Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files |
BKrev: 4069be071DXI_T0Ka9a5zRNr4H-72g
PostScript figures.
BKrev: 4069bc9dsOZozkG6t0OiNtm3JgRxlw
more than two
BKrev: 4069b51bi0pkDQWoVJdPxCUNQKlZOw
X packages expects it.
BKrev: 4069a719g-s-gSOleFGn9p6vTFmEGA
BKrev: 4069a718PYGATqR66IgcbDdoeynZiA
2004/03/29 11:11:49-05:00 local!kergoth
Bug in scummvm build.. we werent being explicit about configure options, so it was poking around in native headers to determine if we had things like libvorbis and libogg. Fixed.
2004/03/29 11:11:23-05:00 local!kergoth
Bugfixes in pango and appweb per the recent oe metadata handling change.
BKrev: 4069a7174MMf0zvSv3smX-syqMLJLA
BKrev: 4069a716eWnN5H_bIpkuajbxChyr-w
workaround for pango_1.2.5 build problem: don't go into an endless loop when expanding variables
BKrev: 4069a05fQfg2ddGB4T1e3g-d-yw5rQ
BKrev: 40696efekZYVuKtqg0Uo0JP3VWC6VA
BKrev: 406964b2zzrDAOnwkUK6ASqCv3FYdA
TOPDIR shouldnt be used in defining FILESDIR for the -native packages since it will be rooted at the BUILDDIR
BKrev: 4069037dSWv99zzwgZZXxu6N7kv47A
BKrev: 4069013bNOLHbHoHCQbPIhUI6UlFOQ
BKrev: 40689285Q7zUjk20aonhEakS324blw
BKrev: 40689284clWhjBXs9_CRUD5cuAZSBQ
debian/ dir that hotplug's sources include.
BKrev: 40689283T69dxbVtTGHeTjG7W9_Uxw
BKrev: 4068928221Xoevh2Xwzgg1bwvXsFbQ
template which may eventually be useful.
BKrev: 40688695Wee44I2wxig1YyMXkf_CfA
BKrev: 40688059RWm_zudpLXtW_chWcFqEGg
BKrev: 40687ebdei5In0Ujrri6tswdbGxNTg
BKrev: 40687da9IPMXcW0cn55y6QRgSh40kQ
BKrev: 4067e6f7fBs6rxlyNKlP9PS0lD9XrQ
BKrev: 4067e6f6ROnkX3wWD5YaOmKwbh7A9Q
fixed typos in xtst and xkbd oe's - missing line continuation characters in long strings
BKrev: 4067a3f5L1VCI7y4eHhTggPx1JAz4g
added xmms-embedded. This project was heavily patched to remove all unnecessary dependencies to gtk+-1.2. Also removed mikmod plugin as it required a special patched version of libmikmod. It was also patched to use glib-2.0 instead of glib.
BKrev: 4067a11ff3o2p85GeXMpACDfj5ronw
2004/03/28 19:23:50-05:00!erich
Fix for libid3tag: stage and id3tag.h into staging directory.
BKrev: 40676d3b00UJGhk3azZ9N27AC6ixGA
BKrev: 40674f64Kta7Buk5s02EEjQhqzBLig
BKrev: 40674d9epg_s48afB_fAJ2Y-8YzC_g
2004/03/28 22:29:21+02:00!mickey
upgrade cvs stable release and add cvs feature release (nonworking)
2004/03/28 22:21:19+02:00!mickey
procps 3.2.0 --> procps 3.2.1
BKrev: 406735a7AV0v2pj0pcIyhmlew9FHow
BKrev: 40672b2d5Z9TyG7Z4UKhREqLrctKsw
BKrev: 4067177dXpzwM1pNjWPZ2tRIjPLxug
BKrev: 4067142cdn9x83MxNU5Wkre5fcrFDQ
BKrev: 40671150VmSYKiIukpGQ28-M3JVGmw
BKrev: 40670fd2NXTMiZ4uB5qJLRluGN9IzQ
BKrev: 40670dcdD8foAsQFj8KWPBk5JN5JMg
BKrev: 4066db7db-HUFL7Ou--e4B4JKGt03A
BKrev: 4066cafbSj1GGhLWDSwSyj9_VLpxQA
BKrev: 4066c626-4GLEufqUcS1SDddPhEW2w
BKrev: 4066c5f604erBVF8NWbYW6RwbbCDkg
BKrev: 4066c569Kv6VE5f_Fvp-6eI5JZ1r0g
BKrev: 4066c21dWrhzWxWnCnPBskXSIfu07A
BKrev: 4066c0c1GbB5MlJ52Kb-TsfEZj5lxQ
BKrev: 4066bced43vUEtnH6sjcwkOjnSmoAg
remove /usr/include/ncurses from the list of include directories (was breaking build on FC1 since it tried to use native ncurses.h)
BKrev: 4066241b2SH0BpEG2UqvtwiesvflRg
added plinciv (aka FreeCiv/Embedded)
BKrev: 40661e70--oqkT0G0kS_T-ST5g3VzQ
inherited libtool instead of adding dependency on libtool-cross (thanks mickeyl).
BKrev: 406619ccddQKX_hrC015CgOic921oQ
added stunnel build dependency on libtool-cross
BKrev: 406616bd0nmNPWT3fuVOQJLwCmd0FA
BKrev: 4065b6d9VJZpKEwvYJNLZNOfkQw3vw
BKrev: 4065b675l2-fo4diDKF9qTNMBE_s0A
2004/03/27 15:46:46+01:00!mickey
/opt/QtPalmtop/ ==> ${palmtopdir}
BKrev: 406593dfsCKZkIBjxUpsmUIQNX4aHA
fix for compilation errors on poodle
BKrev: 40658e6dJwCx4CT2kiFaqG0bfXRJ9w