path: root/packages/ltp/ltp-20090131/cross-compile.patch
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/ltp/ltp-20090131/cross-compile.patch')
1 files changed, 352 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/ltp/ltp-20090131/cross-compile.patch b/packages/ltp/ltp-20090131/cross-compile.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b414b6fc0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/ltp/ltp-20090131/cross-compile.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+ Makefile | 4 +++-
+ lib/Makefile | 3 ---
+ m4/GNUmakefile | 3 ---
+ pan/Makefile | 2 --
+ testcases/ballista/ballista/Makefile | 2 +-
+ testcases/ballista/ballista/compile/Makefile | 8 ++++----
+ testcases/kernel/device-drivers/acpi/Makefile | 2 +-
+ testcases/kernel/device-drivers/agp/user_space/Makefile | 6 +++---
+ testcases/kernel/device-drivers/base/user_base/Makefile | 6 +++---
+ testcases/kernel/device-drivers/dev_sim_framework/user_space/Makefile | 6 +++---
+ testcases/kernel/device-drivers/drm/user_space/Makefile | 2 +-
+ testcases/kernel/device-drivers/include/Makefile | 2 +-
+ testcases/kernel/device-drivers/nls/Makefile | 2 +-
+ testcases/kernel/device-drivers/pci/user_tpci/Makefile | 6 +++---
+ testcases/kernel/device-drivers/tbio/user_space/Makefile | 6 +++---
+ testcases/kernel/device-drivers/usb/user_usb/Makefile | 6 +++---
+ testcases/kernel/fs/fs-bench/Makefile | 6 +++---
+ testcases/kernel/fs/scsi/ltpfs/Makefile | 2 +-
+ testcases/kernel/sched/hyperthreading/ht_affinity/Makefile | 4 ++--
+ testcases/kernel/sched/hyperthreading/ht_enabled/Makefile | 2 +-
+ testcases/kernel/sched/hyperthreading/ht_interrupt/Makefile | 2 +-
+ 21 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)
+Index: ltp-full-20090131/Makefile
+--- ltp-full-20090131.orig/Makefile
++++ ltp-full-20090131/Makefile
+@@ -5,14 +5,16 @@ CROSS_COMPILER = $(CROSS_COMPILE)
+ endif
+ endif
+ HAS_NUMA=$(shell sh tools/scripts/
+ export CFLAGS += -Wall $(CROSS_CFLAGS)
+ -include
+Index: ltp-full-20090131/testcases/ballista/ballista/Makefile
+--- ltp-full-20090131.orig/testcases/ballista/ballista/Makefile
++++ ltp-full-20090131/testcases/ballista/ballista/Makefile
+@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
+ ########################
+ # compiler info for the host
+-CC = g++ -Wno-deprecated
++CC = $(CPP) -Wno-deprecated
+ CLIBS = -lpthread -ldl -lnsl -rdynamic
+ TEST_MAN_FILE = selfHost
+Index: ltp-full-20090131/testcases/ballista/ballista/compile/Makefile
+--- ltp-full-20090131.orig/testcases/ballista/ballista/compile/Makefile
++++ ltp-full-20090131/testcases/ballista/ballista/compile/Makefile
+@@ -19,14 +19,14 @@ dFLAGS=-g -DDEBUG
+ FLAGS= -O -Wall
+ PFLAGS= -p -g3
+-CPPCOMP= g++
+ #
+ # The following is "boilerplate" to set up the standard compilation
+ # commands:
+ .SUFFIXES: .cpp .c .cc .h .o
+-.c.o: ; gcc $(FLAGS) -c $*.c
++.c.o: ; $(CC) $(FLAGS) -c $*.c
+ .cc.o: ; $(CPPCOMP) $(FLAGS) -c $*.cc
+ .cpp.o: ; $(CPPCOMP) $(FLAGS) $(INC) -c $*.cpp
+ .cxx.o: ; $(CPPCOMP) $(FLAGS) $(INC) -c $*.cxx
+@@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ all: blexer bparser
+ chmod 700 ../templates/do_parse
+ blexer: jlist.o butil.o lex.yy.o blexer.o
