path: root/linux/files/mipv6-1.1-v2.4.25.patch
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'linux/files/mipv6-1.1-v2.4.25.patch')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 19832 deletions
diff --git a/linux/files/mipv6-1.1-v2.4.25.patch b/linux/files/mipv6-1.1-v2.4.25.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c5f32b6416..0000000000
--- a/linux/files/mipv6-1.1-v2.4.25.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19832 +0,0 @@
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/Documentation/ linux-2.4.25/Documentation/
---- linux-2.4.25.old/Documentation/ 2004-06-26 11:22:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/Documentation/ 2004-06-26 11:29:29.000000000 +0100
-@@ -6204,6 +6204,57 @@ CONFIG_IPV6
- It is safe to say N here for now.
-+IPv6: IPv6 over IPv6 Tunneling (EXPERIMENTAL)
-+ Experimental IP6-IP6 tunneling. You must select this, if you want
-+ to use CONFIG_IPV6_MOBILITY. More information in MIPL Mobile IPv6
-+ instructions.
-+ If you don't want IP6-IP6 tunnels and Mobile IPv6, say N.
-+IPv6: Mobility Support (EXPERIMENTAL)
-+ This is experimental support for the upcoming specification of
-+ Mobile IPv6. Mobile IPv6 allows nodes to seamlessly move between
-+ networks without changing their IP addresses, thus allowing them to
-+ maintain upper layer connections (e.g. TCP). Selecting this option
-+ allows your computer to act as a Correspondent Node (CN). A MIPv6
-+ Mobile Node will be able to communicate with the CN and use route
-+ optimization.
-+ For more information and configuration details, see
-+ If unsure, say N.
-+MIPv6: Mobile Node Support
-+ If you want your computer to be a MIPv6 Mobile Node (MN), select
-+ this option. You must configure MN using the userspace tools
-+ available at
-+ If your computer is stationary, or you are unsure if you need this,
-+ say N. Note that you will need a properly configured MIPv6 Home
-+ Agent to use any Mobile Nodes.
-+MIPv6: Home Agent Support
-+ If you want your router to serve as a MIPv6 Home Agent (HA), select
-+ this option. You must configure HA using the userspace tools
-+ available at
-+ If your computer is not a router, or you are unsure if you need
-+ this, say N.
-+MIPv6: Debug messages
-+ MIPL Mobile IPv6 can produce a lot of debugging messages. There are
-+ eight debug levels (0 through 7) and the level is controlled via
-+ /proc/sys/net/ipv6/mobility/debuglevel. Since MIPL is still
-+ experimental, you might want to say Y here.
-+ Be sure to say Y and record debug messages when submitting a bug
-+ report.
- Stream Control Transmission Protocol
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/Documentation/DocBook/Makefile linux-2.4.25/Documentation/DocBook/Makefile
---- linux-2.4.25.old/Documentation/DocBook/Makefile 2002-11-28 23:53:08.000000000 +0000
-+++ linux-2.4.25/Documentation/DocBook/Makefile 2004-06-26 11:29:29.000000000 +0100
-@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ BOOKS := wanbook.sgml z8530book.sgml mca
- kernel-api.sgml parportbook.sgml kernel-hacking.sgml \
- kernel-locking.sgml via-audio.sgml mousedrivers.sgml sis900.sgml \
- deviceiobook.sgml procfs-guide.sgml tulip-user.sgml \
-- journal-api.sgml
-+ journal-api.sgml mip6-func.sgml
- PS := $(patsubst %.sgml,, $(BOOKS))
- PDF := $(patsubst %.sgml, %.pdf, $(BOOKS))
-@@ -86,6 +86,9 @@ videobook.sgml: videobook.tmpl $(TOPDIR)
- procfs-guide.sgml: procfs-guide.tmpl procfs_example.sgml
- $(TOPDIR)/scripts/docgen < procfs-guide.tmpl >$@
-+mip6-func.sgml: mip6-func.tmpl
-+ $(TOPDIR)/scripts/docgen <$< >$@
- APISOURCES := $(TOPDIR)/drivers/media/video/videodev.c \
- $(TOPDIR)/arch/i386/kernel/irq.c \
- $(TOPDIR)/arch/i386/kernel/mca.c \
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/Documentation/DocBook/mip6-func.tmpl linux-2.4.25/Documentation/DocBook/mip6-func.tmpl
---- linux-2.4.25.old/Documentation/DocBook/mip6-func.tmpl 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/Documentation/DocBook/mip6-func.tmpl 2004-06-26 11:29:29.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,756 @@
-+<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN"[]>
-+<book id="LinuxMobileIPv6">
-+ <bookinfo>
-+ <title>MIPL Mobile IPv6 Function Reference Guide</title>
-+ <authorgroup>
-+ <author>
-+ <othername>MIPL Mobile IPv6 for Linux Team</othername>
-+ <affiliation>
-+ <orgname>Helsinki University of Technology</orgname>
-+ <orgdiv>Telecommunications Software and Multimedia Lab</orgdiv>
-+ <address>
-+ <pob>PO BOX 9201</pob>
-+ <postcode>FIN-02015 HUT</postcode>
-+ <country>Finland</country>
-+ <email></email>
-+ </address>
-+ </affiliation>
-+ </author>
-+ </authorgroup>
-+ <copyright>
-+ <year>2000-2001</year>
-+ <holder>Helsinki University of Technology</holder>
-+ </copyright>
-+ <legalnotice>
-+ <para>
-+ Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 MIPL Mobile IPv6 for Linux Team.
-+ </para>
-+ <para>
-+ Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
-+ document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License,
-+ Version 1.1 published by the Free Software Foundation; with the
-+ Invariant Sections being "Introduction", with the Front-Cover
-+ Texts being "MIPL Mobile IPv6 Function Reference Guide", "MIPL
-+ Mobile IPv6 for Linux Team" and "Helsinki University of
-+ Technology". A copy of the license is included in <xref
-+ linkend="gfdl">.
-+ </para>
-+ </legalnotice>
-+ </bookinfo>
-+ <preface id="intro">
-+ <title>Introduction</title>
-+ <para>
-+ MIPL Mobile IPv6 for Linux is an implementation of Mobility
-+ Support in IPv6 IETF mobile-ip working groups Internet-Draft
-+ (draft-ietf-mobileip-ipv6). This implementation has been
-+ developed in the Telecommunications Software and Multimedia
-+ Laboratory at Helsinki University of Technology.
-+ </para>
-+ <para>
-+ MIPL is fully open source, licensed under the GNU General
-+ Public License. Latest source for MIPL can be downloaded from
-+ the MIPL website at:
-+ </para>
-+ <programlisting>
-+ </programlisting>
-+ <para>
-+ Developers and users interested in MIPL can subscribe to the
-+ MIPL mailing list by sending e-mail to
-+ <email></email> with
-+ </para>
-+ <programlisting>
-+ subscribe mipl
-+ </programlisting>
-+ <para>
-+ in the body of the message.
-+ </para>
-+ <para>
-+ This document is a reference guide to MIPL functions. Intended
-+ audience is developers wishing to contribute to the project.
-+ Hopefully this document will make it easier and quicker to
-+ understand and adopt the inner workings of MIPL Mobile IPv6.
-+ </para>
-+ <para>
-+ MIPL Mobile IPv6 for Linux Team members (past and present):
-+ <itemizedlist>
-+ <listitem>
-+ <address>
-+ Sami Kivisaari <email></email>
-+ </address>
-+ </listitem>
-+ <listitem>
-+ <address>
-+ Niklas Kampe <email></email>
-+ </address>
-+ </listitem>
-+ <listitem>
-+ <address>
-+ Juha Mynttinen <email></email>
-+ </address>
-+ </listitem>
-+ <listitem>
-+ <address>
-+ Toni Nykanen <email></email>
-+ </address>
-+ </listitem>
-+ <listitem>
-+ <address>
-+ Henrik Petander <email></email>
-+ </address>
-+ </listitem>
-+ <listitem>
-+ <address>
-+ Antti Tuominen <email></email>
-+ </address>
-+ </listitem>
-+ </itemizedlist>
-+ <itemizedlist>
-+ <listitem>
-+ <address>
-+ Marko Myllynen
-+ </address>
-+ </listitem>
-+ <listitem>
-+ <address>
-+ Ville Nuorvala <email></email>
-+ </address>
-+ </listitem>
-+ <listitem>
-+ <address>
-+ Jaakko Laine <email></email>
-+ </address>
-+ </listitem>
-+ </itemizedlist>
-+ </para>
-+ </preface>
-+ <chapter id="common">
-+ <title>Common functions for all entities</title>
-+ <sect1><title>Low-level functions</title>
-+ <para>
-+ These functions implement memory allocation used by others.
-+ Hashlist functions implement a linked list with hash lookup,
-+ which is used with Binding Update List, Binding Cache, Home
-+ Agents List etc.
-+ </para>
-+ </sect1>
-+ <sect1><title>Debug functions</title>
-+ <para>
-+ Debug and utility functions. These functions are available if
-+ <constant>CONFIG_IPV6_MOBILITY_DEBUG</constant> is set.
-+ Otherwise macros expand to no operation.
-+ </para>
-+ </sect1>
-+ <sect1><title>Extension Header functions</title>
-+ <para>
-+ These functions create and handle extension headers that are
-+ specific to MIPv6.
-+ </para>
-+ </sect1>
-+ <sect1><title>Mobility Header functions</title>
-+ <para>
-+ MIPv6 specifies a new protocol called Mobility Header.
-+ Mobility Header has several message types. Messages may also
-+ carry Mobility Options. These functions are used to create and
-+ handle Mobility Headers and Mobility Options.
-+ </para>
-+ </sect1>
-+ <sect1><title>Binding Cache</title>
-+ <para>
-+ All Mobile IPv6 entities have a binding cache. These functions
-+ provide easy manipulation of the binding cache.
-+ </para>
-+ </sect1>
-+ <sect1><title>Security</title>
-+ <para>
-+ These functions are common authentication functions and
-+ implement Draft 13 style IPSec AH support for Binding Updates.
-+ </para>
-+ </sect1>
-+ <sect1><title>Utility functions</title>
-+ <para>
-+ These functions are general utility functions commonly used by
-+ all entities.
-+ </para>
-+ </sect1>
-+ </chapter>
-+ <chapter id="mn">
-+ <title>Mobile Node functions</title>
-+ <sect1><title>General functions</title>
-+ <para>
-+ </para>
-+ </sect1>
-+ <sect1><title>Binding Update List</title>
-+ <para>
-+ Mobile Node keeps track of sent binding updates in Binding
-+ Update List.
-+ </para>
-+ </sect1>
-+ <sect1><title>Movement detection</title>
-+ <para>
-+ These functions are used by the mobile node for movement
-+ detection.
-+ </para>
-+ </sect1>
-+ </chapter>
-+ <chapter id="ha">
-+ <title>Home Agent functions</title>
-+ <sect1><title>General functions</title>
-+ <para>
-+ </para>
-+ </sect1>
-+ <sect1><title>Duplicate Address Detection functions</title>
-+ <para>
-+ Home Agent does Duplicate Address Detection for Mobile Nodes'
-+ addresses. These functions implement MIPv6 specific DAD
-+ functionality.
-+ </para>
-+ </sect1>
-+ </chapter>
-+ <appendix id="gfdl">
-+ <title>GNU Free Documentation License</title>
-+ <para>
-+ Version 1.1, March 2000
-+ </para>
-+ <programlisting>
-+ Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-+ 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
-+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
-+ </programlisting>
-+ <sect1><title>0. PREAMBLE</title>
-+ <para>
-+ The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or
-+ other written document "free" in the sense of freedom: to
-+ assure everyone the effective freedom to copy and redistribute
-+ it, with or without modifying it, either commercially or
-+ noncommercially. Secondarily, this License preserves for the
-+ author and publisher a way to get credit for their work, while
-+ not being considered responsible for modifications made by
-+ others.
-+ </para>
-+ <para>
-+ This License is a kind of "copyleft", which means that
-+ derivative works of the document must themselves be free in the
-+ same sense. It complements the GNU General Public License,
-+ which is a copyleft license designed for free software.
-+ </para>
-+ <para>
-+ We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals
-+ for free software, because free software needs free
-+ documentation: a free program should come with manuals
-+ providing the same freedoms that the software does. But this
-+ License is not limited to software manuals; it can be used for
-+ any textual work, regardless of subject matter or whether it is
-+ published as a printed book. We recommend this License
-+ principally for works whose purpose is instruction or
-+ reference.
-+ </para>
-+ </sect1>
-+ <sect1><title>1. APPLICABILITY AND DEFINITIONS</title>
-+ <para>
-+ This License applies to any manual or other work that contains
-+ a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can be
-+ distributed under the terms of this License. The "Document",
-+ below, refers to any such manual or work. Any member of the
-+ public is a licensee, and is addressed as "you".
-+ </para>
-+ <para>
-+ A "Modified Version" of the Document means any work containing
-+ the Document or a portion of it, either copied verbatim, or
-+ with modifications and/or translated into another language.
-+ </para>
-+ <para>
-+ A "Secondary Section" is a named appendix or a front-matter
-+ section of the Document that deals exclusively with the
-+ relationship of the publishers or authors of the Document to
-+ the Document's overall subject (or to related matters) and
-+ contains nothing that could fall directly within that overall
-+ subject. (For example, if the Document is in part a textbook of
-+ mathematics, a Secondary Section may not explain any
-+ mathematics.) The relationship could be a matter of historical
-+ connection with the subject or with related matters, or of
-+ legal, commercial, philosophical, ethical or political position
-+ regarding them.
-+ </para>
-+ <para>
-+ The "Invariant Sections" are certain Secondary Sections whose
-+ titles are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, in
-+ the notice that says that the Document is released under this
-+ License.
-+ </para>
-+ <para>
-+ The "Cover Texts" are certain short passages of text that are
-+ listed, as Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cover Texts, in the notice
-+ that says that the Document is released under this License.
-+ </para>
-+ <para>
-+ A "Transparent" copy of the Document means a machine-readable
-+ copy, represented in a format whose specification is available
-+ to the general public, whose contents can be viewed and edited
-+ directly and straightforwardly with generic text editors or
-+ (for images composed of pixels) generic paint programs or (for
-+ drawings) some widely available drawing editor, and that is
-+ suitable for input to text formatters or for automatic
-+ translation to a variety of formats suitable for input to text
-+ formatters. A copy made in an otherwise Transparent file format
-+ whose markup has been designed to thwart or discourage
-+ subsequent modification by readers is not Transparent. A copy
-+ that is not "Transparent" is called "Opaque".
-+ </para>
-+ <para>
-+ Examples of suitable formats for Transparent copies include
-+ plain ASCII without markup, Texinfo input format, LaTeX input
-+ format, SGML or XML using a publicly available DTD, and
-+ standard-conforming simple HTML designed for human
-+ modification. Opaque formats include PostScript, PDF,
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-+ proprietary word processors, SGML or XML for which the DTD
-+ and/or processing tools are not generally available, and the
-+ machine-generated HTML produced by some word processors for
-+ output purposes only.
-+ </para>
-+ <para>
-+ The "Title Page" means, for a printed book, the title page
-+ itself, plus such following pages as are needed to hold,
-+ legibly, the material this License requires to appear in the
-+ title page. For works in formats which do not have any title
-+ page as such, "Title Page" means the text near the most
-+ prominent appearance of the work's title, preceding the
-+ beginning of the body of the text.
-+ </para>
-+ </sect1>
-+ <sect1><title>2. VERBATIM COPYING</title>
-+ <para>
-+ You may copy and distribute the Document in any medium, either
-+ commercially or noncommercially, provided that this License,
-+ the copyright notices, and the license notice saying this
-+ License applies to the Document are reproduced in all copies,
-+ and that you add no other conditions whatsoever to those of
-+ this License. You may not use technical measures to obstruct or
-+ control the reading or further copying of the copies you make
-+ or distribute. However, you may accept compensation in exchange
-+ for copies. If you distribute a large enough number of copies
-+ you must also follow the conditions in section 3.
-+ </para>
-+ <para>
-+ You may also lend copies, under the same conditions stated
-+ above, and you may publicly display copies.
-+ </para>
-+ </sect1>
-+ <sect1><title>3. COPYING IN QUANTITY</title>
-+ <para>
-+ If you publish printed copies of the Document numbering more
-+ than 100, and the Document's license notice requires Cover
-+ Texts, you must enclose the copies in covers that carry,
-+ clearly and legibly, all these Cover Texts: Front-Cover Texts
-+ on the front cover, and Back-Cover Texts on the back
-+ cover. Both covers must also clearly and legibly identify you
-+ as the publisher of these copies. The front cover must present
-+ the full title with all words of the title equally prominent
-+ and visible. You may add other material on the covers in
-+ addition. Copying with changes limited to the covers, as long
-+ as they preserve the title of the Document and satisfy these
-+ conditions, can be treated as verbatim copying in other
-+ respects.
-+ </para>
-+ <para>
-+ If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to
-+ fit legibly, you should put the first ones listed (as many as
-+ fit reasonably) on the actual cover, and continue the rest onto
-+ adjacent pages.
-+ </para>
-+ <para>
-+ If you publish or distribute Opaque copies of the Document
-+ numbering more than 100, you must either include a
-+ machine-readable Transparent copy along with each Opaque copy,
-+ or state in or with each Opaque copy a publicly-accessible
-+ computer-network location containing a complete Transparent
-+ copy of the Document, free of added material, which the general
-+ network-using public has access to download anonymously at no
-+ charge using public-standard network protocols. If you use the
-+ latter option, you must take reasonably prudent steps, when you
-+ begin distribution of Opaque copies in quantity, to ensure that
-+ this Transparent copy will remain thus accessible at the stated
-+ location until at least one year after the last time you
-+ distribute an Opaque copy (directly or through your agents or
-+ retailers) of that edition to the public.
-+ </para>
-+ <para>
-+ It is requested, but not required, that you contact the authors
-+ of the Document well before redistributing any large number of
-+ copies, to give them a chance to provide you with an updated
-+ version of the Document.
-+ </para>
-+ </sect1>
-+ <sect1><title>4. MODIFICATIONS</title>
-+ <para>
-+ You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document
-+ under the conditions of sections 2 and 3 above, provided that
-+ you release the Modified Version under precisely this License,
-+ with the Modified Version filling the role of the Document,
-+ thus licensing distribution and modification of the Modified
-+ Version to whoever possesses a copy of it. In addition, you
-+ must do these things in the Modified Version:
-+ </para>
-+ <para>
-+ <itemizedlist spacing=compact>
-+ <listitem>
-+ <para>
-+ A. Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title
-+ distinct from that of the Document, and from those of previous
-+ versions (which should, if there were any, be listed in the
-+ History section of the Document). You may use the same title
-+ as a previous version if the original publisher of that
-+ version gives permission.
-+ </para>
-+ </listitem>
-+ <listitem>
-+ <para>
-+ B. List on the Title Page, as authors, one or more persons
-+ or entities responsible for authorship of the modifications in
-+ the Modified Version, together with at least five of the
-+ principal authors of the Document (all of its principal
-+ authors, if it has less than five).
-+ </para>
-+ </listitem>
-+ <listitem>
-+ <para>
-+ C. State on the Title page the name of the publisher of the
-+ Modified Version, as the publisher.
-+ </para>
-+ </listitem>
-+ <listitem>
-+ <para>
-+ D. Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document.
-+ </para>
-+ </listitem>
-+ <listitem>
-+ <para>
-+ E. Add an appropriate copyright notice for your
-+ modifications adjacent to the other copyright notices.
-+ </para>
-+ </listitem>
-+ <listitem>
-+ <para>
-+ F. Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a
-+ license notice giving the public permission to use the
-+ Modified Version under the terms of this License, in the form
-+ shown in the Addendum below.
-+ </para>
-+ </listitem>
-+ <listitem>
-+ <para>
-+ G. Preserve in that license notice the full lists of
-+ Invariant Sections and required Cover Texts given in the
-+ Document's license notice.
-+ </para>
-+ </listitem>
-+ <listitem>
-+ <para>
-+ H. Include an unaltered copy of this License.
-+ </para>
-+ </listitem>
-+ <listitem>
-+ <para>
-+ I. Preserve the section entitled "History", and its title,
-+ and add to it an item stating at least the title, year, new
-+ authors, and publisher of the Modified Version as given on the
-+ Title Page. If there is no section entitled "History" in the
-+ Document, create one stating the title, year, authors, and
-+ publisher of the Document as given on its Title Page, then add
-+ an item describing the Modified Version as stated in the
-+ previous sentence.
-+ </para>
-+ </listitem>
-+ <listitem>
-+ <para>
-+ J. Preserve the network location, if any, given in the
-+ Document for public access to a Transparent copy of the
-+ Document, and likewise the network locations given in the
-+ Document for previous versions it was based on. These may be
-+ placed in the "History" section. You may omit a network
-+ location for a work that was published at least four years
-+ before the Document itself, or if the original publisher of
-+ the version it refers to gives permission.
-+ </para>
-+ </listitem>
-+ <listitem>
-+ <para>
-+ K. In any section entitled "Acknowledgements" or
-+ "Dedications", preserve the section's title, and preserve in
-+ the section all the substance and tone of each of the
-+ contributor acknowledgements and/or dedications given therein.
-+ </para>
-+ </listitem>
-+ <listitem>
-+ <para>
-+ L. Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document,
-+ unaltered in their text and in their titles. Section numbers
-+ or the equivalent are not considered part of the section
-+ titles.
-+ </para>
-+ </listitem>
-+ <listitem>
-+ <para>
-+ M. Delete any section entitled "Endorsements". Such a
-+ section may not be included in the Modified Version.
-+ </para>
-+ </listitem>
-+ <listitem>
-+ <para>
-+ N. Do not retitle any existing section as "Endorsements" or
-+ to conflict in title with any Invariant Section.
-+ </para>
-+ </listitem>
-+ </itemizedlist>
-+ </para>
-+ <para>
-+ If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or
-+ appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no
-+ material copied from the Document, you may at your option
-+ designate some or all of these sections as invariant. To do
-+ this, add their titles to the list of Invariant Sections in the
-+ Modified Version's license notice. These titles must be
-+ distinct from any other section titles.
-+ </para>
-+ <para>
-+ You may add a section entitled "Endorsements", provided it
-+ contains nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by
-+ various parties--for example, statements of peer review or that
-+ the text has been approved by an organization as the
-+ authoritative definition of a standard.
-+ </para>
-+ <para>
-+ You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover
-+ Text, and a passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to
-+ the end of the list of Cover Texts in the Modified
-+ Version. Only one passage of Front-Cover Text and one of
-+ Back-Cover Text may be added by (or through arrangements made
-+ by) any one entity. If the Document already includes a cover
-+ text for the same cover, previously added by you or by
-+ arrangement made by the same entity you are acting on behalf
-+ of, you may not add another; but you may replace the old one,
-+ on explicit permission from the previous publisher that added
-+ the old one.
-+ </para>
-+ <para>
-+ The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by this
-+ License give permission to use their names for publicity for or
-+ to assert or imply endorsement of any Modified Version.
-+ </para>
-+ </sect1>
-+ <sect1><title>5. COMBINING DOCUMENTS</title>
-+ <para>
-+ You may combine the Document with other documents released
-+ under this License, under the terms defined in section 4 above
-+ for modified versions, provided that you include in the
-+ combination all of the Invariant Sections of all of the
-+ original documents, unmodified, and list them all as Invariant
-+ Sections of your combined work in its license notice.
-+ </para>
-+ <para>
-+ The combined work need only contain one copy of this License,
-+ and multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with
-+ a single copy. If there are multiple Invariant Sections with
-+ the same name but different contents, make the title of each
-+ such section unique by adding at the end of it, in parentheses,
-+ the name of the original author or publisher of that section if
-+ known, or else a unique number. Make the same adjustment to the
-+ section titles in the list of Invariant Sections in the license
-+ notice of the combined work.
-+ </para>
-+ <para>
-+ In the combination, you must combine any sections entitled
-+ "History" in the various original documents, forming one
-+ section entitled "History"; likewise combine any sections
-+ entitled "Acknowledgements", and any sections entitled
-+ "Dedications". You must delete all sections entitled
-+ "Endorsements."
-+ </para>
-+ </sect1>
-+ <sect1><title>6. COLLECTIONS OF DOCUMENTS</title>
-+ <para>
-+ You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other
-+ documents released under this License, and replace the
-+ individual copies of this License in the various documents with
-+ a single copy that is included in the collection, provided that
-+ you follow the rules of this License for verbatim copying of
-+ each of the documents in all other respects.
-+ </para>
-+ <para>
-+ You may extract a single document from such a collection, and
-+ distribute it individually under this License, provided you
-+ insert a copy of this License into the extracted document, and
-+ follow this License in all other respects regarding verbatim
-+ copying of that document.
-+ </para>
-+ </sect1>
-+ <sect1><title>7. AGGREGATION WITH INDEPENDENT WORKS</title>
-+ <para>
-+ A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other
-+ separate and independent documents or works, in or on a volume
-+ of a storage or distribution medium, does not as a whole count
-+ as a Modified Version of the Document, provided no compilation
-+ copyright is claimed for the compilation. Such a compilation is
-+ called an "aggregate", and this License does not apply to the
-+ other self-contained works thus compiled with the Document, on
-+ account of their being thus compiled, if they are not
-+ themselves derivative works of the Document.
-+ </para>
-+ <para>
-+ If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to
-+ these copies of the Document, then if the Document is less than
-+ one quarter of the entire aggregate, the Document's Cover Texts
-+ may be placed on covers that surround only the Document within
-+ the aggregate. Otherwise they must appear on covers around the
-+ whole aggregate.
-+ </para>
-+ </sect1>
-+ <sect1><title>8. TRANSLATION</title>
-+ <para>
-+ Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may
-+ distribute translations of the Document under the terms of
-+ section 4. Replacing Invariant Sections with translations
-+ requires special permission from their copyright holders, but
-+ you may include translations of some or all Invariant Sections
-+ in addition to the original versions of these Invariant
-+ Sections. You may include a translation of this License
-+ provided that you also include the original English version of
-+ this License. In case of a disagreement between the translation
-+ and the original English version of this License, the original
-+ English version will prevail.
-+ </para>
-+ </sect1>
-+ <sect1><title>9. TERMINATION</title>
-+ <para>
-+ You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the
-+ Document except as expressly provided for under this
-+ License. Any other attempt to copy, modify, sublicense or
-+ distribute the Document is void, and will automatically
-+ terminate your rights under this License. However, parties who
-+ have received copies, or rights, from you under this License
-+ will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties
-+ remain in full compliance.
-+ </para>
-+ </sect1>
-+ <sect1><title>10. FUTURE REVISIONS OF THIS LICENSE</title>
-+ <para>
-+ The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions
-+ of the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time. Such
-+ new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version,
-+ but may differ in detail to address new problems or
-+ concerns. See
-+ </para>
-+ <para>
-+ Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version
-+ number. If the Document specifies that a particular numbered
-+ version of this License "or any later version" applies to it,
-+ you have the option of following the terms and conditions
-+ either of that specified version or of any later version that
-+ has been published (not as a draft) by the Free Software
-+ Foundation. If the Document does not specify a version number
-+ of this License, you may choose any version ever published (not
-+ as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation.
-+ </para>
-+ </sect1>
-+ </appendix>
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/include/linux/icmpv6.h linux-2.4.25/include/linux/icmpv6.h
---- linux-2.4.25.old/include/linux/icmpv6.h 2003-08-25 12:44:44.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/include/linux/icmpv6.h 2004-06-26 11:29:29.000000000 +0100
-@@ -40,14 +40,16 @@ struct icmp6hdr {
- struct icmpv6_nd_ra {
- __u8 hop_limit;
-- __u8 reserved:6,
-+ __u8 reserved:5,
-+ home_agent:1,
- other:1,
- managed:1;
- #elif defined(__BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD)
- __u8 managed:1,
- other:1,
-- reserved:6;
-+ home_agent:1,
-+ reserved:5;
- #else
- #error "Please fix <asm/byteorder.h>"
- #endif
-@@ -70,6 +72,7 @@ struct icmp6hdr {
- #define icmp6_addrconf_managed icmp6_dataun.u_nd_ra.managed
- #define icmp6_addrconf_other icmp6_dataun.u_nd_ra.other
- #define icmp6_rt_lifetime icmp6_dataun.u_nd_ra.rt_lifetime
-+#define icmp6_home_agent icmp6_dataun.u_nd_ra.home_agent
- };
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/include/linux/if_arp.h linux-2.4.25/include/linux/if_arp.h
---- linux-2.4.25.old/include/linux/if_arp.h 2002-02-25 19:38:13.000000000 +0000
-+++ linux-2.4.25/include/linux/if_arp.h 2004-06-26 11:29:29.000000000 +0100
-@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
- #define ARPHRD_RAWHDLC 518 /* Raw HDLC */
- #define ARPHRD_TUNNEL 768 /* IPIP tunnel */
--#define ARPHRD_TUNNEL6 769 /* IPIP6 tunnel */
-+#define ARPHRD_TUNNEL6 769 /* IP6IP6 tunnel */
- #define ARPHRD_FRAD 770 /* Frame Relay Access Device */
- #define ARPHRD_SKIP 771 /* SKIP vif */
- #define ARPHRD_LOOPBACK 772 /* Loopback device */
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/include/linux/in6.h linux-2.4.25/include/linux/in6.h
---- linux-2.4.25.old/include/linux/in6.h 2003-06-13 15:51:38.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/include/linux/in6.h 2004-06-26 11:29:29.000000000 +0100
-@@ -142,6 +142,11 @@ struct in6_flowlabel_req
- #define IPV6_TLV_JUMBO 194
- /*
-+ * Mobile IPv6 TLV options.
-+ */
-+#define MIPV6_TLV_HOMEADDR 201
- * IPV6 socket options
- */
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/include/linux/ipv6.h linux-2.4.25/include/linux/ipv6.h
---- linux-2.4.25.old/include/linux/ipv6.h 2003-11-28 18:26:21.000000000 +0000
-+++ linux-2.4.25/include/linux/ipv6.h 2004-06-26 11:29:29.000000000 +0100
-@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ struct in6_ifreq {
- #define IPV6_SRCRT_STRICT 0x01 /* this hop must be a neighbor */
- #define IPV6_SRCRT_TYPE_0 0 /* IPv6 type 0 Routing Header */
-+#define IPV6_SRCRT_TYPE_2 2 /* type 2 for Mobile IPv6 */
- /*
- * routing header
-@@ -71,6 +72,19 @@ struct rt0_hdr {
- struct in6_addr addr[0];
- #define rt0_type rt_hdr.type
-+ * routing header type 2
-+ */
-+struct rt2_hdr {
-+ struct ipv6_rt_hdr rt_hdr;
-+ __u32 reserved;
-+ struct in6_addr addr;
-+#define rt2_type rt_hdr.type;
- };
- /*
-@@ -156,12 +170,16 @@ enum {
- struct inet6_skb_parm
- {
- int iif;
-+ __u8 mipv6_flags;
- __u16 ra;
- __u16 hop;
- __u16 auth;
- __u16 dst0;
- __u16 srcrt;
-+ __u16 srcrt2;
-+ __u16 hao;
- __u16 dst1;
-+ struct in6_addr hoa;
- };
- #endif
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/include/linux/ipv6_route.h linux-2.4.25/include/linux/ipv6_route.h
---- linux-2.4.25.old/include/linux/ipv6_route.h 2003-11-28 18:26:21.000000000 +0000
-+++ linux-2.4.25/include/linux/ipv6_route.h 2004-06-26 11:29:29.000000000 +0100
-@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ enum
- #define RTF_CACHE 0x01000000 /* cache entry */
- #define RTF_FLOW 0x02000000 /* flow significant route */
- #define RTF_POLICY 0x04000000 /* policy route */
-+#define RTF_MOBILENODE 0x10000000 /* for routing to Mobile Node */
- #define RTF_LOCAL 0x80000000
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/include/linux/ipv6_tunnel.h linux-2.4.25/include/linux/ipv6_tunnel.h
---- linux-2.4.25.old/include/linux/ipv6_tunnel.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/include/linux/ipv6_tunnel.h 2004-06-26 11:29:29.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
-+ * $Id$
-+ */
-+#ifndef _IPV6_TUNNEL_H
-+#define _IPV6_TUNNEL_H
-+/* don't add encapsulation limit if one isn't present in inner packet */
-+#define IP6_TNL_F_IGN_ENCAP_LIMIT 0x1
-+/* copy the traffic class field from the inner packet */
-+#define IP6_TNL_F_USE_ORIG_TCLASS 0x2
-+/* copy the flowlabel from the inner packet */
-+/* created and maintained from within the kernel */
-+#define IP6_TNL_F_KERNEL_DEV 0x8
-+/* being used for Mobile IPv6 */
-+#define IP6_TNL_F_MIP6_DEV 0x10
-+struct ip6_tnl_parm {
-+ char name[IFNAMSIZ]; /* name of tunnel device */
-+ int link; /* ifindex of underlying L2 interface */
-+ __u8 proto; /* tunnel protocol */
-+ __u8 encap_limit; /* encapsulation limit for tunnel */
-+ __u8 hop_limit; /* hop limit for tunnel */
-+ __u32 flowinfo; /* traffic class and flowlabel for tunnel */
-+ __u32 flags; /* tunnel flags */
-+ struct in6_addr laddr; /* local tunnel end-point address */
-+ struct in6_addr raddr; /* remote tunnel end-point address */
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/include/linux/rtnetlink.h linux-2.4.25/include/linux/rtnetlink.h
---- linux-2.4.25.old/include/linux/rtnetlink.h 2004-02-18 13:36:32.000000000 +0000
-+++ linux-2.4.25/include/linux/rtnetlink.h 2004-06-26 11:29:29.000000000 +0100
-@@ -309,15 +309,17 @@ enum
- };
- /* ifa_flags */
- #define IFA_F_SECONDARY 0x01
-+#define IFA_F_HOMEADDR 0x10
- #define IFA_F_DEPRECATED 0x20
- #define IFA_F_TENTATIVE 0x40
- #define IFA_F_PERMANENT 0x80
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/include/linux/skbuff.h linux-2.4.25/include/linux/skbuff.h
---- linux-2.4.25.old/include/linux/skbuff.h 2003-08-25 12:44:44.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/include/linux/skbuff.h 2004-06-26 11:29:29.000000000 +0100
-@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ struct sk_buff {
- * want to keep them across layers you have to do a skb_clone()
- * first. This is owned by whoever has the skb queued ATM.
- */
-- char cb[48];
-+ char cb[64];
- unsigned int len; /* Length of actual data */
- unsigned int data_len;
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/include/linux/sysctl.h linux-2.4.25/include/linux/sysctl.h
---- linux-2.4.25.old/include/linux/sysctl.h 2004-02-18 13:36:32.000000000 +0000
-+++ linux-2.4.25/include/linux/sysctl.h 2004-06-26 11:29:29.000000000 +0100
-@@ -387,7 +387,24 @@ enum {
-+/* /proc/sys/net/ipv6/mobility */
-+enum {
- };
- enum {
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/include/net/addrconf.h linux-2.4.25/include/net/addrconf.h
---- linux-2.4.25.old/include/net/addrconf.h 2003-08-25 12:44:44.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/include/net/addrconf.h 2004-06-26 11:29:29.000000000 +0100
-@@ -16,9 +16,11 @@ struct prefix_info {
- #if defined(__BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD)
- __u8 onlink : 1,
- autoconf : 1,
-- reserved : 6;
-+ router_address : 1,
-+ reserved : 5;
- #elif defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN_BITFIELD)
-- __u8 reserved : 6,
-+ __u8 reserved : 5,
-+ router_address : 1,
- autoconf : 1,
- onlink : 1;
- #else
-@@ -55,6 +57,7 @@ extern int ipv6_chk_addr(struct in6_ad
- struct net_device *dev);
- extern struct inet6_ifaddr * ipv6_get_ifaddr(struct in6_addr *addr,
- struct net_device *dev);
-+extern void ipv6_del_addr(struct inet6_ifaddr *ifp);
- extern int ipv6_get_saddr(struct dst_entry *dst,
- struct in6_addr *daddr,
- struct in6_addr *saddr);
-@@ -85,7 +88,9 @@ extern void ipv6_mc_up(struct inet6_dev
- extern void ipv6_mc_down(struct inet6_dev *idev);
- extern void ipv6_mc_init_dev(struct inet6_dev *idev);
- extern void ipv6_mc_destroy_dev(struct inet6_dev *idev);
-+extern void addrconf_dad_start(struct inet6_ifaddr *ifp, int flags);
- extern void addrconf_dad_failure(struct inet6_ifaddr *ifp);
-+extern void addrconf_dad_completed(struct inet6_ifaddr *ifp);
- extern int ipv6_chk_mcast_addr(struct net_device *dev, struct in6_addr *group,
- struct in6_addr *src_addr);
-@@ -116,6 +121,9 @@ extern int ipv6_chk_acast_addr(struct
- extern int register_inet6addr_notifier(struct notifier_block *nb);
- extern int unregister_inet6addr_notifier(struct notifier_block *nb);
-+extern int ipv6_generate_eui64(u8 *eui, struct net_device *dev);
-+extern int ipv6_inherit_eui64(u8 *eui, struct inet6_dev *idev);
- static inline struct inet6_dev *
- __in6_dev_get(struct net_device *dev)
- {
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/include/net/ip6_route.h linux-2.4.25/include/net/ip6_route.h
---- linux-2.4.25.old/include/net/ip6_route.h 2003-06-13 15:51:39.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/include/net/ip6_route.h 2004-06-26 11:29:29.000000000 +0100
-@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
- #define _NET_IP6_ROUTE_H
- #define IP6_RT_PRIO_FW 16
-+#define IP6_RT_PRIO_MIPV6 64
- #define IP6_RT_PRIO_USER 1024
- #define IP6_RT_PRIO_ADDRCONF 256
- #define IP6_RT_PRIO_KERN 512
-@@ -40,6 +41,9 @@ extern int ipv6_route_ioctl(unsigned i
- extern int ip6_route_add(struct in6_rtmsg *rtmsg,
- struct nlmsghdr *);
-+extern int ip6_route_del(struct in6_rtmsg *rtmsg,
-+ struct nlmsghdr *);
- extern int ip6_del_rt(struct rt6_info *,
- struct nlmsghdr *);
-@@ -99,7 +103,8 @@ extern rwlock_t rt6_lock;
- */
- static inline void ip6_dst_store(struct sock *sk, struct dst_entry *dst,
-- struct in6_addr *daddr)
-+ struct in6_addr *daddr,
-+ struct in6_addr *saddr)
- {
- struct ipv6_pinfo *np = &sk->net_pinfo.af_inet6;
- struct rt6_info *rt = (struct rt6_info *) dst;
-@@ -107,6 +112,9 @@ static inline void ip6_dst_store(struct
- write_lock(&sk->dst_lock);
- __sk_dst_set(sk, dst);
- np->daddr_cache = daddr;
-+ np->saddr_cache = saddr;
- np->dst_cookie = rt->rt6i_node ? rt->rt6i_node->fn_sernum : 0;
- write_unlock(&sk->dst_lock);
- }
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/include/net/ipv6.h linux-2.4.25/include/net/ipv6.h
---- linux-2.4.25.old/include/net/ipv6.h 2003-11-28 18:26:21.000000000 +0000
-+++ linux-2.4.25/include/net/ipv6.h 2004-06-26 11:29:29.000000000 +0100
-@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
- #define NEXTHDR_ICMP 58 /* ICMP for IPv6. */
- #define NEXTHDR_NONE 59 /* No next header */
- #define NEXTHDR_DEST 60 /* Destination options header. */
-+#define NEXTHDR_MH 135 /* Mobility header, RFC 3775 */
- #define NEXTHDR_MAX 255
-@@ -145,9 +146,12 @@ struct ipv6_txoptions
- __u16 opt_flen; /* after fragment hdr */
- __u16 opt_nflen; /* before fragment hdr */
-+ __u8 mipv6_flags; /* flags set by MIPv6 */
- struct ipv6_opt_hdr *hopopt;
- struct ipv6_opt_hdr *dst0opt;
-- struct ipv6_rt_hdr *srcrt; /* Routing Header */
-+ struct ipv6_rt_hdr *srcrt; /* Routing Header Type 0 */
-+ struct ipv6_rt_hdr *srcrt2; /* Routing Header Type 2 */
- struct ipv6_opt_hdr *auth;
- struct ipv6_opt_hdr *dst1opt;
-@@ -256,6 +260,38 @@ static inline int ipv6_addr_any(const st
- a->s6_addr32[2] | a->s6_addr32[3] ) == 0);
- }
-+static inline void ipv6_addr_prefix(struct in6_addr *pfx,
-+ const struct in6_addr *addr, int plen)
-+ /* caller must guarantee 0 <= plen <= 128 */
-+ int o = plen >> 3,
-+ b = plen & 0x7;
-+ memcpy(pfx->s6_addr, addr, o);
-+ if (b != 0) {
-+ pfx->s6_addr[o] = addr->s6_addr[o] & (0xff00 >> b);
-+ o++;
-+ }
-+ if (o < 16)
-+ memset(pfx->s6_addr + o, 0, 16 - o);
-+static inline int ipv6_prefix_cmp(const struct in6_addr *p1,
-+ const struct in6_addr *p2, int plen)
-+ int b = plen&0x7;
-+ int o = plen>>3;
-+ int res = 0;
-+ if (o > 0)
-+ res = memcmp(&p1->s6_addr[0], &p2->s6_addr[0], o);
-+ if (res == 0 && b > 0) {
-+ __u8 m = (0xff00 >> b) & 0xff;
-+ res = (p1->s6_addr[o] & m) - (p2->s6_addr[o] & m);
-+ }
-+ return res;
- /*
- * Prototypes exported by ipv6
- */
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/include/net/ipv6_tunnel.h linux-2.4.25/include/net/ipv6_tunnel.h
---- linux-2.4.25.old/include/net/ipv6_tunnel.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/include/net/ipv6_tunnel.h 2004-06-26 11:29:29.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
-+ * $Id$
-+ */
-+#ifndef _NET_IPV6_TUNNEL_H
-+#define _NET_IPV6_TUNNEL_H
-+#include <linux/ipv6.h>
-+#include <linux/netdevice.h>
-+#include <linux/ipv6_tunnel.h>
-+#include <linux/skbuff.h>
-+#include <asm/atomic.h>
-+/* capable of sending packets */
-+#define IP6_TNL_F_CAP_XMIT 0x10000
-+/* capable of receiving packets */
-+#define IP6_TNL_F_CAP_RCV 0x20000
-+#define IP6_TNL_MAX 128
-+/* IPv6 tunnel */
-+struct ip6_tnl {
-+ struct ip6_tnl *next; /* next tunnel in list */
-+ struct net_device *dev; /* virtual device associated with tunnel */
-+ struct net_device_stats stat; /* statistics for tunnel device */
-+ int recursion; /* depth of hard_start_xmit recursion */
-+ struct ip6_tnl_parm parms; /* tunnel configuration paramters */
-+ struct flowi fl; /* flowi template for xmit */
-+ atomic_t refcnt; /* nr of identical tunnels used by kernel */
-+ struct socket *sock;
-+#define IP6_TNL_PRE_ENCAP 0
-+#define IP6_TNL_PRE_DECAP 1
-+#define IP6_TNL_MAXHOOKS 2
-+#define IP6_TNL_DROP 0
-+#define IP6_TNL_ACCEPT 1
-+typedef int ip6_tnl_hookfn(struct ip6_tnl *t, struct sk_buff *skb);
-+struct ip6_tnl_hook_ops {
-+ struct list_head list;
-+ unsigned int hooknum;
-+ int priority;
-+ ip6_tnl_hookfn *hook;
-+enum ip6_tnl_hook_priorities {
-+/* Tunnel encapsulation limit destination sub-option */
-+struct ipv6_tlv_tnl_enc_lim {
-+ __u8 type; /* type-code for option */
-+ __u8 length; /* option length */
-+ __u8 encap_limit; /* tunnel encapsulation limit */
-+} __attribute__ ((packed));
-+#ifdef __KERNEL__
-+extern int ip6ip6_tnl_create(struct ip6_tnl_parm *p, struct ip6_tnl **pt);
-+extern struct ip6_tnl *ip6ip6_tnl_lookup(struct in6_addr *remote,
-+ struct in6_addr *local);
-+void ip6ip6_tnl_change(struct ip6_tnl *t, struct ip6_tnl_parm *p);
-+extern int ip6ip6_kernel_tnl_add(struct ip6_tnl_parm *p);
-+extern int ip6ip6_kernel_tnl_del(struct ip6_tnl *t);
-+extern unsigned int ip6ip6_tnl_inc_max_kdev_count(unsigned int n);
-+extern unsigned int ip6ip6_tnl_dec_max_kdev_count(unsigned int n);
-+extern unsigned int ip6ip6_tnl_inc_min_kdev_count(unsigned int n);
-+extern unsigned int ip6ip6_tnl_dec_min_kdev_count(unsigned int n);
-+extern void ip6ip6_tnl_register_hook(struct ip6_tnl_hook_ops *reg);
-+extern void ip6ip6_tnl_unregister_hook(struct ip6_tnl_hook_ops *reg);
-+extern int __init ip6_tunnel_init(void);
-+extern void ip6_tunnel_cleanup(void);
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/include/net/mipglue.h linux-2.4.25/include/net/mipglue.h
---- linux-2.4.25.old/include/net/mipglue.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/include/net/mipglue.h 2004-06-26 11:29:29.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
-+ * Glue for Mobility support integration to IPv6
-+ *
-+ * Authors:
-+ * Antti Tuominen <>
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#ifndef _NET_MIPGLUE_H
-+#define _NET_MIPGLUE_H
-+/* symbols to indicate whether destination options received should take
-+ * effect or not (see exthdrs.c, procrcv.c)
-+ */
-+#define MIPV6_IGN_RTR 0
-+#define MIPV6_ADD_RTR 1
-+#define MIPV6_CHG_RTR 2
-+/* MIPV6: Approximate maximum for mobile IPv6 options and headers */
-+#define MIPV6_HEADERS 48
-+#ifdef __KERNEL__
-+#include <net/mipv6.h>
-+#include <linux/slab.h>
-+#include <net/ipv6.h>
-+struct sk_buff;
-+struct ndisc_options;
-+struct sock;
-+struct ipv6_txoptions;
-+struct flowi;
-+struct dst_entry;
-+struct in6_addr;
-+struct inet6_ifaddr;
-+/* calls a procedure from mipv6-module */
-+#define MIPV6_CALLPROC(X) if(mipv6_functions.X) mipv6_functions.X
-+/* calls a function from mipv6-module, default-value if function not defined
-+ */
-+#define MIPV6_CALLFUNC(X,Y) (!mipv6_functions.X)?(Y):mipv6_functions.X
-+/* sets a handler-function to process a call */
-+#define MIPV6_SETCALL(X,Y) if(mipv6_functions.X) printk("mipv6: Warning, function assigned twice!\n"); \
-+ mipv6_functions.X = Y
-+#define MIPV6_RESETCALL(X) mipv6_functions.X = NULL
-+/* pointers to mipv6 callable functions */
-+struct mipv6_callable_functions {
-+ void (*mipv6_initialize_dstopt_rcv) (struct sk_buff *skb);
-+ int (*mipv6_finalize_dstopt_rcv) (int process);
-+ int (*mipv6_handle_homeaddr) (struct sk_buff *skb, int optoff);
-+ int (*mipv6_ra_rcv) (struct sk_buff *skb,
-+ struct ndisc_options *ndopts);
-+ void (*mipv6_icmp_rcv) (struct sk_buff *skb);
-+ struct ipv6_txoptions * (*mipv6_modify_txoptions) (
-+ struct sock *sk,
-+ struct sk_buff *skb,
-+ struct ipv6_txoptions *opt,
-+ struct flowi *fl,
-+ struct dst_entry **dst);
-+ void (*mipv6_set_home) (int ifindex, struct in6_addr *homeaddr,
-+ int plen, struct in6_addr *homeagent,
-+ int plen2);
-+ void (*mipv6_get_home_address) (struct in6_addr *home_addr);
-+ void (*mipv6_get_care_of_address)(struct in6_addr *homeaddr,
-+ struct in6_addr *coa);
-+ int (*mipv6_is_home_addr)(struct in6_addr *addr);
-+ void (*mipv6_change_router)(void);
-+ void (*mipv6_check_dad)(struct in6_addr *home_addr);
-+ void (*mipv6_icmp_swap_addrs)(struct sk_buff *skb);
-+ int (*mipv6_forward)(struct sk_buff *skb);
-+ int (*mipv6_mn_ha_probe)(struct inet6_ifaddr *ifp, u8 *lladdr);
-+extern struct mipv6_callable_functions mipv6_functions;
-+extern void mipv6_invalidate_calls(void);
-+extern int mipv6_handle_dstopt(struct sk_buff *skb, int optoff);
-+static inline int
-+ndisc_mip_mn_ha_probe(struct inet6_ifaddr *ifp, u8 *lladdr)
-+ return MIPV6_CALLFUNC(mipv6_mn_ha_probe, 0)(ifp, lladdr);
-+/* Must only be called for HA, no checks here */
-+static inline int ip6_mipv6_forward(struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ return MIPV6_CALLFUNC(mipv6_forward, 0)(skb);
-+ * Avoid adding new default routers if the old one is still in use
-+ */
-+static inline int ndisc_mipv6_ra_rcv(struct sk_buff *skb,
-+ struct ndisc_options *ndopts)
-+ return MIPV6_CALLFUNC(mipv6_ra_rcv, MIPV6_ADD_RTR)(skb, ndopts);
-+static inline int ipv6_chk_mip_home_addr(struct in6_addr *addr)
-+ return MIPV6_CALLFUNC(mipv6_is_home_addr, 0)(addr);
-+static inline void ndisc_mipv6_change_router(int change_rtr)
-+ if (change_rtr == MIPV6_CHG_RTR)
-+ MIPV6_CALLPROC(mipv6_change_router)();
-+static inline void ndisc_check_mipv6_dad(struct in6_addr *target)
-+ MIPV6_CALLPROC(mipv6_check_dad)(target);
-+static inline void icmpv6_swap_mipv6_addrs(struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ MIPV6_CALLPROC(mipv6_icmp_swap_addrs)(skb);
-+static inline void mipv6_icmp_rcv(struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ MIPV6_CALLPROC(mipv6_icmp_rcv)(skb);
-+static inline int tcp_v6_get_mipv6_header_len(void)
-+ return MIPV6_HEADERS;
-+static inline struct in6_addr *
-+mipv6_get_fake_hdr_daddr(struct in6_addr *hdaddr, struct in6_addr *daddr)
-+ return daddr;
-+static inline void
-+addrconf_set_mipv6_mn_home(int ifindex, struct in6_addr *homeaddr, int plen,
-+ struct in6_addr *homeagent, int plen2)
-+ MIPV6_CALLPROC(mipv6_set_home)(ifindex, homeaddr, plen, homeagent, plen2);
-+static inline void addrconf_get_mipv6_home_address(struct in6_addr *saddr)
-+ MIPV6_CALLPROC(mipv6_get_home_address)(saddr);
-+static inline struct ipv6_txoptions *
-+ip6_add_mipv6_txoptions(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb,
-+ struct ipv6_txoptions *opt, struct flowi *fl,
-+ struct dst_entry **dst)
-+ return MIPV6_CALLFUNC(mipv6_modify_txoptions, opt)(sk, skb, opt, fl, dst);
-+static inline void
-+ip6_mark_mipv6_packet(struct ipv6_txoptions *txopt, struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ struct inet6_skb_parm *opt;
-+ if (txopt) {
-+ opt = (struct inet6_skb_parm *)skb->cb;
-+ opt->mipv6_flags = txopt->mipv6_flags;
-+ }
-+static inline void
-+ip6_free_mipv6_txoptions(struct ipv6_txoptions *opt,
-+ struct ipv6_txoptions *orig_opt)
-+ if (opt && opt != orig_opt)
-+ kfree(opt);
-+#else /* USE_IPV6_MOBILITY */
-+#define mipv6_handle_dstopt ip6_tlvopt_unknown
-+static inline int
-+ndisc_mip_mn_ha_probe(struct inet6_ifaddr *ifp, u8 *lladdr)
-+ return 0;
-+static inline int ip6_mipv6_forward(struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ return 0;
-+static inline int ndisc_mipv6_ra_rcv(struct sk_buff *skb,
-+ struct ndisc_options *ndopts)
-+ return MIPV6_ADD_RTR;
-+static inline int ipv6_chk_mip_home_addr(struct in6_addr *addr)
-+ return 0;
-+static inline void ndisc_mipv6_change_router(int change_rtr) {}
-+static inline void ndisc_check_mipv6_dad(struct in6_addr *target) {}
-+static inline void icmpv6_swap_mipv6_addrs(struct sk_buff *skb) {}
-+static inline void mipv6_icmp_rcv(struct sk_buff *skb) {}
-+static inline int tcp_v6_get_mipv6_header_len(void)
-+ return 0;
-+static inline struct in6_addr *
-+mipv6_get_fake_hdr_daddr(struct in6_addr *hdaddr, struct in6_addr *daddr)
-+ return hdaddr;
-+static inline void
-+addrconf_set_mipv6_mn_home(int ifindex, struct in6_addr *homeaddr, int plen,
-+ struct in6_addr *homeagent, int plen2) {}
-+static inline void addrconf_get_mipv6_home_address(struct in6_addr *saddr) {}
-+static inline struct ipv6_txoptions *
-+ip6_add_mipv6_txoptions(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb,
-+ struct ipv6_txoptions *opt, struct flowi *fl,
-+ struct dst_entry **dst)
-+ return opt;
-+static inline void
-+ip6_mark_mipv6_packet(struct ipv6_txoptions *txopt, struct sk_buff *skb) {}
-+static inline void
-+ip6_free_mipv6_txoptions(struct ipv6_txoptions *opt,
-+ struct ipv6_txoptions *orig_opt) {}
-+#endif /* USE_IPV6_MOBILITY */
-+#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
-+#endif /* _NET_MIPGLUE_H */
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/include/net/mipv6.h linux-2.4.25/include/net/mipv6.h
---- linux-2.4.25.old/include/net/mipv6.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/include/net/mipv6.h 2004-06-26 11:29:29.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
-+ * Mobile IPv6 header-file
-+ *
-+ * Authors:
-+ * Sami Kivisaari <>
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#ifndef _NET_MIPV6_H
-+#define _NET_MIPV6_H
-+#include <linux/types.h>
-+#include <asm/byteorder.h>
-+#include <linux/in6.h>
-+ *
-+ * Mobile IPv6 Protocol constants
-+ *
-+ */
-+#define DHAAD_RETRIES 4 /* transmissions */
-+#define INITIAL_BINDACK_TIMEOUT 1 /* seconds */
-+#define INITIAL_DHAAD_TIMEOUT 3 /* seconds */
-+#define INITIAL_SOLICIT_TIMER 3 /* seconds */
-+#define MAX_BINDACK_TIMEOUT 32 /* seconds */
-+#define MAX_NONCE_LIFE 240 /* seconds */
-+#define MAX_TOKEN_LIFE 210 /* seconds */
-+#define MAX_RR_BINDING_LIFE 420 /* seconds */
-+#define MAX_UPDATE_RATE 3 /* 1/s (min delay=1s) */
-+#define PREFIX_ADV_RETRIES 3 /* transmissions */
-+#define PREFIX_ADV_TIMEOUT 3 /* seconds */
-+#define MAX_FAST_UPDATES 5 /* transmissions */
-+#define MAX_PFX_ADV_DELAY 1000 /* seconds */
-+#define SLOW_UPDATE_RATE 10 /* 1/10s (max delay=10s)*/
-+#define INITIAL_BINDACK_DAD_TIMEOUT 2 /* seconds */
-+ *
-+ * Mobile IPv6 (RFC 3775) Protocol configuration variable defaults
-+ *
-+ */
-+#define DefHomeRtrAdvInterval 1000 /* seconds */
-+#define DefMaxMobPfxAdvInterval 86400 /* seconds */
-+#define DefMinDelayBetweenRAs 3 /* seconds (min 0.03) */
-+#define DefMinMobPfxAdvInterval 600 /* seconds */
-+#define DefInitialBindackTimeoutFirstReg 1.5 /* seconds */
-+/* This is not actually specified in the draft, but is needed to avoid
-+ * prefix solicitation storm when valid lifetime of a prefix is smaller
-+ */
-+#define MIN_PFX_SOL_DELAY 5 /* seconds */
-+/* Mobile IPv6 ICMP types */
-+ * Official numbers from RFC 3775
-+ */
-+#define MIPV6_DHAAD_REQUEST 144
-+#define MIPV6_DHAAD_REPLY 145
-+#define MIPV6_PREFIX_SOLICIT 146
-+#define MIPV6_PREFIX_ADV 147
-+/* Binding update flag codes */
-+#define MIPV6_BU_F_ACK 0x80
-+#define MIPV6_BU_F_HOME 0x40
-+#define MIPV6_BU_F_LLADDR 0x20
-+#define MIPV6_BU_F_KEYMGM 0x10
-+/* Binding ackknowledgment flag codes */
-+#define MIPV6_BA_F_KEYMGM 0x80
-+/* Binding error status */
-+/* Mobility Header */
-+struct mipv6_mh
-+ __u8 payload; /* Payload Protocol */
-+ __u8 length; /* MH Length */
-+ __u8 type; /* MH Type */
-+ __u8 reserved; /* Reserved */
-+ __u16 checksum; /* Checksum */
-+ __u8 data[0]; /* Message specific data */
-+} __attribute__ ((packed));
-+/* Mobility Header type */
-+#define IPPROTO_MOBILITY 135 /* RFC 3775*/
-+/* Mobility Header Message Types */
-+#define MIPV6_MH_BRR 0
-+#define MIPV6_MH_HOTI 1
-+#define MIPV6_MH_COTI 2
-+#define MIPV6_MH_HOT 3
-+#define MIPV6_MH_COT 4
-+#define MIPV6_MH_BU 5
-+#define MIPV6_MH_BA 6
-+#define MIPV6_MH_BE 7
-+ * Status codes for Binding Acknowledgements
-+ */
-+#define SUCCESS 0
-+#define NOT_HOME_SUBNET 132
-+#define NOT_HA_FOR_MN 133
-+#define EXPIRED_NONCES 138
-+ * Values for mipv6_flags in struct inet6_skb_parm
-+ */
-+#define MIPV6_RCV_TUNNEL 0x1
-+#define MIPV6_SND_HAO 0x2
-+#define MIPV6_SND_BU 0x4
-+ * Mobility Header Message structures
-+ */
-+struct mipv6_mh_brr
-+ __u16 reserved;
-+ /* Mobility options */
-+} __attribute__ ((packed));
-+struct mipv6_mh_bu
-+ __u16 sequence; /* sequence number of BU */
-+ __u8 flags; /* flags */
-+ __u8 reserved; /* reserved bits */
-+ __u16 lifetime; /* lifetime of BU */
-+ /* Mobility options */
-+} __attribute__ ((packed));
-+struct mipv6_mh_ba
-+ __u8 status; /* statuscode */
-+ __u8 reserved; /* reserved bits */
-+ __u16 sequence; /* sequence number of BA */
-+ __u16 lifetime; /* lifetime in CN's bcache */
-+ /* Mobility options */
-+} __attribute__ ((packed));
-+struct mipv6_mh_be
-+ __u8 status;
-+ __u8 reserved;
-+ struct in6_addr home_addr;
-+ /* Mobility options */
-+} __attribute__ ((packed));
-+struct mipv6_mh_addr_ti
-+ __u16 reserved; /* Reserved */
-+ u_int8_t init_cookie[8]; /* HoT/CoT Init Cookie */
-+ /* Mobility options */
-+} __attribute__ ((packed));
-+struct mipv6_mh_addr_test
-+ __u16 nonce_index; /* Home/Care-of Nonce Index */
-+ u_int8_t init_cookie[8]; /* HoT/CoT Init Cookie */
-+ u_int8_t kgen_token[8]; /* Home/Care-of key generation token */
-+ /* Mobility options */
-+} __attribute__ ((packed));
-+ * Mobility Options for various MH types.
-+ */
-+#define MIPV6_OPT_PAD1 0x00
-+#define MIPV6_OPT_PADN 0x01
-+#define MIPV6_OPT_ALTERNATE_COA 0x03
-+#define MIPV6_OPT_NONCE_INDICES 0x04
-+#define MIPV6_OPT_AUTH_DATA 0x05
-+#define MIPV6_SEQ_GT(x,y) \
-+ ((short int)(((__u16)(x)) - ((__u16)(y))) > 0)
-+ * Mobility Option structures
-+ */
-+struct mipv6_mo
-+ __u8 type;
-+ __u8 length;
-+ __u8 value[0]; /* type specific data */
-+} __attribute__ ((packed));
-+struct mipv6_mo_pad1
-+ __u8 type;
-+} __attribute__ ((packed));
-+struct mipv6_mo_padn
-+ __u8 type;
-+ __u8 length;
-+ __u8 data[0];
-+} __attribute__ ((packed));
-+struct mipv6_mo_alt_coa
-+ __u8 type;
-+ __u8 length;
-+ struct in6_addr addr; /* alternate care-of-address */
-+} __attribute__ ((packed));
-+struct mipv6_mo_nonce_indices
-+ __u8 type;
-+ __u8 length;
-+ __u16 home_nonce_i; /* Home Nonce Index */
-+ __u16 careof_nonce_i; /* Careof Nonce Index */
-+} __attribute__ ((packed));
-+struct mipv6_mo_bauth_data
-+ __u8 type;
-+ __u8 length;
-+ __u8 data[0];
-+} __attribute__ ((packed));
-+struct mipv6_mo_br_advice
-+ __u8 type;
-+ __u8 length;
-+ __u16 refresh_interval; /* Refresh Interval */
-+} __attribute__ ((packed));
-+ * Home Address Destination Option structure
-+ */
-+struct mipv6_dstopt_homeaddr
-+ __u8 type; /* type-code for option */
-+ __u8 length; /* option length */
-+ struct in6_addr addr; /* home address */
-+} __attribute__ ((packed));
-+#endif /* _NET_MIPV6_H */
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/include/net/ndisc.h linux-2.4.25/include/net/ndisc.h
---- linux-2.4.25.old/include/net/ndisc.h 2002-11-28 23:53:15.000000000 +0000
-+++ linux-2.4.25/include/net/ndisc.h 2004-06-26 11:29:29.000000000 +0100
-@@ -21,6 +21,10 @@
- #define ND_OPT_MTU 5
-+/* Mobile IPv6 specific ndisc options */
- #define ND_REACHABLE_TIME (30*HZ)
-@@ -57,7 +61,7 @@ struct nd_opt_hdr {
- } __attribute__((__packed__));
- struct ndisc_options {
-- struct nd_opt_hdr *nd_opt_array[7];
-+ struct nd_opt_hdr *nd_opt_array[10];
- struct nd_opt_hdr *nd_opt_piend;
- };
-@@ -67,6 +71,8 @@ struct ndisc_options {
- #define nd_opts_pi_end nd_opt_piend
- #define nd_opts_rh nd_opt_array[ND_OPT_REDIRECT_HDR]
- #define nd_opts_mtu nd_opt_array[ND_OPT_MTU]
-+#define nd_opts_rai nd_opt_array[ND_OPT_RTR_ADV_INTERVAL]
-+#define nd_opts_hai nd_opt_array[ND_OPT_HOME_AGENT_INFO]
- extern struct nd_opt_hdr *ndisc_next_option(struct nd_opt_hdr *cur, struct nd_opt_hdr *end);
- extern struct ndisc_options *ndisc_parse_options(u8 *opt, int opt_len, struct ndisc_options *ndopts);
-@@ -83,6 +89,15 @@ extern void ndisc_send_ns(struct net_d
- struct in6_addr *daddr,
- struct in6_addr *saddr);
-+extern void ndisc_send_na(struct net_device *dev,
-+ struct neighbour *neigh,
-+ struct in6_addr *daddr,
-+ struct in6_addr *solicited_addr,
-+ int router,
-+ int solicited,
-+ int override,
-+ int inc_opt);
- extern void ndisc_send_rs(struct net_device *dev,
- struct in6_addr *saddr,
- struct in6_addr *daddr);
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/include/net/sock.h linux-2.4.25/include/net/sock.h
---- linux-2.4.25.old/include/net/sock.h 2004-02-18 13:36:32.000000000 +0000
-+++ linux-2.4.25/include/net/sock.h 2004-06-26 11:29:30.000000000 +0100
-@@ -149,7 +149,9 @@ struct ipv6_pinfo {
- struct in6_addr rcv_saddr;
- struct in6_addr daddr;
- struct in6_addr *daddr_cache;
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IPV6_SUBTREES)
-+ struct in6_addr *saddr_cache;
- __u32 flow_label;
- __u32 frag_size;
- int hop_limit;
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/Makefile linux-2.4.25/net/Makefile
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/Makefile 2004-06-26 11:22:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/Makefile 2004-06-26 11:29:30.000000000 +0100
-@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
- O_TARGET := network.o
--mod-subdirs := ipv4/netfilter ipv6/netfilter ipx irda bluetooth atm netlink sched core sctp
-+mod-subdirs := ipv4/netfilter ipv6/netfilter ipx irda bluetooth atm netlink sched core sctp ipv6
- export-objs := netsyms.o
- subdir-y := core ethernet
-@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ subdir-$(CONFIG_IP_SCTP) += sctp
- ifneq ($(CONFIG_IPV6),n)
- ifneq ($(CONFIG_IPV6),)
- subdir-$(CONFIG_NETFILTER) += ipv6/netfilter
-+subdir-$(CONFIG_IPV6_MOBILITY) += ipv6/mobile_ip6
- endif
- endif
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/core/neighbour.c linux-2.4.25/net/core/neighbour.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/core/neighbour.c 2004-02-18 13:36:32.000000000 +0000
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/core/neighbour.c 2004-06-26 11:29:30.000000000 +0100
-@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ struct pneigh_entry * pneigh_lookup(stru
- if (!creat)
- return NULL;
-- n = kmalloc(sizeof(*n) + key_len, GFP_KERNEL);
-+ n = kmalloc(sizeof(*n) + key_len, GFP_ATOMIC);
- if (n == NULL)
- return NULL;
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/ 2001-12-21 17:42:05.000000000 +0000
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/ 2004-06-26 11:29:30.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1,10 +1,16 @@
- #
- # IPv6 configuration
- #
-+bool ' IPv6: routing by source address (EXPERIMENTAL)' CONFIG_IPV6_SUBTREES
- #bool ' IPv6: flow policy support' CONFIG_RT6_POLICY
- #bool ' IPv6: firewall support' CONFIG_IPV6_FIREWALL
-+if [ "$CONFIG_IPV6" != "n" ]; then
-+ dep_tristate ' IPv6: IPv6 over IPv6 Tunneling (EXPERIMENTAL)' CONFIG_IPV6_TUNNEL $CONFIG_IPV6
-+source net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/
- if [ "$CONFIG_NETFILTER" != "n" ]; then
- source net/ipv6/netfilter/
- fi
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/Makefile linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/Makefile
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/Makefile 2003-11-28 18:26:21.000000000 +0000
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/Makefile 2004-06-26 11:29:30.000000000 +0100
-@@ -6,18 +6,28 @@
- # unless it's something special (ie not a .c file).
- #
-+export-objs := ipv6_syms.o ipv6_tunnel.o
--O_TARGET := ipv6.o
-+#list-multi := ipv6.o ipv6_tunnel.o
--obj-y := af_inet6.o anycast.o ip6_output.o ip6_input.o addrconf.o sit.o \
-- route.o ip6_fib.o ipv6_sockglue.o ndisc.o udp.o raw.o \
-- protocol.o icmp.o mcast.o reassembly.o tcp_ipv6.o \
-- exthdrs.o sysctl_net_ipv6.o datagram.o proc.o \
-- ip6_flowlabel.o ipv6_syms.o
-+ipv6-objs := af_inet6.o anycast.o ip6_output.o ip6_input.o addrconf.o \
-+ sit.o route.o ip6_fib.o ipv6_sockglue.o ndisc.o udp.o \
-+ raw.o protocol.o icmp.o mcast.o reassembly.o tcp_ipv6.o \
-+ exthdrs.o sysctl_net_ipv6.o datagram.o proc.o \
-+ ip6_flowlabel.o ipv6_syms.o
-+ifneq ($(CONFIG_IPV6_MOBILITY),n)
-+ifneq ($(CONFIG_IPV6_MOBILITY),)
-+ipv6-objs += mipglue.o
--export-objs := ipv6_syms.o
-+obj-$(CONFIG_IPV6) += ipv6.o
-+obj-$(CONFIG_IPV6_TUNNEL) += ipv6_tunnel.o
-+ipv6.o: $(ipv6-objs)
-+ $(LD) -r -o $@ $(ipv6-objs)
--obj-m := $(O_TARGET)
- #obj-$(CONFIG_IPV6_FIREWALL) += ip6_fw.o
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/addrconf.c linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/addrconf.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/addrconf.c 2003-11-28 18:26:21.000000000 +0000
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/addrconf.c 2004-06-26 11:29:30.000000000 +0100
-@@ -68,6 +68,8 @@
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
-+#include <net/mipglue.h>
- #define IPV6_MAX_ADDRESSES 16
- /* Set to 3 to get tracing... */
-@@ -103,9 +105,9 @@ static spinlock_t addrconf_verify_lock =
- static int addrconf_ifdown(struct net_device *dev, int how);
--static void addrconf_dad_start(struct inet6_ifaddr *ifp, int flags);
-+void addrconf_dad_start(struct inet6_ifaddr *ifp, int flags);
- static void addrconf_dad_timer(unsigned long data);
--static void addrconf_dad_completed(struct inet6_ifaddr *ifp);
-+void addrconf_dad_completed(struct inet6_ifaddr *ifp);
- static void addrconf_rs_timer(unsigned long data);
- static void ipv6_ifa_notify(int event, struct inet6_ifaddr *ifa);
-@@ -330,38 +332,6 @@ static struct inet6_dev * ipv6_find_idev
- return idev;
- }
--void ipv6_addr_prefix(struct in6_addr *prefix,
-- struct in6_addr *addr, int prefix_len)
-- unsigned long mask;
-- int ncopy, nbits;
-- memset(prefix, 0, sizeof(*prefix));
-- if (prefix_len <= 0)
-- return;
-- if (prefix_len > 128)
-- prefix_len = 128;
-- ncopy = prefix_len / 32;
-- switch (ncopy) {
-- case 4: prefix->s6_addr32[3] = addr->s6_addr32[3];
-- case 3: prefix->s6_addr32[2] = addr->s6_addr32[2];
-- case 2: prefix->s6_addr32[1] = addr->s6_addr32[1];
-- case 1: prefix->s6_addr32[0] = addr->s6_addr32[0];
-- case 0: break;
-- }
-- nbits = prefix_len % 32;
-- if (nbits == 0)
-- return;
-- mask = ~((1 << (32 - nbits)) - 1);
-- mask = htonl(mask);
-- prefix->s6_addr32[ncopy] = addr->s6_addr32[ncopy] & mask;
- static void dev_forward_change(struct inet6_dev *idev)
- {
- struct net_device *dev;
-@@ -513,7 +483,7 @@ ipv6_add_addr(struct inet6_dev *idev, co
- /* This function wants to get referenced ifp and releases it before return */
--static void ipv6_del_addr(struct inet6_ifaddr *ifp)
-+void ipv6_del_addr(struct inet6_ifaddr *ifp)
- {
- struct inet6_ifaddr *ifa, **ifap;
- struct inet6_dev *idev = ifp->idev;
-@@ -662,6 +632,12 @@ out:
- if (match)
- in6_ifa_put(match);
-+ /* The home address is always used as source address in
-+ * MIPL mobile IPv6
-+ */
-+ if (scope != IFA_HOST && scope != IFA_LINK)
-+ addrconf_get_mipv6_home_address(saddr);
- return err;
- }
-@@ -815,7 +791,7 @@ void addrconf_leave_solict(struct net_de
- }
--static int ipv6_generate_eui64(u8 *eui, struct net_device *dev)
-+int ipv6_generate_eui64(u8 *eui, struct net_device *dev)
- {
- switch (dev->type) {
-@@ -840,7 +816,7 @@ static int ipv6_generate_eui64(u8 *eui,
- return -1;
- }
--static int ipv6_inherit_eui64(u8 *eui, struct inet6_dev *idev)
-+int ipv6_inherit_eui64(u8 *eui, struct inet6_dev *idev)
- {
- int err = -1;
- struct inet6_ifaddr *ifp;
-@@ -1407,6 +1383,24 @@ static void addrconf_sit_config(struct n
- sit_route_add(dev);
- }
-+ * addrconf_ipv6_tunnel_config - configure IPv6 tunnel device
-+ * @dev: tunnel device
-+ **/
-+static void addrconf_ipv6_tunnel_config(struct net_device *dev)
-+ struct inet6_dev *idev;
-+ /* Assign inet6_dev structure to tunnel device */
-+ if ((idev = ipv6_find_idev(dev)) == NULL) {
-+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "init ipv6 tunnel: add_dev failed\n");
-+ return;
-+ }
- int addrconf_notify(struct notifier_block *this, unsigned long event,
- void * data)
-@@ -1421,6 +1415,10 @@ int addrconf_notify(struct notifier_bloc
- addrconf_sit_config(dev);
- break;
-+ addrconf_ipv6_tunnel_config(dev);
-+ break;
- init_loopback(dev);
- break;
-@@ -1602,7 +1600,7 @@ out:
- /*
- * Duplicate Address Detection
- */
--static void addrconf_dad_start(struct inet6_ifaddr *ifp, int flags)
-+void addrconf_dad_start(struct inet6_ifaddr *ifp, int flags)
- {
- struct net_device *dev;
- unsigned long rand_num;
-@@ -1667,7 +1665,7 @@ static void addrconf_dad_timer(unsigned
- in6_ifa_put(ifp);
- }
--static void addrconf_dad_completed(struct inet6_ifaddr *ifp)
-+void addrconf_dad_completed(struct inet6_ifaddr *ifp)
- {
- struct net_device * dev = ifp->idev->dev;
-@@ -1676,7 +1674,7 @@ static void addrconf_dad_completed(struc
- */
- ipv6_ifa_notify(RTM_NEWADDR, ifp);
-+ notifier_call_chain(&inet6addr_chain,NETDEV_UP,ifp);
- /* If added prefix is link local and forwarding is off,
- start sending router solicitations.
- */
-@@ -1877,8 +1875,20 @@ inet6_rtm_newaddr(struct sk_buff *skb, s
- if (rta[IFA_LOCAL-1]) {
- if (pfx && memcmp(pfx, RTA_DATA(rta[IFA_LOCAL-1]), sizeof(*pfx)))
- return -EINVAL;
-+ if (ifm->ifa_flags & IFA_F_HOMEADDR && !rta[IFA_HOMEAGENT-1])
-+ return -EINVAL;
- pfx = RTA_DATA(rta[IFA_LOCAL-1]);
- }
-+ if (rta[IFA_HOMEAGENT-1]) {
-+ struct in6_addr *ha;
-+ if (pfx == NULL || !(ifm->ifa_flags & IFA_F_HOMEADDR))
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ if (RTA_PAYLOAD(rta[IFA_HOMEAGENT-1]) < sizeof(*ha))
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ ha = RTA_DATA(rta[IFA_HOMEAGENT-1]);
-+ addrconf_set_mipv6_mn_home(ifm->ifa_index, pfx, ifm->ifa_prefixlen,
-+ ha, ifm->ifa_prefixlen);
-+ }
- if (pfx == NULL)
- return -EINVAL;
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/af_inet6.c linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/af_inet6.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/af_inet6.c 2003-11-28 18:26:21.000000000 +0000
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/af_inet6.c 2004-06-26 11:29:30.000000000 +0100
-@@ -58,6 +58,9 @@
- #include <net/transp_v6.h>
- #include <net/ip6_route.h>
- #include <net/addrconf.h>
-+#include <net/ipv6_tunnel.h>
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
- #include <asm/system.h>
-@@ -646,6 +649,11 @@ static int __init inet6_init(void)
- err = ndisc_init(&inet6_family_ops);
- if (err)
- goto ndisc_fail;
-+ err = ip6_tunnel_init();
-+ if (err)
-+ goto ip6_tunnel_fail;
- err = igmp6_init(&inet6_family_ops);
- if (err)
- goto igmp_fail;
-@@ -698,6 +706,10 @@ proc_raw6_fail:
- #endif
- igmp_fail:
- ndisc_cleanup();
-+ ip6_tunnel_cleanup();
- ndisc_fail:
- icmpv6_cleanup();
- icmp_fail:
-@@ -730,6 +742,9 @@ static void inet6_exit(void)
- ip6_route_cleanup();
- ipv6_packet_cleanup();
- igmp6_cleanup();
-+ ip6_tunnel_cleanup();
- ndisc_cleanup();
- icmpv6_cleanup();
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/exthdrs.c linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/exthdrs.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/exthdrs.c 2003-08-25 12:44:44.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/exthdrs.c 2004-06-26 11:29:30.000000000 +0100
-@@ -41,6 +41,9 @@
- #include <net/ip6_route.h>
- #include <net/addrconf.h>
-+#include <net/mipglue.h>
-+#include <net/mipv6.h>
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
- /*
-@@ -160,7 +163,8 @@ bad:
- *****************************/
- struct tlvtype_proc tlvprocdestopt_lst[] = {
-- /* No destination options are defined now */
-+ /* Mobility Support destination options */
-+ {MIPV6_TLV_HOMEADDR, mipv6_handle_dstopt},
- {-1, NULL}
- };
-@@ -210,6 +214,7 @@ static int ipv6_routing_header(struct sk
- struct ipv6_rt_hdr *hdr;
- struct rt0_hdr *rthdr;
-+ struct rt2_hdr *rt2hdr;
- if (!pskb_may_pull(skb, (skb->h.raw-skb->data)+8) ||
- !pskb_may_pull(skb, (skb->h.raw-skb->data)+((skb->h.raw[1]+1)<<3))) {
-@@ -225,17 +230,25 @@ static int ipv6_routing_header(struct sk
- kfree_skb(skb);
- return -1;
- }
-+ /* Silently discard invalid packets containing RTH type 2 */
-+ if (hdr->type == IPV6_SRCRT_TYPE_2 &&
-+ (hdr->hdrlen != 2 || hdr->segments_left != 1)) {
-+ kfree_skb(skb);
-+ return -1;
-+ }
- looped_back:
- if (hdr->segments_left == 0) {
-- opt->srcrt = skb->h.raw - skb->nh.raw;
-+ if (hdr->type == IPV6_SRCRT_TYPE_0)
-+ opt->srcrt = skb->h.raw - skb->nh.raw;
-+ else if (hdr->type == IPV6_SRCRT_TYPE_2)
-+ opt->srcrt2 = skb->h.raw - skb->nh.raw;
- skb->h.raw += (hdr->hdrlen + 1) << 3;
- opt->dst0 = opt->dst1;
- opt->dst1 = 0;
- return (&hdr->nexthdr) - skb->nh.raw;
- }
-- if (hdr->type != IPV6_SRCRT_TYPE_0) {
-+ if (hdr->type != IPV6_SRCRT_TYPE_0 && hdr->type != IPV6_SRCRT_TYPE_2) {
- icmpv6_param_prob(skb, ICMPV6_HDR_FIELD, (&hdr->type) - skb->nh.raw);
- return -1;
- }
-@@ -275,9 +288,20 @@ looped_back:
- i = n - --hdr->segments_left;
-- rthdr = (struct rt0_hdr *) hdr;
-- addr = rthdr->addr;
-- addr += i - 1;
-+ if (hdr->type == IPV6_SRCRT_TYPE_0) {
-+ rthdr = (struct rt0_hdr *) hdr;
-+ addr = rthdr->addr;
-+ addr += i - 1;
-+ } else {
-+ /* check that address is this node's home address */
-+ rt2hdr = (struct rt2_hdr *) hdr;
-+ addr = &rt2hdr->addr;
-+ if (!ipv6_chk_addr(addr, NULL) ||
-+ !ipv6_chk_mip_home_addr(addr)) {
-+ kfree_skb(skb);
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ }
- addr_type = ipv6_addr_type(addr);
-@@ -330,6 +354,10 @@ looped_back:
- temporary (or permanent) backdoor.
- If listening socket set IPV6_RTHDR to 2, then we invert header.
- --ANK (980729)
-+ By the Mobile IPv6 specification Type 2 routing header MUST NOT be
-+ inverted.
-+ --AJT (20020917)
- */
- struct ipv6_txoptions *
-@@ -352,6 +380,18 @@ ipv6_invert_rthdr(struct sock *sk, struc
- struct ipv6_txoptions *opt;
- int hdrlen = ipv6_optlen(hdr);
-+ if (hdr->type == IPV6_SRCRT_TYPE_2) {
-+ opt = sock_kmalloc(sk, sizeof(*opt) + hdrlen, GFP_ATOMIC);
-+ if (opt == NULL)
-+ return NULL;
-+ memset(opt, 0, sizeof(*opt));
-+ opt->tot_len = sizeof(*opt) + hdrlen;
-+ opt->srcrt = (void*)(opt+1);
-+ opt->opt_nflen = hdrlen;
-+ memcpy(opt->srcrt, hdr, sizeof(struct rt2_hdr));
-+ return opt;
-+ }
- if (hdr->segments_left ||
- hdr->type != IPV6_SRCRT_TYPE_0 ||
- hdr->hdrlen & 0x01)
-@@ -622,8 +662,18 @@ u8 *ipv6_build_nfrag_opts(struct sk_buff
- if (opt) {
- if (opt->dst0opt)
- prev_hdr = ipv6_build_exthdr(skb, prev_hdr, NEXTHDR_DEST, opt->dst0opt);
-- if (opt->srcrt)
-- prev_hdr = ipv6_build_rthdr(skb, prev_hdr, opt->srcrt, daddr);
-+ if (opt->srcrt) {
-+ if (opt->srcrt2) {
-+ struct in6_addr *rt2_hop = &((struct rt2_hdr *)opt->srcrt2)->addr;
-+ prev_hdr = ipv6_build_rthdr(skb, prev_hdr, opt->srcrt, rt2_hop);
-+ } else
-+ prev_hdr = ipv6_build_rthdr(skb, prev_hdr, opt->srcrt, daddr);
-+ }
-+ if (opt->srcrt2) {
-+ struct inet6_skb_parm *parm = (struct inet6_skb_parm *)skb->cb;
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&parm->hoa, daddr);
-+ prev_hdr = ipv6_build_rthdr(skb, prev_hdr, opt->srcrt2, daddr);
-+ }
- }
- return prev_hdr;
- }
-@@ -684,6 +734,11 @@ void ipv6_push_nfrag_opts(struct sk_buff
- u8 *proto,
- struct in6_addr **daddr)
- {
-+ if (opt->srcrt2) {
-+ struct inet6_skb_parm *parm = (struct inet6_skb_parm *)skb->cb;
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&parm->hoa, *daddr);
-+ ipv6_push_rthdr(skb, proto, opt->srcrt2, daddr);
-+ }
- if (opt->srcrt)
- ipv6_push_rthdr(skb, proto, opt->srcrt, daddr);
- if (opt->dst0opt)
-@@ -719,6 +774,8 @@ ipv6_dup_options(struct sock *sk, struct
- *((char**)&opt2->auth) += dif;
- if (opt2->srcrt)
- *((char**)&opt2->srcrt) += dif;
-+ if (opt2->srcrt2)
-+ *((char**)&opt2->srcrt2) += dif;
- }
- return opt2;
- }
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/icmp.c linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/icmp.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/icmp.c 2003-11-28 18:26:21.000000000 +0000
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/icmp.c 2004-06-26 11:29:30.000000000 +0100
-@@ -61,6 +61,8 @@
- #include <net/addrconf.h>
- #include <net/icmp.h>
-+#include <net/mipglue.h>
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
- #include <asm/system.h>
-@@ -364,6 +366,8 @@ void icmpv6_send(struct sk_buff *skb, in
- msg.len = len;
-+ icmpv6_swap_mipv6_addrs(skb);
- ip6_build_xmit(sk, icmpv6_getfrag, &msg, &fl, len, NULL, -1,
- if (type >= ICMPV6_DEST_UNREACH && type <= ICMPV6_PARAMPROB)
-@@ -562,13 +566,13 @@ int icmpv6_rcv(struct sk_buff *skb)
- rt6_pmtu_discovery(&orig_hdr->daddr, &orig_hdr->saddr, dev,
- ntohl(hdr->icmp6_mtu));
-- /*
-- * Drop through to notify
-- */
-+ icmpv6_notify(skb, type, hdr->icmp6_code, hdr->icmp6_mtu);
-+ break;
-+ mipv6_icmp_rcv(skb);
- icmpv6_notify(skb, type, hdr->icmp6_code, hdr->icmp6_mtu);
- break;
-@@ -597,6 +601,13 @@ int icmpv6_rcv(struct sk_buff *skb)
- break;
-+ mipv6_icmp_rcv(skb);
-+ break;
- default:
- if (net_ratelimit())
- printk(KERN_DEBUG "icmpv6: msg of unkown type\n");
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/ip6_fib.c linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/ip6_fib.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/ip6_fib.c 2003-08-25 12:44:44.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/ip6_fib.c 2004-06-26 11:29:30.000000000 +0100
-@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
- * Yuji SEKIYA @USAGI: Support default route on router node;
- * remove ip6_null_entry from the top of
- * routing table.
