diff options
-rw-r--r--packages/anthy/anthy-native/native-helpers.patch (renamed from packages/anthy/anthy-native/native-mkanthydic-mkdepgraph.patch)25
-rw-r--r--packages/anthy/ (renamed from packages/anthy/
-rw-r--r--packages/anthy/ (renamed from packages/anthy/
12 files changed, 196 insertions, 124 deletions
diff --git a/conf/machine/cm-x270.conf b/conf/machine/cm-x270.conf
index 0c9578e407..d2c70a0541 100644
--- a/conf/machine/cm-x270.conf
+++ b/conf/machine/cm-x270.conf
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ TARGET_ARCH = "arm"
GUI_MACHINE_CLASS ?= "bigscreen"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel = "linux"
-PREFERRED_VERSION_linux ?= "2.6.24"
PACKAGE_EXTRA_ARCHS = "armv4 armv4t armv5te iwmmxt"
diff --git a/packages/anthy/anthy-native/native-mkanthydic-mkdepgraph.patch b/packages/anthy/anthy-native/native-helpers.patch
index ab7fb42eaa..5746ac18c8 100644
--- a/packages/anthy/anthy-native/native-mkanthydic-mkdepgraph.patch
+++ b/packages/anthy/anthy-native/native-helpers.patch
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+Stage the native anthy helpers mkfiledic, mkdepgraph, mkworddic,
+calctrans and proccorpus.
--- anthy-7811/mkanthydic/ 2006-05-13 18:28:35.000000000 +0900
+++ anthy-7811/mkanthydic/ 2006-06-18 10:56:25.770000000 +0900
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
@@ -29,17 +32,17 @@
-noinst_PROGRAMS = mkworddic
+#noinst_PROGRAMS = mkworddic
+bin_PROGRAMS = mkworddic
- mkworddic_SOURCES = mkdic.c writewords.c mkudic.c mkdic.h
+ mkworddic_SOURCES = mkdic.c writewords.c mkudic.c calcfreq.c mkdic.h
mkworddic_LDADD = ../src-worddic/
+--- anthy-9100e.orig/calctrans/ 2008-05-08 15:04:13.000000000 +0200
++++ anthy-9100e/calctrans/ 2008-05-08 15:04:24.000000000 +0200
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ corpus.3.txt corpus.4.txt corpus.5.txt\
+ corpus_info weak_words
---- anthy-7811/mkmatrix/ 2006-06-18 11:29:52.110000000 +0900
-+++ anthy-7811/mkmatrix/ 2006-06-18 11:32:30.630000000 +0900
-@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
- EXTRA_DIST = dep.sorted
+-noinst_PROGRAMS = calctrans proccorpus
++bin_PROGRAMS = calctrans proccorpus
+ INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/
--noinst_PROGRAMS = mkmatrix
-+#noinst_PROGRAMS = mkmatrix
-+bin_PROGRAMS = mkmatrix
- INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/include
- mkmatrix_LDADD = ../src-worddic/ -lm
- mkmatrix_SOURCES = mkmatrix.c
+ calctrans_SOURCES = calctrans.c input_set.c input_set.h corpus.c
diff --git a/packages/anthy/ b/packages/anthy/
index 38305ddf84..38305ddf84 100644
--- a/packages/anthy/
+++ b/packages/anthy/
diff --git a/packages/anthy/anthy/native-helpers.patch b/packages/anthy/anthy/native-helpers.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d9ed766363
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/anthy/anthy/native-helpers.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+Use native helpers staged by anthy-native.
