path: root/recipes/busybox/
diff options
authorStefan Schmidt <>2009-03-23 11:45:40 +0100
committerStefan Schmidt <>2009-03-23 11:45:40 +0100
commit451b1c687105655a4f2c9c477b05535041e25060 (patch)
tree3db315590172cd6244107a97a6603add934d7e32 /recipes/busybox/
parent6767ca50430e37cdad0a8992b73c3f82ead134bf (diff)
parente2b99b79f516a7466dc050902cee62f39869bf9d (diff)
Merge branch '' of into
Diffstat (limited to 'recipes/busybox/')
1 files changed, 196 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/recipes/busybox/ b/recipes/busybox/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cb8eb53216
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes/busybox/
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+DESCRIPTION = "BusyBox combines tiny versions of many common UNIX utilities into a single \
+small executable. It provides minimalist replacements for most of the \
+utilities you usually find in GNU fileutils, shellutils, etc. The utilities \
+in BusyBox generally have fewer options than their full-featured GNU \
+cousins; however, the options that are included provide the expected \
+functionality and behave very much like their GNU counterparts. BusyBox \
+provides a fairly complete POSIX environment for any small or embedded \
+SECTION = "base"
+PRIORITY = "required"
+SRC_URI = "\
+${PV}.tar.gz \
+ file://busybox-cron \
+ file://busybox-httpd \
+ file://busybox-udhcpd \
+ file://default.script \
+ file://dhcp-hostname.patch;patch=1 \
+ file:// \
+ file://ifupdown-spurious-environ.patch;patch=1 \
+ file://mount.busybox \
+ file://syslog \
+ file://syslog.conf \
+ file://udhcpscript.patch;patch=1 \
+ file://umount.busybox \
+SRC_URI_append_nylon = " file://xargs-double-size.patch;patch=1"
+export EXTRA_CFLAGS = "${CFLAGS}"
+PACKAGES =+ "${PN}-httpd ${PN}-udhcpd"
+# We need this RRECOMMENDS because libc dlopens libgcc
+# and shlib mechanism can not detect it because its not
+# listed in the NEEDED field.
+RRECOMMENDS += "libgcc"
+FILES_${PN}-httpd = "${sysconfdir}/init.d/busybox-httpd /srv/www"
+FILES_${PN}-udhcpd = "${sysconfdir}/init.d/busybox-udhcpd"
+FILES_${PN} += "${datadir}/udhcpc"
+INITSCRIPT_PACKAGES = "${PN} ${PN}-httpd ${PN}-udhcpd"
+INITSCRIPT_NAME_${PN}-httpd = "busybox-httpd"
+INITSCRIPT_NAME_${PN}-udhcpd = "busybox-udhcpd"
+INITSCRIPT_NAME_${PN} = "syslog"
+CONFFILES_${PN} = "${sysconfdir}/syslog.conf"
+# This disables the syslog startup links in slugos (see slugos-init)
+INITSCRIPT_PARAMS_${PN}_slugos = "start 20 ."
+# Use gcc for linking so LDFLAGS actually makes sense
+LD = "${CC} -nostdlib"
+inherit cml1 update-rc.d
+do_compile() {
+ base_do_compile
+do_install () {
+ oe_runmake busybox.links
+ if [ "x${layout_prefix}" = "x" ]; then
+ sed 's:^/usr/:/:' < busybox.links >
+ mv busybox.links
+ elif [ "${layout_prefix}" != "/usr" ]; then
+ echo "warning, busybox.links will lose with this prefix"
+ fi
+ install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
+ oe_runmake "PREFIX=${D}" install
+ cp -pPR ${S}/_install/* ${D}/
+ # Move everything to /busybox (not supposed to end up in any package)
+ install -d ${D}/busybox
+ ls ${D} -R
+ for i in ${D}${base_bindir} ${D}${base_sbindir} ${D}${prefix} ; do
+ if [ -d $i ]; then
+ cp -dPr $i ${D}/busybox/
+ fi
+ done
+ # Move the busybox binary back to /bin
+ install -d ${D}${base_bindir}
+ mv ${D}/busybox${base_bindir}/busybox ${D}${base_bindir}/
+ # Move back the sh symlink
+ test -h ${D}/busybox${base_bindir}/sh && mv ${D}/busybox${base_bindir}/sh ${D}${base_bindir}/
+ install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/syslog ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/
+ install -m 644 ${WORKDIR}/syslog.conf ${D}${sysconfdir}/
+ if grep "CONFIG_CROND=y" ${WORKDIR}/defconfig; then
+ # Move crond back to /usr/sbin/crond
+ install -d ${D}${sbindir}
+ mv ${D}/busybox${sbindir}/crond ${D}${sbindir}/
+ install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/busybox-cron ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/