+- gcc $(FLAGS) -o blexer jlist.o butil.o lex.yy.o blexer.o
++ $(CC) $(FLAGS) -o blexer jlist.o butil.o lex.yy.o blexer.o
+ bparser: bparser.o
+- g++ $(FLAGS) -o bparser bparser.o butil.c
++ $(CPP) $(FLAGS) -o bparser bparser.o butil.c
+ jlist.o: jlist.c butil.h jlist.h
+Index: ltp-full-20090131/testcases/kernel/device-drivers/acpi/Makefile
+--- ltp-full-20090131.orig/testcases/kernel/device-drivers/acpi/Makefile
++++ ltp-full-20090131/testcases/kernel/device-drivers/acpi/Makefile
+@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ PWD := $(shell pwd)
+ default:
+ $(MAKE) -C $(KDIR) SUBDIRS=$(PWD) modules
+- gcc $(CFLAGS) -o LtpAcpiMain LtpAcpiMain.c
++ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o LtpAcpiMain LtpAcpiMain.c
+ # $(MAKE) -C $(KERNELDIR) SUBDIRS=$(PWD) modules
+ endif
+Index: ltp-full-20090131/testcases/kernel/device-drivers/agp/user_space/Makefile
+--- ltp-full-20090131.orig/testcases/kernel/device-drivers/agp/user_space/Makefile
++++ ltp-full-20090131/testcases/kernel/device-drivers/agp/user_space/Makefile
+@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
+ test_agp: tagp_ki.o user_tagp.o
+- gcc tagp_ki.o user_tagp.o -o test_agp
++ $(CC) tagp_ki.o user_tagp.o -o test_agp
+ tagp_ki.o: tagp_ki.c
+- gcc -c tagp_ki.c
++ $(CC) -c tagp_ki.c
+ user_tagp.o: user_tagp.c
+- gcc -c user_tagp.c
++ $(CC) -c user_tagp.c
+Index: ltp-full-20090131/testcases/kernel/device-drivers/base/user_base/Makefile
+--- ltp-full-20090131.orig/testcases/kernel/device-drivers/base/user_base/Makefile
++++ ltp-full-20090131/testcases/kernel/device-drivers/base/user_base/Makefile
+@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
+ test_base: tbase_ki.o user_tbase.o
+- gcc tbase_ki.o user_tbase.o -o test_base
++ $(CC) tbase_ki.o user_tbase.o -o test_base
+ tbase_ki.o: tbase_ki.c
+- gcc -c tbase_ki.c
++ $(CC) -c tbase_ki.c
+ user_tbase.o: user_tbase.c
+- gcc -c user_tbase.c
++ $(CC) -c user_tbase.c
+ clean:
+ rm -f *.o 2>/dev/null || true
+Index: ltp-full-20090131/testcases/kernel/device-drivers/dev_sim_framework/user_space/Makefile
+--- ltp-full-20090131.orig/testcases/kernel/device-drivers/dev_sim_framework/user_space/Makefile
++++ ltp-full-20090131/testcases/kernel/device-drivers/dev_sim_framework/user_space/Makefile
+@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
+ test_mod: tmod_ki.o user_tmod.o
+- gcc tmod_ki.o user_tmod.o -o test_mod
++ $(CC) tmod_ki.o user_tmod.o -o test_mod
+ tmod_ki.o: tmod_ki.c
+- gcc -c tmod_ki.c
++ $(CC) -c tmod_ki.c
+ user_tmod.o: user_tmod.c
+- gcc -c user_tmod.c
++ $(CC) -c user_tmod.c
+Index: ltp-full-20090131/testcases/kernel/device-drivers/drm/user_space/Makefile
+--- ltp-full-20090131.orig/testcases/kernel/device-drivers/drm/user_space/Makefile
++++ ltp-full-20090131/testcases/kernel/device-drivers/drm/user_space/Makefile
+@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
+ KDIR := /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build
+ CFLAGS := -I$(KDIR)/drivers/char/drm
+ default:
+- gcc -o test_drm user_tdrm.c $(CFLAGS)
++ $(CC) -o test_drm user_tdrm.c $(CFLAGS)
+Index: ltp-full-20090131/testcases/kernel/device-drivers/include/Makefile
+--- ltp-full-20090131.orig/testcases/kernel/device-drivers/include/Makefile