-+ * Ville Nuorvala: Fixes to source address based routing
- */
- #include <linux/config.h>
- #include <linux/errno.h>
-@@ -40,7 +41,6 @@
- #include <net/ip6_route.h>
- #define RT6_DEBUG 2
- #if RT6_DEBUG >= 3
- #define RT6_TRACE(x...) printk(KERN_DEBUG x)
-@@ -500,6 +500,8 @@ static __inline__ void fib6_start_gc(str
- mod_timer(&ip6_fib_timer, jiffies + ip6_rt_gc_interval);
- }
-+static struct rt6_info * fib6_find_prefix(struct fib6_node *fn);
- /*
- * Add routing information to the routing tree.
- * <destination addr>/<source addr>
-@@ -508,17 +510,19 @@ static __inline__ void fib6_start_gc(str
- int fib6_add(struct fib6_node *root, struct rt6_info *rt, struct nlmsghdr *nlh)
- {
-- struct fib6_node *fn;
-+ struct fib6_node *fn = root;
- int err = -ENOMEM;
-- fn = fib6_add_1(root, &rt->rt6i_dst.addr, sizeof(struct in6_addr),
-- rt->rt6i_dst.plen, (u8*) &rt->rt6i_dst - (u8*) rt);
-+ struct fib6_node *pn = NULL;
-+ fn = fib6_add_1(root, &rt->rt6i_src.addr, sizeof(struct in6_addr),
-+ rt->rt6i_src.plen, (u8*) &rt->rt6i_src - (u8*) rt);
- if (fn == NULL)
- goto out;
-- if (rt->rt6i_src.plen) {
-+ if (rt->rt6i_dst.plen) {
- struct fib6_node *sn;
- if (fn->subtree == NULL) {
-@@ -546,9 +550,9 @@ int fib6_add(struct fib6_node *root, str
- /* Now add the first leaf node to new subtree */
-- sn = fib6_add_1(sfn, &rt->rt6i_src.addr,
-- sizeof(struct in6_addr), rt->rt6i_src.plen,
-- (u8*) &rt->rt6i_src - (u8*) rt);
-+ sn = fib6_add_1(sfn, &rt->rt6i_dst.addr,
-+ sizeof(struct in6_addr), rt->rt6i_dst.plen,
-+ (u8*) &rt->rt6i_dst - (u8*) rt);
- if (sn == NULL) {
- /* If it is failed, discard just allocated
-@@ -562,21 +566,30 @@ int fib6_add(struct fib6_node *root, str
- /* Now link new subtree to main tree */
- sfn->parent = fn;
- fn->subtree = sfn;
-- if (fn->leaf == NULL) {
-- fn->leaf = rt;
-- atomic_inc(&rt->rt6i_ref);
-- }
- } else {
-- sn = fib6_add_1(fn->subtree, &rt->rt6i_src.addr,
-- sizeof(struct in6_addr), rt->rt6i_src.plen,
-- (u8*) &rt->rt6i_src - (u8*) rt);
-+ sn = fib6_add_1(fn->subtree, &rt->rt6i_dst.addr,
-+ sizeof(struct in6_addr), rt->rt6i_dst.plen,
-+ (u8*) &rt->rt6i_dst - (u8*) rt);
- if (sn == NULL)
- goto st_failure;
- }
-+ /* fib6_add_1 might have cleared the old leaf pointer */
-+ if (fn->leaf == NULL) {
-+ fn->leaf = rt;
-+ atomic_inc(&rt->rt6i_ref);
-+ }
-+ pn = fn;
- fn = sn;
- }
-+ fn = fib6_add_1(root, &rt->rt6i_dst.addr, sizeof(struct in6_addr),
-+ rt->rt6i_dst.plen, (u8*) &rt->rt6i_dst - (u8*) rt);
-+ if (fn == NULL)
-+ goto out;
- #endif
- err = fib6_add_rt2node(fn, rt, nlh);
-@@ -588,8 +601,30 @@ int fib6_add(struct fib6_node *root, str
- }
- out:
-- if (err)
-+ if (err) {
-+ /* If fib6_add_1 has cleared the old leaf pointer in the
-+ super-tree leaf node, we have to find a new one for it.
-+ This situation will never arise in the sub-tree since
-+ the node will at least have the route that caused
-+ fib6_add_rt2node to fail.
-+ */
-+ if (pn && !(pn->fn_flags & RTN_RTINFO)) {
-+ pn->leaf = fib6_find_prefix(pn);
-+#if RT6_DEBUG >= 2
-+ if (!pn->leaf) {
-+ BUG_TRAP(pn->leaf);
-+ pn->leaf = &ip6_null_entry;
-+ }
-+ atomic_inc(&pn->leaf->rt6i_ref);
-+ }
- dst_free(&rt->u.dst);
-+ }
- return err;
-@@ -597,8 +632,8 @@ out:
- is orphan. If it is, shoot it.
- */
- st_failure:
-- if (fn && !(fn->fn_flags&RTN_RTINFO|RTN_ROOT))
-- fib_repair_tree(fn);
-+ if (fn && !(fn->fn_flags & (RTN_RTINFO | RTN_ROOT)))
-+ fib6_repair_tree(fn);
- dst_free(&rt->u.dst);
- return err;
- #endif
-@@ -641,22 +676,28 @@ static struct fib6_node * fib6_lookup_1(
- break;
- }
-- while ((fn->fn_flags & RTN_ROOT) == 0) {
-+ for (;;) {
- if (fn->subtree) {
-- struct fib6_node *st;
-- struct lookup_args *narg;
-- narg = args + 1;
-- if (narg->addr) {
-- st = fib6_lookup_1(fn->subtree, narg);
-+ struct rt6key *key;
-- if (st && !(st->fn_flags & RTN_ROOT))
-- return st;
-+ key = (struct rt6key *) ((u8 *) fn->leaf +
-+ args->offset);
-+ if (addr_match(&key->addr, args->addr, key->plen)) {
-+ struct fib6_node *st;
-+ struct lookup_args *narg = args + 1;
-+ if (!ipv6_addr_any(narg->addr)) {
-+ st = fib6_lookup_1(fn->subtree, narg);
-+ if (st && !(st->fn_flags & RTN_ROOT))
-+ return st;
-+ }
- }
- }
- #endif
-+ if (fn->fn_flags & RTN_ROOT)
-+ break;
- if (fn->fn_flags & RTN_RTINFO) {
- struct rt6key *key;
-@@ -680,13 +721,22 @@ struct fib6_node * fib6_lookup(struct fi
- struct lookup_args args[2];
- struct rt6_info *rt = NULL;
- struct fib6_node *fn;
-+ struct in6_addr saddr_buf;
-+ if (saddr == NULL) {
-+ memset(&saddr_buf, 0, sizeof(struct in6_addr));
-+ saddr = &saddr_buf;
-+ }
-+ args[0].offset = (u8*) &rt->rt6i_src - (u8*) rt;
-+ args[0].addr = saddr;
-+ args[1].offset = (u8*) &rt->rt6i_dst - (u8*) rt;
-+ args[1].addr = daddr;
- args[0].offset = (u8*) &rt->rt6i_dst - (u8*) rt;
- args[0].addr = daddr;
-- args[1].offset = (u8*) &rt->rt6i_src - (u8*) rt;
-- args[1].addr = saddr;
- #endif
- fn = fib6_lookup_1(root, args);
-@@ -739,19 +789,25 @@ struct fib6_node * fib6_locate(struct fi
- {
- struct rt6_info *rt = NULL;
- struct fib6_node *fn;
-- fn = fib6_locate_1(root, daddr, dst_len,
-- (u8*) &rt->rt6i_dst - (u8*) rt);
-- if (src_len) {
-- BUG_TRAP(saddr!=NULL);
-- if (fn == NULL)
-- fn = fn->subtree;
-+ struct in6_addr saddr_buf;
-+ if (saddr == NULL) {
-+ memset(&saddr_buf, 0, sizeof(struct in6_addr));
-+ saddr = &saddr_buf;
-+ }
-+ fn = fib6_locate_1(root, saddr, src_len,
-+ (u8*) &rt->rt6i_src - (u8*) rt);
-+ if (dst_len) {
- if (fn)
-- fn = fib6_locate_1(fn, saddr, src_len,
-- (u8*) &rt->rt6i_src - (u8*) rt);
-+ fn = fib6_locate_1(fn->subtree, daddr, dst_len,
-+ (u8*) &rt->rt6i_dst - (u8*) rt);
-+ else
-+ return NULL;
- }
-+ fn = fib6_locate_1(root, daddr, dst_len,
-+ (u8*) &rt->rt6i_dst - (u8*) rt);
- #endif
- if (fn && fn->fn_flags&RTN_RTINFO)
-@@ -939,7 +995,7 @@ static void fib6_del_route(struct fib6_n
- }
- fn = fn->parent;
- }
-- /* No more references are possiible at this point. */
-+ /* No more references are possible at this point. */
- if (atomic_read(&rt->rt6i_ref) != 1) BUG();
- }
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/ip6_input.c linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/ip6_input.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/ip6_input.c 2003-08-25 12:44:44.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/ip6_input.c 2004-06-26 11:29:30.000000000 +0100
-@@ -40,13 +40,42 @@
- #include <net/ip6_route.h>
- #include <net/addrconf.h>
-+static inline int ip6_proxy_chk(struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ struct ipv6hdr *hdr = skb->nh.ipv6h;
-+ if (ipv6_addr_type(&hdr->daddr)&IPV6_ADDR_UNICAST &&
-+ pneigh_lookup(&nd_tbl, &hdr->daddr, skb->dev, 0)) {
-+ u8 nexthdr = hdr->nexthdr;
-+ int offset;
-+ struct icmp6hdr msg;
-+ if (ipv6_ext_hdr(nexthdr)) {
-+ offset = ipv6_skip_exthdr(skb, sizeof(*hdr), &nexthdr,
-+ skb->len - sizeof(*hdr));
-+ if (offset < 0)
-+ return 0;
-+ } else
-+ offset = sizeof(*hdr);
-+ /* capture unicast NUD probes on behalf of the proxied node */
-+ if (nexthdr == IPPROTO_ICMPV6 &&
-+ !skb_copy_bits(skb, offset, &msg, sizeof(msg)) &&
-+ msg.icmp6_type == NDISC_NEIGHBOUR_SOLICITATION) {
-+ return 1;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return 0;
- static inline int ip6_rcv_finish( struct sk_buff *skb)
- {
-- if (skb->dst == NULL)
-- ip6_route_input(skb);
-+ if (skb->dst == NULL) {
-+ if (ip6_proxy_chk(skb))
-+ return ip6_input(skb);
-+ ip6_route_input(skb);
-+ }
- return skb->dst->input(skb);
- }
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/ip6_output.c linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/ip6_output.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/ip6_output.c 2003-08-25 12:44:44.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/ip6_output.c 2004-06-26 11:29:30.000000000 +0100
-@@ -50,6 +50,8 @@
- #include <net/rawv6.h>
- #include <net/icmp.h>
-+#include <net/mipglue.h>
- static __inline__ void ipv6_select_ident(struct sk_buff *skb, struct frag_hdr *fhdr)
- {
- static u32 ipv6_fragmentation_id = 1;
-@@ -194,7 +196,14 @@ int ip6_xmit(struct sock *sk, struct sk_
- u8 proto = fl->proto;
- int seg_len = skb->len;
- int hlimit;
-+ int retval;
-+ struct ipv6_txoptions *orig_opt = opt;
-+ opt = ip6_add_mipv6_txoptions(sk, skb, orig_opt, fl, &dst);
-+ if(orig_opt && !opt)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
- if (opt) {
- int head_room;
-@@ -209,8 +218,11 @@ int ip6_xmit(struct sock *sk, struct sk_
- struct sk_buff *skb2 = skb_realloc_headroom(skb, head_room);
- kfree_skb(skb);
- skb = skb2;
-- if (skb == NULL)
-+ if (skb == NULL) {
-+ ip6_free_mipv6_txoptions(opt, orig_opt);
- return -ENOBUFS;
-+ }
- if (sk)
- skb_set_owner_w(skb, sk);
- }
-@@ -242,7 +254,10 @@ int ip6_xmit(struct sock *sk, struct sk_
- if (skb->len <= dst->pmtu) {
- IP6_INC_STATS(Ip6OutRequests);
-- return NF_HOOK(PF_INET6, NF_IP6_LOCAL_OUT, skb, NULL, dst->dev, ip6_maybe_reroute);
-+ ip6_mark_mipv6_packet(opt, skb);
-+ retval = NF_HOOK(PF_INET6, NF_IP6_LOCAL_OUT, skb, NULL, dst->dev, ip6_maybe_reroute);
-+ ip6_free_mipv6_txoptions(opt, orig_opt);
-+ return retval;
- }
- if (net_ratelimit())
-@@ -250,6 +265,9 @@ int ip6_xmit(struct sock *sk, struct sk_
- skb->dev = dst->dev;
- icmpv6_send(skb, ICMPV6_PKT_TOOBIG, 0, dst->pmtu, skb->dev);
- kfree_skb(skb);
-+ ip6_free_mipv6_txoptions(opt, orig_opt);
- return -EMSGSIZE;
- }
-@@ -473,6 +491,7 @@ static int ip6_frag_xmit(struct sock *sk
- IP6_INC_STATS(Ip6FragCreates);
- IP6_INC_STATS(Ip6OutRequests);
-+ ip6_mark_mipv6_packet(opt, skb);
- err = NF_HOOK(PF_INET6,NF_IP6_LOCAL_OUT, skb, NULL, dst->dev, ip6_maybe_reroute);
- if (err) {
- kfree_skb(last_skb);
-@@ -499,6 +518,7 @@ static int ip6_frag_xmit(struct sock *sk
- IP6_INC_STATS(Ip6FragCreates);
- IP6_INC_STATS(Ip6FragOKs);
- IP6_INC_STATS(Ip6OutRequests);
-+ ip6_mark_mipv6_packet(opt, last_skb);
- return NF_HOOK(PF_INET6, NF_IP6_LOCAL_OUT, last_skb, NULL,dst->dev, ip6_maybe_reroute);
- }
-@@ -509,26 +529,43 @@ int ip6_build_xmit(struct sock *sk, inet
- struct ipv6_pinfo *np = &sk->net_pinfo.af_inet6;
- struct in6_addr *final_dst = NULL;
- struct dst_entry *dst;
-+ struct rt6_info *rt;
- int err = 0;
- unsigned int pktlength, jumbolen, mtu;
- struct in6_addr saddr;
-+ struct ipv6_txoptions *orig_opt = opt;
-+ struct dst_entry *org_dst;
-+ opt = ip6_add_mipv6_txoptions(sk, NULL, orig_opt, fl, NULL);
-+ if(orig_opt && !opt)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
- if (opt && opt->srcrt) {
- struct rt0_hdr *rt0 = (struct rt0_hdr *) opt->srcrt;
- final_dst = fl->fl6_dst;
- fl->fl6_dst = rt0->addr;
-- }
-+ } else if (opt && opt->srcrt2) {
-+ struct rt2_hdr *rt2 = (struct rt2_hdr *) opt->srcrt2;
-+ final_dst = fl->fl6_dst;
-+ fl->fl6_dst = &rt2->addr;
-+ }
- if (!fl->oif && ipv6_addr_is_multicast(fl->nl_u.ip6_u.daddr))
- fl->oif = np->mcast_oif;
- dst = __sk_dst_check(sk, np->dst_cookie);
-+ org_dst = dst;
- if (dst) {
-- struct rt6_info *rt = (struct rt6_info*)dst;
-+ rt = (struct rt6_info*)dst;
- /* Yes, checking route validity in not connected
- case is not very simple. Take into account,
-- that we do not support routing by source, TOS,
-+ that we do not support routing by TOS,
- and MSG_DONTROUTE --ANK (980726)
- 1. If route was host route, check that
-@@ -548,6 +585,13 @@ int ip6_build_xmit(struct sock *sk, inet
- ipv6_addr_cmp(fl->fl6_dst, &rt->rt6i_dst.addr))
- && (np->daddr_cache == NULL ||
- ipv6_addr_cmp(fl->fl6_dst, np->daddr_cache)))
-+ || (fl->fl6_src != NULL
-+ && (rt->rt6i_src.plen != 128 ||
-+ ipv6_addr_cmp(fl->fl6_src, &rt->rt6i_src.addr))
-+ && (np->saddr_cache == NULL ||
-+ ipv6_addr_cmp(fl->fl6_src, np->saddr_cache)))
- || (fl->oif && fl->oif != dst->dev->ifindex)) {
- dst = NULL;
- } else
-@@ -560,21 +604,42 @@ int ip6_build_xmit(struct sock *sk, inet
- if (dst->error) {
- IP6_INC_STATS(Ip6OutNoRoutes);
- dst_release(dst);
-+ ip6_free_mipv6_txoptions(opt, orig_opt);
- return -ENETUNREACH;
- }
- if (fl->fl6_src == NULL) {
- err = ipv6_get_saddr(dst, fl->fl6_dst, &saddr);
- if (err) {
- #if IP6_DEBUG >= 2
- printk(KERN_DEBUG "ip6_build_xmit: "
- "no available source address\n");
- #endif
-+ if (dst != org_dst) {
-+ dst_release(dst);
-+ dst = org_dst;
-+ }
- goto out;
- }
- fl->fl6_src = &saddr;
- }
-+ rt = (struct rt6_info*)dst;
-+ if (dst != org_dst || rt->rt6i_src.plen != 128 ||
-+ ipv6_addr_cmp(fl->fl6_src, &rt->rt6i_src.addr)) {
-+ dst_release(dst);
-+ dst = ip6_route_output(sk, fl);
-+ if (dst->error) {
-+ IP6_INC_STATS(Ip6OutNoRoutes);
-+ dst_release(dst);
-+ ip6_free_mipv6_txoptions(opt, orig_opt);
-+ return -ENETUNREACH;
-+ }
-+ }
- pktlength = length;
- if (hlimit < 0) {
-@@ -667,6 +732,7 @@ int ip6_build_xmit(struct sock *sk, inet
- if (!err) {
- IP6_INC_STATS(Ip6OutRequests);
-+ ip6_mark_mipv6_packet(opt, skb);
- err = NF_HOOK(PF_INET6, NF_IP6_LOCAL_OUT, skb, NULL, dst->dev, ip6_maybe_reroute);
- } else {
- err = -EFAULT;
-@@ -688,9 +754,14 @@ int ip6_build_xmit(struct sock *sk, inet
- * cleanup
- */
- out:
-- ip6_dst_store(sk, dst, fl->nl_u.ip6_u.daddr == &np->daddr ? &np->daddr : NULL);
-+ ip6_dst_store(sk, dst,
-+ fl->nl_u.ip6_u.daddr == &np->daddr ? &np->daddr : NULL,
-+ fl->nl_u.ip6_u.saddr == &np->saddr ? &np->saddr : NULL);
- if (err > 0)
- err = np->recverr ? net_xmit_errno(err) : 0;
-+ ip6_free_mipv6_txoptions(opt, orig_opt);
- return err;
- }
-@@ -769,6 +840,15 @@ int ip6_forward(struct sk_buff *skb)
- return -ETIMEDOUT;
- }
-+ /* The proxying router can't forward traffic sent to a link-local
-+ address, so signal the sender and discard the packet. This
-+ behavior is required by the MIPv6 specification. */
-+ if (ipv6_addr_type(&hdr->daddr) & IPV6_ADDR_LINKLOCAL &&
-+ skb->dev && pneigh_lookup(&nd_tbl, &hdr->daddr, skb->dev, 0)) {
-+ dst_link_failure(skb);
-+ goto drop;
-+ }
- /* IPv6 specs say nothing about it, but it is clear that we cannot
- send redirects to source routed frames.
- */
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/ipv6_syms.c linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/ipv6_syms.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/ipv6_syms.c 2003-11-28 18:26:21.000000000 +0000
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/ipv6_syms.c 2004-06-26 11:29:30.000000000 +0100
-@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
- #include <net/ipv6.h>
- #include <net/addrconf.h>
- #include <net/ip6_route.h>
-+#include <net/ndisc.h>
-+#include <net/mipglue.h>
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(ipv6_addr_type);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(icmpv6_send);
-@@ -33,3 +35,48 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(inet6_ioctl);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(ipv6_get_saddr);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(ipv6_chk_addr);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(in6_dev_finish_destroy);
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/ipv6_tunnel.c linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/ipv6_tunnel.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/ipv6_tunnel.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/ipv6_tunnel.c 2004-06-26 11:29:30.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,1604 @@
-+ * IPv6 over IPv6 tunnel device
-+ * Linux INET6 implementation
-+ *
-+ * Authors:
-+ * Ville Nuorvala <>
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * Based on:
-+ * linux/net/ipv6/sit.c
-+ *
-+ * RFC 2473
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#include <linux/config.h>
-+#include <linux/module.h>
-+#include <linux/errno.h>
-+#include <linux/types.h>
-+#include <linux/socket.h>
-+#include <linux/sockios.h>
-+#include <linux/if.h>
-+#include <linux/in.h>
-+#include <linux/ip.h>
-+#include <linux/if_tunnel.h>
-+#include <linux/net.h>
-+#include <linux/in6.h>
-+#include <linux/netdevice.h>
-+#include <linux/if_arp.h>
-+#include <linux/icmpv6.h>
-+#include <linux/init.h>
-+#include <linux/route.h>
-+#include <linux/rtnetlink.h>
-+#include <linux/tqueue.h>
-+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
-+#include <asm/atomic.h>
-+#include <net/sock.h>
-+#include <net/ipv6.h>
-+#include <net/protocol.h>
-+#include <net/ip6_route.h>
-+#include <net/addrconf.h>
-+#include <net/ipv6_tunnel.h>
-+MODULE_AUTHOR("Ville Nuorvala");
-+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("IPv6-in-IPv6 tunnel");
-+#define IPV6_TLV_TEL_DST_SIZE 8
-+#ifdef IP6_TNL_DEBUG
-+#define IP6_TNL_TRACE(x...) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s:" x "\n", __FUNCTION__)
-+#define IP6_TNL_TRACE(x...) do {;} while(0)
-+#define HASH_SIZE 32
-+#define HASH(addr) (((addr)->s6_addr32[0] ^ (addr)->s6_addr32[1] ^ \
-+ (addr)->s6_addr32[2] ^ (addr)->s6_addr32[3]) & \
-+ (HASH_SIZE - 1))
-+static int ip6ip6_fb_tnl_dev_init(struct net_device *dev);
-+static int ip6ip6_tnl_dev_init(struct net_device *dev);
-+/* the IPv6 IPv6 tunnel fallback device */
-+static struct net_device ip6ip6_fb_tnl_dev = {
-+ name: "ip6tnl0",
-+ init: ip6ip6_fb_tnl_dev_init
-+/* the IPv6 IPv6 fallback tunnel */
-+static struct ip6_tnl ip6ip6_fb_tnl = {
-+ dev: &ip6ip6_fb_tnl_dev,
-+ parms:{name: "ip6tnl0", proto: IPPROTO_IPV6}
-+/* lists for storing tunnels in use */
-+static struct ip6_tnl *tnls_r_l[HASH_SIZE];
-+static struct ip6_tnl *tnls_wc[1];
-+static struct ip6_tnl **tnls[2] = { tnls_wc, tnls_r_l };
-+/* list for unused cached kernel tunnels */
-+static struct ip6_tnl *tnls_kernel[1];
-+/* maximum number of cached kernel tunnels */
-+static unsigned int max_kdev_count = 0;
-+/* minimum number of cached kernel tunnels */
-+static unsigned int min_kdev_count = 0;
-+/* current number of cached kernel tunnels */
-+static unsigned int kdev_count = 0;
-+/* lists for tunnel hook functions */
-+static struct list_head hooks[IP6_TNL_MAXHOOKS];
-+/* locks for the different lists */
-+static rwlock_t ip6ip6_lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-+static rwlock_t ip6ip6_kernel_lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-+static rwlock_t ip6ip6_hook_lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-+/* flag indicating if the module is being removed */
-+static int shutdown = 0;
-+ * ip6ip6_tnl_lookup - fetch tunnel matching the end-point addresses
-+ * @remote: the address of the tunnel exit-point
-+ * @local: the address of the tunnel entry-point
-+ *
-+ * Return:
-+ * tunnel matching given end-points if found,
-+ * else fallback tunnel if its device is up,
-+ * else %NULL
-+ **/
-+struct ip6_tnl *
-+ip6ip6_tnl_lookup(struct in6_addr *remote, struct in6_addr *local)
-+ unsigned h0 = HASH(remote);
-+ unsigned h1 = HASH(local);
-+ struct ip6_tnl *t;
-+ for (t = tnls_r_l[h0 ^ h1]; t; t = t->next) {
-+ if (!ipv6_addr_cmp(local, &t->parms.laddr) &&
-+ !ipv6_addr_cmp(remote, &t->parms.raddr) &&
-+ (t->dev->flags & IFF_UP))
-+ return t;
-+ }
-+ if ((t = tnls_wc[0]) != NULL && (t->dev->flags & IFF_UP))
-+ return t;
-+ return NULL;
-+ * ip6ip6_bucket - get head of list matching given tunnel parameters
-+ * @p: parameters containing tunnel end-points
-+ *
-+ * Description:
-+ * ip6ip6_bucket() returns the head of the list matching the
-+ * &struct in6_addr entries laddr and raddr in @p.
-+ *
-+ * Return: head of IPv6 tunnel list
-+ **/
-+static struct ip6_tnl **
-+ip6ip6_bucket(struct ip6_tnl_parm *p)
-+ struct in6_addr *remote = &p->raddr;
-+ struct in6_addr *local = &p->laddr;
-+ unsigned h = 0;
-+ int prio = 0;
-+ if (!ipv6_addr_any(remote) || !ipv6_addr_any(local)) {
-+ prio = 1;
-+ h = HASH(remote) ^ HASH(local);
-+ }
-+ return &tnls[prio][h];
-+ * ip6ip6_kernel_tnl_link - add new kernel tunnel to cache
-+ * @t: kernel tunnel
-+ *
-+ * Note:
-+ * %IP6_TNL_F_KERNEL_DEV is assumed to be raised in t->parms.flags.
-+ * See the comments on ip6ip6_kernel_tnl_add() for more information.
-+ **/
-+static inline void
-+ip6ip6_kernel_tnl_link(struct ip6_tnl *t)
-+ write_lock_bh(&ip6ip6_kernel_lock);
-+ t->next = tnls_kernel[0];
-+ tnls_kernel[0] = t;
-+ kdev_count++;
-+ write_unlock_bh(&ip6ip6_kernel_lock);
-+ * ip6ip6_kernel_tnl_unlink - remove first kernel tunnel from cache
-+ *
-+ * Return: first free kernel tunnel
-+ *
-+ * Note:
-+ * See the comments on ip6ip6_kernel_tnl_add() for more information.
-+ **/
-+static inline struct ip6_tnl *
-+ struct ip6_tnl *t;
-+ write_lock_bh(&ip6ip6_kernel_lock);
-+ if ((t = tnls_kernel[0]) != NULL) {
-+ tnls_kernel[0] = t->next;
-+ kdev_count--;
-+ }
-+ write_unlock_bh(&ip6ip6_kernel_lock);
-+ return t;
-+ * ip6ip6_tnl_link - add tunnel to hash table
-+ * @t: tunnel to be added
-+ **/
-+static void
-+ip6ip6_tnl_link(struct ip6_tnl *t)
-+ struct ip6_tnl **tp = ip6ip6_bucket(&t->parms);
-+ write_lock_bh(&ip6ip6_lock);
-+ t->next = *tp;
-+ *tp = t;
-+ write_unlock_bh(&ip6ip6_lock);
-+ * ip6ip6_tnl_unlink - remove tunnel from hash table
-+ * @t: tunnel to be removed
-+ **/
-+static void
-+ip6ip6_tnl_unlink(struct ip6_tnl *t)
-+ struct ip6_tnl **tp;
-+ write_lock_bh(&ip6ip6_lock);
-+ for (tp = ip6ip6_bucket(&t->parms); *tp; tp = &(*tp)->next) {
-+ if (t == *tp) {
-+ *tp = t->next;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ write_unlock_bh(&ip6ip6_lock);
-+ * ip6ip6_tnl_create() - create a new tunnel
-+ * @p: tunnel parameters
-+ * @pt: pointer to new tunnel
-+ *
-+ * Description:
-+ * Create tunnel matching given parameters. New kernel managed devices are
-+ * not put in the normal hash structure, but are instead cached for later
-+ * use.
-+ *
-+ * Return:
-+ * 0 on success
-+ **/
-+static int __ip6ip6_tnl_create(struct ip6_tnl_parm *p,
-+ struct ip6_tnl **pt,
-+ int kernel_list)
-+ struct net_device *dev;
-+ int err = -ENOBUFS;
-+ struct ip6_tnl *t;
-+ dev = kmalloc(sizeof (*dev) + sizeof (*t), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!dev) {
-+ return err;
-+ }
-+ memset(dev, 0, sizeof (*dev) + sizeof (*t));
-+ dev->priv = (void *) (dev + 1);
-+ t = (struct ip6_tnl *) dev->priv;
-+ t->dev = dev;
-+ dev->init = ip6ip6_tnl_dev_init;
-+ dev->features |= NETIF_F_DYNALLOC;
-+ if (kernel_list) {
-+ memcpy(t->, p->name, IFNAMSIZ - 1);
-+ t->parms.proto = IPPROTO_IPV6;
-+ t->parms.flags = IP6_TNL_F_KERNEL_DEV;
-+ } else {
-+ memcpy(&t->parms, p, sizeof (*p));
-+ }
-+ t->[IFNAMSIZ - 1] = '\0';
-+ strcpy(dev->name, t->;
-+ if (!dev->name[0]) {
-+ int i;
-+ for (i = 0; i < IP6_TNL_MAX; i++) {
-+ sprintf(dev->name, "ip6tnl%d", i);
-+ if (__dev_get_by_name(dev->name) == NULL)
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ if (i == IP6_TNL_MAX) {
-+ goto failed;
-+ }
-+ memcpy(t->, dev->name, IFNAMSIZ);
-+ }
-+ if ((err = register_netdevice(dev)) < 0) {
-+ goto failed;
-+ }
-+ dev_hold(dev);
-+ if (kernel_list) {
-+ ip6ip6_kernel_tnl_link(t);
-+ } else {
-+ ip6ip6_tnl_link(t);
-+ }
-+ *pt = t;
-+ return 0;
-+ kfree(dev);
-+ return err;
-+int ip6ip6_tnl_create(struct ip6_tnl_parm *p, struct ip6_tnl **pt)
-+ return __ip6ip6_tnl_create(p, pt, 0);
-+static void manage_kernel_tnls(void *foo);
-+static struct tq_struct manager_task = {
-+ routine:manage_kernel_tnls,
-+ data:NULL
-+ * manage_kernel_tnls() - create and destroy kernel tunnels
-+ *
-+ * Description:
-+ * manage_kernel_tnls() creates new kernel devices if there
-+ * are less than $min_kdev_count of them and deletes old ones if
-+ * there are less than $max_kdev_count of them in the cache
-+ *
-+ * Note:
-+ * Schedules itself to be run later in process context if called from
-+ * interrupt. Therefore only works synchronously when called from process
-+ * context.
-+ **/
-+static void
-+manage_kernel_tnls(void *foo)
-+ struct ip6_tnl *t = NULL;
-+ struct ip6_tnl_parm parm;
-+ /* We can't do this processing in interrupt
-+ context so schedule it for later */
-+ if (in_interrupt()) {
-+ read_lock(&ip6ip6_kernel_lock);
-+ if (!shutdown &&
-+ (kdev_count < min_kdev_count ||
-+ kdev_count > max_kdev_count)) {
-+ schedule_task(&manager_task);
-+ }
-+ read_unlock(&ip6ip6_kernel_lock);
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ rtnl_lock();
-+ read_lock_bh(&ip6ip6_kernel_lock);
-+ memset(&parm, 0, sizeof (parm));
-+ parm.flags = IP6_TNL_F_KERNEL_DEV;
-+ /* Create tunnels until there are at least min_kdev_count */
-+ while (kdev_count < min_kdev_count) {
-+ read_unlock_bh(&ip6ip6_kernel_lock);
-+ if (!__ip6ip6_tnl_create(&parm, &t, 1)) {
-+ dev_open(t->dev);
-+ } else {
-+ goto err;
-+ }
-+ read_lock_bh(&ip6ip6_kernel_lock);
-+ }
-+ /* Destroy tunnels until there are at most max_kdev_count */
-+ while (kdev_count > max_kdev_count) {
-+ read_unlock_bh(&ip6ip6_kernel_lock);
-+ if ((t = ip6ip6_kernel_tnl_unlink()) != NULL) {
-+ unregister_netdevice(t->dev);
-+ } else {
-+ goto err;
-+ }
-+ read_lock_bh(&ip6ip6_kernel_lock);
-+ }
-+ read_unlock_bh(&ip6ip6_kernel_lock);
-+ rtnl_unlock();
-+ * ip6ip6_tnl_inc_max_kdev_count() - increase max kernel dev cache size
-+ * @n: size increase
-+ * Description:
-+ * Increase the upper limit for the number of kernel devices allowed in the
-+ * cache at any on time.
-+ **/
-+unsigned int
-+ip6ip6_tnl_inc_max_kdev_count(unsigned int n)
-+ write_lock_bh(&ip6ip6_kernel_lock);
-+ max_kdev_count += n;
-+ write_unlock_bh(&ip6ip6_kernel_lock);
-+ manage_kernel_tnls(NULL);
-+ return max_kdev_count;
-+ * ip6ip6_tnl_dec_max_kdev_count() - decrease max kernel dev cache size
-+ * @n: size decrement
-+ * Description:
-+ * Decrease the upper limit for the number of kernel devices allowed in the
-+ * cache at any on time.
-+ **/
-+unsigned int
-+ip6ip6_tnl_dec_max_kdev_count(unsigned int n)
-+ write_lock_bh(&ip6ip6_kernel_lock);
-+ max_kdev_count -= min(max_kdev_count, n);
-+ if (max_kdev_count < min_kdev_count)
-+ min_kdev_count = max_kdev_count;
-+ write_unlock_bh(&ip6ip6_kernel_lock);
-+ manage_kernel_tnls(NULL);
-+ return max_kdev_count;
-+ * ip6ip6_tnl_inc_min_kdev_count() - increase min kernel dev cache size
-+ * @n: size increase
-+ * Description:
-+ * Increase the lower limit for the number of kernel devices allowed in the
-+ * cache at any on time.
-+ **/
-+unsigned int
-+ip6ip6_tnl_inc_min_kdev_count(unsigned int n)
-+ write_lock_bh(&ip6ip6_kernel_lock);
-+ min_kdev_count += n;
-+ if (min_kdev_count > max_kdev_count)
-+ max_kdev_count = min_kdev_count;
-+ write_unlock_bh(&ip6ip6_kernel_lock);
-+ manage_kernel_tnls(NULL);
-+ return min_kdev_count;
-+ * ip6ip6_tnl_dec_min_kdev_count() - decrease min kernel dev cache size
-+ * @n: size decrement
-+ * Description:
-+ * Decrease the lower limit for the number of kernel devices allowed in the
-+ * cache at any on time.
-+ **/
-+unsigned int
-+ip6ip6_tnl_dec_min_kdev_count(unsigned int n)
-+ write_lock_bh(&ip6ip6_kernel_lock);
-+ min_kdev_count -= min(min_kdev_count, n);
-+ write_unlock_bh(&ip6ip6_kernel_lock);
-+ manage_kernel_tnls(NULL);
-+ return min_kdev_count;
-+ * ip6ip6_tnl_locate - find or create tunnel matching given parameters
-+ * @p: tunnel parameters
-+ * @create: != 0 if allowed to create new tunnel if no match found
-+ *
-+ * Description:
-+ * ip6ip6_tnl_locate() first tries to locate an existing tunnel
-+ * based on @parms. If this is unsuccessful, but @create is set a new
-+ * tunnel device is created and registered for use.
-+ *
-+ * Return:
-+ * 0 if tunnel located or created,
-+ * -EINVAL if parameters incorrect,
-+ * -ENODEV if no matching tunnel available
-+ **/
-+int ip6ip6_tnl_locate(struct ip6_tnl_parm *p, struct ip6_tnl **pt, int create)
-+ struct in6_addr *remote = &p->raddr;
-+ struct in6_addr *local = &p->laddr;
-+ struct ip6_tnl *t;
-+ if (p->proto != IPPROTO_IPV6)
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ for (t = *ip6ip6_bucket(p); t; t = t->next) {
-+ if (!ipv6_addr_cmp(local, &t->parms.laddr) &&
-+ !ipv6_addr_cmp(remote, &t->parms.raddr)) {
-+ *pt = t;
-+ return (create ? -EEXIST : 0);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return ip6ip6_tnl_create(p, pt);
-+ * ip6ip6_tnl_dev_destructor - tunnel device destructor
-+ * @dev: the device to be destroyed
-+ **/
-+static void
-+ip6ip6_tnl_dev_destructor(struct net_device *dev)
-+ if (dev != &ip6ip6_fb_tnl_dev) {
-+ }
-+ * ip6ip6_tnl_dev_uninit - tunnel device uninitializer
-+ * @dev: the device to be destroyed
-+ *
-+ * Description:
-+ * ip6ip6_tnl_dev_uninit() removes tunnel from its list
-+ **/
-+static void
-+ip6ip6_tnl_dev_uninit(struct net_device *dev)
-+ struct ip6_tnl *t = (struct ip6_tnl *) dev->priv;
-+ if (dev == &ip6ip6_fb_tnl_dev) {
-+ write_lock_bh(&ip6ip6_lock);
-+ tnls_wc[0] = NULL;
-+ write_unlock_bh(&ip6ip6_lock);
-+ } else {
-+ ip6ip6_tnl_unlink(t);
-+ }
-+ sock_release(t->sock);
-+ dev_put(dev);
-+ * parse_tvl_tnl_enc_lim - handle encapsulation limit option
-+ * @skb: received socket buffer
-+ *
-+ * Return:
-+ * 0 if none was found,
-+ * else index to encapsulation limit
-+ **/
-+static __u16
-+parse_tlv_tnl_enc_lim(struct sk_buff *skb, __u8 * raw)
-+ struct ipv6hdr *ipv6h = (struct ipv6hdr *) raw;
-+ __u8 nexthdr = ipv6h->nexthdr;
-+ __u16 off = sizeof (*ipv6h);
-+ while (ipv6_ext_hdr(nexthdr) && nexthdr != NEXTHDR_NONE) {
-+ __u16 optlen = 0;
-+ struct ipv6_opt_hdr *hdr;
-+ if (raw + off + sizeof (*hdr) > skb->data &&
-+ !pskb_may_pull(skb, raw - skb->data + off + sizeof (*hdr)))
-+ break;
-+ hdr = (struct ipv6_opt_hdr *) (raw + off);
-+ if (nexthdr == NEXTHDR_FRAGMENT) {
-+ struct frag_hdr *frag_hdr = (struct frag_hdr *) hdr;
-+ if (frag_hdr->frag_off)
-+ break;
-+ optlen = 8;
-+ } else if (nexthdr == NEXTHDR_AUTH) {
-+ optlen = (hdr->hdrlen + 2) << 2;
-+ } else {
-+ optlen = ipv6_optlen(hdr);
-+ }
-+ if (nexthdr == NEXTHDR_DEST) {
-+ __u16 i = off + 2;
-+ while (1) {
-+ struct ipv6_tlv_tnl_enc_lim *tel;
-+ /* No more room for encapsulation limit */
-+ if (i + sizeof (*tel) > off + optlen)
-+ break;
-+ tel = (struct ipv6_tlv_tnl_enc_lim *) &raw[i];
-+ /* return index of option if found and valid */
-+ if (tel->type == IPV6_TLV_TNL_ENCAP_LIMIT &&
-+ tel->length == 1)
-+ return i;
-+ /* else jump to next option */
-+ if (tel->type)
-+ i += tel->length + 2;
-+ else
-+ i++;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ nexthdr = hdr->nexthdr;
-+ off += optlen;
-+ }
-+ return 0;
-+ * ip6ip6_err - tunnel error handler
-+ *
-+ * Description:
-+ * ip6ip6_err() should handle errors in the tunnel according
-+ * to the specifications in RFC 2473.
-+ **/
-+void ip6ip6_err(struct sk_buff *skb, struct inet6_skb_parm *opt,
-+ int type, int code, int offset, __u32 info)
-+ struct ipv6hdr *ipv6h = (struct ipv6hdr *) skb->data;
-+ struct ip6_tnl *t;
-+ int rel_msg = 0;
-+ int rel_type = ICMPV6_DEST_UNREACH;
-+ int rel_code = ICMPV6_ADDR_UNREACH;
-+ __u32 rel_info = 0;
-+ __u16 len;
-+ /* If the packet doesn't contain the original IPv6 header we are
-+ in trouble since we might need the source address for furter
-+ processing of the error. */
-+ read_lock(&ip6ip6_lock);
-+ if ((t = ip6ip6_tnl_lookup(&ipv6h->daddr, &ipv6h->saddr)) == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ switch (type) {
-+ __u32 teli;
-+ struct ipv6_tlv_tnl_enc_lim *tel;
-+ __u32 mtu;
-+ if (net_ratelimit())
-+ printk(KERN_WARNING
-+ "%s: Path to destination invalid "
-+ "or inactive!\n", t->;
-+ rel_msg = 1;
-+ break;
-+ if (code == ICMPV6_EXC_HOPLIMIT) {
-+ if (net_ratelimit())
-+ printk(KERN_WARNING
-+ "%s: Too small hop limit or "
-+ "routing loop in tunnel!\n",
-+ t->;
-+ rel_msg = 1;
-+ }
-+ break;
-+ /* ignore if parameter problem not caused by a tunnel
-+ encapsulation limit sub-option */
-+ if (code != ICMPV6_HDR_FIELD) {
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ teli = parse_tlv_tnl_enc_lim(skb, skb->data);
-+ if (teli && teli == ntohl(info) - 2) {
-+ tel = (struct ipv6_tlv_tnl_enc_lim *) &skb->data[teli];
-+ if (tel->encap_limit == 0) {
-+ if (net_ratelimit())
-+ printk(KERN_WARNING
-+ "%s: Too small encapsulation "
-+ "limit or routing loop in "
-+ "tunnel!\n", t->;
-+ rel_msg = 1;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ break;
-+ mtu = ntohl(info) - offset;
-+ if (mtu < IPV6_MIN_MTU)
-+ mtu = IPV6_MIN_MTU;
-+ t->dev->mtu = mtu;
-+ if ((len = sizeof (*ipv6h) + ipv6h->payload_len) > mtu) {
-+ rel_type = ICMPV6_PKT_TOOBIG;
-+ rel_code = 0;
-+ rel_info = mtu;
-+ rel_msg = 1;
-+ }
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ if (rel_msg && pskb_may_pull(skb, offset + sizeof (*ipv6h))) {
-+ struct rt6_info *rt;
-+ struct sk_buff *skb2 = skb_clone(skb, GFP_ATOMIC);
-+ if (!skb2)
-+ goto out;
-+ dst_release(skb2->dst);
-+ skb2->dst = NULL;
-+ skb_pull(skb2, offset);
-+ skb2->nh.raw = skb2->data;
-+ /* Try to guess incoming interface */
-+ rt = rt6_lookup(&skb2->nh.ipv6h->saddr, NULL, 0, 0);
-+ if (rt && rt->rt6i_dev)
-+ skb2->dev = rt->rt6i_dev;
-+ icmpv6_send(skb2, rel_type, rel_code, rel_info, skb2->dev);
-+ if (rt)
-+ dst_release(&rt->u.dst);
-+ kfree_skb(skb2);
-+ }
-+ read_unlock(&ip6ip6_lock);
-+ * call_hooks - call ipv6 tunnel hooks
-+ * @hooknum: hook number, either %IP6_TNL_PRE_ENCAP, or
-+ * @t: the current tunnel
-+ * @skb: the tunneled packet
-+ *
-+ * Description:
-+ * Pass packet to all the hook functions until %IP6_TNL_DROP
-+ *
-+ * Return:
-+ **/
-+static inline int
-+call_hooks(unsigned int hooknum, struct ip6_tnl *t, struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ struct ip6_tnl_hook_ops *h;
-+ int accept = IP6_TNL_ACCEPT;
-+ if (hooknum < IP6_TNL_MAXHOOKS) {
-+ struct list_head *i;
-+ read_lock(&ip6ip6_hook_lock);
-+ for (i = hooks[hooknum].next; i != &hooks[hooknum]; i = i->next) {
-+ h = (struct ip6_tnl_hook_ops *) i;
-+ if (h->hook) {
-+ accept = h->hook(t, skb);
-+ if (accept != IP6_TNL_ACCEPT)
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ read_unlock(&ip6ip6_hook_lock);
-+ }
-+ return accept;
-+ * ip6ip6_rcv - decapsulate IPv6 packet and retransmit it locally
-+ * @skb: received socket buffer
-+ *
-+ * Return: 0
-+ **/
-+int ip6ip6_rcv(struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ struct ipv6hdr *ipv6h;
-+ struct ip6_tnl *t;
-+ if (!pskb_may_pull(skb, sizeof (*ipv6h)))
-+ goto discard;
-+ ipv6h = skb->nh.ipv6h;
-+ read_lock(&ip6ip6_lock);
-+ if ((t = ip6ip6_tnl_lookup(&ipv6h->saddr, &ipv6h->daddr)) != NULL) {
-+ if (!(t->parms.flags & IP6_TNL_F_CAP_RCV) ||
-+ call_hooks(IP6_TNL_PRE_DECAP, t, skb) != IP6_TNL_ACCEPT) {
-+ t->stat.rx_dropped++;
-+ read_unlock(&ip6ip6_lock);
-+ goto discard;
-+ }
-+ skb->mac.raw = skb->nh.raw;
-+ skb->nh.raw = skb->data;
-+ skb->protocol = htons(ETH_P_IPV6);
-+ skb->pkt_type = PACKET_HOST;
-+ memset(skb->cb, 0, sizeof(struct inet6_skb_parm));
-+ skb->dev = t->dev;
-+ dst_release(skb->dst);
-+ skb->dst = NULL;
-+ t->stat.rx_packets++;
-+ t->stat.rx_bytes += skb->len;
-+ netif_rx(skb);
-+ read_unlock(&ip6ip6_lock);
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ read_unlock(&ip6ip6_lock);
-+ icmpv6_send(skb, ICMPV6_DEST_UNREACH, ICMPV6_ADDR_UNREACH, 0, skb->dev);
-+ kfree_skb(skb);
-+ return 0;
-+static inline struct ipv6_txoptions *create_tel(__u8 encap_limit)
-+ struct ipv6_tlv_tnl_enc_lim *tel;
-+ struct ipv6_txoptions *opt;
-+ __u8 *raw;
-+ int opt_len = sizeof(*opt) + IPV6_TLV_TEL_DST_SIZE;
-+ if (!(opt = kmalloc(opt_len, GFP_ATOMIC))) {
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ memset(opt, 0, opt_len);
-+ opt->tot_len = opt_len;
-+ opt->dst0opt = (struct ipv6_opt_hdr *) (opt + 1);
-+ opt->opt_nflen = 8;
-+ tel = (struct ipv6_tlv_tnl_enc_lim *) (opt->dst0opt + 1);
-+ tel->type = IPV6_TLV_TNL_ENCAP_LIMIT;
-+ tel->length = 1;
-+ tel->encap_limit = encap_limit;
-+ raw = (__u8 *) opt->dst0opt;
-+ raw[5] = IPV6_TLV_PADN;
-+ raw[6] = 1;
-+ return opt;
-+static int
-+ip6ip6_getfrag(const void *data, struct in6_addr *addr,
-+ char *buff, unsigned int offset, unsigned int len)
-+ memcpy(buff, data + offset, len);
-+ return 0;
-+ * ip6ip6_tnl_addr_conflict - compare packet addresses to tunnel's own
-+ * @t: the outgoing tunnel device
-+ * @hdr: IPv6 header from the incoming packet
-+ *
-+ * Description:
-+ * Avoid trivial tunneling loop by checking that tunnel exit-point
-+ * doesn't match source of incoming packet.
-+ *
-+ * Return:
-+ * 1 if conflict,
-+ * 0 else
-+ **/
-+static inline int
-+ip6ip6_tnl_addr_conflict(struct ip6_tnl *t, struct ipv6hdr *hdr)
-+ return !ipv6_addr_cmp(&t->parms.raddr, &hdr->saddr);
-+ * ip6ip6_tnl_xmit - encapsulate packet and send
-+ * @skb: the outgoing socket buffer
-+ * @dev: the outgoing tunnel device
-+ *
-+ * Description:
-+ * Build new header and do some sanity checks on the packet before sending
-+ * it to ip6_build_xmit().
-+ *
-+ * Return:
-+ * 0
-+ **/
-+int ip6ip6_tnl_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev)
-+ struct ip6_tnl *t = (struct ip6_tnl *) dev->priv;
-+ struct net_device_stats *stats = &t->stat;
-+ struct ipv6hdr *ipv6h = skb->nh.ipv6h;
-+ struct ipv6_txoptions *opt = NULL;
-+ int encap_limit = -1;
-+ __u16 offset;
-+ struct flowi fl;
-+ int err = 0;
-+ struct dst_entry *dst;
-+ struct sock *sk = t->sock->sk;
-+ struct ipv6_pinfo *np = &sk->net_pinfo.af_inet6;
-+ int mtu;
-+ if (t->recursion++) {
-+ stats->collisions++;
-+ goto tx_err;
-+ }
-+ if (skb->protocol != htons(ETH_P_IPV6) ||
-+ !(t->parms.flags & IP6_TNL_F_CAP_XMIT) ||
-+ ip6ip6_tnl_addr_conflict(t, ipv6h)) {
-+ goto tx_err;
-+ }
-+ if ((offset = parse_tlv_tnl_enc_lim(skb, skb->nh.raw)) > 0) {
-+ struct ipv6_tlv_tnl_enc_lim *tel;
-+ tel = (struct ipv6_tlv_tnl_enc_lim *) &skb->nh.raw[offset];
-+ if (tel->encap_limit == 0) {
-+ icmpv6_send(skb, ICMPV6_PARAMPROB,
-+ ICMPV6_HDR_FIELD, offset + 2, skb->dev);
-+ goto tx_err;
-+ }
-+ encap_limit = tel->encap_limit - 1;
-+ } else if (!(t->parms.flags & IP6_TNL_F_IGN_ENCAP_LIMIT)) {
-+ encap_limit = t->parms.encap_limit;
-+ }
-+ if (call_hooks(IP6_TNL_PRE_ENCAP, t, skb) != IP6_TNL_ACCEPT)
-+ goto discard;
-+ memcpy(&fl, &t->fl, sizeof (fl));
-+ if ((t->parms.flags & IP6_TNL_F_USE_ORIG_TCLASS))
-+ fl.fl6_flowlabel |= (*(__u32 *) ipv6h & IPV6_TCLASS_MASK);
-+ if ((t->parms.flags & IP6_TNL_F_USE_ORIG_FLOWLABEL))
-+ fl.fl6_flowlabel |= (*(__u32 *) ipv6h & IPV6_FLOWLABEL_MASK);
-+ if (encap_limit >= 0 && (opt = create_tel(encap_limit)) == NULL)
-+ goto tx_err;
-+ dst = __sk_dst_check(sk, np->dst_cookie);
-+ if (dst) {
-+ if (np->daddr_cache == NULL ||
-+ ipv6_addr_cmp(fl.fl6_dst, np->daddr_cache) ||
-+ np->saddr_cache == NULL ||
-+ ipv6_addr_cmp(fl.fl6_src, np->saddr_cache) ||
-+ (fl.oif && fl.oif != dst->dev->ifindex)) {
-+ dst = NULL;
-+ } else {
-+ dst_hold(dst);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ if (dst == NULL) {
-+ dst = ip6_route_output(sk, &fl);
-+ if (dst->error) {
-+ stats->tx_carrier_errors++;
-+ dst_link_failure(skb);
-+ goto tx_err_dst_release;
-+ }
-+ /* local routing loop */
-+ if (dst->dev == dev) {
-+ stats->collisions++;
-+ if (net_ratelimit())
-+ printk(KERN_WARNING
-+ "%s: Local routing loop detected!\n",
-+ t->;
-+ goto tx_err_dst_release;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ mtu = dst->pmtu - sizeof (*ipv6h);
-+ if (opt) {
-+ mtu -= (opt->opt_nflen + opt->opt_flen);
-+ }
-+ if (mtu < IPV6_MIN_MTU)
-+ mtu = IPV6_MIN_MTU;
-+ if (skb->dst && mtu < skb->dst->pmtu) {
-+ struct rt6_info *rt = (struct rt6_info *) skb->dst;
-+ rt->rt6i_flags |= RTF_MODIFIED;
-+ rt->u.dst.pmtu = mtu;
-+ }
-+ if (skb->len > mtu) {
-+ icmpv6_send(skb, ICMPV6_PKT_TOOBIG, 0, mtu, dev);
-+ goto tx_err_dst_release;
-+ }
-+ ip6_dst_store(sk, dst, &np->daddr, &np->saddr);
-+ err = ip6_build_xmit(sk, ip6ip6_getfrag, (void *) skb->nh.raw,
-+ &fl, skb->len, opt, t->parms.hop_limit,
-+ if (err == NET_XMIT_SUCCESS || err == NET_XMIT_CN) {
-+ stats->tx_bytes += skb->len;
-+ stats->tx_packets++;
-+ } else {
-+ stats->tx_errors++;
-+ stats->tx_aborted_errors++;
-+ }
-+ if (opt)
-+ kfree(opt);
-+ kfree_skb(skb);
-+ t->recursion--;
-+ return 0;
-+ dst_release(dst);
-+ if (opt)
-+ kfree(opt);
-+ stats->tx_errors++;
-+ stats->tx_dropped++;
-+ kfree_skb(skb);
-+ t->recursion--;
-+ return 0;
-+static void ip6_tnl_set_cap(struct ip6_tnl *t)
-+ struct ip6_tnl_parm *p = &t->parms;
-+ struct in6_addr *laddr = &p->laddr;
-+ struct in6_addr *raddr = &p->raddr;
-+ int ltype = ipv6_addr_type(laddr);
-+ int rtype = ipv6_addr_type(raddr);
-+ p->flags &= ~(IP6_TNL_F_CAP_XMIT|IP6_TNL_F_CAP_RCV);
-+ if (ltype != IPV6_ADDR_ANY && rtype != IPV6_ADDR_ANY &&
-+ ((ltype|rtype) &
-+ struct net_device *ldev = NULL;
-+ int l_ok = 1;
-+ int r_ok = 1;
-+ if (p->link)
-+ ldev = dev_get_by_index(p->link);
-+ if ((ltype&IPV6_ADDR_UNICAST) && !ipv6_chk_addr(laddr, ldev))
-+ l_ok = 0;
-+ if ((rtype&IPV6_ADDR_UNICAST) && ipv6_chk_addr(raddr, NULL))
-+ r_ok = 0;
-+ if (l_ok && r_ok) {
-+ if (ltype&IPV6_ADDR_UNICAST)
-+ p->flags |= IP6_TNL_F_CAP_XMIT;
-+ if (rtype&IPV6_ADDR_UNICAST)
-+ p->flags |= IP6_TNL_F_CAP_RCV;
-+ }
-+ if (ldev)
-+ dev_put(ldev);
-+ }
-+static void ip6ip6_tnl_link_config(struct ip6_tnl *t)
-+ struct net_device *dev = t->dev;
-+ struct ip6_tnl_parm *p = &t->parms;
-+ struct flowi *fl = &t->fl;
-+ /* Set up flowi template */
-+ fl->fl6_src = &p->laddr;
-+ fl->fl6_dst = &p->raddr;
-+ fl->oif = p->link;
-+ fl->fl6_flowlabel = 0;
-+ if (!(p->flags&IP6_TNL_F_USE_ORIG_TCLASS))
-+ fl->fl6_flowlabel |= IPV6_TCLASS_MASK & htonl(p->flowinfo);
-+ if (!(p->flags&IP6_TNL_F_USE_ORIG_FLOWLABEL))
-+ fl->fl6_flowlabel |= IPV6_FLOWLABEL_MASK & htonl(p->flowinfo);
-+ ip6_tnl_set_cap(t);
-+ if (p->flags&IP6_TNL_F_CAP_XMIT && p->flags&IP6_TNL_F_CAP_RCV)
-+ dev->flags |= IFF_POINTOPOINT;
-+ else
-+ dev->flags &= ~IFF_POINTOPOINT;
-+ if (p->flags & IP6_TNL_F_CAP_XMIT) {
-+ struct rt6_info *rt = rt6_lookup(&p->raddr, &p->laddr,
-+ p->link, 0);
-+ if (rt == NULL)
-+ return;
-+ if (rt->rt6i_dev) {
-+ dev->iflink = rt->rt6i_dev->ifindex;
-+ dev->hard_header_len = rt->rt6i_dev->hard_header_len +
-+ sizeof (struct ipv6hdr);
-+ dev->mtu = rt->rt6i_dev->mtu - sizeof (struct ipv6hdr);
-+ if (dev->mtu < IPV6_MIN_MTU)
-+ dev->mtu = IPV6_MIN_MTU;
-+ }
-+ dst_release(&rt->u.dst);
-+ }
-+ * __ip6ip6_tnl_change - update the tunnel parameters
-+ * @t: tunnel to be changed
-+ * @p: tunnel configuration parameters
-+ *
-+ * Description:
-+ * __ip6ip6_tnl_change() updates the tunnel parameters
-+ **/
-+static void
-+__ip6ip6_tnl_change(struct ip6_tnl *t, struct ip6_tnl_parm *p)
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&t->parms.laddr, &p->laddr);
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&t->parms.raddr, &p->raddr);
-+ t->parms.flags = p->flags;
-+ t->parms.hop_limit = p->hop_limit;
-+ t->parms.encap_limit = p->encap_limit;
-+ t->parms.flowinfo = p->flowinfo;
-+ ip6ip6_tnl_link_config(t);
-+void ip6ip6_tnl_change(struct ip6_tnl *t, struct ip6_tnl_parm *p)
-+ ip6ip6_tnl_unlink(t);
-+ __ip6ip6_tnl_change(t, p);
-+ ip6ip6_tnl_link(t);
-+ * ip6ip6_kernel_tnl_add - configure and add kernel tunnel to hash
-+ * @p: kernel tunnel configuration parameters
-+ *
-+ * Description:
-+ * ip6ip6_kernel_tnl_add() fetches an unused kernel tunnel configures
-+ * it according to @p and places it among the active tunnels.
-+ *
-+ * Return:
-+ * number of references to tunnel on success,
-+ * %-EEXIST if there is already a device matching description
-+ * %-EINVAL if p->flags doesn't have %IP6_TNL_F_KERNEL_DEV raised,
-+ * %-ENODEV if there are no unused kernel tunnels available
-+ *
-+ * Note:
-+ * The code for creating, opening, closing and destroying network devices
-+ * must be called from process context, while the Mobile IP code, which
-+ * needs the tunnel devices, unfortunately runs in interrupt context.
-+ *
-+ * The devices must be created and opened in advance, then placed in a
-+ * list where the kernel can fetch and ready them for use at a later time.
-+ *
-+ **/
-+ip6ip6_kernel_tnl_add(struct ip6_tnl_parm *p)
-+ struct ip6_tnl *t;
-+ if (!(p->flags & IP6_TNL_F_KERNEL_DEV))
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ if ((t = ip6ip6_tnl_lookup(&p->raddr, &p->laddr)) != NULL &&
-+ t != &ip6ip6_fb_tnl) {
-+ /* Handle duplicate tunnels by incrementing
-+ reference count */
-+ atomic_inc(&t->refcnt);
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ if ((t = ip6ip6_kernel_tnl_unlink()) == NULL)
-+ return -ENODEV;
-+ __ip6ip6_tnl_change(t, p);
-+ atomic_inc(&t->refcnt);
-+ ip6ip6_tnl_link(t);
-+ manage_kernel_tnls(NULL);
-+ return atomic_read(&t->refcnt);
-+ * ip6ip6_kernel_tnl_del - delete no longer needed kernel tunnel
-+ * @t: kernel tunnel to be removed from hash
-+ *
-+ * Description:
-+ * ip6ip6_kernel_tnl_del() removes and deconfigures the tunnel @t
-+ * and places it among the unused kernel devices.
-+ *
-+ * Return:
-+ * number of references on success,
-+ * %-EINVAL if p->flags doesn't have %IP6_TNL_F_KERNEL_DEV raised,
-+ *
-+ * Note:
-+ * See the comments on ip6ip6_kernel_tnl_add() for more information.
-+ **/
-+ip6ip6_kernel_tnl_del(struct ip6_tnl *t)
-+ if (!t)
-+ return -ENODEV;
-+ if (!(t->parms.flags & IP6_TNL_F_KERNEL_DEV))
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ if (atomic_dec_and_test(&t->refcnt)) {
-+ struct ip6_tnl_parm p;
-+ ip6ip6_tnl_unlink(t);
-+ memset(&p, 0, sizeof (p));
-+ p.flags = IP6_TNL_F_KERNEL_DEV;
-+ __ip6ip6_tnl_change(t, &p);
-+ ip6ip6_kernel_tnl_link(t);
-+ manage_kernel_tnls(NULL);
-+ }
-+ return atomic_read(&t->refcnt);
-+ * ip6ip6_tnl_ioctl - configure ipv6 tunnels from userspace
-+ * @dev: virtual device associated with tunnel
-+ * @ifr: parameters passed from userspace
-+ * @cmd: command to be performed
-+ *
-+ * Description:
-+ * ip6ip6_tnl_ioctl() is used for managing IPv6 tunnels
-+ * from userspace.
-+ *
-+ * The possible commands are the following:
-+ * %SIOCGETTUNNEL: get tunnel parameters for device
-+ * %SIOCADDTUNNEL: add tunnel matching given tunnel parameters
-+ * %SIOCCHGTUNNEL: change tunnel parameters to those given
-+ * %SIOCDELTUNNEL: delete tunnel
-+ *
-+ * The fallback device "ip6tnl0", created during module
-+ * initialization, can be used for creating other tunnel devices.
-+ *
-+ * Return:
-+ * 0 on success,
-+ * %-EFAULT if unable to copy data to or from userspace,
-+ * %-EPERM if current process hasn't %CAP_NET_ADMIN set or attempting
-+ * to configure kernel devices from userspace,
-+ * %-EINVAL if passed tunnel parameters are invalid,
-+ * %-EEXIST if changing a tunnel's parameters would cause a conflict
-+ * %-ENODEV if attempting to change or delete a nonexisting device
-+ *
-+ * Note:
-+ * See the comments on ip6ip6_kernel_tnl_add() for more information
-+ * about kernel tunnels.
-+ * **/
-+static int
-+ip6ip6_tnl_ioctl(struct net_device *dev, struct ifreq *ifr, int cmd)
-+ int err = 0;
-+ int create;
-+ struct ip6_tnl_parm p;
-+ struct ip6_tnl *t = NULL;
-+ switch (cmd) {
-+ if (dev == &ip6ip6_fb_tnl_dev) {
-+ if (copy_from_user(&p,
-+ ifr->ifr_ifru.ifru_data,
-+ sizeof (p))) {
-+ err = -EFAULT;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ if ((err = ip6ip6_tnl_locate(&p, &t, 0)) == -ENODEV)
-+ t = (struct ip6_tnl *) dev->priv;
-+ else if (err)
-+ break;
-+ } else
-+ t = (struct ip6_tnl *) dev->priv;
-+ memcpy(&p, &t->parms, sizeof (p));
-+ if (copy_to_user(ifr->ifr_ifru.ifru_data, &p, sizeof (p))) {
-+ err = -EFAULT;
-+ }
-+ break;
-+ err = -EPERM;
-+ create = (cmd == SIOCADDTUNNEL);
-+ if (!capable(CAP_NET_ADMIN))
-+ break;
-+ if (copy_from_user(&p, ifr->ifr_ifru.ifru_data, sizeof (p))) {
-+ err = -EFAULT;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ if (p.flags & IP6_TNL_F_KERNEL_DEV) {
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ if (!create && dev != &ip6ip6_fb_tnl_dev) {
-+ t = (struct ip6_tnl *) dev->priv;
-+ }
-+ if (!t && (err = ip6ip6_tnl_locate(&p, &t, create))) {
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ if (cmd == SIOCCHGTUNNEL) {
-+ if (t->dev != dev) {
-+ err = -EEXIST;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ if (t->parms.flags & IP6_TNL_F_KERNEL_DEV) {
-+ err = -EPERM;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ ip6ip6_tnl_change(t, &p);
-+ netdev_state_change(dev);
-+ }
-+ if (copy_to_user(ifr->ifr_ifru.ifru_data,
-+ &t->parms, sizeof (p))) {
-+ err = -EFAULT;
-+ } else {
-+ err = 0;
-+ }
-+ break;
-+ err = -EPERM;
-+ if (!capable(CAP_NET_ADMIN))
-+ break;
-+ if (dev == &ip6ip6_fb_tnl_dev) {
-+ if (copy_from_user(&p, ifr->ifr_ifru.ifru_data,
-+ sizeof (p))) {
-+ err = -EFAULT;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ err = ip6ip6_tnl_locate(&p, &t, 0);
-+ if (err)
-+ break;
-+ if (t == &ip6ip6_fb_tnl) {
-+ err = -EPERM;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ } else {
-+ t = (struct ip6_tnl *) dev->priv;
-+ }
-+ if (t->parms.flags & IP6_TNL_F_KERNEL_DEV)
-+ err = -EPERM;
-+ else
-+ err = unregister_netdevice(t->dev);
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ err = -EINVAL;
-+ }
-+ return err;
-+ * ip6ip6_tnl_get_stats - return the stats for tunnel device
-+ * @dev: virtual device associated with tunnel
-+ *
-+ * Return: stats for device
-+ **/
-+static struct net_device_stats *
-+ip6ip6_tnl_get_stats(struct net_device *dev)
-+ return &(((struct ip6_tnl *) dev->priv)->stat);
-+ * ip6ip6_tnl_change_mtu - change mtu manually for tunnel device
-+ * @dev: virtual device associated with tunnel
-+ * @new_mtu: the new mtu
-+ *
-+ * Return:
-+ * 0 on success,
-+ * %-EINVAL if mtu too small
-+ **/
-+static int
-+ip6ip6_tnl_change_mtu(struct net_device *dev, int new_mtu)
-+ if (new_mtu < IPV6_MIN_MTU) {
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ }
-+ dev->mtu = new_mtu;
-+ return 0;
-+ * ip6ip6_tnl_dev_init_gen - general initializer for all tunnel devices
-+ * @dev: virtual device associated with tunnel
-+ *
-+ * Description:
-+ * Set function pointers and initialize the &struct flowi template used
-+ * by the tunnel.
-+ **/
-+static int
-+ip6ip6_tnl_dev_init_gen(struct net_device *dev)
-+ struct ip6_tnl *t = (struct ip6_tnl *) dev->priv;
-+ struct flowi *fl = &t->fl;
-+ int err;
-+ struct sock *sk;
-+ if ((err = sock_create(PF_INET6, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_IPV6, &t->sock))) {
-+ printk(KERN_ERR
-+ "Failed to create IPv6 tunnel socket (err %d).\n", err);
-+ return err;
-+ }
-+ t->sock->inode->i_uid = 0;
-+ t->sock->inode->i_gid = 0;
-+ sk = t->sock->sk;
-+ sk->allocation = GFP_ATOMIC;
-+ sk->net_pinfo.af_inet6.hop_limit = 254;
-+ sk->net_pinfo.af_inet6.mc_loop = 0;
-+ sk->prot->unhash(sk);
-+ memset(fl, 0, sizeof (*fl));
-+ fl->proto = IPPROTO_IPV6;
-+ dev->destructor = ip6ip6_tnl_dev_destructor;
-+ dev->uninit = ip6ip6_tnl_dev_uninit;
-+ dev->hard_start_xmit = ip6ip6_tnl_xmit;
-+ dev->get_stats = ip6ip6_tnl_get_stats;
-+ dev->do_ioctl = ip6ip6_tnl_ioctl;
-+ dev->change_mtu = ip6ip6_tnl_change_mtu;
-+ dev->type = ARPHRD_TUNNEL6;
-+ dev->hard_header_len = LL_MAX_HEADER + sizeof (struct ipv6hdr);
-+ dev->mtu = ETH_DATA_LEN - sizeof (struct ipv6hdr);
-+ dev->flags |= IFF_NOARP;
-+ dev->iflink = 0;
-+ /* Hmm... MAX_ADDR_LEN is 8, so the ipv6 addresses can't be
-+ copied to dev->dev_addr and dev->broadcast, like the ipv4
-+ addresses were in ipip.c, ip_gre.c and sit.c. */
-+ dev->addr_len = 0;
-+ return 0;
-+ * ip6ip6_tnl_dev_init - initializer for all non fallback tunnel devices
-+ * @dev: virtual device associated with tunnel
-+ **/
-+static int
-+ip6ip6_tnl_dev_init(struct net_device *dev)
-+ struct ip6_tnl *t = (struct ip6_tnl *) dev->priv;
-+ ip6ip6_tnl_dev_init_gen(dev);
-+ ip6ip6_tnl_link_config(t);
-+ return 0;
-+#ifdef MODULE
-+ * ip6ip6_fb_tnl_open - function called when fallback device opened
-+ * @dev: fallback device
-+ *
-+ * Return: 0
-+ **/
-+static int
-+ip6ip6_fb_tnl_open(struct net_device *dev)
-+ return 0;
-+ * ip6ip6_fb_tnl_close - function called when fallback device closed
-+ * @dev: fallback device
-+ *
-+ * Return: 0
-+ **/
-+static int
-+ip6ip6_fb_tnl_close(struct net_device *dev)
-+ return 0;
-+ * ip6ip6_fb_tnl_dev_init - initializer for fallback tunnel device
-+ * @dev: fallback device
-+ *
-+ * Return: 0
-+ **/
-+int __init
-+ip6ip6_fb_tnl_dev_init(struct net_device *dev)
-+ ip6ip6_tnl_dev_init_gen(dev);
-+#ifdef MODULE
-+ dev->open = ip6ip6_fb_tnl_open;
-+ dev->stop = ip6ip6_fb_tnl_close;
-+ dev_hold(dev);
-+ tnls_wc[0] = &ip6ip6_fb_tnl;
-+ return 0;
-+ * ip6ip6_tnl_register_hook - add hook for processing of tunneled packets
-+ * @reg: hook function and its parameters
-+ *
-+ * Description:
-+ * Add a netfilter like hook function for special handling of tunneled
-+ * packets. The hook functions are called before encapsulation
-+ * (%IP6_TNL_PRE_ENCAP) and before decapsulation
-+ * (%IP6_TNL_PRE_DECAP). The possible return values by the hook
-+ * functions are %IP6_TNL_DROP, %IP6_TNL_ACCEPT and
-+ * %IP6_TNL_STOLEN (in case the hook function took care of the packet
-+ * and it doesn't have to be processed any further).
-+ **/
-+ip6ip6_tnl_register_hook(struct ip6_tnl_hook_ops *reg)
-+ if (reg->hooknum < IP6_TNL_MAXHOOKS) {
-+ struct list_head *i;
-+ write_lock_bh(&ip6ip6_hook_lock);
-+ for (i = hooks[reg->hooknum].next;
-+ i != &hooks[reg->hooknum]; i = i->next) {
-+ if (reg->priority <
-+ ((struct ip6_tnl_hook_ops *) i)->priority) {
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ list_add(&reg->list, i->prev);
-+ write_unlock_bh(&ip6ip6_hook_lock);
-+ }
-+ * ip6ip6_tnl_unregister_hook - remove tunnel hook
-+ * @reg: hook function and its parameters
-+ **/
-+ip6ip6_tnl_unregister_hook(struct ip6_tnl_hook_ops *reg)
-+ if (reg->hooknum < IP6_TNL_MAXHOOKS) {
-+ write_lock_bh(&ip6ip6_hook_lock);
-+ list_del(&reg->list);
-+ write_unlock_bh(&ip6ip6_hook_lock);
-+ }
-+/* the IPv6 over IPv6 protocol structure */
-+static struct inet6_protocol ip6ip6_protocol = {
-+ ip6ip6_rcv, /* IPv6 handler */
-+ ip6ip6_err, /* IPv6 error control */
-+ NULL, /* next */
-+ IPPROTO_IPV6, /* protocol ID */
-+ 0, /* copy */
-+ NULL, /* data */
-+ "IPv6 over IPv6" /* name */
-+ * ip6_tunnel_init - register protocol and reserve needed resources
-+ *
-+ * Return: 0 on success
-+ **/
-+int __init ip6_tunnel_init(void)
-+ int i, err;
-+ ip6ip6_fb_tnl_dev.priv = (void *) &ip6ip6_fb_tnl;
-+ for (i = 0; i < IP6_TNL_MAXHOOKS; i++) {
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&hooks[i]);
-+ }
-+ if ((err = register_netdev(&ip6ip6_fb_tnl_dev)))
-+ return err;
-+ inet6_add_protocol(&ip6ip6_protocol);
-+ return 0;
-+ * ip6_tunnel_cleanup - free resources and unregister protocol
-+ **/
-+void ip6_tunnel_cleanup(void)
-+ write_lock_bh(&ip6ip6_kernel_lock);
-+ shutdown = 1;
-+ write_unlock_bh(&ip6ip6_kernel_lock);
-+ flush_scheduled_tasks();
-+ manage_kernel_tnls(NULL);
-+ inet6_del_protocol(&ip6ip6_protocol);
-+ unregister_netdev(&ip6ip6_fb_tnl_dev);
-+#ifdef MODULE
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mipglue.c linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mipglue.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mipglue.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mipglue.c 2004-06-26 11:29:30.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
-+ * Glue for Mobility support integration to IPv6
-+ *
-+ * Authors:
-+ * Antti Tuominen <>
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#include <linux/sched.h>
-+#include <net/ipv6.h>
-+#include <net/addrconf.h>
-+#include <net/neighbour.h>
-+#include <net/mipglue.h>
-+extern int ip6_tlvopt_unknown(struct sk_buff *skb, int optoff);
-+/* Initialize all zero */
-+struct mipv6_callable_functions mipv6_functions = { NULL };
-+/* Sets mipv6_functions struct to zero to invalidate all successive
-+ * calls to mipv6 functions. Used on module unload. */
-+void mipv6_invalidate_calls(void)
-+ memset(&mipv6_functions, 0, sizeof(mipv6_functions));
-+/* Selects correct handler for tlv encoded destination option. Called
-+ * by ip6_parse_tlv. Checks if mipv6 calls are valid before calling. */
-+int mipv6_handle_dstopt(struct sk_buff *skb, int optoff)
-+ int ret;
-+ switch (skb->nh.raw[optoff]) {
-+ ret = MIPV6_CALLFUNC(mipv6_handle_homeaddr, 0)(skb, optoff);
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ /* Should never happen */
-+ printk(KERN_ERR __FILE__ ": Invalid destination option code (%d)\n",
-+ skb->nh.raw[optoff]);
-+ ret = 1;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ /* If mipv6 handlers are not valid, pass the packet to
-+ * ip6_tlvopt_unknown() for correct handling. */
-+ if (!ret)
-+ return ip6_tlvopt_unknown(skb, optoff);
-+ return ret;
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/ 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/ 2004-06-26 11:29:30.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
-+# Mobile IPv6 Configuration
-+dep_tristate ' IPv6: Mobility Support (Correspondent Node)' CONFIG_IPV6_MOBILITY $CONFIG_IPV6
-+if [ "$CONFIG_IPV6_IPV6_TUNNEL" != "n" ]; then
-+ dep_tristate ' MIPv6: Mobile Node Support' CONFIG_IPV6_MOBILITY_MN $CONFIG_IPV6_MOBILITY
-+ dep_tristate ' MIPv6: Home Agent Support' CONFIG_IPV6_MOBILITY_HA $CONFIG_IPV6_MOBILITY
-+if [ "$CONFIG_IPV6_MOBILITY" != "n" ]; then
-+ bool ' MIPv6: Debug messages' CONFIG_IPV6_MOBILITY_DEBUG
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/Makefile linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/Makefile
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/Makefile 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/Makefile 2004-06-26 11:29:30.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
-+# Makefile for the MIPL Mobile IPv6 for Linux.
-+# Note! Dependencies are done automagically by 'make dep', which also
-+# removes any old dependencies. DON'T put your own dependencies here
-+# unless it's something special (ie not a .c file).
-+O_TARGET := mip6_base.o
-+list-multi := mip6_ha.o mip6_mn.o
-+obj-y := hashlist.o bcache.o mobhdr_common.o stats.o exthdrs.o \
-+ rr_crypto.o hmac.o auth_opt.o mipv6_icmp.o module_cn.o
-+obj-m := $(O_TARGET)
-+mip6_ha-objs := halist.o mipv6_icmp_ha.o tunnel_ha.o \
-+ ndisc_ha.o ha.o module_ha.o
-+mip6_mn-objs := mipv6_icmp_mn.o ioctl_mn.o tunnel_mn.o \
-+ mdetect.o bul.o multiaccess_ctl.o mobhdr_mn.o mn.o \
-+ module_mn.o
-+obj-$(CONFIG_IPV6_MOBILITY_HA) += mip6_ha.o
-+obj-$(CONFIG_IPV6_MOBILITY_MN) += mip6_mn.o
-+include $(TOPDIR)/Rules.make
-+mip6_ha.o: $(mip6_ha-objs)
-+ $(LD) -r -o $@ $(mip6_ha-objs)
-+mip6_mn.o: $(mip6_mn-objs)
-+ $(LD) -r -o $@ $(mip6_mn-objs)
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/README linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/README
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/README 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/README 2004-06-26 11:29:30.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
-+MIPL Mobile IPv6 for Linux
-+More information at
-+To join MIPL Mobile IPv6 for Linux mailing lists go to:
-+Or send mail with subject "subscribe" for the general list to:
-+or for the developer list to:
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/auth_opt.c linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/auth_opt.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/auth_opt.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/auth_opt.c 2004-06-26 11:29:30.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
-+ * MIPv6 Binding Authentication Data Option functions
-+ *
-+ * Authors:
-+ * Henrik Petander <>
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ */
-+#include <linux/autoconf.h>
-+#include <linux/icmpv6.h>
-+#include <net/mipv6.h>
-+#include "debug.h"
-+#include "hmac.h"
-+#include "mobhdr.h"
-+#define DBG_KEY 5
-+int mipv6_auth_build(struct in6_addr *cn_addr, struct in6_addr *coa,
-+ __u8 *mh, __u8 *aud_data, __u8 *k_bu)
-+ /* First look up the peer from sadb based on his address */
-+ struct ah_processing ahp;
-+ /* Don't add any other options or this system is screwed */
-+ __u8 buf[MAX_HASH_LENGTH];
-+ if (!k_bu) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "k_bu missing, aborting");
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ DEBUG(DBG_KEY, "Key for building authenticator:");
-+ debug_print_buffer(DBG_KEY, k_bu, HMAC_SHA1_KEY_SIZE);
-+ if (ah_hmac_sha1_init(&ahp, k_bu, HMAC_SHA1_KEY_SIZE) < 0) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "Failed to initialize hmac sha1");
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ DEBUG(DBG_KEY, "coa: ");
-+ debug_print_buffer(DBG_KEY, coa, 16);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_KEY, "cn_addr: ");
-+ debug_print_buffer(DBG_KEY, cn_addr, 16);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_KEY, "MH contents: ");
-+ debug_print_buffer(DBG_KEY, mh, aud_data - mh);
-+ /* First the common part */
-+ ah_hmac_sha1_loop(&ahp, coa, sizeof(struct in6_addr));
-+ ah_hmac_sha1_loop(&ahp, cn_addr, sizeof(struct in6_addr));
-+ ah_hmac_sha1_loop(&ahp, mh, aud_data - mh);
-+ ah_hmac_sha1_result(&ahp, buf);
-+ memcpy(aud_data, buf, MIPV6_RR_MAC_LENGTH);
-+ return 0;
-+int mipv6_auth_check(struct in6_addr *cn_addr, struct in6_addr *coa,
-+ __u8 *opt, __u8 optlen,
-+ struct mipv6_mo_bauth_data *aud, __u8 *k_bu)
-+ int ret = -1;
-+ struct ah_processing ahp;
-+ __u8 htarget[MAX_HASH_LENGTH];
-+ /* Look up peer by home address */
-+ if (!k_bu) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "k_bu missing, aborting");
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ DEBUG(DBG_KEY, "Key for checking authenticator:");
-+ debug_print_buffer(DBG_KEY, k_bu, HMAC_SHA1_KEY_SIZE);
-+ if (!aud || !coa) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "%s is NULL", aud ? "coa" : "aud");
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ if (aud->length != MIPV6_RR_MAC_LENGTH) {
-+ ": Incorrect authentication option length %d", aud->length);
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ if (ah_hmac_sha1_init(&ahp, k_bu, HMAC_SHA1_KEY_SIZE) < 0) {
-+ "internal error in initialization of authentication algorithm");
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ DEBUG(DBG_KEY, "coa: ");
-+ debug_print_buffer(DBG_KEY, coa, 16);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_KEY, "cn_addr: ");
-+ debug_print_buffer(DBG_KEY, cn_addr, 16);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_KEY, "MH contents: ");
-+ debug_print_buffer(DBG_KEY, opt, (u8*) aud->data - opt);
-+ ah_hmac_sha1_loop(&ahp, coa, sizeof(struct in6_addr));
-+ ah_hmac_sha1_loop(&ahp, cn_addr, sizeof(struct in6_addr));
-+ /*
-+ * Process MH + options till the start of the authenticator in
-+ * Auth. data option
-+ */
-+ ah_hmac_sha1_loop(&ahp, opt, (u8 *)aud->data - opt);
-+ ah_hmac_sha1_result(&ahp, htarget);
-+ if (memcmp(htarget, aud->data, MIPV6_RR_MAC_LENGTH) == 0)
-+ ret = 0;
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "returning %d", ret);
-+ return ret;
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/bcache.c linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/bcache.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/bcache.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/bcache.c 2004-06-26 11:29:30.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,746 @@
-+ * Binding Cache
-+ *
-+ * Authors:
-+ * Juha Mynttinen <>
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ */
-+ * Changes:
-+ *
-+ * Nanno Langstraat : Timer code cleaned up, active socket
-+ * test rewritten
-+ */
-+#include <linux/autoconf.h>
-+#include <linux/sched.h>
-+#include <linux/timer.h>
-+#include <linux/in6.h>
-+#include <linux/init.h>
-+#include <linux/spinlock.h>
-+#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
-+#include <linux/ipv6_route.h>
-+#include <net/ipv6.h>
-+#include <net/addrconf.h>
-+#include <net/tcp.h>
-+#include <net/udp.h>
-+#include <net/ip6_route.h>
-+#include <net/mipv6.h>
-+#include "bcache.h"
-+#include "hashlist.h"
-+#include "debug.h"
-+#include "mobhdr.h"
-+#include "tunnel.h"
-+#include "config.h"
-+#define TIMERDELAY HZ/10
-+struct mipv6_bcache {
-+ struct hashlist *entries;
-+ __u32 size;
-+ struct timer_list callback_timer;
-+struct in6_addr_pair {
-+ struct in6_addr *a1;
-+ struct in6_addr *a2;
-+static rwlock_t bcache_lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-+static struct mipv6_bcache bcache;
-+static int bcache_proc_info(char *buffer, char **start, off_t offset,
-+ int length);
-+/* Moment of transmission of a BR, in seconds before bcache entry expiry */
-+#define MIPV6_MAX_BRR 3 /* Send 3 BRRs before deleting BC entry */
-+#define MIPV6_BRR_RATE HZ /* Send BRRs once per second */
-+ * Internal functions.
