack response %d\n", response->type);
-- return 0;
-- } else {
-- pseudo_debug(PDBGF_CLIENT | PDBGF_VERBOSE, "got response type %d\n", response->type);
-- return response;
-- }
-+ return 0;
- }
-- } else {
-- return 0;
- }
- }
- pseudo_diag("pseudo: server connection persistently failed, aborting.\n");
-Index: pseudo-1.8.2/pseudo_server.c
---- pseudo-1.8.2.orig/pseudo_server.c
-+++ pseudo-1.8.2/pseudo_server.c
-@@ -463,6 +463,11 @@ close_client(int client) {
- --highest_client;
- }
-+static pseudo_msg_t server_fastop_reply = {
-+ .type = PSEUDO_MSG_ACK,
-+ .op = OP_NONE,
- /* Actually process a request.
- */
- static int
-@@ -515,8 +520,14 @@ serve_client(int i) {
- * pseudo_server_response.
- */
- if (in->type != PSEUDO_MSG_SHUTDOWN) {
-- if (in->type == PSEUDO_MSG_FASTOP)
-+ if (in->type == PSEUDO_MSG_FASTOP) {
- send_response = 0;
-+ /* For fastops we reply now to say we got the data */
-+ if ((rc = pseudo_msg_send(clients[i].fd, &server_fastop_reply, 0, NULL)) != 0) {
-+ pseudo_debug(PDBGF_SERVER, "failed to send fastop ack to client %d [%d]: %d (%s)\n",
-+ i, (int) clients[i].pid, rc, strerror(errno));
-+ }
-+ }
- /* most messages don't need these, but xattr may */
- response_path = 0;
- response_pathlen = -1;
diff --git a/meta/recipes-devtools/pseudo/files/toomanyfiles.patch b/meta/recipes-devtools/pseudo/files/toomanyfiles.patch
index b085a4505d..bda7e4b202 100644
--- a/meta/recipes-devtools/pseudo/files/toomanyfiles.patch
+++ b/meta/recipes-devtools/pseudo/files/toomanyfiles.patch
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+From b0b25fbc041a148d1de09f5a6503cd95973ec77c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Richard Purdie <>
+Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2017 15:25:54 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 3/3] pseudo: Handle too many files deadlock
Currently if we max out the maximum number of files, pseudo can deadlock, unable to
accept new connections yet unable to move forward and unblock the other processes
waiting either.
@@ -11,19 +16,23 @@ RP
Upstream-Status: Submitted [Peter is aware of the issue]
-Index: pseudo-1.8.2/pseudo_server.c
---- pseudo-1.8.2.orig/pseudo_server.c
-+++ pseudo-1.8.2/pseudo_server.c
-@@ -581,6 +581,7 @@ pseudo_server_loop(void) {
- int rc;
- int fd;
- int loop_timeout = pseudo_server_timeout;
+ pseudo_server.c | 10 ++++++++++
+ 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/pseudo_server.c b/pseudo_server.c
+index dac3258..15a3e8f 100644
+--- a/pseudo_server.c
++++ b/pseudo_server.c
+@@ -802,6 +802,7 @@ pseudo_server_loop(void) {
+ struct sigaction eat_usr2 = {
+ .sa_handler = set_do_list_clients
+ };
+ int hitmaxfiles;
clients = malloc(16 * sizeof(*clients));
-@@ -597,6 +598,7 @@ pseudo_server_loop(void) {
+@@ -820,6 +821,7 @@ pseudo_server_loop(void) {
active_clients = 1;
max_clients = 16;
highest_client = 0;
@@ -31,9 +40,9 @@ Index: pseudo-1.8.2/pseudo_server.c
pseudo_debug(PDBGF_SERVER, "server loop started.\n");
if (listen_fd < 0) {
-@@ -663,10 +665,15 @@ pseudo_server_loop(void) {
- message_time.tv_usec -= 1000000;
- ++message_time.tv_sec;
+@@ -878,10 +880,15 @@ pseudo_server_loop(void) {
+ } else {
+ serve_client(i);
+ } else if (hitmaxfiles) {
+ /* Only close one per loop iteration in the interests of caution */
@@ -47,13 +56,16 @@ Index: pseudo-1.8.2/pseudo_server.c
if (!die_forcefully &&
(FD_ISSET(clients[0].fd, &events) ||
FD_ISSET(clients[0].fd, &reads))) {
-@@ -688,6 +698,9 @@ pseudo_server_loop(void) {
- */
- pseudo_server_timeout = DEFAULT_PSEUDO_SERVER_TIMEOUT;
- die_peacefully = 0;
+@@ -903,6 +910,9 @@ pseudo_server_loop(void) {
+ */
+ pseudo_server_timeout = DEFAULT_PSEUDO_SERVER_TIMEOUT;
+ die_peacefully = 0;
+ } else if (errno == EMFILE) {
+ hitmaxfiles = 1;
+ pseudo_debug(PDBGF_SERVER, "Hit max open files, dropping a client.\n");
pseudo_debug(PDBGF_SERVER, "server loop complete [%d clients left]\n", active_clients);
diff --git a/meta/recipes-devtools/pseudo/ b/meta/recipes-devtools/pseudo/
index 18ce9f9259..fb742522f5 100644
--- a/meta/recipes-devtools/pseudo/
+++ b/meta/recipes-devtools/pseudo/
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ do_configure () {
NO32LIBS ??= "1"
NO32LIBS_class-nativesdk = "1"
-PSEUDO_EXTRA_OPTS ?= "--enable-force-async --without-passwd-fallback"
+PSEUDO_EXTRA_OPTS ?= "--enable-force-async --without-passwd-fallback --enable-epoll"
# Compile for the local machine arch...
do_compile () {
diff --git a/meta/recipes-devtools/pseudo/ b/meta/recipes-devtools/pseudo/
deleted file mode 100644
index 73ef57231a..0000000000
--- a/meta/recipes-devtools/pseudo/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-SRC_URI = "${BPN}-${PV}.tar.bz2 \
- file://0001-configure-Prune-PIE-flags.patch \
- file://fallback-passwd \
- file://fallback-group \
- file://moreretries.patch \
- file://efe0be279901006f939cd357ccee47b651c786da.patch \
- file://b6b68db896f9963558334aff7fca61adde4ec10f.patch \
- file://fastopreply.patch \
- file://toomanyfiles.patch \
- file://0001-Use-epoll-API-on-Linux.patch \
- "
-SRC_URI[md5sum] = "7d41e72188fbea1f696c399c1a435675"
-SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "ceb456bd47770a37ca20784a91d715c5a7601e07e26ab11b0c77e9203ed3d196"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-devtools/pseudo/ b/meta/recipes-devtools/pseudo/
index 42c7b2ea57..66da1cc53b 100644
--- a/meta/recipes-devtools/pseudo/
+++ b/meta/recipes-devtools/pseudo/
@@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
-SRCREV = "02168305b0a19f981ffe857f36eb256ba8810b77"
-PV = "1.8.2+git${SRCPV}"
SRC_URI = "git:// \
file://0001-configure-Prune-PIE-flags.patch \
file://fallback-passwd \
file://fallback-group \
- file://moreretries.patch"
+ file://moreretries.patch \
+ file://toomanyfiles.patch \
+ "
+SRCREV = "d7c31a25e4b02af0c64e6be0b4b0a9ac4ffc9da2"
S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
+PV = "1.9.0+git${SRCPV}"