path: root/meta-moblin/packages/xorg-driver/files/pci.patch
diff options
authorRichard Purdie <>2010-07-22 11:53:01 +0100
committerRichard Purdie <>2010-07-22 11:53:01 +0100
commitc9076342fc24d63b60a138ff79d2347fb9089b13 (patch)
treef411c1d7a553c8ec473cdc49c95431f06fb78192 /meta-moblin/packages/xorg-driver/files/pci.patch
parent897a8b5abc3ce3af89c78aa4ce4522487c75f38c (diff)
meta-moblin: Remove old psb driver
Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
Diffstat (limited to 'meta-moblin/packages/xorg-driver/files/pci.patch')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 627 deletions
diff --git a/meta-moblin/packages/xorg-driver/files/pci.patch b/meta-moblin/packages/xorg-driver/files/pci.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 2bdf43158f..0000000000
--- a/meta-moblin/packages/xorg-driver/files/pci.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,627 +0,0 @@
-Index: git/
---- git.orig/ 2008-12-12 15:14:28.000000000 +0000
-+++ git/ 2009-02-04 16:38:32.000000000 +0000
-@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
- # Copyright 2005 Adam Jackson.
- #
- # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
-@@ -65,17 +66,19 @@
- PKG_CHECK_MODULES(XORG, [xorg-server >= xproto fontsproto xf86dgaproto $REQUIRED_MODULES])
- sdkdir=$(pkg-config --variable=sdkdir xorg-server)
-+PKG_CHECK_MODULES([PCIACCESS], [pciaccess >= 0.8.0])
- # Checks for libraries.
- # Checks for header files.
- if test "$DRI" != no; then
-- AC_CHECK_FILE([${sdkdir}/dri.h],
-+ CC_AC_CHECK_FILE([${sdkdir}/dri.h],
- [have_dri_h="yes"], [have_dri_h="no"])
-- AC_CHECK_FILE([${sdkdir}/sarea.h],
-+ CC_AC_CHECK_FILE([${sdkdir}/sarea.h],
- [have_sarea_h="yes"], [have_sarea_h="no"])
-- AC_CHECK_FILE([${sdkdir}/dristruct.h],
-+ CC_AC_CHECK_FILE([${sdkdir}/dristruct.h],
- [have_dristruct_h="yes"], [have_dristruct_h="no"])
- fi
-Index: git/exa/exa.c
---- git.orig/exa/exa.c 2008-12-12 15:14:28.000000000 +0000
-+++ git/exa/exa.c 2009-02-04 16:38:32.000000000 +0000
-@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@
- #include "exa.h"
- #include "cw.h"
--static int exaGeneration;
- int exaScreenPrivateIndex;
- int exaPixmapPrivateIndex;
-@@ -239,7 +238,7 @@
- * for scratch pixmaps, or to represent the visible screen.
- */
- static PixmapPtr
--exaCreatePixmap(ScreenPtr pScreen, int w, int h, int depth)
-+exaCreatePixmap(ScreenPtr pScreen, int w, int h, int depth, int usage_hint)
- {
- PixmapPtr pPixmap;
- ExaPixmapPrivPtr pExaPixmap;
-@@ -249,7 +248,7 @@
- if (w > 32767 || h > 32767)
- return NullPixmap;
-- pPixmap = fbCreatePixmap (pScreen, w, h, depth);
-+ pPixmap = fbCreatePixmap (pScreen, w, h, depth, usage_hint);
- if (!pPixmap)
- return NULL;
- pExaPixmap = ExaGetPixmapPriv(pPixmap);
-@@ -606,12 +605,6 @@
- #ifdef RENDER
- ps = GetPictureScreenIfSet(pScreen);
- #endif
-- if (exaGeneration != serverGeneration)
-- {
-- exaScreenPrivateIndex = AllocateScreenPrivateIndex();
