diff options
authorRandy Witt <>2015-02-23 17:00:40 +0000
committerRichard Purdie <>2015-02-23 18:00:11 +0000
commit9721378688a05cd8d8443c6ee4be823e5c0688f6 (patch)
parent62930ea37cfd5ba787ee85bc8dab23c20a775253 (diff)
openembedded-core-9721378688a05cd8d8443c6ee4be823e5c0688f6.tar.bz2 Make relocation optional.
If the buildsystem is copied into the sdk and its toolchain is to be used, then the relocation provided in isn't needed and will actually fail. So break the relocation aspect out and essentially make it another SDK_POST_INSTALL_COMMAND script. Signed-off-by: Randy Witt <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
-rw-r--r--meta/files/ (renamed from meta/files/
3 files changed, 59 insertions, 54 deletions
diff --git a/meta/classes/populate_sdk_base.bbclass b/meta/classes/populate_sdk_base.bbclass
index e3adacb2c9..5c0769373a 100644
--- a/meta/classes/populate_sdk_base.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/populate_sdk_base.bbclass
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ EXCLUDE_FROM_WORLD = "1"
SDK_PACKAGING_FUNC ?= "create_shar"
python write_target_sdk_manifest () {
@@ -116,9 +117,14 @@ fakeroot tar_sdk() {
fakeroot create_shar() {
# copy in the template shar extractor script
- cat << "EOF" > ${T}/post_install_command
+ rm -f ${T}/post_install_command
+ if [ ${SDK_RELOCATE_AFTER_INSTALL} -eq 1 ] ; then
+ cp ${COREBASE}/meta/files/ ${T}/post_install_command
+ fi
+ cat << "EOF" >> ${T}/post_install_command
sed -i -e '/@SDK_POST_INSTALL_COMMAND@/r ${T}/post_install_command' ${SDK_DEPLOY}/${TOOLCHAIN_OUTPUTNAME}.sh
diff --git a/meta/files/ b/meta/files/
index 151b973d35..516aa3a142 100644
--- a/meta/files/
+++ b/meta/files/
@@ -139,63 +139,12 @@ for env_setup_script in `ls $target_sdk_dir/environment-setup-*`; do
$SUDO_EXEC sed -e "s:$DEFAULT_INSTALL_DIR:$target_sdk_dir:g" -i $env_setup_script
-# fix dynamic loader paths in all ELF SDK binaries
-native_sysroot=$($SUDO_EXEC cat $env_setup_script |grep 'OECORE_NATIVE_SYSROOT='|cut -d'=' -f2|tr -d '"')
-dl_path=$($SUDO_EXEC find $native_sysroot/lib -name "ld-linux*")
-if [ "$dl_path" = "" ] ; then
- echo "SDK could not be set up. Relocate script unable to find Abort!"
- exit 1
-executable_files=$($SUDO_EXEC find $native_sysroot -type f \
- \( -perm -0100 -o -perm -0010 -o -perm -0001 \) -printf "'%h/%f' ")
-tdir=`mktemp -d`
-if [ x$tdir = x ] ; then
- echo "SDK relocate failed, could not create a temporary directory"
- exit 1
-echo "#!/bin/bash" > $tdir/
-echo exec ${env_setup_script%/*}/ $target_sdk_dir $dl_path $executable_files >> $tdir/
-$SUDO_EXEC mv $tdir/ ${env_setup_script%/*}/
-$SUDO_EXEC chmod 755 ${env_setup_script%/*}/
-rm -rf $tdir
-if [ $relocate = 1 ] ; then
- $SUDO_EXEC ${env_setup_script%/*}/
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "SDK could not be set up. Relocate script failed. Abort!"