+Index: anthy-9100e/mkanthydic/
+--- anthy-9100e.orig/mkanthydic/ 2008-05-05 00:36:35.000000000 +0200
++++ anthy-9100e/mkanthydic/ 2008-05-05 00:37:59.000000000 +0200
+@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@
+ CLEANFILES = anthy.dic
+ INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/ -DSRCDIR=\"$(srcdir)\"
+-noinst_PROGRAMS = mkfiledic
+-mkfiledic_SOURCES = mkfiledic.c
+-mkfiledic_LDADD = ../src-diclib/
++#noinst_PROGRAMS = mkfiledic
++#mkfiledic_SOURCES = mkfiledic.c
++#mkfiledic_LDADD = ../src-diclib/
+-anthy.dic : mkfiledic ../mkworddic/anthy.wdic ../depgraph/anthy.dep ../calctrans/anthy.cand_info ../calctrans/anthy.trans_info ../calctrans/anthy.corpus_array ../calctrans/anthy.corpus_bucket
+- ./mkfiledic
++anthy.dic : ../mkworddic/anthy.wdic ../depgraph/anthy.dep ../calctrans/anthy.cand_info ../calctrans/anthy.trans_info ../calctrans/anthy.corpus_array ../calctrans/anthy.corpus_bucket
++ mkfiledic
+ # To install
+Index: anthy-9100e/depgraph/
+--- anthy-9100e.orig/depgraph/ 2008-05-05 00:38:48.000000000 +0200
++++ anthy-9100e/depgraph/ 2008-05-05 00:40:24.000000000 +0200
+@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@
+ EXTRA_DIST = indepword.txt $(DEPWORDS)
+ # Generate the dictionary
+-noinst_PROGRAMS = mkdepgraph
+-mkdepgraph_SOURCES = mkdepgraph.c
+-mkdepgraph_LDADD = ../src-main/ ../src-worddic/
++#noinst_PROGRAMS = mkdepgraph
++#mkdepgraph_SOURCES = mkdepgraph.c
++#mkdepgraph_LDADD = ../src-main/ ../src-worddic/
+-anthy.dep : mkdepgraph
+- ./mkdepgraph
++anthy.dep :
++ mkdepgraph
+ noinst_DATA = anthy.dep
+Index: anthy-9100e/mkworddic/
+--- anthy-9100e.orig/mkworddic/ 2008-05-05 00:40:57.000000000 +0200
++++ anthy-9100e/mkworddic/ 2008-05-05 00:41:52.000000000 +0200
+@@ -16,14 +16,14 @@
+ udict
+ # Generate the dictionary
+-noinst_PROGRAMS = mkworddic
+-mkworddic_SOURCES = mkdic.c writewords.c mkudic.c calcfreq.c mkdic.h
+-mkworddic_LDADD = ../src-worddic/
++#noinst_PROGRAMS = mkworddic
++#mkworddic_SOURCES = mkdic.c writewords.c mkudic.c calcfreq.c mkdic.h
++#mkworddic_LDADD = ../src-worddic/
+ noinst_DATA = anthy.wdic
+-anthy.wdic : mkworddic
+- ./mkworddic -f ./dict.args
++anthy.wdic :
++ mkworddic -f ./dict.args
+ # To install
+Index: anthy-9100e/calctrans/
+--- anthy-9100e.orig/calctrans/ 2008-05-08 15:05:18.000000000 +0200
++++ anthy-9100e/calctrans/ 2008-05-08 15:10:40.000000000 +0200
+@@ -15,31 +15,31 @@
+ update_params:
+ rm -f parsed_data2
+- ./proccorpus $(srcdir)/corpus.?.txt > parsed_data
+- ./calctrans parsed_data -o $(srcdir)/corpus_info
+- ./calctrans parsed_data -e -o $(srcdir)/weak_words
++ proccorpus $(srcdir)/corpus.?.txt > parsed_data
++ calctrans parsed_data -o $(srcdir)/corpus_info
++ calctrans parsed_data -e -o $(srcdir)/weak_words
+ make do_update_params
+ update_params0:
+ rm -f parsed_data2
+- ./proccorpus $(srcdir)/corpus.0.txt > parsed_data
+- ./calctrans parsed_data -o $(srcdir)/corpus_info