-- exaPixmapPrivateIndex = AllocatePixmapPrivateIndex();
-- exaGeneration = serverGeneration;
-- }
- pExaScr = xcalloc (sizeof (ExaScreenPrivRec), 1);
-@@ -623,7 +616,7 @@
- pExaScr->info = pScreenInfo;
-- pScreen->devPrivates[exaScreenPrivateIndex].ptr = (pointer) pExaScr;
-+ dixSetPrivate(&pScreen->devPrivates, &exaScreenPrivateIndex, pExaScr);
- pExaScr->migration = ExaMigrationAlways;
-Index: git/exa/exa_priv.h
---- git.orig/exa/exa_priv.h 2008-12-12 15:14:28.000000000 +0000
-+++ git/exa/exa_priv.h 2009-02-04 16:38:32.000000000 +0000
-@@ -129,7 +129,8 @@
- extern int exaScreenPrivateIndex;
- extern int exaPixmapPrivateIndex;
--#define ExaGetScreenPriv(s) ((ExaScreenPrivPtr)(s)->devPrivates[exaScreenPrivateIndex].ptr)
-+#define ExaGetScreenPriv(s) ((ExaScreenPrivPtr) dixLookupPrivate(&s->devPrivates, &exaScreenPrivateIndex))
- #define ExaScreenPriv(s) ExaScreenPrivPtr pExaScr = ExaGetScreenPriv(s)
- /** Align an offset to an arbitrary alignment */
-@@ -145,8 +146,8 @@
- #define EXA_PIXMAP_SCORE_INIT 1001
--#define ExaGetPixmapPriv(p) ((ExaPixmapPrivPtr)(p)->devPrivates[exaPixmapPrivateIndex].ptr)
--#define ExaSetPixmapPriv(p,a) ((p)->devPrivates[exaPixmapPrivateIndex].ptr = (pointer) (a))
-+#define ExaGetPixmapPriv(p) ((ExaPixmapPrivPtr)dixLookupPrivate(&p->devPrivates, &exaPixmapPrivateIndex))
-+#define ExaSetPixmapPriv(p,a) (dixSetPrivate(&p->devPrivates, &exaScreenPrivateIndex, (a)))
- #define ExaPixmapPriv(p) ExaPixmapPrivPtr pExaPixmap = ExaGetPixmapPriv(p)
- typedef struct {
-Index: git/exa/exa_render.c
---- git.orig/exa/exa_render.c 2008-12-12 15:14:28.000000000 +0000
-+++ git/exa/exa_render.c 2009-02-04 16:38:32.000000000 +0000
-@@ -898,7 +898,7 @@
- width = extents.x2 - extents.x1;
- height = extents.y2 - extents.y1;
- pMaskPixmap = (*pScreen->CreatePixmap) (pScreen, width, height,
-- maskFormat->depth);
-+ maskFormat->depth, 0);
- if (!pMaskPixmap)
- return;
- component_alpha = NeedsComponent(maskFormat->format);
-@@ -960,7 +960,7 @@
- /* Create the (real) temporary pixmap to store the current glyph in */
- pPixmap = (*pScreen->CreatePixmap) (pScreen, maxwidth, maxheight,
-- list->format->depth);
-+ list->format->depth, 0);
- if (!pPixmap)
- return;
-Index: git/exa/examodule.c
---- git.orig/exa/examodule.c 2008-12-12 15:14:28.000000000 +0000
-+++ git/exa/examodule.c 2009-02-04 16:38:32.000000000 +0000
-@@ -42,8 +42,7 @@
- OptionInfoPtr options;
- } ExaXorgScreenPrivRec, *ExaXorgScreenPrivPtr;
--static int exaXorgServerGeneration;
--static int exaXorgScreenPrivateIndex;
-+int exaXorgScreenPrivateIndex;
- typedef enum {
-@@ -69,8 +68,8 @@
- exaXorgCloseScreen (int i, ScreenPtr pScreen)
- {
- ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = XF86SCRNINFO(pScreen);
-- ExaXorgScreenPrivPtr pScreenPriv =
-- pScreen->devPrivates[exaXorgScreenPrivateIndex].ptr;
-+ ExaXorgScreenPrivPtr pScreenPriv = (ExaXorgScreenPrivPtr) dixLookupPrivate(&pScreen->devPrivates, &exaXorgScreenPrivateIndex);