-+ */
-+struct cache_entry_iterator_args {
-+ struct mipv6_bce **entry;
-+static int find_first_cache_entry_iterator(void *data, void *args,
-+ unsigned long *lifetime)
-+ struct mipv6_bce *entry =
-+ (struct mipv6_bce *) data;
-+ struct cache_entry_iterator_args *state =
-+ (struct cache_entry_iterator_args *) args;
-+ ASSERT(entry != NULL);
-+ if (entry->type == CACHE_ENTRY) {
-+ *(state->entry) = entry;
-+ return ITERATOR_STOP; /* stop iteration */
-+ } else {
-+ return ITERATOR_CONT; /* continue iteration */
-+ }
-+ * Get memory for a new bcache entry. If bcache is full, a cache
-+ * entry may be deleted to get space for a home registration, but not
-+ * vice versa.
-+ */
-+static struct mipv6_bce *mipv6_bce_alloc(__u8 type)
-+ struct mipv6_bce *entry;
-+ struct cache_entry_iterator_args args;
-+ entry = (struct mipv6_bce *)
-+ hashlist_alloc(bcache.entries, SLAB_ATOMIC);
-+ /* Cache replacement policy: always replace the CACHE_ENTRY
-+ closest to expiration. Type HOME_REGISTRATION entry may
-+ never be deleted before expiration. */
-+ if (entry == NULL) {
-+ /* cache full, try to delete a CACHE_ENTRY */
-+ args.entry = &entry;
-+ hashlist_iterate(bcache.entries, &args,
-+ find_first_cache_entry_iterator);
-+ if (entry == NULL)
-+ return NULL;
-+ hashlist_delete(bcache.entries,
-+ (struct hashlist_entry *)entry);
-+ entry = (struct mipv6_bce *)
-+ hashlist_alloc(bcache.entries, SLAB_ATOMIC);
-+ }
-+ return entry;
-+ * Frees entry's memory allocated with mipv6_bce_alloc
-+ */
-+static void mipv6_bce_free(struct mipv6_bce *entry)
-+ hashlist_free(bcache.entries, (void *) entry);
-+ * Removes all expired entries
-+ */
-+static void expire(void)
-+ struct mipv6_bce *entry;
-+ struct br_addrs {
-+ struct in6_addr daddr;
-+ struct in6_addr saddr;
-+ struct br_addrs *next;
-+ };
-+ struct br_addrs *br_info = NULL;
-+ write_lock(&bcache_lock);
-+ while ((entry = (struct mipv6_bce *)
-+ hashlist_get_first(bcache.entries)) != NULL) {
-+ struct rt6_info *rt;
-+ if (time_after_eq(jiffies, entry->callback_time)) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "an entry expired");
-+ if (entry->type & HOME_REGISTRATION) {
-+ mip6_fn.proxy_del(&entry->home_addr, entry);
-+ }
-+ hashlist_delete(bcache.entries, (void *)entry);
-+ mipv6_bce_free(entry);
-+ entry = NULL;
-+ } else if (entry->br_callback_time != 0 &&
-+ time_after_eq(jiffies, entry->br_callback_time) &&
-+ entry->br_count < MIPV6_MAX_BRR &&
-+ (rt = rt6_lookup(&entry->home_addr, &entry->our_addr, 0, 0)) != NULL){
-+ /* Do we have a destination cache entry for the home address */
-+ if (rt->rt6i_flags & RTF_CACHE) {
-+ struct br_addrs *tmp;
-+ tmp = br_info;
-+ "bcache entry recently used. Sending BR.");
-+ /* queue for sending */
-+ br_info = kmalloc(sizeof(struct br_addrs),
-+ if (br_info) {
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&br_info->saddr,
-+ &entry->our_addr);
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&br_info->daddr,
-+ &entry->home_addr);
-+ br_info->next = tmp;
-+ entry->last_br = jiffies;
-+ entry->br_callback_time = jiffies + MIPV6_BRR_RATE;
-+ entry->br_count++;
-+ } else {
-+ br_info = tmp;
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "Out of memory");
-+ }
-+ } else
-+ entry->br_callback_time = 0;
-+ dst_release(&rt->u.dst);
-+ } else {
-+ entry->br_callback_time = 0;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ write_unlock(&bcache_lock);
-+ while (br_info) {
-+ struct br_addrs *tmp = br_info->next;
-+ if (mipv6_send_brr(&br_info->saddr, &br_info->daddr, NULL) < 0)
-+ "BR send for %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x failed",
-+ NIPV6ADDR(&br_info->daddr));
-+ kfree(br_info);
-+ br_info = tmp;
-+ }
-+static void set_timer(void)
-+ struct mipv6_bce *entry;
-+ unsigned long callback_time;
-+ entry = (struct mipv6_bce *)
-+ hashlist_get_first(bcache.entries);
-+ if (entry != NULL) {
-+ if (entry->br_callback_time > 0 &&
-+ time_after(entry->br_callback_time, jiffies))
-+ callback_time = entry->br_callback_time;
-+ else if (time_after(entry->callback_time, jiffies))
-+ callback_time = entry->callback_time;
-+ else {
-+ "bcache timer attempted to schedule"
-+ " for a historical jiffies count!");
-+ callback_time = jiffies + TIMERDELAY;
-+ }
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "setting timer to now");
-+ mod_timer(&bcache.callback_timer, callback_time);
-+ } else {
-+ del_timer(&bcache.callback_timer);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "BC empty, not setting a new timer");
-+ }
-+ * The function that is scheduled to do the callback functions. May be
-+ * modified e.g to allow Binding Requests, now only calls expire() and
-+ * schedules a new timer.
-+ */
-+static void timer_handler(unsigned long dummy)
-+ expire();
-+ write_lock(&bcache_lock);
-+ set_timer();
-+ write_unlock(&bcache_lock);
-+ * Interface functions visible to other modules
-+ */
-+ * mipv6_bcache_add - add Binding Cache entry
-+ * @ifindex: interface index
-+ * @our_addr: own address
-+ * @home_addr_org: MN's home address
-+ * @coa: MN's care-of address
-+ * @lifetime: lifetime for this binding
-+ * @prefix: prefix length
-+ * @seq: sequence number
-+ * @flags: flags received in BU
-+ * @type: type of entry
-+ *
-+ * Adds an entry for this @home_addr_org in the Binding Cache. If entry
-+ * already exists, old entry is updated. @type may be %CACHE_ENTRY or
-+ **/
-+int mipv6_bcache_add(int ifindex,
-+ struct in6_addr *our_addr,
-+ struct in6_addr *home_addr,
-+ struct in6_addr *coa,
-+ __u32 lifetime, __u16 seq, __u8 flags, __u8 type)
-+ struct mipv6_bce *entry;
-+ int update = 0;
-+ int create_tunnel = 0;
-+ unsigned long now = jiffies;
-+ struct in6_addr_pair hashkey;
-+ int ret = -1;
-+ hashkey.a1 = home_addr;
-+ hashkey.a2 = our_addr;
-+ write_lock(&bcache_lock);
-+ if (type == HOME_REGISTRATION && !(mip6node_cnf.capabilities&CAP_HA))
-+ return 0;
-+ if (unlikely(bcache.entries == NULL)) {
-+ ret = -ENOMEM;
-+ goto err;
-+ }
-+ if ((entry = (struct mipv6_bce *)
-+ hashlist_get(bcache.entries, &hashkey)) != NULL) {
-+ /* if an entry for this home_addr exists (with smaller
-+ * seq than the new seq), update it by removing it
-+ * first
-+ */
-+ if (!MIPV6_SEQ_GT(seq, entry->seq)) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "smaller seq than existing, not updating");
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "updating an existing entry");
-+ update = 1;
-+ /* H-flag is already checked in BU handler. */
-+ /* XXX: Should we care about the other flags?*/
-+ if (flags != entry->flags) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "entry/BU flag mismatch");
-+ }
-+ if (type == HOME_REGISTRATION) {
-+ create_tunnel = (ipv6_addr_cmp(&entry->coa, coa) ||
-+ entry->ifindex != ifindex);
-+ }
-+ } else {
-+ /* no entry for this home_addr, try to create a new entry */
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "creating a new entry");
-+ update = 0;
-+ entry = mipv6_bce_alloc(type);
-+ if (entry == NULL) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "cache full, entry not added");
-+ goto err;
-+ }
-+ create_tunnel = (type == HOME_REGISTRATION);
-+ }
-+ if (create_tunnel) {
-+ if (update)
-+ mip6_fn.proxy_del(&entry->home_addr, entry);
-+ if (mip6_fn.proxy_create(flags, ifindex, coa, our_addr, home_addr) < 0) {
-+ goto err_proxy;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&(entry->our_addr), our_addr);
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&(entry->home_addr), home_addr);
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&(entry->coa), coa);
-+ entry->ifindex = ifindex;
-+ entry->seq = seq;
-+ entry->type = type;
-+ entry->flags = flags;
-+ entry->last_br = 0;
-+ entry->destunr_count = 0;
-+ entry->callback_time = now + lifetime * HZ;
-+ if (entry->type & HOME_REGISTRATION)
-+ entry->br_callback_time = 0;
-+ else
-+ entry->br_callback_time = now +
-+ (lifetime - BCACHE_BR_SEND_LEAD) * HZ;
-+ if (update) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "updating entry : %x", entry);
-+ hashlist_reposition(bcache.entries, (void *)entry,
-+ entry->callback_time);
-+ } else {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "adding entry: %x", entry);
-+ if ((hashlist_add(bcache.entries,
-+ &hashkey,
-+ entry->callback_time, entry)) < 0) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "Hash add failed");
-+ goto err_hashlist;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ set_timer();
-+ write_unlock(&bcache_lock);
-+ return 0;
-+ if (create_tunnel) {
-+ mip6_fn.proxy_del(home_addr, entry);
-+ }
-+ if (update) {
-+ hashlist_delete(bcache.entries, (void *)entry);
-+ }
-+ mipv6_bce_free(entry);
-+ write_unlock(&bcache_lock);
-+ return ret;
-+int mipv6_bcache_icmp_err(struct in6_addr *home_addr,
-+ struct in6_addr *our_addr,
-+ int destunr_count)
-+ struct mipv6_bce *entry;
-+ struct in6_addr_pair hashkey;
-+ int ret = -ENOENT;
-+ hashkey.a1 = home_addr;
-+ hashkey.a2 = our_addr;
-+ write_lock(&bcache_lock);
-+ if (unlikely(bcache.entries == NULL)) {
-+ ret = -ENOMEM;
-+ goto err;
-+ }
-+ if ((entry = (struct mipv6_bce *)
-+ hashlist_get(bcache.entries, &hashkey)) != NULL) {
-+ entry->last_destunr = jiffies;
-+ entry->destunr_count = destunr_count;
-+ ret = 0;
-+ }
-+ write_unlock(&bcache_lock);
-+ return ret;
-+ * mipv6_bcache_delete - delete Binding Cache entry
-+ * @home_addr: MN's home address
-+ * @our_addr: our address
-+ * @type: type of entry
-+ *
-+ * Deletes an entry associated with @home_addr from Binding Cache.
-+ * Valid values for @type are %CACHE_ENTRY, %HOME_REGISTRATION and
-+ * %ANY_ENTRY. %ANY_ENTRY deletes any type of entry.
-+ **/
-+int mipv6_bcache_delete(struct in6_addr *home_addr,
-+ struct in6_addr *our_addr, __u8 type)
-+ struct mipv6_bce *entry;
-+ struct in6_addr_pair hashkey;
-+ int err = 0;
-+ if (home_addr == NULL || our_addr == NULL) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "error in arguments");
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ }
-+ hashkey.a1 = home_addr;
-+ hashkey.a2 = our_addr;
-+ write_lock(&bcache_lock);
-+ if (unlikely(bcache.entries == NULL) ||
-+ (entry = (struct mipv6_bce *)
-+ hashlist_get(bcache.entries, &hashkey)) == NULL ||
-+ !(entry->type & type)) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "No matching entry found");
-+ err = -ENOENT;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ hashlist_delete(bcache.entries, (void *) entry);
-+ mipv6_bce_free(entry);
-+ set_timer();
-+ write_unlock(&bcache_lock);
-+ return err;
-+ * mipv6_bcache_exists - check if entry exists
-+ * @home_addr: home address to check
-+ * @our_addr: our address
-+ *
-+ * Determines if a binding exists for @home_addr. Returns type of the
-+ * entry or negative if entry does not exist.
-+ **/
-+int mipv6_bcache_exists(struct in6_addr *home_addr,
-+ struct in6_addr *our_addr)
-+ struct mipv6_bce *entry;
-+ struct in6_addr_pair hashkey;
-+ int type = -ENOENT;
-+ if (home_addr == NULL || our_addr == NULL)
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ hashkey.a1 = home_addr;
-+ hashkey.a2 = our_addr;
-+ read_lock(&bcache_lock);
-+ if (likely(bcache.entries != NULL) &&
-+ (entry = (struct mipv6_bce *)
-+ hashlist_get(bcache.entries, &hashkey)) != NULL) {
-+ type = entry->type;
-+ }
-+ read_unlock(&bcache_lock);
-+ return type;
-+ * mipv6_bcache_get - get entry from Binding Cache
-+ * @home_addr: home address to search
-+ * @our_addr: our address
-+ * @entry: pointer to buffer
-+ *
-+ * Gets a copy of Binding Cache entry for @home_addr. If entry
-+ * exists entry is copied to @entry and zero is returned.
-+ * Otherwise returns negative.
-+ **/
-+int mipv6_bcache_get(struct in6_addr *home_addr,
-+ struct in6_addr *our_addr,
-+ struct mipv6_bce *entry)
-+ struct mipv6_bce *entry2;
-+ struct in6_addr_pair hashkey;
-+ int ret = -ENOENT;
-+ if (home_addr == NULL || our_addr == NULL || entry == NULL)
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ hashkey.a1 = home_addr;
-+ hashkey.a2 = our_addr;
-+ read_lock_bh(&bcache_lock);
-+ entry2 = (struct mipv6_bce *)
-+ hashlist_get(bcache.entries, &hashkey);
-+ if (entry2 != NULL) {
-+ memcpy(entry, entry2, sizeof(struct mipv6_bce));
-+ ret = 0;
-+ }
-+ read_unlock_bh(&bcache_lock);
-+ return ret;
-+int mipv6_bcache_iterate(hashlist_iterator_t func, void *args)
-+ int ret;
-+ read_lock_bh(&bcache_lock);
-+ ret = hashlist_iterate(bcache.entries, args, func);
-+ read_unlock_bh(&bcache_lock);
-+ return ret;
-+ * Proc-filesystem functions
-+ */
-+#define BC_INFO_LEN 80
-+struct procinfo_iterator_args {
-+ char *buffer;
-+ int offset;
-+ int length;
-+ int skip;
-+ int len;
-+static int procinfo_iterator(void *data, void *args, unsigned long *pref)
-+ struct procinfo_iterator_args *arg =
-+ (struct procinfo_iterator_args *) args;
-+ struct mipv6_bce *entry =
-+ (struct mipv6_bce *) data;
-+ ASSERT(entry != NULL);
-+ if (arg->skip < arg->offset / BC_INFO_LEN) {
-+ arg->skip++;
-+ return ITERATOR_CONT;
-+ }
-+ if (arg->len >= arg->length)
-+ return ITERATOR_CONT;
-+ /* HoA CoA CallbackInSecs Type */
-+ arg->len += sprintf(arg->buffer + arg->len,
-+ "%08x%08x%08x%08x %08x%08x%08x%08x %010lu %02d\n",
-+ ntohl(entry->home_addr.s6_addr32[0]),
-+ ntohl(entry->home_addr.s6_addr32[1]),
-+ ntohl(entry->home_addr.s6_addr32[2]),
-+ ntohl(entry->home_addr.s6_addr32[3]),
-+ ntohl(entry->coa.s6_addr32[0]),
-+ ntohl(entry->coa.s6_addr32[1]),
-+ ntohl(entry->coa.s6_addr32[2]),
-+ ntohl(entry->coa.s6_addr32[3]),
-+ ((entry->callback_time) - jiffies) / HZ,
-+ (int) entry->type);
-+ return ITERATOR_CONT;
-+ /*
-+ * Callback function for proc filesystem.
-+ */
-+static int bcache_proc_info(char *buffer, char **start, off_t offset,
-+ int length)
-+ struct procinfo_iterator_args args;
-+ args.buffer = buffer;
-+ args.offset = offset;
-+ args.length = length;
-+ args.skip = 0;
-+ args.len = 0;
-+ read_lock_bh(&bcache_lock);
-+ hashlist_iterate(bcache.entries, &args, procinfo_iterator);
-+ read_unlock_bh(&bcache_lock);
-+ *start = buffer;
-+ if (offset)
-+ *start += offset % BC_INFO_LEN;
-+ args.len -= offset % BC_INFO_LEN;
-+ if (args.len > length)
-+ args.len = length;
-+ if (args.len < 0)
-+ args.len = 0;
-+ return args.len;
-+static int bcache_compare(void *data, void *hashkey)
-+ struct in6_addr_pair *p = (struct in6_addr_pair *) hashkey;
-+ struct mipv6_bce *e = (struct mipv6_bce *) data;
-+ if (ipv6_addr_cmp(&e->home_addr, p->a1) == 0
-+ && ipv6_addr_cmp(&e->our_addr, p->a2) == 0)
-+ return 0;
-+ else
-+ return -1;
-+static __u32 bcache_hash(void *hashkey)
-+ struct in6_addr_pair *p = (struct in6_addr_pair *) hashkey;
-+ return p->a1->s6_addr32[0] ^ p->a1->s6_addr32[1] ^
-+ p->a2->s6_addr32[2] ^ p->a2->s6_addr32[3];
-+ * Initialization and shutdown functions
-+ */
-+int __init mipv6_bcache_init(__u32 size)
-+ if (size < 1) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "Binding cache size must be at least 1");
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ }
-+ bcache.entries = hashlist_create(MIPV6_BCACHE_HASHSIZE, size,
-+ sizeof(struct mipv6_bce),
-+ "mip6_bcache", NULL, NULL,
-+ bcache_compare, bcache_hash);
-+ if (bcache.entries == NULL) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "Failed to initialize hashlist");
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ }
-+ init_timer(&bcache.callback_timer);
-+ = 0;
-+ bcache.callback_timer.function = timer_handler;
-+ bcache.size = size;
-+ proc_net_create("mip6_bcache", 0, bcache_proc_info);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Binding cache initialized");
-+ return 0;
-+static int
-+bce_cleanup_iterator(void *rawentry, void *args, unsigned long *sortkey)
-+ int type = (int) args;
-+ struct mipv6_bce *entry = (struct mipv6_bce *) rawentry;
-+ if (entry->type == type) {
-+ if (entry->type & HOME_REGISTRATION) {
-+ if (unlikely(mip6_fn.proxy_del == NULL))
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "proxy_del unitialized");
-+ else
-+ mip6_fn.proxy_del(&entry->home_addr, entry);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return ITERATOR_CONT;
-+void mipv6_bcache_cleanup(int type)
-+ write_lock_bh(&bcache_lock);
-+ hashlist_iterate(bcache.entries,(void *) type, bce_cleanup_iterator);
-+ write_unlock_bh(&bcache_lock);
-+int __exit mipv6_bcache_exit(void)
-+ struct hashlist *entries;
-+ proc_net_remove("mip6_bcache");
-+ write_lock_bh(&bcache_lock);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Stopping the bcache timer");
-+ del_timer(&bcache.callback_timer);
-+ hashlist_iterate(bcache.entries,(void *)CACHE_ENTRY,
-+ bce_cleanup_iterator);
-+ entries = bcache.entries;
-+ bcache.entries = NULL;
-+ write_unlock_bh(&bcache_lock);
-+ hashlist_destroy(entries);
-+ return 0;
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/bcache.h linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/bcache.h
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/bcache.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/bcache.h 2004-06-26 11:29:30.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
-+ * MIPL Mobile IPv6 Binding Cache header file
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ */
-+#ifndef _BCACHE_H
-+#define _BCACHE_H
-+#include <linux/in6.h>
-+#include <linux/timer.h>
-+#include "hashlist.h"
-+#define CACHE_ENTRY 1 /* this and HOME_REGISTRATION are the entry types */
-+#define ANY_ENTRY 3
-+#define MIPV6_MAX_DESTUNREACH 5 /* Delete CN BCEs after 5 destination unreachables */
-+#define MIPV6_DEST_UNR_IVAL 10 /* What is the max interval of destination
-+ unreacahable error messages for them to be persistent*/
-+struct mipv6_bce {
-+ struct hashlist_entry e;
-+ int ifindex; /* Interface identifier */
-+ struct in6_addr our_addr; /* our address (as seen by the MN) */
-+ struct in6_addr home_addr; /* MN home address */
-+ struct in6_addr coa; /* MN care-of address */
-+ unsigned long callback_time; /* time of expiration (in jiffies) */
-+ unsigned long br_callback_time; /* time for sending a BR (in jiffies) */
-+ int (*callback_function)(struct mipv6_bce *entry);
-+ __u8 type; /* home registration */
-+ __u8 router; /* mn is router */
-+ __u8 flags; /* flags received in BU */
-+ __u16 seq; /* sequence number */
-+ unsigned long last_br; /* time when last BR sent */
-+ unsigned long last_destunr; /* time when last ICMP destination unreachable received */
-+ int br_count; /* How many BRRs have sent */
-+ int destunr_count; /* Number of destination unreachables received */
-+int mipv6_bcache_add(int ifindex, struct in6_addr *our_addr,
-+ struct in6_addr *home_addr, struct in6_addr *coa,
-+ __u32 lifetime, __u16 seq, __u8 flags, __u8 type);
-+int mipv6_bcache_icmp_err(struct in6_addr *home_addr,
-+ struct in6_addr *our_addr,
-+ int destunr_count);
-+int mipv6_bcache_delete(struct in6_addr *home_addr, struct in6_addr *our_addr,
-+ __u8 type);
-+int mipv6_bcache_exists(struct in6_addr *home_addr,
-+ struct in6_addr *our_addr);
-+int mipv6_bcache_get(struct in6_addr *home_addr,
-+ struct in6_addr *our_addr,
-+ struct mipv6_bce *entry);
-+int mipv6_bcache_iterate(int (*func)(void *, void *, unsigned long *), void *args);
-+void mipv6_bcache_cleanup(int type);
-+int mipv6_bcache_init(__u32 size);
-+int mipv6_bcache_exit(void);
-+#endif /* _BCACHE_H */
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/bul.c linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/bul.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/bul.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/bul.c 2004-06-26 11:29:30.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,634 @@
-+ * Binding update list
-+ *
-+ * Authors:
-+ * Juha Mynttinen <>
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ */
-+ * Changes:
-+ *
-+ * Nanno Langstraat : Timer code cleaned up
-+ */
-+#include <linux/autoconf.h>
-+#include <linux/sched.h>
-+#include <linux/timer.h>
-+#include <linux/in6.h>
-+#include <linux/init.h>
-+#include <linux/spinlock.h>
-+#include <net/ipv6.h>
-+#include <net/mipv6.h>
-+#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
-+#include "bul.h"
-+#include "debug.h"
-+#include "hashlist.h"
-+#include "tunnel_mn.h"
-+#include "mobhdr.h"
-+#define MIPV6_BUL_HASHSIZE 32
-+rwlock_t bul_lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-+struct mipv6_bul {
-+ struct hashlist *entries;
-+ struct timer_list callback_timer;
-+static struct mipv6_bul bul;
-+struct in6_addr_pair {
-+ struct in6_addr *a1;
-+ struct in6_addr *a2;
-+ *
-+ * Private functions
-+ *
-+ **********************************************************************/
-+static int bul_compare(void *data, void *hashkey)
-+ struct in6_addr_pair *p = (struct in6_addr_pair *)hashkey;
-+ struct mipv6_bul_entry *e = (struct mipv6_bul_entry *)data;
-+ if (ipv6_addr_cmp(&e->cn_addr, p->a1) == 0
-+ && ipv6_addr_cmp(&e->home_addr, p->a2) == 0)
-+ return 0;
-+ else
-+ return -1;
-+struct test_keys {
-+ struct in6_addr *addr;
-+ u8 *cookie;
-+static int bul_compare_cookie(void *data, void *keys)
-+ struct test_keys *p = (struct test_keys *)keys;
-+ struct mipv6_bul_entry *e = (struct mipv6_bul_entry *)data;
-+ if (ipv6_addr_cmp(&e->cn_addr, p->addr) == 0 && e->rr
-+ && memcmp(&e->rr->cot_cookie, p->cookie, 8) == 0)
-+ return 0;
-+ else
-+ return -1;
-+static u32 bul_hash(void *hashkey)
-+ struct in6_addr_pair *p = (struct in6_addr_pair *)hashkey;
-+ return p->a1->s6_addr32[0] ^
-+ p->a1->s6_addr32[1] ^
-+ p->a1->s6_addr32[2] ^
-+ p->a1->s6_addr32[3];
-+static int bul_proc_info(char *buffer, char **start, off_t offset,
-+ int length);
-+static struct mipv6_bul_entry *mipv6_bul_get_entry(void)
-+ return ((struct mipv6_bul_entry *)
-+ hashlist_alloc(bul.entries, SLAB_ATOMIC));
-+static void mipv6_bul_entry_free(struct mipv6_bul_entry *entry)
-+ if (entry->rr) {
-+ if (entry->rr->kbu)
-+ kfree(entry->rr->kbu);
-+ kfree(entry->rr);
-+ }
-+ if (entry->ops)
-+ kfree(entry->ops);
-+ hashlist_free(bul.entries, (void *)entry);
-+static __inline__ int del_bul_entry_tnl(struct mipv6_bul_entry *entry)
-+ if (entry->flags & MIPV6_BU_F_HOME) {
-+ return mipv6_mv_tnl_to_ha(&entry->cn_addr,
-+ &entry->coa,
-+ &entry->home_addr);
-+ }
-+ return 0;
-+static void timer_update(void)
-+ struct mipv6_bul_entry *entry;
-+ entry = hashlist_get_first(bul.entries);
-+ while (entry && time_after_eq(jiffies, entry->callback_time)) {
-+ if (time_after_eq(jiffies, entry->expire) ||
-+ entry->callback(entry) != 0) {
-+ /*
-+ * Either the entry has expired, or the callback
-+ * indicated that it should be deleted.
-+ */
-+ hashlist_delete(bul.entries, (void *)entry);
-+ del_bul_entry_tnl(entry);
-+ mipv6_bul_entry_free(entry);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Entry deleted (was expired) from "
-+ "binding update list");
-+ } else {
-+ /* move entry to its right place in the hashlist */
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Rescheduling");
-+ hashlist_reposition(bul.entries, (void *)entry,
-+ entry->callback_time);
-+ }
-+ entry = (struct mipv6_bul_entry *)
-+ hashlist_get_first(bul.entries);
-+ }
-+ if (entry == NULL) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "bul empty, not setting a new timer");
-+ del_timer(&bul.callback_timer);
-+ } else {
-+ mod_timer(&bul.callback_timer, entry->callback_time);
-+ }
-+static void timer_handler(unsigned long dummy)
-+ write_lock(&bul_lock);
-+ timer_update();
-+ write_unlock(&bul_lock);
-+ *
-+ * Public interface functions
-+ *
-+ **********************************************************************/
-+ * mipv6_bul_iterate - apply interator function to all entries
-+ * @func: function to apply
-+ * @args: extra arguments for iterator
-+ *
-+ * Applies @func for each entry in Binding Update List. Extra
-+ * arguments given in @args are also passed to the iterator function.
-+ * Caller must hold @bul_lock.
-+ **/
-+int mipv6_bul_iterate(hashlist_iterator_t func, void *args)
-+ return hashlist_iterate(bul.entries, args, func);
-+ * mipv6_bul_exists - check if Binding Update List entry exists
-+ * @cn: address to check
-+ *
-+ * Checks if Binding Update List has an entry for @cn. Returns true
-+ * if entry exists, false otherwise. Caller may not hold @bul_lock.
-+ **/
-+int mipv6_bul_exists(struct in6_addr *cn, struct in6_addr *haddr)
-+ int exists;
-+ struct in6_addr_pair hashkey;
-+ hashkey.a1 = cn;
-+ hashkey.a2 = haddr;
-+ read_lock_bh(&bul_lock);
-+ if (unlikely(bul.entries == NULL))
-+ exists = 0;
-+ else
-+ exists = (hashlist_get(bul.entries, &hashkey) != NULL);
-+ read_unlock_bh(&bul_lock);
-+ return exists;
-+ * mipv6_bul_get - get Binding Update List entry
-+ * @cn_addr: CN address to search
-+ * @home_addr: home address to search
-+ *
-+ * Returns Binding Update List entry for @cn_addr if it exists.
-+ * Otherwise returns %NULL. Caller must hold @bul_lock.
-+ **/
-+struct mipv6_bul_entry *mipv6_bul_get(struct in6_addr *cn_addr,
-+ struct in6_addr *home_addr)
-+ struct mipv6_bul_entry *entry;
-+ struct in6_addr_pair hashkey;
-+ if (unlikely(bul.entries == NULL)) {
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ hashkey.a1 = cn_addr;
-+ hashkey.a2 = home_addr;
-+ entry = (struct mipv6_bul_entry *)
-+ hashlist_get(bul.entries, &hashkey);
-+ return entry;
-+struct mipv6_bul_entry *mipv6_bul_get_by_ccookie(
-+ struct in6_addr *cn_addr, u8 *cookie)
-+ struct test_keys key;
-+ if (unlikely(bul.entries == NULL))
-+ return NULL;
-+ key.addr = cn_addr;
-+ key.cookie = cookie;
-+ return (struct mipv6_bul_entry *)
-+ hashlist_get_ex(bul.entries, &key,
-+ bul_compare_cookie);
-+ * mipv6_bul_reschedule - reschedule Binding Update List entry
-+ * @entry: entry to reschedule
-+ *
-+ * Reschedules a Binding Update List entry. Must be called after
-+ * modifying entry lifetime. Caller must hold @bul_lock (write).
-+ **/
-+void mipv6_bul_reschedule(struct mipv6_bul_entry *entry)
-+ hashlist_reposition(bul.entries,
-+ (void *)entry,
-+ entry->callback_time);
-+ timer_update();
-+ * mipv6_bul_add - add binding update to Binding Update List
-+ * @cn_addr: IPv6 address where BU was sent
-+ * @home_addr: Home address for this binding
-+ * @coa: Care-of address for this binding
-+ * @lifetime: expiration time of the binding in seconds
-+ * @seq: sequence number of the BU
-+ * @flags: %MIPV6_BU_F_* flags
-+ * @callback: callback function called on expiration
-+ * @callback_time: expiration time for callback
-+ * @state: binding send state
-+ * @delay: retransmission delay
-+ * @maxdelay: retransmission maximum delay
-+ * @ops: Mobility header options for BU
-+ * @rr: Return routability information
-+ *
-+ * Adds a binding update sent to @cn_addr for @home_addr to the
-+ * Binding Update List. If entry already exists, it is updated.
-+ * Entry is set to expire in @lifetime seconds. Entry has a callback
-+ * function @callback that is called at @callback_time. Entry @state
-+ * controls resending of this binding update and it can be set to
-+ * %ACK_OK, %RESEND_EXP or %ACK_ERROR. Returns a pointer to the newly
-+ * created or updated entry. Caller must hold @bul_lock (write).
-+ **/
-+struct mipv6_bul_entry *mipv6_bul_add(
-+ struct in6_addr *cn_addr, struct in6_addr *home_addr,
-+ struct in6_addr *coa,
-+ __u32 lifetime, __u16 seq, __u8 flags,
-+ int (*callback)(struct mipv6_bul_entry *entry),
-+ __u32 callback_time,
-+ __u8 state, __u32 delay, __u32 maxdelay,
-+ struct mipv6_mh_opt *ops,
-+ struct mipv6_rr_info *rr)
-+ struct mipv6_bul_entry *entry;
-+ int update = 0;
-+ struct in6_addr_pair hashkey;
-+ if (unlikely(bul.entries == NULL))
-+ return NULL;
-+ if (cn_addr == NULL || home_addr == NULL || coa == NULL ||
-+ lifetime < 0 || callback == NULL || callback_time < 0 ||
-+ (state != ACK_OK && state != RESEND_EXP && state != ACK_ERROR) ||
-+ delay < 0 || maxdelay < 0) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "invalid arguments");
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "cn_addr: %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x, "
-+ "home_addr: %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x"
-+ "coaddr: %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x", NIPV6ADDR(cn_addr),
-+ NIPV6ADDR(home_addr), NIPV6ADDR(coa));
-+ hashkey.a1 = cn_addr;
-+ hashkey.a2 = home_addr;
-+ /*
-+ * decide whether to add a new entry or update existing, also
-+ * check if there's room for a new entry when adding a new
-+ * entry (latter is handled by mipv6_bul_get_entry()
-+ */
-+ if ((entry = (struct mipv6_bul_entry *)
-+ hashlist_get(bul.entries, &hashkey)) != NULL) {
-+ /* if an entry for this cn_addr exists (with smaller
-+ * seq than the new entry's seq), update it */
-+ if (MIPV6_SEQ_GT(seq, entry->seq)) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "updating an existing entry");
-+ update = 1;
-+ } else {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "smaller seq than existing, not updating");
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ } else {
-+ entry = mipv6_bul_get_entry();
-+ if (entry == NULL) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_WARNING, "binding update list full, can't add!!!");
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ memset(entry, 0, sizeof(*entry));
-+ /* First BU send happens here, save count in the entry */
-+ entry->consecutive_sends = 1;
-+ }
-+ if (!update) {
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&(entry->cn_addr), cn_addr);
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&(entry->home_addr), home_addr);
-+ entry->ops = ops;
-+ }
-+ /* Add Return Routability info to bul entry */
-+ if (rr) {
-+ if(entry->rr)
-+ kfree(entry->rr);
-+ entry->rr = rr;
-+ }
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&(entry->coa), coa);
-+ entry->lifetime = lifetime;
-+ if (lifetime)
-+ entry->expire = jiffies + lifetime * HZ;
-+ else if (flags & MIPV6_BU_F_ACK)
-+ entry->expire = jiffies + HOME_RESEND_EXPIRE * HZ;
-+ entry->seq = seq;
-+ entry->flags = flags;
-+ entry->lastsend = jiffies; /* current time = last use of the entry */
-+ entry->state = state;
-+ entry->delay = delay;
-+ entry->maxdelay = maxdelay;
-+ entry->callback_time = jiffies + callback_time * HZ;
-+ entry->callback = callback;
-+ if (flags & MIPV6_BU_F_HOME &&
-+ mipv6_mv_tnl_to_ha(cn_addr, coa, home_addr)) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "reconfiguration of the tunnel failed");
-+ }
-+ if (update) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "updating entry: %x", entry);
-+ hashlist_reposition(bul.entries, (void *)entry,
-+ entry->callback_time);
-+ } else {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "adding entry: %x", entry);
-+ hashkey.a1 = &entry->cn_addr;
-+ hashkey.a2 = &entry->home_addr;
-+ if ((hashlist_add(bul.entries, &hashkey,
-+ entry->callback_time,
-+ entry)) < 0) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "Hash add failed");
-+ mipv6_bul_entry_free(entry);
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ timer_update();
-+ return entry;
-+ * mipv6_bul_delete - delete Binding Update List entry
-+ * @cn_addr: address for entry to delete
-+ *
-+ * Deletes the entry for @cn_addr from the Binding Update List.
-+ * Returns zero if entry was deleted succesfully, otherwise returns
-+ * negative. Caller may not hold @bul_lock.
-+ **/
-+int mipv6_bul_delete(struct in6_addr *cn_addr, struct in6_addr *home_addr)
-+ struct mipv6_bul_entry *entry;
-+ struct in6_addr_pair hashkey;
-+ hashkey.a1 = cn_addr;
-+ hashkey.a2 = home_addr;
-+ write_lock(&bul_lock);
-+ if (unlikely(bul.entries == NULL) ||
-+ (entry = (struct mipv6_bul_entry *)
-+ hashlist_get(bul.entries, &hashkey)) == NULL) {
-+ write_unlock(&bul_lock);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "No such entry");
-+ return -ENOENT;
-+ }
-+ hashlist_delete(bul.entries, (void *)entry);
-+ del_bul_entry_tnl(entry);
-+ mipv6_bul_entry_free(entry);
-+ timer_update();
-+ write_unlock(&bul_lock);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Binding update list entry deleted");
-+ return 0;
-+ *
-+ * Proc interface functions
-+ *
-+ **********************************************************************/
-+#define BUL_INFO_LEN 152
-+struct procinfo_iterator_args {
-+ char *buffer;
-+ int offset;
-+ int length;
-+ int skip;
-+ int len;
-+static int procinfo_iterator(void *data, void *args,
-+ unsigned long *sortkey)
-+ struct procinfo_iterator_args *arg =
-+ (struct procinfo_iterator_args *)args;
-+ struct mipv6_bul_entry *entry =
-+ (struct mipv6_bul_entry *)data;
-+ unsigned long callback_seconds;
-+ if (entry == NULL) return ITERATOR_ERR;
-+ if (time_after(jiffies, entry->callback_time))
-+ callback_seconds = 0;
-+ else
-+ callback_seconds = (entry->callback_time - jiffies) / HZ;
-+ if (arg->skip < arg->offset / BUL_INFO_LEN) {
-+ arg->skip++;
-+ return ITERATOR_CONT;
-+ }
-+ if (arg->len >= arg->length)
-+ return ITERATOR_CONT;
-+ /* CN HoA CoA ExpInSecs SeqNum State Delay MaxDelay CallbackInSecs */
-+ arg->len += sprintf(arg->buffer + arg->len,
-+ "%08x%08x%08x%08x %08x%08x%08x%08x %08x%08x%08x%08x\n"
-+ "%010lu %05d %02d %010d %010d %010lu\n",
-+ ntohl(entry->cn_addr.s6_addr32[0]),
-+ ntohl(entry->cn_addr.s6_addr32[1]),
-+ ntohl(entry->cn_addr.s6_addr32[2]),
-+ ntohl(entry->cn_addr.s6_addr32[3]),
-+ ntohl(entry->home_addr.s6_addr32[0]),
-+ ntohl(entry->home_addr.s6_addr32[1]),
-+ ntohl(entry->home_addr.s6_addr32[2]),
-+ ntohl(entry->home_addr.s6_addr32[3]),
-+ ntohl(entry->coa.s6_addr32[0]),
-+ ntohl(entry->coa.s6_addr32[1]),
-+ ntohl(entry->coa.s6_addr32[2]),
-+ ntohl(entry->coa.s6_addr32[3]),
-+ (entry->expire - jiffies) / HZ,
-+ entry->seq, entry->state, entry->delay,
-+ entry->maxdelay, callback_seconds);
-+ return ITERATOR_CONT;
-+ * Callback function for proc filesystem.
-+ */
-+static int bul_proc_info(char *buffer, char **start, off_t offset,
-+ int length)
-+ struct procinfo_iterator_args args;
-+ args.buffer = buffer;
-+ args.offset = offset;
-+ args.length = length;
-+ args.skip = 0;
-+ args.len = 0;
-+ read_lock_bh(&bul_lock);
-+ hashlist_iterate(bul.entries, &args, procinfo_iterator);
-+ read_unlock_bh(&bul_lock);
-+ *start = buffer;
-+ if (offset)
-+ *start += offset % BUL_INFO_LEN;
-+ args.len -= offset % BUL_INFO_LEN;
-+ if (args.len > length)
-+ args.len = length;
-+ if (args.len < 0)
-+ args.len = 0;
-+ return args.len;
-+ *
-+ * Code module init/fini functions
-+ *
-+ **********************************************************************/
-+int __init mipv6_bul_init(__u32 size)
-+ if (size < 1) {
-+ "Binding update list size must be at least 1");
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ }
-+ bul.entries = hashlist_create(MIPV6_BUL_HASHSIZE, size,
-+ sizeof(struct mipv6_bul_entry),
-+ "mip6_bul", NULL, NULL,
-+ bul_compare, bul_hash);
-+ if (bul.entries == NULL) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_CRITICAL, "Couldn't allocate memory for "
-+ "hashlist when creating a binding update list");
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ }
-+ init_timer(&bul.callback_timer);
-+ = 0;
-+ bul.callback_timer.function = timer_handler;
-+ proc_net_create("mip6_bul", 0, bul_proc_info);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Binding update list initialized");
-+ return 0;
-+void __exit mipv6_bul_exit()
-+ struct mipv6_bul_entry *entry;
-+ struct hashlist *entries;
-+ proc_net_remove("mip6_bul");
-+ write_lock_bh(&bul_lock);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Stopping the bul timer");
-+ del_timer(&bul.callback_timer);
-+ while ((entry = (struct mipv6_bul_entry *)
-+ hashlist_get_first(bul.entries)) != NULL) {
-+ hashlist_delete(bul.entries, (void *)entry);
-+ del_bul_entry_tnl(entry);
-+ mipv6_bul_entry_free(entry);
-+ }
-+ entries = bul.entries;
-+ bul.entries = NULL;
-+ write_unlock_bh(&bul_lock);
-+ hashlist_destroy(entries);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "binding update list destroyed");
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/bul.h linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/bul.h
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/bul.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/bul.h 2004-06-26 11:29:30.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
-+ * MIPL Mobile IPv6 Binding Update List header file
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ */
-+#ifndef _BUL_H
-+#define _BUL_H
-+#include "hashlist.h"
-+#define ACK_OK 0x01
-+#define RESEND_EXP 0x02
-+#define ACK_ERROR 0x04
-+#define HOME_RESEND_EXPIRE 3600
-+#define MIPV6_COOKIE_LEN 8
-+struct mipv6_rr_info {
-+ /* RR information */
-+ u16 rr_state; /* State of the RR */
-+ u16 rr_flags; /* Flags for the RR */
-+ u8 hot_cookie[MIPV6_COOKIE_LEN]; /* HoT Cookie */
-+ u8 cot_cookie[MIPV6_COOKIE_LEN]; /* CoT Cookie */
-+ u8 home_cookie[MIPV6_COOKIE_LEN]; /* Home Cookie */
-+ u8 careof_cookie[MIPV6_COOKIE_LEN]; /* Careof Cookie */
-+ u32 lastsend_hoti; /* When HoTI was last sent (jiffies) */
-+ u32 lastsend_coti; /* When CoTI was last sent (jiffies) */
-+ u32 home_time; /* when Care-of cookie was received */
-+ u32 careof_time; /* when Home cookie was received */
-+ int home_nonce_index; /* Home cookie nonce index */
-+ int careof_nonce_index; /* Care-of cookie nonce index */
-+ u8 *kbu; /* Binding authentication key */
-+struct mipv6_bul_entry {
-+ struct hashlist_entry e;
-+ struct in6_addr cn_addr; /* CN to which BU was sent */
-+ struct in6_addr home_addr; /* home address of this binding */
-+ struct in6_addr coa; /* care-of address of the sent BU */
-+ unsigned long expire; /* entry's expiration time (jiffies) */
-+ __u32 lifetime; /* lifetime sent in this BU */
-+ __u32 lastsend; /* last time when BU sent (jiffies) */
-+ __u32 consecutive_sends; /* Number of consecutive BU's sent */
-+ __u16 seq; /* sequence number of the latest BU */
-+ __u8 flags; /* BU send flags */
-+ __u8 state; /* resend state */
-+ __u32 initdelay; /* initial ack wait */
-+ __u32 delay; /* current ack wait */
-+ __u32 maxdelay; /* maximum ack wait */
-+ struct mipv6_rr_info *rr;
-+ struct mipv6_mh_opt *ops; /* saved option values */
-+ unsigned long callback_time;
-+ int (*callback)(struct mipv6_bul_entry *entry);
-+extern rwlock_t bul_lock;
-+int mipv6_bul_init(__u32 size);
-+void mipv6_bul_exit(void);
-+struct mipv6_bul_entry *mipv6_bul_add(
-+ struct in6_addr *cn_addr, struct in6_addr *home_addr,
-+ struct in6_addr *coa, __u32 lifetime, __u16 seq, __u8 flags,
-+ int (*callback)(struct mipv6_bul_entry *entry), __u32 callback_time,
-+ __u8 state, __u32 delay, __u32 maxdelay, struct mipv6_mh_opt *ops,
-+ struct mipv6_rr_info *rr);
-+int mipv6_bul_delete(struct in6_addr *cn_addr, struct in6_addr *home_addr);
-+int mipv6_bul_exists(struct in6_addr *cnaddr, struct in6_addr *home_addr);
-+struct mipv6_bul_entry *mipv6_bul_get(struct in6_addr *cnaddr,
-+ struct in6_addr *home_addr);
-+struct mipv6_bul_entry *mipv6_bul_get_by_ccookie(struct in6_addr *cn_addr,
-+ u8 *cookie);
-+int bul_entry_expired(struct mipv6_bul_entry *bulentry);
-+void mipv6_bul_reschedule(struct mipv6_bul_entry *entry);
-+int mipv6_bul_iterate(int (*func)(void *, void *, unsigned long *), void *args);
-+#endif /* BUL_H */
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/config.h linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/config.h
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/config.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/config.h 2004-06-26 11:29:30.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
-+ * Configuration parameters
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ */
-+#define MIPV6VERSION "D24"
-+#define MIPLVERSION "v1.0"
-+#define CAP_CN 0x01
-+#define CAP_HA 0x02
-+#define CAP_MN 0x04
-+struct mip6_conf {
-+ int capabilities;
-+ int debug_level;
-+ int accept_ret_rout;
-+ int max_rtr_reachable_time;
-+ int eager_cell_switching;
-+ int max_num_tunnels;
-+ int min_num_tunnels;
-+ int binding_refresh_advice;
-+ int bu_lladdr;
-+ int bu_keymgm;
-+ int bu_cn_ack;
-+extern struct mip6_conf mip6node_cnf;
-+struct mipv6_bce;
-+struct mip6_func {
-+ void (*bce_home_add) (int ifindex, struct in6_addr *daddr,
-+ struct in6_addr *haddr, struct in6_addr *coa,
-+ struct in6_addr *rep_coa, __u32 lifetime,
-+ __u16 sequence, __u8 flags, __u8 *k_bu);
-+ void (*bce_cache_add) (int ifindex, struct in6_addr *daddr,
-+ struct in6_addr *haddr, struct in6_addr *coa,
-+ struct in6_addr *rep_coa, __u32 lifetime,
-+ __u16 sequence, __u8 flags, __u8 *k_bu);
-+ void (*bce_home_del) (struct in6_addr *daddr, struct in6_addr *haddr,
-+ struct in6_addr *coa, struct in6_addr *rep_coa,
-+ __u16 sequence, __u8 flags,
-+ __u8 *k_bu);
-+ void (*bce_cache_del) (struct in6_addr *daddr, struct in6_addr *haddr,
-+ struct in6_addr *coa, struct in6_addr *rep_coa,
-+ __u16 sequence, __u8 flags,
-+ __u8 *k_bu);
-+ int (*bce_tnl_rt_add) (struct in6_addr *coa,
-+ struct in6_addr *ha_addr,
-+ struct in6_addr *home_addr);
-+ void (*bce_tnl_rt_del) (struct in6_addr *coa,
-+ struct in6_addr *ha_addr,
-+ struct in6_addr *home_addr);
-+ void (*proxy_del) (struct in6_addr *home_addr, struct mipv6_bce *entry);
-+ int (*proxy_create) (int flags, int ifindex, struct in6_addr *coa,
-+ struct in6_addr *our_addr, struct in6_addr *home_addr);
-+ int (*icmpv6_dhaad_rep_rcv) (struct sk_buff *skb);
-+ int (*icmpv6_dhaad_req_rcv) (struct sk_buff *skb);
-+ int (*icmpv6_pfxadv_rcv) (struct sk_buff *skb);
-+ int (*icmpv6_pfxsol_rcv) (struct sk_buff *skb);
-+ int (*icmpv6_paramprob_rcv) (struct sk_buff *skb);
-+ int (*mn_use_hao) (struct in6_addr *daddr, struct in6_addr *saddr);
-+ void (*mn_check_tunneled_packet) (struct sk_buff *skb);
-+extern struct mip6_func mip6_fn;
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/debug.h linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/debug.h
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/debug.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/debug.h 2004-06-26 11:29:30.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
-+ * MIPL Mobile IPv6 Debugging macros and functions
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ */
-+#ifndef _DEBUG_H
-+#define _DEBUG_H
-+#include <linux/autoconf.h>
-+/* priorities for different debug conditions */
-+#define DBG_CRITICAL 0 /* unrecoverable error */
-+#define DBG_ERROR 1 /* error (recoverable) */
-+#define DBG_WARNING 2 /* unusual situation but not a real error */
-+#define DBG_INFO 3 /* generally useful information */
-+#define DBG_EXTRA 4 /* extra information */
-+#define DBG_FUNC_ENTRY 6 /* use to indicate function entry and exit */
-+#define DBG_DATADUMP 7 /* packet dumps, etc. lots of flood */
-+ * NIPV6ADDR - macro for IPv6 addresses
-+ * @addr: Network byte order IPv6 address
-+ *
-+ * Macro for printing IPv6 addresses. Used in conjunction with
-+ * printk() or derivatives (such as DEBUG macro).
-+ **/
-+#define NIPV6ADDR(addr) \
-+ ntohs(((u16 *)addr)[0]), \
-+ ntohs(((u16 *)addr)[1]), \
-+ ntohs(((u16 *)addr)[2]), \
-+ ntohs(((u16 *)addr)[3]), \
-+ ntohs(((u16 *)addr)[4]), \
-+ ntohs(((u16 *)addr)[5]), \
-+ ntohs(((u16 *)addr)[6]), \
-+ ntohs(((u16 *)addr)[7])
-+extern int mipv6_debug;
-+ * debug_print - print debug message
-+ * @debug_level: message priority
-+ * @fname: calling function's name
-+ * @fmt: printf-style formatting string
-+ *
-+ * Prints a debug message to system log if @debug_level is less or
-+ * equal to @mipv6_debug. Should always be called using DEBUG()
-+ * macro, not directly.
-+ **/
-+static void debug_print(int debug_level, const char *fname, const char* fmt, ...)
-+ char s[1024];
-+ va_list args;
-+ if (mipv6_debug < debug_level)
-+ return;
-+ va_start(args, fmt);
-+ vsprintf(s, fmt, args);
-+ printk("mip6[%s]: %s\n", fname, s);
-+ va_end(args);
-+ * debug_print_buffer - print arbitrary buffer to system log
-+ * @debug_level: message priority
-+ * @data: pointer to buffer
-+ * @len: number of bytes to print
-+ *
-+ * Prints @len bytes from buffer @data to system log. @debug_level
-+ * tells on which debug level message gets printed. For
-+ * debug_print_buffer() priority %DBG_DATADUMP should be used.
-+ **/
-+#define debug_print_buffer(debug_level,data,len) { \
-+ if (mipv6_debug >= debug_level) { \
-+ int i; \
-+ for (i=0; i<len; i++) { \
-+ if (i%16 == 0) printk("\n%04x: ", i); \
-+ printk("%02x ", ((unsigned char *)data)[i]); \
-+ } \
-+ printk("\n\n"); \
-+ } \
-+#define DEBUG(x,y,z...) debug_print(x,__FUNCTION__,y,##z)
-+#define DEBUG_FUNC() \
-+DEBUG(DBG_FUNC_ENTRY, "%s(%d)/%s: ", __FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__)
-+#define DEBUG(x,y,z...)
-+#define DEBUG_FUNC()
-+#define debug_print_buffer(x,y,z)
-+#undef ASSERT
-+#define ASSERT(expression) { \
-+ if (!(expression)) { \
-+ (void)printk(KERN_ERR \
-+ "Assertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", function \"%s\", line %d\n", \
-+ #expression, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); \
-+ BUG(); \
-+ } \
-+#endif /* _DEBUG_H */
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/exthdrs.c linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/exthdrs.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/exthdrs.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/exthdrs.c 2004-06-26 11:29:30.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
-+ * Extension Header handling and adding code
-+ *
-+ * Authors:
-+ * Sami Kivisaari <>
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ */
-+#include <linux/types.h>
-+#include <linux/slab.h>
-+#include <net/ipv6.h>
-+#include <net/ip6_route.h>
-+#include <net/addrconf.h>
-+#include <net/mipv6.h>
-+#include "debug.h"
-+#include "stats.h"
-+#include "mobhdr.h"
-+#include "bcache.h"
-+#include "config.h"
-+ * mipv6_append_home_addr - Add Home Address Option
-+ * @opt: buffer for Home Address Option
-+ * @offset: offset from beginning of @opt
-+ * @addr: address for HAO
-+ *
-+ * Adds a Home Address Option to a packet. Option is stored in
-+ * @offset from beginning of @opt. The option is created but the
-+ * original source address in IPv6 header is left intact. The source
-+ * address will be changed from home address to CoA after the checksum
-+ * has been calculated in getfrag. Padding is done automatically, and
-+ * @opt must have allocated space for both actual option and pad.
-+ * Returns offset from @opt to end of options.
-+ **/
-+int mipv6_append_home_addr(__u8 *opt, int offset, struct in6_addr *addr)
-+ int pad;
-+ struct mipv6_dstopt_homeaddr *ho;
-+ DEBUG(DBG_DATADUMP, "HAO: %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x",
-+ NIPV6ADDR(addr));
-+ pad = (6 - offset) & 7;
-+ mipv6_add_pad(opt + offset, pad);
-+ ho = (struct mipv6_dstopt_homeaddr *)(opt + offset + pad);
-+ ho->type = MIPV6_TLV_HOMEADDR;
-+ ho->length = sizeof(*ho) - 2;
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&ho->addr, addr);
-+ return offset + pad + sizeof(*ho);
-+static inline int check_hao_validity(struct mipv6_dstopt_homeaddr *haopt,
-+ u8 *dst1,
-+ struct in6_addr *saddr,
-+ struct in6_addr *daddr)
-+ int addr_type = ipv6_addr_type(&haopt->addr);
-+ struct mipv6_bce bc_entry;
-+ if (addr_type & IPV6_ADDR_LINKLOCAL ||
-+ !(addr_type & IPV6_ADDR_UNICAST)) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "HAO with link local or non-unicast HoA, "
-+ "not sending BE to "
-+ "home address "
-+ "%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x ",
-+ "care-of address %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x",
-+ NIPV6ADDR(&haopt->addr),
-+ NIPV6ADDR(saddr));
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ } else if (dst1[0] != IPPROTO_MOBILITY &&
-+ (mipv6_bcache_get(&haopt->addr,
-+ daddr, &bc_entry) != 0 ||
-+ ipv6_addr_cmp(saddr, &bc_entry.coa))) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "HAO without binding or incorrect CoA, "
-+ "sending BE code 1: "
-+ "home address %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x",
-+ "to care-of address %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x",
-+ NIPV6ADDR(&haopt->addr),
-+ NIPV6ADDR(saddr));
-+ return -ENOENT;
-+ }
-+ return 0;
-+ * mipv6_handle_homeaddr - Home Address Destination Option handler
-+ * @skb: packet buffer
-+ * @optoff: offset to where option begins
-+ *
-+ * Handles Home Address Option in IPv6 Destination Option header.
-+ * Packet and offset to option are passed. If HAO is used without
-+ * binding, sends a Binding Error code 1. When sending BE, notify bit
-+ * is cleared to prevent IPv6 error handling from sending ICMP
-+ * Parameter Problem. Returns 1 on success, otherwise zero.
-+ **/
-+int mipv6_handle_homeaddr(struct sk_buff *skb, int optoff)
-+ struct in6_addr *saddr = &skb->nh.ipv6h->saddr;
-+ struct in6_addr coaddr;
-+ struct inet6_skb_parm *opt = (struct inet6_skb_parm *) skb->cb;
-+ struct mipv6_dstopt_homeaddr *haopt =
-+ (struct mipv6_dstopt_homeaddr *) &skb->nh.raw[optoff];
-+ u8 *dst1;
-+ int err;
-+ if (haopt->length != sizeof(*haopt) - 2) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_WARNING, "HAO has invalid length");
-+ MIPV6_INC_STATS(n_ha_drop.invalid);
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ dst1 = (u8 *)skb->h.raw;
-+ err = check_hao_validity(haopt, dst1, saddr, &skb->nh.ipv6h->daddr);
-+ if (err) {
-+ haopt->type &= ~(0x80); /* clear notify bit */
-+ if (err == -ENOENT)
-+ mipv6_send_be(&skb->nh.ipv6h->daddr, saddr,
-+ &haopt->addr, MIPV6_BE_HAO_WO_BINDING);
-+ MIPV6_INC_STATS(n_ha_drop.misc);
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&coaddr, saddr);
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(saddr, &haopt->addr);
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&haopt->addr, &coaddr);
-+ opt->hao = optoff;
-+ if (mip6_fn.mn_check_tunneled_packet != NULL)
-+ mip6_fn.mn_check_tunneled_packet(skb);
-+ MIPV6_INC_STATS(n_ha_rcvd);
-+ return 1;
-+ * mipv6_icmp_swap_addrs - Switch HAO and src and RT2 and dest for ICMP errors
-+ * @skb: packet buffer
-+ *
-+ * Reset the source address and the Home Address option in skb before
-+ * appending it to an ICMP error message, so original packet appears
-+ * in the error message rather than mangled.
-+ **/
-+void mipv6_icmp_swap_addrs(struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ struct inet6_skb_parm *opt = (struct inet6_skb_parm *)skb->cb;
-+ struct in6_addr tmp;
-+ struct in6_addr *hoa;
-+ if (opt->srcrt2) {
-+ struct rt2_hdr *rt2;
-+ rt2 = (struct rt2_hdr *)(skb->nh.raw + opt->srcrt2);
-+ hoa = &rt2->addr;
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&tmp, hoa);
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(hoa, &skb->nh.ipv6h->daddr);
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&skb->nh.ipv6h->daddr, &tmp);
-+ rt2->rt_hdr.segments_left++;
-+ skb->nh.ipv6h->hop_limit++;
-+ }
-+ if (opt->hao) {
-+ struct mipv6_dstopt_homeaddr *hao;
-+ hao = (struct mipv6_dstopt_homeaddr *)(skb->nh.raw + opt->hao);
-+ hoa = &hao->addr;
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&tmp, hoa);
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(hoa, &skb->nh.ipv6h->saddr);
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&skb->nh.ipv6h->saddr, &tmp);
-+ }
-+ * mipv6_append_rt2hdr - Add Type 2 Routing Header
-+ * @rt: buffer for new routing header
-+ * @addr: intermediate hop address
-+ *
-+ * Adds a Routing Header Type 2 in a packet. Stores newly created
-+ * routing header in buffer @rt. Type 2 RT only carries one address,
-+ * so there is no need to process old routing header. @rt must have
-+ * allocated space for 24 bytes.
-+ **/
-+void mipv6_append_rt2hdr(struct ipv6_rt_hdr *rt, struct in6_addr *addr)
-+ struct rt2_hdr *rt2 = (struct rt2_hdr *)rt;
-+ DEBUG(DBG_DATADUMP, "RT2: %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x",
-+ NIPV6ADDR(addr));
-+ if (ipv6_addr_type(addr) == IPV6_ADDR_MULTICAST) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "destination address not unicast");
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ memset(rt2, 0, sizeof(*rt2));
-+ rt2->rt_hdr.type = 2;
-+ rt2->rt_hdr.hdrlen = 2;
-+ rt2->rt_hdr.segments_left = 1;
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&rt2->addr, addr);
-+ * mipv6_append_dst1opts - Add Destination Option (1) Headers
-+ * @dst1opt: buffer for new destination options
-+ * @saddr: address for Home Address Option
-+ * @old_dst1opt: old destination options
-+ * @len: length of options
-+ *
-+ * Adds Destination Option (1) Header to a packet. New options are
-+ * stored in @dst1opt. If old destination options exist, they are
-+ * copied from @old_dst1opt. Only Home Address Option is destination
-+ * option. @dstopt must have allocated space for @len bytes. @len
-+ * includes Destination Option Header (2 bytes), Home Address Option
-+ * (18 bytes) and possible HAO pad (8n+6).
-+ **/
-+ * ISSUE: Home Address Destination Option should really be added to a
-+ * new destination option header specified in Mobile IPv6 spec which
-+ * should be placed after routing header(s), but before fragmentation
-+ * header. Putting HAO in DO1 works for now, but support for the new
-+ * placement should be added to the IPv6 stack.
-+ */
-+mipv6_append_dst1opts(struct ipv6_opt_hdr *dst1opt, struct in6_addr *saddr,
-+ struct ipv6_opt_hdr *old_dst1opt, int len)
-+ int offset;
-+ if (old_dst1opt) {
-+ memcpy(dst1opt, old_dst1opt, ipv6_optlen(old_dst1opt));
-+ offset = ipv6_optlen(old_dst1opt);
-+ } else {
-+ offset = sizeof (*dst1opt);
-+ }
-+ dst1opt->hdrlen = (len >> 3) - 1;
-+ mipv6_append_home_addr((__u8 *) dst1opt, offset, saddr);
-+ * mipv6_modify_txoptions - Modify outgoing packets
-+ * @sk: socket
-+ * @skb: packet buffer for outgoing packet
-+ * @old_opt: transmit options
-+ * @fl: packet flow structure
-+ * @dst: pointer to destination cache entry
-+ *
-+ * Adds Home Address Option (for MN packets, when not at home) and
-+ * Routing Header Type 2 (for CN packets when sending to an MN) to
-+ * data packets. Old extension headers are copied from @old_opt (if
-+ * any). Extension headers are _explicitly_ added for packets with
-+ * Mobility Header. Returns the new header structure, or old if no
-+ * changes.
-+ **/
-+struct ipv6_txoptions *
-+mipv6_modify_txoptions(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb,
-+ struct ipv6_txoptions *old_opt, struct flowi *fl,
-+ struct dst_entry **dst)
-+ struct ipv6_opt_hdr *old_hopopt = NULL;
-+ struct ipv6_opt_hdr *old_dst1opt = NULL;
-+ struct ipv6_rt_hdr *old_srcrt = NULL;
-+ int srcrtlen = 0, dst1len = 0;
-+ int tot_len, use_hao = 0;
-+ struct ipv6_txoptions *opt;
-+ struct mipv6_bce bc_entry;
-+ struct in6_addr tmpaddr, *saddr, *daddr, coaddr;
-+ __u8 *opt_ptr;
-+ if (fl->proto == IPPROTO_MOBILITY) return old_opt;
-+ /*
-+ * we have to be prepared to the fact that saddr might not be present,
-+ * if that is the case, we acquire saddr just as kernel does.
-+ */
-+ saddr = fl ? fl->fl6_src : NULL;
-+ daddr = fl ? fl->fl6_dst : NULL;
-+ if (daddr == NULL)
-+ return old_opt;
-+ if (saddr == NULL) {
-+ int err = ipv6_get_saddr(NULL, daddr, &tmpaddr);
-+ if (err)
-+ return old_opt;
-+ else
-+ saddr = &tmpaddr;
-+ }
-+ "dest. address of packet: %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x",
-+ NIPV6ADDR(daddr));
-+ DEBUG(DBG_DATADUMP, " and src. address: %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x",
-+ NIPV6ADDR(saddr));
-+ if (old_opt) {
-+ old_hopopt = old_opt->hopopt;
-+ old_dst1opt = old_opt->dst1opt;
-+ old_srcrt = old_opt->srcrt;
-+ }
-+ if (mip6_fn.mn_use_hao != NULL)
-+ use_hao = mip6_fn.mn_use_hao(daddr, saddr);
-+ if (use_hao) {
-+ if (old_dst1opt)
-+ dst1len = ipv6_optlen(old_dst1opt);
-+ dst1len += sizeof(struct mipv6_dstopt_homeaddr) +
-+ ((6 - dst1len) & 7); /* padding */
-+ }
-+ if (mipv6_bcache_get(daddr, saddr, &bc_entry) == 0)
-+ srcrtlen = sizeof(struct rt2_hdr);
-+ if ((tot_len = srcrtlen + dst1len) == 0) {
-+ return old_opt;
-+ }
-+ tot_len += sizeof(*opt);
-+ if (!(opt = kmalloc(tot_len, GFP_ATOMIC))) {
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ memset(opt, 0, tot_len);
-+ opt->tot_len = tot_len;
-+ opt_ptr = (__u8 *) (opt + 1);
-+ if (old_srcrt) {
-+ opt->srcrt = old_srcrt;
-+ opt->opt_nflen += ipv6_optlen(old_srcrt);
-+ }
-+ if (srcrtlen) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_DATADUMP, "Binding exists. Adding routing header");
-+ opt->srcrt2 = (struct ipv6_rt_hdr *) opt_ptr;
-+ opt->opt_nflen += srcrtlen;
-+ opt_ptr += srcrtlen;
-+ /*
-+ * Append care-of-address to routing header (original
-+ * destination address is home address, the first
-+ * source route segment gets put to the destination
-+ * address and the home address gets to the last
-+ * segment of source route (just as it should))
-+ */
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&coaddr, &bc_entry.coa);
-+ mipv6_append_rt2hdr(opt->srcrt2, &coaddr);
-+ /*
-+ * reroute output (we have to do this in case of TCP
-+ * segment) unless a routing header of type 0 is also added
-+ */
-+ if (dst && !opt->srcrt) {
-+ struct in6_addr *tmp = fl->fl6_dst;
-+ fl->fl6_dst = &coaddr;
-+ dst_release(*dst);
-+ *dst = ip6_route_output(sk, fl);
-+ if (skb)
-+ skb->dst = *dst;
-+ fl->fl6_dst = tmp;
-+ DEBUG(DBG_DATADUMP, "Rerouted outgoing packet");
-+ }
-+ }
-+ /* Only home address option is inserted to first dst opt header */
-+ if (dst1len) {
-+ opt->dst1opt = (struct ipv6_opt_hdr *) opt_ptr;
-+ opt->opt_flen += dst1len;
-+ opt_ptr += dst1len;
-+ mipv6_append_dst1opts(opt->dst1opt, saddr,
-+ old_dst1opt, dst1len);
-+ opt->mipv6_flags = MIPV6_SND_HAO;
-+ } else if (old_dst1opt) {
-+ opt->dst1opt = old_dst1opt;
-+ opt->opt_flen += ipv6_optlen(old_dst1opt);
-+ }
-+ if (old_hopopt) {
-+ opt->hopopt = old_hopopt;
-+ opt->opt_nflen += ipv6_optlen(old_hopopt);
-+ }
-+ return opt;
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/exthdrs.h linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/exthdrs.h
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/exthdrs.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/exthdrs.h 2004-06-26 11:29:30.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
-+ * MIPL Mobile IPv6 Extension Headers header file
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ */
-+#ifndef _MIPV6_EXTHDRS_H
-+#define _MIPV6_EXTHDRS_H
-+struct in6_addr;
-+struct sk_buff;
-+struct ipv6_rt_hdr;
-+struct ipv6_opt_hdr;
-+struct ipv6_txoptions;
-+struct flowi;
-+struct dst_entry;
-+ * Home Address Destination Option function prototypes
-+ */
-+int mipv6_append_home_addr(__u8 *opt, int offset, struct in6_addr *addr);
-+int mipv6_handle_homeaddr(struct sk_buff *skb, int optoff);
-+void mipv6_icmp_swap_addrs(struct sk_buff *skb);
-+ * Creates a routing header of type 2.
-+ */
-+void mipv6_append_rt2hdr(struct ipv6_rt_hdr *srcrt, struct in6_addr *addr);
-+/* Function to add the first destination option header, which may
-+ * include a home address option.
-+ */
-+void mipv6_append_dst1opts(struct ipv6_opt_hdr *dst1opt, struct in6_addr *saddr,
-+ struct ipv6_opt_hdr *old_dst1opt, int len);
-+struct ipv6_txoptions *mipv6_modify_txoptions(
-+ struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb,
-+ struct ipv6_txoptions *old_opt, struct flowi *fl,
-+ struct dst_entry **dst);
-+#endif /* _MIPV6_EXTHDRS_H */
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/ha.c linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/ha.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/ha.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/ha.c 2004-06-26 11:29:30.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
-+ * Home-agent functionality
-+ *
-+ * Authors:
-+ * Sami Kivisaari <>
-+ * Henrik Petander <>
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * Changes: Venkata Jagana,
-+ * Krishna Kumar : Statistics fix
-+ * Masahide Nakamura : Use of mipv6_forward
-+ *
-+ */
-+#include <linux/autoconf.h>
-+#include <linux/net.h>
-+#include <linux/skbuff.h>
-+#include <linux/if_ether.h>
-+#include <linux/netdevice.h>
-+#include <linux/in6.h>
-+#include <linux/init.h>
-+#include <linux/netfilter.h>
-+#include <linux/netfilter_ipv6.h>
-+#include <linux/sysctl.h>
-+#include <net/neighbour.h>
-+#include <net/ipv6.h>
-+#include <net/ip6_fib.h>
-+#include <net/ip6_route.h>
-+#include <net/ndisc.h>
-+#include <net/addrconf.h>
-+#include <net/neighbour.h>
-+#include "tunnel_ha.h"
-+#include "bcache.h"
-+#include "stats.h"
-+#include "debug.h"
-+#include "util.h"
-+#include "ha.h"
-+#include "config.h"
-+#include "mobhdr.h"
-+static int mipv6_ha_tunnel_sitelocal = 0;
-+static struct ctl_table_header *mipv6_ha_sysctl_header;
-+static struct mipv6_ha_sysctl_table
-+ struct ctl_table_header *sysctl_header;
-+ ctl_table mipv6_vars[3];
-+ ctl_table mipv6_mobility_table[2];
-+ ctl_table mipv6_proto_table[2];
-+ ctl_table mipv6_root_table[2];
-+} mipv6_ha_sysctl = {
-+ NULL,
-+ {{NET_IPV6_MOBILITY_TUNNEL_SITELOCAL, "tunnel_sitelocal",
-+ &mipv6_ha_tunnel_sitelocal, sizeof(int), 0644, NULL,
-+ &proc_dointvec},
-+ {0}},
-+ {{NET_IPV6_MOBILITY, "mobility", NULL, 0, 0555,
-+ mipv6_ha_sysctl.mipv6_vars}, {0}},
-+ {{NET_IPV6, "ipv6", NULL, 0, 0555,
-+ mipv6_ha_sysctl.mipv6_mobility_table}, {0}},
-+ {{CTL_NET, "net", NULL, 0, 0555,
-+ mipv6_ha_sysctl.mipv6_proto_table}, {0}}
-+#endif /* CONFIG_SYSCTL */
-+/* this is defined in kernel IPv6 module (sockglue.c) */
-+extern struct packet_type ipv6_packet_type;
-+/* mipv6_forward: Intercept NS packets destined to home address of MN */
-+int mipv6_forward(struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ struct ipv6hdr *ipv6h;
-+ struct in6_addr *daddr, *saddr;
-+ __u8 nexthdr;
-+ int nhoff;
-+ if (skb == NULL) return 0;
-+ ipv6h = skb->nh.ipv6h;
-+ daddr = &ipv6h->daddr;
-+ saddr = &ipv6h->saddr;
-+ nexthdr = ipv6h->nexthdr;
-+ nhoff = sizeof(*ipv6h);
-+ if (ipv6_ext_hdr(nexthdr))
-+ nhoff = ipv6_skip_exthdr(skb, nhoff, &nexthdr,
-+ skb->len - sizeof(*ipv6h));
-+ /* Do not to forward Neighbor Solicitation to Home Address of MN */
-+ if (nexthdr == IPPROTO_ICMPV6) {
-+ struct icmp6hdr *icmp6h;
-+ int dest_type;
-+ if (nhoff < 0 || !pskb_may_pull(skb, nhoff +
-+ sizeof(struct icmp6hdr))) {
-+ kfree_skb(skb);
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ dest_type = ipv6_addr_type(daddr);
-+ icmp6h = (struct icmp6hdr *)&skb->nh.raw[nhoff];
-+ /* Intercepts NS to HoA of MN */
-+ if ((icmp6h->icmp6_type == NDISC_NEIGHBOUR_SOLICITATION) ||
-+ ((dest_type & IPV6_ADDR_MULTICAST) &&
-+ (icmp6h->icmp6_type == NDISC_ROUTER_ADVERTISEMENT))) {
-+ ip6_input(skb);
-+ } else {
-+ ip6_forward(skb);
-+ }
-+ } else {
-+ ip6_forward(skb);
-+ }
-+ return 0;
-+ * mipv6_proxy_nd_rem - stop acting as a proxy for @home_address
-+ * @home_addr: address to remove
-+ * @ha_addr: home agent's address on home link
-+ * @linklocal: link-local compatibility bit
-+ *
-+ * When Home Agent acts as a proxy for an address it must leave the
-+ * solicited node multicast group for that address and stop responding
-+ * to neighbour solicitations.
-+ **/
-+static int mipv6_proxy_nd_rem(struct in6_addr *home_addr,
-+ int ifindex, int linklocal)
-+ /* When MN returns home HA leaves the solicited mcast groups
-+ * for MNs home addresses
-+ */
-+ int err;
-+ struct net_device *dev;
-+ if ((dev = dev_get_by_index(ifindex)) == NULL) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "couldn't get dev");
-+ return -ENODEV;
-+ }
-+#if 1 /* TEST */
-+ /* Remove link-local entry */
-+ if (linklocal) {
-+ struct in6_addr ll_addr;
-+ mipv6_generate_ll_addr(&ll_addr, home_addr);
-+ if ((err = pneigh_delete(&nd_tbl, &ll_addr, dev)) < 0) {
-+ "peigh_delete failed for "
-+ "%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x",
-+ NIPV6ADDR(&ll_addr));
-+ }
-+ }
-+ /* Remove global (or site-local) entry */
-+ if ((err = pneigh_delete(&nd_tbl, home_addr, dev)) < 0) {
-+ "peigh_delete failed for "
-+ "%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x",
-+ NIPV6ADDR(home_addr));
-+ }
-+ dev_put(dev);
-+ return err;
-+ * mipv6_proxy_nd - join multicast group for this address
-+ * @home_addr: address to defend
-+ * @ha_addr: home agent's address on home link
-+ * @linklocal: link-local compatibility bit
-+ *
-+ * While Mobile Node is away from home, Home Agent acts as a proxy for
-+ * @home_address. HA responds to neighbour solicitations for @home_address
-+ * thus getting all packets destined to home address of MN.
-+ **/
-+static int mipv6_proxy_nd(struct in6_addr *home_addr,
-+ int ifindex, int linklocal)
-+ /* The HA sends a proxy ndisc_na message to all hosts on MN's
-+ * home subnet by sending a neighbor advertisement with the
-+ * home address or all addresses of the mobile node if the
-+ * prefix is not 0. The addresses are formed by combining the
-+ * suffix or the host part of the address with each subnet
-+ * prefix that exists in the home subnet
-+ */
-+ /* Since no previous entry for MN exists a proxy_nd advertisement
-+ * is sent to all nodes link local multicast address
-+ */
-+ int err = -1;
-+ struct net_device *dev;
-+ struct in6_addr na_saddr;
-+ struct in6_addr ll_addr;
-+ struct pneigh_entry *ll_pneigh;
-+ struct in6_addr mcdest;
-+ int send_ll_na = 0;
-+ int inc_opt = 1;
-+ int solicited = 0;
-+ int override = 1;
-+ if ((dev = dev_get_by_index(ifindex)) == NULL) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "couldn't get dev");
-+ return -ENODEV;
-+ }
-+ if (!pneigh_lookup(&nd_tbl, home_addr, dev, 1)) {
-+ "peigh_lookup failed for "
-+ "%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x",
-+ NIPV6ADDR(home_addr));
-+ goto free_dev;
-+ }
-+#if 1 /* TEST */
-+ if (linklocal) {
-+ mipv6_generate_ll_addr(&ll_addr, home_addr);
-+ if ((ll_pneigh = pneigh_lookup(&nd_tbl, &ll_addr,
-+ dev, 1)) == NULL) {
-+ "peigh_lookup failed for "
-+ "%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x",
-+ NIPV6ADDR(&ll_addr));
-+ pneigh_delete(&nd_tbl, home_addr, dev);
-+ goto free_dev;
-+ } else {
-+ send_ll_na = 1;
-+ }
-+ } else {
-+ ll_pneigh = NULL;
-+ }
-+ /* Proxy neighbor advertisement of MN's home address
-+ * to all nodes solicited multicast address
-+ */
-+ if (!ipv6_get_lladdr(dev, &na_saddr)) {
-+ ipv6_addr_all_nodes(&mcdest);
-+ ndisc_send_na(dev, NULL, &mcdest, home_addr, 0,
-+ solicited, override, inc_opt);
-+#if 1 /* TEST */
-+ if (send_ll_na) {
-+ ndisc_send_na(dev, NULL, &mcdest, &ll_addr,
-+ 0, solicited, override, inc_opt);
-+ }
-+ err = 0;
-+ } else {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "failed to get link local address for sending proxy NA");
-+ }
-+ dev_put(dev);
-+ return err;
-+struct inet6_ifaddr *is_on_link_ipv6_address(struct in6_addr *mn_haddr,
-+ struct in6_addr *ha_addr)
-+ struct inet6_ifaddr *ifp;
-+ struct inet6_dev *in6_dev;
-+ struct inet6_ifaddr *oifp = NULL;
-+ if ((ifp = ipv6_get_ifaddr(ha_addr, 0)) == NULL)
-+ return NULL;
-+ if ((in6_dev = ifp->idev) != NULL) {
-+ in6_dev_hold(in6_dev);
-+ oifp = in6_dev->addr_list;
-+ while (oifp != NULL) {
-+ spin_lock(&oifp->lock);
-+ if (mipv6_prefix_compare(&oifp->addr, mn_haddr,
-+ oifp->prefix_len) &&
-+ !(oifp->flags & IFA_F_TENTATIVE)) {
-+ spin_unlock(&oifp->lock);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Home Addr Opt: on-link");
-+ in6_ifa_hold(oifp);
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock(&oifp->lock);
-+ oifp = oifp->if_next;
-+ }
-+ in6_dev_put(in6_dev);
-+ }
-+ in6_ifa_put(ifp);
-+/* DEBUG(DBG_WARNING, "Home Addr Opt NOT on-link"); */
-+ return oifp;
-+ * Lifetime checks. ifp->valid_lft >= ifp->prefered_lft always (see addrconf.c)
-+ * Returned value is in seconds.
-+ */
-+static __u32 get_min_lifetime(struct inet6_ifaddr *ifp, __u32 lifetime)
-+ __u32 rem_lifetime = 0;
-+ unsigned long now = jiffies;
-+ if (ifp->valid_lft == 0) {
-+ rem_lifetime = lifetime;
-+ } else {
-+ __u32 valid_lft_left =
-+ ifp->valid_lft - ((now - ifp->tstamp) / HZ);
-+ rem_lifetime =
-+ min_t(unsigned long, valid_lft_left, lifetime);
-+ }
-+ return rem_lifetime;
-+#define MAX_LIFETIME 1000
-+ * mipv6_lifetime_check - check maximum lifetime is not exceeded
-+ * @lifetime: lifetime to check
-+ *
-+ * Checks @lifetime does not exceed %MAX_LIFETIME. Returns @lifetime
-+ * if not exceeded, otherwise returns %MAX_LIFETIME.