++++ ltp-full-20090131/testcases/kernel/device-drivers/include/Makefile
+@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ PWD := $(shell pwd)
+ default:
+ $(MAKE) -C $(KDIR) SUBDIRS=$(PWD) modules
+- gcc -Wall -o userBlockInclude userBlockInclude.c
++ $(CC) -Wall -o userBlockInclude userBlockInclude.c
+ # $(MAKE) -C $(KERNELDIR) SUBDIRS=$(PWD) modules
+ endif
+Index: ltp-full-20090131/testcases/kernel/device-drivers/nls/Makefile
+--- ltp-full-20090131.orig/testcases/kernel/device-drivers/nls/Makefile
++++ ltp-full-20090131/testcases/kernel/device-drivers/nls/Makefile
+@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ PWD := $(shell pwd)
+ default:
+ $(MAKE) -C $(KDIR) SUBDIRS=$(PWD) modules
+- gcc $(EXTRA_CFLAGS) -o userBlockNLS userBlockNLS.c
++ $(CC) $(EXTRA_CFLAGS) -o userBlockNLS userBlockNLS.c
+ # $(MAKE) -C $(KERNELDIR) SUBDIRS=$(PWD) modules
+ clean:
+Index: ltp-full-20090131/testcases/kernel/device-drivers/pci/user_tpci/Makefile
+--- ltp-full-20090131.orig/testcases/kernel/device-drivers/pci/user_tpci/Makefile
++++ ltp-full-20090131/testcases/kernel/device-drivers/pci/user_tpci/Makefile
+@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
+ test_pci: tpci_ki.o user_tpci.o
+- gcc tpci_ki.o user_tpci.o -o test_pci
++ $(CC) tpci_ki.o user_tpci.o -o test_pci
+ tpci_ki.o: tpci_ki.c
+- gcc -c tpci_ki.c
++ $(CC) -c tpci_ki.c
+ user_tpci.o: user_tpci.c
+- gcc -c user_tpci.c
++ $(CC) -c user_tpci.c
+Index: ltp-full-20090131/testcases/kernel/device-drivers/tbio/user_space/Makefile
+--- ltp-full-20090131.orig/testcases/kernel/device-drivers/tbio/user_space/Makefile
++++ ltp-full-20090131/testcases/kernel/device-drivers/tbio/user_space/Makefile
+@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
+ test_bio: tbio_ki.o user_tbio.o
+- gcc -g tbio_ki.o user_tbio.o -o test_bio
++ $(CC) -g tbio_ki.o user_tbio.o -o test_bio
+ tbio_ki.o: tbio_ki.c
+- gcc -c -g tbio_ki.c
++ $(CC) -c -g tbio_ki.c
+ user_tbio.o: user_tbio.c
+- gcc -c -g user_tbio.c
++ $(CC) -c -g user_tbio.c
+Index: ltp-full-20090131/testcases/kernel/device-drivers/usb/user_usb/Makefile
+--- ltp-full-20090131.orig/testcases/kernel/device-drivers/usb/user_usb/Makefile
++++ ltp-full-20090131/testcases/kernel/device-drivers/usb/user_usb/Makefile
+@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
+ test_usb: tusb_ki.o user_tusb.o
+- gcc tusb_ki.o user_tusb.o -o test_usb
++ $(CC) tusb_ki.o user_tusb.o -o test_usb
+ tusb_ki.o: tusb_ki.c
+- gcc -c tusb_ki.c
++ $(CC) -c tusb_ki.c
+ user_tusb.o: user_tusb.c
+- gcc -c user_tusb.c
++ $(CC) -c user_tusb.c
+Index: ltp-full-20090131/testcases/kernel/fs/fs-bench/Makefile
+--- ltp-full-20090131.orig/testcases/kernel/fs/fs-bench/Makefile
++++ ltp-full-20090131/testcases/kernel/fs/fs-bench/Makefile
+@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ all: ${EXECS}
+ @echo done
+ cr: create-files.o ${UTILS}
+- gcc ${UTILS} create-files.o -lm -o cr
++ $(CC) ${UTILS} create-files.o -lm -o cr
+ ra: random-access.o
+- gcc random-access.o -o ra
++ $(CC) random-access.o -o ra
+ radc: random-del-create.o ${UTILS}
+- gcc ${UTILS} random-del-create.o -lm -o radc
++ $(CC) ${UTILS} random-del-create.o -lm -o radc
+ install:
