diff options
authorJoshua Watt <>2018-08-24 10:59:50 -0400
committerRichard Purdie <>2018-08-28 10:27:15 +0100
commit21de5cc43cfedc703e5bc0515507a6dae36afb74 (patch)
parent2f43139e7e0db2522c88b41875c32949f66ca1e8 (diff)
classes/kernel-yocto: Cleanup getstatusoutput usage
Replace usage of os.utils.getstatusoutput() with direct subprocess calls. Pass a modified environment and working directory where necessary to bypass the need to execute in a shell. Signed-off-by: Joshua Watt <> Signed-off-by: Bruce Ashfield <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2 files changed, 18 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/meta/classes/kernel-yocto.bbclass b/meta/classes/kernel-yocto.bbclass
index 077a1ab8ef..19d74a7875 100644
--- a/meta/classes/kernel-yocto.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/kernel-yocto.bbclass
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ do_kernel_configme() {
addtask kernel_configme before do_configure after do_patch
python do_kernel_configcheck() {
- import re, string, sys
+ import re, string, sys, subprocess
# if KMETA isn't set globally by a recipe using this routine, we need to
# set the default to 'meta'. Otherwise, kconf_check is not passed a valid
@@ -330,16 +330,26 @@ python do_kernel_configcheck() {
if not os.path.exists(kmeta):
kmeta = "." + kmeta
- pathprefix = "export PATH=%s:%s; " % (d.getVar('PATH'), "${S}/scripts/util/")
+ s = d.getVar('S')
- cmd = d.expand("scc --configs -o ${S}/.kernel-meta")
- ret, configs = oe.utils.getstatusoutput("%s%s" % (pathprefix, cmd))
+ env = os.environ.copy()
+ env['PATH'] = "%s:%s%s" % (d.getVar('PATH'), s, "/scripts/util/")
- cmd = d.expand("cd ${S}; kconf_check --report -o ${S}/%s/cfg/ ${B}/.config ${S} %s" % (kmeta,configs))
- ret, result = oe.utils.getstatusoutput("%s%s" % (pathprefix, cmd))
+ try:
+ configs = subprocess.check_output(['scc', '--configs', '-o', s + '/.kernel-meta'], env=env).decode('utf-8')
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+ bb.fatal( "Cannot gather config fragments for audit: %s" % configs)
+ try:
+ subprocess.check_call(['kconf_check', '--report', '-o',
+ '%s/%s/cfg' % (s, kmeta), d.getVar('B') + '/.config', s, configs], cwd=s, env=env)
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+ # The configuration gathering can return different exit codes, but
+ # we interpret them based on the KCONF_AUDIT_LEVEL variable, so we catch
+ # everything here, and let the run continue.
+ pass
config_check_visibility = int(d.getVar("KCONF_AUDIT_LEVEL") or 0)
- bsp_check_visibility = int(d.getVar("KCONF_BSP_AUDIT_LEVEL") or 0)
# if config check visibility is non-zero, report dropped configuration values
mismatch_file = d.expand("${S}/%s/cfg/mismatch.txt" % kmeta)
diff --git a/meta/recipes-kernel/kern-tools/ b/meta/recipes-kernel/kern-tools/
index 4ccf9b07f3..dca567f783 100644
--- a/meta/recipes-kernel/kern-tools/
+++ b/meta/recipes-kernel/kern-tools/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://git/tools/kgit;beginline=5;endline=9;md5=a6c2fa8aef1b
DEPENDS = "git-native"
-SRCREV = "8cd13500a27c0a6a911cc83c0349dec01ef66e27"
+SRCREV = "602237a57487e969016db3085d181b585f5a74a7"
PR = "r12"
PV = "0.2+git${SRCPV}"