-+ **/
-+static int mipv6_lifetime_check(int lifetime)
-+ return (lifetime > MAX_LIFETIME) ? MAX_LIFETIME : lifetime;
-+/* Generic routine handling finish of BU processing */
-+void mipv6_bu_finish(struct inet6_ifaddr *ifp, int ifindex, __u8 ba_status,
-+ struct in6_addr *daddr, struct in6_addr *haddr,
-+ struct in6_addr *coa, struct in6_addr *rep_coa,
-+ __u32 ba_lifetime, __u16 sequence, __u8 flags, __u8 *k_bu)
-+ int err;
-+ if (ba_status >= REASON_UNSPECIFIED) {
-+ /* DAD failed */
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ ba_lifetime = get_min_lifetime(ifp, ba_lifetime);
-+ ba_lifetime = mipv6_lifetime_check(ba_lifetime);
-+ if ((err = mipv6_bcache_add(ifindex, daddr, haddr, coa,
-+ ba_lifetime, sequence, flags,
-+ DEBUG(DBG_WARNING, "home reg failed.");
-+ if (err == -ENOMEDIUM)
-+ return;
-+ } else {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "home reg succeeded.");
-+ }
-+ DEBUG(DBG_DATADUMP, "home_addr: %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x",
-+ NIPV6ADDR(haddr));
-+ DEBUG(DBG_DATADUMP, "coa: %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x",
-+ NIPV6ADDR(coa));
-+ DEBUG(DBG_DATADUMP, "lifet:%d, seq:%d", ba_lifetime, sequence);
-+ mipv6_send_ba(daddr, haddr, coa, rep_coa, ba_status, sequence,
-+ ba_lifetime, k_bu);
-+static int ha_proxy_create(int flags, int ifindex, struct in6_addr *coa,
-+ struct in6_addr *our_addr, struct in6_addr *home_addr)
-+ int ret;
-+ if ((ret = mipv6_add_tnl_to_mn(coa, our_addr, home_addr)) <= 0) {
-+ if (ret != -ENOMEDIUM) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "unable to configure tunnel to MN!");
-+ }
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ if (mipv6_proxy_nd(home_addr, ifindex,
-+ flags & MIPV6_BU_F_LLADDR) != 0) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "mipv6_proxy_nd failed!");
-+ mipv6_del_tnl_to_mn(coa, our_addr, home_addr);
-+ return -2;
-+ }
-+ return 0;
-+static void ha_proxy_del(struct in6_addr *home_addr, struct mipv6_bce *entry)
-+ if (mipv6_proxy_nd_rem(&entry->home_addr, entry->ifindex,
-+ entry->flags & MIPV6_BU_F_LLADDR) == 0) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "proxy_nd succ");
-+ } else {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "proxy_nd fail");
-+ }
-+ mipv6_del_tnl_to_mn(&entry->coa, &entry->our_addr, home_addr);
-+static void bc_home_add(int ifindex,
-+ struct in6_addr *daddr, struct in6_addr *haddr,
-+ struct in6_addr *coa, struct in6_addr *rep_coa,
-+ __u32 lifetime, __u16 sequence, __u8 flags,
-+ __u8 *k_bu)
-+ struct inet6_ifaddr *ifp = NULL;
-+ __u8 ba_status = SUCCESS;
-+ ifp = is_on_link_ipv6_address(haddr, daddr);
-+ if (ifp == NULL) {
-+ ba_status = NOT_HOME_SUBNET;
-+ } else if (((ipv6_addr_type(haddr) & IPV6_ADDR_SITELOCAL) ||
-+ (ipv6_addr_type(coa) & IPV6_ADDR_SITELOCAL))
-+ && !mipv6_ha_tunnel_sitelocal) {
-+ /* Site-local home or care-of addresses are not
-+ accepted by default */
-+ } else {
-+ int ret;
-+ ifindex = ifp->idev->dev->ifindex;
-+ if ((ret = mipv6_dad_start(ifp, ifindex, daddr,
-+ haddr, coa, rep_coa, lifetime,
-+ sequence, flags)) < 0) {
-+ /* An error occurred */
-+ ba_status = -ret;
-+ } else if (ret) {
-+ /* DAD is needed to be performed. */
-+ in6_ifa_put(ifp);
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ mipv6_bu_finish(ifp, ifindex, ba_status, daddr, haddr, coa,
-+ rep_coa, lifetime, sequence, flags, k_bu);
-+ if (ifp)
-+ in6_ifa_put(ifp);
-+static void bc_home_delete(struct in6_addr *daddr, struct in6_addr *haddr,
-+ struct in6_addr *coa, struct in6_addr *rep_coa,
-+ __u16 sequence, __u8 flags, __u8 *k_bu)
-+ __u8 status = SUCCESS;
-+ struct mipv6_bce bce;
-+ /* Primary Care-of Address Deregistration */
-+ if (mipv6_bcache_get(haddr, daddr, &bce) < 0) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "entry is not in cache");
-+ status = NOT_HA_FOR_MN;
-+ } else {
-+ ha_proxy_del(&bce.home_addr, &bce);
-+ mipv6_bcache_delete(haddr, daddr, HOME_REGISTRATION);
-+ }
-+ mipv6_send_ba(daddr, haddr, coa, rep_coa, status, sequence, 0, k_bu);
-+extern int mipv6_ra_rcv_ptr(struct sk_buff *skb, struct icmp6hdr *msg);
-+static int
-+mipv6_ha_tnl_xmit_stats_hook(struct ip6_tnl *t, struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ if (is_mip6_tnl(t))
-+ MIPV6_INC_STATS(n_encapsulations);
-+ return IP6_TNL_ACCEPT;
-+static struct ip6_tnl_hook_ops mipv6_ha_tnl_xmit_stats_ops = {
-+ {NULL, NULL},
-+ mipv6_ha_tnl_xmit_stats_hook
-+static int
-+mipv6_ha_tnl_rcv_stats_hook(struct ip6_tnl *t, struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ if (is_mip6_tnl(t))
-+ MIPV6_INC_STATS(n_decapsulations);
-+ return IP6_TNL_ACCEPT;
-+static struct ip6_tnl_hook_ops mipv6_ha_tnl_rcv_stats_ops = {
-+ {NULL, NULL},
-+ mipv6_ha_tnl_rcv_stats_hook
-+static struct mip6_func old;
-+int __init mipv6_ha_init(void)
-+ if (!(mipv6_ha_sysctl_header =
-+ register_sysctl_table(mipv6_ha_sysctl.mipv6_root_table, 0)))
-+ printk(KERN_ERR "Failed to register sysctl handlers!");
-+ memcpy(&old, &mip6_fn, sizeof(struct mip6_func));
-+ mip6_fn.bce_home_add = bc_home_add;
-+ mip6_fn.bce_home_del = bc_home_delete;
-+ mip6_fn.proxy_del = ha_proxy_del;
-+ mip6_fn.proxy_create = ha_proxy_create;
-+ /* register packet interception hooks */
-+ ip6ip6_tnl_register_hook(&mipv6_ha_tnl_xmit_stats_ops);
-+ ip6ip6_tnl_register_hook(&mipv6_ha_tnl_rcv_stats_ops);
-+ return 0;
-+void __exit mipv6_ha_exit(void)
-+ unregister_sysctl_table(mipv6_ha_sysctl_header);
-+ /* remove packet interception hooks */
-+ ip6ip6_tnl_unregister_hook(&mipv6_ha_tnl_rcv_stats_ops);
-+ ip6ip6_tnl_unregister_hook(&mipv6_ha_tnl_xmit_stats_ops);
-+ mip6_fn.bce_home_add = old.bce_home_add;
-+ mip6_fn.bce_home_del = old.bce_home_del;
-+ mip6_fn.proxy_del = old.proxy_del;
-+ mip6_fn.proxy_create = old.proxy_create;
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/ha.h linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/ha.h
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/ha.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/ha.h 2004-06-26 11:29:30.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
-+ * MIPL Mobile IPv6 Home Agent header file
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ */
-+#ifndef _HA_H
-+#define _HA_H
-+int mipv6_ha_init(void);
-+void mipv6_ha_exit(void);
-+int mipv6_dad_start(struct inet6_ifaddr *ifp, int ifindex,
-+ struct in6_addr *daddr, struct in6_addr *haddr,
-+ struct in6_addr *coa, struct in6_addr *rep_coa,
-+ __u32 ba_lifetime, __u16 sequence, __u8 flags);
-+void mipv6_bu_finish(struct inet6_ifaddr *ifp, int ifindex,
-+ __u8 ba_status, struct in6_addr *daddr,
-+ struct in6_addr *haddr, struct in6_addr *coa,
-+ struct in6_addr *rep_coa, __u32 ba_lifetime,
-+ __u16 sequence, __u8 flags, __u8 *k_bu);
-+static __inline__ void mipv6_generate_ll_addr(struct in6_addr *ll_addr,
-+ struct in6_addr *addr)
-+ ll_addr->s6_addr32[0] = htonl(0xfe800000);
-+ ll_addr->s6_addr32[1] = 0;
-+ ll_addr->s6_addr32[2] = addr->s6_addr32[2];
-+ ll_addr->s6_addr32[3] = addr->s6_addr32[3];
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/halist.c linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/halist.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/halist.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/halist.c 2004-06-26 11:29:30.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,507 @@
-+ * Home Agents List
-+ *
-+ * Authors:
-+ * Antti Tuominen <>
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#define PREF_BASE 0xffff /* MAX value for u16 field in RA */
-+#include <linux/autoconf.h>
-+#include <linux/sched.h>
-+#include <linux/timer.h>
-+#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
-+#include <linux/init.h>
-+#include <net/ipv6.h>
-+#include <net/addrconf.h>
-+#include "hashlist.h"
-+#include "util.h"
-+#include "debug.h"
-+struct mipv6_halist {
-+ struct hashlist *entries;
-+ struct timer_list expire_timer;
-+static rwlock_t home_agents_lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-+static struct mipv6_halist home_agents;
-+struct mipv6_halist_entry {
-+ struct hashlist_entry e;
-+ int ifindex; /* Link identifier */
-+ struct in6_addr link_local_addr; /* HA's link-local address */
-+ struct in6_addr global_addr; /* HA's Global address */
-+ int plen;
-+ long preference; /* The preference for this HA */
-+ unsigned long expire; /* expiration time (jiffies) */
-+static inline void mipv6_ha_ac_add(struct in6_addr *ll_addr, int ifindex,
-+ struct in6_addr *glob_addr, int plen)
-+ struct net_device *dev;
-+ if ((dev = __dev_get_by_index(ifindex)) && ipv6_chk_addr(ll_addr, dev)) {
-+ struct in6_addr addr;
-+ mipv6_ha_anycast(&addr, glob_addr, plen);
-+ ipv6_dev_ac_inc(dev, &addr);
-+ }
-+static inline void mipv6_ha_ac_del(struct in6_addr *ll_addr, int ifindex,
-+ struct in6_addr *glob_addr, int plen)
-+ struct net_device *dev;
-+ if ((dev = __dev_get_by_index(ifindex)) && ipv6_chk_addr(ll_addr, dev)) {
-+ struct in6_addr addr;
-+ mipv6_ha_anycast(&addr, glob_addr, plen);
-+ ipv6_dev_ac_dec(dev, &addr);
-+ }
-+struct preflist_iterator_args {
-+ int count;
-+ int requested;
-+ int ifindex;
-+ struct in6_addr *list;
-+static int preflist_iterator(void *data, void *args,
-+ unsigned long *pref)
-+ struct preflist_iterator_args *state =
-+ (struct preflist_iterator_args *)args;
-+ struct mipv6_halist_entry *entry =
-+ (struct mipv6_halist_entry *)data;
-+ struct in6_addr *newaddr =
-+ (struct in6_addr *)state->list + state->count;
-+ if (state->count >= state->requested)
-+ return ITERATOR_STOP;
-+ if (time_after(jiffies, entry->expire)) {
-+ if (!ipv6_addr_any(&entry->link_local_addr)) {
-+ mipv6_ha_ac_del(&entry->link_local_addr,
-+ entry->ifindex,
-+ &entry->global_addr, entry->plen);
-+ }
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "preflist_iterator: Deleting entry with address %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x to list", NIPV6ADDR(&entry->global_addr));
-+ }
-+ if (state->ifindex != entry->ifindex)
-+ return ITERATOR_CONT;
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(newaddr, &entry->global_addr);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "preflist_iterator: adding new entry with address %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x to list", NIPV6ADDR(&entry->global_addr));
-+ state->count++;
-+ return ITERATOR_CONT;
-+static int gc_iterator(void *data, void *args,
-+ unsigned long *pref)
-+ struct mipv6_halist_entry *entry =
-+ (struct mipv6_halist_entry *)data;
-+ int *type = (int *)args;
-+ if (*type == 1 || time_after(jiffies, entry->expire)) {
-+ if (!ipv6_addr_any(&entry->link_local_addr)) {
-+ mipv6_ha_ac_del(&entry->link_local_addr,
-+ entry->ifindex,
-+ &entry->global_addr, entry->plen);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return ITERATOR_CONT;
-+static int mipv6_halist_gc(int type)
-+ hashlist_iterate(home_agents.entries, &type, gc_iterator);
-+ return 0;
-+static void mipv6_halist_expire(unsigned long dummy)
-+ write_lock(&home_agents_lock);
-+ mipv6_halist_gc(0);
-+ write_unlock(&home_agents_lock);
-+static struct mipv6_halist_entry *mipv6_halist_new_entry(void)
-+ struct mipv6_halist_entry *entry;
-+ entry = hashlist_alloc(home_agents.entries, SLAB_ATOMIC);
-+ return entry;
-+ * mipv6_halist_add - Add new home agent to the Home Agents List
-+ * @ifindex: interface identifier
-+ * @glob_addr: home agent's global address
-+ * @ll_addr: home agent's link-local address
-+ * @pref: relative preference for this home agent
-+ * @lifetime: lifetime for the entry
-+ *
-+ * Adds new home agent to the Home Agents List. The list is interface
-+ * specific and @ifindex tells through which interface the home agent
-+ * was heard. Returns zero on success and negative on failure.
-+ **/
-+int mipv6_halist_add(int ifindex, struct in6_addr *glob_addr, int plen,
-+ struct in6_addr *ll_addr, unsigned int pref, __u32 lifetime)
-+ int update = 0, ret = 0;
-+ unsigned int mpref;
-+ struct mipv6_halist_entry *entry = NULL;
-+ write_lock(&home_agents_lock);
-+ if (glob_addr == NULL || lifetime <= 0) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_WARNING, "invalid arguments");
-+ ret = -EINVAL;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ mpref = PREF_BASE - pref;
-+ if ((entry = (struct mipv6_halist_entry *)
-+ hashlist_get(home_agents.entries, glob_addr)) != NULL) {
-+ if (entry->ifindex == ifindex) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_DATADUMP, "updating old entry with address %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x", NIPV6ADDR(glob_addr));
-+ update = 1;
-+ } else {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "halist_add : adding new entry with address %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x", NIPV6ADDR(glob_addr));
-+ update = 0;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ if (update) {
-+ entry->expire = jiffies + lifetime * HZ;
-+ if (entry->preference != mpref) {
-+ entry->preference = mpref;
-+ ret = hashlist_reposition(home_agents.entries,
-+ (void *)entry, mpref);
-+ }
-+ } else {
-+ entry = mipv6_halist_new_entry();
-+ if (entry == NULL) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "list full");
-+ ret = -ENOMEM;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ entry->ifindex = ifindex;
-+ if (ll_addr) {
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&entry->link_local_addr, ll_addr);
-+ mipv6_ha_ac_add(ll_addr, ifindex, glob_addr, plen);
-+ } else
-+ ipv6_addr_set(&entry->link_local_addr, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&entry->global_addr, glob_addr);
-+ entry->plen = plen;
-+ entry->preference = mpref;
-+ entry->expire = jiffies + lifetime * HZ;
-+ ret = hashlist_add(home_agents.entries, glob_addr, mpref,
-+ entry);
-+ }
-+ write_unlock(&home_agents_lock);
-+ return ret;
-+ * mipv6_halist_delete - delete home agent from Home Agents List
-+ * @glob_addr: home agent's global address
-+ *
-+ * Deletes entry for home agent @glob_addr from the Home Agent List.
-+ **/
-+int mipv6_halist_delete(struct in6_addr *glob_addr)
-+ struct hashlist_entry *e;
-+ struct mipv6_halist_entry *entry;
-+ if (glob_addr == NULL) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_WARNING, "invalid glob addr");
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ }
-+ write_lock(&home_agents_lock);
-+ if ((e = hashlist_get(home_agents.entries, glob_addr)) == NULL) {
-+ write_unlock(&home_agents_lock);
-+ return -ENOENT;
-+ }
-+ hashlist_delete(home_agents.entries, e);
-+ entry = (struct mipv6_halist_entry *)e;
-+ if (!ipv6_addr_any(&entry->link_local_addr)) {
-+ mipv6_ha_ac_del(&entry->link_local_addr, entry->ifindex,
-+ &entry->global_addr, entry->plen);
-+ }
-+ hashlist_free(home_agents.entries, e);
-+ write_unlock(&home_agents_lock);
-+ return 0;
-+ * mipv6_ha_get_pref_list - Get list of preferred home agents
-+ * @ifindex: interface identifier
-+ * @addrs: pointer to a buffer to store the list
-+ * @max: maximum number of home agents to return
-+ *
-+ * Creates a list of @max preferred (or all known if less than @max)
-+ * home agents. Home Agents List is interface specific so you must
-+ * supply @ifindex. Stores list in addrs and returns number of home
-+ * agents stored. On failure, returns a negative value.
-+ **/
-+int mipv6_ha_get_pref_list(int ifindex, struct in6_addr **addrs, int max)
-+ struct preflist_iterator_args args;
-+ if (max <= 0) {
-+ *addrs = NULL;
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ args.count = 0;
-+ args.requested = max;
-+ args.ifindex = ifindex;
-+ args.list = kmalloc(max * sizeof(struct in6_addr), GFP_ATOMIC);
-+ if (args.list == NULL) return -ENOMEM;
-+ read_lock(&home_agents_lock);
-+ hashlist_iterate(home_agents.entries, &args, preflist_iterator);
-+ read_unlock(&home_agents_lock);
-+ if (args.count >= 0) {
-+ *addrs = args.list;
-+ } else {
-+ kfree(args.list);
-+ *addrs = NULL;
-+ }
-+ return args.count;
-+struct getaddr_iterator_args {
-+ struct net_device *dev;
-+ struct in6_addr *addr;
-+static int getaddr_iterator(void *data, void *args,
-+ unsigned long *pref)
-+ struct mipv6_halist_entry *entry =
-+ (struct mipv6_halist_entry *)data;
-+ struct getaddr_iterator_args *state =
-+ (struct getaddr_iterator_args *)args;
-+ if (entry->ifindex != state->dev->ifindex)
-+ return ITERATOR_CONT;
-+ if (ipv6_chk_addr(&entry->global_addr, state->dev)) {
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(state->addr, &entry->global_addr);
-+ return ITERATOR_STOP;
-+ }
-+ return ITERATOR_CONT;
-+ * Get Home Agent Address for given interface. If node is not serving
-+ * as a HA for this interface returns negative error value.
-+ */
-+int mipv6_ha_get_addr(int ifindex, struct in6_addr *addr)
-+ struct getaddr_iterator_args args;
-+ struct net_device *dev;
-+ if (ifindex <= 0)
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ if ((dev = dev_get_by_index(ifindex)) == NULL)
-+ return -ENODEV;
-+ memset(addr, 0, sizeof(struct in6_addr));
-+ = dev;
-+ args.addr = addr;
-+ read_lock(&home_agents_lock);
-+ hashlist_iterate(home_agents.entries, &args, getaddr_iterator);
-+ read_unlock(&home_agents_lock);
-+ dev_put(dev);
-+ if (ipv6_addr_any(addr))
-+ return -ENOENT;
-+ return 0;
-+#define HALIST_INFO_LEN 81
-+struct procinfo_iterator_args {
-+ char *buffer;
-+ int offset;
-+ int length;
-+ int skip;
-+ int len;
-+static int procinfo_iterator(void *data, void *args,
-+ unsigned long *pref)
-+ struct procinfo_iterator_args *arg =
-+ (struct procinfo_iterator_args *)args;
-+ struct mipv6_halist_entry *entry =
-+ (struct mipv6_halist_entry *)data;
-+ unsigned long int expire;
-+ if (entry == NULL) return ITERATOR_ERR;
-+ if (time_after(jiffies, entry->expire)) {
-+ if (!ipv6_addr_any(&entry->link_local_addr)) {
-+ mipv6_ha_ac_del(&entry->link_local_addr,
-+ entry->ifindex,
-+ &entry->global_addr, entry->plen);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ if (arg->skip < arg->offset / HALIST_INFO_LEN) {
-+ arg->skip++;
-+ return ITERATOR_CONT;
-+ }
-+ if (arg->len >= arg->length)
-+ return ITERATOR_CONT;
-+ expire = (entry->expire - jiffies) / HZ;
-+ arg->len += sprintf(arg->buffer + arg->len,
-+ "%02d %08x%08x%08x%08x %08x%08x%08x%08x %05ld %05ld\n",
-+ entry->ifindex,
-+ ntohl(entry->global_addr.s6_addr32[0]),
-+ ntohl(entry->global_addr.s6_addr32[1]),
-+ ntohl(entry->global_addr.s6_addr32[2]),
-+ ntohl(entry->global_addr.s6_addr32[3]),
-+ ntohl(entry->link_local_addr.s6_addr32[0]),
-+ ntohl(entry->link_local_addr.s6_addr32[1]),
-+ ntohl(entry->link_local_addr.s6_addr32[2]),
-+ ntohl(entry->link_local_addr.s6_addr32[3]),
-+ -(entry->preference - PREF_BASE), expire);
-+ return ITERATOR_CONT;
-+static int halist_proc_info(char *buffer, char **start, off_t offset,
-+ int length)
-+ struct procinfo_iterator_args args;
-+ args.buffer = buffer;
-+ args.offset = offset;
-+ args.length = length;
-+ args.skip = 0;
-+ args.len = 0;
-+ read_lock_bh(&home_agents_lock);
-+ hashlist_iterate(home_agents.entries, &args, procinfo_iterator);
-+ read_unlock_bh(&home_agents_lock);
-+ *start = buffer;
-+ if (offset)
-+ *start += offset % HALIST_INFO_LEN;
-+ args.len -= offset % HALIST_INFO_LEN;
-+ if (args.len > length)
-+ args.len = length;
-+ if (args.len < 0)
-+ args.len = 0;
-+ return args.len;
-+static int halist_compare(void *data, void *hashkey)
-+ struct mipv6_halist_entry *e = (struct mipv6_halist_entry *)data;
-+ struct in6_addr *key = (struct in6_addr *)hashkey;
-+ return ipv6_addr_cmp(&e->global_addr, key);
-+static __u32 halist_hash(void *hashkey)
-+ struct in6_addr *key = (struct in6_addr *)hashkey;
-+ __u32 hash;
-+ hash = key->s6_addr32[0] ^
-+ key->s6_addr32[1] ^
-+ key->s6_addr32[2] ^
-+ key->s6_addr32[3];
-+ return hash;
-+int __init mipv6_halist_init(__u32 size)
-+ if (size <= 0) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "size must be at least 1");
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ }
-+ init_timer(&home_agents.expire_timer);
-+ = 0;
-+ home_agents.expire_timer.function = mipv6_halist_expire;
-+ home_agents_lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-+ home_agents.entries = hashlist_create(16, size, sizeof(struct mipv6_halist_entry),
-+ "mip6_halist", NULL, NULL,
-+ halist_compare, halist_hash);
-+ if (home_agents.entries == NULL) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "Failed to initialize hashlist");
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ }
-+ proc_net_create("mip6_home_agents", 0, halist_proc_info);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Home Agents List initialized");
-+ return 0;
-+void __exit mipv6_halist_exit(void)
-+ proc_net_remove("mip6_home_agents");
-+ write_lock_bh(&home_agents_lock);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Stopping the halist timer");
-+ del_timer(&home_agents.expire_timer);
-+ mipv6_halist_gc(1);
-+ write_unlock_bh(&home_agents_lock);
-+ hashlist_destroy(home_agents.entries);
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/halist.h linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/halist.h
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/halist.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/halist.h 2004-06-26 11:29:30.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
-+ * MIPL Mobile IPv6 Home Agents List header file
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ */
-+#ifndef _HALIST_H
-+#define _HALIST_H
-+int mipv6_halist_init(__u32 size);
-+void mipv6_halist_exit(void);
-+int mipv6_halist_add(int ifindex, struct in6_addr *glob_addr, int plen,
-+ struct in6_addr *ll_addr, unsigned int pref, __u32 lifetime);
-+int mipv6_halist_delete(struct in6_addr *glob_addr);
-+int mipv6_ha_get_pref_list(int ifindex, struct in6_addr **addrs, int max);
-+int mipv6_ha_get_addr(int ifindex, struct in6_addr *addr);
-+#endif /* _HALIST_H */
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/hashlist.c linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/hashlist.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/hashlist.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/hashlist.c 2004-06-26 11:29:31.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
-+ * Generic hashtable with chaining. Supports secodary sort order
-+ * with doubly linked-list.
-+ *
-+ * Authors:
-+ * Sami Kivisaari <>
-+ * Antti Tuominen <>
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
-+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ */
-+#include <linux/slab.h>
-+#include "hashlist.h"
-+#include "debug.h"
-+struct hashlist {
-+ int count; /* entry count */
-+ int maxcount; /* max entries */
-+ __u32 bucketnum; /* hash buckets */
-+ kmem_cache_t *kmem;
-+ struct list_head *hashtable;
-+ struct list_head sortedlist;
-+ int (*compare)(void *data, void *hashkey);
-+ __u32 (*hash_function)(void *hashkey);
-+ * hashlist_create - Create new hashlist
-+ * @bucketnum: number of hash buckets
-+ * @maxentries: maximum number of entries (0 = no limit)
-+ * @size: entry size in bytes
-+ * @name: name for kmem_cache_t
-+ * @ctor: kmem_cache_t constructor
-+ * @dtor: kmem_cache_t destructor
-+ * @compare: compare function for key
-+ * @hash_function: hash function
-+ *
-+ * Creates a hashlist structure with @max_entries entries of @size
-+ * bytes. User must supply @hash_function and @compare function for
-+ * the hashlist. User can also supply @ctor and @dtor for kmem_cache.
-+ **/
-+struct hashlist *hashlist_create(int bucketnum, int max_entries, size_t size,
-+ char *name,
-+ void (*ctor)(void *, kmem_cache_t *, unsigned long),
-+ void (*dtor)(void *, kmem_cache_t *, unsigned long),
-+ int (*compare)(void *data, void *hashkey),
-+ __u32 (*hash_function)(void *hashkey))
-+ int i;
-+ struct hashlist *hl;
-+ if (!compare || !hash_function)
-+ goto hlfailed;
-+ hl = kmalloc(sizeof(struct hashlist), GFP_ATOMIC);
-+ if (!hl) goto hlfailed;
-+ hl->kmem = kmem_cache_create(name, size, 0, 0, ctor, dtor);
-+ if (!hl->kmem) goto poolfailed;
-+ hl->hashtable = kmalloc(
-+ sizeof(struct list_head) * bucketnum, GFP_ATOMIC);
-+ if (!hl->hashtable) goto hashfailed;
-+ for (i = 0; i < bucketnum; i++)
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&hl->hashtable[i]);
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&hl->sortedlist);
-+ hl->maxcount = max_entries;
-+ hl->count = 0;
-+ hl->bucketnum = bucketnum;
-+ hl->compare = compare;
-+ hl->hash_function = hash_function;
-+ return hl;
-+ kmem_cache_destroy(hl->kmem);
-+ hl->kmem = NULL;
-+ kfree(hl);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "could not create hashlist");
-+ return NULL;
-+ * hashlist_destroy - Destroy hashlist
-+ * @hashlist: hashlist to destroy
-+ *
-+ * Frees all memory allocated for a hashlist.
-+ **/
-+void hashlist_destroy(struct hashlist *hashlist)
-+ if (hashlist == NULL) return;
-+ if (hashlist->hashtable) {
-+ kfree(hashlist->hashtable);
-+ hashlist->hashtable = NULL;
-+ }
-+ if (hashlist->kmem) {
-+ kmem_cache_destroy(hashlist->kmem);
-+ hashlist->kmem = NULL;
-+ }
-+ kfree(hashlist);
-+ return;
-+ * Insert a chain of entries to hashlist into correct order. The
-+ * entries are assumed to have valid hashkeys. We use time_after_eq
-+ * for comparing, since it handles wrap-around correctly, and the
-+ * sortkey is usually jiffies.
-+ */
-+static void sorted_insert(struct list_head *lh, struct hashlist_entry *he)
-+ struct list_head *p;
-+ struct hashlist_entry *hlp = NULL;
-+ unsigned long sortkey = he->sortkey;
-+ if (list_empty(lh)) {
-+ list_add(&he->sorted, lh);
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ list_for_each(p, lh) {
-+ hlp = list_entry(p, typeof(*hlp), sorted);
-+ if (time_after_eq(hlp->sortkey, sortkey)) {
-+ list_add(&he->sorted, hlp->sorted.prev);
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ list_add(&he->sorted, &hlp->sorted);
-+ * hashlist_iterate - Apply function for all elements in a hash list
-+ * @hashlist: pointer to hashlist
-+ * @args: data to pass to the function
-+ * @func: pointer to a function
-+ *
-+ * Apply arbitrary function @func to all elements in a hash list.
-+ * @func must be a pointer to a function with the following prototype:
-+ * int func(void *entry, void *arg, struct in6_addr *hashkey, unsigned
-+ * long *sortkey). Function must return %ITERATOR_STOP,
-+ * iterator and returns last return value from the function.
-+ * %ITERATOR_CONT continues with iteration. %ITERATOR_DELETE_ENTRY
-+ * deletes current entry from the hashlist. If function changes
-+ * hashlist element's sortkey, iterator automatically schedules
-+ * element to be reinserted after all elements have been processed.
-+ */
-+int hashlist_iterate(
-+ struct hashlist *hashlist, void *args,
-+ hashlist_iterator_t func)
-+ int res = ITERATOR_CONT;
-+ unsigned long skey;
-+ struct list_head *p, *n, repos;
-+ struct hashlist_entry *he;
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&repos);
-+ list_for_each_safe(p, n, &hashlist->sortedlist) {
-+ he = list_entry(p, typeof(*he), sorted);
-+ if (res == ITERATOR_STOP)
-+ break;
-+ skey = he->sortkey;
-+ res = func(he, args, &he->sortkey);
-+ if (res == ITERATOR_DELETE_ENTRY) {
-+ hashlist_delete(hashlist, he);
-+ hashlist_free(hashlist, he);
-+ } else if (skey != he->sortkey) {
-+ /* iterator changed the sortkey, schedule for
-+ * repositioning */
-+ list_move(&he->sorted, &repos);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ list_for_each_safe(p, n, &repos) {
-+ he = list_entry(p, typeof(*he), sorted);
-+ sorted_insert(&hashlist->sortedlist, he);
-+ }
-+ return res;
-+ * hashlist_alloc - Allocate memory for a hashlist entry
-+ * @hashlist: hashlist for allocated entry
-+ * @size: size of entry in bytes
-+ *
-+ * Allocates @size bytes memory from @hashlist->kmem.
-+ **/
-+void *hashlist_alloc(struct hashlist *hashlist, int type)
-+ if (hashlist == NULL) return NULL;
-+ return kmem_cache_alloc(hashlist->kmem, type);
-+ * hashlist_free - Free hashlist entry
-+ * @hashlist: hashlist where @he is
-+ * @he: entry to free
-+ *
-+ * Frees an allocated hashlist entry.
-+ **/
-+void hashlist_free(struct hashlist *hashlist, struct hashlist_entry *he)
-+ kmem_cache_free(hashlist->kmem, he);
-+ * hashlist_add - Add element to hashlist
-+ * @hashlist: pointer to hashlist
-+ * @hashkey: hashkey for the element
-+ * @sortkey: key for sorting
-+ * @data: element data
-+ *
-+ * Add element to hashlist. Hashlist is also sorted in a linked list
-+ * by @sortkey.
-+ */
-+int hashlist_add(struct hashlist *hashlist, void *hashkey,
-+ unsigned long sortkey, void *entry)
-+ struct hashlist_entry *he = (struct hashlist_entry *)entry;
-+ unsigned int hash;
-+ if (hashlist->count >= hashlist->maxcount)
-+ return -1;
-+ hashlist->count++;
-+ /* link the entry to sorted order */
-+ he->sortkey = sortkey;
-+ sorted_insert(&hashlist->sortedlist, he);
-+ /* hash the entry */
-+ hash = hashlist->hash_function(hashkey) % hashlist->bucketnum;
-+ list_add(&he->hashlist, &hashlist->hashtable[hash]);
-+ return 0;
-+ * hashlist_get_ex - Get element from hashlist
-+ * @hashlist: hashlist
-+ * @hashkey: hashkey of the desired entry
-+ *
-+ * Lookup entry with @hashkey from the hash table using @compare
-+ * function for entry comparison. Returns entry on success, otherwise
-+ * %NULL.
-+ **/
-+struct hashlist_entry *hashlist_get_ex(
-+ struct hashlist *hashlist, void *hashkey,
-+ int (*compare)(void *data, void *hashkey))
-+ struct list_head *p, *bkt;
-+ __u32 hash;
-+ hash = hashlist->hash_function(hashkey) % hashlist->bucketnum;
-+ bkt = &hashlist->hashtable[hash];
-+ /* scan the entries within the same hashbucket */
-+ list_for_each(p, bkt) {
-+ struct hashlist_entry *he = list_entry(p, typeof(*he),
-+ hashlist);
-+ if (compare(he, hashkey) == 0)
-+ return he;
-+ }
-+ return NULL;
-+ * hashlist_get - Get element from hashlist
-+ * @hashlist: hashlist
-+ * @hashkey: hashkey of the desired entry
-+ *
-+ * Lookup entry with @hashkey from the hash table. Returns entry on
-+ * success, otherwise %NULL.
-+ **/
-+struct hashlist_entry *hashlist_get(struct hashlist *hashlist, void *hashkey)
-+ return hashlist_get_ex(hashlist, hashkey, hashlist->compare);
-+ * hashlist_reposition - set entry to new position in the list
-+ * @hashlist: hashlist
-+ * @he: entry to reposition
-+ * @sortkey: new sortkey of the entry
-+ *
-+ * If secondary order sortkey changes, entry must be repositioned in
-+ * the sorted list.
-+ **/
-+int hashlist_reposition(struct hashlist *hashlist, struct hashlist_entry *he,
-+ unsigned long sortkey)
-+ list_del(&he->sorted);
-+ he->sortkey = sortkey;
-+ sorted_insert(&hashlist->sortedlist, he);
-+ return 0;
-+ * hashlist_delete - Delete entry from hashlist
-+ * @hashlist: hashlist where entry is
-+ * @he: entry to delete
-+ *
-+ * Deletes an entry from the hashlist and sorted list.
-+ **/
-+void hashlist_delete(struct hashlist *hashlist,
-+ struct hashlist_entry *he)
-+ list_del_init(&he->hashlist);
-+ list_del_init(&he->sorted);
-+ hashlist->count--;
-+ * hashlist_get_first - Get first item from sorted list
-+ * @hashlist: pointer to hashlist
-+ *
-+ * Returns first item in the secondary sort order.
-+ **/
-+void * hashlist_get_first(struct hashlist *hashlist)
-+ if (list_empty(&hashlist->sortedlist))
-+ return NULL;
-+ return list_entry(hashlist->, struct hashlist_entry, sorted);
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/hashlist.h linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/hashlist.h
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/hashlist.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/hashlist.h 2004-06-26 11:29:31.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
-+ * MIPL Mobile IPv6 Hashlist header file
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ */
-+#ifndef _HASHLIST_H
-+#define _HASHLIST_H
-+#define ITERATOR_ERR -1
-+#define ITERATOR_CONT 0
-+#define ITERATOR_STOP 1
-+struct kmem_cache_t;
-+struct hashlist_entry {
-+ unsigned long sortkey;
-+ struct list_head sorted;
-+ struct list_head hashlist;
-+struct hashlist * hashlist_create(
-+ int bucketnum, int max_entries, size_t size, char *name,
-+ void (*ctor)(void *, kmem_cache_t *, unsigned long),
-+ void (*dtor)(void *, kmem_cache_t *, unsigned long),
-+ int (*compare)(void *data, void *hashkey),
-+ __u32 (*hash_function)(void *hashkey));
-+void hashlist_destroy(struct hashlist *hashlist);
-+void *hashlist_alloc(struct hashlist *hashlist, int type);
-+void hashlist_free(struct hashlist *hashlist, struct hashlist_entry *he);
-+struct hashlist_entry *hashlist_get(struct hashlist *hashlist, void *hashkey);
-+struct hashlist_entry *hashlist_get_ex(
-+ struct hashlist *hashlist, void *hashkey,
-+ int (*compare)(void *data, void *hashkey));
-+int hashlist_add(struct hashlist *hashlist, void *hashkey,
-+ unsigned long sortkey, void *data);
-+void hashlist_delete(struct hashlist *hashlist, struct hashlist_entry *he);
-+/* iterator function */
-+typedef int (*hashlist_iterator_t)(void *, void *, unsigned long *);
-+int hashlist_iterate(struct hashlist *hashlist, void *args,
-+ hashlist_iterator_t func);
-+void * hashlist_get_first(struct hashlist *hashlist);
-+int hashlist_reposition(struct hashlist *hashlist, struct hashlist_entry *he,
-+ unsigned long sortkey);
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/hmac.c linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/hmac.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/hmac.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/hmac.c 2004-06-26 11:29:31.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,658 @@
-+/* Authentication algorithms
-+ *
-+ * Authors:
-+ * Alexis Olivereau <>
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * Changes:
-+ * Henrik Petander : Cleaned up unused parts
-+ *
-+ */
-+#include <linux/sched.h>
-+#include <linux/tty.h>
-+#include <linux/types.h>
-+#include <linux/slab.h>
-+#include <linux/in6.h>
-+#include "hmac.h"
-+#define LROLL(x, s) (((x) << (s)) | ((x) >> (32 - (s))))
-+/* MD5 */
-+#define F(x, y, z) ((z) ^ ((x) & ((y) ^ (z))))
-+#define G(x, y, z) ((y) ^ ((z) & ((x) ^ (y))))
-+#define H(x, y, z) ((x) ^ (y) ^ (z))
-+#define I(x, y, z) ((y) ^ ((x) | ~(z)))
-+#define FF(a, b, c, d, m, s, t) { \
-+ (a) += F ((b), (c), (d)) + (m) + (t); \
-+ (a) = LROLL((a), (s)); \
-+ (a) += (b); \
-+ }
-+#define GG(a, b, c, d, m, s, t) { \
-+ (a) += G ((b), (c), (d)) + (m) + (t); \
-+ (a) = LROLL((a), (s)); \
-+ (a) += (b); \
-+ }
-+#define HH(a, b, c, d, m, s, t) { \
-+ (a) += H ((b), (c), (d)) + (m) + (t); \
-+ (a) = LROLL((a), (s)); \
-+ (a) += (b); \
-+ }
-+#define II(a, b, c, d, m, s, t) { \
-+ (a) += I ((b), (c), (d)) + (m) + (t); \
-+ (a) = LROLL((a), (s)); \
-+ (a) += (b); \
-+ }
-+#define s11 7
-+#define s12 12
-+#define s13 17
-+#define s14 22
-+#define s21 5
-+#define s22 9
-+#define s23 14
-+#define s24 20
-+#define s31 4
-+#define s32 11
-+#define s33 16
-+#define s34 23
-+#define s41 6
-+#define s42 10
-+#define s43 15
-+#define s44 21
-+/* SHA-1 */
-+#define f(x, y, z) ((z) ^ ((x) & ((y) ^ (z))))
-+#define g(x, y, z) (((x) & (y)) | ((x) & (z)) | ((y) & (z)))
-+#define h(x, y, z) ((x) ^ (y) ^ (z))
-+#define K1 0x5a827999
-+#define K2 0x6ed9eba1
-+#define K3 0x8f1bbcdc
-+#define K4 0xca62c1d6
-+int ah_hmac_md5_init(struct ah_processing *ahp, u_int8_t *key, u_int32_t key_len)
-+ int i;
-+ int key_up4;
-+ uint32_t ipad = 0x36363636;
-+ uint8_t extkey[64];
-+ ahp->key_auth = key;
-+ ahp->key_auth_len = key_len;
-+ ahp->context = (void *) kmalloc(sizeof(MD5_CTX), GFP_ATOMIC);
-+ if (ahp->context == NULL)
-+ return -1;
-+ md5_init((MD5_CTX *) ahp->context);
-+ if ((64 * sizeof(uint8_t)) < ahp->key_auth_len) {
-+ printk("buffer overflow!");
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ memcpy(extkey, ahp->key_auth, ahp->key_auth_len);
-+ if (ahp->key_auth_len % 4) {
-+ memset(extkey + ahp->key_auth_len, 0,
-+ 4 - (ahp->key_auth_len % 4));
-+ }
-+ key_up4 = ((ahp->key_auth_len + 0x3) & 0xFFFFFFFC) / 4;
-+ for (i = 0; i < key_up4; i++)
-+ ((uint32_t *) extkey)[i] = ((uint32_t *) extkey)[i] ^ ipad;
-+ for (i = key_up4; i < 16; i++)
-+ ((uint32_t *) extkey)[i] = ipad;
-+ md5_compute((MD5_CTX *) ahp->context, extkey, 64);
-+ return 0;
-+void ah_hmac_md5_loop(struct ah_processing *ahp, void *str, uint32_t len)
-+ md5_compute((MD5_CTX *) ahp->context, str, len);
-+void ah_hmac_md5_result(struct ah_processing *ahp, char *digest)
-+ uint8_t inner[HMAC_MD5_HASH_LEN];
-+ int i;
-+ int key_up4;
-+ uint32_t opad = 0x5c5c5c5c;
-+ uint8_t extkey[64];
-+ md5_final((MD5_CTX *) ahp->context, inner);
-+ md5_init((MD5_CTX *) ahp->context);
-+ memcpy(extkey, ahp->key_auth, ahp->key_auth_len);
-+ if (ahp->key_auth_len % 4) {
-+ memset(extkey + ahp->key_auth_len, 0,
-+ 4 - (ahp->key_auth_len % 4));
-+ }
-+ key_up4 = ((ahp->key_auth_len + 0x3) & 0xFFFFFFFC) / 4;
-+ for (i = 0; i < key_up4; i++)
-+ ((uint32_t *) extkey)[i] = ((uint32_t *) extkey)[i] ^ opad;
-+ for (i = key_up4; i < 16; i++)
-+ ((uint32_t *) extkey)[i] = opad;
-+ md5_compute((MD5_CTX *) ahp->context, extkey, 64);
-+ md5_compute((MD5_CTX *) ahp->context, inner, HMAC_MD5_HASH_LEN);
-+ md5_final((MD5_CTX *) ahp->context, digest);
-+ kfree(ahp->context);
-+int ah_hmac_sha1_init(struct ah_processing *ahp, u_int8_t *key, u_int32_t key_len)
-+ int i;
-+ int key_up4;
-+ uint32_t ipad = 0x36363636;
-+ uint8_t extkey[64];
-+ ahp->key_auth = key;
-+ ahp->key_auth_len = key_len;
-+ ahp->context = (void *) kmalloc(sizeof(SHA1_CTX), GFP_ATOMIC);
-+ //if (ahp->context == NULL)
-+ // return -1;
-+ sha1_init((SHA1_CTX *) ahp->context);
-+ memcpy(extkey, ahp->key_auth, ahp->key_auth_len);
-+ if (ahp->key_auth_len % 4) {
-+ memset(extkey + ahp->key_auth_len, 0,
-+ 4 - (ahp->key_auth_len % 4));
-+ }
-+ key_up4 = ((ahp->key_auth_len + 0x3) & 0xFFFFFFFC) / 4;
-+ for (i = 0; i < key_up4; i++)
-+ ((uint32_t *) extkey)[i] = ((uint32_t *) extkey)[i] ^ ipad;
-+ for (i = key_up4; i < 16; i++)
-+ ((uint32_t *) extkey)[i] = ipad;
-+ sha1_compute((SHA1_CTX *) ahp->context, extkey, 64);
-+ return 0;
-+void ah_hmac_sha1_loop(struct ah_processing *ahp, void *str, uint32_t len)
-+ if (!ahp)
-+ return;
-+ sha1_compute((SHA1_CTX *) ahp->context, str, len);
-+void ah_hmac_sha1_result(struct ah_processing *ahp, char *digest)
-+ uint8_t inner[HMAC_SHA1_HASH_LEN];
-+ int i;
-+ int key_up4;
-+ uint32_t opad = 0x5c5c5c5c;
-+ uint8_t extkey[64];
-+ if (!ahp)
-+ return;
-+ sha1_final((SHA1_CTX *) ahp->context, inner);
-+ sha1_init((SHA1_CTX *) ahp->context);
-+ memcpy(extkey, ahp->key_auth, ahp->key_auth_len);
-+ if (ahp->key_auth_len % 4) {
-+ memset(extkey + ahp->key_auth_len, 0,
-+ 4 - (ahp->key_auth_len % 4));
-+ }
-+ key_up4 = ((ahp->key_auth_len + 0x3) & 0xFFFFFFFC) / 4;
-+ for (i = 0; i < key_up4; i++)
-+ ((uint32_t *) extkey)[i] = ((uint32_t *) extkey)[i] ^ opad;
-+ for (i = key_up4; i < 16; i++)
-+ ((uint32_t *) extkey)[i] = opad;
-+ sha1_compute((SHA1_CTX *) ahp->context, extkey, 64);
-+ sha1_compute((SHA1_CTX *) ahp->context, inner,
-+ sha1_final((SHA1_CTX *) ahp->context, digest);
-+ kfree(ahp->context);
-+void md5_init(MD5_CTX * ctx)
-+ ctx->A = 0x67452301;
-+ ctx->B = 0xefcdab89;
-+ ctx->C = 0x98badcfe;
-+ ctx->D = 0x10325476;
-+ ctx->buf_cur = ctx->buf;
-+ ctx->bitlen[0] = ctx->bitlen[1] = 0;
-+ memset(ctx->buf, 0, 64);
-+void md5_over_block(MD5_CTX * ctx, uint8_t * data)
-+ uint32_t M[16];
-+ uint32_t a = ctx->A;
-+ uint32_t b = ctx->B;
-+ uint32_t c = ctx->C;
-+ uint32_t d = ctx->D;
-+ create_M_blocks(M, data);
-+ /* Round 1 */
-+ FF(a, b, c, d, M[0], s11, 0xd76aa478); /* 1 */
-+ FF(d, a, b, c, M[1], s12, 0xe8c7b756); /* 2 */
-+ FF(c, d, a, b, M[2], s13, 0x242070db); /* 3 */
-+ FF(b, c, d, a, M[3], s14, 0xc1bdceee); /* 4 */
-+ FF(a, b, c, d, M[4], s11, 0xf57c0faf); /* 5 */
-+ FF(d, a, b, c, M[5], s12, 0x4787c62a); /* 6 */
-+ FF(c, d, a, b, M[6], s13, 0xa8304613); /* 7 */
-+ FF(b, c, d, a, M[7], s14, 0xfd469501); /* 8 */
-+ FF(a, b, c, d, M[8], s11, 0x698098d8); /* 9 */
-+ FF(d, a, b, c, M[9], s12, 0x8b44f7af); /* 10 */
-+ FF(c, d, a, b, M[10], s13, 0xffff5bb1); /* 11 */
-+ FF(b, c, d, a, M[11], s14, 0x895cd7be); /* 12 */
-+ FF(a, b, c, d, M[12], s11, 0x6b901122); /* 13 */
-+ FF(d, a, b, c, M[13], s12, 0xfd987193); /* 14 */
-+ FF(c, d, a, b, M[14], s13, 0xa679438e); /* 15 */
-+ FF(b, c, d, a, M[15], s14, 0x49b40821); /* 16 */
-+ /* Round 2 */
-+ GG(a, b, c, d, M[1], s21, 0xf61e2562); /* 17 */
-+ GG(d, a, b, c, M[6], s22, 0xc040b340); /* 18 */
-+ GG(c, d, a, b, M[11], s23, 0x265e5a51); /* 19 */
-+ GG(b, c, d, a, M[0], s24, 0xe9b6c7aa); /* 20 */
-+ GG(a, b, c, d, M[5], s21, 0xd62f105d); /* 21 */
-+ GG(d, a, b, c, M[10], s22, 0x02441453); /* 22 */
-+ GG(c, d, a, b, M[15], s23, 0xd8a1e681); /* 23 */
-+ GG(b, c, d, a, M[4], s24, 0xe7d3fbc8); /* 24 */
-+ GG(a, b, c, d, M[9], s21, 0x21e1cde6); /* 25 */
-+ GG(d, a, b, c, M[14], s22, 0xc33707d6); /* 26 */
-+ GG(c, d, a, b, M[3], s23, 0xf4d50d87); /* 27 */
-+ GG(b, c, d, a, M[8], s24, 0x455a14ed); /* 28 */
-+ GG(a, b, c, d, M[13], s21, 0xa9e3e905); /* 29 */
-+ GG(d, a, b, c, M[2], s22, 0xfcefa3f8); /* 30 */
-+ GG(c, d, a, b, M[7], s23, 0x676f02d9); /* 31 */
-+ GG(b, c, d, a, M[12], s24, 0x8d2a4c8a); /* 32 */
-+ /* Round 3 */
-+ HH(a, b, c, d, M[5], s31, 0xfffa3942); /* 33 */
-+ HH(d, a, b, c, M[8], s32, 0x8771f681); /* 34 */
-+ HH(c, d, a, b, M[11], s33, 0x6d9d6122); /* 35 */
-+ HH(b, c, d, a, M[14], s34, 0xfde5380c); /* 36 */
-+ HH(a, b, c, d, M[1], s31, 0xa4beea44); /* 37 */
-+ HH(d, a, b, c, M[4], s32, 0x4bdecfa9); /* 38 */
-+ HH(c, d, a, b, M[7], s33, 0xf6bb4b60); /* 39 */
-+ HH(b, c, d, a, M[10], s34, 0xbebfbc70); /* 40 */
-+ HH(a, b, c, d, M[13], s31, 0x289b7ec6); /* 41 */
-+ HH(d, a, b, c, M[0], s32, 0xeaa127fa); /* 42 */
-+ HH(c, d, a, b, M[3], s33, 0xd4ef3085); /* 43 */
-+ HH(b, c, d, a, M[6], s34, 0x4881d05); /* 44 */
-+ HH(a, b, c, d, M[9], s31, 0xd9d4d039); /* 45 */
-+ HH(d, a, b, c, M[12], s32, 0xe6db99e5); /* 46 */
-+ HH(c, d, a, b, M[15], s33, 0x1fa27cf8); /* 47 */
-+ HH(b, c, d, a, M[2], s34, 0xc4ac5665); /* 48 */
-+ /* Round 4 */
-+ II(a, b, c, d, M[0], s41, 0xf4292244); /* 49 */
-+ II(d, a, b, c, M[7], s42, 0x432aff97); /* 50 */
-+ II(c, d, a, b, M[14], s43, 0xab9423a7); /* 51 */
-+ II(b, c, d, a, M[5], s44, 0xfc93a039); /* 52 */
-+ II(a, b, c, d, M[12], s41, 0x655b59c3); /* 53 */
-+ II(d, a, b, c, M[3], s42, 0x8f0ccc92); /* 54 */
-+ II(c, d, a, b, M[10], s43, 0xffeff47d); /* 55 */
-+ II(b, c, d, a, M[1], s44, 0x85845dd1); /* 56 */
-+ II(a, b, c, d, M[8], s41, 0x6fa87e4f); /* 57 */
-+ II(d, a, b, c, M[15], s42, 0xfe2ce6e0); /* 58 */
-+ II(c, d, a, b, M[6], s43, 0xa3014314); /* 59 */
-+ II(b, c, d, a, M[13], s44, 0x4e0811a1); /* 60 */
-+ II(a, b, c, d, M[4], s41, 0xf7537e82); /* 61 */
-+ II(d, a, b, c, M[11], s42, 0xbd3af235); /* 62 */
-+ II(c, d, a, b, M[2], s43, 0x2ad7d2bb); /* 63 */
-+ II(b, c, d, a, M[9], s44, 0xeb86d391); /* 64 */
-+ ctx->A += a;
-+ ctx->B += b;
-+ ctx->C += c;
-+ ctx->D += d;
-+void create_M_blocks(uint32_t * M, uint8_t * data)
-+ memcpy((uint8_t *) M, data, 64);
-+#endif /* HAVE_LITTLE_ENDIAN */
-+ int i;
-+ for (i = 0; i < 16; i++, data += 4) {
-+ ((uint8_t *) (&M[i]))[0] = data[3];
-+ ((uint8_t *) (&M[i]))[1] = data[2];
-+ ((uint8_t *) (&M[i]))[2] = data[1];
-+ ((uint8_t *) (&M[i]))[3] = data[0];
-+ }
-+#endif /* HAVE_BIG_ENDIAN */
-+void md5_compute(MD5_CTX * ctx, uint8_t * data, uint32_t len)
-+ uint8_t pos = ((ctx->bitlen[0] >> 3) & 0x3f);
-+ /* First we update the bit length */
-+ if ((ctx->bitlen[0] += (len << 3)) < (len << 3))
-+ ctx->bitlen[1]++;
-+ ctx->bitlen[1] += (len >> 29); /* len is expressed in bytes */
-+ if (pos) {
-+ /* Buffer is not empty */
-+ if (64 - pos >= len) {
-+ memcpy(ctx->buf_cur, data, len);
-+ ctx->buf_cur += len;
-+ pos += len;
-+ if (pos == 64) {
-+ /* The current block is over */
-+ md5_over_block(ctx, ctx->buf);
-+ ctx->buf_cur = ctx->buf;
-+ }
-+ return;
-+ } else {
-+ memcpy(ctx->buf_cur, data, 64 - pos);
-+ md5_over_block(ctx, ctx->buf);
-+ len -= (64 - pos);
-+ data += (64 - pos);
-+ ctx->buf_cur = ctx->buf;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ while (len >= 64) {
-+ md5_over_block(ctx, data);
-+ len -= 64;
-+ data += 64;
-+ }
-+ if (len) {
-+ memcpy(ctx->buf_cur, data, len);
-+ ctx->buf_cur += len;
-+ }
-+void md5_final(MD5_CTX * ctx, uint8_t * digest)
-+ uint32_t rem_size;
-+ uint8_t *buf_cur = ctx->buf_cur;
-+ int i;
-+ rem_size = 64 - ((ctx->bitlen[0] >> 3) & 0x3f);
-+ *(buf_cur++) = 0x80;
-+ if (rem_size > 8 + 1) {
-+ /* We have enough room in the current block */
-+ for (i = 0; i < rem_size - 8 - 1; i++) {
-+ *(buf_cur++) = 0;
-+ }
-+ } else {
-+ /* We do not have enough room and need therefore to add a new
-+ 64-byte block */
-+ for (i = 0; i < rem_size - 1; i++) {
-+ *(buf_cur++) = 0;
-+ }
-+ md5_over_block(ctx, ctx->buf);
-+ buf_cur = ctx->buf;
-+ for (i = 0; i < 64 - 8; i++) {
-+ *(buf_cur++) = 0;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ memcpy(buf_cur, (uint8_t *) ctx->bitlen, 8);
-+#endif /* HAVE_LITTLE_ENDIAN */
-+ *(buf_cur++) = (ctx->bitlen[0] >> 24) & 0xff;
-+ *(buf_cur++) = (ctx->bitlen[0] >> 16) & 0xff;
-+ *(buf_cur++) = (ctx->bitlen[0] >> 8) & 0xff;
-+ *(buf_cur++) = (ctx->bitlen[0] >> 0) & 0xff;
-+ *(buf_cur++) = (ctx->bitlen[1] >> 24) & 0xff;
-+ *(buf_cur++) = (ctx->bitlen[1] >> 16) & 0xff;
-+ *(buf_cur++) = (ctx->bitlen[1] >> 8) & 0xff;
-+ *(buf_cur++) = (ctx->bitlen[1] >> 0) & 0xff;
-+#endif /* HAVE_BIG_ENDIAN */
-+ md5_over_block(ctx, ctx->buf);
-+ memcpy(digest + 0, (uint8_t *) (&(ctx->A)), sizeof(uint32_t));
-+ memcpy(digest + 4, (uint8_t *) (&(ctx->B)), sizeof(uint32_t));
-+ memcpy(digest + 8, (uint8_t *) (&(ctx->C)), sizeof(uint32_t));
-+ memcpy(digest + 12, (uint8_t *) (&(ctx->D)), sizeof(uint32_t));
-+#endif /* HAVE_LITTLE_ENDIAN */
-+ digest[0] = ((ctx->A) >> 24) & 0xff;
-+ digest[1] = ((ctx->A) >> 16) & 0xff;
-+ digest[2] = ((ctx->A) >> 8) & 0xff;
-+ digest[3] = ((ctx->A) >> 0) & 0xff;
-+ digest[4] = ((ctx->B) >> 24) & 0xff;
-+ digest[5] = ((ctx->B) >> 16) & 0xff;
-+ digest[6] = ((ctx->B) >> 8) & 0xff;
-+ digest[7] = ((ctx->B) >> 0) & 0xff;
-+ digest[8] = ((ctx->C) >> 24) & 0xff;
-+ digest[9] = ((ctx->C) >> 16) & 0xff;
-+ digest[10] = ((ctx->C) >> 8) & 0xff;
-+ digest[11] = ((ctx->C) >> 0) & 0xff;
-+ digest[12] = ((ctx->D) >> 24) & 0xff;
-+ digest[13] = ((ctx->D) >> 16) & 0xff;
-+ digest[14] = ((ctx->D) >> 8) & 0xff;
-+ digest[15] = ((ctx->D) >> 0) & 0xff;
-+#endif /* HAVE_BIG_ENDIAN */
-+void sha1_init(SHA1_CTX * ctx)
-+ ctx->A = 0x67452301;
-+ ctx->B = 0xefcdab89;
-+ ctx->C = 0x98badcfe;
-+ ctx->D = 0x10325476;
-+ ctx->E = 0xc3d2e1f0;
-+ ctx->buf_cur = ctx->buf;
-+ ctx->bitlen[0] = ctx->bitlen[1] = 0;
-+ memset(ctx->buf, 0, 64);
-+void sha1_over_block(SHA1_CTX * ctx, uint8_t * data)
-+ int i;
-+ uint32_t W[80];
-+ uint32_t a = ctx->A;
-+ uint32_t b = ctx->B;
-+ uint32_t c = ctx->C;
-+ uint32_t d = ctx->D;
-+ uint32_t e = ctx->E;
-+ uint32_t temp;
-+ create_W_blocks(W, data);
-+ /* Round 1 */
-+ for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
-+ temp = LROLL(a, 5) + f(b, c, d) + e + W[i] + K1;
-+ e = d;
-+ d = c;
-+ c = LROLL(b, 30);
-+ b = a;
-+ a = temp;
-+ }
-+ /* Round 2 */
-+ for (i = 20; i < 40; i++) {
-+ temp = LROLL(a, 5) + h(b, c, d) + e + W[i] + K2;
-+ e = d;
-+ d = c;
-+ c = LROLL(b, 30);
-+ b = a;
-+ a = temp;
-+ }
-+ /* Round 3 */
-+ for (i = 40; i < 60; i++) {
-+ temp = LROLL(a, 5) + g(b, c, d) + e + W[i] + K3;
-+ e = d;
-+ d = c;
-+ c = LROLL(b, 30);
-+ b = a;
-+ a = temp;
-+ }
-+ /* Round 4 */
-+ for (i = 60; i < 80; i++) {
-+ temp = LROLL(a, 5) + h(b, c, d) + e + W[i] + K4;
-+ e = d;
-+ d = c;
-+ c = LROLL(b, 30);
-+ b = a;
-+ a = temp;
-+ }
-+ ctx->A += a;
-+ ctx->B += b;
-+ ctx->C += c;
-+ ctx->D += d;
-+ ctx->E += e;
-+void create_W_blocks(uint32_t * W, uint8_t * data)
-+ int i;
-+ memcpy((uint8_t *) W, data, 64);
-+#endif /* HAVE_BIG_ENDIAN */
-+ for (i = 0; i < 16; i++, data += 4) {
-+ ((uint8_t *) (&W[i]))[0] = data[3];
-+ ((uint8_t *) (&W[i]))[1] = data[2];
-+ ((uint8_t *) (&W[i]))[2] = data[1];
-+ ((uint8_t *) (&W[i]))[3] = data[0];
-+ }
-+#endif /* HAVE_LITTLE_ENDIAN */
-+ for (i = 16; i < 80; i++) {
-+ W[i] = W[i - 3] ^ W[i - 8] ^ W[i - 14] ^ W[i - 16];
-+ W[i] = LROLL(W[i], 1);
-+ }
-+void sha1_compute(SHA1_CTX * ctx, uint8_t * data, uint32_t len)
-+ uint8_t pos = ((ctx->bitlen[0] >> 3) & 0x3f);
-+ /* First we update the bit length */
-+ if ((ctx->bitlen[0] += (len << 3)) < (len << 3))
-+ ctx->bitlen[1]++;
-+ ctx->bitlen[1] += (len >> 29); /* len is expressed in bytes */
-+ if (pos) {
-+ /* Buffer is not empty */
-+ if (64 - pos >= len) {
-+ memcpy(ctx->buf_cur, data, len);
-+ ctx->buf_cur += len;
-+ pos += len;
-+ if (pos == 64) {
-+ /* The current block is over */
-+ sha1_over_block(ctx, ctx->buf);
-+ ctx->buf_cur = ctx->buf;
-+ }
-+ return;
-+ } else {
-+ memcpy(ctx->buf_cur, data, 64 - pos);
-+ sha1_over_block(ctx, ctx->buf);
-+ len -= (64 - pos);
-+ data += (64 - pos);
-+ ctx->buf_cur = ctx->buf;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ while (len >= 64) {
-+ sha1_over_block(ctx, data);
-+ len -= 64;
-+ data += 64;
-+ }
-+ if (len) {
-+ memcpy(ctx->buf_cur, data, len);
-+ ctx->buf_cur += len;
-+ }
-+void sha1_final(SHA1_CTX * ctx, uint8_t * digest)
-+ uint32_t rem_size;
-+ uint8_t *buf_cur = ctx->buf_cur;
-+ int i;
-+ rem_size = 64 - ((ctx->bitlen[0] >> 3) & 0x3f);
-+ *(buf_cur++) = 0x80;
-+ if (rem_size > 8 + 1) {
-+ /* We have enough room in the current block */
-+ for (i = 0; i < rem_size - 8 - 1; i++) {
-+ *(buf_cur++) = 0;
-+ }
-+ } else {
-+ /* We do not have enough room and need therefore to add a new
-+ 64-byte block */
-+ for (i = 0; i < rem_size - 1; i++) {
-+ *(buf_cur++) = 0;
-+ }
-+ sha1_over_block(ctx, ctx->buf);
-+ buf_cur = ctx->buf;
-+ for (i = 0; i < 64 - 8; i++) {
-+ *(buf_cur++) = 0;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ memcpy(buf_cur, (uint8_t *) ctx->bitlen, 8);
-+#endif /* HAVE_BIG_ENDIAN */
-+ *(buf_cur++) = (ctx->bitlen[1] >> 24) & 0xff;
-+ *(buf_cur++) = (ctx->bitlen[1] >> 16) & 0xff;
-+ *(buf_cur++) = (ctx->bitlen[1] >> 8) & 0xff;
-+ *(buf_cur++) = (ctx->bitlen[1] >> 0) & 0xff;
-+ *(buf_cur++) = (ctx->bitlen[0] >> 24) & 0xff;
-+ *(buf_cur++) = (ctx->bitlen[0] >> 16) & 0xff;
-+ *(buf_cur++) = (ctx->bitlen[0] >> 8) & 0xff;
-+ *(buf_cur++) = (ctx->bitlen[0] >> 0) & 0xff;
-+#endif /* HAVE_LITTLE_ENDIAN */
-+ sha1_over_block(ctx, ctx->buf);
-+ memcpy(digest + 0, (uint8_t *) (&(ctx->A)), sizeof(uint32_t));
-+ memcpy(digest + 4, (uint8_t *) (&(ctx->B)), sizeof(uint32_t));
-+ memcpy(digest + 8, (uint8_t *) (&(ctx->C)), sizeof(uint32_t));
-+ memcpy(digest + 12, (uint8_t *) (&(ctx->D)), sizeof(uint32_t));
-+ memcpy(digest + 16, (uint8_t *) (&(ctx->E)), sizeof(uint32_t));
-+#endif /* HAVE_BIG_ENDIAN */
-+ digest[0] = ((ctx->A) >> 24) & 0xff;
-+ digest[1] = ((ctx->A) >> 16) & 0xff;
-+ digest[2] = ((ctx->A) >> 8) & 0xff;
-+ digest[3] = ((ctx->A) >> 0) & 0xff;
-+ digest[4] = ((ctx->B) >> 24) & 0xff;
-+ digest[5] = ((ctx->B) >> 16) & 0xff;
-+ digest[6] = ((ctx->B) >> 8) & 0xff;
-+ digest[7] = ((ctx->B) >> 0) & 0xff;
-+ digest[8] = ((ctx->C) >> 24) & 0xff;
-+ digest[9] = ((ctx->C) >> 16) & 0xff;
-+ digest[10] = ((ctx->C) >> 8) & 0xff;
-+ digest[11] = ((ctx->C) >> 0) & 0xff;
-+ digest[12] = ((ctx->D) >> 24) & 0xff;
-+ digest[13] = ((ctx->D) >> 16) & 0xff;
-+ digest[14] = ((ctx->D) >> 8) & 0xff;
-+ digest[15] = ((ctx->D) >> 0) & 0xff;
-+ digest[16] = ((ctx->E) >> 24) & 0xff;
-+ digest[17] = ((ctx->E) >> 16) & 0xff;
-+ digest[18] = ((ctx->E) >> 8) & 0xff;
-+ digest[19] = ((ctx->E) >> 0) & 0xff;
-+#endif /* HAVE_LITTLE_ENDIAN */
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/hmac.h linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/hmac.h
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/hmac.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/hmac.h 2004-06-26 11:29:31.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
-+ * MIPL Mobile IPv6 Message authentication algorithms
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ */
-+#ifndef _HMAC_H
-+#define _HMAC_H
-+#include <linux/types.h>
-+#include <linux/in6.h>
-+#define NO_EXPIRY 1 /* For sec_as */
-+#define ALG_AUTH_NONE 0
-+#define ALG_AUTH_HMAC_MD5 1
-+#define ALG_AUTH_HMAC_SHA1 2
-+struct sec_as;
-+struct ah_processing {
-+ void *context;
-+ struct sec_as *sas;
-+ u_int8_t *key_auth;
-+ u_int32_t key_auth_len;
-+struct antireplay {
-+ u_int32_t count;
-+ u_int32_t bitmap;
-+typedef struct {
-+ u_int32_t A, B, C, D;
-+ u_int32_t bitlen[2];
-+ u_int8_t* buf_cur;
-+ u_int8_t buf[64];
-+} MD5_CTX;
-+typedef struct {
-+ u_int32_t A, B, C, D, E;
-+ u_int32_t bitlen[2];
-+ u_int8_t* buf_cur;
-+ u_int8_t buf[64];
-+} SHA1_CTX;
-+int ah_hmac_md5_init (struct ah_processing *ahp, u_int8_t *key, u_int32_t key_len);
-+void ah_hmac_md5_loop(struct ah_processing*, void*, u_int32_t);
-+void ah_hmac_md5_result(struct ah_processing*, char*);
-+int ah_hmac_sha1_init(struct ah_processing*, u_int8_t *key, u_int32_t key_len);
-+void ah_hmac_sha1_loop(struct ah_processing*, void*, u_int32_t);
-+void ah_hmac_sha1_result(struct ah_processing*, char*);
-+#define AH_HDR_LEN 12 /* # of bytes for Next Header, Payload Length,
-+ RESERVED, Security Parameters Index and
-+ Sequence Number Field */
-+void md5_init(MD5_CTX *ctx);
-+void md5_over_block(MD5_CTX *ctx, u_int8_t* data);
-+void create_M_blocks(u_int32_t* M, u_int8_t* data);
-+void md5_compute(MD5_CTX *ctx, u_int8_t* data, u_int32_t len);
-+void md5_final(MD5_CTX *ctx, u_int8_t* digest);
-+void sha1_init(SHA1_CTX *ctx);
-+void sha1_over_block(SHA1_CTX *ctx, u_int8_t* data);
-+void create_W_blocks(u_int32_t* W, u_int8_t* data);
-+void sha1_compute(SHA1_CTX *ctx, u_int8_t* data, u_int32_t len);
-+void sha1_final(SHA1_CTX *ctx, u_int8_t* digest);
-+struct mipv6_acq {
-+ struct in6_addr coa;
-+ struct in6_addr haddr;
-+ struct in6_addr peer;
-+ u_int32_t spi;
-+#define MIPV6_MAX_AUTH_DATA 20
-+#define HMAC_MD5_HASH_LEN 16
-+#define HMAC_SHA1_HASH_LEN 20
-+#define HMAC_SHA1_KEY_SIZE 20
-+#define HMAC_MD5_ICV_LEN 12 /* RFC 2403 */
-+#define HMAC_SHA1_ICV_LEN 12 /* RFC 2404 */
-+#endif /* _HMAC_H */
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/ioctl_mn.c linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/ioctl_mn.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/ioctl_mn.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/ioctl_mn.c 2004-06-26 11:29:31.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
-+ * Mobile Node IOCTL Control device
-+ *
-+ * Authors:
-+ * Henrik Petander <>
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ */
-+#include <linux/config.h>
-+#include <linux/module.h>
-+#include <linux/fs.h>
-+#include <linux/poll.h>
-+#include <linux/ioctl.h>
-+#include <net/ipv6.h>
-+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
-+#include "debug.h"
-+#include "mdetect.h"
-+#include "multiaccess_ctl.h"
-+/* Reserved for local / experimental use */
-+#define MAJOR_NUM 0xf9
-+/* Get Care-of address information for Mobile Node */
-+/* The name of the device file */
-+#define CTLFILE "mipv6_dev"
-+static int inuse = 0;
-+static int mipv6_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "(%p)\n", file);
-+ if (inuse)
-+ return -EBUSY;
-+ inuse++;
-+ return 0;
-+static int mipv6_close(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "(%p,%p)\n", inode, file);
-+ inuse--;
-+ return 0;
-+int mipv6_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struct file *file,
-+ unsigned int ioctl_num, /* The number of the ioctl */
-+ unsigned long arg) /* The parameter to it */
-+ struct in6_addr careofaddr;
-+ /* Switch according to the ioctl called */
-+ switch (ioctl_num) {
-+ /* First get home address from user and then look up
-+ * the care-of address and return it
-+ */
-+ if (copy_from_user(&careofaddr, (struct in6_addr *)arg,
-+ sizeof(struct in6_addr)) < 0) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_WARNING, "Copy from user failed");
-+ return -EFAULT;
-+ }
-+ mipv6_get_care_of_address(&careofaddr, &careofaddr);
-+ if (copy_to_user((struct in6_addr *)arg, &careofaddr,
-+ sizeof(struct in6_addr)) < 0) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_WARNING, "copy_to_user failed");
-+ return -EFAULT;
-+ }
-+ break;
-+ ma_ctl_set_preference(arg);
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ DEBUG(DBG_WARNING, "Unknown ioctl cmd (%d)", ioctl_num);
-+ return -ENOENT;
-+ }
-+ return 0;
-+struct file_operations Fops = {
-+ owner: THIS_MODULE,
-+ read: NULL,
-+ write: NULL,
-+ poll: NULL,
-+ ioctl: mipv6_ioctl,
-+ open: mipv6_open,
-+ release: mipv6_close
-+/* Initialize the module - Register the character device */
-+int mipv6_ioctl_mn_init(void)
-+ int ret_val;
-+ /* Register the character device (atleast try) */
-+ ret_val = register_chrdev(MAJOR_NUM, CTLFILE, &Fops);
-+ /* Negative values signify an error */
-+ if (ret_val < 0) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "failed registering char device (err=%d)",
-+ ret_val);
-+ return ret_val;
-+ }
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Device number %x, success", MAJOR_NUM);
-+ return 0;
-+/* Cleanup - unregister the appropriate file from /proc */
-+void mipv6_ioctl_mn_exit(void)
-+ int ret;
-+ /* Unregister the device */
-+ ret = unregister_chrdev(MAJOR_NUM, CTLFILE);
-+ /* If there's an error, report it */
-+ if (ret < 0)
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "errorcode: %d\n", ret);
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mdetect.c linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mdetect.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mdetect.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mdetect.c 2004-06-26 11:29:31.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,1153 @@
-+ * Movement Detection Module
-+ *
-+ * Authors:
-+ * Henrik Petander <>
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * Handles the L3 movement detection of mobile node and also
-+ * changing of its routes.
-+ *
-+ */
-+ * Changes:
-+ *
-+ * Nanno Langstraat : Locking fixes
-+ * Venkata Jagana : Locking fix
-+ */
-+#include <linux/autoconf.h>
-+#include <linux/errno.h>
-+#include <linux/init.h>
-+#include <linux/if_arp.h>
-+#include <linux/route.h>
-+#include <net/ipv6.h>
-+#include <net/ip6_route.h>
-+#include <net/addrconf.h>
-+#include <net/mipglue.h>
-+#include <linux/sysctl.h>
-+#endif /* CONFIG_SYSCTL */
-+#include "util.h"
-+#include "mdetect.h"
-+#include "mn.h"
-+#include "debug.h"
-+#include "multiaccess_ctl.h"
-+#define START 0
-+#define CONTINUE 1
-+#define OK 2
-+#define DEBUG_MDETECT 7
-+#define DEF_RTR_POLL_IVAL 5 /* In seconds */
-+#define NO_RTR 0
-+#define RTR_SUSPECT 1
-+#define CURR_RTR_OK 2
-+#define RA_RCVD 0
-+#define NA_RCVD 1
-+#define TIMEOUT 2
-+#define MIPV6_MDF_NONE 0x0
-+#define MIPV6_MDF_HAS_RTR_PREV 0x1
-+#define RADV_MISSED 2
-+#define NOT_REACHABLE 3
-+/* R_TIME_OUT paramater is used to make the decision when to change the
-+ * default router, if the current one is unreachable. 2s is pretty aggressive
-+ * and may result in hopping between two routers. OTOH a small value enhances
-+ * the performance
-+ */
-+#define R_TIME_OUT 30*HZ
-+/* maximum RA interval for router unreachability detection */
-+#define MAX_RADV_INTERVAL 6*HZ /* 6000 ms... */
-+/* Threshold for exponential resending of router solicitations */
-+#define RS_RESEND_LINEAR 10*HZ
-+#define RESPECT_DAD 1
-+#define ROUTER_ADDRESS 0x20
-+/* RA flags */
-+#define ND_RA_FLAG_MANAGED 0x80
-+#define ND_RA_FLAG_OTHER 0x40
-+#define ND_RA_FLAG_HA 0x20
-+/* DAD flags for global and link local addresses */
-+#define COA_TENTATIVE 0x10
-+#define LLADDR_TENTATIVE 0x01
-+struct router {
-+ struct list_head list;
-+ struct in6_addr ll_addr;
-+ struct in6_addr raddr; /* Also contains prefix */
-+ __u8 link_addr[MAX_ADDR_LEN]; /* link layer address */
-+ __u8 link_addr_len;
-+ __u8 state;
-+ __u8 is_current;
-+ __u8 reachable;
-+ int ifindex;
-+ int pfix_len; /* Length of the network prefix */
-+ unsigned long lifetime; /* from ra */
-+ __u32 last_ns_sent;
-+ __u32 last_ra_rcvd;
-+ __u32 interval; /* ra interval in milliseconds, 0 if not set */
-+ int glob_addr; /*Whether raddr contains also routers global address*/
-+ __u8 flags; /* RA flags, for example ha */
-+ struct in6_addr CoA; /* care-off address used with this router */
-+ int extra_addr_route;
-+/* dad could also be RESPECT_DAD for duplicate address detection of
-+ new care-of addresses */
-+static int dad = 0;
-+/* Only one choice, nothing else implemented */
-+int max_rtr_reach_time = DEF_RTR_POLL_IVAL;
-+int eager_cell_switching = EAGER_CELL_SWITCHING; /* Can be set to 0 via proc */
-+static spinlock_t router_lock;
-+static spinlock_t ho_lock;
-+static void coa_timer_handler(unsigned long arg);
-+static void timer_handler(unsigned long foo);
-+static struct router *curr_router = NULL, *next_router = NULL;
-+static struct timer_list r_timer = { function: timer_handler };
-+static struct timer_list coa_timer = { function: coa_timer_handler };
-+#define MAX_ROUTERS 1000
-+static LIST_HEAD(rtr_list);
-+static int num_routers = 0;
-+static struct handoff *_ho = NULL;
-+ * Functions for handling the default router list, which movement
-+ * detection uses for avoiding loops etc.
-+ */
-+/* TODO: Send NS to router after MAX interval has passed from last RA */
-+static int mipv6_router_state(struct router *rtr) {
-+ if (rtr->interval) {
-+ if (time_before(jiffies, (rtr->last_ra_rcvd + (rtr->interval * HZ) / 1000)))
-+ else
-+ return NOT_REACHABLE;
-+ }
-+ else
-+ if (time_after(jiffies, rtr->last_ra_rcvd + (rtr->lifetime * HZ)))
-+ return NOT_REACHABLE;
-+/* searches for a specific router or any router that is reachable,
-+ * if address is NULL. Also deletes obsolete routers.
-+ */
-+static void mipv6_router_gc(void)
-+ struct router *curr = NULL;
-+ struct list_head *lh, *lh_tmp;
-+ list_for_each_safe(lh, lh_tmp, &rtr_list) {
-+ curr = list_entry(lh, struct router, list);
-+ if (mipv6_router_state(curr) == NOT_REACHABLE && !curr->is_current) {
-+ num_routers--;
-+ list_del_init(&curr->list);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_DATADUMP, "Deleting unreachable router %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x",
-+ NIPV6ADDR(&curr->raddr));
-+ kfree(curr);
-+ }
-+ else {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_DATADUMP, "NOT Deleting router %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x",
-+ NIPV6ADDR(&curr->raddr));
-+ }
-+ }
-+static struct router *mipv6_rtr_get(struct in6_addr *search_addr)
-+ struct router *rtr = NULL;
-+ struct list_head *lh;
-+ if (search_addr == NULL)
-+ return NULL;
-+ list_for_each(lh, &rtr_list) {
-+ rtr = list_entry(lh, struct router, list);
-+ if(!ipv6_addr_cmp(search_addr, &rtr->raddr)) {
-+ return rtr;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return NULL;
-+ * Adds router to list
-+ */
-+static struct router *mipv6_rtr_add(struct router *nrt)
-+ struct router *rptr;
-+ /* check if someone is trying DoS attack, or we just have some
-+ memory leaks... */
-+ if (num_routers > MAX_ROUTERS) {
-+ "failed to add new router, MAX_ROUTERS exceeded");
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ rptr = kmalloc(sizeof(struct router), GFP_ATOMIC);
-+ if (rptr) {
-+ memcpy(rptr, nrt, sizeof(struct router));
-+ list_add(&rptr->list, &rtr_list);
-+ num_routers++;
-+ }
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Adding router: %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x, "
-+ "lifetime : %d sec, adv.interval: %d millisec",
-+ NIPV6ADDR(&rptr->raddr), rptr->lifetime, rptr->interval);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "num_routers after addition: %d", num_routers);
-+ return rptr;
-+/* Cleans up the list */
-+static void list_free(struct router **curr_router_p)
-+ struct router *tmp;
-+ struct list_head *lh, *lh_tmp;
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Freeing the router list");
-+ /* set curr_router->prev_router and curr_router NULL */
-+ *curr_router_p = NULL;
-+ list_for_each_safe(lh, lh_tmp, &rtr_list) {
-+ tmp = list_entry(lh, struct router, list);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x",
-+ NIPV6ADDR(&tmp->ll_addr));
-+ list_del(&tmp->list);
-+ kfree(tmp);
-+ num_routers--;
-+ }
-+int rs_state = START;
-+/* Sends router solicitations to all valid devices
-+ * source = link local address (of sending interface)
-+ * dstaddr = all routers multicast address
-+ * Solicitations are sent at an exponentially decreasing rate
-+ *
-+ * TODO: send solicitation first at a normal rate (from ipv6) and
-+ * after that use the exponentially increasing intervals
-+ */
-+static int rs_send(void)
-+ struct net_device *dev;
-+ struct in6_addr raddr, lladdr;
-+ struct inet6_dev *in6_dev = NULL;
-+ static int num_rs;
-+ if (rs_state == START) {
-+ num_rs = 0;
-+ rs_state = CONTINUE;
-+ } else if (num_rs++ > MAX_RTR_SOLICITATIONS)
-+ return HZ;
-+ ipv6_addr_all_routers(&raddr);
-+ read_lock(&dev_base_lock);
-+ /* Send router solicitations to all interfaces */
-+ for (dev = dev_base; dev; dev = dev->next) {
-+ if ((dev->flags & IFF_UP) && dev->type == ARPHRD_ETHER) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_DATADUMP, "Sending RS to device %s",
-+ dev->name);
-+ if (!ipv6_get_lladdr(dev, &lladdr)) {
-+ ndisc_send_rs(dev, &lladdr, &raddr);
-+ in6_dev = in6_dev_get(dev);
-+ in6_dev->if_flags |= IF_RS_SENT;
-+ in6_dev_put(in6_dev);
-+ } else {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_DATADUMP, "%s: device doesn't have link-local address!\n", dev->name);
-+ continue;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ read_unlock(&dev_base_lock);
-+/* Create a new CoA for MN and also add a route to it if it is still tentative
-+ to allow MN to get packets to the address immediately
-+ */
-+static int form_coa(struct in6_addr *coa, struct in6_addr *pfix,
-+ int plen, int ifindex)
-+ struct net_device *dev;
-+ struct inet6_dev *in6_dev;
-+ int ret = 0;
-+ if ((dev = dev_get_by_index(ifindex)) == NULL) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_WARNING, "Device is not present");
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ if ((in6_dev = in6_dev_get(dev)) == NULL) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_WARNING, "inet6_dev is not present");
-+ dev_put(dev);
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ coa->s6_addr32[0] = pfix->s6_addr32[0];
-+ coa->s6_addr32[1] = pfix->s6_addr32[1];
-+ if (ipv6_generate_eui64(coa->s6_addr + 8, dev) &&
-+ ipv6_inherit_eui64(coa->s6_addr + 8, in6_dev)) {
-+ in6_dev_put(in6_dev);
-+ dev_put(dev);
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ if (ipv6_chk_addr(coa, dev) == 0) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_WARNING, "care-of address still tentative");
-+ ret = 1;
-+ }
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Formed new CoA: %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x",
-+ NIPV6ADDR(coa));
-+ in6_dev_put(in6_dev);
-+ dev_put(dev);
-+ return ret;
-+static inline int rtr_is_gw(struct router *rtr, struct rt6_info *rt)
-+ return ((rt->rt6i_flags & RTF_GATEWAY) &&
-+ !ipv6_addr_cmp(&rt->rt6i_gateway, &rtr->ll_addr));
-+static inline int is_prefix_route(struct router *rtr, struct rt6_info *rt)
-+ return (!(rt->rt6i_flags & RTF_GATEWAY) &&
-+ mipv6_prefix_compare(&rt->rt6i_dst.addr, &rtr->raddr,
-+ rtr->pfix_len));
-+ * Function that determines whether given rt6_info should be destroyed
-+ * (negative => destroy rt6_info, zero or positive => do nothing)
-+ */
-+static int mn_route_cleaner(struct rt6_info *rt, void *arg)
-+ int type;
-+ struct router *rtr = (struct router *)arg;
-+ int ret = -1;
-+ if (!rt || !rtr) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "mn_route_cleaner: rt or rtr NULL");
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ /* Do not delete routes to local addresses or to multicast
-+ * addresses, since we need them to get router advertisements
-+ * etc. Multicast addresses are more tricky, but we don't
-+ * delete them in any case. The routing mechanism is not optimal for
-+ * multihoming.
