path: root/packages/altboot
diff options
authorMatthias Hentges <>2005-08-08 14:48:34 +0000
committerOpenEmbedded Project <>2005-08-08 14:48:34 +0000
commit9fb2641bccd42f1000029d6829c8233de5233fe4 (patch)
treed84f13da32cd7e8fbec04449ca83a035c2426e3e /packages/altboot
parent0cf79f14c5f5d467826883fd260adc3d5f433180 (diff)
altboot: Add 'Copy rootfs to SD/CF' menuitem. *NEEDS DEBUGGING*. Deactivated for now.
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/altboot')
2 files changed, 326 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/packages/altboot/files/altboot-menu/Advanced/80-copyrootfs b/packages/altboot/files/altboot-menu/Advanced/80-copyrootfs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bac366303c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/altboot/files/altboot-menu/Advanced/80-copyrootfs
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+# !/bin/sh
+M_TITLE="Copy rootfs to SD/CF"
+exit 0
+die() {
+ echo "ERROR: $1" >/dev/tty0
+ exec $SH_SHELL </dev/tty0 >/dev/tty0 2>&1
+ask_target() {
+ available_disks="`mount | grep "/media" | grep -v ram | awk '{print $3}'`"
+ if test -z "$available_disks"
+ then
+ die "No mounted targets found!"
+ fi
+ cnt=1
+ for d in $available_disks
+ do
+ echo -e "\t[$cnt] $d"
+ let cnt=$cnt+1
+ done
+ while test -z "$ROOTFS_TARGET"
+ do
+ echo -n "Target: "
+ read junk </dev/tty1
+ x=1
+ for d in $available_disks
+ do
+ if test "$junk" = "$x"
+ then
+ break
+ fi
+ let x=$x+1
+ done
+ done
+ ROOTFS_TARGET_DEV="`mount | grep "$ROOTFS_TARGET " | awk '{print $1}'`"
+ ROOTFS_TARGET_FS="`mount | grep "$ROOTFS_TARGET " | awk '{print $5}'`"
+ echo "Using [$ROOTFS_TARGET] on [$ROOTFS_TARGET_DEV] with [$ROOTFS_TARGET_FS] filesystem"
+ask_format() {
+ if test "$ROOTFS_TARGET_FS" != ext2
+ then
+ echo -e "\nYou are not using the ext2 filesystem on your target.\nYou now have two choices:"
+ echo -e "\t[1] Reformat to ext2"
+ echo -e "\t[2] Use an image-file ontop of the existing filesystem"
+ while true
+ do
+ echo -n "Your choice: "
+ read junk </dev/tty1
+ case "$junk" in
+ break ;;
+ break ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ echo "Mode: [$ROOTFS_TARGET_TYPE]"
+ else
+ echo -e "\nYou are using the ext2 filesystem on your target.\nYou now have two choices:"
+ echo -e "\t[1] Install to the target directly"
+ echo -e "\t[2] Use an image-file ontop of the existing filesystem\n"
+ while true
+ do
+ echo -n "Your choice: "
+ read junk </dev/tty1
+ case "$junk" in
+ 1) ROOTFS_TARGET_TYPE="direct"
+ break ;;
+ break ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ echo "Mode: [$ROOTFS_TARGET_TYPE]"
+ fi
+ask_confirm() {
+ echo -e "\nYour choices are:"
+ echo -e "\tTarget:\t$ROOTFS_TARGET_DEV (currently mounted as $ROOTFS_TARGET)"
+ direct) echo -e "\tType:\t${C_RED}direct install, reformat if required${C_RESET}";;
+ image) echo -e "\tType:\tinstall into image-file";;
+ esac
+ while true
+ do
+ echo -n "Continue? [y|n] "
+ read junk </dev/tty1
+ case "$junk" in
+ y) break ;;
+ n) exit 1
+ esac
+ done
+direct_install() {
+ format_target
+ echo -n "Creating temporary directory..."
+ mkdir -p /media/temp && echo ok || die "mkdir -p /media/temp failed!"
+ echo -n "Mounting [$ROOTFS_TARGET_DEV] as /media/temp..."
+ mount "$ROOTFS_TARGET_DEV" /media/temp && echo "ok" || die "mount "$ROOTFS_TARGET_DEV" /media/temp FAILED"
+ copy_files
+format_target() {
+ echo -e "\n\nI'm about to format your target ($ROOTFS_TARGET_DEV) to the ext2 filesystem\n"
+ while true
+ do
+ echo -n "Continue? [y|n] "
+ read junk </dev/tty1
+ case "$junk" in
+ y) break ;;
+ n) die "User aborted mkfs"
+ break ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ echo -n "Umounting $ROOTFS_TARGET_DEV..."
+ umount "$ROOTFS_TARGET_DEV" && echo "ok" || die "umount $ROOTFS_TARGET_DEV failed!"
+ echo "Formatting..."
+ /sbin/mkfs.ext2 -m0 "$ROOTFS_TARGET_DEV" && echo -e "\nmkfs.ext2 finished" || die "\nmkfs.ext2 FAILED"
+ }
+image_install() {
+ flash_size="` df -h | grep "/"$| awk '{print $3}'| sed s/M//`"
+ echo -e "\nHow many MB do you want to configure for the image file?"