- pScreen->CloseScreen = pScreenPriv->SavedCloseScreen;
-@@ -86,8 +85,8 @@
- exaXorgEnableDisableFBAccess (int index, Bool enable)
- {
- ScreenPtr pScreen = screenInfo.screens[index];
-- ExaXorgScreenPrivPtr pScreenPriv =
-- pScreen->devPrivates[exaXorgScreenPrivateIndex].ptr;
-+ ExaXorgScreenPrivPtr pScreenPriv = (ExaXorgScreenPrivPtr) dixLookupPrivate(&pScreen->devPrivates, &exaXorgScreenPrivateIndex);
- if (!enable)
- exaEnableDisableFBAccess (index, enable);
-@@ -111,11 +110,6 @@
- ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = xf86Screens[pScreen->myNum];
- ExaXorgScreenPrivPtr pScreenPriv;
-- if (exaXorgServerGeneration != serverGeneration) {
-- exaXorgScreenPrivateIndex = AllocateScreenPrivateIndex();
-- exaXorgServerGeneration = serverGeneration;
-- }
- pScreenPriv = xcalloc (1, sizeof(ExaXorgScreenPrivRec));
- if (pScreenPriv == NULL)
- return;
-@@ -166,7 +160,7 @@
- pExaScr->info->DownloadFromScreen = NULL;
- }
-- pScreen->devPrivates[exaXorgScreenPrivateIndex].ptr = pScreenPriv;
-+ dixSetPrivate(&pScreen->devPrivates, &exaXorgScreenPrivateIndex, pScreenPriv);
- pScreenPriv->SavedEnableDisableFBAccess = pScrn->EnableDisableFBAccess;
- pScrn->EnableDisableFBAccess = exaXorgEnableDisableFBAccess;
-Index: git/src/i830_bios.c
---- git.orig/src/i830_bios.c 2008-12-12 15:14:28.000000000 +0000
-+++ git/src/i830_bios.c 2009-02-04 16:38:32.000000000 +0000
-@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
- vbeFree(pVbe);
- } else {
-- xf86ReadPciBIOS(0, pI830->PciTag, 0, bios, INTEL_VBIOS_SIZE);
-+ pci_device_read_rom(pI830->PciInfo, bios);
- }
- if (0)
-@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
- for (bdb_block_off = bdb->header_size; bdb_block_off < bdb->bdb_size;
- bdb_block_off += block_size) {
- int start = bdb_off + bdb_block_off;
-- int id, i, num_entries;
-+ int id, num_entries;
- struct lvds_bdb_1 *lvds1;
- struct lvds_bdb_2 *lvds2;
- struct lvds_bdb_2_fp_params *fpparam;
-Index: git/src/psb_dri.c
---- git.orig/src/psb_dri.c 2008-12-12 15:14:28.000000000 +0000
-+++ git/src/psb_dri.c 2009-02-04 16:38:32.000000000 +0000
-@@ -139,9 +139,9 @@
- return;
- pDevice->irq = drmGetInterruptFromBusID(pDevice->drmFD,
-- pDevice->pciInfo->bus,
-- pDevice->pciInfo->device,
-- pDevice->pciInfo->func);
-+ ((pDevice->PciInfo->domain << 8) | pDevice->PciInfo->bus),
-+ pDevice->PciInfo->dev,
-+ pDevice->PciInfo->func);
- if ((drmCtlInstHandler(pDevice->drmFD, pDevice->irq))) {
- xf86DrvMsg(-1, X_WARNING, "[drm] Failed to install IRQ handler.\n");
- pDevice->irq = -1;
-@@ -530,7 +530,6 @@
- DRIInfoPtr pDRIInfo;
- PsbDRIPtr pPsbDRI;
- int major, minor, patch;
-- pciVideoPtr pciInfo;
- PSB_DEBUG(pScrn->scrnIndex, 2, "psbDRIScreenInit\n");
-@@ -568,8 +567,8 @@
- pDRIInfo->clientDriverName = NULL;
- pDRIInfo->busIdString = xalloc(64);
- sprintf(pDRIInfo->busIdString, "PCI:%d:%d:%d",
-- pDevice->pciInfo->bus,