-+ *
-+ * Also keep all new prefix routes, gateway routes through rtr and
-+ * all remaining default routes (including those used for reverse
-+ * tunneling)
-+ */
-+ type = ipv6_addr_type(&rt->rt6i_dst.addr);
-+ rt->rt6i_dev == &loopback_dev || rtr_is_gw(rtr, rt) ||
-+ is_prefix_route(rtr, rt) || (rt->rt6i_flags & RTF_DEFAULT))
-+ ret = 0;
-+ /* delete all others */
-+ if (rt->rt6i_dev != &loopback_dev) {
-+ "%s route:\n"
-+ "dev: %s,\n"
-+ "gw: %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x,\n"
-+ "flags: %x,\n"
-+ "metric: %d,\n"
-+ "src: %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x,\n"
-+ "dst: %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x,\n"
-+ "plen: %d\n",
-+ (ret ? "Deleting" : "Keeping"),
-+ rt->rt6i_dev->name,
-+ NIPV6ADDR(&rt->rt6i_gateway),
-+ rt->rt6i_flags,
-+ rt->rt6i_metric,
-+ NIPV6ADDR(&rt->rt6i_src.addr),
-+ NIPV6ADDR(&rt->rt6i_dst.addr),
-+ rt->rt6i_dst.plen);
-+ }
-+ return ret;
-+ * Deletes old routes
-+ */
-+static __inline__ void delete_routes(struct router *rtr)
-+ /* Routing table is locked to ensure that nobody uses its */
-+ write_lock_bh(&rt6_lock);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "mipv6: Purging routes");
-+ /* TODO: Does not prune, should it? */
-+ fib6_clean_tree(&ip6_routing_table,
-+ mn_route_cleaner, 0, rtr);
-+ write_unlock_bh(&rt6_lock);
-+static __inline__ void delete_coas(struct router *rtr)
-+ struct net_device *dev;
-+ struct inet6_dev *idev;
-+ struct inet6_ifaddr *ifa;
-+ dev = dev_get_by_index(rtr->ifindex);
-+ if (!dev)
-+ return;
-+ idev = in6_dev_get(dev);
-+ if (idev) {
-+ read_lock_bh(&idev->lock);
-+ ifa = idev->addr_list;
-+ while (ifa) {
-+ int keep;
-+ spin_lock(&ifa->lock);
-+ keep = (ifa->flags&(IFA_F_PERMANENT|IFA_F_HOMEADDR) ||
-+ !ipv6_addr_cmp(&ifa->addr, &rtr->CoA));
-+ spin_unlock(&ifa->lock);
-+ if (keep)
-+ ifa = ifa->if_next;
-+ else {
-+ in6_ifa_hold(ifa);
-+ read_unlock_bh(&idev->lock);
-+ ipv6_del_addr(ifa);
-+ read_lock_bh(&idev->lock);
-+ ifa = idev->addr_list;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ read_unlock_bh(&idev->lock);
-+ in6_dev_put(idev);
-+ }
-+ dev_put(dev);
-+int next_mdet_state[3][3] = {{CURR_RTR_OK, NO_RTR, NO_RTR},
-+char *states[3] = {"NO_RTR", "RTR_SUSPECT", "CURR_RTR_OK"};
-+char *events[3] = {"RA_RCVD", "NA_RCVD", "TIMEOUT"};
-+/* State transitions
-+ */
-+static int _curr_state = NO_RTR;
-+#if 0
-+static int get_mdet_state(void){
-+ int state;
-+ spin_lock_bh(&router_lock);
-+ state = _curr_state;
-+ spin_unlock_bh(&router_lock);
-+ return state;
-+/* Needs to be called with router_lock locked */
-+static int mdet_statemachine(int event)
-+ if (event > 2 || _curr_state > 2) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "Got illegal event or curr_state");
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ DEBUG(DBG_DATADUMP, "Got event %s and curr_state is %s",
-+ events[event], states[_curr_state]);
-+ _curr_state = next_mdet_state[_curr_state][event];
-+ DEBUG(DBG_DATADUMP, "Next state is %s", states[_curr_state]);
-+ return _curr_state;
-+static void mipv6_do_ll_dad(int ifindex)
-+ struct net_device *dev = dev_get_by_index(ifindex);
-+ if (dev) {
-+ struct in6_addr lladdr;
-+ struct inet6_ifaddr *ifa;
-+ if (!ipv6_get_lladdr(dev, &lladdr) &&
-+ (ifa = ipv6_get_ifaddr(&lladdr, dev)) != NULL) {
-+ spin_lock_bh(&ifa->lock);
-+ if (!(ifa->flags & IFA_F_TENTATIVE)) {
-+ ifa->flags |= IFA_F_TENTATIVE;
-+ spin_unlock_bh(&ifa->lock);
-+ addrconf_dad_start(ifa, 0);
-+ } else
-+ spin_unlock_bh(&ifa->lock);
-+ }
-+ dev_put(dev);
-+ }
-+ * Changes the router, called from ndisc.c if mipv6_router_event
-+ * returns true.
-+ */
-+static void mipv6_change_router(void)
-+ struct in6_addr coa;
-+ int ret, ifindex;
-+ if (next_router == NULL)
-+ return;
-+ spin_lock(&router_lock);
-+ if (curr_router != NULL &&
-+ !ipv6_addr_cmp(&curr_router->ll_addr, &next_router->ll_addr)) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO,"Trying to handoff from: "
-+ "%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x",
-+ NIPV6ADDR(&curr_router->ll_addr));
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO,"Trying to handoff to: "
-+ "%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x",
-+ NIPV6ADDR(&next_router->ll_addr));
-+ next_router = NULL; /* Let's not leave dangling pointers */
-+ spin_unlock(&router_lock);
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ ret = form_coa(&next_router->CoA, &next_router->raddr,
-+ next_router->pfix_len, next_router->ifindex);
-+ if (ret < 0) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "handoff: Creation of coa failed");
-+ spin_unlock(&router_lock);
-+ return;
-+ } else if (ret > 0)
-+ next_router->flags |= COA_TENTATIVE;
-+ mdet_statemachine(RA_RCVD); /* TODO: What if DAD fails... */
-+ if (next_router->interval)
-+ mod_timer(&r_timer, jiffies +
-+ (next_router->interval * HZ)/1000);
-+ else
-+ mod_timer(&r_timer, jiffies + max_rtr_reach_time * HZ);
-+ if (ret == 0) {
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&coa, &next_router->CoA);
-+ ifindex = next_router->ifindex;
-+ spin_unlock(&router_lock);
-+ mipv6_mdet_finalize_ho(&coa, ifindex);
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock(&router_lock);
-+static unsigned long ns_send(void)
-+ struct neighbour *neigh;
-+ struct net_device *dev;
-+ struct in6_addr *raddr;
-+ DEBUG(DBG_DATADUMP, "Sending Neighbour solicitation to default router to verify its reachability");
-+ if (!curr_router)
-+ return HZ;
-+ if ((dev = dev_get_by_index(curr_router->ifindex)) == NULL)
-+ return HZ;
-+ if ((neigh = ndisc_get_neigh(dev, &curr_router->ll_addr)) == NULL) {
-+ dev_put(dev);
-+ return HZ;
-+ }
-+ if (curr_router->glob_addr)
-+ raddr = &curr_router->raddr;
-+ else
-+ raddr = &curr_router->ll_addr;
-+ curr_router->last_ns_sent = jiffies;
-+ ndisc_send_ns(dev, neigh, raddr, raddr, NULL);
-+ neigh_release(neigh);
-+ dev_put(dev);
-+ return HZ/5; /* Wait 200ms for a reply */
-+static int na_rcvd(void)
-+ int neigh_ok = 0;
-+ struct neighbour *neigh;
-+ struct net_device *dev;
-+ if (!curr_router)
-+ return 0;
-+ if ((dev = dev_get_by_index(curr_router->ifindex)) == NULL)
-+ return 0;
-+ if ((neigh = ndisc_get_neigh(dev, &curr_router->ll_addr)) == NULL) {
-+ dev_put(dev);
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ if (neigh->flags & NTF_ROUTER &&
-+ (time_after(neigh->confirmed, curr_router->last_ns_sent) ||
-+ neigh->confirmed == curr_router->last_ns_sent)) {
-+ neigh_ok = 1;
-+ DEBUG(DBG_DATADUMP, "Mdetect event: NA rcvd from curr rtr");
-+ } else
-+ DEBUG(DBG_DATADUMP, "Mdetect event: NA NOT rcvd from curr rtr within time limit");
-+ neigh_release(neigh);
-+ dev_put(dev);
-+ return neigh_ok;
-+static void coa_timer_handler(unsigned long dummy)
-+ spin_lock_bh(&ho_lock);
-+ if (_ho) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Starting handoff after DAD");
-+ mipv6_mobile_node_moved(_ho);
-+ kfree(_ho);
-+ _ho = NULL;
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock_bh(&ho_lock);
-+static void timer_handler(unsigned long foo)
-+ unsigned long timeout;
-+ int state;
-+ spin_lock_bh(&router_lock);
-+ if (_curr_state != NO_RTR)
-+ rs_state = START;
-+ if (_curr_state == RTR_SUSPECT && na_rcvd()) {
-+ state = mdet_statemachine(NA_RCVD);
-+ timeout = curr_router->interval ? curr_router->interval : max_rtr_reach_time * HZ;
-+ } else {
-+ state = mdet_statemachine(TIMEOUT);
-+ if (state == NO_RTR)
-+ timeout = rs_send();
-+ else /* RTR_SUSPECT */
-+ timeout = ns_send();
-+ }
-+ if (!timeout)
-+ timeout = HZ;
-+ mipv6_router_gc();
-+ mod_timer(&r_timer, jiffies + timeout);
-+ spin_unlock_bh(&router_lock);
-+ * mipv6_get_care_of_address - get node's care-of primary address
-+ * @homeaddr: one of node's home addresses
-+ * @coaddr: buffer to store care-of address
-+ *
-+ * Stores the current care-of address in the @coaddr, assumes
-+ * addresses in EUI-64 format. Since node might have several home
-+ * addresses caller MUST supply @homeaddr. If node is at home
-+ * @homeaddr is stored in @coaddr. Returns 0 on success, otherwise a
-+ * negative value.
-+ **/
-+int mipv6_get_care_of_address(
-+ struct in6_addr *homeaddr, struct in6_addr *coaddr)
-+ if (homeaddr == NULL)
-+ return -1;
-+ spin_lock_bh(&router_lock);
-+ if (curr_router == NULL || mipv6_mn_is_at_home(homeaddr) ||
-+ mipv6_prefix_compare(homeaddr, &curr_router->raddr, 64) ||
-+ curr_router->flags&COA_TENTATIVE) {
-+ "mipv6_get_care_of_address: returning home address");
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(coaddr, homeaddr);
-+ spin_unlock_bh(&router_lock);
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ /* At home or address check failure probably due to dad wait */
-+ if (mipv6_prefix_compare(&curr_router->raddr, homeaddr,
-+ curr_router->pfix_len)
-+ || (dad == RESPECT_DAD &&
-+ (ipv6_chk_addr(coaddr, NULL) == 0))) {
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(coaddr, homeaddr);
-+ } else {
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(coaddr, &curr_router->CoA);
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock_bh(&router_lock);
-+ return 0;
-+int mipv6_mdet_del_if(int ifindex)
-+ struct router *curr = NULL;
-+ struct list_head *lh, *lh_tmp;
-+ spin_lock_bh(&router_lock);
-+ list_for_each_safe(lh, lh_tmp, &rtr_list) {
-+ curr = list_entry(lh, struct router, list);
-+ if (curr->ifindex == ifindex) {
-+ num_routers--;
-+ list_del_init(&curr->list);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_DATADUMP, "Deleting router %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x on interface %d",
-+ NIPV6ADDR(&curr->raddr), ifindex);
-+ if (curr_router == curr)
-+ curr_router = NULL;
-+ kfree(curr);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock_bh(&router_lock);
-+ return 0;
-+void mipv6_mdet_retrigger_ho(void)
-+ struct handoff ho;
-+ spin_lock_bh(&router_lock);
-+ if (curr_router != NULL) {
-+ ho.coa = &curr_router->CoA;
-+ ho.plen = curr_router->pfix_len;
-+ ho.ifindex = curr_router->ifindex;
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&ho.rtr_addr, &curr_router->raddr);
-+ ho.home_address = (curr_router->glob_addr &&
-+ curr_router->flags&ND_RA_FLAG_HA);
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock_bh(&router_lock);
-+ mipv6_mobile_node_moved(&ho);
-+void mipv6_mdet_set_curr_rtr_reachable(int reachable)
-+ spin_lock_bh(&router_lock);
-+ if (curr_router != NULL) {
-+ curr_router->reachable = reachable;
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock_bh(&router_lock);
-+int mipv6_mdet_finalize_ho(const struct in6_addr *coa, const int ifindex)
-+ int dummy;
-+ struct handoff ho;
-+ struct router *tmp;
-+ struct net_device *dev;
-+ struct in6_addr ll_addr;
-+ spin_lock_bh(&router_lock);
-+ if (!next_router) {
-+ spin_unlock_bh(&router_lock);
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ dev = dev_get_by_index(next_router->ifindex);
-+ if (ipv6_get_lladdr(dev, &ll_addr) == 0) {
-+ if (ipv6_addr_cmp(&ll_addr, coa) == 0)
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "DAD for link local address completed");
-+ next_router->flags &= ~LLADDR_TENTATIVE;
-+ }
-+ dev_put(dev);
-+ if (mipv6_prefix_compare(coa, &next_router->CoA,
-+ next_router->pfix_len)) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "DAD for Care-of address completed");
-+ next_router->flags &= ~COA_TENTATIVE;
-+ }
-+ if (!(next_router->flags&LLADDR_TENTATIVE) && !(next_router->flags&COA_TENTATIVE)) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "%s: Proceeding with handoff after DAD\n", __FUNCTION__);
-+ tmp = curr_router;
-+ curr_router = next_router;
-+ curr_router->is_current = 1;
-+ next_router = NULL;
-+ curr_router->flags &= ~COA_TENTATIVE;
-+ delete_routes(curr_router);
-+ delete_coas(curr_router);
-+ if (tmp) {
-+ struct net_device *dev_old = dev_get_by_index(tmp->ifindex);
-+ struct rt6_info *rt = NULL;
-+ if (dev_old) {
-+ rt = rt6_get_dflt_router(&tmp->ll_addr, dev_old);
-+ dev_put(dev_old);
-+ }
-+ if (rt)
-+ ip6_del_rt(rt, NULL);
-+ tmp->is_current = 0;
-+ }
-+ ma_ctl_upd_iface(curr_router->ifindex, MA_IFACE_CURRENT, &dummy);
-+ ma_ctl_upd_iface(curr_router->ifindex, MA_IFACE_CURRENT, &dummy);
-+ ho.coa = &curr_router->CoA;
-+ ho.plen = curr_router->pfix_len;
-+ ho.ifindex = curr_router->ifindex;
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&ho.rtr_addr, &curr_router->raddr);
-+ ho.home_address = (curr_router->glob_addr &&
-+ curr_router->flags&ND_RA_FLAG_HA);
-+ spin_unlock_bh(&router_lock);
-+ mipv6_mobile_node_moved(&ho);
-+ } else
-+ spin_unlock_bh(&router_lock);
-+ return 0;
-+/* Decides whether router candidate is the same router as current rtr
-+ * based on prefix / global addresses of the routers and their link local
-+ * addresses
-+ */
-+static int is_current_rtr(struct router *nrt, struct router *crt)
-+ DEBUG(DEBUG_MDETECT, "Current router: "
-+ "%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x and", NIPV6ADDR(&crt->raddr));
-+ DEBUG(DEBUG_MDETECT, "Candidate router: "
-+ "%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x", NIPV6ADDR(&nrt->raddr));
-+ return (!ipv6_addr_cmp(&nrt->raddr,&crt->raddr) &&
-+ !ipv6_addr_cmp(&nrt->ll_addr, &crt->ll_addr));
-+ * Change next router to nrtr
-+ * Returns 1, if router has been changed.
-+ */
-+static int change_next_rtr(struct router *nrtr, struct router *ortr)
-+ int changed = 0;
-+ if (!next_router || ipv6_addr_cmp(&nrtr->raddr, &next_router->raddr)) {
-+ changed = 1;
-+ }
-+ next_router = nrtr;
-+ return changed;
-+static int clean_ncache(struct router *nrt, struct router *ort, int same_if)
-+ struct net_device *ortdev;
-+ /* Always call ifdown after a handoff to ensure proper routing */
-+ if (!ort)
-+ return 0;
-+ if ((ortdev = dev_get_by_index(ort->ifindex)) == NULL) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_WARNING, "Device is not present");
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ neigh_ifdown(&nd_tbl, ortdev);
-+ dev_put(ortdev);
-+ return 0;
-+static int mdet_get_if_preference(int ifi)
-+ int pref = 0;
-+ pref = ma_ctl_get_preference(ifi);
-+ DEBUG(DEBUG_MDETECT, "ifi: %d preference %d", ifi, pref);
-+ return pref;
-+ * Called from mipv6_mn_ra_rcv to determine whether to do a handoff.
-+ */
-+static int mipv6_router_event(struct router *rptr)
-+ struct router *nrt = NULL;
-+ int new_router = 0, same_if = 1;
-+ int oldstate = _curr_state;
-+ int addrtype = ipv6_addr_type(&rptr->raddr);
-+ if (rptr->lifetime == 0)
-+ return MIPV6_IGN_RTR;
-+ DEBUG(DEBUG_MDETECT, "Received a RA from router: "
-+ "%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x", NIPV6ADDR(&rptr->raddr));
-+ spin_lock(&router_lock);
-+ /* Add or update router entry */
-+ if ((nrt = mipv6_rtr_get(&rptr->raddr)) == NULL) {
-+ if (addrtype == IPV6_ADDR_ANY || (nrt = mipv6_rtr_add(rptr)) == NULL) {
-+ spin_unlock(&router_lock);
-+ return MIPV6_IGN_RTR;
-+ }
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Router not on list,adding it to the list");
-+ new_router = 1;
-+ }
-+ nrt->last_ra_rcvd = jiffies;
-+ nrt->state = ROUTER_REACHABLE;
-+ nrt->interval = rptr->interval;
-+ nrt->lifetime = rptr->lifetime;
-+ nrt->ifindex = rptr->ifindex;
-+ nrt->flags = rptr->flags;
-+ nrt->glob_addr = rptr->glob_addr;
-+ /* Whether from current router */
-+ if (curr_router && curr_router->reachable &&
-+ is_current_rtr(nrt, curr_router)) {
-+ if (nrt->interval)
-+ mod_timer(&r_timer, jiffies + (nrt->interval * HZ)/1000);
-+ else
-+ mod_timer(&r_timer, jiffies + max_rtr_reach_time * HZ);
-+ mdet_statemachine(RA_RCVD);
-+ spin_unlock(&router_lock);
-+ return MIPV6_ADD_RTR;
-+ } else if (oldstate == NO_RTR) {
-+ rt6_purge_dflt_routers(0); /* For multiple interface case */
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "No router or router not reachable, switching to new one");
-+ goto handoff;
-+ }
-+ if (!curr_router) {
-+ /* Startup */
-+ goto handoff;
-+ }
-+ /* Router behind same interface as current one ?*/
-+ same_if = (nrt->ifindex == curr_router->ifindex);
-+ /* Switch to new router behind same interface if eager cell
-+ * switching is used or if the interface is preferred
-+ */
-+ if ((new_router && eager_cell_switching && same_if) ||
-+ (mdet_get_if_preference(nrt->ifindex) >
-+ mdet_get_if_preference(curr_router->ifindex))) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Switching to new router.");
-+ goto handoff;
-+ }
-+ /* No handoff, don't add default route */
-+ spin_unlock(&router_lock);
-+ return MIPV6_IGN_RTR;
-+ clean_ncache(nrt, curr_router, same_if);
-+ nrt->reachable = 1;
-+ if (same_if && change_next_rtr(nrt, curr_router)) {
-+ mipv6_do_ll_dad(nrt->ifindex);
-+ nrt->flags |= LLADDR_TENTATIVE;
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock(&router_lock);
-+ return MIPV6_CHG_RTR;
-+ * Called from ndisc.c's router_discovery.
-+ */
-+static inline int ret_to_ha(struct in6_addr *addr)
-+ int res = 0;
-+ struct mn_info *minfo;
-+ read_lock(&mn_info_lock);
-+ minfo = mipv6_mninfo_get_by_ha(addr);
-+ if (minfo != NULL) {
-+ spin_lock(&minfo->lock);
-+ if (minfo->has_home_reg) {
-+ res = 1;
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock(&minfo->lock);
-+ }
-+ read_unlock(&mn_info_lock);
-+ return res;
-+static int mipv6_mn_ra_rcv(struct sk_buff *skb, struct ndisc_options *ndopts)
-+ int ifi = ((struct inet6_skb_parm *)skb->cb)->iif;
-+ struct ra_msg *ra = (struct ra_msg *) skb->h.raw;
-+ struct in6_addr *saddr = &skb->nh.ipv6h->saddr;
-+ struct router nrt;
-+ struct in6_addr *ha = NULL;
-+ u8 *lladdr = NULL;
-+ int res;
-+ memset(&nrt, 0, sizeof(struct router));
-+ if (ra->icmph.icmp6_home_agent) {
-+ nrt.flags |= ND_RA_FLAG_HA;
-+ }
-+ if (ra->icmph.icmp6_addrconf_managed) {
-+ nrt.flags |= ND_RA_FLAG_MANAGED;
-+ }
-+ if (ra->icmph.icmp6_addrconf_other) {
-+ nrt.flags |= ND_RA_FLAG_OTHER;
-+ }
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&nrt.ll_addr, saddr);
-+ nrt.ifindex = ifi;
-+ nrt.lifetime = ntohs(ra->icmph.icmp6_rt_lifetime);
-+ if (ndopts->nd_opts_src_lladdr) {
-+ lladdr = (u8 *) ndopts->nd_opts_src_lladdr+2;
-+ nrt.link_addr_len = skb->dev->addr_len;
-+ memcpy(nrt.link_addr, lladdr, nrt.link_addr_len);
-+ }
-+ if (ndopts->nd_opts_pi) {
-+ struct nd_opt_hdr *p;
-+ for (p = ndopts->nd_opts_pi;
-+ p;
-+ p = ndisc_next_option(p, ndopts->nd_opts_pi_end)) {
-+ struct prefix_info *pinfo;
-+ int update = 0;
-+ pinfo = (struct prefix_info *) p;
-+ if (!pinfo->autoconf)
-+ continue;
-+ if ((pinfo->router_address &&
-+ (update = ret_to_ha(&pinfo->prefix))) ||
-+ ipv6_addr_type(&nrt.raddr) != IPV6_ADDR_UNICAST) {
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&nrt.raddr, &pinfo->prefix);
-+ nrt.pfix_len = pinfo->prefix_len;
-+ if (pinfo->router_address)
-+ nrt.glob_addr = 1;
-+ else
-+ nrt.glob_addr = 0;
-+ if (update)
-+ ha = &pinfo->prefix;
-+ DEBUG(DBG_DATADUMP, "Address of the received "
-+ "prefix info option: %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x",
-+ NIPV6ADDR(&nrt.raddr));
-+ DEBUG(DBG_DATADUMP, "the length of the prefix is %d",
-+ nrt.pfix_len);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ if (ndopts->nd_opts_rai) {
-+ nrt.interval = ntohl(*(__u32 *)(ndopts->nd_opts_rai+4));
-+ "received router interval option with interval : %d ",
-+ nrt.interval / HZ);
-+ if (nrt.interval > MAX_RADV_INTERVAL) {
-+ nrt.interval = 0;
-+ DEBUG(DBG_DATADUMP, "but we are using: %d, "
-+ "because interval>MAX_RADV_INTERVAL",
-+ nrt.interval / HZ);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ res = mipv6_router_event(&nrt);
-+ if (ha && lladdr) {
-+ mipv6_mn_ha_nd_update(__dev_get_by_index(ifi), ha, lladdr);
-+ }
-+ return res;
-+int __init mipv6_initialize_mdetect(void)
-+ spin_lock_init(&router_lock);
-+ spin_lock_init(&ho_lock);
-+ init_timer(&coa_timer);
-+ init_timer(&r_timer);
-+ r_timer.expires = jiffies + HZ;
-+ add_timer(&r_timer);
-+ /* Actual HO, also deletes old routes after the addition of new ones
-+ in ndisc */
-+ MIPV6_SETCALL(mipv6_change_router, mipv6_change_router);
-+ MIPV6_SETCALL(mipv6_ra_rcv, mipv6_mn_ra_rcv);
-+ return 0;
-+int __exit mipv6_shutdown_mdetect()
-+ MIPV6_RESETCALL(mipv6_ra_rcv);
-+ MIPV6_RESETCALL(mipv6_change_router);
-+ spin_lock_bh(&router_lock);
-+ spin_lock(&ho_lock);
-+ del_timer(&coa_timer);
-+ del_timer(&r_timer);
-+ /* Free the memory allocated by router list */
-+ list_free(&curr_router);
-+ if (_ho)
-+ kfree(_ho);
-+ spin_unlock(&ho_lock);
-+ spin_unlock_bh(&router_lock);
-+ return 0;
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mdetect.h linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mdetect.h
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mdetect.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mdetect.h 2004-06-26 11:29:31.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
-+ * MIPL Mobile IPv6 Movement detection module header file
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ */
-+#ifndef _MDETECT_H
-+#define _MDETECT_H
-+struct handoff {
-+ int home_address; /* Is the coa a home address */
-+ int ifindex;
-+ int plen;
-+ struct in6_addr *coa;
-+ struct in6_addr rtr_addr; /* Prefix or rtr address if coa is home address */
-+int mipv6_initialize_mdetect(void);
-+int mipv6_shutdown_mdetect(void);
-+int mipv6_get_care_of_address(struct in6_addr *homeaddr, struct in6_addr *coa);
-+int mipv6_mdet_del_if(int ifindex);
-+int mipv6_mdet_finalize_ho(const struct in6_addr *coa, const int ifindex);
-+void mipv6_mdet_retrigger_ho(void);
-+void mipv6_mdet_set_curr_rtr_reachable(int reachable);
-+#endif /* _MDETECT_H */
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mipv6_icmp.c linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mipv6_icmp.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mipv6_icmp.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mipv6_icmp.c 2004-06-26 11:29:31.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
-+ * Generic icmp routines
-+ *
-+ * Authors:
-+ * Jaakko Laine <>,
-+ * Ville Nuorvala <>
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ */
-+#include <linux/config.h>
-+#include <linux/icmpv6.h>
-+#include <net/checksum.h>
-+#include <net/ipv6.h>
-+#include <net/ip6_route.h>
-+#include <net/mipv6.h>
-+#include <net/mipglue.h>
-+#include "debug.h"
-+#include "bcache.h"
-+#include "mipv6_icmp.h"
-+#include "config.h"
-+struct mipv6_icmpv6_msg {
-+ struct icmp6hdr icmph;
-+ __u8 *data;
-+ struct in6_addr *daddr;
-+ int len;
-+ __u32 csum;
-+#define MIPV6_ICMP_HOP_LIMIT 64
-+static struct socket *mipv6_icmpv6_socket = NULL;
-+static __u16 identifier = 0;
-+int mipv6_icmpv6_no_rcv(struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ return 0;
-+static int mipv6_icmpv6_xmit_holder = -1;
-+static int mipv6_icmpv6_xmit_lock_bh(void)
-+ if (!spin_trylock(&mipv6_icmpv6_socket->sk->lock.slock)) {
-+ if (mipv6_icmpv6_xmit_holder == smp_processor_id())
-+ return -EAGAIN;
-+ spin_lock(&mipv6_icmpv6_socket->sk->lock.slock);
-+ }
-+ mipv6_icmpv6_xmit_holder = smp_processor_id();
-+ return 0;
-+static __inline__ int mipv6_icmpv6_xmit_lock(void)
-+ int ret;
-+ local_bh_disable();
-+ ret = mipv6_icmpv6_xmit_lock_bh();
-+ if (ret)
-+ local_bh_enable();
-+ return ret;
-+static void mipv6_icmpv6_xmit_unlock_bh(void)
-+ mipv6_icmpv6_xmit_holder = -1;
-+ spin_unlock(&mipv6_icmpv6_socket->sk->lock.slock);
-+static __inline__ void mipv6_icmpv6_xmit_unlock(void)
-+ mipv6_icmpv6_xmit_unlock_bh();
-+ local_bh_enable();
-+ * mipv6_icmpv6_dest_unreach - Destination Unreachable ICMP error message handler
-+ * @skb: buffer containing ICMP error message
-+ *
-+ * Special Mobile IPv6 ICMP handling. If Correspondent Node receives
-+ * persistent ICMP Destination Unreachable messages for a destination
-+ * in its Binding Cache, the binding should be deleted. See draft
-+ * section 8.8.
-+ **/
-+static int mipv6_icmpv6_rcv_dest_unreach(struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ struct icmp6hdr *icmph = (struct icmp6hdr *) skb->h.raw;
-+ struct ipv6hdr *ipv6h = (struct ipv6hdr *) (icmph + 1);
-+ int left = (skb->tail - skb->h.raw) - sizeof(*icmph)- sizeof(ipv6h);
-+ struct ipv6_opt_hdr *eh;
-+ struct rt2_hdr *rt2h = NULL;
-+ struct in6_addr *daddr = &ipv6h->daddr;
-+ struct in6_addr *saddr = &ipv6h->saddr;
-+ int hdrlen, nexthdr = ipv6h->nexthdr;
-+ struct mipv6_bce bce;
-+ eh = (struct ipv6_opt_hdr *) (ipv6h + 1);
-+ while (left > 0) {
-+ if (nexthdr != NEXTHDR_HOP && nexthdr != NEXTHDR_DEST &&
-+ nexthdr != NEXTHDR_ROUTING)
-+ return 0;
-+ hdrlen = ipv6_optlen(eh);
-+ if (hdrlen > left)
-+ return 0;
-+ if (nexthdr == NEXTHDR_ROUTING) {
-+ struct ipv6_rt_hdr *rth = (struct ipv6_rt_hdr *) eh;
-+ if (rth->type == IPV6_SRCRT_TYPE_2) {
-+ if (hdrlen != sizeof(struct rt2_hdr))
-+ return 0;
-+ rt2h = (struct rt2_hdr *) rth;
-+ if (rt2h->rt_hdr.segments_left > 0)
-+ daddr = &rt2h->addr;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ /* check for home address option in case this node is a MN */
-+ if (nexthdr == NEXTHDR_DEST) {
-+ __u8 *raw = (__u8 *) eh;
-+ __u16 i = 2;
-+ while (1) {
-+ struct mipv6_dstopt_homeaddr *hao;
-+ if (i + sizeof (*hao) > hdrlen)
-+ break;
-+ hao = (struct mipv6_dstopt_homeaddr *) &raw[i];
-+ if (hao->type == MIPV6_TLV_HOMEADDR &&
-+ hao->length == sizeof(struct in6_addr)) {
-+ saddr = &hao->addr;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ if (hao->type)
-+ i += hao->length + 2;
-+ else
-+ i++;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ nexthdr = eh->nexthdr;
-+ eh = (struct ipv6_opt_hdr *) ((u8 *) eh + hdrlen);
-+ left -= hdrlen;
-+ }
-+ if (rt2h == NULL) return 0;
-+ if (mipv6_bcache_get(daddr, saddr, &bce) == 0 && !(bce.flags&HOME_REGISTRATION)) {
-+ /* A primitive algorithm for detecting persistent ICMP destination unreachable messages */
-+ if (bce.destunr_count &&
-+ time_after(jiffies,
-+ bce.last_destunr + MIPV6_DEST_UNR_IVAL*HZ))
-+ bce.destunr_count = 0;
-+ bce.destunr_count++;
-+ mipv6_bcache_icmp_err(daddr, saddr, bce.destunr_count);
-+ if (bce.destunr_count > MIPV6_MAX_DESTUNREACH && mipv6_bcache_delete(daddr, saddr, CACHE_ENTRY) == 0) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Deleted bcache entry "
-+ "%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x "
-+ "%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x (reason: "
-+ "%d dest unreachables) ",
-+ NIPV6ADDR(daddr), NIPV6ADDR(saddr), bce.destunr_count);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return 0;
-+static int mipv6_icmpv6_getfrag(const void *data, struct in6_addr *saddr,
-+ char *buff, unsigned int offset,
-+ unsigned int len)
-+ struct mipv6_icmpv6_msg *msg = (struct mipv6_icmpv6_msg *) data;
-+ struct icmp6hdr *icmph;
-+ __u32 csum;
-+ if (offset) {
-+ msg->csum = csum_partial_copy_nocheck(msg->data + offset -
-+ sizeof(*icmph), buff,
-+ len, msg->csum);
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ csum = csum_partial_copy_nocheck((__u8 *) &msg->icmph, buff,
-+ sizeof(*icmph), msg->csum);
-+ csum = csum_partial_copy_nocheck(msg->data, buff + sizeof(*icmph),
-+ len - sizeof(*icmph), csum);
-+ icmph = (struct icmp6hdr *) buff;
-+ icmph->icmp6_cksum = csum_ipv6_magic(saddr, msg->daddr, msg->len,
-+ IPPROTO_ICMPV6, csum);
-+ return 0;
-+ * mipv6_icmpv6_send - generic icmpv6 message send
-+ * @daddr: destination address
-+ * @saddr: source address
-+ * @type: icmp type
-+ * @code: icmp code
-+ * @id: packet identifier. If null, uses internal counter to get new id
-+ * @data: packet data
-+ * @datalen: length of data in bytes
-+ */
-+void mipv6_icmpv6_send(struct in6_addr *daddr, struct in6_addr *saddr, int type,
-+ int code, __u16 *id, __u16 flags, void *data, int datalen)
-+ struct sock *sk = mipv6_icmpv6_socket->sk;
-+ struct flowi fl;
-+ struct mipv6_icmpv6_msg msg;
-+ fl.proto = IPPROTO_ICMPV6;
-+ fl.fl6_dst = daddr;
-+ fl.fl6_src = saddr;
-+ fl.fl6_flowlabel = 0;
-+ fl.uli_u.icmpt.type = type;
-+ fl.uli_u.icmpt.code = code;
-+ msg.icmph.icmp6_type = type;
-+ msg.icmph.icmp6_code = code;
-+ msg.icmph.icmp6_cksum = 0;
-+ if (id)
-+ msg.icmph.icmp6_identifier = htons(*id);
-+ else
-+ msg.icmph.icmp6_identifier = htons(identifier++);
-+ msg.icmph.icmp6_sequence = htons(flags);
-+ = data;
-+ msg.csum = 0;
-+ msg.len = datalen + sizeof(struct icmp6hdr);
-+ msg.daddr = daddr;
-+ if (mipv6_icmpv6_xmit_lock())
-+ return;
-+ ip6_build_xmit(sk, mipv6_icmpv6_getfrag, &msg, &fl, msg.len, NULL, -1,
-+ ICMP6_INC_STATS_BH(Icmp6OutMsgs);
-+ mipv6_icmpv6_xmit_unlock();
-+ * icmp6_rcv - ICMPv6 receive and multiplex
-+ * @skb: buffer containing ICMP message
-+ *
-+ * Generic ICMPv6 receive function to multiplex messages to approriate
-+ * handlers. Only used for ICMP messages with special handling in
-+ * Mobile IPv6.
-+ **/
-+static void icmp6_rcv(struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ struct icmp6hdr *hdr;
-+ if (skb_is_nonlinear(skb) &&
-+ skb_linearize(skb, GFP_ATOMIC) != 0) {
-+ kfree_skb(skb);
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ __skb_push(skb, skb->data-skb->h.raw);
-+ hdr = (struct icmp6hdr *) skb->h.raw;
-+ switch (hdr->icmp6_type) {
-+ mipv6_icmpv6_rcv_dest_unreach(skb);
-+ break;
-+ mip6_fn.icmpv6_paramprob_rcv(skb);
-+ break;
-+ mip6_fn.icmpv6_dhaad_rep_rcv(skb);
-+ break;
-+ mip6_fn.icmpv6_pfxadv_rcv(skb);
-+ break;
-+ mip6_fn.icmpv6_dhaad_req_rcv(skb);
-+ break;
-+ mip6_fn.icmpv6_pfxsol_rcv(skb);
-+ break;
-+ }
-+int mipv6_icmpv6_init(void)
-+ struct sock *sk;
-+ int err;
-+ if ((mipv6_icmpv6_socket = sock_alloc()) == NULL) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "Cannot allocate mipv6_icmpv6_socket");
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ mipv6_icmpv6_socket->type = SOCK_RAW;
-+ if ((err = sock_create(PF_INET6, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_ICMP,
-+ &mipv6_icmpv6_socket)) < 0) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "Cannot initialize mipv6_icmpv6_socket");
-+ sock_release(mipv6_icmpv6_socket);
-+ mipv6_icmpv6_socket = NULL; /* For safety */
-+ return err;
-+ }
-+ sk = mipv6_icmpv6_socket->sk;
-+ sk->allocation = GFP_ATOMIC;
-+ sk->prot->unhash(sk);
-+ /* Register our ICMP handler */
-+ MIPV6_SETCALL(mipv6_icmp_rcv, icmp6_rcv);
-+ return 0;
-+void mipv6_icmpv6_exit(void)
-+ MIPV6_RESETCALL(mipv6_icmp_rcv);
-+ if (mipv6_icmpv6_socket)
-+ sock_release(mipv6_icmpv6_socket);
-+ mipv6_icmpv6_socket = NULL; /* For safety */
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mipv6_icmp.h linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mipv6_icmp.h
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mipv6_icmp.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mipv6_icmp.h 2004-06-26 11:29:31.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
-+ * MIPL Mobile IPv6 ICMP send and receive prototypes
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ */
-+#ifndef _MIPV6_ICMP
-+#define _MIPV6_ICMP
-+#include <linux/config.h>
-+#include <linux/in6.h>
-+void mipv6_icmpv6_send(struct in6_addr *daddr, struct in6_addr *saddr,
-+ int type, int code, __u16 *id, __u16 flags,
-+ void *data, int datalen);
-+void mipv6_icmpv6_send_dhaad_req(struct in6_addr *home_addr, int plen, __u16 dhaad_id);
-+void mipv6_icmpv6_send_dhaad_rep(int ifindex, __u16 id, struct in6_addr *daddr);
-+/* No handling */
-+int mipv6_icmpv6_no_rcv(struct sk_buff *skb);
-+/* Receive DHAAD Reply message */
-+int mipv6_icmpv6_rcv_dhaad_rep(struct sk_buff *skb);
-+/* Receive Parameter Problem message */
-+int mipv6_icmpv6_rcv_paramprob(struct sk_buff *skb);
-+/* Receive prefix advertisements */
-+int mipv6_icmpv6_rcv_pfx_adv(struct sk_buff *skb);
-+/* Receive DHAAD Request message */
-+int mipv6_icmpv6_rcv_dhaad_req(struct sk_buff *skb);
-+/* Receive prefix solicitations */
-+int mipv6_icmpv6_rcv_pfx_sol(struct sk_buff *skb);
-+int mipv6_icmpv6_init(void);
-+void mipv6_icmpv6_exit(void);
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mipv6_icmp_ha.c linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mipv6_icmp_ha.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mipv6_icmp_ha.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mipv6_icmp_ha.c 2004-06-26 11:29:31.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
-+ * Home Agent specific ICMP routines
-+ *
-+ * Authors:
-+ * Antti Tuominen <>
-+ * Jaakko Laine <>
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ */
-+#include <linux/autoconf.h>
-+#include <linux/sched.h>
-+#include <net/ipv6.h>
-+#include <net/addrconf.h>
-+#include <net/ip6_route.h>
-+#include <net/mipv6.h>
-+#include "halist.h"
-+#include "debug.h"
-+#include "mipv6_icmp.h"
-+//#include "prefix.h"
-+/* Is this the easiest way of checking on
-+ * which interface an anycast address is ?
-+ */
-+static int find_ac_dev(struct in6_addr *addr)
-+ int ifindex = 0;
-+ struct net_device *dev;
-+ read_lock(&dev_base_lock);
-+ for (dev=dev_base; dev; dev=dev->next) {
-+ if (ipv6_chk_acast_addr(dev, addr)) {
-+ ifindex = dev->ifindex;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ read_unlock(&dev_base_lock);
-+ return ifindex;
-+ * mipv6_icmpv6_send_dhaad_rep - Reply to DHAAD Request
-+ * @ifindex: index of interface request was received from
-+ * @id: request's identification number
-+ * @daddr: requester's IPv6 address
-+ *
-+ * When Home Agent receives Dynamic Home Agent Address Discovery
-+ * request, it replies with a list of home agents available on the
-+ * home link.
-+ */
-+void mipv6_icmpv6_send_dhaad_rep(int ifindex, __u16 id, struct in6_addr *daddr)
-+ __u8 *data = NULL;
-+ struct in6_addr home, *ha_addrs = NULL;
-+ int addr_count, max_addrs, size = 0;
-+ if (daddr == NULL)
-+ return;
-+ if (mipv6_ha_get_addr(ifindex, &home) < 0) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Not Home Agent in this interface");
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ /* We send all available HA addresses, not exceeding a maximum
-+ * number we can fit in a packet with minimum IPv6 MTU (to
-+ * avoid fragmentation).
-+ */
-+ max_addrs = 76;
-+ addr_count = mipv6_ha_get_pref_list(ifindex, &ha_addrs, max_addrs);
-+ if (addr_count < 0) return;
-+ if (addr_count != 0 && ha_addrs == NULL) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "addr_count = %d but return no addresses",
-+ addr_count);
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ data = (u8 *)ha_addrs;
-+ size = addr_count * sizeof(struct in6_addr);
-+ mipv6_icmpv6_send(daddr, &home, MIPV6_DHAAD_REPLY,
-+ 0, &id, 0, data, size);
-+ if (ha_addrs) {
-+ data = NULL;
-+ kfree(ha_addrs);
-+ }
-+ * mipv6_icmpv6_dhaad_req - Home Agent Address Discovery Request ICMP handler
-+ * @skb: buffer containing ICMP information message
-+ *
-+ * Special Mobile IPv6 ICMP message. Handles Dynamic Home Agent
-+ * Address Discovery Request messages.
-+ **/
-+int mipv6_icmpv6_rcv_dhaad_req(struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ struct icmp6hdr *phdr = (struct icmp6hdr *) skb->h.raw;
-+ struct in6_addr *saddr = &skb->nh.ipv6h->saddr;
-+ struct in6_addr *daddr = &skb->nh.ipv6h->daddr;
-+ __u16 identifier;
-+ int ifindex = 0;
-+ /* Invalid packet checks. */
-+ if (phdr->icmp6_code != 0)
-+ return 0;
-+ identifier = ntohs(phdr->icmp6_identifier);
-+ /*
-+ * Make sure we have the right ifindex (if the
-+ * req came through another interface.
-+ */
-+ ifindex = find_ac_dev(daddr);
-+ if (ifindex == 0) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_WARNING, "received dhaad request to anycast address %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x"
-+ " on which prefix we are not HA",
-+ NIPV6ADDR(daddr));
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ /*
-+ * send reply with list
-+ */
-+ mipv6_icmpv6_send_dhaad_rep(ifindex, identifier, saddr);
-+ return 1;
-+#if 0
-+ * mipv6_icmpv6_handle_pfx_sol - handle prefix solicitations
-+ * @skb: sk_buff including the icmp6 message
-+ */
-+int mipv6_icmpv6_rcv_pfx_sol(struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ struct in6_addr *saddr = &skb->nh.ipv6h->saddr;
-+ struct in6_addr *daddr = &skb->nh.ipv6h->daddr;
-+ struct inet6_ifaddr *ifp;
-+ if (!(ifp = ipv6_get_ifaddr(daddr, NULL)))
-+ return -1;
-+ in6_ifa_put(ifp);
-+ mipv6_pfx_cancel_send(saddr, -1);
-+ return 0;
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mipv6_icmp_mn.c linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mipv6_icmp_mn.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mipv6_icmp_mn.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mipv6_icmp_mn.c 2004-06-26 11:29:31.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
-+ * Mobile Node specific ICMP routines
-+ *
-+ * Authors:
-+ * Antti Tuominen <>
-+ * Jaakko Laine <>
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ */
-+#include <linux/sched.h>
-+#include <net/ipv6.h>
-+#include <net/ip6_route.h>
-+#include <net/addrconf.h>
-+#include <net/mipv6.h>
-+#include "mn.h"
-+#include "bul.h"
-+#include "mdetect.h"
-+#include "debug.h"
-+#include "mipv6_icmp.h"
-+#include "util.h"
-+//#include "prefix.h"
-+#define INFINITY 0xffffffff
-+ * mipv6_icmpv6_paramprob - Parameter Problem ICMP error message handler
-+ * @skb: buffer containing ICMP error message
-+ *
-+ * Special Mobile IPv6 ICMP handling. If Mobile Node receives ICMP
-+ * Parameter Problem message when using a Home Address Option,
-+ * offending node should be logged and error message dropped. If
-+ * error is received because of a Binding Update, offending node
-+ * should be recorded in Binding Update List and no more Binding
-+ * Updates should be sent to this destination. See RFC 3775 section
-+ * 10.15.
-+ **/
-+int mipv6_icmpv6_rcv_paramprob(struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ struct icmp6hdr *phdr = (struct icmp6hdr *) skb->h.raw;
-+ struct in6_addr *saddr = skb ? &skb->nh.ipv6h->saddr : NULL;
-+ struct in6_addr *daddr = skb ? &skb->nh.ipv6h->daddr : NULL;
-+ struct ipv6hdr *hdr = (struct ipv6hdr *) (phdr + 1);
-+ int ulen = (skb->tail - (unsigned char *) (phdr + 1));
-+ int errptr;
-+ __u8 *off_octet;
-+ /* We only handle code 1 & 2 messages. */
-+ if (phdr->icmp6_code != ICMPV6_UNK_NEXTHDR &&
-+ phdr->icmp6_code != ICMPV6_UNK_OPTION)
-+ return 0;
-+ /* Find offending octet in the original packet. */
-+ errptr = ntohl(phdr->icmp6_pointer);
-+ /* There is not enough of the original packet left to figure
-+ * out what went wrong. Bail out. */
-+ if (ulen <= errptr)
-+ return 0;
-+ off_octet = ((__u8 *) hdr + errptr);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Parameter problem: offending octet %d [0x%2x]",
-+ errptr, *off_octet);
-+ /* If CN did not understand Mobility Header, set BUL entry to
-+ * ACK_ERROR so no further BUs are sumbitted to this CN. */
-+ if (phdr->icmp6_code == ICMPV6_UNK_NEXTHDR &&
-+ *off_octet == IPPROTO_MOBILITY) {
-+ struct bul_inval_args args;
-+ args.all_rr_states = 1;
-+ = saddr;
-+ = daddr;
-+ write_lock(&bul_lock);
-+ mipv6_bul_iterate(mn_bul_invalidate, &args);
-+ write_unlock(&bul_lock);
-+ }
-+ /* If CN did not understand Home Address Option, we log an
-+ * error and discard the error message. */
-+ if (phdr->icmp6_code == ICMPV6_UNK_OPTION &&
-+ *off_octet == MIPV6_TLV_HOMEADDR) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_WARNING, "Correspondent node does not "
-+ "implement Home Address Option receipt.");
-+ return 1;
-+ }
-+ return 0;
-+ * mipv6_mn_dhaad_send_req - Send DHAAD Request to home network
-+ * @home_addr: address to do DHAAD for
-+ * @plen: prefix length for @home_addr
-+ *
-+ * Send Dynamic Home Agent Address Discovery Request to the Home
-+ * Agents anycast address in the nodes home network.
-+ **/
-+mipv6_icmpv6_send_dhaad_req(struct in6_addr *home_addr, int plen, __u16 dhaad_id)
-+ struct in6_addr ha_anycast;
-+ struct in6_addr careofaddr;
-+ if (mipv6_get_care_of_address(home_addr, &careofaddr) < 0) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_WARNING, "Could not get node's Care-of Address");
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ if (mipv6_ha_anycast(&ha_anycast, home_addr, plen) < 0) {
-+ "Could not get Home Agent Anycast address for home address %x:%x.%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x/%d",
-+ NIPV6ADDR(home_addr), plen);
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ mipv6_icmpv6_send(&ha_anycast, &careofaddr, MIPV6_DHAAD_REQUEST, 0,
-+ &dhaad_id, 0, NULL, 0);
-+ * mipv6_icmpv6_dhaad_rep - Home Agent Address Discovery Reply ICMP handler
-+ * @skb: buffer containing ICMP information message
-+ *
-+ * Special Mobile IPv6 ICMP message. Handles Dynamic Home Agent
-+ * Address Discovery Reply messages.
-+ **/
-+int mipv6_icmpv6_rcv_dhaad_rep(struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ struct icmp6hdr *phdr = (struct icmp6hdr *) skb->h.raw;
-+ struct in6_addr *address;
-+ struct in6_addr *saddr = &skb->nh.ipv6h->saddr;
-+ __u16 identifier;
-+ int ulen = (skb->tail - (unsigned char *) ((__u32 *) phdr + 2));
-+ int i;
-+ struct in6_addr home_addr, coa;
-+ struct in6_addr *first_ha = NULL;
-+ struct mn_info *minfo;
-+ int n_addr = ulen / sizeof(struct in6_addr);
-+ /* Invalid packet checks. */
-+ if (ulen % sizeof(struct in6_addr) != 0)
-+ return 0;
-+ if (phdr->icmp6_code != 0)
-+ return 0;
-+ identifier = ntohs(phdr->icmp6_identifier);
-+ if (ulen > 0) {
-+ address = (struct in6_addr *) ((__u32 *) phdr + 2);
-+ } else {
-+ address = saddr;
-+ n_addr = 1;
-+ }
-+ /* receive list of home agent addresses
-+ * add to home agents list
-+ */
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "DHAAD: got %d home agents", n_addr);
-+ first_ha = address;
-+ /* lookup H@ with identifier */
-+ read_lock(&mn_info_lock);
-+ minfo = mipv6_mninfo_get_by_id(identifier);
-+ if (!minfo) {
-+ read_unlock(&mn_info_lock);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "no mninfo with id %d",
-+ identifier);
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ spin_lock(&minfo->lock);
-+ /* Logic:
-+ * 1. if old HA on list, prefer it
-+ * 2. otherwise first HA on list prefered
-+ */
-+ for (i = 0; i < n_addr; i++) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "HA[%d] %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x",
-+ i, NIPV6ADDR(address));
-+ if (ipv6_addr_cmp(&minfo->ha, address) == 0) {
-+ spin_unlock(&minfo->lock);
-+ read_unlock(&mn_info_lock);
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ address++;
-+ }
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&minfo->ha, first_ha);
-+ spin_unlock(&minfo->lock);
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&home_addr, &minfo->home_addr);
-+ read_unlock(&mn_info_lock);
-+ mipv6_get_care_of_address(&home_addr, &coa);
-+ init_home_registration(&home_addr, &coa);
-+ return 1;
-+#if 0
-+ * mipv6_icmpv6_handle_pfx_adv - handle prefix advertisements
-+ * @skb: sk_buff including the icmp6 message
-+ */
-+int mipv6_icmpv6_rcv_pfx_adv(struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ struct icmp6hdr *hdr = (struct icmp6hdr *) skb->h.raw;
-+ struct in6_addr *saddr = &skb->nh.ipv6h->saddr;
-+ struct in6_addr *daddr = &skb->nh.ipv6h->daddr;
-+ __u8 *opt = (__u8 *) (hdr + 1);
-+ int optlen = (skb->tail - opt);
-+ unsigned long min_expire = INFINITY;
-+ struct inet6_skb_parm *parm = (struct inet6_skb_parm *) skb->cb;
-+ while (optlen > 0) {
-+ int len = opt[1] << 3;
-+ if (len == 0)
-+ goto set_timer;
-+ if (opt[0] == ND_OPT_PREFIX_INFO) {
-+ int ifindex;
-+ unsigned long expire;
-+ struct prefix_info *pinfo =
-+ (struct prefix_info *) opt;
-+ struct net_device *dev;
-+ struct mn_info *mninfo;
-+ read_lock(&mn_info_lock);
-+ mninfo = mipv6_mninfo_get_by_ha(saddr);
-+ if (mninfo == NULL) {
-+ ifindex = 0;
-+ } else {
-+ spin_lock(&mninfo->lock);
-+ ifindex = mninfo->ifindex;
-+ spin_unlock(&mninfo->lock);
-+ mninfo = NULL;
-+ }
-+ read_unlock(&mn_info_lock);
-+ if (!(dev = dev_get_by_index(ifindex))) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_WARNING, "Cannot find device by index %d", parm->iif);
-+ goto nextopt;
-+ }
-+ expire = ntohl(pinfo->valid);
-+ expire = expire == 0 ? INFINITY : expire;
-+ min_expire = expire < min_expire ? expire : min_expire;
-+ dev_put(dev);
-+ }
-+ optlen -= len;
-+ opt += len;
-+ }
-+ mipv6_pfx_add_home(parm->iif, saddr, daddr, min_expire);
-+ return 0;
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mn.c linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mn.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mn.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mn.c 2004-06-26 11:29:31.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,1521 @@
-+ * Mobile-node functionality
-+ *
-+ * Authors:
-+ * Sami Kivisaari <>
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#include <linux/autoconf.h>
-+#include <linux/sched.h>
-+#include <linux/ipv6.h>
-+#include <linux/net.h>
-+#include <linux/init.h>
-+#include <linux/skbuff.h>
-+#include <linux/rtnetlink.h>
-+#include <linux/if_arp.h>
-+#include <linux/ipsec.h>
-+#include <linux/notifier.h>
-+#include <linux/list.h>
-+#include <linux/route.h>
-+#include <linux/netfilter.h>
-+#include <linux/netfilter_ipv6.h>
-+#include <linux/tqueue.h>
-+#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
-+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
-+#include <net/ipv6.h>
-+#include <net/addrconf.h>
-+#include <net/neighbour.h>
-+#include <net/ndisc.h>
-+#include <net/ip6_route.h>
-+#include <net/mipglue.h>
-+#include "util.h"
-+#include "mdetect.h"
-+#include "bul.h"
-+#include "mobhdr.h"
-+#include "debug.h"
-+#include "mn.h"
-+#include "mipv6_icmp.h"
-+#include "multiaccess_ctl.h"
-+//#include "prefix.h"
-+#include "tunnel_mn.h"
-+#include "stats.h"
-+#include "config.h"
-+#define MIPV6_BUL_SIZE 128
-+static LIST_HEAD(mn_info_list);
-+/* Lock for list of MN infos */
-+rwlock_t mn_info_lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-+static spinlock_t ifrh_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-+struct ifr_holder {
-+ struct list_head list;
-+ struct in6_ifreq ifr;
-+ int old_ifi;
-+ struct handoff *ho;
-+static struct tq_struct mv_home_addr_task;
-+/* Determines whether manually configured home addresses are preferred as
-+ * source addresses over dynamically configured ones
-+ */
-+int mipv6_use_preconfigured_hoaddr = 1;
-+/* Determines whether home addresses, which are at home are preferred as
-+ * source addresses over other home addresses
-+ */
-+int mipv6_use_topol_corr_hoaddr = 0;
-+static spinlock_t icmpv6_id_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-+static __u16 icmpv6_id = 0;
-+static inline __u16 mipv6_get_dhaad_id(void)
-+ __u16 ret;
-+ spin_lock_bh(&icmpv6_id_lock);
-+ ret = ++icmpv6_id;
-+ spin_unlock_bh(&icmpv6_id_lock);
-+ return ret;
-+ * mipv6_mninfo_get_by_home - Returns mn_info for a home address
-+ * @haddr: home address of MN
-+ *
-+ * Returns mn_info on success %NULL otherwise. Caller MUST hold
-+ * @mn_info_lock (read or write).
-+ **/
-+struct mn_info *mipv6_mninfo_get_by_home(struct in6_addr *haddr)
-+ struct list_head *lh;
-+ struct mn_info *minfo;
-+ if (!haddr)
-+ return NULL;
-+ list_for_each(lh, &mn_info_list) {
-+ minfo = list_entry(lh, struct mn_info, list);
-+ spin_lock(&minfo->lock);
-+ if (!ipv6_addr_cmp(&minfo->home_addr, haddr)) {
-+ spin_unlock(&minfo->lock);
-+ return minfo;
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock(&minfo->lock);
-+ }
-+ return NULL;
-+ * mipv6_mninfo_get_by_ha - Lookup mn_info with Home Agent address
-+ * @home_agent: Home Agent address
-+ *
-+ * Searches for a mn_info entry with @ha set to @home_agent. You MUST
-+ * hold @mn_info_lock when calling this function. Returns pointer to
-+ * mn_info entry or %NULL on failure.
-+ **/
-+struct mn_info *mipv6_mninfo_get_by_ha(struct in6_addr *home_agent)
-+ struct list_head *lh;
-+ struct mn_info *minfo;
-+ if (!home_agent)
-+ return NULL;
-+ list_for_each(lh, &mn_info_list) {
-+ minfo = list_entry(lh, struct mn_info, list);
-+ spin_lock(&minfo->lock);
-+ if (!ipv6_addr_cmp(&minfo->ha, home_agent)) {
-+ spin_unlock(&minfo->lock);
-+ return minfo;
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock(&minfo->lock);
-+ }
-+ return NULL;
-+ * mipv6_mninfo_get_by_id - Lookup mn_info with id
-+ * @id: DHAAD identifier
-+ *
-+ * Searches for a mn_info entry with @dhaad_id set to @id. You MUST
-+ * hold @mn_info_lock when calling this function. Returns pointer to
-+ * mn_info entry or %NULL on failure.
-+ **/
-+struct mn_info *mipv6_mninfo_get_by_id(unsigned short id)
-+ struct list_head *lh;
-+ struct mn_info *minfo = 0;
-+ list_for_each(lh, &mn_info_list) {
-+ minfo = list_entry(lh, struct mn_info, list);
-+ spin_lock(&minfo->lock);
-+ if (minfo->dhaad_id == id) {
-+ spin_unlock(&minfo->lock);
-+ return minfo;
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock(&minfo->lock);
-+ }
-+ return NULL;
-+ * mipv6_mninfo_add - Adds a new home info for MN
-+ * @ifindex: Interface for home address
-+ * @home_addr: Home address of MN, must be set
-+ * @plen: prefix length of the home address, must be set
-+ * @isathome : home address at home
-+ * @lifetime: lifetime of the home address, 0 is infinite
-+ * @ha: home agent for the home address
-+ * @ha_plen: prefix length of home agent's address, can be zero
-+ * @ha_lifetime: Lifetime of the home address, 0 is infinite
-+ *
-+ * The function adds a new home info entry for MN, allowing it to
-+ * register the home address with the home agent. Starts home
-+ * registration process. If @ha is %ADDRANY, DHAAD is performed to
-+ * find a home agent. Returns 0 on success, a negative value
-+ * otherwise. Caller MUST NOT hold @mn_info_lock or
-+ * @addrconf_hash_lock.
-+ **/
-+void mipv6_mninfo_add(int ifindex, struct in6_addr *home_addr, int plen,
-+ int isathome, unsigned long lifetime, struct in6_addr *ha,
-+ int ha_plen, unsigned long ha_lifetime, int man_conf)
-+ struct mn_info *minfo;
-+ struct in6_addr coa;
-+ write_lock_bh(&mn_info_lock);
-+ if ((minfo = mipv6_mninfo_get_by_home(home_addr)) != NULL){
-+ DEBUG(1, "MN info already exists");
-+ write_unlock_bh(&mn_info_lock);
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ minfo = kmalloc(sizeof(struct mn_info), GFP_ATOMIC);
-+ if (!minfo) {
-+ write_unlock_bh(&mn_info_lock);
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ memset(minfo, 0, sizeof(struct mn_info));
-+ spin_lock_init(&minfo->lock);
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&minfo->home_addr, home_addr);
-+ if (ha)
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&minfo->ha, ha);
-+ if (ha_plen < 128 && ha_plen > 0)
-+ minfo->home_plen = ha_plen;
-+ else minfo->home_plen = 64;
-+ minfo->ifindex_user = ifindex; /* Ifindex for tunnel interface */
-+ minfo->ifindex = ifindex; /* Interface on which home address is currently conf'd */
-+ /* TODO: we should get home address lifetime from somewhere */
-+ /* minfo->home_addr_expires = jiffies + lifetime * HZ; */
-+ /* manual configuration flag cannot be unset by dynamic updates
-+ * from prefix advertisements
-+ */
-+ if (!minfo->man_conf) minfo->man_conf = man_conf;
-+ minfo->is_at_home = isathome;
-+ list_add(&minfo->list, &mn_info_list);
-+ write_unlock_bh(&mn_info_lock);
-+ if (mipv6_get_care_of_address(home_addr, &coa) == 0)
-+ init_home_registration(home_addr, &coa);
-+ * mipv6_mninfo_del - Delete home info for MN
-+ * @home_addr : Home address or prefix
-+ * @del_dyn_only : Delete only dynamically created home entries
-+ *
-+ * Deletes every mn_info entry that matches the first plen bits of
-+ * @home_addr. Returns number of deleted entries on success and a
-+ * negative value otherwise. Caller MUST NOT hold @mn_info_lock.
-+ **/
-+int mipv6_mninfo_del(struct in6_addr *home_addr, int del_dyn_only)
-+ struct list_head *lh, *next;
-+ struct mn_info *minfo;
-+ int ret = -1;
-+ if (!home_addr)
-+ return -1;
-+ write_lock(&mn_info_lock);
-+ list_for_each_safe(lh, next, &mn_info_list) {
-+ minfo = list_entry(lh, struct mn_info, list);
-+ if (ipv6_addr_cmp(&minfo->home_addr, home_addr) == 0
-+ && ((!minfo->man_conf && del_dyn_only) || !del_dyn_only)){
-+ list_del(&minfo->list);
-+ kfree(minfo);
-+ ret++;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ write_unlock(&mn_info_lock);
-+ return ret;
-+void mipv6_mn_set_home(int ifindex, struct in6_addr *homeaddr, int plen,
-+ struct in6_addr *homeagent, int ha_plen)
-+ mipv6_mninfo_add(ifindex, homeaddr, plen, 0, 0,
-+ homeagent, ha_plen, 0, 1);
-+static int skip_dad(struct in6_addr *addr)
-+ struct mn_info *minfo;
-+ int ret = 0;
-+ if (addr == NULL) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_CRITICAL, "Null argument");
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ read_lock_bh(&mn_info_lock);
-+ if ((minfo = mipv6_mninfo_get_by_home(addr)) != NULL) {
-+ if ((minfo->is_at_home != MN_NOT_AT_HOME) && (minfo->has_home_reg))
-+ ret = 1;
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "minfo->is_at_home = %d, minfo->has_home_reg = %d",
-+ minfo->is_at_home, minfo->has_home_reg);
-+ }
-+ read_unlock_bh(&mn_info_lock);
-+ return ret;
-+ * mipv6_mn_is_home_addr - Determines if addr is node's home address
-+ * @addr: IPv6 address
-+ *
-+ * Returns 1 if addr is node's home address. Otherwise returns zero.
-+ **/
-+int mipv6_mn_is_home_addr(struct in6_addr *addr)
-+ int ret = 0;
-+ if (addr == NULL) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_CRITICAL, "Null argument");
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ read_lock_bh(&mn_info_lock);
-+ if (mipv6_mninfo_get_by_home(addr))
-+ ret = 1;
-+ read_unlock_bh(&mn_info_lock);
-+ return (ret);
-+ * mipv6_mn_is_at_home - determine if node is home for a home address
-+ * @home_addr : home address of MN
-+ *
-+ * Returns 1 if home address in question is in the home network, 0
-+ * otherwise. Caller MUST NOT not hold @mn_info_lock.
-+ **/
-+int mipv6_mn_is_at_home(struct in6_addr *home_addr)
-+ struct mn_info *minfo;
-+ int ret = 0;
-+ read_lock_bh(&mn_info_lock);
-+ if ((minfo = mipv6_mninfo_get_by_home(home_addr)) != NULL) {
-+ spin_lock(&minfo->lock);
-+ ret = (minfo->is_at_home == MN_AT_HOME);
-+ spin_unlock(&minfo->lock);
-+ }
-+ read_unlock_bh(&mn_info_lock);
-+ return ret;
-+void mipv6_mn_set_home_reg(struct in6_addr *home_addr, int has_home_reg)
-+ struct mn_info *minfo;
-+ read_lock_bh(&mn_info_lock);
-+ if ((minfo = mipv6_mninfo_get_by_home(home_addr)) != NULL) {
-+ spin_lock(&minfo->lock);
-+ minfo->has_home_reg = has_home_reg;
-+ spin_unlock(&minfo->lock);
-+ }
-+ read_unlock_bh(&mn_info_lock);
-+static int mn_inet6addr_event(
-+ struct notifier_block *nb, unsigned long event, void *ptr)
-+ struct inet6_ifaddr *ifp = (struct inet6_ifaddr *)ptr;
-+ switch (event) {
-+ case NETDEV_UP:
-+ /* Is address a valid coa ?*/
-+ if (!(ifp->flags & IFA_F_TENTATIVE))
-+ mipv6_mdet_finalize_ho(&ifp->addr,
-+ ifp->idev->dev->ifindex);
-+ else if(skip_dad(&ifp->addr))
-+ ifp->flags &= ~IFA_F_TENTATIVE;
-+ break;
-+ case NETDEV_DOWN:
-+#if 0
-+ /* This is useless with manually configured home
-+ addresses, which will not expire
-+ */
-+ mipv6_mninfo_del(&ifp->addr, 0);
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ return NOTIFY_DONE;
-+struct notifier_block mipv6_mn_inet6addr_notifier = {
-+ mn_inet6addr_event,
-+ NULL,
-+ 0 /* check if using zero is ok */
-+static void mipv6_get_saddr_hook(struct in6_addr *homeaddr)
-+ int found = 0, reiter = 0;
-+ struct list_head *lh;
-+ struct mn_info *minfo = NULL;
-+ struct in6_addr coa;
-+ read_lock_bh(&mn_info_lock);
-+ list_for_each(lh, &mn_info_list) {
-+ minfo = list_entry(lh, struct mn_info, list);
-+ if ((ipv6_addr_scope(homeaddr) != ipv6_addr_scope(&minfo->home_addr))
-+ || ipv6_chk_addr(&minfo->home_addr, NULL) == 0)
-+ continue;
-+ spin_lock(&minfo->lock);
-+ if (minfo->is_at_home == MN_AT_HOME || minfo->has_home_reg) {
-+ if ((mipv6_use_topol_corr_hoaddr &&
-+ minfo->is_at_home == MN_AT_HOME) ||
-+ (mipv6_use_preconfigured_hoaddr &&
-+ minfo->man_conf) ||
-+ (!(mipv6_use_preconfigured_hoaddr ||
-+ mipv6_use_topol_corr_hoaddr) || reiter)) {
-+ spin_unlock(&minfo->lock);
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(homeaddr, &minfo->home_addr);
-+ found = 1;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock(&minfo->lock);
-+ }
-+ if (!found && !reiter) {
-+ reiter = 1;
-+ goto restart;
-+ }
-+ if (!found && minfo &&
-+ !mipv6_get_care_of_address(&minfo->home_addr, &coa)) {
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(homeaddr, &coa);
-+ }
-+ read_unlock_bh(&mn_info_lock);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_DATADUMP, "Source address selection: %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x",
-+ NIPV6ADDR(homeaddr));
-+ return;
-+static void mv_home_addr(void *arg)
-+ mm_segment_t oldfs;
-+ int err = 0, new_if = 0;
-+ struct list_head *lh, *next;
-+ struct ifr_holder *ifrh;
-+ LIST_HEAD(list);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "mipv6 move home address task");
-+ spin_lock_bh(&ifrh_lock);
-+ list_splice_init(&ifrh_list, &list);
-+ spin_unlock_bh(&ifrh_lock);
-+ oldfs = get_fs(); set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
-+ list_for_each_safe(lh, next, &list) {
-+ ifrh = list_entry(lh, struct ifr_holder, list);
-+ if (ifrh->old_ifi) {
-+ new_if = ifrh->ifr.ifr6_ifindex;
-+ ifrh->ifr.ifr6_ifindex = ifrh->old_ifi;
-+ err = addrconf_del_ifaddr(&ifrh->ifr);
-+ ifrh->ifr.ifr6_ifindex = new_if;
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ DEBUG(DBG_WARNING, "removal of home address %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x from"
-+ " old interface %d failed with status %d",
-+ NIPV6ADDR(&ifrh->ifr.ifr6_addr), ifrh->old_ifi, err);
-+ }
-+ if(!err) {
-+ err = addrconf_add_ifaddr(&ifrh->ifr);
-+ }
-+ if (ifrh->ho) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Calling mobile_node moved after moving home address to new if");
-+ mipv6_mobile_node_moved(ifrh->ho);
-+ }
-+ list_del(&ifrh->list);
-+ kfree(ifrh);
-+ }
-+ set_fs(oldfs);
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ DEBUG(DBG_WARNING, "adding of home address to a new interface %d failed %d", new_if, err);
-+ else {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_WARNING, "adding of home address to a new interface OK");
-+ }
-+struct dhaad_halist {
-+ struct list_head list;
-+ struct in6_addr addr;
-+ int retry;
-+/* clear all has from candidate list. do this when a new dhaad reply
-+ * is received. */
-+int mipv6_mn_flush_ha_candidate(struct list_head *ha)
-+ struct list_head *p, *tmp;
-+ struct dhaad_halist *e;
-+ list_for_each_safe(p, tmp, ha) {
-+ e = list_entry(p, struct dhaad_halist, list);
-+ list_del(p);
-+ kfree(e);
-+ e = NULL;
-+ }
-+ return 0;
-+/* add new ha to candidates. only done when dhaad reply is received. */
-+int mipv6_mn_add_ha_candidate(struct list_head *ha, struct in6_addr *addr)
-+ struct dhaad_halist *e;
-+ e = kmalloc(sizeof(*e), GFP_ATOMIC);
-+ memset(e, 0, sizeof(*e));
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&e->addr, addr);
-+ list_add_tail(&e->list, ha);
-+ return 0;
-+#define MAX_RETRIES_PER_HA 3
-+/* get next ha candidate. this is done when dhaad reply has been
-+ * received and we want to register with the best available ha. */
-+int mipv6_mn_get_ha_candidate(struct list_head *ha, struct in6_addr *addr)
-+ struct list_head *p;
-+ list_for_each(p, ha) {
-+ struct dhaad_halist *e;
-+ e = list_entry(p, typeof(*e), list);
-+ if (e->retry >= 0 && e->retry < MAX_RETRIES_PER_HA) {
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(addr, &e->addr);
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return -1;
-+/* change candidate status. if registration with ha fails, we
-+ * increase retry for ha candidate. if retry is >= 3 we set it to -1
-+ * (failed), do get_ha_candidate() again */
-+int mipv6_mn_try_ha_candidate(struct list_head *ha, struct in6_addr *addr)
-+ struct list_head *p;
-+ list_for_each(p, ha) {
-+ struct dhaad_halist *e;
-+ e = list_entry(p, typeof(*e), list);
-+ if (ipv6_addr_cmp(addr, &e->addr) == 0) {
-+ if (e->retry >= MAX_RETRIES_PER_HA) e->retry = -1;
-+ else if (e->retry >= 0) e->retry++;
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return -1;
-+ * mipv6_mn_get_bulifetime - Get lifetime for a binding update
-+ * @home_addr: home address for BU
-+ * @coa: care-of address for BU
-+ * @flags: flags used for BU
-+ *
-+ * Returns maximum lifetime for BUs determined by the lifetime of
-+ * care-of address and the lifetime of home address.
-+ **/
-+__u32 mipv6_mn_get_bulifetime(struct in6_addr *home_addr, struct in6_addr *coa,
-+ __u8 flags)
-+ struct inet6_ifaddr *ifp_hoa, *ifp_coa;
-+ __u32 lifetime = (flags & MIPV6_BU_F_HOME ?
-+ ifp_hoa = ipv6_get_ifaddr(home_addr, NULL);
-+ if(!ifp_hoa) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "home address missing");
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ if (!(ifp_hoa->flags & IFA_F_PERMANENT)){
-+ if (ifp_hoa->valid_lft)
-+ lifetime = min_t(__u32, lifetime, ifp_hoa->valid_lft);
-+ else
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "Zero lifetime for home address");
-+ }
-+ in6_ifa_put(ifp_hoa);
-+ ifp_coa = ipv6_get_ifaddr(coa, NULL);
-+ if (!ifp_coa) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "care-of address missing");
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ if (!(ifp_coa->flags & IFA_F_PERMANENT)) {
-+ if(ifp_coa->valid_lft)
-+ lifetime = min_t(__u32, lifetime, ifp_coa->valid_lft);
-+ else
-+ "Zero lifetime for care-of address");
-+ }
-+ in6_ifa_put(ifp_coa);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Lifetime for binding is %ld", lifetime);
-+ return lifetime;
-+static int
-+mipv6_mn_tnl_rcv_send_bu_hook(struct ip6_tnl *t, struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ struct ipv6hdr *inner;
-+ struct ipv6hdr *outer = skb->nh.ipv6h;
-+ struct mn_info *minfo = NULL;
-+ __u32 lifetime;
-+ __u8 user_flags = 0;
-+ if (!is_mip6_tnl(t))
-+ return IP6_TNL_ACCEPT;
-+ if (!mip6node_cnf.accept_ret_rout) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Return routability administratively disabled"
-+ " not doing route optimization");
-+ return IP6_TNL_ACCEPT;
-+ }
-+ if (!pskb_may_pull(skb, skb->h.raw-skb->data+sizeof(*inner)))
-+ return IP6_TNL_DROP;
-+ inner = (struct ipv6hdr *)skb->h.raw;
-+ read_lock(&mn_info_lock);
-+ minfo = mipv6_mninfo_get_by_home(&inner->daddr);
-+ if (!minfo) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_WARNING, "MN info missing");
-+ read_unlock(&mn_info_lock);
-+ return IP6_TNL_ACCEPT;
-+ }
-+ DEBUG(DBG_DATADUMP, "MIPV6 MN: Received a tunneled IPv6 packet"
-+ " to %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x,"
-+ " from %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x with\n tunnel header"
-+ "daddr: %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x,"
-+ "saddr: %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x",
-+ NIPV6ADDR(&inner->daddr), NIPV6ADDR(&inner->saddr),
-+ NIPV6ADDR(&outer->daddr), NIPV6ADDR(&outer->saddr));
-+ spin_lock(&minfo->lock);
-+ /* We don't send bus in response to all tunneled packets */
-+ if (!ipv6_addr_cmp(&minfo->ha, &inner->saddr)) {
-+ spin_unlock(&minfo->lock);
-+ read_unlock(&mn_info_lock);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "HA BUG: Received a tunneled packet "
-+ "originally sent by home agent, not sending BU");
-+ return IP6_TNL_ACCEPT;
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock(&minfo->lock);
-+ read_unlock(&mn_info_lock);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_DATADUMP, "Sending BU to correspondent node");
-+ user_flags |= mip6node_cnf.bu_cn_ack ? MIPV6_BU_F_ACK : 0;
-+ if (inner->nexthdr != IPPROTO_DSTOPTS &&
-+ inner->nexthdr != IPPROTO_MOBILITY) {
-+ struct in6_addr coa;
-+ /* Don't start RR when receiving ICMP error messages */
-+ if (inner->nexthdr == IPPROTO_ICMPV6) {
-+ int ptr = (u8*)(inner+1) - skb->data;
-+ u8 type;
-+ if (skb_copy_bits(skb,
-+ ptr+offsetof(struct icmp6hdr,
-+ icmp6_type),
-+ &type, 1)
-+ || !(type & ICMPV6_INFOMSG_MASK)) {
-+ return IP6_TNL_ACCEPT;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ lifetime = mipv6_mn_get_bulifetime(&inner->daddr,
-+ &outer->daddr, 0);
-+ if (lifetime &&
-+ !mipv6_get_care_of_address(&inner->daddr, &coa)) {
-+ write_lock(&bul_lock);
-+ mipv6_send_bu(&inner->daddr, &inner->saddr, &coa,
-+ user_flags,
-+ lifetime, NULL);
-+ write_unlock(&bul_lock);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ DEBUG(DBG_DATADUMP, "setting rcv_tunnel flag in skb");
-+ skb->security |= MIPV6_RCV_TUNNEL;
-+ return IP6_TNL_ACCEPT;
-+static struct ip6_tnl_hook_ops mipv6_mn_tnl_rcv_send_bu_ops = {
-+ {NULL, NULL},
-+ mipv6_mn_tnl_rcv_send_bu_hook
-+static int
-+mipv6_mn_tnl_xmit_stats_hook(struct ip6_tnl *t, struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ if (is_mip6_tnl(t))
-+ MIPV6_INC_STATS(n_encapsulations);
-+ return IP6_TNL_ACCEPT;
-+static struct ip6_tnl_hook_ops mipv6_mn_tnl_xmit_stats_ops = {
-+ {NULL, NULL},
-+ mipv6_mn_tnl_xmit_stats_hook
-+static int
-+mipv6_mn_tnl_rcv_stats_hook(struct ip6_tnl *t, struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ if (is_mip6_tnl(t))
-+ MIPV6_INC_STATS(n_decapsulations);
-+ return IP6_TNL_ACCEPT;
-+static struct ip6_tnl_hook_ops mipv6_mn_tnl_rcv_stats_ops = {
-+ {NULL, NULL},
-+ mipv6_mn_tnl_rcv_stats_hook
-+static void mn_check_tunneled_packet(struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ /* If tunnel flag was set */
-+ if (skb->security & MIPV6_RCV_TUNNEL) {
-+ struct in6_addr coa;
-+ __u32 lifetime;
-+ __u8 user_flags = 0;
-+ int ptr = (u8*)(skb->nh.ipv6h+1) - skb->data;
-+ int len = skb->len - ptr;
-+ __u8 nexthdr = skb->nh.ipv6h->nexthdr;
-+ if (len < 0)
-+ return;
-+ ptr = ipv6_skip_exthdr(skb, ptr, &nexthdr, len);
-+ if (ptr < 0)
-+ return;
-+ if (!mip6node_cnf.accept_ret_rout) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Return routability administratively disabled");
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ if (nexthdr == IPPROTO_MOBILITY)
-+ return;
-+ /* Don't start RR when receiving ICMP error messages */
-+ if (nexthdr == IPPROTO_ICMPV6) {
-+ u8 type;
-+ if (skb_copy_bits(skb,
-+ ptr+offsetof(struct icmp6hdr,
-+ icmp6_type),
-+ &type, 1)
-+ || !(type & ICMPV6_INFOMSG_MASK)) {
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ user_flags |= mip6node_cnf.bu_cn_ack ? MIPV6_BU_F_ACK : 0;
-+ mipv6_get_care_of_address(&skb->nh.ipv6h->daddr, &coa);
-+ lifetime = mipv6_mn_get_bulifetime(&skb->nh.ipv6h->daddr,
-+ &coa, 0);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_WARNING, "packet to address %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x"
-+ "was tunneled. Sending BU to CN"
-+ "%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x",
-+ NIPV6ADDR(&skb->nh.ipv6h->daddr),
-+ NIPV6ADDR(&skb->nh.ipv6h->saddr));
-+ /* This should work also with home address option */
-+ write_lock(&bul_lock);
-+ mipv6_send_bu(&skb->nh.ipv6h->daddr, &skb->nh.ipv6h->saddr,
-+ MAX_BINDACK_TIMEOUT, 1, user_flags,
-+ lifetime, NULL);
-+ write_unlock(&bul_lock);
-+ }
-+static int sched_mv_home_addr_task(struct in6_addr *haddr, int plen_new,
-+ int newif, int oldif, struct handoff *ho)
-+ int alloc_size;
-+ struct ifr_holder *ifrh;
-+ alloc_size = sizeof(*ifrh) + (ho ? sizeof(*ho): 0);
-+ if ((ifrh = kmalloc(alloc_size, GFP_ATOMIC)) == NULL) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "Out of memory");
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ if (ho) {
-+ ifrh->ho = (struct handoff *)((struct ifr_holder *)(ifrh + 1));
-+ memcpy(ifrh->ho, ho, sizeof(*ho));
-+ } else
-+ ifrh->ho = NULL;
-+ /* must queue task to avoid deadlock with rtnl */
-+ ifrh->ifr.ifr6_ifindex = newif;
-+ ifrh->ifr.ifr6_prefixlen = plen_new;
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&ifrh->ifr.ifr6_addr, haddr);
-+ ifrh->old_ifi = oldif;
-+ spin_lock_bh(&ifrh_lock);
-+ list_add_tail(&ifrh->list, &ifrh_list);
-+ spin_unlock_bh(&ifrh_lock);
-+ schedule_task(&mv_home_addr_task);
-+ return 0;
-+static void send_ret_home_ns(struct in6_addr *ha_addr,
-+ struct in6_addr *home_addr,
-+ int ifindex)
-+ struct in6_addr nil;
-+ struct in6_addr mcaddr;
-+ struct net_device *dev = dev_get_by_index(ifindex);
-+ if (!dev)
-+ return;
-+ memset(&nil, 0, sizeof(nil));
-+ addrconf_addr_solict_mult(home_addr, &mcaddr);
-+ ndisc_send_ns(dev, NULL, home_addr, &mcaddr, &nil);
-+ dev_put(dev);
-+static inline int ha_is_reachable(int ifindex, struct in6_addr *ha)
-+ struct net_device *dev;
-+ int reachable = 0;
-+ dev = dev_get_by_index(ifindex);
-+ if (dev) {
-+ struct neighbour *neigh;
-+ if ((neigh = ndisc_get_neigh(dev, ha)) != NULL) {
-+ read_lock_bh(&neigh->lock);
-+ if (neigh->nud_state&NUD_VALID)
-+ reachable = 1;
-+ read_unlock_bh(&neigh->lock);
-+ neigh_release(neigh);
-+ }
-+ dev_put(dev);
-+ }
-+ return reachable;
-+static int mn_ha_handoff(struct handoff *ho)
-+ struct list_head *lh;
-+ struct mn_info *minfo;
-+ struct in6_addr *coa= ho->coa;
-+ int wait_mv_home = 0;
-+ read_lock_bh(&mn_info_lock);
-+ list_for_each(lh, &mn_info_list) {
-+ __u8 has_home_reg;
-+ int ifindex;
-+ struct in6_addr ha;
-+ __u8 athome;
-+ __u32 lifetime;
-+ struct mipv6_bul_entry *entry = NULL;
-+ minfo = list_entry(lh, struct mn_info, list);
-+ spin_lock(&minfo->lock);
-+ has_home_reg = minfo->has_home_reg;
-+ ifindex = minfo->ifindex;
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&ha, &minfo->ha);
-+ if (mipv6_prefix_compare(&ho->rtr_addr, &minfo->home_addr,
-+ ho->plen)) {
-+ if (minfo->has_home_reg)
-+ athome = minfo->is_at_home = MN_RETURNING_HOME;
-+ else
-+ athome = minfo->is_at_home = MN_AT_HOME;
-+ coa = &minfo->home_addr;
-+ spin_unlock(&minfo->lock);
-+#if 0
-+ /* Cancel prefix solicitation, rtr is our HA */
-+ mipv6_pfx_cancel_send(&ho->rtr_addr, ifindex);
-+ minfo->ifindex = ho->ifindex;
-+ if (minfo->has_home_reg &&
-+ !ha_is_reachable(ho->ifindex, &minfo->ha)) {
-+ send_ret_home_ns(&minfo->ha,
-+ &minfo->home_addr,
-+ ho->ifindex);
-+ mipv6_mdet_set_curr_rtr_reachable(0);
-+ wait_mv_home++;
-+ }
-+ if (ifindex != ho->ifindex){
-+ wait_mv_home++;
-+ "Moving home address back to "
-+ "the home interface");
-+ sched_mv_home_addr_task(&minfo->home_addr,
-+ 128,
-+ ho->ifindex,
-+ ifindex, ho);
-+ }
-+ if (!has_home_reg || wait_mv_home)
-+ continue;
-+ lifetime = 0;
-+ } else {
-+ athome = minfo->is_at_home = MN_NOT_AT_HOME;
-+ if (minfo->ifindex_user != minfo->ifindex) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Scheduling home address move to virtual interface");
-+ sched_mv_home_addr_task(&minfo->home_addr,
-+ 128,
-+ minfo->ifindex_user,
-+ minfo->ifindex, ho); /* Is minfo->ifindex correct */
-+ wait_mv_home++;
-+ }
-+ minfo->ifindex = minfo->ifindex_user;
-+ spin_unlock(&minfo->lock);
-+ if (wait_mv_home)
-+ continue;
-+ if (!has_home_reg &&
-+ init_home_registration(&minfo->home_addr,
-+ ho->coa)) {
-+ continue;
-+ }
-+ lifetime = mipv6_mn_get_bulifetime(&minfo->home_addr,
-+ ho->coa,
-+ }
-+ write_lock(&bul_lock);
-+ if (!(entry = mipv6_bul_get(&ha, &minfo->home_addr)) ||
-+ !(entry->flags & MIPV6_BU_F_HOME)) {
-+ "Unable to find home registration for "
-+ "home address: %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x!\n",
-+ NIPV6ADDR(&minfo->home_addr));
-+ write_unlock(&bul_lock);
-+ continue;
-+ }
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Sending home de ? %d registration for "
-+ "home address: %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x\n"
-+ "to home agent %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x, "
-+ "with lifetime %ld",
-+ (athome != MN_NOT_AT_HOME),
-+ NIPV6ADDR(&entry->home_addr),
-+ NIPV6ADDR(&entry->cn_addr), lifetime);
-+ mipv6_send_bu(&entry->home_addr, &entry->cn_addr,
-+ MAX_BINDACK_TIMEOUT, 1, entry->flags,
-+ lifetime, NULL);
-+ write_unlock(&bul_lock);
-+ }
-+ read_unlock_bh(&mn_info_lock);
-+ return wait_mv_home;
-+ * mn_cn_handoff - called for every bul entry to send BU to CN
-+ * @rawentry: bul entry
-+ * @args: handoff event
-+ * @sortkey:
-+ *
-+ * Since MN can have many home addresses and home networks, every BUL
-+ * entry needs to be checked
-+ **/
-+int mn_cn_handoff(void *rawentry, void *args, unsigned long *sortkey)
-+ struct mipv6_bul_entry *entry = (struct mipv6_bul_entry *)rawentry;
-+ struct in6_addr *coa = (struct in6_addr *)args;
-+ /* Home registrations already handled by mn_ha_handoff */
-+ if (entry->flags & MIPV6_BU_F_HOME)
-+ return ITERATOR_CONT;
-+ /* BUL is locked by mipv6_mobile_node_moved which calls us
-+ through mipv6_bul_iterate */
-+ if (mipv6_prefix_compare(coa,
-+ &entry->home_addr,
-+ 64)) {
-+ mipv6_send_bu(&entry->home_addr, &entry->cn_addr,
-+ &entry->home_addr, INITIAL_BINDACK_TIMEOUT,
-+ MAX_BINDACK_TIMEOUT, 1, entry->flags, 0,
-+ NULL);
-+ } else {
-+ u32 lifetime = mipv6_mn_get_bulifetime(&entry->home_addr,
-+ coa,
-+ entry->flags);
-+ mipv6_send_bu(&entry->home_addr, &entry->cn_addr,
-+ MAX_BINDACK_TIMEOUT, 1, entry->flags,
-+ lifetime, NULL);
-+ }
-+ return ITERATOR_CONT;
-+int mn_bul_invalidate(void *rawentry, void *args, unsigned long *sortkey)
-+ struct mipv6_bul_entry *bul = (struct mipv6_bul_entry *)rawentry;
-+ struct bul_inval_args *arg = (struct bul_inval_args *)args;
-+ if (!ipv6_addr_cmp(arg->cn, &bul->cn_addr) &&
-+ (!ipv6_addr_cmp(arg->mn, &bul->home_addr) ||
-+ !ipv6_addr_cmp(arg->mn, &bul->coa))) {
-+ if (arg->all_rr_states || !bul->rr ||
-+ (bul->rr->rr_state != RR_INIT &&
-+ bul->rr->rr_state != RR_DONE)) {
-+ bul->state = ACK_ERROR;
-+ bul->callback = bul_entry_expired;
-+ bul->callback_time = jiffies +
-+ bul->expire = bul->callback_time;
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "BUL entry set to ACK_ERROR");
-+ mipv6_bul_reschedule(bul);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return ITERATOR_CONT;
-+ * init_home_registration - start Home Registration process
-+ * @home_addr: home address
-+ * @coa: care-of address
-+ *
-+ * Checks whether we have a Home Agent address for this home address.