+- ./calctrans parsed_data -e -o $(srcdir)/weak_words
++ proccorpus $(srcdir)/corpus.0.txt > parsed_data
++ calctrans parsed_data -o $(srcdir)/corpus_info
++ calctrans parsed_data -e -o $(srcdir)/weak_words
+ make do_update_params
+ update_params2:
+- ./proccorpus $(srcdir)/corpus.?.txt >> parsed_data2
+- ./calctrans parsed_data parsed_data2 -o $(srcdir)/corpus_info
+- ./calctrans parsed_data parsed_data2 -e -o $(srcdir)/weak_words
++ proccorpus $(srcdir)/corpus.?.txt >> parsed_data2
++ calctrans parsed_data parsed_data2 -o $(srcdir)/corpus_info
++ calctrans parsed_data parsed_data2 -e -o $(srcdir)/weak_words
+ make do_update_params
+ do_update_params:
+- ./calctrans -c $(srcdir)/corpus_info
++ calctrans -c $(srcdir)/corpus_info
+ rm -f $(dict_source_files)
+ make $(dict_source_files)
+-$(dict_source_files): $(srcdir)/corpus_info $(srcdir)/weak_words calctrans
+- ./calctrans -c $(srcdir)/corpus_info $(srcdir)/weak_words
++$(dict_source_files): $(srcdir)/corpus_info $(srcdir)/weak_words
++ calctrans -c $(srcdir)/corpus_info $(srcdir)/weak_words
+ noinst_DATA = $(dict_source_files)
+ CLEANFILES = $(dict_source_files) parsed_data parsed_data2 anthy.feature_info
diff --git a/packages/anthy/anthy/native-mkanthydic-mkdepgraph.patch b/packages/anthy/anthy/native-mkanthydic-mkdepgraph.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 86e6513d13..0000000000
--- a/packages/anthy/anthy/native-mkanthydic-mkdepgraph.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
---- anthy-7811/mkanthydic/ 2006-05-13 18:28:35.000000000 +0900
-+++ anthy-7811/mkanthydic/ 2006-06-18 11:07:19.080000000 +0900
-@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@
- CLEANFILES = anthy.dic
- INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/include -DSRCDIR=\"$(srcdir)\"
--noinst_PROGRAMS = mkfiledic
--mkfiledic_SOURCES = mkfiledic.c
--mkfiledic_LDADD = ../src-diclib/
-+#noinst_PROGRAMS = mkfiledic
-+#mkfiledic_SOURCES = mkfiledic.c
-+#mkfiledic_LDADD = ../src-diclib/
--anthy.dic : mkfiledic ../mkworddic/anthy.wdic ../depgraph/anthy.dep
-- ./mkfiledic
-+anthy.dic : ../mkworddic/anthy.wdic ../depgraph/anthy.dep
-+ mkfiledic
- # To install
---- anthy-7811/depgraph/ 2006-06-02 00:20:54.000000000 +0900
-+++ anthy-7811/depgraph/ 2006-06-18 11:08:13.350000000 +0900
-@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@
- EXTRA_DIST = indepword.txt $(DEPWORDS)
- # Generate the dictionary
--noinst_PROGRAMS = mkdepgraph
--mkdepgraph_SOURCES = mkdepgraph.c
--mkdepgraph_LDADD = ../src-main/ ../src-worddic/
-+#noinst_PROGRAMS = mkdepgraph
-+#mkdepgraph_SOURCES = mkdepgraph.c
-+#mkdepgraph_LDADD = ../src-main/ ../src-worddic/
--anthy.dep : mkdepgraph
-- ./mkdepgraph
-+anthy.dep :
-+ mkdepgraph
- noinst_DATA = anthy.dep
---- anthy-7811/mkworddic/ 2006-05-13 18:29:07.000000000 +0900
-+++ anthy-7811/mkworddic/ 2006-06-18 11:18:35.810000000 +0900
-@@ -16,14 +16,14 @@
- udict
- # Generate the dictionary