+ @set -e; for i in $(EXECS) $(SCRIPTS); do ln -f $$i ../../../bin/$$i ; done
+Index: ltp-full-20090131/testcases/kernel/fs/scsi/ltpfs/Makefile
+--- ltp-full-20090131.orig/testcases/kernel/fs/scsi/ltpfs/Makefile
++++ ltp-full-20090131/testcases/kernel/fs/scsi/ltpfs/Makefile
+@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ PWD := $(shell pwd)
+ default:
+ $(MAKE) -C $(KDIR) SUBDIRS=$(PWD) modules
+- gcc $(CFLAGS) -o ltpfstest -lm main.c
++ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o ltpfstest -lm main.c
+ # $(MAKE) -C $(KERNELDIR) SUBDIRS=$(PWD) modules
+ endif
+Index: ltp-full-20090131/testcases/kernel/sched/hyperthreading/ht_affinity/Makefile
+--- ltp-full-20090131.orig/testcases/kernel/sched/hyperthreading/ht_affinity/Makefile
++++ ltp-full-20090131/testcases/kernel/sched/hyperthreading/ht_affinity/Makefile
+@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ TARGETS := ht_affinity
+ all: $(TARGETS)
+ #ht_affinity: HTaffinity.o HTutils.o
+-# gcc -o ht_affinity HTaffinity.o HTutils.o $(CFLAGS) $(LOADLIBES)
++# $(CC) -o ht_affinity HTaffinity.o HTutils.o $(CFLAGS) $(LOADLIBES)
+ ht_affinity:
+- gcc -o ht_affinity HTaffinity.c HTutils.c $(CFLAGS) $(LOADLIBES)
++ $(CC) -o ht_affinity HTaffinity.c HTutils.c $(CFLAGS) $(LOADLIBES)
+ install:
+ @set -e; for i in $(TARGETS) ; do ln -f $$i ../../../../bin/$$i ; done
+Index: ltp-full-20090131/testcases/kernel/sched/hyperthreading/ht_enabled/Makefile
+--- ltp-full-20090131.orig/testcases/kernel/sched/hyperthreading/ht_enabled/Makefile
++++ ltp-full-20090131/testcases/kernel/sched/hyperthreading/ht_enabled/Makefile
+@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ TARGETS := ht_enabled
+ all: $(TARGETS)
+ ht_enabled:
+- gcc -o ht_enabled HTenabled.c HTutils.c $(CFLAGS) $(LOADLIBES)
++ $(CC) -o ht_enabled HTenabled.c HTutils.c $(CFLAGS) $(LOADLIBES)
+ install:
+ @set -e; for i in $(TARGETS) ; do ln -f $$i ../../../../bin/$$i ; done
+Index: ltp-full-20090131/testcases/kernel/sched/hyperthreading/ht_interrupt/Makefile
+--- ltp-full-20090131.orig/testcases/kernel/sched/hyperthreading/ht_interrupt/Makefile
++++ ltp-full-20090131/testcases/kernel/sched/hyperthreading/ht_interrupt/Makefile
+@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ TARGETS = ht_interrupt
+ all: $(TARGETS)
+ ht_interrupt:
+- gcc -o ht_interrupt HTinterrupt.c HTutils.c $(CFLAGS) $(LOADLIBES)
++ $(CC) -o ht_interrupt HTinterrupt.c HTutils.c $(CFLAGS) $(LOADLIBES)
+ install:
+ @set -e; for i in $(TARGETS) ; do ln -f $$i ../../../../bin/$$i ; done
+Index: ltp-full-20090131/lib/Makefile
+--- ltp-full-20090131.orig/lib/Makefile
++++ ltp-full-20090131/lib/Makefile
+@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
+ CFLAGS+= -Wall
+ CPPFLAGS+= -I../include
+Index: ltp-full-20090131/m4/GNUmakefile
+--- ltp-full-20090131.orig/m4/GNUmakefile
++++ ltp-full-20090131/m4/GNUmakefile
+@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
+ M4MACROS=$(notdir $(wildcard *.m4))
+ all:
+Index: ltp-full-20090131/pan/Makefile
+--- ltp-full-20090131.orig/pan/Makefile
++++ ltp-full-20090131/pan/Makefile
+@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
+ LOADLIBES += -lm
+ LFLAGS += -l -w
+ CFLAGS += -w
+-PREFIX = /opt/ltp
+ all: pan bump scanner