-+ * If not starts Dynamic Home Agent Address Discovery. Otherwise
-+ * tries to register with home agent if not already registered.
-+ * Returns 1, if home registration process is started and 0 otherwise
-+ **/
-+int init_home_registration(struct in6_addr *home_addr, struct in6_addr *coa)
-+ struct mn_info *hinfo;
-+ struct in6_addr ha;
-+ __u8 man_conf;
-+ int ifindex;
-+ __u32 lifetime;
-+ __u8 user_flags = 0, flags;
-+ read_lock_bh(&mn_info_lock);
-+ if ((hinfo = mipv6_mninfo_get_by_home(home_addr)) == NULL) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "No mn_info found for address: "
-+ "%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x",
-+ NIPV6ADDR(home_addr));
-+ read_unlock_bh(&mn_info_lock);
-+ return -ENOENT;
-+ }
-+ spin_lock(&hinfo->lock);
-+ if (mipv6_prefix_compare(&hinfo->home_addr, coa, hinfo->home_plen)) {
-+ spin_unlock(&hinfo->lock);
-+ read_unlock_bh(&mn_info_lock);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Adding home address, MN at home");
-+ return 1;
-+ }
-+ if (ipv6_addr_any(&hinfo->ha)) {
-+ int dhaad_id = mipv6_get_dhaad_id();
-+ hinfo->dhaad_id = dhaad_id;
-+ spin_unlock(&hinfo->lock);
-+ mipv6_icmpv6_send_dhaad_req(home_addr, hinfo->home_plen, dhaad_id);
-+ read_unlock_bh(&mn_info_lock);
-+ "Home Agent address not set, initiating DHAAD");
-+ return 1;
-+ }
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&ha, &hinfo->ha);
-+ man_conf = hinfo->man_conf;
-+ ifindex = hinfo->ifindex;
-+ spin_unlock(&hinfo->lock);
-+ read_unlock_bh(&mn_info_lock);
-+#if 0
-+ if (man_conf)
-+ mipv6_pfx_add_ha(&ha, coa, ifindex);
-+ if (mipv6_bul_exists(&ha, home_addr)) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "BU already sent to HA");
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ /* user flags received through sysctl */
-+ user_flags |= mip6node_cnf.bu_lladdr ? MIPV6_BU_F_LLADDR : 0;
-+ user_flags |= mip6node_cnf.bu_keymgm ? MIPV6_BU_F_KEYMGM : 0;
-+ flags = MIPV6_BU_F_HOME | MIPV6_BU_F_ACK | user_flags;
-+ lifetime = mipv6_mn_get_bulifetime(home_addr, coa, flags);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Sending initial home registration for "
-+ "home address: %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x\n"
-+ "to home agent %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x, "
-+ "with lifetime %ld, prefixlength %d",
-+ NIPV6ADDR(home_addr), NIPV6ADDR(&ha), lifetime, 0);
-+ write_lock_bh(&bul_lock);
-+ mipv6_send_bu(home_addr, &ha, coa, INITIAL_BINDACK_DAD_TIMEOUT,
-+ MAX_BINDACK_TIMEOUT, 1, flags, lifetime, NULL);
-+ write_unlock_bh(&bul_lock);
-+ return 1;
-+ * mipv6_mobile_node_moved - Send BUs to all HAs and CNs
-+ * @ho: handoff structure contains the new and previous routers
-+ *
-+ * Event for handoff. Sends BUs everyone on Binding Update List.
-+ **/
-+int mipv6_mobile_node_moved(struct handoff *ho)
-+#if 0
-+ int bu_to_prev_router = 1;
-+ int dummy;
-+ ma_ctl_upd_iface(ho->ifindex,
-+ /* First send BU to HA, then to all other nodes that are on BU list */
-+ if (mn_ha_handoff(ho) != 0)
-+ return 0; /* Wait for move home address task */
-+#if 0
-+ /* Add current care-of address to mn_info list, if current router acts
-+ as a HA.*/
-+ if (ho->home_address && bu_to_prev_router)
-+ mipv6_mninfo_add(ho->coa, ho->plen,
-+ MN_AT_HOME, 0, &ho->rtr_addr,
-+ 0);
-+ return 0;
-+ * mipv6_mn_send_home_na - send NA when returning home
-+ * @haddr: home address to advertise
-+ *
-+ * After returning home, MN must advertise all its valid addresses in
-+ * home link to all nodes.
-+ **/
-+void mipv6_mn_send_home_na(struct in6_addr *haddr)
-+ struct net_device *dev = NULL;
-+ struct in6_addr mc_allnodes;
-+ struct mn_info *hinfo = NULL;
-+ read_lock(&mn_info_lock);
-+ hinfo = mipv6_mninfo_get_by_home(haddr);
-+ if (!hinfo) {
-+ read_unlock(&mn_info_lock);
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ spin_lock(&hinfo->lock);
-+ hinfo->is_at_home = MN_AT_HOME;
-+ dev = dev_get_by_index(hinfo->ifindex);
-+ spin_unlock(&hinfo->lock);
-+ read_unlock(&mn_info_lock);
-+ if (dev == NULL) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "Send home_na: device not found.");
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ ipv6_addr_all_nodes(&mc_allnodes);
-+ ndisc_send_na(dev, NULL, &mc_allnodes, haddr, 0, 0, 1, 1);
-+ dev_put(dev);
-+static int mn_use_hao(struct in6_addr *daddr, struct in6_addr *saddr)
-+ struct mipv6_bul_entry *entry;
-+ struct mn_info *minfo = NULL;
-+ int add_ha = 0;
-+ read_lock_bh(&mn_info_lock);
-+ minfo = mipv6_mninfo_get_by_home(saddr);
-+ if (minfo && minfo->is_at_home != MN_AT_HOME) {
-+ read_lock_bh(&bul_lock);
-+ if ((entry = mipv6_bul_get(daddr, saddr)) == NULL) {
-+ read_unlock_bh(&bul_lock);
-+ read_unlock_bh(&mn_info_lock);
-+ return add_ha;
-+ }
-+ add_ha = (entry->state != ACK_ERROR &&
-+ (!entry->rr || entry->rr->rr_state == RR_DONE ||
-+ entry->flags & MIPV6_BU_F_HOME));
-+ read_unlock_bh(&bul_lock);
-+ }
-+ read_unlock_bh(&mn_info_lock);
-+ return add_ha;
-+static int
-+mn_dev_event(struct notifier_block *nb, unsigned long event, void *ptr)
-+ struct net_device *dev = ptr;
-+ struct list_head *lh;
-+ struct mn_info *minfo;
-+ int newif = 0;
-+ /* here are probably the events we need to worry about */
-+ switch (event) {
-+ case NETDEV_UP:
-+ DEBUG(DBG_DATADUMP, "New netdevice %s registered.", dev->name);
-+ if (dev->type != ARPHRD_LOOPBACK && !dev_is_mip6_tnl(dev))
-+ ma_ctl_add_iface(dev->ifindex);
-+ break;
-+ DEBUG(DBG_DATADUMP, "Netdevice %s disappeared.", dev->name);
-+ /*
-+ * Go through mn_info list and move all home addresses on the
-+ * netdev going down to a new device. This will make it
-+ * practically impossible for the home address to return home,
-+ * but allow MN to retain its connections using the address.
-+ */
-+ read_lock_bh(&mn_info_lock);
-+ list_for_each(lh, &mn_info_list) {
-+ minfo = list_entry(lh, struct mn_info, list);
-+ spin_lock(&minfo->lock);
-+ if (minfo->ifindex == dev->ifindex) {
-+ if (sched_mv_home_addr_task(&minfo->home_addr, 128,
-+ minfo->ifindex_user,
-+ 0, NULL) < 0) {
-+ minfo->ifindex = 0;
-+ spin_unlock(&minfo->lock);
-+ read_unlock_bh(&mn_info_lock);
-+ return NOTIFY_DONE;
-+ } else {
-+ minfo->ifindex = minfo->ifindex_user;
-+ if (minfo->is_at_home) {
-+ minfo->is_at_home = 0;
-+ }
-+ newif = minfo->ifindex_user;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock(&minfo->lock);
-+ }
-+ read_unlock_bh(&mn_info_lock);
-+ }
-+ ma_ctl_upd_iface(dev->ifindex, MA_IFACE_NOT_PRESENT, &newif);
-+ mipv6_mdet_del_if(dev->ifindex);
-+ return NOTIFY_DONE;
-+struct notifier_block mipv6_mn_dev_notifier = {
-+ mn_dev_event,
-+ NULL,
-+ 0 /* check if using zero is ok */
-+static void deprecate_addr(struct mn_info *minfo)
-+ /*
-+ * Lookup address from IPv6 address list and set deprecated flag
-+ */
-+ * Required because we can only modify addresses after the packet is
-+ * constructed. We otherwise mess with higher level protocol
-+ * pseudoheaders. With strict protocol layering life would be SO much
-+ * easier!
-+ */
-+static unsigned int modify_xmit_addrs(unsigned int hooknum,
-+ struct sk_buff **pskb,
-+ const struct net_device *in,
-+ const struct net_device *out,
-+ int (*okfn) (struct sk_buff *))
-+ struct sk_buff *skb = *pskb;
-+ if (skb) {
-+ struct ipv6hdr *hdr = skb->nh.ipv6h;
-+ struct inet6_skb_parm *opt = (struct inet6_skb_parm *)skb->cb;
-+ struct mipv6_bul_entry *bule;
-+ struct in6_addr *daddr;
-+ if (!ipv6_addr_any(&opt->hoa))
-+ daddr = &opt->hoa;
-+ else
-+ daddr = &hdr->daddr;
-+ /* We don't consult bul when sending a BU to avoid deadlock, since
-+ * BUL is already locked.
-+ */
-+ if (opt->mipv6_flags & MIPV6_SND_HAO &&
-+ !(opt->mipv6_flags & MIPV6_SND_BU)) {
-+ write_lock(&bul_lock);
-+ bule = mipv6_bul_get(daddr, &hdr->saddr);
-+ if (!bule) {
-+ write_unlock(&bul_lock);
-+ return NF_ACCEPT;
-+ }
-+ if (!bule->rr || bule->rr->rr_state == RR_DONE ||
-+ bule->flags & MIPV6_BU_F_HOME) {
-+ "Replace source address with CoA and reroute");
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&hdr->saddr, &bule->coa);
-+ skb->nfcache |= NFC_ALTERED;
-+ }
-+ write_unlock(&bul_lock);
-+ } else if (opt->mipv6_flags & MIPV6_SND_HAO) {
-+ mipv6_get_care_of_address(&hdr->saddr, &hdr->saddr);
-+ skb->nfcache |= NFC_ALTERED;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return NF_ACCEPT;
-+/* We set a netfilter hook so that we can modify outgoing packet's
-+ * source addresses
-+ */
-+struct nf_hook_ops addr_modify_hook_ops = {
-+ {NULL, NULL}, /* List head, no predecessor, no successor */
-+ modify_xmit_addrs,
-+ PF_INET6,
-+ NF_IP6_PRI_FIRST /* Should be of EXTREMELY high priority since we
-+ * do not want to mess with IPSec (possibly
-+ * implemented as packet filter)
-+ */
-+#define MN_INFO_LEN 77
-+static int mn_proc_info(char *buffer, char **start, off_t offset,
-+ int length)
-+ struct list_head *p;
-+ struct mn_info *minfo;
-+ int len = 0, skip = 0;
-+ read_lock_bh(&mn_info_lock);
-+ list_for_each(p, &mn_info_list) {
-+ if (len < offset / MN_INFO_LEN) {
-+ skip++;
-+ continue;
-+ }
-+ if (len >= length)
-+ break;
-+ minfo = list_entry(p, struct mn_info, list);
-+ spin_lock(&minfo->lock);
-+ len += sprintf(buffer + len, "%02d %08x%08x%08x%08x %02x "
-+ "%08x%08x%08x%08x %d %d\n",
-+ minfo->ifindex,
-+ ntohl(minfo->home_addr.s6_addr32[0]),
-+ ntohl(minfo->home_addr.s6_addr32[1]),
-+ ntohl(minfo->home_addr.s6_addr32[2]),
-+ ntohl(minfo->home_addr.s6_addr32[3]),
-+ minfo->home_plen,
-+ ntohl(minfo->ha.s6_addr32[0]),
-+ ntohl(minfo->ha.s6_addr32[1]),
-+ ntohl(minfo->ha.s6_addr32[2]),
-+ ntohl(minfo->ha.s6_addr32[3]),
-+ minfo->is_at_home, minfo->has_home_reg);
-+ spin_unlock(&minfo->lock);
-+ }
-+ read_unlock_bh(&mn_info_lock);
-+ *start = buffer;
-+ if (offset)
-+ *start += offset % MN_INFO_LEN;
-+ len -= offset % MN_INFO_LEN;
-+ if (len > length)
-+ len = length;
-+ if (len < 0)
-+ len = 0;
-+ return len;
-+int mipv6_mn_ha_nd_update(struct net_device *dev,
-+ struct in6_addr *ha, u8 *lladdr)
-+ int valid = 0;
-+ struct neighbour *neigh;
-+ if ((neigh = ndisc_get_neigh(dev, ha))) {
-+ read_lock(&neigh->lock);
-+ valid = neigh->nud_state & NUD_VALID;
-+ read_unlock(&neigh->lock);
-+ if (!valid && lladdr)
-+ neigh_update(neigh, lladdr, NUD_REACHABLE, 0, 1);
-+ neigh_release(neigh);
-+ }
-+ return valid;
-+int mipv6_mn_ha_probe(struct inet6_ifaddr *ifp, u8 *lladdr)
-+ struct mn_info *minfo;
-+ if (!(minfo = mipv6_mninfo_get_by_home(&ifp->addr)) ||
-+ ipv6_addr_any(&minfo->ha))
-+ return 0;
-+ if (mipv6_mn_ha_nd_update(ifp->idev->dev, &minfo->ha, lladdr))
-+ mipv6_mdet_retrigger_ho();
-+ return 1;
-+int __init mipv6_mn_init(void)
-+ struct net_device *dev;
-+ if (mipv6_add_tnl_to_ha())
-+ return -ENODEV;
-+ mipv6_bul_init(MIPV6_BUL_SIZE);
-+ mip6_fn.mn_use_hao = mn_use_hao;
-+ mip6_fn.mn_check_tunneled_packet = mn_check_tunneled_packet;
-+ INIT_TQUEUE(&mv_home_addr_task, mv_home_addr, NULL);
-+ ma_ctl_init();
-+ for (dev = dev_base; dev; dev = dev->next) {
-+ if (dev->flags & IFF_UP &&
-+ dev->type != ARPHRD_LOOPBACK && !dev_is_mip6_tnl(dev)) {
-+ ma_ctl_add_iface(dev->ifindex);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Multiaccess support initialized");
-+ register_netdevice_notifier(&mipv6_mn_dev_notifier);
-+ register_inet6addr_notifier(&mipv6_mn_inet6addr_notifier);
-+ ip6ip6_tnl_register_hook(&mipv6_mn_tnl_rcv_send_bu_ops);
-+ ip6ip6_tnl_register_hook(&mipv6_mn_tnl_xmit_stats_ops);
-+ ip6ip6_tnl_register_hook(&mipv6_mn_tnl_rcv_stats_ops);
-+ MIPV6_SETCALL(mipv6_set_home, mipv6_mn_set_home);
-+ mipv6_initialize_mdetect();
-+ /* COA to home transformation hook */
-+ MIPV6_SETCALL(mipv6_get_home_address, mipv6_get_saddr_hook);
-+ MIPV6_SETCALL(mipv6_mn_ha_probe, mipv6_mn_ha_probe);
-+ MIPV6_SETCALL(mipv6_is_home_addr, mipv6_mn_is_home_addr);
-+ proc_net_create("mip6_mninfo", 0, mn_proc_info);
-+ /* Set packet modification hook (source addresses) */
-+ nf_register_hook(&addr_modify_hook_ops);
-+ return 0;
-+void __exit mipv6_mn_exit(void)
-+ struct list_head *lh, *tmp;
-+ struct mn_info *minfo;
-+ mip6_fn.mn_use_hao = NULL;
-+ mip6_fn.mn_check_tunneled_packet = NULL;
-+ MIPV6_RESETCALL(mipv6_set_home);
-+ MIPV6_RESETCALL(mipv6_get_home_address);
-+ MIPV6_RESETCALL(mipv6_mn_ha_probe);
-+ MIPV6_RESETCALL(mipv6_is_home_addr);
-+ nf_unregister_hook(&addr_modify_hook_ops);
-+ proc_net_remove("mip6_mninfo");
-+ mipv6_shutdown_mdetect();
-+ ip6ip6_tnl_unregister_hook(&mipv6_mn_tnl_rcv_stats_ops);
-+ ip6ip6_tnl_unregister_hook(&mipv6_mn_tnl_xmit_stats_ops);
-+ ip6ip6_tnl_unregister_hook(&mipv6_mn_tnl_rcv_send_bu_ops);
-+ ma_ctl_clean();
-+ unregister_inet6addr_notifier(&mipv6_mn_inet6addr_notifier);
-+ unregister_netdevice_notifier(&mipv6_mn_dev_notifier);
-+ write_lock_bh(&mn_info_lock);
-+ list_for_each_safe(lh, tmp, &mn_info_list) {
-+ minfo = list_entry(lh, struct mn_info, list);
-+ if (minfo->is_at_home == MN_NOT_AT_HOME)
-+ deprecate_addr(minfo);
-+ list_del(&minfo->list);
-+ kfree(minfo);
-+ }
-+ write_unlock_bh(&mn_info_lock);
-+ mipv6_bul_exit();
-+ flush_scheduled_tasks();
-+ mipv6_del_tnl_to_ha();
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mn.h linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mn.h
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mn.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mn.h 2004-06-26 11:29:31.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
-+ * MIPL Mobile IPv6 Mobile Node header file
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ */
-+#ifndef _MN_H
-+#define _MN_H
-+#include <linux/in6.h>
-+/* constants for sending of BUs*/
-+#define HA_BU_DEF_LIFETIME 10000
-+#define CN_BU_DEF_LIFETIME 420 /* Max lifetime for RR bindings from RFC 3775 */
-+#define DUMB_CN_BU_LIFETIME 600 /* BUL entry lifetime in case of dumb CN */
-+#define ROUTER_BU_DEF_LIFETIME 30 /* For packet forwarding from previous coa */
-+extern rwlock_t mn_info_lock;
-+#define MN_NOT_AT_HOME 0
-+#define MN_AT_HOME 2
-+ * Mobile Node information record
-+ */
-+struct mn_info {
-+ struct in6_addr home_addr;
-+ struct in6_addr ha;
-+ __u8 home_plen;
-+ __u8 is_at_home;
-+ __u8 has_home_reg;
-+ __u8 man_conf;
-+ int ifindex;
-+ int ifindex_user;
-+ unsigned long home_addr_expires;
-+ unsigned short dhaad_id;
-+ struct list_head list;
-+ spinlock_t lock;
-+/* prototypes for interface functions */
-+int mipv6_mn_init(void);
-+void mipv6_mn_exit(void);
-+struct handoff;
-+/* Interface to movement detection */
-+int mipv6_mobile_node_moved(struct handoff *ho);
-+void mipv6_mn_send_home_na(struct in6_addr *haddr);
-+/* Init home reg. with coa */
-+int init_home_registration(struct in6_addr *home_addr, struct in6_addr *coa);
-+/* mn_info functions that require locking by caller */
-+struct mn_info *mipv6_mninfo_get_by_home(struct in6_addr *haddr);
-+struct mn_info *mipv6_mninfo_get_by_ha(struct in6_addr *home_agent);
-+struct mn_info *mipv6_mninfo_get_by_id(unsigned short id);
-+/* "safe" mn_info functions */
-+void mipv6_mninfo_add(int ifindex, struct in6_addr *home_addr, int plen,
-+ int isathome, unsigned long lifetime, struct in6_addr *ha,
-+ int ha_plen, unsigned long ha_lifetime, int man_conf);
-+int mipv6_mninfo_del(struct in6_addr *home_addr, int del_dyn_only);
-+void mipv6_mn_set_home_reg(struct in6_addr *home_addr, int has_home_reg);
-+int mipv6_mn_is_at_home(struct in6_addr *addr);
-+int mipv6_mn_is_home_addr(struct in6_addr *addr);
-+__u32 mipv6_mn_get_bulifetime(struct in6_addr *home_addr,
-+ struct in6_addr *coa, __u8 flags);
-+int mn_cn_handoff(void *rawentry, void *args, unsigned long *sortkey);
-+int mipv6_mn_ha_nd_update(struct net_device *dev,
-+ struct in6_addr *ha, u8 *lladdr);
-+struct bul_inval_args {
-+ int all_rr_states;
-+ struct in6_addr *cn;
-+ struct in6_addr *mn;
-+int mn_bul_invalidate(void *rawentry, void *args, unsigned long *sortkey);
-+#endif /* _MN_H */
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mobhdr.h linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mobhdr.h
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mobhdr.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mobhdr.h 2004-06-26 11:29:31.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
-+ * MIPL Mobile IPv6 Mobility Header send and receive
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ */
-+#ifndef _MOBHDR_H
-+#define _MOBHDR_H
-+#include <net/mipv6.h>
-+/* RR states for mipv6_send_bu() */
-+#define RR_INIT 0x00
-+#define RR_WAITH 0x01
-+#define RR_WAITC 0x02
-+#define RR_WAITHC 0x13
-+#define RR_DONE 0x10
-+#define MH_UNKNOWN_CN 1
-+#define MH_AUTH_FAILED 2
-+struct mipv6_bul_entry;
-+struct sk_buff;
-+int mipv6_mh_common_init(void);
-+void mipv6_mh_common_exit(void);
-+int mipv6_mh_mn_init(void);
-+void mipv6_mh_mn_exit(void);
-+struct mipv6_mh_opt {
-+ struct mipv6_mo_alt_coa *alt_coa;
-+ struct mipv6_mo_nonce_indices *nonce_indices;
-+ struct mipv6_mo_bauth_data *auth_data;
-+ struct mipv6_mo_br_advice *br_advice;
-+ int freelen;
-+ int totlen;
-+ u8 *next_free;
-+ u8 data[0];
-+struct mobopt {
-+ struct mipv6_mo_alt_coa *alt_coa;
-+ struct mipv6_mo_nonce_indices *nonce_indices;
-+ struct mipv6_mo_bauth_data *auth_data;
-+ struct mipv6_mo_br_advice *br_advice;
-+struct mipv6_mh_opt *alloc_mh_opts(int totlen);
-+int append_mh_opt(struct mipv6_mh_opt *ops, u8 type, u8 len, void *data);
-+int parse_mo_tlv(void *mos, int len, struct mobopt *opts);
-+int mipv6_add_pad(u8 *data, int n);
-+struct mipv6_auth_parm {
-+ struct in6_addr *coa;
-+ struct in6_addr *cn_addr;
-+ __u8 *k_bu;
-+int send_mh(struct in6_addr *daddr, struct in6_addr *saddr,
-+ u8 msg_type, u8 msg_len, u8 *msg,
-+ struct in6_addr *hao_addr, struct in6_addr *rth_addr,
-+ struct mipv6_mh_opt *ops, struct mipv6_auth_parm *parm);
-+int mipv6_mh_register(int type, int (*func)(struct sk_buff *,
-+ struct in6_addr *, struct in6_addr *,
-+ struct in6_addr *, struct in6_addr *, struct mipv6_mh *));
-+void mipv6_mh_unregister(int type);
-+int mipv6_send_brr(struct in6_addr *saddr, struct in6_addr *daddr,
-+ struct mipv6_mh_opt *ops);
-+int mipv6_send_bu(struct in6_addr *saddr, struct in6_addr *daddr,
-+ struct in6_addr *coa, __u32 initdelay,
-+ __u32 maxackdelay, __u8 exp, __u8 flags,
-+ __u32 lifetime, struct mipv6_mh_opt *ops);
-+int mipv6_send_be(struct in6_addr *saddr, struct in6_addr *daddr,
-+ struct in6_addr *home, __u8 status);
-+int mipv6_send_ba(struct in6_addr *saddr, struct in6_addr *daddr,
-+ struct in6_addr *auth_coa, struct in6_addr *rep_coa,
-+ u8 status, u16 sequence, u32 lifetime, u8 *k_bu);
-+/* Binding Authentication Data Option routines */
-+#define MAX_HASH_LENGTH 20
-+#define MIPV6_RR_MAC_LENGTH 12
-+int mipv6_auth_build(struct in6_addr *cn_addr, struct in6_addr *coa,
-+ __u8 *opt, __u8 *aud_data, __u8 *k_bu);
-+int mipv6_auth_check(struct in6_addr *cn_addr, struct in6_addr *coa,
-+ __u8 *opt, __u8 optlen, struct mipv6_mo_bauth_data *aud,
-+ __u8 *k_bu);
-+#endif /* _MOBHDR_H */
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mobhdr_common.c linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mobhdr_common.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mobhdr_common.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mobhdr_common.c 2004-06-26 11:29:31.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,1210 @@
-+ * Mobile IPv6 Mobility Header Common Functions
-+ *
-+ * Authors:
-+ * Antti Tuominen <>
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#include <linux/autoconf.h>
-+#include <linux/types.h>
-+#include <linux/in6.h>
-+#include <linux/skbuff.h>
-+#include <linux/ipsec.h>
-+#include <linux/init.h>
-+#include <net/ipv6.h>
-+#include <net/ip6_route.h>
-+#include <net/addrconf.h>
-+#include <net/mipv6.h>
-+#include <net/checksum.h>
-+#include <net/protocol.h>
-+#include "stats.h"
-+#include "debug.h"
-+#include "mobhdr.h"
-+#include "bcache.h"
-+#include "rr_crypto.h"
-+#include "exthdrs.h"
-+#include "config.h"
-+#define MIPV6_MH_MAX MIPV6_MH_BE
-+struct mh_proto {
-+ int (*func) (struct sk_buff *,
-+ struct in6_addr *, struct in6_addr *,
-+ struct in6_addr *, struct in6_addr *,
-+ struct mipv6_mh *);
-+static struct mh_proto mh_rcv[MIPV6_MH_MAX];
-+int mipv6_mh_register(int type, int (*func)(struct sk_buff *,
-+ struct in6_addr *, struct in6_addr *,
-+ struct in6_addr *, struct in6_addr *, struct mipv6_mh *))
-+ if (mh_rcv[type].func != NULL)
-+ return -1;
-+ mh_rcv[type].func = func;
-+ return 0;
-+void mipv6_mh_unregister(int type)
-+ if (type < 0 || type > MIPV6_MH_MAX)
-+ return;
-+ mh_rcv[type].func = NULL;
-+struct socket *mipv6_mh_socket = NULL;
-+/* TODO: Fix fragmentation */
-+static int dstopts_getfrag(
-+ const void *data, struct in6_addr *addr,
-+ char *buff, unsigned int offset, unsigned int len)
-+ memcpy(buff, data + offset, len);
-+ return 0;
-+struct mipv6_mh_opt *alloc_mh_opts(int totlen)
-+ struct mipv6_mh_opt *ops;
-+ ops = kmalloc(sizeof(*ops) + totlen, GFP_ATOMIC);
-+ if (ops == NULL)
-+ return NULL;
-+ memset(ops, 0, sizeof(*ops));
-+ ops->next_free = ops->data;
-+ ops->freelen = totlen;
-+ return ops;
-+int append_mh_opt(struct mipv6_mh_opt *ops, u8 type, u8 len, void *data)
-+ struct mipv6_mo *mo;
-+ if (ops->next_free == NULL) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "No free room for option");
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ }
-+ if (ops->freelen < len + 2) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "No free room for option");
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ }
-+ else {
-+ ops->freelen -= (len + 2);
-+ ops->totlen += (len + 2);
-+ }
-+ mo = (struct mipv6_mo *)ops->next_free;
-+ mo->type = type;
-+ mo->length = len;
-+ switch (type) {
-+ ops->alt_coa = (struct mipv6_mo_alt_coa *)mo;
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&ops->alt_coa->addr, (struct in6_addr *)data);
-+ break;
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Added nonce indices pointer");
-+ ops->nonce_indices = (struct mipv6_mo_nonce_indices *)mo;
-+ ops->nonce_indices->home_nonce_i = *(__u16 *)data;
-+ ops->nonce_indices->careof_nonce_i = *((__u16 *)data + 1);
-+ break;
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Added opt auth_data pointer");
-+ ops->auth_data = (struct mipv6_mo_bauth_data *)mo;
-+ break;
-+ ops->br_advice = (struct mipv6_mo_br_advice *)mo;
-+ ops->br_advice->refresh_interval = htons(*(u16 *)data);
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "Unknow option type");
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ if (ops->freelen == 0)
-+ ops->next_free = NULL;
-+ else
-+ ops->next_free += (len + 2);
-+ return 0;
-+ * Calculates required padding with xn + y requirement with offset
-+ */
-+static inline int optpad(int xn, int y, int offset)
-+ return ((y - offset) & (xn - 1));
-+static int option_pad(int type, int offset)
-+ if (type == MIPV6_OPT_ALTERNATE_COA)
-+ return optpad(8, 6, offset); /* 8n + 6 */
-+ return optpad(2, 0, offset); /* 2n */
-+ return 0;
-+ * Add Pad1 or PadN option to data
-+ */
-+int mipv6_add_pad(u8 *data, int n)
-+ struct mipv6_mo_padn *padn;
-+ if (n <= 0) return 0;
-+ if (n == 1) {
-+ *data = MIPV6_OPT_PAD1;
-+ return 1;
-+ }
-+ padn = (struct mipv6_mo_padn *)data;
-+ padn->type = MIPV6_OPT_PADN;
-+ padn->length = n - 2;
-+ memset(padn->data, 0, n - 2);
-+ return n;
-+ * Write options to mobility header buffer
-+ */
-+static int prepare_mh_opts(u8 *optdata, int off, struct mipv6_mh_opt *ops)
-+ u8 *nextopt = optdata;
-+ int offset = off, pad = 0;
-+ if (ops == NULL) {
-+ nextopt = NULL;
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ if (ops->alt_coa) {
-+ pad = option_pad(MIPV6_OPT_ALTERNATE_COA, offset);
-+ nextopt += mipv6_add_pad(nextopt, pad);
-+ memcpy(nextopt, ops->alt_coa, sizeof(struct mipv6_mo_alt_coa));
-+ nextopt += sizeof(struct mipv6_mo_alt_coa);
-+ offset += pad + sizeof(struct mipv6_mo_alt_coa);
-+ }
-+ if (ops->br_advice) {
-+ pad = option_pad(MIPV6_OPT_BIND_REFRESH_ADVICE, offset);
-+ nextopt += mipv6_add_pad(nextopt, pad);
-+ memcpy(nextopt, ops->br_advice, sizeof(struct mipv6_mo_br_advice));
-+ nextopt += sizeof(struct mipv6_mo_br_advice);
-+ offset += pad + sizeof(struct mipv6_mo_br_advice);
-+ }
-+ if (ops->nonce_indices) {
-+ pad = option_pad(MIPV6_OPT_NONCE_INDICES, offset);
-+ nextopt += mipv6_add_pad(nextopt, pad);
-+ memcpy(nextopt, ops->nonce_indices, sizeof(struct mipv6_mo_nonce_indices));
-+ nextopt += sizeof(struct mipv6_mo_nonce_indices);
-+ offset += pad + sizeof(struct mipv6_mo_nonce_indices);
-+ }
-+ if (ops->auth_data) {
-+ /* This option should always be the last. Header
-+ * length must be a multiple of 8 octects, so we pad
-+ * if necessary. */
-+ pad = optpad(8, 0, offset + ops->auth_data->length + 2);
-+ nextopt += mipv6_add_pad(nextopt, pad);
-+ memcpy(nextopt, ops->auth_data, ops->auth_data->length + 2);
-+ nextopt += ops->auth_data->length + 2;
-+ }
-+ nextopt = NULL;
-+ return 0;
-+static int calculate_mh_opts(struct mipv6_mh_opt *ops, int mh_len)
-+ int offset = mh_len;
-+ if (ops == NULL)
-+ return 0;
-+ if (ops->alt_coa)
-+ offset += sizeof(struct mipv6_mo_alt_coa)
-+ + option_pad(MIPV6_OPT_ALTERNATE_COA, offset);
-+ if (ops->br_advice)
-+ offset += sizeof(struct mipv6_mo_br_advice)
-+ + option_pad(MIPV6_OPT_BIND_REFRESH_ADVICE, offset);
-+ if (ops->nonce_indices)
-+ offset += sizeof(struct mipv6_mo_nonce_indices)
-+ + option_pad(MIPV6_OPT_NONCE_INDICES, offset);
-+ if (ops->auth_data) /* no alignment */
-+ offset += ops->auth_data->length + 2;
-+ return offset - mh_len;
-+ *
-+ * Mobility Header Message send functions
-+ *
-+ */
-+ * send_mh - builds and sends a MH msg
-+ *
-+ * @daddr: destination address for packet
-+ * @saddr: source address for packet
-+ * @msg_type: type of MH
-+ * @msg_len: message length
-+ * @msg: MH type specific data
-+ * @hao_addr: home address for home address option
-+ * @rth_addr: routing header address
-+ * @ops: mobility options
-+ * @parm: auth data
-+ *
-+ * Builds MH, appends the type specific msg data to the header and
-+ * sends the packet with a home address option, if a home address was
-+ * given. Returns 0, if everything succeeded and a negative error code
-+ * otherwise.
-+ **/
-+int send_mh(struct in6_addr *daddr,
-+ struct in6_addr *saddr,
-+ u8 msg_type, u8 msg_len, u8 *msg,
-+ struct in6_addr *hao_addr,
-+ struct in6_addr *rth_addr,
-+ struct mipv6_mh_opt *ops,
-+ struct mipv6_auth_parm *parm)
-+ struct flowi fl;
-+ struct mipv6_mh *mh;
-+ struct sock *sk = mipv6_mh_socket->sk;
-+ struct ipv6_txoptions *txopt = NULL;
-+ int tot_len = sizeof(struct mipv6_mh) + msg_len;
-+ int padded_len = 0, txopt_len = 0;
-+ /* Add length of options */
-+ tot_len += calculate_mh_opts(ops, tot_len);
-+ /* Needs to be a multiple of 8 octets */
-+ padded_len = tot_len + optpad(8, 0, tot_len);
-+ mh = sock_kmalloc(sk, padded_len, GFP_ATOMIC);
-+ if (!mh) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "memory allocation failed");
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ }
-+ memset(&fl, 0, sizeof(fl));
-+ fl.proto = IPPROTO_MOBILITY;
-+ fl.fl6_dst = daddr;
-+ fl.fl6_src = saddr;
-+ fl.fl6_flowlabel = 0;
-+ fl.oif = sk->bound_dev_if;
-+ if (hao_addr || rth_addr) {
-+ __u8 *opt_ptr;
-+ if (hao_addr)
-+ txopt_len += sizeof(struct mipv6_dstopt_homeaddr) + 6;
-+ if (rth_addr)
-+ txopt_len += sizeof(struct rt2_hdr);
-+ txopt_len += sizeof(*txopt);
-+ txopt = sock_kmalloc(sk, txopt_len, GFP_ATOMIC);
-+ if (txopt == NULL) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "No socket space left");
-+ sock_kfree_s(sk, mh, padded_len);
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ }
-+ memset(txopt, 0, txopt_len);
-+ txopt->tot_len = txopt_len;
-+ opt_ptr = (__u8 *) (txopt + 1);
-+ if (hao_addr) {
-+ int holen = sizeof(struct mipv6_dstopt_homeaddr) + 6;
-+ txopt->dst1opt = (struct ipv6_opt_hdr *) opt_ptr;
-+ txopt->opt_flen += holen;
-+ opt_ptr += holen;
-+ mipv6_append_dst1opts(txopt->dst1opt, saddr,
-+ NULL, holen);
-+ txopt->mipv6_flags = MIPV6_SND_HAO | MIPV6_SND_BU;
-+ }
-+ if (rth_addr) {
-+ int rtlen = sizeof(struct rt2_hdr);
-+ txopt->srcrt2 = (struct ipv6_rt_hdr *) opt_ptr;
-+ txopt->opt_nflen += rtlen;
-+ opt_ptr += rtlen;
-+ mipv6_append_rt2hdr(txopt->srcrt2, rth_addr);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ /* Fill in the fields of MH */
-+ mh->payload = NEXTHDR_NONE;
-+ mh->length = (padded_len >> 3) - 1; /* Units of 8 octets - 1 */
-+ mh->type = msg_type;
-+ mh->reserved = 0;
-+ mh->checksum = 0;
-+ memcpy(mh->data, msg, msg_len);
-+ prepare_mh_opts(mh->data + msg_len, msg_len + sizeof(*mh), ops);
-+ /* If BAD is present, this is already done. */
-+ mipv6_add_pad((u8 *)mh + tot_len, padded_len - tot_len);
-+ if (parm && parm->k_bu && ops && ops->auth_data) {
-+ /* Calculate the position of the authorization data before adding checksum*/
-+ mipv6_auth_build(parm->cn_addr, parm->coa, (__u8 *)mh,
-+ (__u8 *)mh + padded_len - MIPV6_RR_MAC_LENGTH, parm->k_bu);
-+ }
-+ /* Calculate the MH checksum */
-+ mh->checksum = csum_ipv6_magic(fl.fl6_src, fl.fl6_dst,
-+ padded_len, IPPROTO_MOBILITY,
-+ csum_partial((char *)mh, padded_len, 0));
-+ ip6_build_xmit(sk, dstopts_getfrag, mh, &fl, padded_len, txopt, 255,
-+ /* dst cache must be cleared so RR messages can be routed through
-+ different interfaces */
-+ sk_dst_reset(sk);
-+ if (txopt_len)
-+ sock_kfree_s(sk, txopt, txopt_len);
-+ sock_kfree_s(sk, mh, padded_len);
-+ return 0;
-+ * mipv6_send_brr - send a Binding Refresh Request
-+ * @saddr: source address for BRR
-+ * @daddr: destination address for BRR
-+ * @ops: mobility options
-+ *
-+ * Sends a binding request. On a mobile node, use the mobile node's
-+ * home address for @saddr. Returns 0 on success, negative on
-+ * failure.
-+ **/
-+int mipv6_send_brr(struct in6_addr *saddr, struct in6_addr *daddr,
-+ struct mipv6_mh_opt *ops)
-+ struct mipv6_mh_brr br;
-+ memset(&br, 0, sizeof(br));
-+ /* We don't need to explicitly add a RH to brr, since it will be
-+ * included automatically, if a BCE exists
-+ */
-+ MIPV6_INC_STATS(n_brr_sent);
-+ return send_mh(daddr, saddr, MIPV6_MH_BRR, sizeof(br), (u8 *)&br,
-+ NULL, NULL, ops, NULL);
-+ * mipv6_send_ba - send a Binding Acknowledgement
-+ * @saddr: source address for BA
-+ * @daddr: destination address for BA
-+ * @reply_coa: destination care-of address of MN
-+ * @auth_coa: care-of address of MN used for authentication
-+ * @status: status field value
-+ * @sequence: sequence number from BU
-+ * @lifetime: granted lifetime for binding in seconds
-+ * @ops: mobility options
-+ *
-+ * Send a binding acknowledgement. On a mobile node, use the mobile
-+ * node's home address for saddr. Returns 0 on success, non-zero on
-+ * failure.
-+ **/
-+int mipv6_send_ba(struct in6_addr *saddr, struct in6_addr *daddr,
-+ struct in6_addr *auth_coa, struct in6_addr *rep_coa,
-+ u8 status, u16 sequence, u32 lifetime, u8 *k_bu)
-+ struct mipv6_mh_ba ba;
-+ struct mipv6_auth_parm parm;
-+ struct mipv6_mh_opt *ops = NULL;
-+ int ops_len = 0, ret = 0;
-+ struct mipv6_bce bc_entry;
-+ int coming_home = 0;
-+ int bypass_tnl = 0;
-+ memset(&ba, 0, sizeof(ba));
-+ ba.status = status;
-+ ba.sequence = htons(sequence);
-+ ba.lifetime = htons(lifetime >> 2);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "sending a status %d BA %s authenticator to MN \n"
-+ "%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x at care of address \n"
-+ "%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x : with lifetime %d and \n"
-+ " sequence number %d",
-+ status, k_bu ? "with" : "without",
-+ NIPV6ADDR(daddr), NIPV6ADDR(auth_coa), lifetime, sequence);
-+ memset(&parm, 0, sizeof(parm));
-+ parm.coa = auth_coa;
-+ parm.cn_addr = saddr;
-+ if (k_bu) {
-+ ops_len += sizeof(struct mipv6_mo_bauth_data) +
-+ parm.k_bu = k_bu;
-+ }
-+ if (mip6node_cnf.binding_refresh_advice) {
-+ ops_len += sizeof(struct mipv6_mo_br_advice);
-+ }
-+ if (ops_len) {
-+ ops = alloc_mh_opts(ops_len);
-+ if (ops == NULL) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_WARNING, "Out of memory");
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ }
-+ if (mip6node_cnf.binding_refresh_advice > 0) {
-+ if (append_mh_opt(ops, MIPV6_OPT_BIND_REFRESH_ADVICE, 2,
-+ &mip6node_cnf.binding_refresh_advice) < 0) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_WARNING, "Adding BRA failed");
-+ if (ops)
-+ kfree(ops);
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ if (k_bu) {
-+ if (append_mh_opt(ops, MIPV6_OPT_AUTH_DATA,
-+ DEBUG(DBG_WARNING, "Adding BAD failed");
-+ if (ops)
-+ kfree(ops);
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ coming_home = !ipv6_addr_cmp(rep_coa, daddr);
-+ bypass_tnl = (coming_home &&
-+ !mipv6_bcache_get(daddr, saddr, &bc_entry) &&
-+ bc_entry.flags&MIPV6_BU_F_HOME &&
-+ status >= 128);
-+ if (bypass_tnl && mip6_fn.bce_tnl_rt_del)
-+ mip6_fn.bce_tnl_rt_del(&bc_entry.coa,
-+ &bc_entry.our_addr,
-+ &bc_entry.home_addr);
-+ if (coming_home)
-+ ret = send_mh(daddr, saddr, MIPV6_MH_BA, sizeof(ba), (u8 *)&ba,
-+ NULL, NULL, ops, &parm);
-+ else
-+ ret = send_mh(daddr, saddr, MIPV6_MH_BA, sizeof(ba), (u8 *)&ba,
-+ NULL, rep_coa, ops, &parm);
-+ if (bypass_tnl && mip6_fn.bce_tnl_rt_add)
-+ mip6_fn.bce_tnl_rt_add(&bc_entry.coa,
-+ &bc_entry.our_addr,
-+ &bc_entry.home_addr);
-+ if (ret == 0) {
-+ if (status < 128) {
-+ MIPV6_INC_STATS(n_ba_sent);
-+ } else {
-+ MIPV6_INC_STATS(n_ban_sent);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ if (ops)
-+ kfree(ops);
-+ return 0;
-+ * mipv6_send_be - send a Binding Error message
-+ * @saddr: source address for BE
-+ * @daddr: destination address for BE
-+ * @home: Home Address in offending packet (if any)
-+ *
-+ * Sends a binding error. On a mobile node, use the mobile node's
-+ * home address for @saddr. Returns 0 on success, negative on
-+ * failure.
-+ **/
-+int mipv6_send_be(struct in6_addr *saddr, struct in6_addr *daddr,
-+ struct in6_addr *home, __u8 status)
-+ struct mipv6_mh_be be;
-+ int ret = 0;
-+ struct mipv6_bce bc_entry;
-+ int bypass_tnl = 0;
-+ if (ipv6_addr_is_multicast(daddr))
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ memset(&be, 0, sizeof(be));
-+ be.status = status;
-+ if (home)
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&be.home_addr, home);
-+ if (mipv6_bcache_get(daddr, saddr, &bc_entry) == 0 &&
-+ bc_entry.flags&MIPV6_BU_F_HOME)
-+ bypass_tnl = 1;
-+ if (bypass_tnl && mip6_fn.bce_tnl_rt_del)
-+ mip6_fn.bce_tnl_rt_del(&bc_entry.coa,
-+ &bc_entry.our_addr,
-+ &bc_entry.home_addr);
-+ ret = send_mh(daddr, saddr, MIPV6_MH_BE, sizeof(be), (u8 *)&be,
-+ if (bypass_tnl && mip6_fn.bce_tnl_rt_add)
-+ mip6_fn.bce_tnl_rt_add(&bc_entry.coa,
-+ &bc_entry.our_addr,
-+ &bc_entry.home_addr);
-+ if (ret == 0)
-+ MIPV6_INC_STATS(n_be_sent);
-+ return ret;
-+ * mipv6_send_addr_test - send a HoT or CoT message
-+ * @saddr: source address
-+ * @daddr: destination address
-+ * @msg_type: HoT or CoT message
-+ * @init: HoTI or CoTI message
-+ *
-+ * Send a reply to HoTI or CoTI message.
-+ **/
-+static int mipv6_send_addr_test(struct in6_addr *saddr,
-+ struct in6_addr *daddr,
-+ int msg_type,
-+ struct mipv6_mh_addr_ti *init)
-+ u_int8_t *kgen_token = NULL;
-+ struct mipv6_mh_addr_test addr_test;
-+ struct mipv6_rr_nonce *nonce;
-+ struct mipv6_mh_opt *ops = NULL;
-+ int ret = 0;
-+ if ((nonce = mipv6_rr_get_new_nonce())== NULL) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_WARNING, "Nonce creation failed");
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ if (mipv6_rr_cookie_create(daddr, &kgen_token, nonce->index)) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_WARNING, "No cookie");
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ addr_test.nonce_index = nonce->index;
-+ memcpy(addr_test.init_cookie, init->init_cookie,
-+ memcpy(addr_test.kgen_token, kgen_token,
-+ /* No options defined */
-+ ret = send_mh(daddr, saddr, msg_type, sizeof(addr_test),
-+ (u8 *)&addr_test, NULL, NULL, ops, NULL);
-+ if (ret == 0) {
-+ if (msg_type == MIPV6_MH_HOT) {
-+ MIPV6_INC_STATS(n_hot_sent);
-+ } else {
-+ MIPV6_INC_STATS(n_cot_sent);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return 0;
-+static void bc_cache_add(int ifindex, struct in6_addr *daddr,
-+ struct in6_addr *haddr, struct in6_addr *coa,
-+ struct in6_addr *rep_coa, __u32 lifetime,
-+ __u16 sequence, __u8 flags, __u8 *k_bu)
-+ __u8 ba_status = SUCCESS;
-+ if (lifetime > MAX_RR_BINDING_LIFE)
-+ lifetime = MAX_RR_BINDING_LIFE;
-+ if (mipv6_bcache_add(ifindex, daddr, haddr, coa, lifetime,
-+ sequence, flags, CACHE_ENTRY) != 0) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "binding failed.");
-+ }
-+ if (flags & MIPV6_BU_F_ACK) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "sending ack (code=%d)", ba_status);
-+ mipv6_send_ba(daddr, haddr, coa, rep_coa, ba_status, sequence,
-+ lifetime, k_bu);
-+ }
-+static void bc_cn_home_add(int ifindex, struct in6_addr *daddr,
-+ struct in6_addr *haddr, struct in6_addr *coa,
-+ struct in6_addr *rep_coa, __u32 lifetime,
-+ __u16 sequence, __u8 flags, __u8 *k_bu)
-+ mipv6_send_ba(daddr, haddr, coa, rep_coa,
-+ sequence, lifetime, k_bu);
-+static void bc_cache_delete(struct in6_addr *daddr, struct in6_addr *haddr,
-+ struct in6_addr *coa, struct in6_addr *rep_coa,
-+ __u16 sequence, __u8 flags,
-+ __u8 *k_bu)
-+ __u8 status = SUCCESS;
-+ /* Cached Care-of Address Deregistration */
-+ if (mipv6_bcache_exists(haddr, daddr) == CACHE_ENTRY) {
-+ mipv6_bcache_delete(haddr, daddr, CACHE_ENTRY);
-+ } else {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "entry is not in cache");
-+ }
-+ if (flags & MIPV6_BU_F_ACK) {
-+ mipv6_send_ba(daddr, haddr, coa, rep_coa, status, sequence,
-+ 0, k_bu);
-+ }
-+static void bc_cn_home_delete(struct in6_addr *daddr, struct in6_addr *haddr,
-+ struct in6_addr *coa, struct in6_addr *rep_coa,
-+ __u16 sequence, __u8 flags,
-+ __u8 *k_bu)
-+ * parse_mo_tlv - Parse TLV-encoded Mobility Options
-+ * @mos: pointer to Mobility Options
-+ * @len: total length of options
-+ * @opts: structure to store option pointers
-+ *
-+ * Parses Mobility Options passed in @mos. Stores pointers in @opts
-+ * to all valid mobility options found in @mos. Unknown options and
-+ * padding (%MIPV6_OPT_PAD1 and %MIPV6_OPT_PADN) is ignored and
-+ * skipped.
-+ **/
-+int parse_mo_tlv(void *mos, int len, struct mobopt *opts)
-+ struct mipv6_mo *curr = (struct mipv6_mo *)mos;
-+ int left = len;
-+ while (left > 0) {
-+ int optlen = 0;
-+ if (curr->type == MIPV6_OPT_PAD1)
-+ optlen = 1;
-+ else
-+ optlen = 2 + curr->length;
-+ if (optlen > left)
-+ goto bad;
-+ switch (curr->type) {
-+ case MIPV6_OPT_PAD1:
-+ DEBUG(DBG_DATADUMP, "MIPV6_OPT_PAD1 at %x", curr);
-+ break;
-+ case MIPV6_OPT_PADN:
-+ break;
-+ opts->alt_coa = (struct mipv6_mo_alt_coa *)curr;
-+ break;
-+ opts->nonce_indices =
-+ (struct mipv6_mo_nonce_indices *)curr;
-+ break;
-+ opts->auth_data = (struct mipv6_mo_bauth_data *)curr;
-+ break;
-+ opts->br_advice = (struct mipv6_mo_br_advice *)curr;
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "MO Unknown option type %d at %x, ignoring.",
-+ curr->type, curr);
-+ /* unknown mobility option, ignore and skip */
-+ }
-+ (u8 *)curr += optlen;
-+ left -= optlen;
-+ }
-+ if (left == 0)
-+ return 0;
-+ bad:
-+ return -1;
-+ *
-+ * Mobility Header Message handlers
-+ *
-+ */
-+static int mipv6_handle_mh_testinit(struct sk_buff *skb,
-+ struct in6_addr *cn,
-+ struct in6_addr *lcoa,
-+ struct in6_addr *saddr,
-+ struct in6_addr *fcoa,
-+ struct mipv6_mh *mh)
-+ struct mipv6_mh_addr_ti *ti = (struct mipv6_mh_addr_ti *)mh->data;
-+ int msg_len = (mh->length+1) << 3;
-+ int opt_len;
-+ if (msg_len > skb->len)
-+ return -1;
-+ opt_len = msg_len - sizeof(*mh) - sizeof(*ti);
-+ if (opt_len < 0) {
-+ __u32 pos = (__u32)&mh->length - (__u32)skb->nh.raw;
-+ icmpv6_send(skb, ICMPV6_PARAMPROB,
-+ ICMPV6_HDR_FIELD, pos, skb->dev);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Mobility Header length less than H/C TestInit");
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ if (!mip6node_cnf.accept_ret_rout) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Return routability administratively disabled");
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ if (lcoa || fcoa) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "H/C TestInit has HAO or RTH2, dropped.");
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ if (mh->type == MIPV6_MH_HOTI) {
-+ MIPV6_INC_STATS(n_hoti_rcvd);
-+ return mipv6_send_addr_test(cn, saddr, MIPV6_MH_HOT, ti);
-+ } else if (mh->type == MIPV6_MH_COTI) {
-+ MIPV6_INC_STATS(n_coti_rcvd);
-+ return mipv6_send_addr_test(cn, saddr, MIPV6_MH_COT, ti);
-+ } else
-+ return -1; /* Impossible to get here */
-+ * mipv6_handle_mh_bu - Binding Update handler
-+ * @src: care-of address of sender
-+ * @dst: our address
-+ * @haddr: home address of sender
-+ * @mh: pointer to the beginning of the Mobility Header
-+ *
-+ * Handles Binding Update. Packet and offset to option are passed.
-+ * Returns 0 on success, otherwise negative.
-+ **/
-+static int mipv6_handle_mh_bu(struct sk_buff *skb,
-+ struct in6_addr *dst,
-+ struct in6_addr *unused,
-+ struct in6_addr *haddr,
-+ struct in6_addr *coaddr,
-+ struct mipv6_mh *mh)
-+ struct mipv6_mh_bu *bu = (struct mipv6_mh_bu *)mh->data;
-+ int msg_len = (mh->length+1) << 3;
-+ int opt_len;
-+ int auth = 0;
-+ int dereg; /* Is this deregistration? */
-+ int addr_type;
-+ struct mipv6_bce bc_entry;
-+ struct in6_addr *coa, *reply_coa;
-+ __u8 *key_bu = NULL; /* RR BU authentication key */
-+ __u8 flags = bu->flags;
-+ __u16 sequence;
-+ __u32 lifetime;
-+ __u16 nonce_ind = (__u16) -1;
-+ if (msg_len > skb->len)
-+ return -1;
-+ opt_len = msg_len - sizeof(*mh) - sizeof(*bu);
-+ if (opt_len < 0) {
-+ __u32 pos = (__u32)&mh->length - (__u32)skb->nh.raw;
-+ icmpv6_send(skb, ICMPV6_PARAMPROB,
-+ ICMPV6_HDR_FIELD, pos, skb->dev);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Mobility Header length less than BU");
-+ MIPV6_INC_STATS(n_bu_drop.invalid);
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ addr_type = ipv6_addr_type(haddr);
-+ if (addr_type&IPV6_ADDR_LINKLOCAL || !(addr_type&IPV6_ADDR_UNICAST))
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ /* If HAO not present, CoA == HAddr */
-+ if (coaddr == NULL)
-+ coa = haddr;
-+ else {
-+ coa = coaddr;
-+ addr_type = ipv6_addr_type(coa);
-+ if (addr_type&IPV6_ADDR_LINKLOCAL ||
-+ !(addr_type&IPV6_ADDR_UNICAST))
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ }
-+ reply_coa = coa;
-+ sequence = ntohs(bu->sequence);
-+ if (bu->lifetime == 0xffff)
-+ lifetime = 0xffffffff;
-+ else
-+ lifetime = ntohs(bu->lifetime) << 2;
-+ dereg = (ipv6_addr_cmp(haddr, coa) == 0 || lifetime == 0);
-+ if (opt_len > 0) {
-+ struct mobopt opts;
-+ memset(&opts, 0, sizeof(opts));
-+ if (parse_mo_tlv(bu + 1, opt_len, &opts) < 0) {
-+ MIPV6_INC_STATS(n_bu_drop.invalid);
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ /*
-+ */
-+ if (opts.alt_coa) {
-+ coa = &opts.alt_coa->addr;
-+ dereg = (ipv6_addr_cmp(haddr, coa) == 0 || lifetime == 0);
-+ }
-+ addr_type = ipv6_addr_type(coa);
-+ if (addr_type&IPV6_ADDR_LINKLOCAL ||
-+ !(addr_type&IPV6_ADDR_UNICAST))
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ if (flags & MIPV6_BU_F_HOME) {
-+ if (opts.nonce_indices)
-+ return -1;
-+ } else {
-+ u8 ba_status = 0;
-+ u8 *h_ckie = NULL, *c_ckie = NULL; /* Home and care-of cookies */
-+ /* BUs to CN MUST include authorization data and nonce indices options */
-+ if (!opts.auth_data || !opts.nonce_indices) {
-+ "Route optimization BU without authorization material, aborting processing");
-+ return MH_AUTH_FAILED;
-+ }
-+ if (mipv6_rr_cookie_create(
-+ haddr, &h_ckie, opts.nonce_indices->home_nonce_i) < 0) {
-+ "mipv6_rr_cookie_create failed for home cookie");
-+ }
-+ nonce_ind = opts.nonce_indices->home_nonce_i;
-+ /* Don't create the care-of cookie, if MN deregisters */
-+ if (!dereg && mipv6_rr_cookie_create(
-+ coa, &c_ckie,
-+ opts.nonce_indices->careof_nonce_i) < 0) {
-+ "mipv6_rr_cookie_create failed for coa cookie");
-+ if (ba_status == 0)
-+ else
-+ ba_status = EXPIRED_NONCES;
-+ }
-+ if (ba_status == 0) {
-+ if (dereg)
-+ key_bu = mipv6_rr_key_calc(h_ckie, NULL);
-+ else
-+ key_bu = mipv6_rr_key_calc(h_ckie, c_ckie);
-+ mh->checksum = 0;/* TODO: Don't mangle the packet */
-+ if (key_bu && mipv6_auth_check(
-+ dst, coa, (__u8 *)mh, msg_len + sizeof(*mh), opts.auth_data, key_bu) == 0) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "mipv6_auth_check OK for BU");
-+ auth = 1;
-+ } else {
-+ "BU Authentication failed");
-+ }
-+ }
-+ if (h_ckie)
-+ kfree(h_ckie);
-+ if (c_ckie)
-+ kfree(c_ckie);
-+ if (ba_status != 0) {
-+ MIPV6_INC_STATS(n_bu_drop.auth);
-+ mipv6_send_ba(dst, haddr, coa,
-+ reply_coa, ba_status,
-+ sequence, 0, NULL);
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ /* Require authorization option for RO, home reg is protected by IPsec */
-+ if (!(flags & MIPV6_BU_F_HOME) && !auth) {
-+ MIPV6_INC_STATS(n_bu_drop.auth);
-+ if (key_bu)
-+ kfree(key_bu);
-+ return MH_AUTH_FAILED;
-+ }
-+ if (mipv6_bcache_get(haddr, dst, &bc_entry) == 0) {
-+ if ((bc_entry.flags&MIPV6_BU_F_HOME) !=
-+ (flags&MIPV6_BU_F_HOME)) {
-+ "Registration type change. Sending BA REG_TYPE_CHANGE_FORBIDDEN");
-+ mipv6_send_ba(dst, haddr, coa, reply_coa,
-+ sequence, lifetime, key_bu);
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ if (!MIPV6_SEQ_GT(sequence, bc_entry.seq)) {
-+ "Sequence number mismatch. Sending BA SEQUENCE_NUMBER_OUT_OF_WINDOW");
-+ mipv6_send_ba(dst, haddr, coa, reply_coa,
-+ bc_entry.seq, lifetime, key_bu);
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ if (!dereg) {
-+ int ifindex;
-+ struct rt6_info *rt;
-+ /* Avoid looping binding cache entries */
-+ if (mipv6_bcache_get(coa, dst, &bc_entry) == 0) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_WARNING, "Looped BU, dropping the packet");
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "calling bu_add.");
-+ if ((rt = rt6_lookup(haddr, dst, 0, 0)) != NULL) {
-+ ifindex = rt->rt6i_dev->ifindex;
-+ dst_release(&rt->u.dst);
-+ } else {
-+ /*
-+ * Can't process the BU since the right interface is
-+ * not found.
-+ */
-+ DEBUG(DBG_WARNING, "No route entry found for handling "
-+ "a BU request, (using 0 as index)");
-+ ifindex = 0;
-+ }
-+ if (flags & MIPV6_BU_F_HOME)
-+ mip6_fn.bce_home_add(ifindex, dst, haddr, coa,
-+ reply_coa, lifetime, sequence,
-+ flags, key_bu);
-+ else
-+ mip6_fn.bce_cache_add(ifindex, dst, haddr, coa,
-+ reply_coa, lifetime, sequence,
-+ flags, key_bu);
-+ } else {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "calling BCE delete.");
-+ if (flags & MIPV6_BU_F_HOME)
-+ mip6_fn.bce_home_del(dst, haddr, coa, reply_coa,
-+ sequence, flags, key_bu);
-+ else {
-+ mipv6_rr_invalidate_nonce(nonce_ind);
-+ mip6_fn.bce_cache_del(dst, haddr, coa, reply_coa,
-+ sequence, flags, key_bu);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ out:
-+ MIPV6_INC_STATS(n_bu_rcvd);
-+ if (key_bu)
-+ kfree(key_bu);
-+ return 0;
-+static int mipv6_mh_rcv(struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ struct inet6_skb_parm *opt = (struct inet6_skb_parm *)skb->cb;
-+ struct mipv6_mh *mh;
-+ struct in6_addr *lhome, *fhome, *lcoa = NULL, *fcoa = NULL;
-+ int ret = 0;
-+ fhome = &skb->nh.ipv6h->saddr;
-+ lhome = &skb->nh.ipv6h->daddr;
-+ if (opt->hao != 0) {
-+ struct mipv6_dstopt_homeaddr *hao;
-+ hao = (struct mipv6_dstopt_homeaddr *)(skb->nh.raw + opt->hao);
-+ fcoa = &hao->addr;
-+ }
-+ if (opt->srcrt2 != 0) {
-+ struct rt2_hdr *rt2;
-+ rt2 = (struct rt2_hdr *)((u8 *)skb->nh.raw + opt->srcrt2);
-+ lcoa = &rt2->addr;
-+ }
-+ /* Verify checksum is correct */
-+ if (skb->ip_summed == CHECKSUM_HW) {
-+ skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY;
-+ if (csum_ipv6_magic(fhome, lhome, skb->len, IPPROTO_MOBILITY,
-+ skb->csum)) {
-+ if (net_ratelimit())
-+ printk(KERN_WARNING "MIPv6 MH hw checksum failed\n");
-+ skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_NONE;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ if (skb->ip_summed == CHECKSUM_NONE) {
-+ if (csum_ipv6_magic(fhome, lhome, skb->len, IPPROTO_MOBILITY,
-+ skb_checksum(skb, 0, skb->len, 0))) {
-+ if (net_ratelimit())
-+ printk(KERN_WARNING "MIPv6 MH checksum failed\n");
-+ goto bad;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ if (!pskb_may_pull(skb, skb->h.raw-skb->data+sizeof(*mh)) ||
-+ !pskb_may_pull(skb,
-+ skb->h.raw-skb->data+((skb->h.raw[1]+1)<<3))) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "MIPv6 MH invalid length");
-+ kfree_skb(skb);
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ mh = (struct mipv6_mh *) skb->h.raw;
-+ /* Verify there are no more headers after the MH */
-+ if (mh->payload != NEXTHDR_NONE) {
-+ __u32 pos = (__u32)&mh->payload - (__u32)skb->nh.raw;
-+ icmpv6_send(skb, ICMPV6_PARAMPROB,
-+ ICMPV6_HDR_FIELD, pos, skb->dev);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "MIPv6 MH error");
-+ goto bad;
-+ }
-+ if (mh->type > MIPV6_MH_MAX) {
-+ /* send binding error */
-+ printk("Invalid mobility header type (%d)\n", mh->type);
-+ mipv6_send_be(lhome, fcoa ? fcoa : fhome,
-+ fcoa ? fhome : NULL,
-+ goto bad;
-+ }
-+ if (mh_rcv[mh->type].func != NULL) {
-+ ret = mh_rcv[mh->type].func(skb, lhome, lcoa, fhome, fcoa, mh);
-+ } else {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "No handler for MH Type %d", mh->type);
-+ goto bad;
-+ }
-+ kfree_skb(skb);
-+ return 0;
-+ MIPV6_INC_STATS(n_mh_in_error);
-+ kfree_skb(skb);
-+ return 0;
-+#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= 0x2052a
-+struct inet6_protocol mipv6_mh_protocol =
-+ mipv6_mh_rcv, /* handler */
-+ NULL /* error control */
-+struct inet6_protocol mipv6_mh_protocol =
-+ mipv6_mh_rcv, /* handler */
-+ NULL, /* error control */
-+ NULL, /* next */
-+ IPPROTO_MOBILITY, /* protocol ID */
-+ 0, /* copy */
-+ NULL, /* data */
-+ "MIPv6 MH" /* name */
-+ *
-+ * Code module init/exit functions
-+ *
-+ */
-+int __init mipv6_mh_common_init(void)
-+ struct sock *sk;
-+ int err;
-+ mip6_fn.bce_home_add = bc_cn_home_add;
-+ mip6_fn.bce_cache_add = bc_cache_add;
-+ mip6_fn.bce_home_del = bc_cn_home_delete;
-+ mip6_fn.bce_cache_del = bc_cache_delete;
-+ mipv6_mh_socket = sock_alloc();
-+ if (mipv6_mh_socket == NULL) {
-+ printk(KERN_ERR
-+ "Failed to create the MIP6 MH control socket.\n");
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ mipv6_mh_socket->type = SOCK_RAW;
-+ if ((err = sock_create(PF_INET6, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_MOBILITY,
-+ &mipv6_mh_socket)) < 0) {
-+ printk(KERN_ERR
-+ "Failed to initialize the MIP6 MH control socket (err %d).\n",
-+ err);
-+ sock_release(mipv6_mh_socket);
-+ mipv6_mh_socket = NULL; /* for safety */
-+ return err;
-+ }
-+ sk = mipv6_mh_socket->sk;
-+ sk->allocation = GFP_ATOMIC;
-+ sk->sndbuf = 64 * 1024 + sizeof(struct sk_buff);
-+ sk->prot->unhash(sk);
-+ memset(&mh_rcv, 0, sizeof(mh_rcv));
-+ mh_rcv[MIPV6_MH_HOTI].func = mipv6_handle_mh_testinit;
-+ mh_rcv[MIPV6_MH_COTI].func = mipv6_handle_mh_testinit;
-+ mh_rcv[MIPV6_MH_BU].func = mipv6_handle_mh_bu;
-+#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= 0x2052a
-+ if (inet6_add_protocol(&mipv6_mh_protocol, IPPROTO_MOBILITY) < 0) {
-+ printk(KERN_ERR "Failed to register MOBILITY protocol\n");
-+ sock_release(mipv6_mh_socket);
-+ mipv6_mh_socket = NULL;
-+ return -EAGAIN;
-+ }
-+ inet6_add_protocol(&mipv6_mh_protocol);
-+ /* To disable the use of dst_cache,
-+ * which slows down the sending of BUs ??
-+ */
-+ sk->dst_cache=NULL;
-+ return 0;
-+void __exit mipv6_mh_common_exit(void)
-+ if (mipv6_mh_socket) sock_release(mipv6_mh_socket);
-+ mipv6_mh_socket = NULL; /* For safety. */
-+#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= 0x2052a
-+ inet6_del_protocol(&mipv6_mh_protocol, IPPROTO_MOBILITY);
-+ inet6_del_protocol(&mipv6_mh_protocol);
-+ memset(&mh_rcv, 0, sizeof(mh_rcv));
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mobhdr_mn.c linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mobhdr_mn.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mobhdr_mn.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/mobhdr_mn.c 2004-06-26 11:29:32.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,1155 @@
-+ * Mobile IPv6 Mobility Header Functions for Mobile Node
-+ *
-+ * Authors:
-+ * Antti Tuominen <>
-+ * Niklas Kämpe <>
-+ * Henrik Petander <>
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
-+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#include <linux/types.h>
-+#include <linux/sched.h>
-+#include <linux/init.h>
-+#include <net/ipv6.h>
-+#include <net/addrconf.h>
-+#include <net/mipv6.h>
-+#include "mobhdr.h"
-+#include "mn.h"
-+#include "bul.h"
-+#include "rr_crypto.h"
-+#include "debug.h"
-+#include "util.h"
-+#include "stats.h"
-+int rr_configured = 1;
-+/* Return value of mipv6_rr_state() */
-+#define NO_RR 0
-+#define DO_RR 1
-+#define RR_FOR_COA 2
-+#define INPROGRESS_RR 3
-+ * send_bu_msg - sends a Binding Update
-+ * @bulentry : BUL entry with the information for building a BU
-+ *
-+ * Function builds a BU msg based on the contents of a bul entry.
-+ * Does not change the bul entry.
-+ **/
-+static int send_bu_msg(struct mipv6_bul_entry *binding)
-+ int auth = 0; /* Use auth */
-+ int ret = 0;
-+ struct mipv6_auth_parm parm;
-+ struct mipv6_mh_bu bu;
-+ if (!binding) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "called with a null bul entry");
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ memset(&parm, 0, sizeof(parm));
-+ if (mipv6_prefix_compare(&binding->coa, &binding->home_addr, 64))
-+ parm.coa = &binding->home_addr;
-+ else
-+ parm.coa = &binding->coa;
-+ parm.cn_addr = &binding->cn_addr;
-+ if (binding->rr && binding->rr->kbu) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Binding with key");
-+ auth = 1;
-+ parm.k_bu = binding->rr->kbu;
-+ }
-+ memset(&bu, 0, sizeof(bu));
-+ bu.flags = binding->flags;
-+ bu.sequence = htons(binding->seq);
-+ bu.lifetime = htons(binding->lifetime >> 2);
-+ bu.reserved = 0;
-+ ret = send_mh(&binding->cn_addr, &binding->home_addr,
-+ MIPV6_MH_BU, sizeof(bu), (u8 *)&bu,
-+ &binding->home_addr, NULL,
-+ binding->ops, &parm);
-+ if (ret == 0)
-+ MIPV6_INC_STATS(n_bu_sent);
-+ return ret;
-+ * mipv6_send_addr_test_init - send a HoTI or CoTI message
-+ * @saddr: source address for H/CoTI
-+ * @daddr: destination address for H/CoTI
-+ * @msg_type: Identifies whether HoTI or CoTI
-+ * @init_cookie: the HoTi or CoTi init cookie
-+ *
-+ * The message will be retransmitted till we get a HoT or CoT message, since
-+ * our caller (mipv6_RR_start) has entered this message in the BUL with
-+ * exponential backoff retramission set.
-+ */
-+static int mipv6_send_addr_test_init(struct in6_addr *saddr,
-+ struct in6_addr *daddr,
-+ u8 msg_type,
-+ u8 *init_cookie)
-+ struct mipv6_mh_addr_ti ti;
-+ struct mipv6_mh_opt *ops = NULL;
-+ int ret = 0;
-+ /* Set reserved and copy the cookie from address test init msg */
-+ ti.reserved = 0;
-+ mipv6_rr_mn_cookie_create(init_cookie);
-+ memcpy(ti.init_cookie, init_cookie, MIPV6_RR_COOKIE_LENGTH);
-+ ret = send_mh(daddr, saddr, msg_type, sizeof(ti), (u8 *)&ti,
-+ NULL, NULL, ops, NULL);
-+ if (ret == 0) {
-+ if (msg_type == MIPV6_MH_HOTI) {
-+ MIPV6_INC_STATS(n_hoti_sent);
-+ } else {
-+ MIPV6_INC_STATS(n_coti_sent);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return ret;
-+ *
-+ * Callback handlers for binding update list
-+ *
-+ */
-+/* Return value 0 means keep entry, non-zero means discard entry. */
-+/* Callback for BUs not requiring acknowledgement
-+ */
-+int bul_entry_expired(struct mipv6_bul_entry *bulentry)
-+ /* Lifetime expired, delete entry. */
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "bul entry 0x%p lifetime expired, deleting entry",
-+ bulentry);
-+ return 1;
-+/* Callback for BUs requiring acknowledgement with exponential resending
-+ * scheme */
-+static int bul_resend_exp(struct mipv6_bul_entry *bulentry)
-+ unsigned long now = jiffies;
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "(0x%x) resending bu", (int) bulentry);
-+ /* If sending a de-registration, do not care about the
-+ * lifetime value, as de-registrations are normally sent with
-+ * a zero lifetime value. If the entry is a home entry get the
-+ * current lifetime.
-+ */
-+ if (bulentry->lifetime != 0) {
-+ bulentry->lifetime = mipv6_mn_get_bulifetime(
-+ &bulentry->home_addr, &bulentry->coa, bulentry->flags);
-+ bulentry->expire = now + bulentry->lifetime * HZ;
-+ } else {
-+ bulentry->expire = now + HOME_RESEND_EXPIRE * HZ;
-+ }
-+ if (bulentry->rr) {
-+ /* Redo RR, if cookies have expired */
-+ if (time_after(jiffies, bulentry->rr->home_time + MAX_TOKEN_LIFE * HZ))
-+ bulentry->rr->rr_state |= RR_WAITH;
-+ if (time_after(jiffies, bulentry->rr->careof_time + MAX_NONCE_LIFE * HZ))
-+ bulentry->rr->rr_state |= RR_WAITC;
-+ if (bulentry->rr->rr_state & RR_WAITH) {
-+ /* Resend HoTI directly */
-+ mipv6_send_addr_test_init(&bulentry->home_addr,
-+ &bulentry->cn_addr, MIPV6_MH_HOTI,
-+ bulentry->rr->hot_cookie);
-+ }
-+ if (bulentry->rr->rr_state & RR_WAITC) {
-+ /* Resend CoTI directly */
-+ mipv6_send_addr_test_init(&bulentry->coa,
-+ &bulentry->cn_addr, MIPV6_MH_COTI,
-+ bulentry->rr->cot_cookie);
-+ }
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ bulentry->seq++;
-+ if (send_bu_msg(bulentry) < 0)
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "Resending of BU failed");
-+ /* Schedule next retransmission */
-+ if (bulentry->delay < bulentry->maxdelay) {
-+ bulentry->delay = 2 * bulentry->delay;
-+ if (bulentry->delay > bulentry->maxdelay) {
-+ /* can happen if maxdelay is not power(mindelay, 2) */
-+ bulentry->delay = bulentry->maxdelay;
-+ }
-+ } else if (bulentry->flags & MIPV6_BU_F_HOME) {
-+ /* Home registration - continue sending BU at maxdelay rate */
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Sending BU to HA after max ack wait time "
-+ "reached(0x%x)", (int) bulentry);
-+ bulentry->delay = bulentry->maxdelay;
-+ } else if (!(bulentry->flags & MIPV6_BU_F_HOME)) {
-+ /* Failed to get BA from a CN */
-+ bulentry->callback_time = now;
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ bulentry->callback_time = now + bulentry->delay * HZ;
-+ return 0;
-+/* Callback for sending a registration refresh BU
-+ */
-+static int bul_refresh(struct mipv6_bul_entry *bulentry)
-+ unsigned long now = jiffies;
-+ /* Refresh interval passed, send new BU */
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "bul entry 0x%x refresh interval passed, sending new BU", (int) bulentry);
-+ if (bulentry->lifetime == 0)
-+ return 0;
-+ /* Set new maximum lifetime and expiration time */
-+ bulentry->lifetime = mipv6_mn_get_bulifetime(&bulentry->home_addr,
-+ &bulentry->coa,
-+ bulentry->flags);
-+ bulentry->expire = now + bulentry->lifetime * HZ;
-+ bulentry->seq++;
-+ /* Send update */
-+ if (send_bu_msg(bulentry) < 0)
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "Resending of BU failed");
-+ if (time_after_eq(now, bulentry->expire)) {
-+ /* Sanity check */
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "bul entry expire time in history - setting expire to %u secs", ERROR_DEF_LIFETIME);
-+ bulentry->lifetime = ERROR_DEF_LIFETIME;
-+ bulentry->expire = now + ERROR_DEF_LIFETIME*HZ;
-+ }
-+ /* Set up retransmission */
-+ bulentry->state = RESEND_EXP;
-+ bulentry->callback = bul_resend_exp;
-+ bulentry->callback_time = now + INITIAL_BINDACK_TIMEOUT*HZ;
-+ bulentry->delay = INITIAL_BINDACK_TIMEOUT;
-+ bulentry->maxdelay = MAX_BINDACK_TIMEOUT;
-+ return 0;
-+static int mipv6_send_RR_bu(struct mipv6_bul_entry *bulentry)
-+ int ret;
-+ int ops_len = 0;
-+ u16 nonces[2];
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Sending BU to CN %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x "
-+ "for home address %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x",
-+ NIPV6ADDR(&bulentry->cn_addr), NIPV6ADDR(&bulentry->home_addr));
-+ nonces[0] = bulentry->rr->home_nonce_index;
-+ nonces[1] = bulentry->rr->careof_nonce_index;
-+ ops_len = sizeof(struct mipv6_mo_bauth_data) + MIPV6_RR_MAC_LENGTH +
-+ sizeof(struct mipv6_mo_nonce_indices);
-+ if (bulentry->ops) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_WARNING, "Bul entry had existing mobility options, freeing them");
-+ kfree(bulentry->ops);
-+ }
-+ bulentry->ops = alloc_mh_opts(ops_len);
-+ if (!bulentry->ops)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ if (append_mh_opt(bulentry->ops, MIPV6_OPT_NONCE_INDICES,
-+ sizeof(struct mipv6_mo_nonce_indices) - 2, nonces) < 0)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ if (append_mh_opt(bulentry->ops, MIPV6_OPT_AUTH_DATA,
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ /* RR procedure is over, send a BU */
-+ if (!(bulentry->flags & MIPV6_BU_F_ACK)) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Setting bul callback to bul_entry_expired");
-+ bulentry->state = ACK_OK;
-+ bulentry->callback = bul_entry_expired;
-+ bulentry->callback_time = jiffies + HZ * bulentry->lifetime;
-+ bulentry->expire = jiffies + HZ * bulentry->lifetime;
-+ }
-+ else {
-+ bulentry->callback_time = jiffies + HZ;
-+ bulentry->expire = jiffies + HZ * bulentry->lifetime;
-+ }
-+ ret = send_bu_msg(bulentry);
-+ mipv6_bul_reschedule(bulentry);
-+ return ret;
-+static int mipv6_rr_state(struct mipv6_bul_entry *bul, struct in6_addr *saddr,
-+ struct in6_addr *coa, __u8 flags)
-+ if (!rr_configured)
-+ return NO_RR;
-+ if (flags & MIPV6_BU_F_HOME) {
-+ /* We don't need RR, this is a Home Registration */
-+ return NO_RR;
-+ }
-+ if (!bul || !bul->rr) {
-+ /* First time BU to CN, need RR */
-+ return DO_RR;
-+ }
-+ switch (bul->rr->rr_state) {
-+ case RR_INIT:
-+ /* Need RR if first BU to CN */
-+ return DO_RR;
-+ case RR_DONE:
-+ /* If MN moves to a new coa, do RR for it */
-+ if (!ipv6_addr_cmp(&bul->coa, coa))
-+ return NO_RR;
-+ else
-+ return DO_RR;
-+ default:
-+ /*
-+ * We are in the middle of RR, the HoTI and CoTI have been
-+ * sent. But we haven't got HoT and CoT from the CN, so
-+ * don't do anything more at this time.
