path: root/recipes/efl1
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFiles
2010-03-14ecore: add patch that fixes the ecore-fb touchscreen initializationMichael 'Mickey' Lauer3
2010-03-14elementary: packaging updatesMichael 'Mickey' Lauer1
2010-03-11ecore: split exit_uclibc patch, as one part needs maxrev=47076Martin Jansa3
2010-03-03efreet: include efreet_desktop_cache_create in main package, because it's nee...Martin Jansa1
2010-02-12EFL: bump SRCREV a bit, remove applied patchMartin Jansa2
2010-02-11epsilon: add ecore_data to compile latest epsilonMartin Jansa2
2010-02-11EFL: some packages were moved from trunk/OLD to OLD, update SRC_URIMartin Jansa4
2010-02-11libeflvala: SRCREV->SRCPV is safe with svn recipesMartin Jansa1
2010-02-11libeflvala: has moved from FSO git to EFL svnMichael 'Mickey' Lauer1
2010-01-28evas: enable svg loaderKoen Kooi2
2010-01-24efl: bump SRCREVKoen Kooi3
2010-01-17ewl: add autopoint call to do_configure_prependMartin Jansa1
2010-01-16libefso: add efreed dependencyThomas Zimmermann1
2010-01-07libeflvala: move from recipes/freesmartphone to recipes/eflMartin Jansa1
2010-01-05e17: bump SRCREV, enable fixed-point mode in edje according to target fpu set...Koen Kooi2
2009-12-09elementary: readd RDEPENDS on elementary-themes, accidentally removed in 51d8...Martin Jansa1 new recipeKlaus Kurzmann13
2009-12-04ecore: maxrev iconv patchKoen Kooi1
2009-12-02libeweather: new recipe; EFL-based weather report libraryMichael 'Mickey' Lauer1
2009-11-30eina: fix building on uClibcHenning Heinold2
2009-11-26e17: bump SRCREV and start adapting it to new-style stagingKoen Kooi3
2009-11-19recipes from shr: kill SRCPV, no SRCPV for git allowed yetMartin Jansa12
2009-11-19elementary: don't pull elementary-tests by defaultMartin Jansa1
2009-11-19ecore: fix building for uClibcHenning Heinold4
2009-11-18Revert "ecore: fix building for uClibc"Koen Kooi4
2009-11-17ecore: fix building for uClibcHenning Heinold4
2009-11-17svn recipes: change +svnr${SRCREV} +svnr${SRCPV}Martin Jansa24
2009-11-15illume keyboards: switch from SRCREV to SRCPVMartin Jansa12
2009-11-04expedite, evas: don't turn of the GL engine forcefullyKoen Kooi2
2009-10-07enlightenment: some modules moved in the svn tree, account for thatKoen Kooi3
2009-09-24enlightenment: bump SRCREVKoen Kooi3
2009-09-17e-wm-illume-dict-pl: Polish dict for the illume keyboard (from SHR)Stefan Schmidt1
2009-09-17illume-keyboard*: A bunch of illume keyboard layouts. (from SHR)Stefan Schmidt13
2009-09-13emotion_svn: Remove not needed sed hack for edje_cc.Stefan Schmidt1
2009-09-02evas-native: add libxext-native as dependencyHenning Heinold1 Make it look for edje_cc in STAGING_DIR.Christopher Friedt1
2009-07-31Merge branch '' of ...Koen Kooi1
2009-07-31enlightenment: bump SRCREV, fix upgrade pathsKoen Kooi3
2009-07-31emotion_svn: Give path to edje_cc to fix build. Bump PR.Stefan Schmidt1
2009-06-07enlightenment: update a bunch of PVs to match SRCREVKoen Kooi10
2009-06-06libefso: Sync package versionStefan Schmidt1
2009-06-05enlightenment: bump SRCREV in anticipation of new snapshot coming friday * sy...Koen Kooi3
2009-05-09ecore: bump PRKoen Kooi1
2009-05-08evas: make splitting magic match PACKAGES_DYNAMICKoen Kooi2
2009-04-25ecore: fix git merge damageKoen Kooi2
2009-04-25Revert "evas: catch up with new upstream library names; bump version string"Koen Kooi3
2009-04-25Revert "ecore: catch up with the new SONAMEs; move to autosplitting"Koen Kooi1
2009-04-25Revert "efl: sync versions with upstream"Koen Kooi7
2009-04-24efl: sync versions with upstreamMichael 'Mickey' Lauer7
2009-04-24evas: catch up with new upstream library names; bump version stringMichael 'Mickey' Lauer3