+ fi
+ if grep "CONFIG_HTTPD=y" ${WORKDIR}/defconfig; then
+ # Move httpd back to /usr/sbin/httpd
+ install -d ${D}${sbindir}
+ mv ${D}/busybox${sbindir}/httpd ${D}${sbindir}/
+ install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/busybox-httpd ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/
+ install -d ${D}/srv/www
+ fi
+ if grep "CONFIG_APP_UDHCPD=y" ${WORKDIR}/defconfig; then
+ # Move udhcpd back to /usr/sbin/udhcpd
+ install -d ${D}${sbindir}
+ mv ${D}/busybox${sbindir}/udhcpd ${D}${sbindir}/
+ install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/busybox-udhcpd ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/
+ fi
+ if grep "CONFIG_HWCLOCK=y" ${WORKDIR}/defconfig; then
+ # Move hwclock back to /sbin/hwclock
+ install -d ${D}${base_sbindir}
+ mv ${D}/busybox${base_sbindir}/hwclock ${D}${base_sbindir}/
+ install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/ ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/
+ fi
+ if grep "CONFIG_APP_UDHCPC=y" ${WORKDIR}/defconfig; then
+ # Move dhcpc back to /usr/sbin/udhcpc
+ install -d ${D}${base_sbindir}
+ mv ${D}/busybox${base_sbindir}/udhcpc ${D}${base_sbindir}/
+ install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/udhcpc.d
+ install -d ${D}${datadir}/udhcpc
+ install -m 0755 ${S}/examples/udhcp/simple.script ${D}${sysconfdir}/udhcpc.d/50default
+ install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/default.script ${D}${datadir}/udhcpc/default.script
+ fi
+ if grep "CONFIG_FEATURE_MOUNT_FSTAB=y" ${WORKDIR}/defconfig; then
+ install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/default
+ install -m 644 ${WORKDIR}/mountall ${D}${sysconfdir}/default/
+ fi
+ install -m 0644 ${S}/busybox.links ${D}${sysconfdir}
+pkg_postinst_${PN} () {
+ # If we are not making an image we create links for the utilities that doesn't exist
+ # so the update-alternatives script will get the utilities it needs
+ # (update-alternatives have no problem replacing links later anyway)
+ test -n 2> /dev/null || alias test='busybox test'
+ if test "x$D" = "x"; then while read link; do if test ! -h "$link"; then case "$link" in /*/*/*) to="../../bin/busybox";; /bin/*) to="busybox";; /*/*) to="../bin/busybox";; esac; busybox ln -s $to $link; fi; done </etc/busybox.links; fi
+ # This adds the links, remember that this has to work when building an image too, hence the $D
+ while read link; do case "$link" in /*/*/*) to="../../bin/busybox";; /bin/*) to="busybox";; /*/*) to="../bin/busybox";; esac; bn=`basename $link`; update-alternatives --install $link $bn $to 50; done <$D/etc/busybox.links
+pkg_prerm_${PN} () {
+ # This is so you can make busybox commit suicide - removing busybox with no other packages
+ # providing its files, this will make update-alternatives work, but the update-rc.d part
+ # for syslog, httpd and/or udhcpd will fail if there is no other package providing sh
+ tmpdir=`mktemp -d /tmp/busyboxrm-XXXXXX`
+ ln -s /bin/busybox $tmpdir/[
+ ln -s /bin/busybox $tmpdir/test
+ ln -s /bin/busybox $tmpdir/head
+ ln -s /bin/busybox $tmpdir/sh
+ ln -s /bin/busybox $tmpdir/basename
+ ln -s /bin/busybox $tmpdir/echo
+ ln -s /bin/busybox $tmpdir/mv
+ ln -s /bin/busybox $tmpdir/ln
+ ln -s /bin/busybox $tmpdir/dirname
+ ln -s /bin/busybox $tmpdir/rm
+ ln -s /bin/busybox $tmpdir/sed
+ ln -s /bin/busybox $tmpdir/sort
+ export PATH=$PATH:$tmpdir
+ while read link
+ do
+ case "$link" in
+ /*/*/*) to="../../bin/busybox";;
+ /bin/*) to="busybox";;
+ /*/*) to="../bin/busybox";;
+ esac
+ bn=`basename $link`
+ sh /usr/bin/update-alternatives --remove $bn $to
+ done </etc/busybox.links
+PACKAGES =+ "${PN}-mdev"
+FILES_${PN}-mdev = "${sysconfdir}/mdev ${sysconfdir}/mdev.conf ${sysconfdir}/init.d/mdev"
+RDEPENDS_${PN}-mdev += "${PN}"
+pkg_postinst_${PN}-mdev() {
+if test "x$D" != "x"; then
+ OPT="-r $D"
+ OPT="-s"
+ update-rc.d $OPT mdev start 06 S .