-+ */
-+ return INPROGRESS_RR;
-+ }
-+ * mipv6_RR_start - Start Return Routability procedure
-+ * @home_addr: home address
-+ * @cn_addr: correspondent address
-+ * @coa: care-of address
-+ * @entry: binding update list entry (if any)
-+ * @initdelay: initial ack timeout
-+ * @maxackdelay: maximum ack timeout
-+ * @flags: flags
-+ * @lifetime: lifetime of binding
-+ * @ops: mobility options
-+ *
-+ * Caller must hold @bul_lock (write).
-+ **/
-+static int mipv6_RR_start(struct in6_addr *home_addr, struct in6_addr *cn_addr,
-+ struct in6_addr *coa, struct mipv6_bul_entry *entry,
-+ __u32 initdelay, __u32 maxackdelay, __u8 flags,
-+ __u32 lifetime, struct mipv6_mh_opt *ops)
-+ int ret = -1;
-+ struct mipv6_bul_entry *bulentry = entry;
-+ struct mipv6_rr_info *rr = NULL;
-+ int seq = 0;
-+ /* Do RR procedure only for care-of address after handoff,
-+ if home cookie is still valid */
-+ if (bulentry && bulentry->rr) {
-+ if (time_before(jiffies, bulentry->rr->home_time + MAX_NONCE_LIFE * HZ) &&
-+ lifetime && !(ipv6_addr_cmp(home_addr, coa) == 0)) {
-+ mipv6_rr_mn_cookie_create(bulentry->rr->cot_cookie);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Bul entry and rr info exist, only doing RR for CoA");
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&bulentry->coa, coa);
-+ bulentry->rr->rr_state |= RR_WAITC;
-+ } else if (!lifetime) { /* Send only HoTi when returning home */
-+ mipv6_rr_mn_cookie_create(bulentry->rr->hot_cookie);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Bul entry and rr info exist, only doing RR for HoA");
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&bulentry->coa, coa); /* Home address as CoA */
-+ bulentry->rr->rr_state |= RR_WAITH;
-+ }
-+ } else {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Doing RR for both HoA and CoA");
-+ rr = kmalloc(sizeof(*rr), GFP_ATOMIC);
-+ memset(rr, 0, sizeof(*rr));
-+ rr->rr_state = RR_WAITHC;
-+ }
-+ if (bulentry) {
-+ if (bulentry->state == ACK_ERROR)
-+ goto out;
-+ seq = bulentry->seq + 1;
-+ } else
-+ seq = 0;
-+ /* Save the info in the BUL to retransmit the BU after RR is done */
-+ /* Caller must hold bul_lock (write) since we don't */
-+ if ((bulentry = mipv6_bul_add(cn_addr, home_addr, coa,
-+ min_t(__u32, lifetime, MAX_RR_BINDING_LIFE),
-+ seq, flags, bul_resend_exp, initdelay,
-+ RESEND_EXP, initdelay,
-+ maxackdelay, ops,
-+ rr)) == NULL) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "couldn't update BUL for HoTi");
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ rr = bulentry->rr;
-+ if (rr->rr_state&RR_WAITH)
-+ mipv6_send_addr_test_init(home_addr, cn_addr, MIPV6_MH_HOTI,
-+ rr->hot_cookie);
-+ if (ipv6_addr_cmp(home_addr, coa) && lifetime)
-+ mipv6_send_addr_test_init(coa, cn_addr, MIPV6_MH_COTI, rr->cot_cookie);
-+ else {
-+ bulentry->rr->rr_state &= ~RR_WAITC;
-+ }
-+ ret = 0;
-+ return ret;
-+ * Status codes for mipv6_ba_rcvd()
-+ */
-+#define STATUS_UPDATE 0
-+#define STATUS_REMOVE 1
-+ * mipv6_ba_rcvd - Update BUL for this Binding Acknowledgement
-+ * @ifindex: interface BA came from
-+ * @cnaddr: sender IPv6 address
-+ * @home_addr: home address
-+ * @sequence: sequence number
-+ * @lifetime: lifetime granted by Home Agent in seconds
-+ * @refresh: recommended resend interval
-+ * @status: %STATUS_UPDATE (ack) or %STATUS_REMOVE (nack)
-+ *
-+ * This function must be called to notify the module of the receipt of
-+ * a binding acknowledgement so that it can cease retransmitting the
-+ * option. The caller must have validated the acknowledgement before calling
-+ * this function. 'status' can be either STATUS_UPDATE in which case the
-+ * binding acknowledgement is assumed to be valid and the corresponding
-+ * binding update list entry is updated, or STATUS_REMOVE in which case
-+ * the corresponding binding update list entry is removed (this can be
-+ * used upon receiving a negative acknowledgement).
-+ * Returns 0 if a matching binding update has been sent or non-zero if
-+ * not.
-+ */
-+static int mipv6_ba_rcvd(int ifindex, struct in6_addr *cnaddr,
-+ struct in6_addr *home_addr,
-+ u16 sequence, u32 lifetime,
-+ u32 refresh, int status)
-+ struct mipv6_bul_entry *bulentry;
-+ unsigned long now = jiffies;
-+ struct in6_addr coa;
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "BA received with sequence number 0x%x, status: %d",
-+ (int) sequence, status);
-+ /* Find corresponding entry in binding update list. */
-+ write_lock(&bul_lock);
-+ if ((bulentry = mipv6_bul_get(cnaddr, home_addr)) == NULL) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "- discarded, no entry in bul matches BA source address");
-+ write_unlock(&bul_lock);
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&coa, &bulentry->coa);
-+ __u32 lifetime = mipv6_mn_get_bulifetime(&bulentry->home_addr,
-+ &bulentry->coa,
-+ bulentry->flags);
-+ bulentry->seq = sequence;
-+ mipv6_send_bu(&bulentry->home_addr, &bulentry->cn_addr,
-+ &bulentry->coa, INITIAL_BINDACK_TIMEOUT,
-+ MAX_BINDACK_TIMEOUT, 1, bulentry->flags,
-+ lifetime, NULL);
-+ write_unlock(&bul_lock);
-+ return 0;
-+ } else if (status >= REASON_UNSPECIFIED) {
-+ int err;
-+ int at_home = MN_NOT_AT_HOME;
-+ DEBUG(DBG_WARNING, "- NACK - BA status: %d, deleting bul entry", status);
-+ if (bulentry->flags & MIPV6_BU_F_HOME) {
-+ struct mn_info *minfo;
-+ read_lock(&mn_info_lock);
-+ minfo = mipv6_mninfo_get_by_home(home_addr);
-+ if (minfo) {
-+ spin_lock(&minfo->lock);
-+ if (minfo->is_at_home != MN_NOT_AT_HOME)
-+ minfo->is_at_home = MN_AT_HOME;
-+ at_home = minfo->is_at_home;
-+ minfo->has_home_reg = 0;
-+ spin_unlock(&minfo->lock);
-+ }
-+ read_unlock(&mn_info_lock);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "Home registration failed: BA status: %d, deleting bul entry", status);
-+ }
-+ write_unlock(&bul_lock);
-+ err = mipv6_bul_delete(cnaddr, home_addr);
-+ if (at_home == MN_AT_HOME) {
-+ mipv6_mn_send_home_na(home_addr);
-+ write_lock_bh(&bul_lock);
-+ mipv6_bul_iterate(mn_cn_handoff, &coa);
-+ write_unlock_bh(&bul_lock);
-+ }
-+ return err;
-+ }
-+ bulentry->state = ACK_OK;
-+ if (bulentry->flags & MIPV6_BU_F_HOME && lifetime > 0) {
-+ /* For home registrations: schedule a refresh binding update.
-+ * Use the refresh interval given by home agent or 80%
-+ * of lifetime, whichever is less.
-+ *
-+ * Adjust binding lifetime if 'granted' lifetime
-+ * (lifetime value in received binding acknowledgement)
-+ * is shorter than 'requested' lifetime (lifetime
-+ * value sent in corresponding binding update).
-+ * max((L_remain - (L_update - L_ack)), 0)
-+ */
-+ if (lifetime * HZ < (bulentry->expire - bulentry->lastsend)) {
-+ bulentry->expire =
-+ max_t(__u32, bulentry->expire -
-+ ((bulentry->expire - bulentry->lastsend) -
-+ lifetime * HZ), jiffies +
-+ }
-+ if (refresh > lifetime || refresh == 0)
-+ refresh = 4 * lifetime / 5;
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "setting callback for expiration of"
-+ " a Home Registration: lifetime:%d, refresh:%d",
-+ lifetime, refresh);
-+ bulentry->callback = bul_refresh;
-+ bulentry->callback_time = now + refresh * HZ;
-+ bulentry->expire = now + lifetime * HZ;
-+ bulentry->lifetime = lifetime;
-+ if (time_after_eq(jiffies, bulentry->expire)) {
-+ /* Sanity check */
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "bul entry expire time in history - setting expire to %u secs",
-+ bulentry->expire = jiffies + ERROR_DEF_LIFETIME * HZ;
-+ }
-+ mipv6_mn_set_home_reg(home_addr, 1);
-+ mipv6_bul_iterate(mn_cn_handoff, &coa);
-+ } else if ((bulentry->flags & MIPV6_BU_F_HOME) && bulentry->lifetime == 0) {
-+ write_unlock(&bul_lock);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Got BA for deregistration BU");
-+ mipv6_mn_set_home_reg(home_addr, 0);
-+ mipv6_bul_delete(cnaddr, home_addr);
-+ mipv6_mn_send_home_na(home_addr);
-+ write_lock_bh(&bul_lock);
-+ mipv6_bul_iterate(mn_cn_handoff, &coa);
-+ write_unlock_bh(&bul_lock);
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ mipv6_bul_reschedule(bulentry);
-+ write_unlock(&bul_lock);
-+ return 0;
-+static int mipv6_handle_mh_HC_test(struct sk_buff *skb,
-+ struct in6_addr *saddr,
-+ struct in6_addr *fcoa,
-+ struct in6_addr *cn,
-+ struct in6_addr *lcoa,
-+ struct mipv6_mh *mh)
-+ int ret = 0;
-+ int msg_len = (mh->length+1) << 3;
-+ int opt_len;
-+ struct mipv6_mh_addr_test *tm = (struct mipv6_mh_addr_test *)mh->data;
-+ struct mipv6_bul_entry *bulentry;
-+ if (msg_len > skb->len)
-+ return -1;
-+ opt_len = msg_len - sizeof(*mh) - sizeof(*tm);
-+ if (opt_len < 0) {
-+ __u32 pos = (__u32)&mh->length - (__u32)skb->nh.raw;
-+ icmpv6_send(skb, ICMPV6_PARAMPROB,
-+ ICMPV6_HDR_FIELD, pos, skb->dev);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Mobility Header length less than H/C Test");
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ if (fcoa || lcoa) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "H/C Test has HAO or RTH2, dropped.");
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ write_lock(&bul_lock);
-+ /* We need to get the home address, since CoT only has the CoA*/
-+ if (mh->type == MIPV6_MH_COT) {
-+ if ((bulentry = mipv6_bul_get_by_ccookie(cn, tm->init_cookie)) == NULL) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "has no BUL or RR state for "
-+ "source:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x",
-+ NIPV6ADDR(cn));
-+ write_unlock(&bul_lock);
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ } else { /* HoT has the home address */
-+ if (((bulentry = mipv6_bul_get(cn, saddr)) == NULL) || !bulentry->rr) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "has no BUL or RR state for "
-+ "source:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x "
-+ "dest:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x",
-+ NIPV6ADDR(cn), NIPV6ADDR(saddr));
-+ write_unlock(&bul_lock);
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ switch (mh->type) {
-+ case MIPV6_MH_HOT:
-+ if ((bulentry->rr->rr_state & RR_WAITH) == 0) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "Not waiting for a Home Test message");
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ /*
-+ * Make sure no home cookies have been received yet.
-+ * TODO: Check not being put in at this time since subsequent
-+ * BU's after this time will have home cookie stored.
-+ */
-+ /* Check if the cookie received is the right one */
-+ if (!mipv6_equal_cookies(tm->init_cookie,
-+ bulentry->rr->hot_cookie)) {
-+ /* Invalid cookie, might be an old cookie */
-+ DEBUG(DBG_WARNING, "Received HoT cookie does not match stored cookie");
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Got Care-of Test message");
-+ bulentry->rr->rr_state &= ~RR_WAITH;
-+ memcpy(bulentry->rr->home_cookie, tm->kgen_token, MIPV6_COOKIE_LEN);
-+ bulentry->rr->home_nonce_index = tm->nonce_index;
-+ bulentry->rr->home_time = jiffies;
-+ ret = 1;
-+ break;
-+ case MIPV6_MH_COT:
-+ if ((bulentry->rr->rr_state & RR_WAITC) == 0) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "Not waiting for a Home Test message");
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ /*
-+ * Make sure no home cookies have been received yet.
-+ * TODO: Check not being put in at this time since subsequent
-+ * BU's at this time will have careof cookie stored.
-+ */
-+ /* Check if the cookie received is the right one */
-+ if (!mipv6_equal_cookies(tm->init_cookie,
-+ bulentry->rr->cot_cookie)) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Received CoT cookie does not match stored cookie");
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ bulentry->rr->rr_state &= ~RR_WAITC;
-+ memcpy(bulentry->rr->careof_cookie, tm->kgen_token, MIPV6_COOKIE_LEN);
-+ bulentry->rr->careof_nonce_index = tm->nonce_index;
-+ bulentry->rr->careof_time = jiffies;
-+ ret = 1;
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ /* Impossible to get here */
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ if (bulentry->rr->rr_state == RR_DONE) {
-+ if (bulentry->rr->kbu) /* First free any old keys */
-+ kfree(bulentry->rr->kbu);
-+ /* Store the session key to be used in BU's */
-+ if (ipv6_addr_cmp(&bulentry->coa, &bulentry->home_addr) && bulentry->lifetime)
-+ bulentry->rr->kbu = mipv6_rr_key_calc(bulentry->rr->home_cookie,
-+ bulentry->rr->careof_cookie);
-+ else
-+ bulentry->rr->kbu = mipv6_rr_key_calc(bulentry->rr->home_cookie,
-+ NULL);
-+ /* RR procedure is over, send a BU */
-+ mipv6_send_RR_bu(bulentry);
-+ }
-+ write_unlock(&bul_lock);
-+ return ret;
-+ * mipv6_handle_mh_brr - Binding Refresh Request handler
-+ * @home: home address
-+ * @coa: care-of address
-+ * @cn: source of this packet
-+ * @mh: pointer to the beginning of the Mobility Header
-+ *
-+ * Handles Binding Refresh Request. Packet and offset to option are
-+ * passed. Returns 0 on success, otherwise negative.
-+ **/
-+static int mipv6_handle_mh_brr(struct sk_buff *skb,
-+ struct in6_addr *home,
-+ struct in6_addr *unused1,
-+ struct in6_addr *cn,
-+ struct in6_addr *unused2,
-+ struct mipv6_mh *mh)
-+ struct mipv6_mh_brr *brr = (struct mipv6_mh_brr *)mh->data;
-+ struct mipv6_bul_entry *binding;
-+ int msg_len = (mh->length+1) << 3;
-+ int opt_len;
-+ if (msg_len > skb->len)
-+ return -1;
-+ opt_len = msg_len - sizeof(*mh) - sizeof(*brr);
-+ if (opt_len < 0) {
-+ __u32 pos = (__u32)&mh->length - (__u32)skb->nh.raw;
-+ icmpv6_send(skb, ICMPV6_PARAMPROB,
-+ ICMPV6_HDR_FIELD, pos, skb->dev);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_WARNING, "Mobility Header length less than BRR");
-+ MIPV6_INC_STATS(n_brr_drop.invalid);
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ /* check we know src, else drop */
-+ write_lock(&bul_lock);
-+ if ((binding = mipv6_bul_get(cn, home)) == NULL) {
-+ MIPV6_INC_STATS(n_brr_drop.misc);
-+ write_unlock(&bul_lock);
-+ return MH_UNKNOWN_CN;
-+ }
-+ MIPV6_INC_STATS(n_brr_rcvd);
-+ if (opt_len > 0) {
-+ struct mobopt opts;
-+ memset(&opts, 0, sizeof(opts));
-+ if (parse_mo_tlv(brr + 1, opt_len, &opts) < 0) {
-+ write_unlock(&bul_lock);
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ /*
-+ */
-+ }
-+ /* must hold bul_lock (write) */
-+ mipv6_RR_start(home, cn, &binding->coa, binding, binding->delay,
-+ binding->maxdelay, binding->flags,
-+ binding->lifetime, binding->ops);
-+ write_unlock(&bul_lock);
-+ /* MAY also decide to delete binding and send zero lifetime BU
-+ with alt-coa set to home address */
-+ return 0;
-+ * mipv6_handle_mh_ba - Binding Acknowledgement handler
-+ * @src: source of this packet
-+ * @coa: care-of address
-+ * @home: home address
-+ * @mh: pointer to the beginning of the Mobility Header
-+ *
-+ **/
-+static int mipv6_handle_mh_ba(struct sk_buff *skb,
-+ struct in6_addr *home,
-+ struct in6_addr *coa,
-+ struct in6_addr *src,
-+ struct in6_addr *unused,
-+ struct mipv6_mh *mh)
-+ struct mipv6_mh_ba *ba = (struct mipv6_mh_ba *)mh->data;
-+ struct mipv6_bul_entry *binding = NULL;
-+ struct mobopt opts;
-+ int msg_len = (mh->length+1) << 3;
-+ int opt_len;
-+ int auth = 1, req_auth = 1, refresh = -1, ifindex = 0;
-+ u32 lifetime, sequence;
-+ if (msg_len > skb->len)
-+ return -1;
-+ opt_len = msg_len - sizeof(*mh) - sizeof(*ba);
-+ if (opt_len < 0) {
-+ __u32 pos = (__u32)&mh->length - (__u32)skb->nh.raw;
-+ icmpv6_send(skb, ICMPV6_PARAMPROB,
-+ ICMPV6_HDR_FIELD, pos, skb->dev);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_WARNING, "Mobility Header length less than BA");
-+ MIPV6_INC_STATS(n_ba_drop.invalid);
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ lifetime = ntohs(ba->lifetime) << 2;
-+ sequence = ntohs(ba->sequence);
-+ if (opt_len > 0) {
-+ memset(&opts, 0, sizeof(opts));
-+ if (parse_mo_tlv(ba + 1, opt_len, &opts) < 0)
-+ return -1;
-+ /*
-+ */
-+ if (opts.br_advice)
-+ refresh = ntohs(opts.br_advice->refresh_interval);
-+ }
-+ if (ba->status >= EXPIRED_HOME_NONCE_INDEX &&
-+ ba->status <= EXPIRED_NONCES)
-+ req_auth = 0;
-+ write_lock(&bul_lock);
-+ binding = mipv6_bul_get(src, home);
-+ if (!binding) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "No binding, BA dropped.");
-+ write_unlock(&bul_lock);
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ if (opts.auth_data && binding->rr &&
-+ (mipv6_auth_check(src, coa, (__u8 *)mh, msg_len,
-+ opts.auth_data, binding->rr->kbu) == 0))
-+ auth = 1;
-+ if (req_auth && binding->rr && !auth) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "BA Authentication failed.");
-+ MIPV6_INC_STATS(n_ba_drop.auth);
-+ write_unlock(&bul_lock);
-+ return MH_AUTH_FAILED;
-+ }
-+ if (ba->status == SEQUENCE_NUMBER_OUT_OF_WINDOW) {
-+ "Sequence number out of window, setting seq to %d",
-+ sequence);
-+ } else if (binding->seq != sequence) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "BU/BA Sequence Number mismatch %d != %d",
-+ binding->seq, sequence);
-+ MIPV6_INC_STATS(n_ba_drop.invalid);
-+ write_unlock(&bul_lock);
-+ }
-+ if (ba->status == EXPIRED_HOME_NONCE_INDEX || ba->status == EXPIRED_NONCES) {
-+ if (binding->rr) {
-+ /* Need to resend home test init to CN */
-+ binding->rr->rr_state |= RR_WAITH;
-+ mipv6_send_addr_test_init(&binding->home_addr,
-+ &binding->cn_addr,
-+ binding->rr->hot_cookie);
-+ MIPV6_INC_STATS(n_ban_rcvd);
-+ } else {
-+ "for non-RR BU");
-+ MIPV6_INC_STATS(n_ba_drop.invalid);
-+ }
-+ write_unlock(&bul_lock);
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ if (ba->status == EXPIRED_CAREOF_NONCE_INDEX || ba->status == EXPIRED_NONCES) {
-+ if (binding->rr) {
-+ /* Need to resend care-of test init to CN */
-+ binding->rr->rr_state |= RR_WAITC;
-+ mipv6_send_addr_test_init(&binding->coa,
-+ &binding->cn_addr,
-+ binding->rr->cot_cookie);
-+ MIPV6_INC_STATS(n_ban_rcvd);
-+ } else {
-+ "for non-RR BU");
-+ MIPV6_INC_STATS(n_ba_drop.invalid);
-+ }
-+ write_unlock(&bul_lock);
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ write_unlock(&bul_lock);
-+ if (ba->status >= REASON_UNSPECIFIED) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Binding Ack status : %d indicates error", ba->status);
-+ mipv6_ba_rcvd(ifindex, src, home, sequence, lifetime,
-+ refresh, ba->status);
-+ MIPV6_INC_STATS(n_ban_rcvd);
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ MIPV6_INC_STATS(n_ba_rcvd);
-+ if (mipv6_ba_rcvd(ifindex, src, home, ntohs(ba->sequence), lifetime,
-+ refresh, ba->status)) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_WARNING, "mipv6_ba_rcvd failed");
-+ }
-+ return 0;
-+ * mipv6_handle_mh_be - Binding Error handler
-+ * @cn: source of this packet
-+ * @coa: care-of address
-+ * @home: home address
-+ * @mh: pointer to the beginning of the Mobility Header
-+ *
-+ **/
-+static int mipv6_handle_mh_be(struct sk_buff *skb,
-+ struct in6_addr *home,
-+ struct in6_addr *coa,
-+ struct in6_addr *cn,
-+ struct in6_addr *unused,
-+ struct mipv6_mh *mh)
-+ struct mipv6_mh_be *be = (struct mipv6_mh_be *)mh->data;
-+ int msg_len = (mh->length+1) << 3;
-+ int opt_len;
-+ struct in6_addr *hoa;
-+ struct bul_inval_args args;
-+ if (msg_len > skb->len)
-+ return -1;
-+ opt_len = msg_len - sizeof(*mh) - sizeof(*be);
-+ if (opt_len < 0) {
-+ __u32 pos = (__u32)&mh->length - (__u32)skb->nh.raw;
-+ icmpv6_send(skb, ICMPV6_PARAMPROB,
-+ ICMPV6_HDR_FIELD, pos, skb->dev);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_WARNING, "Mobility Header length less than BE");
-+ MIPV6_INC_STATS(n_be_drop.invalid);
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ if (!ipv6_addr_any(&be->home_addr))
-+ hoa = &be->home_addr;
-+ else
-+ hoa = home;
-+ MIPV6_INC_STATS(n_be_rcvd);
-+ args.all_rr_states = 0;
-+ = cn;
-+ = hoa;
-+ switch (be->status) {
-+ case 1: /* Home Address Option used without a binding */
-+ /* Get ULP information about CN-MN communication. If
-+ nothing in progress, MUST delete. Otherwise MAY
-+ ignore. */
-+ args.all_rr_states = 1;
-+ case 2: /* Received unknown MH type */
-+ /* If not expecting ack, SHOULD ignore. If MH
-+ extension in use, stop it. If not, stop RO for
-+ this CN. */
-+ write_lock(&bul_lock);
-+ mipv6_bul_iterate(mn_bul_invalidate, &args);
-+ write_unlock(&bul_lock);
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ return 0;
-+ * mipv6_bu_rate_limit() : Takes a bulentry, a COA and 'flags' to check
-+ * whether BU being sent is for Home Registration or not.
-+ *
-+ * If the number of BU's sent is fewer than MAX_FAST_UPDATES, this BU
-+ * is allowed to be sent at the MAX_UPDATE_RATE.
-+ * If the number of BU's sent is greater than or equal to MAX_FAST_UPDATES,
-+ * this BU is allowed to be sent at the SLOW_UPDATE_RATE.
-+ *
-+ * Assumption : This function is not re-entrant. and the caller holds the
-+ * bulentry lock (by calling mipv6_bul_get()) to stop races with other
-+ * CPU's executing this same function.
-+ *
-+ * Side-Effects. Either of the following could on success :
-+ * 1. Sets consecutive_sends to 1 if the entry is a Home agent
-+ * registration or the COA has changed.
-+ * 2. Increments consecutive_sends if the number of BU's sent so
-+ * far is less than MAX_FAST_UPDATES, and this BU is being sent
-+ * atleast MAX_UPDATE_RATE after previous one.
-+ *
-+ * Return Value : 0 on Success, -1 on Failure
-+ */
-+static int mipv6_bu_rate_limit(struct mipv6_bul_entry *bulentry,
-+ struct in6_addr *coa, __u8 flags)
-+ if ((flags & MIPV6_BU_F_HOME) || ipv6_addr_cmp(&bulentry->coa, coa)) {
-+ /* Home Agent Registration or different COA - restart from 1 */
-+ bulentry->consecutive_sends = 1;
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ if (bulentry->consecutive_sends < MAX_FAST_UPDATES) {
-+ /* First MAX_FAST_UPDATES can be sent at MAX_UPDATE_RATE */
-+ if (jiffies - bulentry->lastsend < MAX_UPDATE_RATE * HZ) {
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ bulentry->consecutive_sends ++;
-+ } else {
-+ /* Remaining updates SHOULD be sent at SLOW_UPDATE_RATE */
-+ if (jiffies - bulentry->lastsend < SLOW_UPDATE_RATE * HZ) {
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ /* Don't inc 'consecutive_sends' to avoid overflow to zero */
-+ }
-+ /* OK to send a BU */
-+ return 0;
-+ * mipv6_send_bu - send a Binding Update
-+ * @saddr: source address for BU
-+ * @daddr: destination address for BU
-+ * @coa: care-of address for MN
-+ * @initdelay: initial BA wait timeout
-+ * @maxackdelay: maximum BA wait timeout
-+ * @exp: exponention back off
-+ * @flags: flags for BU
-+ * @lifetime: granted lifetime for binding
-+ * @ops: mobility options
-+ *
-+ * Send a binding update. 'flags' may contain any of %MIPV6_BU_F_ACK,
-+ * %MIPV6_BU_F_HOME, %MIPV6_BU_F_ROUTER bitwise ORed. If
-+ * %MIPV6_BU_F_ACK is included retransmission will be attempted until
-+ * the update has been acknowledged. Retransmission is done if no
-+ * acknowledgement is received within @initdelay seconds. @exp
-+ * specifies whether to use exponential backoff (@exp != 0) or linear
-+ * backoff (@exp == 0). For exponential backoff the time to wait for
-+ * an acknowledgement is doubled on each retransmission until a delay
-+ * of @maxackdelay, after which retransmission is no longer attempted.
-+ * For linear backoff the delay is kept constant and @maxackdelay
-+ * specifies the maximum number of retransmissions instead. If
-+ * sub-options are present ops must contain all sub-options to be
-+ * added. On a mobile node, use the mobile node's home address for
-+ * @saddr. Returns 0 on success, non-zero on failure.
-+ *
-+ * Caller may not hold @bul_lock.
-+ **/
-+int mipv6_send_bu(struct in6_addr *saddr, struct in6_addr *daddr,
-+ struct in6_addr *coa, u32 initdelay,
-+ u32 maxackdelay, u8 exp, u8 flags, u32 lifetime,
-+ struct mipv6_mh_opt *ops)
-+ int ret;
-+ __u8 state;
-+ __u16 seq = 0;
-+ int (*callback)(struct mipv6_bul_entry *);
-+ __u32 callback_time;
-+ struct mipv6_bul_entry *bulentry;
-+ /* First a sanity check: don't send BU to local addresses */
-+ if(ipv6_chk_addr(daddr, NULL)) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "BUG: Trying to send BU to local address");
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Sending BU to CN %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x "
-+ "for home address %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x",
-+ NIPV6ADDR(daddr), NIPV6ADDR(saddr));
-+ if ((bulentry = mipv6_bul_get(daddr, saddr)) != NULL) {
-+ if (bulentry->state == ACK_ERROR) {
-+ /*
-+ * Don't send any more BU's to nodes which don't
-+ * understanding one.
-+ */
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Not sending BU to node which doesn't"
-+ " understand one");
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ if (mipv6_bu_rate_limit(bulentry, coa, flags) < 0) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_DATADUMP, "Limiting BU sent.");
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ switch (mipv6_rr_state(bulentry, saddr, coa, flags)) {
-+ /* We are already doing RR, don't do BU at this time, it is
-+ * done automatically later */
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "RR in progress not sending BU");
-+ return 0;
-+ case DO_RR:
-+ /* Just do RR and return, BU is done automatically later */
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "starting RR" );
-+ mipv6_RR_start(saddr, daddr, coa, bulentry, initdelay,
-+ maxackdelay, flags, lifetime, ops);
-+ return 0;
-+ case NO_RR:
-+ DEBUG(DBG_DATADUMP, "No RR necessary" );
-+ default:
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ if (bulentry)
-+ seq = bulentry->seq + 1;
-+ /* Add to binding update list */
-+ if (flags & MIPV6_BU_F_ACK) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Setting bul callback to bul_resend_exp");
-+ /* Send using exponential backoff */
-+ state = RESEND_EXP;
-+ callback = bul_resend_exp;
-+ callback_time = initdelay;
-+ } else {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "Setting bul callback to bul_entry_expired");
-+ /* No acknowledgement/resending required */
-+ state = ACK_OK; /* pretend we got an ack */
-+ callback = bul_entry_expired;
-+ callback_time = lifetime;
-+ }
-+ /* BU only for the home address */
-+ /* We must hold bul_lock (write) while calling add */
-+ if ((bulentry = mipv6_bul_add(daddr, saddr, coa, lifetime, seq,
-+ flags, callback, callback_time,
-+ state, initdelay, maxackdelay, ops,
-+ NULL)) == NULL) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "couldn't update BUL");
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ ret = send_bu_msg(bulentry);
-+ return ret;
-+int __init mipv6_mh_mn_init(void)
-+ mipv6_mh_register(MIPV6_MH_HOT, mipv6_handle_mh_HC_test);
-+ mipv6_mh_register(MIPV6_MH_COT, mipv6_handle_mh_HC_test);
-+ mipv6_mh_register(MIPV6_MH_BA, mipv6_handle_mh_ba);
-+ mipv6_mh_register(MIPV6_MH_BRR, mipv6_handle_mh_brr);
-+ mipv6_mh_register(MIPV6_MH_BE, mipv6_handle_mh_be);
-+ return 0;
-+void __exit mipv6_mh_mn_exit(void)
-+ mipv6_mh_unregister(MIPV6_MH_HOT);
-+ mipv6_mh_unregister(MIPV6_MH_COT);
-+ mipv6_mh_unregister(MIPV6_MH_BA);
-+ mipv6_mh_unregister(MIPV6_MH_BRR);
-+ mipv6_mh_unregister(MIPV6_MH_BE);
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/module_cn.c linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/module_cn.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/module_cn.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/module_cn.c 2004-06-26 11:29:31.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
-+ * Mobile IPv6 Common Module
-+ *
-+ * Authors:
-+ * Sami Kivisaari <>
-+ * Antti Tuominen <>
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ */
-+#include <linux/config.h>
-+#include <linux/module.h>
-+#include <linux/init.h>
-+#include <linux/sysctl.h>
-+#endif /* CONFIG_SYSCTL */
-+#include <net/mipglue.h>
-+#include "bcache.h"
-+#include "mipv6_icmp.h"
-+#include "stats.h"
-+#include "mobhdr.h"
-+#include "exthdrs.h"
-+int mipv6_debug = 1;
-+#if defined(MODULE) && LINUX_VERSION_CODE > 0x20115
-+MODULE_PARM(mipv6_debug, "i");
-+#include "config.h"
-+struct mip6_func mip6_fn;
-+struct mip6_conf mip6node_cnf = {
-+ capabilities: CAP_CN,
-+ accept_ret_rout: 1,
-+ max_rtr_reachable_time: 0,
-+ eager_cell_switching: 0,
-+ max_num_tunnels: 0,
-+ min_num_tunnels: 0,
-+ binding_refresh_advice: 0,
-+ bu_lladdr: 0,
-+ bu_keymgm: 0,
-+ bu_cn_ack: 0
-+#define MIPV6_BCACHE_SIZE 128
-+ *
-+ * MIPv6 CN Module Init / Cleanup
-+ *
-+ **********************************************************************/
-+/* Sysctl table */
-+ctl_table mipv6_mobility_table[] = {
-+ {NET_IPV6_MOBILITY_DEBUG, "debuglevel",
-+ &mipv6_debug, sizeof(int), 0644, NULL,
-+ &proc_dointvec},
-+ {NET_IPV6_MOBILITY_RETROUT, "accept_return_routability",
-+ &mip6node_cnf.accept_ret_rout, sizeof(int), 0644, NULL,
-+ &proc_dointvec},
-+ {0}
-+ctl_table mipv6_table[] = {
-+ {NET_IPV6_MOBILITY, "mobility", NULL, 0, 0555, mipv6_mobility_table},
-+ {0}
-+static struct ctl_table_header *mipv6_sysctl_header;
-+static struct ctl_table mipv6_net_table[];
-+static struct ctl_table mipv6_root_table[];
-+ctl_table mipv6_net_table[] = {
-+ {NET_IPV6, "ipv6", NULL, 0, 0555, mipv6_table},
-+ {0}
-+ctl_table mipv6_root_table[] = {
-+ {CTL_NET, "net", NULL, 0, 0555, mipv6_net_table},
-+ {0}
-+#endif /* CONFIG_SYSCTL */
-+extern void mipv6_rr_init(void);
-+/* Initialize the module */
-+static int __init mip6_init(void)
-+ int err = 0;
-+ printk(KERN_INFO "MIPL Mobile IPv6 for Linux Correspondent Node %s (%s)\n",
-+ printk(KERN_INFO "Debug-level: %d\n", mipv6_debug);
-+ if ((err = mipv6_bcache_init(MIPV6_BCACHE_SIZE)) < 0)
-+ goto bcache_fail;
-+ if ((err = mipv6_icmpv6_init()) < 0)
-+ goto icmp_fail;
-+ if ((err = mipv6_stats_init()) < 0)
-+ goto stats_fail;
-+ mipv6_rr_init();
-+ mipv6_sysctl_header = register_sysctl_table(mipv6_root_table, 0);
-+ if ((err = mipv6_mh_common_init()) < 0)
-+ goto mh_fail;
-+ MIPV6_SETCALL(mipv6_modify_txoptions, mipv6_modify_txoptions);
-+ MIPV6_SETCALL(mipv6_handle_homeaddr, mipv6_handle_homeaddr);
-+ MIPV6_SETCALL(mipv6_icmp_swap_addrs, mipv6_icmp_swap_addrs);
-+ return 0;
-+ unregister_sysctl_table(mipv6_sysctl_header);
-+ mipv6_stats_exit();
-+ mipv6_icmpv6_exit();
-+ mipv6_bcache_exit();
-+ return err;
-+#ifdef MODULE
-+/* Cleanup module */
-+static void __exit mip6_exit(void)
-+ printk(KERN_INFO "mip6_base.o exiting.\n");
-+ unregister_sysctl_table(mipv6_sysctl_header);
-+ /* Invalidate all custom kernel hooks. No need to do this
-+ separately for all hooks. */
-+ mipv6_invalidate_calls();
-+ mipv6_mh_common_exit();
-+ mipv6_stats_exit();
-+ mipv6_icmpv6_exit();
-+ mipv6_bcache_exit();
-+#endif /* MODULE */
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/module_ha.c linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/module_ha.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/module_ha.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/module_ha.c 2004-06-26 11:29:31.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
-+ * Mobile IPv6 Home Agent Module
-+ *
-+ * Authors:
-+ * Sami Kivisaari <>
-+ * Antti Tuominen <>
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ */
-+#include <linux/config.h>
-+#include <linux/module.h>
-+#include <linux/init.h>
-+#include <linux/sysctl.h>
-+#endif /* CONFIG_SYSCTL */
-+#include <net/mipglue.h>
-+#include <net/addrconf.h>
-+#include "mobhdr.h"
-+#include "tunnel_ha.h"
-+#include "ha.h"
-+#include "halist.h"
-+#include "mipv6_icmp.h"
-+//#include "prefix.h"
-+#include "bcache.h"
-+#include "debug.h"
-+int mipv6_use_auth = 0;
-+#if defined(MODULE) && LINUX_VERSION_CODE > 0x20115
-+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Mobile IPv6 Home Agent");
-+#include "config.h"
-+#define MIPV6_HALIST_SIZE 128
-+struct ha_info_opt {
-+ u8 type;
-+ u8 len;
-+ u16 res;
-+ u16 pref;
-+ u16 ltime;
-+ * Called from ndisc.c's router_discovery.
-+ */
-+static int mipv6_ha_ra_rcv(struct sk_buff *skb, struct ndisc_options *ndopts)
-+ unsigned int ha_info_pref = 0, ha_info_lifetime;
-+ int ifi = ((struct inet6_skb_parm *)skb->cb)->iif;
-+ struct ra_msg *ra = (struct ra_msg *) skb->h.raw;
-+ struct in6_addr *saddr = &skb->nh.ipv6h->saddr;
-+ struct in6_addr ll_addr;
-+ struct hal {
-+ struct in6_addr prefix;
-+ int plen;
-+ struct hal *next;
-+ };
-+ ha_info_lifetime = ntohs(ra->icmph.icmp6_rt_lifetime);
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&ll_addr, saddr);
-+ if (ndopts->nd_opts_hai) {
-+ struct ha_info_opt *hai = (struct ha_info_opt *)ndopts->nd_opts_hai;
-+ ha_info_pref = ntohs(hai->pref);
-+ ha_info_lifetime = ntohs(hai->ltime);
-+ "received home agent info with preference : %d and lifetime : %d",
-+ ha_info_pref, ha_info_lifetime);
-+ }
-+ if (ndopts->nd_opts_pi) {
-+ struct nd_opt_hdr *p;
-+ for (p = ndopts->nd_opts_pi;
-+ p;
-+ p = ndisc_next_option(p, ndopts->nd_opts_pi_end)) {
-+ struct prefix_info *pinfo;
-+ pinfo = (struct prefix_info *) p;
-+ if (pinfo->router_address) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_DATADUMP, "Adding router address to "
-+ "ha queue \n");
-+ /* If RA has H bit set and Prefix Info
-+ * Option R bit set, queue this
-+ * address to be added to Home Agents
-+ * List.
-+ */
-+ if (ipv6_addr_type(&pinfo->prefix) &
-+ continue;
-+ if (!ra->icmph.icmp6_home_agent || !ha_info_lifetime) {
-+ mipv6_halist_delete(&pinfo->prefix);
-+ continue;
-+ } else {
-+ mipv6_halist_add(ifi, &pinfo->prefix,
-+ pinfo->prefix_len, &ll_addr,
-+ ha_info_pref, ha_info_lifetime);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return MIPV6_ADD_RTR;
-+ *
-+ * MIPv6 Module Init / Cleanup
-+ *
-+ **********************************************************************/
-+/* Sysctl table */
-+extern int
-+mipv6_max_tnls_sysctl(ctl_table *, int, struct file *, void *, size_t *);
-+extern int
-+mipv6_min_tnls_sysctl(ctl_table *, int, struct file *, void *, size_t *);
-+int max_adv = ~(u16)0;
-+int min_zero = 0;
-+ctl_table mipv6_mobility_table[] = {
-+ {NET_IPV6_MOBILITY_BINDING_REFRESH, "binding_refresh_advice",
-+ &mip6node_cnf.binding_refresh_advice, sizeof(int), 0644, NULL,
-+ &proc_dointvec_minmax, &sysctl_intvec, 0, &min_zero, &max_adv},
-+ {NET_IPV6_MOBILITY_MAX_TNLS, "max_tnls", &mipv6_max_tnls, sizeof(int),
-+ 0644, NULL, &mipv6_max_tnls_sysctl},
-+ {NET_IPV6_MOBILITY_MIN_TNLS, "min_tnls", &mipv6_min_tnls, sizeof(int),
-+ 0644, NULL, &mipv6_min_tnls_sysctl},
-+ {0}
-+ctl_table mipv6_table[] = {
-+ {NET_IPV6_MOBILITY, "mobility", NULL, 0, 0555, mipv6_mobility_table},
-+ {0}
-+static struct ctl_table_header *mipv6_sysctl_header;
-+static struct ctl_table mipv6_net_table[];
-+static struct ctl_table mipv6_root_table[];
-+ctl_table mipv6_net_table[] = {
-+ {NET_IPV6, "ipv6", NULL, 0, 0555, mipv6_table},
-+ {0}
-+ctl_table mipv6_root_table[] = {
-+ {CTL_NET, "net", NULL, 0, 0555, mipv6_net_table},
-+ {0}
-+#endif /* CONFIG_SYSCTL */
-+extern void mipv6_check_dad(struct in6_addr *haddr);
-+extern void mipv6_dad_init(void);
-+extern void mipv6_dad_exit(void);
-+extern int mipv6_forward(struct sk_buff *);
-+/* Initialize the module */
-+static int __init mip6_ha_init(void)
-+ int err = 0;
-+ printk(KERN_INFO "MIPL Mobile IPv6 for Linux Home Agent %s (%s)\n",
-+ mip6node_cnf.capabilities = CAP_CN | CAP_HA;
-+ mip6_fn.icmpv6_dhaad_rep_rcv = mipv6_icmpv6_no_rcv;
-+ mip6_fn.icmpv6_dhaad_req_rcv = mipv6_icmpv6_rcv_dhaad_req;
-+ mip6_fn.icmpv6_pfxadv_rcv = mipv6_icmpv6_no_rcv;
-+ mip6_fn.icmpv6_pfxsol_rcv = mipv6_icmpv6_no_rcv;
-+ mip6_fn.icmpv6_paramprob_rcv = mipv6_icmpv6_no_rcv;
-+ printk(KERN_INFO "Debug-level: %d\n", mipv6_debug);
-+ mipv6_sysctl_header = register_sysctl_table(mipv6_root_table, 0);
-+ mipv6_initialize_tunnel();
-+ if ((err = mipv6_ha_init()) < 0)
-+ goto ha_fail;
-+ MIPV6_SETCALL(mipv6_ra_rcv, mipv6_ha_ra_rcv);
-+ MIPV6_SETCALL(mipv6_forward, mipv6_forward);
-+ mipv6_dad_init();
-+ MIPV6_SETCALL(mipv6_check_dad, mipv6_check_dad);
-+ if ((err = mipv6_halist_init(MIPV6_HALIST_SIZE)) < 0)
-+ goto halist_fail;
-+// mipv6_initialize_pfx_icmpv6();
-+ return 0;
-+ mipv6_dad_exit();
-+ mipv6_ha_exit();
-+ mipv6_shutdown_tunnel();
-+ mip6_fn.icmpv6_dhaad_rep_rcv = NULL;
-+ mip6_fn.icmpv6_dhaad_req_rcv = NULL;
-+ mip6_fn.icmpv6_pfxadv_rcv = NULL;
-+ mip6_fn.icmpv6_pfxsol_rcv = NULL;
-+ mip6_fn.icmpv6_paramprob_rcv = NULL;
-+ MIPV6_RESETCALL(mipv6_ra_rcv);
-+ MIPV6_RESETCALL(mipv6_forward);
-+ MIPV6_RESETCALL(mipv6_check_dad);
-+ unregister_sysctl_table(mipv6_sysctl_header);
-+ return err;
-+#ifdef MODULE
-+/* Cleanup module */
-+static void __exit mip6_ha_exit(void)
-+ printk(KERN_INFO "mip6_ha.o exiting.\n");
-+ mip6node_cnf.capabilities &= ~(int)CAP_HA;
-+ mipv6_bcache_cleanup(HOME_REGISTRATION);
-+ MIPV6_RESETCALL(mipv6_ra_rcv);
-+ MIPV6_RESETCALL(mipv6_forward);
-+ MIPV6_RESETCALL(mipv6_check_dad);
-+ mipv6_halist_exit();
-+// mipv6_shutdown_pfx_icmpv6();
-+ mip6_fn.icmpv6_dhaad_rep_rcv = NULL;
-+ mip6_fn.icmpv6_dhaad_req_rcv = NULL;
-+ mip6_fn.icmpv6_pfxadv_rcv = NULL;
-+ mip6_fn.icmpv6_pfxsol_rcv = NULL;
-+ mip6_fn.icmpv6_paramprob_rcv = NULL;
-+ mipv6_dad_exit();
-+ mipv6_ha_exit();
-+ mipv6_shutdown_tunnel();
-+ unregister_sysctl_table(mipv6_sysctl_header);
-+#endif /* MODULE */
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/module_mn.c linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/module_mn.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/module_mn.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/module_mn.c 2004-06-26 11:29:31.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
-+ * Mobile IPv6 Mobile Node Module
-+ *
-+ * Authors:
-+ * Sami Kivisaari <>
-+ * Antti Tuominen <>
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ */
-+#include <linux/config.h>
-+#include <linux/module.h>
-+#include <linux/init.h>
-+#include <linux/sysctl.h>
-+#endif /* CONFIG_SYSCTL */
-+#include <net/mipglue.h>
-+extern int mipv6_debug;
-+int mipv6_use_auth = 0;
-+#if defined(MODULE) && LINUX_VERSION_CODE > 0x20115
-+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Mobile IPv6 Mobile Node");
-+MODULE_PARM(mipv6_debug, "i");
-+#include "config.h"
-+#include "mobhdr.h"
-+#include "mn.h"
-+#include "mipv6_icmp.h"
-+//#include "prefix.h"
-+/* TODO: These will go as soon as we get rid of the last two ioctls */
-+extern int mipv6_ioctl_mn_init(void);
-+extern void mipv6_ioctl_mn_exit(void);
-+ *
-+ * MIPv6 Module Init / Cleanup
-+ *
-+ **********************************************************************/
-+/* Sysctl table */
-+extern int max_rtr_reach_time;
-+extern int eager_cell_switching;
-+static int max_reach = 1000;
-+static int min_reach = 1;
-+static int max_one = 1;
-+static int min_zero = 0;
-+extern int
-+mipv6_mdetect_mech_sysctl(ctl_table *, int, struct file *, void *, size_t *);
-+extern int
-+mipv6_router_reach_sysctl(ctl_table *, int, struct file *, void *, size_t *);
-+ctl_table mipv6_mobility_table[] = {
-+ {NET_IPV6_MOBILITY_BU_F_LLADDR, "bu_flag_lladdr",
-+ &mip6node_cnf.bu_lladdr, sizeof(int), 0644, NULL,
-+ &proc_dointvec_minmax, &sysctl_intvec, 0, &min_zero, &max_one},
-+ {NET_IPV6_MOBILITY_BU_F_KEYMGM, "bu_flag_keymgm",
-+ &mip6node_cnf.bu_keymgm, sizeof(int), 0644, NULL,
-+ &proc_dointvec_minmax, &sysctl_intvec, 0, &min_zero, &max_one},
-+ {NET_IPV6_MOBILITY_BU_F_CN_ACK, "bu_flag_cn_ack",
-+ &mip6node_cnf.bu_cn_ack, sizeof(int), 0644, NULL,
-+ &proc_dointvec_minmax, &sysctl_intvec, 0, &min_zero, &max_one},
-+ {NET_IPV6_MOBILITY_ROUTER_REACH, "max_router_reachable_time",
-+ &max_rtr_reach_time, sizeof(int), 0644, NULL,
-+ &proc_dointvec_minmax, &sysctl_intvec, 0, &min_reach, &max_reach},
-+ {NET_IPV6_MOBILITY_MDETECT_MECHANISM, "eager_cell_switching",
-+ &eager_cell_switching, sizeof(int), 0644, NULL,
-+ &proc_dointvec_minmax, &sysctl_intvec, 0, &min_zero, &max_one},
-+ {0}
-+ctl_table mipv6_table[] = {
-+ {NET_IPV6_MOBILITY, "mobility", NULL, 0, 0555, mipv6_mobility_table},
-+ {0}
-+static struct ctl_table_header *mipv6_sysctl_header;
-+static struct ctl_table mipv6_net_table[];
-+static struct ctl_table mipv6_root_table[];
-+ctl_table mipv6_net_table[] = {
-+ {NET_IPV6, "ipv6", NULL, 0, 0555, mipv6_table},
-+ {0}
-+ctl_table mipv6_root_table[] = {
-+ {CTL_NET, "net", NULL, 0, 0555, mipv6_net_table},
-+ {0}
-+#endif /* CONFIG_SYSCTL */
-+/* Initialize the module */
-+static int __init mip6_mn_init(void)
-+ int err = 0;
-+ printk(KERN_INFO "MIPL Mobile IPv6 for Linux Mobile Node %s (%s)\n",
-+ mip6node_cnf.capabilities = CAP_CN | CAP_MN;
-+ printk(KERN_INFO "Debug-level: %d\n", mipv6_debug);
-+ mipv6_sysctl_header = register_sysctl_table(mipv6_root_table, 0);
-+ if ((err = mipv6_mn_init()) < 0)
-+ goto mn_fail;
-+ mipv6_mh_mn_init();
-+ mip6_fn.icmpv6_dhaad_rep_rcv = mipv6_icmpv6_rcv_dhaad_rep;
-+ mip6_fn.icmpv6_dhaad_req_rcv = mipv6_icmpv6_no_rcv;
-+ mip6_fn.icmpv6_pfxadv_rcv = mipv6_icmpv6_no_rcv;
-+ mip6_fn.icmpv6_pfxsol_rcv = mipv6_icmpv6_no_rcv;
-+ mip6_fn.icmpv6_paramprob_rcv = mipv6_icmpv6_rcv_paramprob;
-+// mipv6_initialize_pfx_icmpv6();
-+ if ((err = mipv6_ioctl_mn_init()) < 0)
-+ goto ioctl_fail;
-+ return 0;
-+// mipv6_shutdown_pfx_icmpv6();
-+ mip6_fn.icmpv6_dhaad_rep_rcv = NULL;
-+ mip6_fn.icmpv6_dhaad_req_rcv = NULL;
-+ mip6_fn.icmpv6_pfxadv_rcv = NULL;
-+ mip6_fn.icmpv6_pfxsol_rcv = NULL;
-+ mip6_fn.icmpv6_paramprob_rcv = NULL;
-+ mipv6_mh_mn_exit();
-+ mipv6_mn_exit();
-+ unregister_sysctl_table(mipv6_sysctl_header);
-+ return err;
-+#ifdef MODULE
-+/* Cleanup module */
-+static void __exit mip6_mn_exit(void)
-+ printk(KERN_INFO "mip6_mn.o exiting.\n");
-+ mip6node_cnf.capabilities &= ~(int)CAP_MN;
-+ mipv6_ioctl_mn_exit();
-+// mipv6_shutdown_pfx_icmpv6();
-+ mip6_fn.icmpv6_dhaad_rep_rcv = NULL;
-+ mip6_fn.icmpv6_dhaad_req_rcv = NULL;
-+ mip6_fn.icmpv6_pfxadv_rcv = NULL;
-+ mip6_fn.icmpv6_pfxsol_rcv = NULL;
-+ mip6_fn.icmpv6_paramprob_rcv = NULL;
-+ mipv6_mn_exit();
-+/* common cleanup */
-+ unregister_sysctl_table(mipv6_sysctl_header);
-+#endif /* MODULE */
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/multiaccess_ctl.c linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/multiaccess_ctl.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/multiaccess_ctl.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/multiaccess_ctl.c 2004-06-26 11:29:31.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
-+ * 2001 (c) Oy L M Ericsson Ab
-+ *
-+ * Author: NomadicLab / Ericsson Research <>
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ */
-+ * Vertical hand-off information manager
-+ */
-+#include <linux/netdevice.h>
-+#include <linux/in6.h>
-+#include <linux/module.h>
-+#include <linux/init.h>
-+#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
-+#include <linux/string.h>
-+#include <linux/kernel.h>
-+#include <asm/io.h>
-+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
-+#include <linux/list.h>
-+#include "multiaccess_ctl.h"
-+#include "debug.h"
-+ * Local variables
-+ */
-+static LIST_HEAD(if_list);
-+/* Internal interface information list */
-+struct ma_if_info {
-+ struct list_head list;
-+ int interface_id;
-+ int preference;
-+ __u8 status;
-+ * ma_ctl_get_preference - get preference value for interface
-+ * @ifi: interface index
-+ *
-+ * Returns integer value preference for given interface.
-+ **/
-+int ma_ctl_get_preference(int ifi)
-+ struct list_head *lh;
-+ struct ma_if_info *info;
-+ int pref = 0;
-+ list_for_each(lh, &if_list) {
-+ info = list_entry(lh, struct ma_if_info, list);
-+ if (info->interface_id == ifi) {
-+ pref = info->preference;
-+ return pref;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return -1;
-+ * ma_ctl_get_preference - get preference value for interface
-+ * @ifi: interface index
-+ *
-+ * Returns integer value interface index for interface with highest preference.
-+ **/
-+int ma_ctl_get_preferred_if(void)
-+ struct list_head *lh;
-+ struct ma_if_info *info, *pref_if = NULL;
-+ list_for_each(lh, &if_list) {
-+ info = list_entry(lh, struct ma_if_info, list);
-+ if (!pref_if || (info->preference > pref_if->preference)) {
-+ pref_if = info;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ if (pref_if) return pref_if->interface_id;
-+ return 0;
-+ * ma_ctl_set_preference - set preference for interface
-+ * @arg: ioctl args
-+ *
-+ * Sets preference of an existing interface (called by ioctl).
-+ **/
-+void ma_ctl_set_preference(unsigned long arg)
-+ struct list_head *lh;
-+ struct ma_if_info *info;
-+ struct ma_if_uinfo uinfo;
-+ memset(&uinfo, 0, sizeof(struct ma_if_uinfo));
-+ if (copy_from_user(&uinfo, (struct ma_if_uinfo *)arg,
-+ sizeof(struct ma_if_uinfo)) < 0) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_WARNING, "copy_from_user failed");
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ /* check if the interface exists */
-+ list_for_each(lh, &if_list) {
-+ info = list_entry(lh, struct ma_if_info, list);
-+ if (info->interface_id == uinfo.interface_id) {
-+ info->preference = uinfo.preference;
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ * ma_ctl_add_iface - add new interface to list
-+ * @if_index: interface index
-+ *
-+ * Adds new interface entry to preference list. Preference is set to
-+ * the same value as @if_index. Entry @status is set to
-+ **/
-+void ma_ctl_add_iface(int if_index)
-+ struct list_head *lh;
-+ struct ma_if_info *info;
-+ /* check if the interface already exists */
-+ list_for_each(lh, &if_list) {
-+ info = list_entry(lh, struct ma_if_info, list);
-+ if (info->interface_id == if_index) {
-+ info->status = MA_IFACE_NOT_USED;
-+ info->preference = if_index;
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ info = kmalloc(sizeof(struct ma_if_info), GFP_ATOMIC);
-+ if (info == NULL) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "Out of memory");
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ memset(info, 0, sizeof(struct ma_if_info));
-+ info->interface_id = if_index;
-+ info->preference = if_index;
-+ info->status = MA_IFACE_NOT_USED;
-+ list_add(&info->list, &if_list);
-+ * ma_ctl_del_iface - remove entry from the list
-+ * @if_index: interface index
-+ *
-+ * Removes entry for interface @if_index from preference list.
-+ **/
-+int ma_ctl_del_iface(int if_index)
-+ struct list_head *lh, *next;
-+ struct ma_if_info *info;
-+ /* if the iface exists, change availability to 0 */
-+ list_for_each_safe(lh, next, &if_list) {
-+ info = list_entry(lh, struct ma_if_info, list);
-+ if (info->interface_id == if_index) {
-+ list_del(&info->list);
-+ kfree(info);
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return -1;
-+ * ma_ctl_upd_iface - update entry (and list)
-+ * @if_index: interface to update
-+ * @status: new status for interface
-+ * @change_if_index: new interface
-+ *
-+ * Updates @if_index entry on preference list. Entry status is set to
-+ * @status. If new @status is %MA_IFACE_CURRENT, updates list to have
-+ * only one current device. If @status is %MA_IFACE_NOT_PRESENT,
-+ * entry is deleted and further if entry had %MA_IFACE_CURRENT set,
-+ * new current device is looked up and returned in @change_if_index.
-+ * New preferred interface is also returned if current device changes
-+ * to %MA_IFACE_NOT_USED. Returns 0 on success, otherwise negative.
-+ **/
-+int ma_ctl_upd_iface(int if_index, int status, int *change_if_index)
-+ struct list_head *lh, *tmp;
-+ struct ma_if_info *info, *pref = NULL;
-+ int found = 0;
-+ *change_if_index = 0;
-+ /* check if the interface exists */
-+ list_for_each_safe(lh, tmp, &if_list) {
-+ info = list_entry(lh, struct ma_if_info, list);
-+ if (status == MA_IFACE_NOT_PRESENT) {
-+ if (info->interface_id == if_index) {
-+ list_del_init(&info->list);
-+ kfree(info);
-+ found = 1;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ } else if (status == MA_IFACE_CURRENT) {
-+ if (info->interface_id == if_index) {
-+ info->status |= MA_IFACE_CURRENT;
-+ found = 1;
-+ } else {
-+ info->status |= MA_IFACE_NOT_USED;
-+ }
-+ } else if (status == MA_IFACE_NOT_USED) {
-+ if (info->interface_id == if_index) {
-+ if (info->status | MA_IFACE_CURRENT) {
-+ found = 1;
-+ }
-+ info->status &= !MA_IFACE_CURRENT;
-+ info->status |= MA_IFACE_NOT_USED;
-+ info->status &= !MA_IFACE_HAS_ROUTER;
-+ }
-+ break;
-+ } else if (status == MA_IFACE_HAS_ROUTER) {
-+ if (info->interface_id == if_index) {
-+ info->status |= MA_IFACE_HAS_ROUTER;
-+ }
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ if (status & (MA_IFACE_NOT_USED|MA_IFACE_NOT_PRESENT) && found) {
-+ /* select new interface */
-+ list_for_each(lh, &if_list) {
-+ info = list_entry(lh, struct ma_if_info, list);
-+ if (pref == NULL || ((info->preference > pref->preference) &&
-+ info->status & MA_IFACE_HAS_ROUTER))
-+ pref = info;
-+ }
-+ if (pref) {
-+ *change_if_index = pref->interface_id;
-+ pref->status |= MA_IFACE_CURRENT;
-+ } else {
-+ *change_if_index = -1;
-+ }
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ if (found) return 0;
-+ return -1;
-+static int if_proc_info(char *buffer, char **start, off_t offset,
-+ int length)
-+ struct list_head *lh;
-+ struct ma_if_info *info;
-+ int len = 0;
-+ list_for_each(lh, &if_list) {
-+ info = list_entry(lh, struct ma_if_info, list);
-+ len += sprintf(buffer + len, "%02d %010d %1d %1d\n",
-+ info->interface_id, info->preference,
-+ !!(info->status & MA_IFACE_HAS_ROUTER),
-+ !!(info->status & MA_IFACE_CURRENT));
-+ }
-+ *start = buffer + offset;
-+ len -= offset;
-+ if (len > length) len = length;
-+ return len;
-+void ma_ctl_init(void)
-+ proc_net_create("mip6_iface", 0, if_proc_info);
-+void ma_ctl_clean(void)
-+ proc_net_remove("mip6_iface");
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/multiaccess_ctl.h linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/multiaccess_ctl.h
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/multiaccess_ctl.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/multiaccess_ctl.h 2004-06-26 11:29:31.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
-+ * 2001 (c) Oy L M Ericsson Ab
-+ *
-+ * Author: NomadicLab / Ericsson Research <>
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ */
-+/* status */
-+#define MA_IFACE_NOT_PRESENT 0x01
-+#define MA_IFACE_NOT_USED 0x02
-+#define MA_IFACE_HAS_ROUTER 0x04
-+#define MA_IFACE_CURRENT 0x10
-+struct ma_if_uinfo {
-+ int interface_id;
-+ int preference;
-+ __u8 status;
-+ * @ma_ctl_get_preferred_id: returns most preferred interface id
-+ */
-+int ma_ctl_get_preferred_if(void);
-+/* @ma_ctl_get_preference: returns preference for an interface
-+ * @name: name of the interface (dev->name)
-+ */
-+int ma_ctl_get_preference(int ifi);
-+ * Public function: ma_ctl_set_preference
-+ * Description: Set preference of an existing interface (called by ioctl)
-+ * Returns:
-+ */
-+void ma_ctl_set_preference(unsigned long);
-+ * Public function: ma_ctl_add_iface
-+ * Description: Inform control module to insert a new interface
-+ * Returns: 0 if success, any other number means an error
-+ */
-+void ma_ctl_add_iface(int);
-+ * Public function: ma_ctl_del_iface
-+ * Description: Inform control module to remove an obsolete interface
-+ * Returns: 0 if success, any other number means an error
-+ */
-+int ma_ctl_del_iface(int);
-+ * Public function: ma_ctl_upd_iface
-+ * Description: Inform control module of status change.
-+ * Returns: 0 if success, any other number means an error
-+ */
-+int ma_ctl_upd_iface(int, int, int *);
-+ * Public function: ma_ctl_init
-+ * Description: XXX
-+ * Returns: XXX
-+ */
-+void ma_ctl_init(void);
-+ * Public function: ma_ctl_clean
-+ * Description: XXX
-+ * Returns: -
-+ */
-+void ma_ctl_clean(void);
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/ndisc_ha.c linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/ndisc_ha.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/ndisc_ha.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/ndisc_ha.c 2004-06-26 11:29:31.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,596 @@
-+ * Mobile IPv6 Duplicate Address Detection Functions
-+ *
-+ * Authors:
-+ * Krishna Kumar <>
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#include <linux/autoconf.h>
-+#include <linux/types.h>
-+#include <linux/init.h>
-+#include <linux/skbuff.h>
-+#include <linux/in6.h>
-+#include <net/ipv6.h>
-+#include <net/addrconf.h>
-+#include <net/mipv6.h>
-+#include "debug.h"
-+#include "bcache.h"
-+#include "ha.h" /* mipv6_generate_ll_addr */
-+ * Binding Updates from MN are cached in this structure till DAD is performed.
-+ * This structure is used to retrieve a pending Binding Update for the HA to
-+ * reply to after performing DAD. The first cell is different from the rest as
-+ * follows :
-+ * 1. The first cell is used to chain the remaining cells.
-+ * 2. The timeout of the first cell is used to delete expired entries
-+ * in the list of cells, while the timeout of the other cells are
-+ * used for timing out a NS request so as to reply to a BU.
-+ * 3. The only elements of the first cell that are used are :
-+ * next, prev, and callback_timer.
-+ *
-+ * TODO : Don't we need to do pneigh_lookup on the Link Local address ?
-+ */
-+struct mipv6_dad_cell {
-+ /* Information needed for DAD management */
-+ struct mipv6_dad_cell *next; /* Next element on the DAD list */
-+ struct mipv6_dad_cell *prev; /* Prev element on the DAD list */
-+ __u16 probes; /* Number of times to probe for addr */
-+ __u16 flags; /* Entry flags - see below */
-+ struct timer_list callback_timer; /* timeout for entry */
-+ /* Information needed for performing DAD */
-+ struct inet6_ifaddr *ifp;
-+ int ifindex;
-+ struct in6_addr daddr;
-+ struct in6_addr haddr; /* home address */
-+ struct in6_addr ll_haddr; /* Link Local value of haddr */
-+ struct in6_addr coa;
-+ struct in6_addr rep_coa;
-+ __u32 ba_lifetime;
-+ __u16 sequence;
-+ __u8 bu_flags;
-+/* Values for the 'flags' field in the mipv6_dad_cell */
-+#define DAD_INIT_ENTRY 0
-+/* Head of the pending DAD list */
-+static struct mipv6_dad_cell dad_cell_head;
-+/* Lock to access the pending DAD list */
-+static rwlock_t dad_lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-+/* Timer routine which deletes 'expired' entries in the DAD list */
-+static void mipv6_dad_delete_old_entries(unsigned long unused)
-+ struct mipv6_dad_cell *curr, *next;
-+ unsigned long next_time = 0;
-+ write_lock(&dad_lock);
-+ curr =;
-+ while (curr != &dad_cell_head) {
-+ next = curr->next;
-+ if (curr->flags != DAD_INIT_ENTRY) {
-+ if (curr->callback_timer.expires <= jiffies) {
-+ /* Entry has expired, free it up. */
-+ curr->next->prev = curr->prev;
-+ curr->prev->next = curr->next;
-+ in6_ifa_put(curr->ifp);
-+ kfree(curr);
-+ } else if (next_time <
-+ curr->callback_timer.expires) {
-+ next_time = curr->callback_timer.expires;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ curr = next;
-+ }
-+ write_unlock(&dad_lock);
-+ if (next_time) {
-+ /*
-+ * Start another timer if more cells need to be removed at
-+ * a later stage.
-+ */
-+ dad_cell_head.callback_timer.expires = next_time;
-+ add_timer(&dad_cell_head.callback_timer);
-+ }
-+ * Queue a timeout routine to clean up 'expired' DAD entries.
-+ */
-+static void mipv6_start_dad_head_timer(struct mipv6_dad_cell *cell)
-+ unsigned long expire = jiffies +
-+ cell->ifp->idev->nd_parms->retrans_time * 10;
-+ if (!timer_pending(&dad_cell_head.callback_timer) ||
-+ expire < dad_cell_head.callback_timer.expires) {
-+ /*
-+ * Add timer if none pending, or mod the timer if new
-+ * cell needs to be expired before existing timer runs.
-+ *
-+ * We let the cell remain as long as possible, so that
-+ * new BU's as part of retransmissions don't have to go
-+ * through DAD before replying.
-+ */
-+ dad_cell_head.callback_timer.expires = expire;
-+ /*
-+ * Keep the cell around for atleast some time to handle
-+ * retransmissions or BU's due to fast MN movement. This
-+ * is needed otherwise a previous timeout can delete all
-+ * expired entries including this new one.
-+ */
-+ cell->callback_timer.expires = jiffies +
-+ cell->ifp->idev->nd_parms->retrans_time * 5;
-+ if (!timer_pending(&dad_cell_head.callback_timer)) {
-+ add_timer(&dad_cell_head.callback_timer);
-+ } else {
-+ mod_timer(&dad_cell_head.callback_timer, expire);
-+ }
-+ }
-+/* Join solicited node MC address */
-+static inline void mipv6_join_sol_mc_addr(struct in6_addr *addr,
-+ struct net_device *dev)
-+ struct in6_addr maddr;
-+ /* Join solicited node MC address */
-+ addrconf_addr_solict_mult(addr, &maddr);
-+ ipv6_dev_mc_inc(dev, &maddr);
-+/* Leave solicited node MC address */
-+static inline void mipv6_leave_sol_mc_addr(struct in6_addr *addr,
-+ struct net_device *dev)
-+ struct in6_addr maddr;
-+ addrconf_addr_solict_mult(addr, &maddr);
-+ ipv6_dev_mc_dec(dev, &maddr);
-+/* Send a NS */
-+static inline void mipv6_dad_send_ns(struct inet6_ifaddr *ifp,
-+ struct in6_addr *haddr)
-+ struct in6_addr unspec;
-+ struct in6_addr mcaddr;
-+ ipv6_addr_set(&unspec, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-+ addrconf_addr_solict_mult(haddr, &mcaddr);
-+ /* addr is 'unspec' since we treat this address as transient */
-+ ndisc_send_ns(ifp->idev->dev, NULL, haddr, &mcaddr, &unspec);
-+ * Search for a home address in the list of pending DAD's. Called from
-+ * Neighbor Advertisement
-+ * Return values :
-+ * -1 : No DAD entry found for this advertisement, or entry already
-+ * finished processing.
-+ * 0 : Entry found waiting for DAD to finish.
-+ */
-+static int dad_search_haddr(struct in6_addr *ll_haddr,
-+ struct in6_addr *daddr, struct in6_addr *haddr,
-+ struct in6_addr *coa, struct in6_addr *rep_coa,
-+ __u16 * seq, struct inet6_ifaddr **ifp)
-+ struct mipv6_dad_cell *cell;
-+ read_lock(&dad_lock);
-+ cell =;
-+ while (cell != &dad_cell_head &&
-+ ipv6_addr_cmp(&cell->ll_haddr, ll_haddr) &&
-+ ipv6_addr_cmp(&cell->haddr, ll_haddr)) {
-+ cell = cell->next;
-+ }
-+ if (cell == &dad_cell_head || cell->flags != DAD_INIT_ENTRY) {
-+ /* Not found element, or element already finished processing */
-+ if (cell != &dad_cell_head) {
-+ /*
-+ * Set the state to DUPLICATE, even if it was UNIQUE
-+ * earlier. It is not needed to setup timer via
-+ * mipv6_start_dad_head_timer since this must have
-+ * already been done.
-+ */
-+ cell->flags = DAD_DUPLICATE_ADDRESS;
-+ }
-+ read_unlock(&dad_lock);
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ /*
-+ * The NA found an unprocessed entry in the DAD list. Expire this
-+ * entry since another node advertised this address. Caller should
-+ * reject BU (DAD failed).
-+ */
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(daddr, &cell->daddr);
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(haddr, &cell->haddr);
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(coa, &cell->coa);
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(rep_coa, &cell->rep_coa);
-+ *seq = cell->sequence;
-+ *ifp = cell->ifp;
-+ if (del_timer(&cell->callback_timer) == 0) {
-+ /* Timer already deleted, race with Timeout Handler */
-+ /* No action needed */
-+ }
-+ cell->flags = DAD_DUPLICATE_ADDRESS;
-+ /* Now leave this address to avoid future processing of NA's */
-+ mipv6_leave_sol_mc_addr(&cell->ll_haddr, cell->ifp->idev->dev);
-+ /* Leave also global address, if link local address was in use */
-+ if (ipv6_addr_cmp(&cell->ll_haddr, &cell->haddr))
-+ mipv6_leave_sol_mc_addr(&cell->haddr, cell->ifp->idev->dev);
-+ /* Start dad_head timer to remove this entry */
-+ mipv6_start_dad_head_timer(cell);
-+ read_unlock(&dad_lock);
-+ return 0;
-+/* ENTRY routine called via Neighbor Advertisement */
-+void mipv6_check_dad(struct in6_addr *ll_haddr)
-+ struct in6_addr daddr, haddr, coa, rep_coa;
-+ struct inet6_ifaddr *ifp;
-+ __u16 seq;
-+ if (dad_search_haddr(ll_haddr, &daddr, &haddr, &coa, &rep_coa, &seq,
-+ &ifp) < 0) {
-+ /*
-+ * Didn't find entry, or no action needed (the action has
-+ * already been performed).
-+ */
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ /*
-+ * A DAD cell was present, meaning that there is a pending BU
-+ * request for 'haddr' - reject the BU.
-+ */
-+ mipv6_bu_finish(ifp, 0, DUPLICATE_ADDR_DETECT_FAIL,
-+ &daddr, &haddr, &coa, &rep_coa, 0, seq, 0, NULL);
-+ return;
-+ * Check if the passed 'cell' is in the list of pending DAD's. Called from
-+ * the Timeout Handler.
-+ *
-+ * Assumes that the caller is holding the dad_lock in reader mode.
-+ */
-+static int dad_search_cell(struct mipv6_dad_cell *cell)
-+ struct mipv6_dad_cell *tmp;
-+ tmp =;
-+ while (tmp != &dad_cell_head && tmp != cell) {
-+ tmp = tmp->next;
-+ }
-+ if (tmp == cell) {
-+ if (cell->flags == DAD_INIT_ENTRY) {
-+ /* Found valid entry */
-+ if (--cell->probes == 0) {
-+ /*
-+ * Retransmission's are over - return success.
-+ */
-+ cell->flags = DAD_UNIQUE_ADDRESS;
-+ /*
-+ * Leave this address to avoid future
-+ * processing of NA's.
-+ */
-+ mipv6_leave_sol_mc_addr(&cell->ll_haddr,
-+ cell->ifp->idev->
-+ dev);
-+ if (ipv6_addr_cmp(&cell->ll_haddr, &cell->haddr))
-+ mipv6_leave_sol_mc_addr(&cell->haddr,
-+ cell->ifp->idev->dev);
-+ /* start timeout to delete this cell. */
-+ mipv6_start_dad_head_timer(cell);
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ /*
-+ * Retransmission not finished, send another NS and
-+ * return failure.
-+ */
-+ mipv6_dad_send_ns(cell->ifp, &cell->ll_haddr);
-+ if (ipv6_addr_cmp(&cell->ll_haddr, &cell->haddr))
-+ mipv6_leave_sol_mc_addr(&cell->haddr,
-+ cell->ifp->idev->dev);
-+ cell->callback_timer.expires = jiffies +
-+ cell->ifp->idev->nd_parms->retrans_time;
-+ add_timer(&cell->callback_timer);
-+ } else {
-+ /*
-+ * This means that an NA was received before the
-+ * timeout and when the state changed from
-+ * DAD_INIT_ENTRY, the BU got failed as a result.
-+ * There is nothing to be done.
-+ */
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return -1;
-+/* ENTRY routine called via Timeout */
-+static void mipv6_dad_timeout(unsigned long arg)
-+ __u8 ba_status = SUCCESS;
-+ struct in6_addr daddr;
-+ struct in6_addr haddr;
-+ struct in6_addr coa;
-+ struct in6_addr rep_coa;
-+ struct inet6_ifaddr *ifp;
-+ int ifindex;
-+ __u32 ba_lifetime;
-+ __u16 sequence;
-+ __u8 flags;
-+ struct mipv6_dad_cell *cell = (struct mipv6_dad_cell *) arg;
-+ /*
-+ * If entry is not in the list, we have already sent BU Failure
-+ * after getting a NA.
-+ */
-+ read_lock(&dad_lock);
-+ if (dad_search_cell(cell) < 0) {
-+ /*
-+ * 'cell' is no longer valid (may not be in the list or
-+ * is already processed, due to NA processing), or NS
-+ * retransmissions are not yet over.
-+ */
-+ read_unlock(&dad_lock);
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ /* This is the final Timeout. Send Bind Ack Success */
-+ ifp = cell->ifp;
-+ ifindex = cell->ifindex;
-+ ba_lifetime = cell->ba_lifetime;
-+ sequence = cell->sequence;
-+ flags = cell->bu_flags;
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&daddr, &cell->daddr);
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&haddr, &cell->haddr);
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&coa, &cell->coa);
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&rep_coa, &cell->rep_coa);
-+ read_unlock(&dad_lock);
-+ /* Send BU Acknowledgement Success */
-+ mipv6_bu_finish(ifp, ifindex, ba_status,
-+ &daddr, &haddr, &coa, &rep_coa,
-+ ba_lifetime, sequence, flags, NULL);
-+ return;
-+ * Check if original home address exists in our DAD pending list, if so return
-+ * the cell.
-+ *
-+ * Assumes that the caller is holding the dad_lock in writer mode.
-+ */
-+static struct mipv6_dad_cell *mipv6_dad_get_cell(struct in6_addr *haddr)
-+ struct mipv6_dad_cell *cell;
-+ cell =;
-+ while (cell != &dad_cell_head
-+ && ipv6_addr_cmp(&cell->haddr, haddr)) {
-+ cell = cell->next;
-+ }
-+ if (cell == &dad_cell_head) {
-+ /* Not found element */
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ return cell;
-+ * Save all parameters needed for doing a Bind Ack in the mipv6_dad_cell
-+ * structure.
-+ */
-+static void mipv6_dad_save_cell(struct mipv6_dad_cell *cell,
-+ struct inet6_ifaddr *ifp, int ifindex,
-+ struct in6_addr *daddr,
-+ struct in6_addr *haddr,
-+ struct in6_addr *coa,
-+ struct in6_addr *rep_coa,
-+ __u32 ba_lifetime,
-+ __u16 sequence, __u8 flags)
-+ in6_ifa_hold(ifp);
-+ cell->ifp = ifp;
-+ cell->ifindex = ifindex;
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&cell->daddr, daddr);
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&cell->haddr, haddr);
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&cell->coa, coa);
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&cell->rep_coa, rep_coa);
-+ /* Convert cell->ll_haddr to Link Local address */
-+ if (flags & MIPV6_BU_F_LLADDR)
-+ mipv6_generate_ll_addr(&cell->ll_haddr, haddr);
-+ else
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&cell->ll_haddr, haddr);
-+ cell->ba_lifetime = ba_lifetime;
-+ cell->sequence = sequence;
-+ cell->bu_flags = flags;
-+ * Top level DAD routine for performing DAD.
-+ *
-+ * Return values
-+ * 0 : Don't need to do DAD.
-+ * 1 : Need to do DAD.
-+ * -n : Error, where 'n' is the reason for the error.
-+ *
-+ * Assumption : DAD process has been optimized by using cached values upto
-+ * some time. However sometimes this can cause problems. Eg. when the first
-+ * BU was received, DAD might have failed. Before the second BU arrived,
-+ * the node using MN's home address might have stopped using it, but still
-+ * we will return DAD_DUPLICATE_ADDRESS based on the first DAD's result. Or
-+ * this can go the other way around. However, it is a very small possibility
-+ * and thus optimization is turned on by default. It is possible to change
-+ * this feature (needs a little code-rewriting in this routine), but
-+ * currently DAD result is being cached for performance reasons.
-+ */
-+int mipv6_dad_start(struct inet6_ifaddr *ifp, int ifindex,
-+ struct in6_addr *daddr, struct in6_addr *haddr,
-+ struct in6_addr *coa, struct in6_addr *rep_coa,
-+ __u32 ba_lifetime, __u16 sequence, __u8 flags)
-+ int found;
-+ struct mipv6_dad_cell *cell;
-+ struct mipv6_bce bc_entry;
-+ if (ifp->idev->cnf.dad_transmits == 0) {
-+ /* DAD is not configured on the HA, return SUCCESS */
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ if (mipv6_bcache_get(haddr, daddr, &bc_entry) == 0) {
-+ /*
-+ * We already have an entry in our cache - don't need to
-+ * do DAD as we are already defending this home address.
-+ */
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ write_lock(&dad_lock);
-+ if ((cell = mipv6_dad_get_cell(haddr)) != NULL) {
-+ /*
-+ * An existing entry for BU was found in our cache due
-+ * to retransmission of the BU or a new COA registration.
-+ */
-+ switch (cell->flags) {
-+ /* Old entry is waiting for DAD to complete */
-+ break;
-+ /* DAD is finished successfully - return success. */
-+ write_unlock(&dad_lock);
-+ return 0;
-+ /*
-+ * DAD is finished and we got a NA while doing BU -
-+ * return failure.
-+ */
-+ write_unlock(&dad_lock);
-+ default:
-+ /* Unknown state - should never happen */
-+ "cell entry in unknown state : %d",
-+ cell->flags);
-+ write_unlock(&dad_lock);
-+ }
-+ found = 1;
-+ } else {
-+ if ((cell = (struct mipv6_dad_cell *)
-+ kmalloc(sizeof(struct mipv6_dad_cell), GFP_ATOMIC))
-+ == NULL) {
-+ }
-+ found = 0;
-+ }
-+ mipv6_dad_save_cell(cell, ifp, ifindex, daddr, haddr, coa, rep_coa,
-+ ba_lifetime, sequence, flags);
-+ if (!found) {
-+ cell->flags = DAD_INIT_ENTRY;
-+ cell->probes = ifp->idev->cnf.dad_transmits;
-+ /* Insert element on dad_cell_head list */
-+ dad_cell_head.prev->next = cell;
-+ cell->next = &dad_cell_head;
-+ cell->prev = dad_cell_head.prev;
-+ dad_cell_head.prev = cell;
-+ write_unlock(&dad_lock);
-+ if (flags & MIPV6_BU_F_LLADDR) {
-+ /* join the solicited node MC of the global homeaddr.*/
-+ mipv6_join_sol_mc_addr(&cell->haddr, ifp->idev->dev);
-+ /* Send a NS */
-+ mipv6_dad_send_ns(ifp, &cell->haddr);
-+ }
-+ /* join the solicited node MC of the homeaddr. */
-+ mipv6_join_sol_mc_addr(&cell->ll_haddr, ifp->idev->dev);
-+ /* Send a NS */
-+ mipv6_dad_send_ns(ifp, &cell->ll_haddr);
-+ /* Initialize timer for this cell to timeout the NS. */
-+ init_timer(&cell->callback_timer);
-+ cell-> = (unsigned long) cell;
-+ cell->callback_timer.function = mipv6_dad_timeout;
-+ cell->callback_timer.expires = jiffies +
-+ ifp->idev->nd_parms->retrans_time;
-+ add_timer(&cell->callback_timer);
-+ } else {
-+ write_unlock(&dad_lock);
-+ }
-+ return 1;
-+void __init mipv6_dad_init(void)
-+ = dad_cell_head.prev = &dad_cell_head;
-+ init_timer(&dad_cell_head.callback_timer);
-+ = 0;
-+ dad_cell_head.callback_timer.function =
-+ mipv6_dad_delete_old_entries;
-+void __exit mipv6_dad_exit(void)
-+ struct mipv6_dad_cell *curr, *next;
-+ write_lock_bh(&dad_lock);
-+ del_timer(&dad_cell_head.callback_timer);
-+ curr =;
-+ while (curr != &dad_cell_head) {
-+ next = curr->next;
-+ del_timer(&curr->callback_timer);
-+ if (curr->flags == DAD_INIT_ENTRY) {
-+ /*
-+ * We were in DAD_INIT state and listening to the
-+ * solicited node MC address - need to stop that.
