path: root/conf/distro/include/
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFiles Bump zhone for TTFF displayStefan Schmidt1
2009-02-04task-fso-compliance: Ship fso-monitord in the latest versionStefan Schmidt1 Bump frameworkd to get gta01 ogpsd fixStefan Schmidt1 Newer rev for frameworkd and zhoneStefan Schmidt1 Bump fso stuff for fixesStefan Schmidt1 Bump frameworkd and zhone for the latest fixesStefan Schmidt1
2009-01-28socketcan-utils-test_svn: add initial recipe for socketcan userspace appsCliff Brake1
2009-01-28remoko: bump to SVN revision 121 and update base versionJan Lübbe1
2009-01-26gnuradio : Remove hard coded python version. Bump SRCREV.Philip Balister1
2009-01-26socketcan: initial recipe for socketcan kernel modulesCliff Brake1
2009-01-24fso-gsm0710muxd: bump to 'Mickey' Lauer1
2009-01-23mplayer: bump SRCREV for VDPAU problemsKoen Kooi1 fix typoMichael 'Mickey' Lauer1
2009-01-21bootchart-lite: new recipe; bootchart diagnostic tool for embedded systemsKen1
2009-01-21gsm0710muxd: bump to 0.9.3 releaseMichael 'Mickey' Lauer1
2009-01-21sane-srcrevs: bump FSO bundleMichael 'Mickey' Lauer1
2009-01-21paroli: new recipe; combined application for Openmoko 2009.xMichael 'Mickey' Lauer1
2009-01-19mplayer: bump SRCREVKoen Kooi1
2009-01-20opkg: bump up opkg version to R197Tick Chen1
2009-01-16Merge branch 'mickey/python26' into org.openembedded.devMichael 'Mickey' Lauer1
2009-01-16webkit-gtk: bump SRCREVKoen Kooi1
2009-01-14mplayer: update to a more recent svn versions, enable theora and dvd supportKoen Kooi1
2009-01-14python-pyyaml: 3.05 -> 3.08Michael 'Mickey' Lauer1
2009-01-12lightmediascanner: update to 'Mickey' Lauer1
2009-01-11fso-gsm0710muxd: new recipe; indicating gsm0710muxd from FSO branch (not upst...Michael 'Mickey' Lauer1
2009-01-11fso-monitord: new recipe; data logger and supervisor daemonMichael 'Mickey' Lauer1
2009-01-10libgdbus: bump to 0.2+gitMichael 'Mickey' Lauer1
2009-01-10linux-openmoko: split into linux-openmoko-2.6.24 (old stable), linux-openmoko...Michael 'Mickey' Lauer1
2009-01-10opkg: Bump up the version to R196Tick Chen1
2009-01-10gsm0170muxd: bump to fso-release version 'Mickey' Lauer1 bump frameworkdMichael 'Mickey' Lauer1
2009-01-08fso-autorev: add dbus-hlid and fso-apmMichael 'Mickey' Lauer1
2009-01-08linux-openmoko-2.6.28_git: new recipe; this is the new stable kernel for om-g...Michael 'Mickey' Lauer1
2009-01-07comic-reader: adding new bb file for comic-readerTick Chen1 Add entry for gpe-confFlorian Boor1 bump linux-openmoko-devel to a known good stateMichael 'Mickey' Lauer1
2009-01-04python-elementary: new recipe; python bindings for the elementary widget set ...Michael 'Mickey' Lauer1
2009-01-02sane-srcrevs: bump dbus-hlid to 0.9.0Michael 'Mickey' Lauer1
2009-01-02dbus-hlid: new recipe; a high level dbus introspection daemonMichael 'Mickey' Lauer1 bump frameworkd[-devel] and zhoneMichael 'Mickey' Lauer1 bump linux-openmoko-develMichael 'Mickey' Lauer1 bump EFL srcdateMichael 'Mickey' Lauer1
2008-12-31illume-theme-asu: Build revision 4881 of the theme to change the boot screenHolger Hans Peter Freyther1
2008-12-29opkg: Bump up opkg to latest versions 0.1.6 R194Tick Chen1
2008-12-19fso-gpsd: Bump to 0.8 release. Initscript changes.Stefan Schmidt1 update svnr of openmoko-toolchain-scriptsJohn Lee1 update om-settings for #2097John Lee1
2008-12-19om-locations: Bump up om-locations to latest version.Jeremy Chang1
2008-12-19mokoko: Bump up mokoko to 127I-Fan, Chen1
2008-12-19Assassin: Bump up assassin to 268I-Fan, Chen1