-- pDevice->pciInfo->device, pDevice->pciInfo->func);
-+ ((pDevice->PciInfo->domain << 8) | pDevice->PciInfo->bus),
-+ pDevice->PciInfo->dev, pDevice->PciInfo->func);
- pDRIInfo->ddxDriverMajorVersion = PSB_DRIDDX_VERSION_MAJOR;
- pDRIInfo->ddxDriverMinorVersion = PSB_DRIDDX_VERSION_MINOR;
- pDRIInfo->ddxDriverPatchVersion = PSB_DRIDDX_VERSION_PATCH;
-@@ -608,8 +607,8 @@
- }
- pPsbDRI->pciVendor = PCI_VENDOR_INTEL;
-- pciInfo = xf86GetPciInfoForEntity(pDevice->pEnt->index);
-- pPsbDRI->pciDevice = pciInfo->chipType;
-+ /*pciInfo = xf86GetPciInfoForEntity(pDevice->pEnt->index);*/
-+ pPsbDRI->pciDevice = pDevice->PciInfo->device_id;
- pPsbDRI->lockSAreaHandle = 0;
-Index: git/src/psb_driver.c
---- git.orig/src/psb_driver.c 2008-12-12 15:14:28.000000000 +0000
-+++ git/src/psb_driver.c 2009-02-04 16:48:40.000000000 +0000
-@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
- /* Mandatory functions */
- static const OptionInfoRec *psbAvailableOptions(int chipid, int busid);
- static void psbIdentify(int flags);
--static Bool psbProbe(DriverPtr drv, int flags);
-+static Bool psbProbe(DriverPtr drv, int entity_num, struct pci_device *device, intptr_t match_data);
- static Bool psbPreInit(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int flags);
- static Bool psbScreenInit(int Index, ScreenPtr pScreen, int argc,
- char **argv);
-@@ -92,6 +92,13 @@
- #define makedev(x,y) ((dev_t)(((x) << 8) | (y)))
- #endif
-+static const struct pci_id_match psbDeviceMatch[] = {
-+ { 0x8086, PCI_CHIP_PSB1, PCI_MATCH_ANY, PCI_MATCH_ANY, 0, 0, 0 },
-+ { 0x8086, PCI_CHIP_PSB2, PCI_MATCH_ANY, PCI_MATCH_ANY, 0, 0, 0 },
-+ { 0, 0, 0 },
- /*
- * This contains the functions needed by the server after loading the
- * driver module. It must be supplied, and gets added the driver list by
-@@ -104,10 +111,13 @@
- psbIdentify,
-- psbProbe,
-+ NULL,
- psbAvailableOptions,
-- 0
-+ 0,
-+ NULL,
-+ psbDeviceMatch,
-+ psbProbe
- };
- enum GenericTypes
-@@ -350,122 +360,85 @@
- * do a minimal probe for supported hardware.
- */
--static Bool
--psbProbe(DriverPtr drv, int flags)
-+/*psbProbe(DriverPtr drv, int flags)*/
-+static Bool psbProbe (DriverPtr driver,
-+ int entity_num,
-+ struct pci_device *device,
-+ intptr_t match_data)
- {
-+ ScrnInfoPtr scrn = NULL;
- Bool foundScreen = FALSE;
-- int numDevSections, numUsed;
-- GDevPtr *devSections = NULL;
-- int *usedChips = NULL;
-- int i;
-+ int numUsed;
- EntityInfoPtr pEnt;
- PsbDevicePtr pPsbDev;
- DevUnion *pPriv;
- PSB_DEBUG(-1, 2, "psbProbe\n");
- numUsed = 0;
-- /*
-- * Find the config file Device sections that match this
-- * driver, and return if there are none.
-- */
-- if ((numDevSections = xf86MatchDevice(PSB_NAME, &devSections)) <= 0)
-- return (FALSE);
-- if (xf86GetPciVideoInfo()) {
-- /*
-- * This function allocates screens to devices according to
-- * bus ids in the config file. Multiple device sections may point
-- * to the same PCI device.