-+ */
-+ mipv6_leave_sol_mc_addr(&curr->ll_haddr,
-+ curr->ifp->idev->dev);
-+ if (ipv6_addr_cmp(&curr->ll_haddr, &curr->haddr))
-+ mipv6_leave_sol_mc_addr(&curr->haddr,
-+ curr->ifp->idev->dev);
-+ }
-+ in6_ifa_put(curr->ifp);
-+ kfree(curr);
-+ curr = next;
-+ }
-+ = dad_cell_head.prev = &dad_cell_head;
-+ write_unlock_bh(&dad_lock);
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/prefix.c linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/prefix.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/prefix.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/prefix.c 2004-06-26 11:29:31.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
-+ * Prefix solicitation and advertisement
-+ *
-+ * Authors:
-+ * Jaakko Laine <>
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ */
-+#include <linux/config.h>
-+#include <linux/icmpv6.h>
-+#include <linux/net.h>
-+#include <linux/spinlock.h>
-+#include <linux/timer.h>
-+#include <linux/netdevice.h>
-+#include <net/ipv6.h>
-+#include <net/addrconf.h>
-+#include <net/ip6_route.h>
-+#include <net/mipv6.h>
-+#include "mipv6_icmp.h"
-+#include "debug.h"
-+#include "sortedlist.h"
-+#include "prefix.h"
-+#include "config.h"
-+#define INFINITY 0xffffffff
-+struct timer_list pfx_timer;
-+struct list_head pfx_list;
-+rwlock_t pfx_list_lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-+int compare_pfx_list_entry(const void *data1, const void *data2,
-+ int datalen)
-+ struct pfx_list_entry *e1 = (struct pfx_list_entry *) data1;
-+ struct pfx_list_entry *e2 = (struct pfx_list_entry *) data2;
-+ return ((ipv6_addr_cmp(&e1->daddr, &e2->daddr) == 0)
-+ && (e2->ifindex == -1 || e1->ifindex == e2->ifindex));
-+ * mipv6_pfx_cancel_send - cancel pending items to daddr from saddr
-+ * @daddr: Destination address
-+ * @ifindex: pending items on this interface will be canceled
-+ *
-+ * if ifindex == -1, all items to daddr will be removed
-+ */
-+void mipv6_pfx_cancel_send(struct in6_addr *daddr, int ifindex)
-+ unsigned long tmp;
-+ struct pfx_list_entry entry;
-+ /* We'll just be comparing these parts... */
-+ memcpy(&entry.daddr, daddr, sizeof(struct in6_addr));
-+ entry.ifindex = ifindex;
-+ write_lock_bh(&pfx_list_lock);
-+ while (mipv6_slist_del_item(&pfx_list, &entry,
-+ compare_pfx_list_entry) == 0)
-+ ;
-+ if ((tmp = mipv6_slist_get_first_key(&pfx_list)))
-+ mod_timer(&pfx_timer, tmp);
-+ write_unlock_bh(&pfx_list_lock);
-+ * mipv6_pfx_add_ha - add a new HA to send prefix solicitations to
-+ * @daddr: address of HA
-+ * @saddr: our address to use as source address
-+ * @ifindex: interface index
-+ */
-+void mipv6_pfx_add_ha(struct in6_addr *daddr, struct in6_addr *saddr,
-+ int ifindex)
-+ unsigned long tmp;
-+ struct pfx_list_entry entry;
-+ memcpy(&entry.daddr, daddr, sizeof(struct in6_addr));
-+ memcpy(&entry.saddr, saddr, sizeof(struct in6_addr));
-+ entry.retries = 0;
-+ entry.ifindex = ifindex;
-+ write_lock_bh(&pfx_list_lock);
-+ if (mipv6_slist_modify(&pfx_list, &entry, sizeof(struct pfx_list_entry),
-+ compare_pfx_list_entry))
-+ DEBUG(DBG_WARNING, "Cannot add new HA to pfx list");
-+ if ((tmp = mipv6_slist_get_first_key(&pfx_list)))
-+ mod_timer(&pfx_timer, tmp);
-+ write_unlock_bh(&pfx_list_lock);
-+int mipv6_pfx_add_home(int ifindex, struct in6_addr *saddr,
-+ struct in6_addr *daddr, unsigned long min_expire)
-+ unsigned long tmp;
-+ write_lock(&pfx_list_lock);
-+ if (min_expire != INFINITY) {
-+ unsigned long expire;
-+ struct pfx_list_entry entry;
-+ memcpy(&entry.daddr, saddr, sizeof(struct in6_addr));
-+ memcpy(&entry.saddr, daddr, sizeof(struct in6_addr));
-+ entry.retries = 0;
-+ entry.ifindex = ifindex;
-+ /* This is against the RFC 3775, but we need to set
-+ * a minimum interval for a prefix solicitation.
-+ * Otherwise a prefix solicitation storm will
-+ * result if valid lifetime of the prefix is
-+ * smaller than MAX_PFX_ADV_DELAY
-+ */
-+ min_expire -= MAX_PFX_ADV_DELAY;
-+ min_expire = min_expire < MIN_PFX_SOL_DELAY ? MIN_PFX_SOL_DELAY : min_expire;
-+ expire = jiffies + min_expire * HZ;
-+ if (mipv6_slist_modify(&pfx_list, &entry,
-+ sizeof(struct pfx_list_entry),
-+ expire,
-+ compare_pfx_list_entry) != 0)
-+ DEBUG(DBG_WARNING, "Cannot add new entry to pfx_list");
-+ }
-+ if ((tmp = mipv6_slist_get_first_key(&pfx_list)))
-+ mod_timer(&pfx_timer, tmp);
-+ write_unlock(&pfx_list_lock);
-+ return 0;
-+ * set_ha_pfx_list - manipulate pfx_list for HA when timer goes off
-+ * @entry: pfx_list_entry that is due
-+ */
-+static void set_ha_pfx_list(struct pfx_list_entry *entry)
-+ * set_mn_pfx_list - manipulate pfx_list for MN when timer goes off
-+ * @entry: pfx_list_entry that is due
-+ */
-+static void set_mn_pfx_list(struct pfx_list_entry *entry)
-+ * pfx_timer_handler - general timer handler
-+ * @dummy: dummy
-+ *
-+ * calls set_ha_pfx_list and set_mn_pfx_list to do the thing when
-+ * a timer goes off
-+ */
-+static void pfx_timer_handler(unsigned long dummy)
-+ unsigned long tmp;
-+ struct pfx_list_entry *entry;
-+ write_lock(&pfx_list_lock);
-+ if (!(entry = mipv6_slist_get_first(&pfx_list)))
-+ goto out;
-+ if (mip6node_cnf.capabilities & CAP_HA)
-+ set_ha_pfx_list(entry);
-+ if (mip6node_cnf.capabilities & CAP_MN)
-+ set_mn_pfx_list(entry);
-+ if ((tmp = mipv6_slist_get_first_key(&pfx_list)))
-+ mod_timer(&pfx_timer, tmp);
-+ out:
-+ write_unlock(&pfx_list_lock);
-+int mipv6_initialize_pfx_icmpv6(void)
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&pfx_list);
-+ init_timer(&pfx_timer);
-+ pfx_timer.function = pfx_timer_handler;
-+ return 0;
-+void mipv6_shutdown_pfx_icmpv6(void)
-+ struct prefix_info *tmp;
-+ if (timer_pending(&pfx_timer))
-+ del_timer(&pfx_timer);
-+ write_lock_bh(&pfx_list_lock);
-+ while ((tmp = mipv6_slist_del_first(&pfx_list)))
-+ kfree(tmp);
-+ write_unlock_bh(&pfx_list_lock);
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/prefix.h linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/prefix.h
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/prefix.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/prefix.h 2004-06-26 11:29:31.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
-+ * MIPL Mobile IPv6 Prefix solicitation and advertisement
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ */
-+#ifndef _PREFIX_H
-+#define _PREFIX_H
-+#include <net/addrconf.h>
-+struct pfx_list_entry {
-+ struct in6_addr daddr;
-+ struct in6_addr saddr;
-+ int retries;
-+ int ifindex;
-+extern struct list_head pfx_list;
-+extern rwlock_t pfx_list_lock;
-+extern struct timer_list pfx_timer;
-+int compare_pfx_list_entry(const void *data1, const void *data2,
-+ int datalen);
-+ * mipv6_pfx_cancel_send - cancel pending pfx_advs/sols to daddr
-+ * @daddr: destination address
-+ * @ifindex: pending items on this interface will be canceled
-+ *
-+ * if ifindex == -1, all items to daddr will be removed
-+ */
-+void mipv6_pfx_cancel_send(struct in6_addr *daddr, int ifindex);
-+ * mipv6_pfx_add_ha - add a new HA to send prefix solicitations to
-+ * @daddr: address of HA
-+ * @saddr: our address to use as source address
-+ * @ifindex: interface index
-+ */
-+void mipv6_pfx_add_ha(struct in6_addr *daddr, struct in6_addr *saddr,
-+ int ifindex);
-+void mipv6_pfxs_modified(struct prefix_info *pinfo, int ifindex);
-+int mipv6_pfx_add_home(int ifindex, struct in6_addr *daddr,
-+ struct in6_addr *saddr, unsigned long min_expire);
-+int mipv6_initialize_pfx_icmpv6(void);
-+void mipv6_shutdown_pfx_icmpv6(void);
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/prefix_ha.c linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/prefix_ha.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/prefix_ha.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/prefix_ha.c 2004-06-26 11:29:31.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
-+ * Prefix advertisement for Home Agent
-+ *
-+ * Authors:
-+ * Jaakko Laine <>
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ */
-+#include <linux/config.h>
-+#include <linux/icmpv6.h>
-+#include <linux/net.h>
-+#include <linux/spinlock.h>
-+#include <linux/timer.h>
-+#include <linux/netdevice.h>
-+#include <net/ipv6.h>
-+#include <net/addrconf.h>
-+#include <net/ip6_route.h>
-+#include <net/mipv6.h>
-+#include "mipv6_icmp.h"
-+#include "debug.h"
-+#include "sortedlist.h"
-+#include "util.h"
-+#include "bcache.h"
-+#include "config.h"
-+#include "prefix.h"
-+ * pfx_adv_iterator - modify pfx_list entries according to new prefix info
-+ * @data: MN's home registration bcache_entry
-+ * @args: new prefix info
-+ * @sortkey: ignored
-+ */
-+static int pfx_adv_iterator(void *data, void *args, unsigned long sortkey)
-+ struct mipv6_bce *bc_entry = (struct mipv6_bce *) data;
-+ struct prefix_info *pinfo = (struct prefix_info *) args;
-+ if (mipv6_prefix_compare(&bc_entry->coa, &pinfo->prefix,
-+ pinfo->prefix_len) == 0) {
-+ struct pfx_list_entry pfx_entry;
-+ memcpy(&pfx_entry.daddr, &bc_entry->coa,
-+ sizeof(struct in6_addr));
-+ memcpy(&pfx_entry.daddr, &bc_entry->our_addr,
-+ sizeof(struct in6_addr));
-+ pfx_entry.retries = 0;
-+ pfx_entry.ifindex = bc_entry->ifindex;
-+ mipv6_slist_modify(&pfx_list, &pfx_entry,
-+ sizeof(struct pfx_list_entry),
-+ jiffies +
-+ net_random() % (MAX_PFX_ADV_DELAY * HZ),
-+ compare_pfx_list_entry);
-+ }
-+ return 0;
-+struct homereg_iterator_args {
-+ struct list_head *head;
-+ int count;
-+static int homereg_iterator(void *data, void *args, unsigned long *sortkey)
-+ struct mipv6_bce *entry = (struct mipv6_bce *) data;
-+ struct homereg_iterator_args *state =
-+ (struct homereg_iterator_args *) args;
-+ if (entry->type == HOME_REGISTRATION) {
-+ mipv6_slist_add(state->head, entry,
-+ sizeof(struct mipv6_bce),
-+ state->count);
-+ state->count++;
-+ }
-+ return 0;
-+static int mipv6_bcache_get_homeregs(struct list_head *head)
-+ struct homereg_iterator_args args;
-+ args.count = 0;
-+ args.head = head;
-+ mipv6_bcache_iterate(homereg_iterator, &args);
-+ return args.count;
-+ * mipv6_prefix_added - prefix was added to interface, act accordingly
-+ * @pinfo: prefix_info that was added
-+ * @ifindex: interface index
-+ */
-+void mipv6_pfxs_modified(struct prefix_info *pinfo, int ifindex)
-+ int count;
-+ unsigned long tmp;
-+ struct list_head home_regs;
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&home_regs);
-+ if (!(count = mipv6_bcache_get_homeregs(&home_regs)))
-+ return;
-+ write_lock_bh(&pfx_list_lock);
-+ mipv6_slist_for_each(&home_regs, pinfo, pfx_adv_iterator);
-+ if ((tmp = mipv6_slist_get_first_key(&pfx_list)))
-+ mod_timer(&pfx_timer, tmp);
-+ write_unlock_bh(&pfx_list_lock);
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/rr_crypto.c linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/rr_crypto.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/rr_crypto.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/rr_crypto.c 2004-06-26 11:29:31.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
-+ * rr_cookie.c - Mobile IPv6 return routability crypto
-+ * Author : Henrik Petander <>
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ *
-+ *
-+ */
-+#include <linux/kernel.h>
-+#include <linux/types.h>
-+#include <linux/spinlock.h>
-+#include <linux/sched.h>
-+#include <linux/timer.h>
-+#include <linux/in6.h>
-+#include <linux/init.h>
-+#include <linux/random.h>
-+#include <net/ipv6.h>
-+#include "debug.h"
-+#include "hmac.h"
-+#include "rr_crypto.h"
-+#define DBG_RR 5
-+u8 k_CN[HMAC_SHA1_KEY_SIZE]; // secret key of CN
-+u16 curr_index = 0;
-+struct nonce_timestamp nonce_table[MAX_NONCES];
-+spinlock_t nonce_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-+void update_nonces(void);
-+/** nonce_is_fresh - whether the nonce was generated recently
-+ *
-+ * @non_ts : table entry containing the nonce and a timestamp
-+ * @interval : if nonce was generated within interval seconds it is fresh
-+ *
-+ * Returns 1 if the nonce is fresh, 0 otherwise.
-+ */
-+static int nonce_is_fresh(struct nonce_timestamp *non_ts, unsigned long interval)
-+ if (time_before(jiffies, non_ts->timestamp + interval * HZ) && !non_ts->invalid)
-+ return 1;
-+ return 0;
-+void mipv6_rr_invalidate_nonce(u16 nonce_ind)
-+ spin_lock_bh(&nonce_lock);
-+ if (nonce_ind > MAX_NONCES) {
-+ spin_unlock_bh(&nonce_lock);
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ nonce_table[nonce_ind].invalid = 1;
-+ spin_unlock_bh(&nonce_lock);
-+/* Returns a pointer to a new nonce */
-+struct mipv6_rr_nonce * mipv6_rr_get_new_nonce(void)
-+ struct mipv6_rr_nonce *nce = kmalloc(sizeof(*nce), GFP_ATOMIC);
-+ if (!nce)
-+ return NULL;
-+ // Lock nonces here
-+ spin_lock_bh(&nonce_lock);
-+ // If nonce is not fresh create new one
-+ if (!nonce_is_fresh(&nonce_table[curr_index], MIPV6_RR_NONCE_LIFETIME)) {
-+ // increment the last nonce pointer and create new nonce
-+ curr_index++;
-+ // Wrap around
-+ if (curr_index == MAX_NONCES)
-+ curr_index = 0;
-+ // Get random data to fill the nonce data
-+ get_random_bytes(nonce_table[curr_index], MIPV6_RR_NONCE_DATA_LENGTH);
-+ // Fill the index field
-+ nonce_table[curr_index].nonce.index = curr_index;
-+ nonce_table[curr_index].invalid = 0;
-+ nonce_table[curr_index].timestamp = jiffies;
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock_bh(&nonce_lock);
-+ memcpy(nce, &nonce_table[curr_index].nonce, sizeof(*nce));
-+ // Unlock nonces
-+ return nce;
-+/** mipv6_rr_nonce_get_by_index - returns a nonce for index
-+ * @nonce_ind : index of the nonce
-+ *
-+ * Returns a nonce or NULL if the nonce index was invalid or the nonce
-+ * for the index was not fresh.
-+ */
-+struct mipv6_rr_nonce * mipv6_rr_nonce_get_by_index(u16 nonce_ind)
-+ struct mipv6_rr_nonce *nce = NULL;
-+ spin_lock_bh(&nonce_lock);
-+ if (nonce_ind >= MAX_NONCES) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_WARNING, "Nonce index field from BU invalid");
-+ /* Here a double of the nonce_lifetime is used for freshness
-+ * verification, since the nonces
-+ * are not created in response to every initiator packet
-+ */
-+ } else if (nonce_is_fresh(&nonce_table[nonce_ind], 2 * MIPV6_RR_NONCE_LIFETIME)) {
-+ nce = kmalloc(sizeof(*nce), GFP_ATOMIC);
-+ memcpy(nce, &nonce_table[nonce_ind].nonce, sizeof(*nce));
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock_bh(&nonce_lock);
-+ return nce;
-+/* Fills rr test init cookies with random bytes */
-+void mipv6_rr_mn_cookie_create(u8 *cookie)
-+ get_random_bytes(cookie, MIPV6_RR_COOKIE_LENGTH);
-+/** mipv6_rr_cookie_create - builds a home or care-of cookie
-+ *
-+ * @addr : the home or care-of address from HoTI or CoTI
-+ * @ckie : memory where the cookie is copied to
-+ * @nce : pointer to a nonce used for the calculation, nce is freed during the function
-+ *
-+ */
-+int mipv6_rr_cookie_create(struct in6_addr *addr, u8 **ckie,
-+ u16 nonce_index)
-+ struct ah_processing ah_proc;
-+ u8 digest[HMAC_SHA1_HASH_LEN];
-+ struct mipv6_rr_nonce *nce;
-+ if ((nce = mipv6_rr_nonce_get_by_index(nonce_index))== NULL)
-+ return -1;
-+ if (*ckie == NULL && (*ckie = kmalloc(MIPV6_RR_COOKIE_LENGTH,
-+ GFP_ATOMIC)) == NULL) {
-+ kfree(nce);
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ /* Calculate the full hmac-sha1 digest from address and nonce using the secret key of cn */
-+ if (ah_hmac_sha1_init(&ah_proc, k_CN, HMAC_SHA1_KEY_SIZE) < 0) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_ERROR, "Hmac sha1 initialization failed");
-+ kfree(nce);
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ ah_hmac_sha1_loop(&ah_proc, addr, sizeof(*addr));
-+ ah_hmac_sha1_loop(&ah_proc, nce->data, MIPV6_RR_NONCE_DATA_LENGTH);
-+ ah_hmac_sha1_result(&ah_proc, digest);
-+ /* clean up nonce */
-+ kfree(nce);
-+ /* Copy first 64 bits of hash target to the cookie */
-+ memcpy(*ckie, digest, MIPV6_RR_COOKIE_LENGTH);
-+ return 0;
-+/** mipv6_rr_key_calc - creates BU authentication key
-+ *
-+ * @hoc : Home Cookie
-+ * @coc : Care-of Cookie
-+ *
-+ * Returns BU authentication key of length HMAC_SHA1_KEY_SIZE or NULL in error cases,
-+ * caller needs to free the key.
-+ */
-+u8 *mipv6_rr_key_calc(u8 *hoc, u8 *coc)
-+ u8 *key_bu = kmalloc(HMAC_SHA1_KEY_SIZE, GFP_ATOMIC);
-+ SHA1_CTX c;
-+ if (!key_bu) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_CRITICAL, "Memory allocation failed, could nort create BU authentication key");
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ /* Calculate the key from home and care-of cookies
-+ * Kbu = sha1(home_cookie | care-of cookie)
-+ * or KBu = sha1(home_cookie), if MN deregisters
-+ */
-+ sha1_init(&c);
-+ sha1_compute(&c, hoc, MIPV6_RR_COOKIE_LENGTH);
-+ if (coc)
-+ sha1_compute(&c, coc, MIPV6_RR_COOKIE_LENGTH);
-+ sha1_final(&c, key_bu);
-+ DEBUG(DBG_RR, "Home and Care-of cookies used for calculating key ");
-+ debug_print_buffer(DBG_RR, hoc, MIPV6_RR_COOKIE_LENGTH);
-+ if (coc)
-+ debug_print_buffer(DBG_RR, coc, MIPV6_RR_COOKIE_LENGTH);
-+ return key_bu;
-+void mipv6_rr_init(void)
-+ get_random_bytes(k_CN, HMAC_SHA1_KEY_SIZE);
-+ memset(nonce_table, 0, MAX_NONCES * sizeof(struct nonce_timestamp));
-+void mipv6_test_rr(void)
-+ struct mipv6_rr_nonce *nonce;
-+ struct in6_addr a1, a2;
-+ int ind1, ind2;
-+ u8 *ckie1 = NULL, *ckie2 = NULL;
-+ u8 *key_mn = NULL, *key_cn = NULL;
-+ mipv6_init_rr();
-+ nonce = mipv6_rr_get_new_nonce();
-+ if (!nonce) {
-+ printk("mipv6_rr_get_new_nonce() failed, at 1! \n");
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ mipv6_rr_cookie_create(&a1, &ckie1, nonce->index);
-+ ind1 = nonce->index;
-+ kfree(nonce);
-+ nonce = mipv6_rr_get_new_nonce();
-+ if (!nonce) {
-+ printk("mipv6_rr_get_new_nonce() failed, at 2! \n");
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ mipv6_rr_cookie_create(&a2, &ckie2, nonce->index);
-+ ind2 = nonce->index;
-+ key_mn = mipv6_rr_key_calc(ckie1, ckie2);
-+ /* Create home and coa cookies based on indices */
-+ mipv6_rr_cookie_create(&a1, &ckie1, ind1);
-+ mipv6_rr_cookie_create(&a2, &ckie2, ind2);
-+ key_cn = mipv6_rr_key_calc(ckie1, ckie2);
-+ if (!key_cn || !key_mn) {
-+ printk("creation of secret key failed!\n");
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ if(memcmp(key_cn, key_mn, HMAC_SHA1_KEY_SIZE))
-+ printk("mipv6_rr_key_calc produced different keys for MN and CN \n");
-+ else
-+ printk("mipv6_rr_crypto test OK\n");
-+ kfree(nonce);
-+ kfree(key_cn);
-+ kfree(key_mn);
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/rr_crypto.h linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/rr_crypto.h
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/rr_crypto.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/rr_crypto.h 2004-06-26 11:29:31.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
-+ * MIPL Mobile IPv6 Return routability crypto prototypes
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ */
-+#ifndef _RR_CRYPTO
-+#define _RR_CRYPTO
-+#include <linux/in6.h>
-+/* Macros and data structures */
-+#define COOKIE_SIZE 8
-+#define MAX_NONCES 4
-+#define HMAC_SHA1_KEY_SIZE 20
-+struct mipv6_rr_nonce {
-+ u_int16_t index;
-+ u_int8_t data[MIPV6_RR_NONCE_DATA_LENGTH];
-+struct nonce_timestamp {
-+ struct mipv6_rr_nonce nonce;
-+ unsigned long timestamp;
-+ u_int8_t invalid;
-+/* Function definitions */
-+/* Return 1 if equal, 0 if not */
-+static __inline__ int mipv6_equal_cookies(u8 *c1, u8 *c2)
-+ return (memcmp(c1, c2, MIPV6_RR_COOKIE_LENGTH) == 0);
-+/* Function declarations */
-+/* Create cookie for HoTi and CoTi */
-+extern void mipv6_rr_mn_cookie_create(u8 *cookie);
-+/* Create cookie for HoT and CoT */
-+extern int mipv6_rr_cookie_create(struct in6_addr *addr, u8 **ckie, u16 nonce_index);
-+/* Calculate return routability key from home and care-of cookies, key length is
-+ */
-+extern u_int8_t *mipv6_rr_key_calc(u8 *hoc, u8 *coc);
-+extern struct mipv6_rr_nonce *mipv6_rr_get_new_nonce(void);
-+/* For avoiding replay attacks when MN deregisters */
-+extern void mipv6_rr_invalidate_nonce(u16 nonce_index);
-+ * initializes the return routability crypto
-+ */
-+void mipv6_rr_init(void);
-+void mipv6_test_rr(void);
-+#endif /* TEST_MIPV6_RR_CRYPTO */
-+#endif /* RR_CRYPTO */
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/sortedlist.c linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/sortedlist.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/sortedlist.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/sortedlist.c 2004-06-26 11:29:31.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
-+ * Sorted list - linked list with sortkey.
-+ *
-+ * Authors:
-+ * Jaakko Laine <>
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ */
-+#include <linux/kernel.h>
-+#include <linux/types.h>
-+#include <linux/list.h>
-+#include <linux/slab.h>
-+#include <linux/spinlock.h>
-+#include <linux/string.h>
-+struct mipv6_sorted_list_entry {
-+ struct list_head list;
-+ void *data;
-+ int datalen;
-+ unsigned long sortkey;
-+ * compare - compares two arbitrary data items
-+ * @data1: first data item
-+ * @data2: second data item
-+ * @datalen: length of data items in bits
-+ *
-+ * datalen is in bits!
-+ */
-+int mipv6_bitwise_compare(const void *data1, const void *data2, int datalen)
-+ int n = datalen;
-+ __u8 * ptr1 = (__u8 *)data1;
-+ __u8 * ptr2 = (__u8 *)data2;
-+ for (; n>=0; n-=8, ptr1++, ptr2++) {
-+ if (n >= 8) {
-+ if (*ptr1 != *ptr2)
-+ return 0;
-+ } else {
-+ if ((*ptr1 ^ *ptr2) & ((~0) << (8 - n)))
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return 1;
-+ * mipv6_slist_add - add an entry to sorted list
-+ * @head: list_head of the sorted list
-+ * @data: item to store
-+ * @datalen: length of data (in bytes)
-+ * @key: sortkey of item
-+ *
-+ * Allocates memory for entry and data
-+ */
-+int mipv6_slist_add(struct list_head *head, void *data, int datalen,
-+ unsigned long sortkey)
-+ struct list_head *pos;
-+ struct mipv6_sorted_list_entry *entry, *tmp, *next;
-+ entry = kmalloc(sizeof(struct mipv6_sorted_list_entry), GFP_ATOMIC);
-+ if (!entry)
-+ return -1;
-+ entry->data = kmalloc(datalen, GFP_ATOMIC);
-+ if (!entry->data) {
-+ kfree(entry);
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ memcpy(entry->data, data, datalen);
-+ entry->datalen = datalen;
-+ entry->sortkey = sortkey;
-+ if ((pos = head->next) == head) {
-+ list_add(&entry->list, head);
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ tmp = list_entry(pos, struct mipv6_sorted_list_entry, list);
-+ if (entry->sortkey < tmp->sortkey) {
-+ list_add(&entry->list, head);
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ for (; pos != head; pos = pos->next) {
-+ tmp = list_entry(pos, struct mipv6_sorted_list_entry, list);
-+ if (pos->next == head) {
-+ list_add(&entry->list, &tmp->list);
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ next = list_entry(pos->next, struct mipv6_sorted_list_entry, list);
-+ if (entry->sortkey >= tmp->sortkey && entry->sortkey < next->sortkey) {
-+ list_add(&entry->list, &tmp->list);
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ /* never reached */
-+ return -1;
-+ * mipv6_slist_get_first - get the first data item in the list
-+ * @head: list_head of the sorted list
-+ *
-+ * Returns the actual data item, not copy, so don't kfree it
-+ */
-+void *mipv6_slist_get_first(struct list_head *head)
-+ struct mipv6_sorted_list_entry *entry;
-+ if (list_empty(head))
-+ return NULL;
-+ entry = list_entry(head->next, struct mipv6_sorted_list_entry, list);
-+ return entry->data;
-+ * mipv6_slist_del_first - delete (and get) the first item in list
-+ * @head: list_head of the sorted list
-+ *
-+ * Remember to kfree the item
-+ */
-+void *mipv6_slist_del_first(struct list_head *head)
-+ void *tmp;
-+ struct mipv6_sorted_list_entry *entry;
-+ if (list_empty(head))
-+ return NULL;
-+ entry = list_entry(head->next, struct mipv6_sorted_list_entry, list);
-+ tmp = entry->data;
-+ list_del(head->next);
-+ kfree(entry);
-+ return tmp;
-+ * mipv6_slist_del_item - delete entry
-+ * @head: list_head of the sorted list
-+ * @data: item to delete
-+ * @compare: function used for comparing the data items
-+ *
-+ * compare function needs to have prototype
-+ * int (*compare)(const void *data1, const void *data2, int datalen)
-+ */
-+int mipv6_slist_del_item(struct list_head *head, void *data,
-+ int (*compare)(const void *data1, const void *data2,
-+ int datalen))
-+ struct list_head *pos;
-+ struct mipv6_sorted_list_entry *entry;
-+ for(pos = head->next; pos != head; pos = pos->next) {
-+ entry = list_entry(pos, struct mipv6_sorted_list_entry, list);
-+ if (compare(data, entry->data, entry->datalen)) {
-+ list_del(pos);
-+ kfree(entry->data);
-+ kfree(entry);
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return -1;
-+ * mipv6_slist_get_first_key - get sortkey of the first item
-+ * @head: list_head of the sorted list
-+ */
-+unsigned long mipv6_slist_get_first_key(struct list_head *head)
-+ struct mipv6_sorted_list_entry *entry;
-+ if (list_empty(head))
-+ return 0;
-+ entry = list_entry(head->next, struct mipv6_sorted_list_entry, list);
-+ return entry->sortkey;
-+ * mipv6_slist_get_key - get sortkey of the data item
-+ * @head: list_head of the sorted list
-+ * @data: the item to search for
-+ * @compare: function used for comparing the data items
-+ *
-+ * compare function needs to have prototype
-+ * int (*compare)(const void *data1, const void *data2, int datalen)
-+ */
-+unsigned long mipv6_slist_get_key(struct list_head *head, void *data,
-+ int (*compare)(const void *data1,
-+ const void *data2,
-+ int datalen))
-+ struct list_head *pos;
-+ struct mipv6_sorted_list_entry *entry;
-+ for(pos = head->next; pos != head; pos = pos->next) {
-+ entry = list_entry(pos, struct mipv6_sorted_list_entry, list);
-+ if (compare(data, entry->data, entry->datalen))
-+ return entry->sortkey;
-+ }
-+ return 0;
-+ * mipv6_slist_get_data - get the data item identified by sortkey
-+ * @head: list_head of the sorted list
-+ * @key: sortkey of the item
-+ *
-+ * Returns the actual data item, not copy, so don't kfree it
-+ */
-+void *mipv6_slist_get_data(struct list_head *head, unsigned long sortkey)
-+ struct list_head *pos;
-+ struct mipv6_sorted_list_entry *entry;
-+ list_for_each(pos, head) {
-+ entry = list_entry(pos, struct mipv6_sorted_list_entry, list);
-+ if (entry->sortkey == sortkey)
-+ return entry->data;
-+ }
-+ return NULL;
-+ * reorder_entry - move an entry to a new position according to sortkey
-+ * @head: list_head of the sorted list
-+ * @entry_pos: current place of the entry
-+ * @key: new sortkey
-+ */
-+static void reorder_entry(struct list_head *head, struct list_head *entry_pos,
-+ unsigned long sortkey)
-+ struct list_head *pos;
-+ struct mipv6_sorted_list_entry *entry;
-+ list_del(entry_pos);
-+ for (pos = head->next; pos != head; pos = pos->next) {
-+ entry = list_entry(pos, struct mipv6_sorted_list_entry, list);
-+ if (sortkey >= entry->sortkey) {
-+ list_add(entry_pos, &entry->list);
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ list_add(entry_pos, head);
-+ * mipv6_slist_modify - modify data item
-+ * @head: list_head of the sorted list
-+ * @data: item, whose sortkey is to be modified
-+ * @datalen: datalen in bytes
-+ * @new_key: new sortkey
-+ * @compare: function used for comparing the data items
-+ *
-+ * Compies the new data on top of the old one, if compare function returns
-+ * true. If there's no matching entry, new one will be created.
-+ * Compare function needs to have prototype
-+ * int (*compare)(const void *data1, const void *data2, int datalen)
-+ */
-+int mipv6_slist_modify(struct list_head *head, void *data, int datalen,
-+ unsigned long new_key,
-+ int (*compare)(const void *data1, const void *data2,
-+ int datalen))
-+ struct list_head *pos;
-+ struct mipv6_sorted_list_entry *entry;
-+ for (pos = head->next; pos != head; pos = pos->next) {
-+ entry = list_entry(pos, struct mipv6_sorted_list_entry, list);
-+ if (compare(data, entry->data, datalen)) {
-+ memcpy(entry->data, data, datalen);
-+ entry->sortkey = new_key;
-+ reorder_entry(head, &entry->list, new_key);
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return mipv6_slist_add(head, data, datalen, new_key);
-+ * mipv6_slist_push_first - move the first entry to place indicated by new_key
-+ * @head: list_head of the sorted list
-+ * @new_key: new sortkey
-+ */
-+int mipv6_slist_push_first(struct list_head *head, unsigned long new_key)
-+ struct mipv6_sorted_list_entry *entry;
-+ if (list_empty(head))
-+ return -1;
-+ entry = list_entry(head->next, struct mipv6_sorted_list_entry, list);
-+ entry->sortkey = new_key;
-+ reorder_entry(head, head->next, new_key);
-+ return 0;
-+ * mipv6_slist_for_each - apply func to every item in list
-+ * @head: list_head of the sorted list
-+ * @args: args to pass to func
-+ * @func: function to use
-+ *
-+ * function must be of type
-+ * int (*func)(void *data, void *args, unsigned long sortkey)
-+ * List iteration will stop once func has been applied to every item
-+ * or when func returns true
-+ */
-+int mipv6_slist_for_each(struct list_head *head, void *args,
-+ int (*func)(void *data, void *args,
-+ unsigned long sortkey))
-+ struct list_head *pos;
-+ struct mipv6_sorted_list_entry *entry;
-+ list_for_each(pos, head) {
-+ entry = list_entry(pos, struct mipv6_sorted_list_entry, list);
-+ if (func(entry->data, args, entry->sortkey))
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ return 0;
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/sortedlist.h linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/sortedlist.h
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/sortedlist.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/sortedlist.h 2004-06-26 11:29:31.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
-+ * Sorted list - linked list with sortkey
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ */
-+ * compare - compares two arbitrary data items
-+ * @data1: first data item
-+ * @data2: second data item
-+ * @datalen: length of data items in bits
-+ *
-+ * datalen is in bits!
-+ */
-+int mipv6_bitwise_compare(const void *data1, const void *data2, int datalen);
-+ * mipv6_slist_add - add an entry to sorted list
-+ * @head: list_head of the sorted list
-+ * @data: item to store
-+ * @datalen: length of data (in bytes)
-+ * @key: sortkey of item
-+ *
-+ * Allocates memory for entry and data
-+ */
-+int mipv6_slist_add(struct list_head *head, void *data, int datalen,
-+ unsigned long sortkey);
-+ * mipv6_slist_get_first - get the first data item in the list
-+ * @head: list_head of the sorted list
-+ *
-+ * Returns the actual data item, not copy, so don't kfree it
-+ */
-+void *mipv6_slist_get_first(struct list_head *head);
-+ * mipv6_slist_del_first - delete (and get) the first item in list
-+ * @head: list_head of the sorted list
-+ *
-+ * Remember to kfree the item
-+ */
-+void *mipv6_slist_del_first(struct list_head *head);
-+ * mipv6_slist_del_item - delete entry
-+ * @head: list_head of the sorted list
-+ * @data: item to delete
-+ * @compare: function used for comparing the data items
-+ *
-+ * compare function needs to have prototype
-+ * int (*compare)(const void *data1, const void *data2, int datalen) where
-+ * datalen is in bits
-+ */
-+int mipv6_slist_del_item(struct list_head *head, void *data,
-+ int (*compare)(const void *data1, const void *data2,
-+ int datalen));
-+ * mipv6_slist_get_first_key - get sortkey of the first item
-+ * @head: list_head of the sorted list
-+ */
-+unsigned long mipv6_slist_get_first_key(struct list_head *head);
-+ * mipv6_slist_get_key - get sortkey of the data item
-+ * @head: list_head of the sorted list
-+ * @data: the item to search for
-+ * @compare: function used for comparing the data items
-+ *
-+ * compare function needs to have prototype
-+ * int (*compare)(const void *data1, const void *data2, int datalen) where
-+ * datalen is in bits
-+ */
-+unsigned long mipv6_slist_get_key(struct list_head *head, void *data,
-+ int (*compare)(const void *data1,
-+ const void *data2,
-+ int datalen));
-+ * mipv6_slist_get_data - get the data item identified by sortkey
-+ * @head: list_head of the sorted list
-+ * @key: sortkey of the item
-+ *
-+ * Returns the actual data item, not copy, so don't kfree it
-+ */
-+void *mipv6_slist_get_data(struct list_head *head, unsigned long sortkey);
-+ * mipv6_slist_modify - modify data item
-+ * @head: list_head of the sorted list
-+ * @data: item, whose sortkey is to be modified
-+ * @datalen: datalen in bytes
-+ * @new_key: new sortkey
-+ * @compare: function used for comparing the data items
-+ *
-+ * Compies the new data on top of the old one, if compare function returns
-+ * non-negative. If there's no matching entry, new one will be created.
-+ * Compare function needs to have prototype
-+ * int (*compare)(const void *data1, const void *data2, int datalen) where
-+ * datalen is in bits.
-+ */
-+int mipv6_slist_modify(struct list_head *head, void *data, int datalen,
-+ unsigned long new_key,
-+ int (*compare)(const void *data1, const void *data2,
-+ int datalen));
-+ * mipv6_slist_push_first - move the first entry to place indicated by new_key
-+ * @head: list_head of the sorted list
-+ * @new_key: new sortkey
-+ */
-+int mipv6_slist_push_first(struct list_head *head, unsigned long new_key);
-+ * mipv6_slist_for_each - apply func to every item in list
-+ * @head: list_head of the sorted list
-+ * @args: args to pass to func
-+ * @func: function to use
-+ *
-+ * function must be of type
-+ * int (*func)(void *data, void *args, unsigned long sortkey)
-+ * List iteration will stop once func has been applied to every item
-+ * or when func returns true
-+ */
-+int mipv6_slist_for_each(struct list_head *head, void *args,
-+ int (*func)(void *data, void *args,
-+ unsigned long sortkey));
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/stats.c linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/stats.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/stats.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/stats.c 2004-06-26 11:29:32.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
-+ * Statistics module
-+ *
-+ * Authors:
-+ * Sami Kivisaari <>
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ * Changes:
-+ * Krishna Kumar,
-+ * Venkata Jagana : SMP locking fix
-+ */
-+#include <linux/config.h>
-+#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
-+#include "stats.h"
-+struct mipv6_statistics mipv6_stats;
-+static int proc_info_dump(
-+ char *buffer, char **start,
-+ off_t offset, int length)
-+ struct inf {
-+ char *name;
-+ int *value;
-+ } int_stats[] = {
-+ {"NEncapsulations", &mipv6_stats.n_encapsulations},
-+ {"NDecapsulations", &mipv6_stats.n_decapsulations},
-+ {"NBindRefreshRqsRcvd", &mipv6_stats.n_brr_rcvd},
-+ {"NHomeTestInitsRcvd", &mipv6_stats.n_hoti_rcvd},
-+ {"NCareofTestInitsRcvd", &mipv6_stats.n_coti_rcvd},
-+ {"NHomeTestRcvd", &mipv6_stats.n_hot_rcvd},
-+ {"NCareofTestRcvd", &mipv6_stats.n_cot_rcvd},
-+ {"NBindUpdatesRcvd", &mipv6_stats.n_bu_rcvd},
-+ {"NBindAcksRcvd", &mipv6_stats.n_ba_rcvd},
-+ {"NBindNAcksRcvd", &mipv6_stats.n_ban_rcvd},
-+ {"NBindErrorsRcvd", &mipv6_stats.n_be_rcvd},
-+ {"NBindRefreshRqsSent", &mipv6_stats.n_brr_sent},
-+ {"NHomeTestInitsSent", &mipv6_stats.n_hoti_sent},
-+ {"NCareofTestInitsSent", &mipv6_stats.n_coti_sent},
-+ {"NHomeTestSent", &mipv6_stats.n_hot_sent},
-+ {"NCareofTestSent", &mipv6_stats.n_cot_sent},
-+ {"NBindUpdatesSent", &mipv6_stats.n_bu_sent},
-+ {"NBindAcksSent", &mipv6_stats.n_ba_sent},
-+ {"NBindNAcksSent", &mipv6_stats.n_ban_sent},
-+ {"NBindErrorsSent", &mipv6_stats.n_be_sent},
-+ {"NBindUpdatesDropAuth", &mipv6_stats.n_bu_drop.auth},
-+ {"NBindUpdatesDropInvalid", &mipv6_stats.n_bu_drop.invalid},
-+ {"NBindUpdatesDropMisc", &mipv6_stats.n_bu_drop.misc},
-+ {"NBindAcksDropAuth", &mipv6_stats.n_bu_drop.auth},
-+ {"NBindAcksDropInvalid", &mipv6_stats.n_bu_drop.invalid},
-+ {"NBindAcksDropMisc", &mipv6_stats.n_bu_drop.misc},
-+ {"NBindRqsDropAuth", &mipv6_stats.n_bu_drop.auth},
-+ {"NBindRqsDropInvalid", &mipv6_stats.n_bu_drop.invalid},
-+ {"NBindRqsDropMisc", &mipv6_stats.n_bu_drop.misc}
-+ };
-+ int i;
-+ int len = 0;
-+ for(i=0; i<sizeof(int_stats) / sizeof(struct inf); i++) {
-+ len += sprintf(buffer + len, "%s = %d\n",
-+ int_stats[i].name, *int_stats[i].value);
-+ }
-+ *start = buffer + offset;
-+ len -= offset;
-+ if(len > length) len = length;
-+ return len;
-+int mipv6_stats_init(void)
-+ memset(&mipv6_stats, 0, sizeof(struct mipv6_statistics));
-+ proc_net_create("mip6_stat", 0, proc_info_dump);
-+ return 0;
-+void mipv6_stats_exit(void)
-+ proc_net_remove("mip6_stat");
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/stats.h linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/stats.h
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/stats.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/stats.h 2004-06-26 11:29:32.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
-+ * MIPL Mobile IPv6 Statistics header file
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ */
-+#ifndef _STATS_H
-+#define _STATS_H
-+struct mipv6_drop {
-+ __u32 auth;
-+ __u32 invalid;
-+ __u32 misc;
-+struct mipv6_statistics {
-+ int n_encapsulations;
-+ int n_decapsulations;
-+ int n_mh_in_msg;
-+ int n_mh_in_error;
-+ int n_mh_out_msg;
-+ int n_mh_out_error;
-+ int n_brr_rcvd;
-+ int n_hoti_rcvd;
-+ int n_coti_rcvd;
-+ int n_hot_rcvd;
-+ int n_cot_rcvd;
-+ int n_bu_rcvd;
-+ int n_ba_rcvd;
-+ int n_ban_rcvd;
-+ int n_be_rcvd;
-+ int n_brr_sent;
-+ int n_hoti_sent;
-+ int n_coti_sent;
-+ int n_hot_sent;
-+ int n_cot_sent;
-+ int n_bu_sent;
-+ int n_ba_sent;
-+ int n_ban_sent;
-+ int n_be_sent;
-+ int n_ha_rcvd;
-+ int n_ha_sent;
-+ struct mipv6_drop n_bu_drop;
-+ struct mipv6_drop n_ba_drop;
-+ struct mipv6_drop n_brr_drop;
-+ struct mipv6_drop n_be_drop;
-+ struct mipv6_drop n_ha_drop;
-+extern struct mipv6_statistics mipv6_stats;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
-+/* atomic_t is max 24 bits long */
-+#define MIPV6_INC_STATS(X) atomic_inc((atomic_t *)&mipv6_stats.X);
-+#define MIPV6_INC_STATS(X) mipv6_stats.X++;
-+int mipv6_stats_init(void);
-+void mipv6_stats_exit(void);
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/tunnel.h linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/tunnel.h
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/tunnel.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/tunnel.h 2004-06-26 11:29:32.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
-+ * MIPL Mobile IPv6 IP6-IP6 tunneling header file
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ */
-+#ifndef _TUNNEL_H
-+#define _TUNNEL_H
-+#include <linux/in6.h>
-+#include <linux/if_arp.h>
-+#include <net/ipv6_tunnel.h>
-+static __inline__ int is_mip6_tnl(struct ip6_tnl *t)
-+ return (t != NULL &&
-+ t->parms.flags & IP6_TNL_F_KERNEL_DEV &&
-+ t->parms.flags & IP6_TNL_F_MIP6_DEV);
-+static __inline__ int dev_is_mip6_tnl(struct net_device *dev)
-+ struct ip6_tnl *t = (struct ip6_tnl *)dev->priv;
-+ return (dev->type == ARPHRD_TUNNEL6 && is_mip6_tnl(t));
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/tunnel_ha.c linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/tunnel_ha.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/tunnel_ha.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/tunnel_ha.c 2004-06-26 11:29:32.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
-+ * IPv6-IPv6 tunneling module
-+ *
-+ * Authors:
-+ * Sami Kivisaari <>
-+ * Ville Nuorvala <>
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#include <linux/net.h>
-+#include <linux/skbuff.h>
-+#include <linux/ipv6.h>
-+#include <linux/net.h>
-+#include <linux/netdevice.h>
-+#include <linux/init.h>
-+#include <linux/route.h>
-+#include <linux/ipv6_route.h>
-+#include <linux/sysctl.h>
-+#endif /* CONFIG_SYSCTL */
-+#include <net/protocol.h>
-+#include <net/ipv6.h>
-+#include <net/ip6_route.h>
-+#include <net/dst.h>
-+#include <net/addrconf.h>
-+#include "tunnel.h"
-+#include "debug.h"
-+#include "stats.h"
-+#include "config.h"
-+#define MIPV6_TNL_MIN 1
-+int mipv6_max_tnls = 3;
-+int mipv6_min_tnls = 1;
-+int mipv6_max_tnls_sysctl(ctl_table *ctl, int write, struct file *filp,
-+ void *buffer, size_t *lenp)
-+ int err;
-+ down(&tnl_sem);
-+ if (write) {
-+ int diff;
-+ int old_max_tnls = mipv6_max_tnls;
-+ err = proc_dointvec(ctl, write, filp, buffer, lenp);
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ goto out;
-+ if (mipv6_max_tnls < mipv6_min_tnls ||
-+ mipv6_max_tnls > MIPV6_TNL_MAX) {
-+ mipv6_max_tnls = old_max_tnls;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ if (mipv6_max_tnls < old_max_tnls) {
-+ diff = old_max_tnls - mipv6_max_tnls;
-+ ip6ip6_tnl_dec_max_kdev_count(diff);
-+ } else if (mipv6_max_tnls > old_max_tnls) {
-+ diff = mipv6_max_tnls - old_max_tnls;
-+ ip6ip6_tnl_inc_max_kdev_count(diff);
-+ }
-+ } else {
-+ err = proc_dointvec(ctl, write, filp, buffer, lenp);
-+ }
-+ up(&tnl_sem);
-+ return err;
-+int mipv6_min_tnls_sysctl(ctl_table *ctl, int write, struct file *filp,
-+ void *buffer, size_t *lenp)
-+ int err;
-+ down(&tnl_sem);
-+ if (write) {
-+ int diff;
-+ int old_min_tnls = mipv6_min_tnls;
-+ err = proc_dointvec(ctl, write, filp, buffer, lenp);
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ goto out;
-+ if (mipv6_min_tnls > mipv6_max_tnls ||
-+ mipv6_min_tnls < MIPV6_TNL_MIN) {
-+ mipv6_min_tnls = old_min_tnls;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ if (mipv6_min_tnls < old_min_tnls) {
-+ diff = old_min_tnls - mipv6_min_tnls;
-+ ip6ip6_tnl_dec_min_kdev_count(diff);
-+ } else if (mipv6_min_tnls > old_min_tnls) {
-+ diff = mipv6_min_tnls - old_min_tnls;
-+ ip6ip6_tnl_inc_min_kdev_count(diff);
-+ }
-+ } else {
-+ err = proc_dointvec(ctl, write, filp, buffer, lenp);
-+ }
-+ up(&tnl_sem);
-+ return err;
-+static __inline__ int mipv6_tnl_add(struct in6_addr *remote,
-+ struct in6_addr *local)
-+ struct ip6_tnl_parm p;
-+ int ret;
-+ memset(&p, 0, sizeof(p));
-+ p.proto = IPPROTO_IPV6;
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&p.laddr, local);
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&p.raddr, remote);
-+ p.hop_limit = 255;
-+ p.flags = (IP6_TNL_F_KERNEL_DEV | IP6_TNL_F_MIP6_DEV |
-+ ret = ip6ip6_kernel_tnl_add(&p);
-+ if (ret > 0) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "added tunnel from: "
-+ "%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x to: %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x",
-+ NIPV6ADDR(local), NIPV6ADDR(remote));
-+ } else {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_WARNING, "unable to add tunnel from: "
-+ "%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x to: %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x",
-+ NIPV6ADDR(local), NIPV6ADDR(remote));
-+ }
-+ return ret;
-+static __inline__ int mipv6_tnl_del(struct in6_addr *remote,
-+ struct in6_addr *local)
-+ struct ip6_tnl *t = ip6ip6_tnl_lookup(remote, local);
-+ if (t != NULL && (t->parms.flags & IP6_TNL_F_MIP6_DEV)) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "deleting tunnel from: "
-+ "%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x to: %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x",
-+ NIPV6ADDR(local), NIPV6ADDR(remote));
-+ return ip6ip6_kernel_tnl_del(t);
-+ }
-+ return 0;
-+static int add_route_to_mn(struct in6_addr *coa, struct in6_addr *ha_addr,
-+ struct in6_addr *home_addr)
-+ struct in6_rtmsg rtmsg;
-+ int err;
-+ struct ip6_tnl *t = ip6ip6_tnl_lookup(coa, ha_addr);
-+ if (!is_mip6_tnl(t)) {
-+ DEBUG(DBG_CRITICAL,"Tunnel missing");
-+ return -ENODEV;
-+ }
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "adding route to: %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x via "
-+ "tunnel device", NIPV6ADDR(home_addr));
-+ memset(&rtmsg, 0, sizeof(rtmsg));
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&rtmsg.rtmsg_dst, home_addr);
-+ rtmsg.rtmsg_dst_len = 128;
-+ rtmsg.rtmsg_type = RTMSG_NEWROUTE;
-+ rtmsg.rtmsg_flags = RTF_UP | RTF_NONEXTHOP | RTF_HOST | RTF_MOBILENODE;
-+ rtmsg.rtmsg_ifindex = t->dev->ifindex;
-+ rtmsg.rtmsg_metric = IP6_RT_PRIO_MIPV6;
-+ if ((err = ip6_route_add(&rtmsg, NULL)) == -EEXIST) {
-+ err = 0;
-+ }
-+ return err;
-+static void del_route_to_mn(struct in6_addr *coa, struct in6_addr *ha_addr,
-+ struct in6_addr *home_addr)
-+ struct ip6_tnl *t = ip6ip6_tnl_lookup(coa, ha_addr);
-+ if (is_mip6_tnl(t)) {
-+ struct in6_rtmsg rtmsg;
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "deleting route to: %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x "
-+ " via tunnel device", NIPV6ADDR(home_addr));
-+ memset(&rtmsg, 0, sizeof(rtmsg));
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&rtmsg.rtmsg_dst, home_addr);
-+ rtmsg.rtmsg_dst_len = 128;
-+ rtmsg.rtmsg_ifindex = t->dev->ifindex;
-+ rtmsg.rtmsg_metric = IP6_RT_PRIO_MIPV6;
-+ ip6_route_del(&rtmsg, NULL);
-+ }
-+int mipv6_add_tnl_to_mn(struct in6_addr *coa,
-+ struct in6_addr *ha_addr,
-+ struct in6_addr *home_addr)
-+ int ret;
-+ ret = mipv6_tnl_add(coa, ha_addr);
-+ if (ret > 0) {
-+ int err = add_route_to_mn(coa, ha_addr, home_addr);
-+ if (err) {
-+ if (err != -ENODEV) {
-+ mipv6_tnl_del(coa, ha_addr);
-+ }
-+ return err;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return ret;
-+int mipv6_del_tnl_to_mn(struct in6_addr *coa,
-+ struct in6_addr *ha_addr,
-+ struct in6_addr *home_addr)
-+ del_route_to_mn(coa, ha_addr, home_addr);
-+ return mipv6_tnl_del(coa, ha_addr);
-+__init void mipv6_initialize_tunnel(void)
-+ down(&tnl_sem);
-+ ip6ip6_tnl_inc_max_kdev_count(mipv6_max_tnls);
-+ ip6ip6_tnl_inc_min_kdev_count(mipv6_min_tnls);
-+ up(&tnl_sem);
-+ mip6_fn.bce_tnl_rt_add = add_route_to_mn;
-+ mip6_fn.bce_tnl_rt_del = del_route_to_mn;
-+__exit void mipv6_shutdown_tunnel(void)
-+ mip6_fn.bce_tnl_rt_del = NULL;
-+ mip6_fn.bce_tnl_rt_add = NULL;
-+ down(&tnl_sem);
-+ ip6ip6_tnl_dec_min_kdev_count(mipv6_min_tnls);
-+ ip6ip6_tnl_dec_max_kdev_count(mipv6_max_tnls);
-+ up(&tnl_sem);
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/tunnel_ha.h linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/tunnel_ha.h
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/tunnel_ha.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/tunnel_ha.h 2004-06-26 11:29:32.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
-+#ifndef _TUNNEL_HA_H
-+#define _TUNNEL_HA_H
-+#include "tunnel.h"
-+extern int mipv6_max_tnls;
-+extern int mipv6_min_tnls;
-+extern void mipv6_initialize_tunnel(void);
-+extern void mipv6_shutdown_tunnel(void);
-+extern int mipv6_add_tnl_to_mn(struct in6_addr *coa,
-+ struct in6_addr *ha_addr,
-+ struct in6_addr *home_addr);
-+extern int mipv6_del_tnl_to_mn(struct in6_addr *coa,
-+ struct in6_addr *ha_addr,
-+ struct in6_addr *home_addr);
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/tunnel_mn.c linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/tunnel_mn.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/tunnel_mn.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/tunnel_mn.c 2004-06-26 11:29:32.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
-+ * IPv6-IPv6 tunneling module
-+ *
-+ * Authors:
-+ * Sami Kivisaari <>
-+ * Ville Nuorvala <>
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#include <linux/net.h>
-+#include <linux/skbuff.h>
-+#include <linux/ipv6.h>
-+#include <linux/net.h>
-+#include <linux/netdevice.h>
-+#include <linux/init.h>
-+#include <linux/route.h>
-+#include <linux/ipv6_route.h>
-+#include <linux/sysctl.h>
-+#endif /* CONFIG_SYSCTL */
-+#include <net/protocol.h>
-+#include <net/ipv6.h>
-+#include <net/ip6_route.h>
-+#include <net/dst.h>
-+#include <net/addrconf.h>
-+#include "tunnel.h"
-+#include "debug.h"
-+#include "stats.h"
-+static struct net_device *mn_ha_tdev;
-+static spinlock_t mn_ha_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-+static __inline__ int add_reverse_route(struct in6_addr *ha_addr,
-+ struct in6_addr *home_addr,
-+ struct net_device *tdev)
-+ struct in6_rtmsg rtmsg;
-+ int err;
-+ memset(&rtmsg, 0, sizeof(rtmsg));
-+ rtmsg.rtmsg_type = RTMSG_NEWROUTE;
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&rtmsg.rtmsg_src, home_addr);
-+ rtmsg.rtmsg_src_len = 128;
-+ rtmsg.rtmsg_flags = RTF_UP | RTF_DEFAULT;
-+ rtmsg.rtmsg_ifindex = tdev->ifindex;
-+ rtmsg.rtmsg_metric = IP6_RT_PRIO_MIPV6;
-+ if ((err = ip6_route_add(&rtmsg, NULL)) == -EEXIST) {
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ return err;
-+static __inline__ void del_reverse_route(struct in6_addr *ha_addr,
-+ struct in6_addr *home_addr,
-+ struct net_device *tdev)
-+ struct in6_rtmsg rtmsg;
-+ DEBUG(DBG_INFO, "removing reverse route via tunnel device");
-+ memset(&rtmsg, 0, sizeof(rtmsg));
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&rtmsg.rtmsg_src, home_addr);
-+ rtmsg.rtmsg_src_len = 128;
-+ rtmsg.rtmsg_ifindex = tdev->ifindex;
-+ rtmsg.rtmsg_metric = IP6_RT_PRIO_MIPV6;
-+ ip6_route_del(&rtmsg, NULL);
-+int mipv6_add_tnl_to_ha(void)
-+ struct ip6_tnl_parm p;
-+ struct ip6_tnl *t;
-+ int err;
-+ memset(&p, 0, sizeof(p));
-+ p.proto = IPPROTO_IPV6;
-+ p.hop_limit = 255;
-+ p.flags = (IP6_TNL_F_KERNEL_DEV | IP6_TNL_F_MIP6_DEV |
-+ strcpy(, "mip6mnha1");
-+ rtnl_lock();
-+ if ((err = ip6ip6_tnl_create(&p, &t))) {
-+ rtnl_unlock();
-+ return err;
-+ }
-+ spin_lock_bh(&mn_ha_lock);
-+ if (!mn_ha_tdev) {
-+ mn_ha_tdev = t->dev;
-+ dev_hold(mn_ha_tdev);
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock_bh(&mn_ha_lock);
-+ dev_open(t->dev);
-+ rtnl_unlock();
-+ return 0;
-+int mipv6_mv_tnl_to_ha(struct in6_addr *ha_addr,
-+ struct in6_addr *coa,
-+ struct in6_addr *home_addr)
-+ int err = -ENODEV;
-+ spin_lock_bh(&mn_ha_lock);
-+ if (mn_ha_tdev) {
-+ struct ip6_tnl_parm p;
-+ memset(&p, 0, sizeof(p));
-+ p.proto = IPPROTO_IPV6;
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&p.laddr, coa);
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&p.raddr, ha_addr);
-+ p.hop_limit = 255;
-+ p.flags = (IP6_TNL_F_KERNEL_DEV | IP6_TNL_F_MIP6_DEV |
-+ ip6ip6_tnl_change((struct ip6_tnl *) mn_ha_tdev->priv, &p);
-+ if (ipv6_addr_cmp(coa, home_addr)) {
-+ err = add_reverse_route(ha_addr, home_addr,
-+ mn_ha_tdev);
-+ } else {
-+ del_reverse_route(ha_addr, home_addr, mn_ha_tdev);
-+ err = 0;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock_bh(&mn_ha_lock);
-+ return err;
-+void mipv6_del_tnl_to_ha(void)
-+ struct net_device *dev;
-+ rtnl_lock();
-+ spin_lock_bh(&mn_ha_lock);
-+ dev = mn_ha_tdev;
-+ mn_ha_tdev = NULL;
-+ spin_unlock_bh(&mn_ha_lock);
-+ dev_put(dev);
-+ unregister_netdevice(dev);
-+ rtnl_unlock();
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/tunnel_mn.h linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/tunnel_mn.h
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/tunnel_mn.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/tunnel_mn.h 2004-06-26 11:29:32.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
-+#ifndef _TUNNEL_MN_H
-+#define _TUNNEL_MN_H
-+#include "tunnel.h"
-+extern int mipv6_add_tnl_to_ha(void);
-+extern int mipv6_mv_tnl_to_ha(struct in6_addr *ha_addr,
-+ struct in6_addr *coa,
-+ struct in6_addr *home_addr);
-+extern int mipv6_del_tnl_to_ha(void);
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/util.h linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/util.h
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/util.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/mobile_ip6/util.h 2004-06-26 11:29:32.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
-+ * MIPL Mobile IPv6 Utility functions
-+ *
-+ * $Id$
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
-+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ */
-+#ifndef _UTIL_H
-+#define _UTIL_H
-+#include <linux/in6.h>
-+#include <asm/byteorder.h>
-+ * mipv6_prefix_compare - Compare two IPv6 prefixes
-+ * @addr: IPv6 address
-+ * @prefix: IPv6 address
-+ * @nprefix: number of bits to compare
-+ *
-+ * Perform prefix comparison bitwise for the @nprefix first bits
-+ * Returns 1, if the prefixes are the same, 0 otherwise
-+ **/
-+static inline int mipv6_prefix_compare(const struct in6_addr *addr,
-+ const struct in6_addr *prefix,
-+ const unsigned int pfix_len)
-+ int i;
-+ unsigned int nprefix = pfix_len;
-+ if (nprefix > 128)
-+ return 0;
-+ for (i = 0; nprefix > 0; nprefix -= 32, i++) {
-+ if (nprefix >= 32) {
-+ if (addr->s6_addr32[i] != prefix->s6_addr32[i])
-+ return 0;
-+ } else {
-+ if (((addr->s6_addr32[i] ^ prefix->s6_addr32[i]) &
-+ ((~0) << (32 - nprefix))) != 0)
-+ return 0;
-+ return 1;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return 1;
-+ * homeagent_anycast - Compute Home Agent anycast address
-+ * @ac_addr: append home agent anycast suffix to passed prefix
-+ * @prefix: prefix ha anycast address is generated from
-+ * @plen: length of prefix in bits
-+ *
-+ * Calculate corresponding Home Agent Anycast Address (RFC2526) in a
-+ * given subnet.
-+ */
-+static inline int
-+mipv6_ha_anycast(struct in6_addr *ac_addr, struct in6_addr *prefix, int plen)
-+ if (plen <= 0 || plen > 120) {
-+ /* error, interface id should be minimum 8 bits */
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(ac_addr, prefix);
-+ if (plen < 32)
-+ ac_addr->s6_addr32[0] |= htonl((u32)(~0) >> plen);
-+ if (plen < 64)
-+ ac_addr->s6_addr32[1] |= htonl((u32)(~0) >> (plen > 32 ? plen % 32 : 0));
-+ if (plen < 92)
-+ ac_addr->s6_addr32[2] |= htonl((u32)(~0) >> (plen > 64 ? plen % 32 : 0));
-+ if (plen <= 120)
-+ ac_addr->s6_addr32[3] |= htonl((u32)(~0) >> (plen > 92 ? plen % 32 : 0));
-+ /* RFC2526: for interface identifiers in EUI-64
-+ * format, the universal/local bit in the interface
-+ * identifier MUST be set to 0. */
-+ if (plen == 64) {
-+ ac_addr->s6_addr32[2] &= (int)htonl(0xfdffffff);
-+ }
-+ /* Mobile IPv6 Home-Agents anycast id (0x7e) */
-+ ac_addr->s6_addr32[3] &= (int)htonl(0xfffffffe);
-+ return 0;
-+#endif /* _UTIL_H */
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/ndisc.c linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/ndisc.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/ndisc.c 2003-11-28 18:26:21.000000000 +0000
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/ndisc.c 2004-06-26 11:29:32.000000000 +0100
-@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
- * and moved to net/core.
- * Pekka Savola : RFC2461 validation
- * YOSHIFUJI Hideaki @USAGI : Verify ND options properly
-+ * Ville Nuorvala : RFC2461 fixes to proxy ND
- */
- /* Set to 3 to get tracing... */
-@@ -70,6 +71,7 @@
- #include <net/ip6_route.h>
- #include <net/addrconf.h>
- #include <net/icmp.h>
-+#include <net/mipglue.h>
- #include <net/checksum.h>
- #include <linux/proc_fs.h>
-@@ -187,6 +189,8 @@ struct ndisc_options *ndisc_parse_option
- case ND_OPT_MTU:
- if (ndopts->nd_opt_array[nd_opt->nd_opt_type]) {
- "ndisc_parse_options(): duplicated ND6 option found: type=%d\n",
-@@ -372,8 +376,8 @@ ndisc_build_ll_hdr(struct sk_buff *skb,
- */
- void ndisc_send_na(struct net_device *dev, struct neighbour *neigh,
-- struct in6_addr *daddr, struct in6_addr *solicited_addr,
-- int router, int solicited, int override, int inc_opt)
-+ struct in6_addr *daddr, struct in6_addr *solicited_addr,
-+ int router, int solicited, int override, int inc_opt)
- {
- static struct in6_addr tmpaddr;
- struct inet6_ifaddr *ifp;
-@@ -766,7 +770,8 @@ void ndisc_recv_ns(struct sk_buff *skb)
- int addr_type = ipv6_addr_type(saddr);
- if (in6_dev && in6_dev->cnf.forwarding &&
-- (addr_type & IPV6_ADDR_UNICAST) &&
-+ (addr_type & IPV6_ADDR_UNICAST ||
-+ addr_type == IPV6_ADDR_ANY) &&
- pneigh_lookup(&nd_tbl, &msg->target, dev, 0)) {
- int inc = ipv6_addr_type(daddr)&IPV6_ADDR_MULTICAST;
-@@ -778,13 +783,21 @@ void ndisc_recv_ns(struct sk_buff *skb)
- nd_tbl.stats.rcv_probes_mcast++;
- else
- nd_tbl.stats.rcv_probes_ucast++;
-- neigh = neigh_event_ns(&nd_tbl, lladdr, saddr, dev);
-- if (neigh) {
-- ndisc_send_na(dev, neigh, saddr, &msg->target,
-- 0, 1, 0, 1);
-- neigh_release(neigh);
-+ if (addr_type & IPV6_ADDR_UNICAST) {
-+ neigh = neigh_event_ns(&nd_tbl, lladdr, saddr, dev);
-+ if (neigh) {
-+ ndisc_send_na(dev, neigh, saddr, &msg->target,
-+ 0, 1, 0, 1);
-+ neigh_release(neigh);
-+ }
-+ } else {
-+ /* the proxy should also protect against DAD */
-+ struct in6_addr maddr;
-+ ipv6_addr_all_nodes(&maddr);
-+ ndisc_send_na(dev, NULL, &maddr, &msg->target,
-+ 0, 0, 0, 1);
- }
- } else {
- struct sk_buff *n = skb_clone(skb, GFP_ATOMIC);
-@@ -849,6 +862,9 @@ void ndisc_recv_na(struct sk_buff *skb)
- if (ifp->flags & IFA_F_TENTATIVE) {
- addrconf_dad_failure(ifp);
- return;
-+ } else if (ndisc_mip_mn_ha_probe(ifp, lladdr)) {
-+ in6_ifa_put(ifp);
-+ return;
- }
- /* What should we make now? The advertisement
- is invalid, but ndisc specs say nothing
-@@ -887,6 +903,7 @@ void ndisc_recv_na(struct sk_buff *skb)
- msg->icmph.icmp6_override, 1);
- neigh_release(neigh);
- }
-+ ndisc_check_mipv6_dad(&msg->target);
- }
- static void ndisc_router_discovery(struct sk_buff *skb)
-@@ -894,6 +911,7 @@ static void ndisc_router_discovery(struc
- struct ra_msg *ra_msg = (struct ra_msg *) skb->h.raw;
- struct neighbour *neigh;
- struct inet6_dev *in6_dev;
-+ int change_rtr;
- struct rt6_info *rt;
- int lifetime;
- struct ndisc_options ndopts;
-@@ -923,10 +941,6 @@ static void ndisc_router_discovery(struc
- ND_PRINTK1("RA: can't find in6 device\n");
- return;
- }
-- if (in6_dev->cnf.forwarding || !in6_dev->cnf.accept_ra) {
-- in6_dev_put(in6_dev);
-- return;
-- }
- if (!ndisc_parse_options(opt, optlen, &ndopts)) {
- in6_dev_put(in6_dev);
-@@ -935,7 +949,12 @@ static void ndisc_router_discovery(struc
- "ICMP6 RA: invalid ND option, ignored.\n");
- return;
- }
-+ change_rtr = ndisc_mipv6_ra_rcv(skb, &ndopts);
-+ if (in6_dev->cnf.forwarding || !in6_dev->cnf.accept_ra) {
-+ in6_dev_put(in6_dev);
-+ return;
-+ }
- if (in6_dev->if_flags & IF_RS_SENT) {
- /*
- * flag that an RA was received after an RS was sent
-@@ -963,8 +982,7 @@ static void ndisc_router_discovery(struc
- ip6_del_rt(rt, NULL);
- rt = NULL;
- }
-- if (rt == NULL && lifetime) {
-+ if (rt == NULL && lifetime && change_rtr) {
- ND_PRINTK2("ndisc_rdisc: adding default router\n");
- rt = rt6_add_dflt_router(&skb->nh.ipv6h->saddr, skb->dev);
-@@ -1087,6 +1105,8 @@ out:
- if (rt)
- dst_release(&rt->u.dst);
- in6_dev_put(in6_dev);
-+ ndisc_mipv6_change_router(change_rtr);
- }
- static void ndisc_redirect_rcv(struct sk_buff *skb)
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/raw.c linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/raw.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/raw.c 2003-11-28 18:26:21.000000000 +0000
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/raw.c 2004-06-26 11:29:32.000000000 +0100
-@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
- #include <net/transp_v6.h>
- #include <net/udp.h>
- #include <net/inet_common.h>
-+#include <net/mipglue.h>
- #include <net/rawv6.h>
-@@ -636,6 +637,7 @@ static int rawv6_sendmsg(struct sock *sk
- hdr.daddr = daddr;
- else
- hdr.daddr = NULL;
-+ hdr.daddr = mipv6_get_fake_hdr_daddr(hdr.daddr, daddr);
- err = ip6_build_xmit(sk, rawv6_frag_cksum, &hdr, &fl, len,
- opt, hlimit, msg->msg_flags);
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/route.c linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/route.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/route.c 2004-02-18 13:36:32.000000000 +0000
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/route.c 2004-06-26 11:29:32.000000000 +0100
-@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
- #include <net/addrconf.h>
- #include <net/tcp.h>
- #include <linux/rtnetlink.h>
-+#include <net/mipglue.h>
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
-@@ -363,12 +364,8 @@ static struct rt6_info *rt6_cow(struct r
- rt->u.dst.flags |= DST_HOST;
-- if (rt->rt6i_src.plen && saddr) {
-- ipv6_addr_copy(&rt->rt6i_src.addr, saddr);
-- rt->rt6i_src.plen = 128;
-- }
-+ rt->rt6i_src.plen = ort->rt6i_src.plen;
- #endif
- rt->rt6i_nexthop = ndisc_get_neigh(rt->rt6i_dev, &rt->rt6i_gateway);
- dst_hold(&rt->u.dst);
-@@ -511,14 +508,19 @@ struct dst_entry * ip6_route_output(stru
- struct rt6_info *rt;
- int strict;
- int attempts = 3;
-+ struct in6_addr *saddr;
-+ if (ipv6_chk_addr(fl->nl_u.ip6_u.daddr, NULL))
-+ saddr = NULL;
-+ else
-+ saddr = fl->nl_u.ip6_u.saddr;
- strict = ipv6_addr_type(fl->nl_u.ip6_u.daddr) & (IPV6_ADDR_MULTICAST|IPV6_ADDR_LINKLOCAL);
- relookup:
- read_lock_bh(&rt6_lock);
-- fn = fib6_lookup(&ip6_routing_table, fl->nl_u.ip6_u.daddr,
-- fl->nl_u.ip6_u.saddr);
-+ fn = fib6_lookup(&ip6_routing_table, fl->nl_u.ip6_u.daddr, saddr);
- restart:
- rt = fn->leaf;
-@@ -663,25 +665,6 @@ out:
- return (atomic_read(&ip6_dst_ops.entries) > ip6_rt_max_size);
- }
--/* Clean host part of a prefix. Not necessary in radix tree,
-- but results in cleaner routing tables.
-- Remove it only when all the things will work!
-- */
--static void ipv6_addr_prefix(struct in6_addr *pfx,
-- const struct in6_addr *addr, int plen)
-- int b = plen&0x7;
-- int o = plen>>3;
-- memcpy(pfx->s6_addr, addr, o);
-- if (o < 16)
-- memset(pfx->s6_addr + o, 0, 16 - o);
-- if (b != 0)
-- pfx->s6_addr[o] = addr->s6_addr[o]&(0xff00 >> b);
- static int ipv6_get_mtu(struct net_device *dev)
- {
- int mtu = IPV6_MIN_MTU;
-@@ -810,7 +793,7 @@ int ip6_route_add(struct in6_rtmsg *rtms
- if (!(gwa_type&IPV6_ADDR_UNICAST))
- goto out;
-- grt = rt6_lookup(gw_addr, NULL, rtmsg->rtmsg_ifindex, 1);
-+ grt = rt6_lookup(gw_addr, &rtmsg->rtmsg_src, rtmsg->rtmsg_ifindex, 1);
- if (grt == NULL)
-@@ -848,7 +831,15 @@ int ip6_route_add(struct in6_rtmsg *rtms
- goto out;
- }
- }
-+ /* If destination is mobile node, add special skb->dst->input
-+ * function for proxy ND.
-+ */
-+ if (rtmsg->rtmsg_flags & RTF_MOBILENODE) {
-+ rt->u.dst.input = ip6_mipv6_forward;
-+ }
-+#endif /* CONFIG_IPV6_MOBILITY */
- if (ipv6_addr_is_multicast(&rt->rt6i_dst.addr))
- rt->rt6i_hoplimit = IPV6_DEFAULT_MCASTHOPS;
- else
-@@ -936,7 +927,7 @@ void rt6_redirect(struct in6_addr *dest,
- struct rt6_info *rt, *nrt;
- /* Locate old route to this destination. */
-- rt = rt6_lookup(dest, NULL, neigh->dev->ifindex, 1);
-+ rt = rt6_lookup(dest, saddr, neigh->dev->ifindex, 1);
- if (rt == NULL)
- return;
-@@ -1003,6 +994,9 @@ source_ok:
- nrt = ip6_rt_copy(rt);
- if (nrt == NULL)
- goto out;
-+ nrt->rt6i_src.plen = rt->rt6i_src.plen;
- if (on_link)
-@@ -1104,6 +1098,9 @@ void rt6_pmtu_discovery(struct in6_addr
- nrt = ip6_rt_copy(rt);
- if (nrt == NULL)
- goto out;
-+ nrt->rt6i_src.plen = rt->rt6i_src.plen;
- ipv6_addr_copy(&nrt->rt6i_dst.addr, daddr);
- nrt->rt6i_dst.plen = 128;
- nrt->u.dst.flags |= DST_HOST;
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/tcp_ipv6.c linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/tcp_ipv6.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/tcp_ipv6.c 2003-11-28 18:26:21.000000000 +0000
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/tcp_ipv6.c 2004-06-26 11:29:32.000000000 +0100
-@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
- #include <net/addrconf.h>
- #include <net/ip6_route.h>
- #include <net/inet_ecn.h>
-+#include <net/mipglue.h>
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
-@@ -557,6 +558,7 @@ static int tcp_v6_connect(struct sock *s
- struct flowi fl;
- struct dst_entry *dst;
- int addr_type;
-+ int reroute = 0;
- int err;
- if (addr_len < SIN6_LEN_RFC2133)
-@@ -660,7 +662,7 @@ static int tcp_v6_connect(struct sock *s
- fl.proto = IPPROTO_TCP;
- fl.fl6_dst = &np->daddr;
-- fl.fl6_src = saddr;
-+ fl.fl6_src = saddr;
- fl.oif = sk->bound_dev_if;
- fl.uli_u.ports.dport = usin->sin6_port;
- = sk->sport;
-@@ -669,31 +671,46 @@ static int tcp_v6_connect(struct sock *s
- struct rt0_hdr *rt0 = (struct rt0_hdr *) np->opt->srcrt;
- fl.nl_u.ip6_u.daddr = rt0->addr;
- }
- dst = ip6_route_output(sk, &fl);
-+ reroute = (saddr == NULL);
- if ((err = dst->error) != 0) {
- dst_release(dst);
- goto failure;
- }
-- ip6_dst_store(sk, dst, NULL);
-- sk->route_caps = dst->dev->features&~NETIF_F_IP_CSUM;
-+ if (!reroute) {
-+ ip6_dst_store(sk, dst, NULL, NULL);
-+ sk->route_caps = dst->dev->features&~NETIF_F_IP_CSUM;
-+ }
- if (saddr == NULL) {
- err = ipv6_get_saddr(dst, &np->daddr, &saddr_buf);
-+ if (reroute)
-+ dst_release(dst);
- if (err)
- goto failure;
- saddr = &saddr_buf;
-+ ipv6_addr_copy(&np->rcv_saddr, saddr);
-+ fl.fl6_src = saddr;
-+ dst = ip6_route_output(sk, &fl);
-+ if ((err = dst->error) != 0) {
-+ dst_release(dst);
-+ goto failure;
-+ }
-+ ip6_dst_store(sk, dst, NULL, NULL);
-+ sk->route_caps = dst->dev->features&~NETIF_F_IP_CSUM;
- }
- /* set the source address */
-- ipv6_addr_copy(&np->rcv_saddr, saddr);
- ipv6_addr_copy(&np->saddr, saddr);
- sk->rcv_saddr= LOOPBACK4_IPV6;
-- tp->ext_header_len = 0;
-+ tp->ext_header_len = tcp_v6_get_mipv6_header_len();
- if (np->opt)
- tp->ext_header_len = np->opt->opt_flen+np->opt->opt_nflen;
- tp->mss_clamp = IPV6_MIN_MTU - sizeof(struct tcphdr) - sizeof(struct ipv6hdr);
-@@ -1338,7 +1355,7 @@ static struct sock * tcp_v6_syn_recv_soc
- #endif
-- ip6_dst_store(newsk, dst, NULL);
-+ ip6_dst_store(newsk, dst, NULL, NULL);
- sk->route_caps = dst->dev->features&~NETIF_F_IP_CSUM;
- newtp = &(newsk->tp_pinfo.af_tcp);
-@@ -1383,7 +1400,7 @@ static struct sock * tcp_v6_syn_recv_soc
- sock_kfree_s(sk, opt, opt->tot_len);
- }
-- newtp->ext_header_len = 0;
-+ newtp->ext_header_len = tcp_v6_get_mipv6_header_len();
- if (np->opt)
- newtp->ext_header_len = np->opt->opt_nflen + np->opt->opt_flen;
-@@ -1710,7 +1727,7 @@ static int tcp_v6_rebuild_header(struct
- return err;
- }
-- ip6_dst_store(sk, dst, NULL);
-+ ip6_dst_store(sk, dst, NULL, NULL);
- sk->route_caps = dst->dev->features&~NETIF_F_IP_CSUM;
- }
-@@ -1749,7 +1766,7 @@ static int tcp_v6_xmit(struct sk_buff *s
- return -sk->err_soft;
- }
-- ip6_dst_store(sk, dst, NULL);
-+ ip6_dst_store(sk, dst, NULL, NULL);
- }
- skb->dst = dst_clone(dst);
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/udp.c linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/udp.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/ipv6/udp.c 2004-02-18 13:36:32.000000000 +0000
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/ipv6/udp.c 2004-06-26 11:29:32.000000000 +0100
-@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
- #include <net/ip.h>
- #include <net/udp.h>
- #include <net/inet_common.h>
-+#include <net/mipglue.h>
- #include <net/checksum.h>
-@@ -232,6 +233,7 @@ int udpv6_connect(struct sock *sk, struc
- struct ip6_flowlabel *flowlabel = NULL;
- int addr_type;
- int err;
-+ int reroute = 0;
- if (usin->sin6_family == AF_INET) {
- if (__ipv6_only_sock(sk))
-@@ -331,7 +333,7 @@ ipv4_connected:
- fl.proto = IPPROTO_UDP;
- fl.fl6_dst = &np->daddr;
-- fl.fl6_src = &saddr;
-+ fl.fl6_src = NULL;
- fl.oif = sk->bound_dev_if;
- fl.uli_u.ports.dport = sk->dport;
- = sk->sport;
-@@ -348,29 +350,44 @@ ipv4_connected:
- struct rt0_hdr *rt0 = (struct rt0_hdr *) np->opt->srcrt;
- fl.fl6_dst = rt0->addr;
- }
- dst = ip6_route_output(sk, &fl);
- if ((err = dst->error) != 0) {
- dst_release(dst);
- fl6_sock_release(flowlabel);
-- return err;
-- }
-- ip6_dst_store(sk, dst, fl.fl6_dst);
-+ return err;
-+ }
-+ reroute = (fl.fl6_src == NULL);
- /* get the source adddress used in the apropriate device */
- err = ipv6_get_saddr(dst, daddr, &saddr);
-+ if (reroute)
-+ dst_release(dst);
- if (err == 0) {
-- if(ipv6_addr_any(&np->saddr))
-+ if (reroute) {
-+ fl.fl6_src = &saddr;
-+ dst = ip6_route_output(sk, &fl);
-+ if ((err = dst->error) != 0) {
-+ dst_release(dst);
-+ fl6_sock_release(flowlabel);
-+ return err;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ if(ipv6_addr_any(&np->saddr)) {
- ipv6_addr_copy(&np->saddr, &saddr);
-+ fl.fl6_src = &np->saddr;
-+ }
- if(ipv6_addr_any(&np->rcv_saddr)) {
- ipv6_addr_copy(&np->rcv_saddr, &saddr);
- sk->rcv_saddr = LOOPBACK4_IPV6;
- }
-+ ip6_dst_store(sk, dst, fl.fl6_dst,
-+ fl.fl6_src == &np->saddr ? fl.fl6_src : NULL);
- sk->state = TCP_ESTABLISHED;
- }
- fl6_sock_release(flowlabel);
-@@ -894,6 +911,7 @@ static int udpv6_sendmsg(struct sock *sk
- opt = fl6_merge_options(&opt_space, flowlabel, opt);
- if (opt && opt->srcrt)
- udh.daddr = daddr;
-+ udh.daddr = mipv6_get_fake_hdr_daddr(udh.daddr, daddr);
- udh.uh.source = sk->sport;
- udh.uh.len = len < 0x10000 ? htons(len) : 0;
-diff -uprN linux-2.4.25.old/net/netsyms.c linux-2.4.25/net/netsyms.c
---- linux-2.4.25.old/net/netsyms.c 2003-11-28 18:26:21.000000000 +0000
-+++ linux-2.4.25/net/netsyms.c 2004-06-26 11:29:32.000000000 +0100
-@@ -190,6 +190,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(neigh_sysctl_register);
- #endif
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(pneigh_lookup);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(pneigh_enqueue);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(neigh_destroy);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(neigh_parms_alloc);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(neigh_parms_release);