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authorRichard Purdie <>2018-07-20 15:44:05 +0000
committerRichard Purdie <>2018-07-24 11:52:07 +0100
commit9f058857fb692f1251deb43bcaa7ed0120140093 (patch)
parent2de56aa0792ec93445130d801936a8ea643fad27 (diff)
package: Clean up getstatusoutput usage
Replace usage of oe.utils.getstatusoutput() with direct subprocess calls. The call is just a wraper to the subprocess call of the same name and requires the caller to handle exceptions themselves. We usually do this badly, failing to show the output or the command or the return code. Its much safer to rely on a call like subprocess.check_output() instead. This also makes it easier to spot and remove cases where shell=True isn't needed in a later cleanup. Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/meta/classes/package.bbclass b/meta/classes/package.bbclass
index 81cb0c049c..2fab39005c 100644
--- a/meta/classes/package.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/package.bbclass
@@ -430,6 +430,7 @@ def copydebugsources(debugsrcdir, d):
# and copied to the destination here.
import stat
+ import subprocess
sourcefile = d.expand("${WORKDIR}/debugsources.list")
if debugsrcdir and os.path.isfile(sourcefile):
@@ -466,23 +467,20 @@ def copydebugsources(debugsrcdir, d):
processdebugsrc += "(cd '%s' ; cpio -pd0mlL --no-preserve-owner '%s%s' 2>/dev/null)"
cmd = processdebugsrc % (sourcefile, workbasedir, localsrc_prefix, workparentdir, dvar, debugsrcdir)
- (retval, output) = oe.utils.getstatusoutput(cmd)
- # Can "fail" if internal headers/transient sources are attempted
- #if retval:
- # bb.fatal("debug source copy failed with exit code %s (cmd was %s)" % (retval, cmd))
+ try:
+ subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+ # Can "fail" if internal headers/transient sources are attempted
+ pass
# cpio seems to have a bug with -lL together and symbolic links are just copied, not dereferenced.
# Work around this by manually finding and copying any symbolic links that made it through.
cmd = "find %s%s -type l -print0 -delete | sed s#%s%s/##g | (cd '%s' ; cpio -pd0mL --no-preserve-owner '%s%s' 2>/dev/null)" % (dvar, debugsrcdir, dvar, debugsrcdir, workparentdir, dvar, debugsrcdir)
- (retval, output) = oe.utils.getstatusoutput(cmd)
- if retval:
- bb.fatal("debugsrc symlink fixup failed with exit code %s (cmd was %s)" % (retval, cmd))
+ subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
# The copy by cpio may have resulted in some empty directories! Remove these
cmd = "find %s%s -empty -type d -delete" % (dvar, debugsrcdir)
- (retval, output) = oe.utils.getstatusoutput(cmd)
- if retval:
- bb.fatal("empty directory removal failed with exit code %s (cmd was %s)%s" % (retval, cmd, ":\n%s" % output if output else ""))
+ subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
# Also remove debugsrcdir if its empty
for p in nosuchdir[::-1]:
@@ -643,6 +641,8 @@ python package_do_split_locales() {
python perform_packagecopy () {
+ import subprocess
dest = d.getVar('D')
dvar = d.getVar('PKGD')
@@ -650,9 +650,7 @@ python perform_packagecopy () {
# files to operate on
# Preserve sparse files and hard links
cmd = 'tar -cf - -C %s -p . | tar -xf - -C %s' % (dest, dvar)
- (retval, output) = oe.utils.getstatusoutput(cmd)
- if retval:
- bb.fatal("file copy failed with exit code %s (cmd was %s)%s" % (retval, cmd, ":\n%s" % output if output else ""))
+ subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
# replace RPATHs for the nativesdk binaries, to make them relocatable
if'nativesdk', d) or'cross-canadian', d):