-- */
-- numUsed = xf86MatchPciInstances(PSB_NAME, PCI_VENDOR_INTEL,
-- psbChipsets, psbPCIchipsets,
-- devSections, numDevSections, drv,
-- &usedChips);
-- }
-- if (numUsed <= 0)
-- goto out;
-- if (flags & PROBE_DETECT) {
-- foundScreen = TRUE;
-- goto out;
-- }
-- if (psbEntityIndex == -1)
-- psbEntityIndex = xf86AllocateEntityPrivateIndex();
-+ scrn = xf86ConfigPciEntity (scrn, 0, entity_num, psbPCIchipsets,
-+ NULL,
-- for (i = 0; i < numUsed; i++) {
-- ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = NULL;
-- /* Allocate a ScrnInfoRec */
-- if ((pScrn = xf86ConfigPciEntity(pScrn, 0, usedChips[i],
-- psbPCIchipsets, NULL, NULL, NULL,
-- NULL, NULL))) {
-- pScrn->driverVersion = PSB_VERSION;
-- pScrn->driverName = PSB_DRIVER_NAME;
-- pScrn->name = PSB_NAME;
-- pScrn->Probe = psbProbe;
-- pScrn->PreInit = psbPreInit;
-- pScrn->ScreenInit = psbScreenInit;
-- pScrn->SwitchMode = psbSwitchMode;
-- pScrn->AdjustFrame = psbAdjustFrame;
-- pScrn->EnterVT = psbEnterVT;
-- pScrn->LeaveVT = psbLeaveVT;
-- pScrn->FreeScreen = psbFreeScreen;
-- pScrn->ValidMode = NULL;
-- foundScreen = TRUE;
-- }
-+ if (scrn != NULL)
-+ {
-+ scrn->driverVersion = PSB_VERSION;
-+ scrn->driverName = PSB_DRIVER_NAME;
-+ scrn->name = PSB_NAME;
-+ scrn->Probe = NULL;
-+ scrn->PreInit = psbPreInit;
-+ scrn->ScreenInit = psbScreenInit;
-+ scrn->SwitchMode = psbSwitchMode;
-+ scrn->AdjustFrame = psbAdjustFrame;
-+ scrn->EnterVT = psbEnterVT;
-+ scrn->LeaveVT = psbLeaveVT;
-+ scrn->FreeScreen = psbFreeScreen;
-+ scrn->ValidMode = NULL;
-+ foundScreen = TRUE;
- /*
- * We support dual head, And need a per-device structure.
- */
- pPsbDev = NULL;
-- pEnt = xf86GetEntityInfo(usedChips[i]);
-- xf86SetEntitySharable(usedChips[i]);
-+ pEnt = xf86GetEntityInfo(entity_num);
-+ xf86SetEntitySharable(entity_num);
-- pPriv = xf86GetEntityPrivate(pScrn->entityList[0], psbEntityIndex);
-+ /* Allocate an entity private if necessary */
-+ if (psbEntityIndex < 0)
-+ psbEntityIndex = xf86AllocateEntityPrivateIndex();
-+ pPriv = xf86GetEntityPrivate(scrn->entityList[0], psbEntityIndex);
- if (!pPriv->ptr) {
-- PSB_DEBUG(pScrn->scrnIndex, 3, "Allocating new device\n");
-+ PSB_DEBUG(scrn->scrnIndex, 3, "Allocating new device\n");
- pPriv->ptr = xnfcalloc(sizeof(PsbDevice), 1);
- pPsbDev = pPriv->ptr;
- pPsbDev->lastInstance = -1;
- pPsbDev->pEnt = pEnt;
-- pPsbDev->pciInfo = xf86GetPciInfoForEntity(pEnt->index);
-- pPsbDev->pciTag = pciTag(pPsbDev->pciInfo->bus,
-- pPsbDev->pciInfo->device,
-- pPsbDev->pciInfo->func);
- pPsbDev->refCount = 0;
-- pPsbDev->pScrns[0] = pScrn;
-+ pPsbDev->pScrns[0] = scrn;
- } else {
- pPsbDev = pPriv->ptr;