+ echo -e "It is generally a good idea to use 2.5x the used flash size ($flash_size)\n"
+ while test -z "$ROOTFS_IMAGE_SIZE"
+ do
+ echo -n "Size in MegaBytes: "
+ read junk
+ # test fails if $junk isn't a number
+ if test "$junk" -gt 0 >/dev/null 2>&1
+ then
+ echo -n "Use [$junk]MB? [y|n] "
+ read junk2
+ if test "$junk2" = y
+ then
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ echo -e "\nPlease enter a name for the image file."
+ echo "The name must _not_ contain whitespaces or the '-' sign."
+ while test -z "$ROOTFS_IMAGE_NAME"
+ do
+ echo -n "File name: "
+ read junk
+ if ! test -z "$junk"
+ then
+ echo -n "Use [$junk] as image name? [y|n] "
+ read junk2
+ if test "$junk2" = y
+ then
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ echo -e "\nDo you want to format [$ROOTFS_TARGET_DEV] to the ext2 filesystem?"
+ while true
+ do
+ echo -n "Format to ext2? [y|n] "
+ read junk
+ case "$junk" in
+ y) format_target
+ break ;;
+ n) break ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ /etc/init.d/devices start
+ echo -en "\nCreating image file [$ROOTFS_TARGET/$IMAGE_PATH/$ROOTFS_IMAGE_NAME-rootfs.bin] (${ROOTFS_IMAGE_SIZE}MB)..."
+ dd if=/dev/zero of="$ROOTFS_TARGET/$IMAGE_PATH/$ROOTFS_IMAGE_NAME-rootfs.bin" bs=1024k count=$ROOTFS_IMAGE_SIZE >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo ok || die "FAILED"
+ losetup /dev/loop1 "$ROOTFS_TARGET/$IMAGE_PATH/$ROOTFS_IMAGE_NAME-rootfs.bin"
+ echo -n "Creating filesystem..."
+ mkfs.ext2 -m0 /dev/loop1 >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo ok || die FAILED
+ mkdir -p /media/temp
+ mount /dev/loop1 /media/temp || die "mount /dev/loop1 /media/temo FAILED!"
+ copy_files
+copy_files() {
+ echo -e "\nCopying files..."
+ exclude_list="tmp sys proc var dev media root"
+ mkdir_list="var proc sys dev media/card media/cf /media/hdd"
+ if (cat /etc/fstab | grep -q "/home")
+ then
+ echo "Note: /home appears to be mounted on a different flash partition: not copying /home"
+ exclude_list="$exclude_list home"
+ mkdir_list="$mkdir_list home/root"
+ fi
+ source_dirs="`ls -1 /`"
+ echo -n "Excluding ["
+ for d in $exclude_list
+ do
+ echo -n "$d "
+ source_dirs="`echo "$source_dirs" | grep -v "$d"`"
+ done
+ echo "] from copy"
+ cd /
+ for dir in $source_dirs
+ do
+ if test -d "$dir"
+ then
+ echo -n "Copying [$dir]..."
+ cp -a $dir /media/temp && echo ok || echo FAILED
+ fi
+ done
+ for dir in $mkdir_list
+ do
+ mkdir -p /media/temp/$dir
+ done
+ rm /media/temp/etc/rcS.s/S39sd
+run_module() {
+ test -e /etc/altboot.func && . /etc/altboot.func || die "ERROR: /etc/altboot.func not found. Check your installation!"
+ echo -e "${C_RED}* * * * * WARNING * * * * *${C_RESET}"
+ echo -e "${C_RED}Continueing will delete the content of the selected target device.\nTHIS IS NO JOKE. If you do now know what this menu-item does, exit NOW${C_RESET}"
+ mount -o remount,rw /
+ while true
+ do
+ echo -en "\nContinue? [y|n] "
+ read junk </dev/tty1
+ if test "$junk" = n
+ then
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ if test "$junk" = y
+ then
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+# echo -n "Trying to activate PCMCIA..."
+# cardmgr -o >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo ok || echo "FAILED"
+# echo -n "Trying to mount SD card..."
+# /etc/init.d/sd start >/dev/null 2>&1
+# sleep 3
+# /etc/sdcontrol insert >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo ok || echo "FAILED"
+ #exit 0
+ echo -e "\nPlease select the target device:"
+ ask_target
+ # Sets ROOTFS_TARGET_TYPE ([direct | image]
+ ask_format
+ # Ask confirmation
+ ask_confirm
+ direct) direct_install;;
+ image) image_install;;
+ esac
+case "$1" in
+title) echo "$M_TITLE";;
+run) run_module;;
diff --git a/packages/altboot/files/init.altboot b/packages/altboot/files/init.altboot
index d9443c568e..57560b8326 100644
--- a/packages/altboot/files/init.altboot
+++ b/packages/altboot/files/init.altboot
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ else
# Execute scripts in /etc/altboot.rc before doing anything else.
# Required for special situations, like booting spitz
- for file in `ls -1 /etc/altboot.rc/*.sh`
+ for file in `ls -1 /etc/altboot.rc/*.sh` >/dev/null 2>&1
. $file >/dev/tty1 2>&1 || echo "/etc/altboot.rc/$file failed!"