--noinst_PROGRAMS = mkworddic
--mkworddic_SOURCES = mkdic.c writewords.c mkudic.c mkdic.h
--mkworddic_LDADD = ../src-worddic/
-+#noinst_PROGRAMS = mkworddic
-+#mkworddic_SOURCES = mkdic.c writewords.c mkudic.c mkdic.h
-+#mkworddic_LDADD = ../src-worddic/
- noinst_DATA = anthy.wdic
--anthy.wdic : mkworddic
-- ./mkworddic -f ./dict.args
-+anthy.wdic :
-+ mkworddic -f ./dict.args
- # To install
---- anthy-7811/mkmatrix/ 2006-06-02 00:19:41.000000000 +0900
-+++ anthy-7811/mkmatrix/ 2006-06-18 11:31:37.250000000 +0900
-@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
- EXTRA_DIST = dep.sorted
--noinst_PROGRAMS = mkmatrix
--INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/include
--mkmatrix_LDADD = ../src-worddic/ -lm
--mkmatrix_SOURCES = mkmatrix.c
-+#noinst_PROGRAMS = mkmatrix
-+#INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/include
-+#mkmatrix_LDADD = ../src-worddic/ -lm
-+#mkmatrix_SOURCES = mkmatrix.c
- noinst_DATA = matrix
- CLEANFILES = matrix
--matrix : mkmatrix $(top_srcdir)/mkmatrix/dep.sorted
-- ./mkmatrix $(top_srcdir)/mkmatrix/dep.sorted -o matrix
-+matrix : $(top_srcdir)/mkmatrix/dep.sorted
-+ mkmatrix $(top_srcdir)/mkmatrix/dep.sorted -o matrix
diff --git a/packages/anthy/ b/packages/anthy/
index 9f5bf8d1e6..3b4b930211 100644
--- a/packages/anthy/
+++ b/packages/anthy/
@@ -1,25 +1,23 @@
DESCRIPTION = "A Japanese input method"
+DESCRIPTION_anthy = "A Japanese input method (backend, dictionary and utility)"
+DESCRIPTION_libanthy0 = "Anthy runtime library"
+DESCRIPTION_libanthy-dev = "Anthy static library, headers and documets for developers"
AUTHOR = "Anthy Developers <>"
+SECTION = "inputmethods"
+SECTION_libanthy0 = "libs/inputmethods"
+SECTION_libanthy-dev = "devel/libs"
DEPENDS = "anthy-native"
-SECTION = "inputmethods"
-PR = "r2"
+PR = "r3"
-SRC_URI = " \
- file://not_build_elc.patch;patch=1 \
- file://2ch_t.patch;patch=1 \
- file://change_anthy_dic_path.patch;patch=1 \
- file://native-mkanthydic-mkdepgraph.patch;patch=1"
+SRC_URI = " \
+ file://not_build_elc.patch;patch=1 \
+ file://2ch_t.patch;patch=1 \
+ file://native-helpers.patch;patch=1"
inherit autotools pkgconfig
-DESCRIPTION_anthy = "A Japanese input method (backend, dictionary and utility)"
-DESCRIPTION_libanthy0 = "Anthy runtime library"
-DESCRIPTION_libanthy-dev = "Anthy static library, headers and documets for developers"
-SECTION_libanthy0 = "libs/inputmethods"
-SECTION_libanthy-dev = "devel/libs"
# gettext
diff --git a/packages/anthy/files/change_anthy_dic_path.patch b/packages/anthy/files/change_anthy_dic_path.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ea80a6390..0000000000
--- a/packages/anthy/files/change_anthy_dic_path.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
---- anthy-7811/ 2006-05-13 18:27:50.000000000 +0900
-+++ anthy-7811/ 2006-06-18 19:23:59.890000000 +0900
-@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- # not /usr but should be ${prefix}/share.
