path: root/packages
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFiles
2006-06-01sip4-native: fix stagingMichael Lauer1
2006-06-01qt-x11-free 3.3.6 fix using native toolsMichael Lauer1
2006-06-01python-spydi: fix SRC_URIMichael Lauer1
2006-06-01etox: you are dead, go awayMichael Lauer3
2006-06-01ethereal: remove workaround with -native version, delete -nativeMichael Lauer2
2006-06-01mysql: split packaging - mysql -> mysql-client + mysql-serverMarcin Juszkiewicz1
2006-06-01mtd-utils: Add 1.0.0 release.Jonathan McDowell1 : correct ${PV} from 0.73+ to 0.72+Graeme Gregory1
2006-06-01pwlib change SRC_IRU to use DEBIAN_MIRROR and sent default_pref to -...Koen Kooi1
2006-05-31util-linux - Add util-linux-nativeRaymond Danks1
2006-05-31tetex - No install for tetex-nativeRaymond Danks1
2006-05-31sudo - Fix permissions on /etc/sudoersRaymond Danks1
2006-05-31stress - Initial add.Raymond Danks2
2006-05-31quake - Needs libxau.Raymond Danks1
2006-05-31pwlib - Initial addRaymond Danks3
2006-05-31perl - Absolute includes fix.Raymond Danks3
2006-05-31pdm - pdm.conf file and a few sessions.Raymond Danks7
2006-05-31openssl - Add i486-linux target.Raymond Danks1
2006-05-31openh323 - Initial add.Raymond Danks4
2006-05-31nvidia-drivers - Initial add.Raymond Danks7
2006-05-31mtools - Doesn't really need tetex-native when mtools-makeinfo.patch is applied.Raymond Danks1
2006-05-31ltt - Update to 0.9.6-pre4.Raymond Danks3
2006-05-31lm_sensors - Initial add.Raymond Danks2
2006-05-31libidl - Firefox uses the libIDL-config-2 script instead of pkgconfig Raymond Danks2
2006-05-31libdvdnav - Initial add.Raymond Danks2
2006-05-31ica - Now depends upon libx11 and libxawRaymond Danks1
2006-05-31gpm - Init script cleanup.Raymond Danks1
2006-05-31gdb - Add cross staging.Raymond Danks1
2006-05-31gcc - ${TARGET_PREFIX}gcov are useful for cross code coverage analysis.Raymond Danks11
2006-05-31fontconfig - Add a local.conf fileRaymond Danks2
2006-05-31emelfm2 - Initial add.Raymond Danks4
2006-05-31dialog - Add dialog-static and templates.patch (missed adds)Raymond Danks3
2006-05-31cramfs - cramfs-andersee.patch and makefile.patch for cramfs-native. (missed ...Raymond Danks3
2006-05-31dialog - Add dialog-static and templates.patchRaymond Danks1
2006-05-31cramfs - cramfs-andersee.patch and makefile.patch for cramfs-native.Raymond Danks1
2006-05-31busybox - sh may not always be enabled in defconfig.Raymond Danks2
2006-05-31bonnie - Separate bonnie-scripts package.Raymond Danks1
2006-05-31autofs - Build problems with PARALLEL_MAKE.Raymond Danks1
2006-05-31Update MAINTAINER email address for packages created by AMD.Raymond Danks17
2006-05-31python-imaging 1.1.5: add python stringold and lang run time dependsCliff Brake1
2006-05-31linux-ezx: need to set FILESDIR now that it's getting includedMichael Lauer1
2006-05-31ezx-kernels: rename boogy per the recent arm-linux-depmod-${PV} dependencyMichael Lauer3
2006-05-31a780|e680 kernel update: adds touchscreen improvement fix and enables dyntickMichael Lauer7
2006-05-31merge of 4cfdadba6908591a58400b358f66aa5d7a5c2d9eMichael Lauer1
2006-05-31python-imaging: added 1.1.5 (also called PIL)Marcin Juszkiewicz3
2006-05-31python-mysqldb: added 1.2.1_p2Marcin Juszkiewicz4
2006-05-31python-sqlobject: added 0.7.0Marcin Juszkiewicz1
2006-05-31python-formencode: added 0.4Marcin Juszkiewicz3
2006-05-31merge of 73a040e1292f94333eab9d73425b9fdecf4da694Marcin Juszkiewicz25
2006-05-31pbltool: Add pbltool, a serial port loader for the Amstrad Delta.Jonathan McDowell2