Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files |
Added the chicken-cross recipe and a chicken class for translating
architectures to the Chicken nomenclature.
Signed-off-by: Mario Domenech Goulart <>
Signed-off-by: Otavio Salvador <>
This reverts commit 0da71f8df5d8956f3c76677c12c56367da4287f9.
Signed-off-by: Mario Domenech Goulart <>
Signed-off-by: Otavio Salvador <>
bug #734
Signed-off-by: Klaus Kurzmann <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Jansa <>
* This will enable recipes that support PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) to be built with PAM support via @base_contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'pam' type directives within the recipies.
* This also means that for any distros that do not want or require PAM support in there authentication apps can just not define this feature.
preferred-xorg-versions includes (7.4 as well as 7.5)
Signed-off-by: Martin Jansa <>
Acked-By: Sebastian Spaeth <>
* fix paralllel make install of uClibc, now we have in place
* bump PR for
| Tweak include to support newer sudo versions.
* Apply in addition to earlier sudo recipe bumps.
* Tweak pam.d config file for sudo and add a (WIP) recipe for turning on support for the wheel group.
* Update pam.d service file to suggested upstream Linux-PAM layout.
* This version now has Linux-PAM support enabled in OE so will need some testing and maybe a little tweaking.
* Add pam.d config files for common shadow utils in addition to the default ones.
* Cleanup shadow defaults and make shadow 'play nice' with PAM.
* Update pam.d service files to suggested upstream Linux-PAM layout.
* TODO: Some Shadow default session files still use the older layout (incluse system-auth for everything). These will need newer files to be added to the pam.d folder in the recipe as they are found.
* This will start to get Linux-PAM into a usable state. Default config files derived from Debian with tweaks. Some are not needed and will be dropped later and some should really be packaged elsewhere.
* Also update libpam_1.0.2 to depend on this package and the meta package with auth systems as it is not a lot of use without them (it works but can't do anything).
* Add 1.1.0 and tweaks to 1.0.2.
* Update all the pam.d base config files to support the suggested upstream layout not patches legacy layouts used but some Linux distros.
* Use the proper include layouts
* Still package some 'suggested' files for common services that do not pack there own pam.d files (TODO: move these to the package recipies not this one).
* -native is left alone because packaged-staging needs more testing
* tested install and upgrade on angstrom/beagleboard
* tweaked opkg-nogpg-nocurl recipe to keep it building
DEFAULT_PREFERRENCE in pixmap recipe for shr instead
Signed-off-by: Martin Jansa <>
- patches for early adopters from Khasim
- 2.6.32rc6 (PSP
- Updated defconfigs (machine defconfig + swap + mmc + fbconsole) - matching (DA850)
- Added hawkboard specific patchset (alpha)
Signed-off-by: Martin Jansa <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Jansa <>
* Move do_deploy after do_package in kernel.bbclass as RP said
* Move devicetree_image before do_deploy in, because
it creates dependency loop if its between after do_package
and before do_deploy.
Signed-off-by: Martin Jansa <>
Signed-off-by: Klaus Kurzmann <>
Acked-by: Koen Kooi <>
Signed-off-by: Steffen Sledz <>
Signed-off-by: Steffen Sledz <>
* Turn striping functionality into functions and call in the appropriate place
* Removing various races and ordering issues
* Should mean kernel modules are correctly stripped (and stripping can be disabled)
* Addresses bug 1182
* kernel module stripping applied to ${PKGD} (the correct place)
Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
bugs (from Poky)
Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
This is a reply to
(Mikey: [oe] Michael 'Mickey' Lauer : ltrace: fix wrong path to coreutils-native and add actual dependency)
but I was not subscribed to the list yet, so I cannot do a real reply.
(The patch is at the very end of this far too detailed mail, but I wanted
to tell everything, so skip to the end for the quick summary of the patch
in the commit message)
Hi Mickey, Hi Dmitry,
About me: I am new to this list but worked with OE since some months
already. I worked nearly 10 years as package developer at SuSE, quite
some time of that also with with non-i386 architectures. I did lots
of (GNU/)Linux software building and packaging work in that time.
I also created the ltrace package for SUSE in 1999 and maintained
it until 2005:
Mickey: I met you once on the ICE to FOSDEM 2008 (when emdete showed 'Dinge')
Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov reported on 15 Nov 2009 here:
| git version control wrote:
| > Module: openembedded.git
| > Branch:
| > Commit: 7df40b3378412f4700224e44042656159bc8f86c URL:
| >;h=7df40b3378412f4700224e44042656159bc8f86c
| >
| > Author: Michael 'Mickey' Lauer
| > <mickey at> Date: Sun Nov 15
| > 11:08:43 2009 +0100
| >
| > ltrace: fix wrong path to coreutils-native and add actual dependency
| Hmmm. This broke ltrace for me (install.coreutils-native not found).
| Do you have any pending patches on coreutils-native?