- exit 1
- fi
-# replace @SDKPATH@ with the new prefix in all text files: configs/scripts/etc
-for replace in "$target_sdk_dir -maxdepth 1" "$native_sysroot"; do
- $SUDO_EXEC find $replace -type f -exec file '{}' \; | \
- grep ":.*\(ASCII\|script\|source\).*text" | \
- awk -F':' '{printf "\"%s\"\n", $1}' | \
- grep -v "$target_sdk_dir/environment-setup-*" | \
- $SUDO_EXEC xargs -n32 sed -i -e "s:$DEFAULT_INSTALL_DIR:$target_sdk_dir:g"
-# change all symlinks pointing to @SDKPATH@
-for l in $($SUDO_EXEC find $native_sysroot -type l); do
- $SUDO_EXEC ln -sfn $(readlink $l|$SUDO_EXEC sed -e "s:$DEFAULT_INSTALL_DIR:$target_sdk_dir:") $l
-# find out all perl scripts in $native_sysroot and modify them replacing the
-# host perl with SDK perl.
-for perl_script in $($SUDO_EXEC find $native_sysroot -type f -exec grep -l "^#!.*perl" '{}' \;); do
- $SUDO_EXEC sed -i -e "s:^#! */usr/bin/perl.*:#! /usr/bin/env perl:g" -e \
- "s: /usr/bin/perl: /usr/bin/env perl:g" $perl_script
-echo done
# delete the relocating script, so that user is forced to re-run the installer
# if he/she wants another location for the sdk
if [ $savescripts = 0 ] ; then
- $SUDO_EXEC rm ${env_setup_script%/*}/ ${env_setup_script%/*}/
+ $SUDO_EXEC rm -f ${env_setup_script%/*}/ ${env_setup_script%/*}/
echo "SDK has been successfully set up and is ready to be used."
diff --git a/meta/files/ b/meta/files/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dfb8e16d7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/files/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# fix dynamic loader paths in all ELF SDK binaries
+native_sysroot=$($SUDO_EXEC cat $env_setup_script |grep 'OECORE_NATIVE_SYSROOT='|cut -d'=' -f2|tr -d '"')
+dl_path=$($SUDO_EXEC find $native_sysroot/lib -name "ld-linux*")
+if [ "$dl_path" = "" ] ; then
+ echo "SDK could not be set up. Relocate script unable to find Abort!"
+ exit 1
+executable_files=$($SUDO_EXEC find $native_sysroot -type f \
+ \( -perm -0100 -o -perm -0010 -o -perm -0001 \) -printf "'%h/%f' ")
+tdir=`mktemp -d`
+if [ x$tdir = x ] ; then
+ echo "SDK relocate failed, could not create a temporary directory"
+ exit 1
+echo "#!/bin/bash" > $tdir/
+echo exec ${env_setup_script%/*}/ $target_sdk_dir $dl_path $executable_files >> $tdir/
+$SUDO_EXEC mv $tdir/ ${env_setup_script%/*}/
+$SUDO_EXEC chmod 755 ${env_setup_script%/*}/
+rm -rf $tdir
+if [ $relocate = 1 ] ; then
+ $SUDO_EXEC ${env_setup_script%/*}/
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "SDK could not be set up. Relocate script failed. Abort!"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+# replace @SDKPATH@ with the new prefix in all text files: configs/scripts/etc
+for replace in "$target_sdk_dir -maxdepth 1" "$native_sysroot"; do
+ $SUDO_EXEC find $replace -type f -exec file '{}' \; | \
+ grep ":.*\(ASCII\|script\|source\).*text" | \
+ awk -F':' '{printf "\"%s\"\n", $1}' | \
+ grep -v "$target_sdk_dir/environment-setup-*" | \
+ $SUDO_EXEC xargs -n32 sed -i -e "s:$DEFAULT_INSTALL_DIR:$target_sdk_dir:g"
+# change all symlinks pointing to @SDKPATH@
+for l in $($SUDO_EXEC find $native_sysroot -type l); do
+ $SUDO_EXEC ln -sfn $(readlink $l|$SUDO_EXEC sed -e "s:$DEFAULT_INSTALL_DIR:$target_sdk_dir:") $l
+# find out all perl scripts in $native_sysroot and modify them replacing the
+# host perl with SDK perl.
+for perl_script in $($SUDO_EXEC find $native_sysroot -type f -exec grep -l "^#!.*perl" '{}' \;); do
+ $SUDO_EXEC sed -i -e "s:^#! */usr/bin/perl.*:#! /usr/bin/env perl:g" -e \
+ "s: /usr/bin/perl: /usr/bin/env perl:g" $perl_script
+echo done