--ANTHYDIR @prefix@/share/anthy/
--DIC_FILE @prefix@/share/anthy/anthy.dic
-+ANTHYDIR /usr/share/anthy/
-+DIC_FILE /usr/share/anthy/anthy.dic
- INDEPWORD indepword.txt
- DEPWORD master.depword
--ZIPDICT_EUC @prefix@/share/anthy/zipcode.t
-+ZIPDICT_EUC /usr/share/anthy/zipcode.t
- WORDS_FILE /usr/share/dict/words
diff --git a/packages/linux/ b/packages/linux/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c55cf1578f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/linux/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+SECTION = "kernel"
+DESCRIPTION = "JLime Linux kernel for SuperH based Jornada 6xx"
+PR = "r0"
+COMPATIBLE_HOST = "sh.*-linux"
+#COMPATIBLE_MACHINE = "jornada6xx"
+SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=git;branch=v2.6.25-stable"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
+inherit kernel
+#Lets let 3.4.x handle the compilation of this one
+ARCH = "sh"
+FILES_kernel-image = "/boot/${KERNEL_IMAGETYPE}*"
+do_configure_prepend() {
+ install -m 0644 ${S}/config-hp6xx-2.6.25 ${S}/.config
+do_deploy() {
+ install -d ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}
+ install -m 0644 arch/${ARCH}/boot/${KERNEL_IMAGETYPE} ${DEPLOY_DIR}/images/${KERNEL_IMAGETYPE}
diff --git a/packages/linux/ b/packages/linux/
index 2dac82fdd5..13f767c56b 100644
--- a/packages/linux/
+++ b/packages/linux/
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ require
# Mark archs/machines that this kernel supports
DEFAULT_PREFERENCE_gesbc-9302 = "1"
-DEFAULT_PREFERENCE_cm-x270 = "-1"
DEFAULT_PREFERENCE_mpc8313e-rdb = "1"
diff --git a/packages/linux/ b/packages/linux/
index 0b16209b5e..aea1347767 100644
--- a/packages/linux/
+++ b/packages/linux/
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ SRC_URI_append_cm-x270 = " \
CMDLINE_cm-x270 = "console=${CMX270_CONSOLE_SERIAL_PORT},38400 monitor=1 mem=64M mtdparts=physmap-flash.0:256k(boot)ro,0x180000(kernel),-(root);cm-x270-nand:64m(app),-(data) rdinit=/sbin/init root=mtd3 rootfstype=jffs2"
+FILES_kernel-image_cm-x270 = ""
python do_compulab_image() {
import os
import os.path
diff --git a/packages/uclibc/files/arm_fix_alignment.patch b/packages/uclibc/files/arm_fix_alignment.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3a059021a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/uclibc/files/arm_fix_alignment.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ARMV5 can use STRD and LDRD access instructions but these accesses need to be
+8 byte aligned. The dynamic linker's malloc needs to match this so structures
+become 8 byte aligned to void unaligned accesses.
+RP - 14/02/2008
+Index: uClibc-0.9.29/ldso/ldso/arm/dl-sysdep.h
+--- uClibc-0.9.29.orig/ldso/ldso/arm/dl-sysdep.h 2008-02-14 00:58:12.000000000 +0000
++++ uClibc-0.9.29/ldso/ldso/arm/dl-sysdep.h 2008-02-14 00:59:19.000000000 +0000
+@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
+ GOT_BASE[1] = (unsigned long) MODULE; \
+ }
++#define DL_MALLOC_ALIGN 8 /* EABI needs 8 byte alignment for STRD LDRD*/
+ static inline unsigned long arm_modulus(unsigned long m, unsigned long p)
+ {
+ unsigned long i,t,inc;
diff --git a/packages/uclibc/ b/packages/uclibc/
index 4711bc9e9d..92181b2815 100644
--- a/packages/uclibc/
+++ b/packages/uclibc/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
UCLIBC_BASE ?= "0.9.29"
-PR = "r7"
+PR = "r9"
#DEFAULT_PREFERENCE is 0 (empty), releases have a preference of 1 so take
# precedence.
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ SRC_URI += "svn://;module=uClibc \
file://uclibc-arm-ftruncate64.patch;patch=1 \
file://errno_values.h.patch;patch=1 \
file://build_wcs_upper_buffer.patch;patch=1 \
+ file://arm_fix_alignment.patch;patch=1 \
+ file://unistd_arm.patch;patch=1 \
S = "${WORKDIR}/uClibc"