For the reader, the described changes to ltrace/ were:
-DEPENDS = "libelf"
+DEPENDS = "coreutils-native libelf"
+ oe_runmake install ${EXTRA_OEMAKE} ARCH=${LTRACE_ARCH} INSTALL=${STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE}/install.coreutils-native DESTDIR=${D}
Mickey responded with:
| Sorry, for some reason coreutils installs its install exactly with
| this path here - guess that's why it broke for me without my patch.
| Which version are you building?
coreutils installs using update-alternatives, thus install gets installed
as install.coreutils-native, and this is inheried by coreutils-native.
I assume that Dmitry has just 'ASSUME_PROVIDED += "coreutils-native"'
in his local.conf, causing coreutils-native to not be built.
I used this well and is perfectly legal with (AFAICS) all other packages
as long as GNU install is provided by the host and in the PATH.
If it's not, the first package which tries to use install would fail,
install problems are not limited to to ltrace but will occur at any
The change to call coreutil-native's install.coreutils-native was also
the trigger for the recorded build fail of ltrace on 15 Nov 2009:
As explained, I see no reason to install ltrace using a different than
all others (please find a recipes grep which demonstrates that quite
some recipes define 'INSTALL=install -c' and propose to align ltrace
to all the other packages here.
I wanted to propose that since a while but did not get along to
actually submit a patch, but now I'm finally at it.
The reason why forcing the value of INSTALL for the make install
the first place may have been that the configure of ltrace assumes
INSTALL to be at /usr/bin/install and the oe ltrace-compile.patch
changes this in a completely strange way, breaking the 'make install'
unless INSTALL= is specified on the make install command line:
ltrace/files/ltrace-compile.patch:-INSTALL='/usr/bin/install -c'
ltrace/files/ltrace-compile.patch:+INSTALL='$/usr/bin/install -c'
I'd propose to clean things up finally by defining things at only
one place by means of fixing the ltrace-compile.patch to correct
the INSTALL define to 'INSTALL=install -c' like other recipes do it:
recipes$ grep -r '[^#]INSTALL=install' *
linux-hotplug/ mandir=${D}${oldmandir} INSTALL=install install
mgetty/mgetty-1.1.30/37-Makefile:-INSTALL=install -c -o bin -g bin
mgetty/mgetty-1.1.30/37-Makefile:+INSTALL=install -c
mgetty/mgetty-1.1.30/install.patch: INSTALL=install -c
openswan/openswan-2.2.0/installflags.patch:@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ INSTALL=install
sysvinit/ += "'INSTALL=install' \
udev/ oe_runmake 'DESTDIR=${D}' INSTALL=install install
udev/ oe_runmake 'DESTDIR=${D}' INSTALL=install install
udev/ oe_runmake 'DESTDIR=${D}' INSTALL=install install
udev/ oe_runmake 'DESTDIR=${D}' INSTALL=install install
udev/ oe_runmake 'DESTDIR=${D}' INSTALL=install install
udev/ oe_runmake 'DESTDIR=${D}' INSTALL=install install
udev/ oe_runmake 'DESTDIR=${D}' INSTALL=install install
So ltrace-compile.patch will be grepped like this:
ltrace/files/ltrace-compile.patch:-INSTALL='/usr/bin/install -c'
ltrace/files/ltrace-compile.patch:+INSTALL='install -c'
In addition, I checked that the EXTRA_OEMAKE settings for install are do
not have any effect with ltrace-0.5.3, because it's defines
these values aready in the way they need to be. This was likely an attempt
to get the INSTALL issue fixed, which of course did not work because it
was hardcoded in the custom configure script of ltrace.
I also tested that ltrace-0.5.3 can be built with make -j successfully,
so I propose to remove the PARALLEL_MAKE = "" from I
assume that this got copied from older versions and was not checked
if still needed with ltrace-0.5.3.
So here is my proposed patch:
Fix ltrace to build with ASSUME_PROVIDED += "coreutils-native"
* recipes/ltrace/files/ltrace-compile.patch:
- Change INSTALL to not use an absolute path but find it in PATH
* recipes/ltrace/
- Remove coreutils-native from DEPENDS
- Remove PARALLEL_MAKE = "" (parallel build works now)
- Remove obsolete EXTRA_OEMAKE settings for INSTALL
- do_install(): Do not override INSTALL=, depend on
ltrace-compile.patch to define INSTALL='install -c'
Signed-off-by: Bernhard Kaindl <>
files/ltrace-compile.patch | 2 +- | 10 ++--------
2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
Signed-off-by: Klaus Kurzmann <>
patch is only applied when building the SHR distro
Signed-off-by: Klaus Kurzmann <>
Signed-off-by: Klaus Kurzmann <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Jansa <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Jansa <>