-- PSB_DEBUG(pScrn->scrnIndex, 3, "Secondary screen %d\n",
-+ PSB_DEBUG(scrn->scrnIndex, 3, "Secondary screen %d\n",
- pPsbDev->lastInstance + 1);
-- pPsbDev->pScrns[1] = pScrn;
-+ pPsbDev->pScrns[1] = scrn;
- }
- pPsbDev->lastInstance++;
- pPsbDev->numScreens = pPsbDev->lastInstance + 1;
-- xf86SetEntityInstanceForScreen(pScrn, pScrn->entityList[0],
-+ xf86SetEntityInstanceForScreen(scrn, scrn->entityList[0],
- pPsbDev->lastInstance);
-- pPsbDev->device = xf86GetDevFromEntity(pScrn->entityList[0],
-- pScrn->entityInstanceList[0]);
-+ pPsbDev->device = xf86GetDevFromEntity(scrn->entityList[0],
-+ scrn->entityInstanceList[0]);
- }
-- out:
-- if (usedChips != NULL)
-- xfree(usedChips);
-- if (devSections != NULL)
-- xfree(devSections);
-- return foundScreen;
-+ return scrn != NULL;
- }
- static PsbPtr
-@@ -492,8 +465,10 @@
- I830Ptr pI830 = &pPsb->i830Ptr;
- pI830->pEnt = pDevice->pEnt;
-- pI830->PciTag = pDevice->pciTag;
-- pI830->PciInfo = pDevice->pciInfo;
-+ pI830->PciInfo = pDevice->PciInfo;
-+ pI830->mmio_bar = pDevice->mmio_bar;
-+ pI830->fb_bar = pDevice->fb_bar;
-+ pI830->gtt_bar = pDevice->gtt_bar;
- pI830->pDevice = pDevice;
- }
-@@ -607,7 +582,6 @@
- psbPreInitDRI(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn)
- {
- PsbPtr pPsb = psbPTR(pScrn);
-- MessageType from;
- mmInitListHead(&pPsb->sAreaList);
- pPsb->dri = TRUE;
-@@ -930,12 +904,13 @@
- 400,
- 533,
- };
-- PCITAG host = pciTag(0, 0, 0);
-- CARD32 clock, period;
-- pciWriteLong(host, 0xD0, 0xD0050300);
-+ CARD32 period;
-+ unsigned int clock;
-+ pci_device_cfg_write_u32(pDevice->PciInfo, 0xD0050300, 0xD0);
-- clock = pciReadLong(host, 0xD4);
-+ pci_device_cfg_read_u32(pDevice->PciInfo, &clock, 0xD4);
- pPsb->CoreClock = CoreClocks[clock & 0x07];
- pPsb->MemClock = MemClocks[(clock & 0x08) >> 3];
-@@ -1054,8 +1029,8 @@
- if (!vgaHWGetHWRec(pDevice->pScrns[0]))
- return FALSE;
-- pDevice->regPhys = pDevice->pciInfo->memBase[0];
-- pDevice->regSize = 1 << pDevice->pciInfo->size[0];
-+ pDevice->regPhys = pDevice->PciInfo->regions[0].base_addr;
-+ pDevice->regSize = 1 << pDevice->PciInfo->regions[0].size;
- pDevice->regMap = xf86MapVidMem(scrnIndex, VIDMEM_MMIO_32BIT,
- pDevice->regPhys, pDevice->regSize);
-@@ -1076,12 +1051,12 @@
- * Map the OpRegion SCI region
- */
- {
-- CARD32 OpRegion_Phys;
-+ unsigned int OpRegion_Phys;
- unsigned int OpRegion_Size = 0x100;
- OpRegionPtr OpRegion;
- char *OpRegion_String = "IntelGraphicsMem";
-- OpRegion_Phys = pciReadLong(pDevice->pciTag, 0xFC);
-+ pci_device_cfg_read_u32(pDevice->PciInfo, &OpRegion_Phys, 0xFC);
- pDevice->OpRegion = xf86MapVidMem(scrnIndex, VIDMEM_MMIO_32BIT,
- OpRegion_Phys, OpRegion_Size);
-@@ -1107,8 +1082,10 @@
- }
- }
-- pDevice->stolenBase =
-- (unsigned long)pciReadLong(pDevice->pciTag, PSB_BSM) & 0xFFFFF000;
-+ pci_device_cfg_read_u32(pDevice->PciInfo, &pDevice->stolenBase, PSB_BSM);
-+ pDevice->stolenBase = pDevice->stolenBase & 0xFFFFF000;
- pDevice->stolenSize = PSB_READ32(PSB_PGETBL_CTL) & 0xFFFFF000;
- pDevice->stolenSize -= pDevice->stolenBase;
-Index: git/src/psb_driver.h
---- git.orig/src/psb_driver.h 2008-12-12 15:14:28.000000000 +0000
-+++ git/src/psb_driver.h 2009-02-04 16:38:32.000000000 +0000
-@@ -54,6 +54,9 @@
- #include "xf86Crtc.h"
- #include "xf86str.h"
-+#include "xorg-server.h"
-+#include <pciaccess.h>
- #include "libmm/mm_defines.h"
- #include "libmm/mm_interface.h"
-@@ -137,8 +140,10 @@
- unsigned deviceIndex;
- EntityInfoPtr pEnt;
- GDevPtr device;
-- pciVideoPtr pciInfo;
-- PCITAG pciTag;
-+ struct pci_device *PciInfo;
-+ int mmio_bar;
-+ int fb_bar;
-+ int gtt_bar;
- unsigned long regPhys;
- unsigned long regSize;
- unsigned long fbPhys;
-@@ -202,8 +207,10 @@
- typedef struct _I830Rec
- {
- EntityInfoPtr pEnt;
-- PCITAG PciTag;
-- pciVideoPtr PciInfo;
-+ struct pci_device *PciInfo;
-+ int mmio_bar;
-+ int fb_bar;
-+ int gtt_bar;
- PsbDevicePtr pDevice;
- } I830Rec, *I830Ptr;
-Index: git/src/psb_lvds.c
---- git.orig/src/psb_lvds.c 2008-12-12 15:14:28.000000000 +0000
-+++ git/src/psb_lvds.c 2009-02-04 16:38:32.000000000 +0000
-@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
- #define MAGIC_SCI 0x8001
- /* Go get the data from SCI */
-- pciWriteLong(pDevice->pciTag, 0xE0, MAGIC_SCI);
-+ pci_device_cfg_write_u32(pDevice->PciInfo, MAGIC_SCI, 0xE0);
- /* wait for the data */
- loop = (*SciDSLP == 0) ? 10 : *SciDSLP;
-@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@
- psbLVDSSetBacklight(PsbLVDSOutputPtr pLVDS, int level)
- {
- PsbDevicePtr pDevice = pLVDS->psbOutput.pDevice;
-- CARD32 blc_pwm_ctl, blc_pwm_duty_cycle;
-+ CARD32 blc_pwm_duty_cycle;
- PsbPtr pPsb = psbPTR(pLVDS->psbOutput.pScrn);
- CARD32 max_pwm_blc;
- unsigned long newbacklight = 0;
-@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@
- static CARD32
- psbLVDSGetMaxBacklight(PsbLVDSOutputPtr pLVDS)
- {
-- PsbDevicePtr pDevice = pLVDS->psbOutput.pDevice;
-+ /*PsbDevicePtr pDevice = pLVDS->psbOutput.pDevice;*/
- }
-Index: git/src/psb_ioctl.h
---- git.orig/src/psb_ioctl.h 2009-02-04 16:47:55.000000000 +0000
-+++ git/src/psb_ioctl.h 2009-02-04 16:48:08.000000000 +0000
-@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@
- #ifndef _PSB_IOCTL_H_
- #define _PSB_IOCTL_H_
-+#include "libdrm_lists.h"
- typedef struct _drmBOList
- {
- unsigned numTarget;