path: root/classes/image.bbclass
diff options
authorLeon Woestenberg <>2007-01-02 00:04:48 +0000
committerLeon Woestenberg <>2007-01-02 00:04:48 +0000
commit49377b6bf81825481bb3c949520b7819af605bad (patch)
tree1a343f738e97f2b9f8929b7f48c81fe567fb69d4 /classes/image.bbclass
parent49168b1bd065468e41c98b5c294be98dc90f533e (diff)
parent8d7a61dba67097e2b57ee4be1a531a7e3fd2153e (diff)
merge of '132be09ee353f798eadc984f8f09e27e68180850'
and 'c0e1d74b2a331789caaf72b458b57924d21c7da3'
Diffstat (limited to 'classes/image.bbclass')
1 files changed, 167 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/classes/image.bbclass b/classes/image.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bcf9bef13c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/image.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+inherit rootfs_${IMAGE_PKGTYPE}
+# We need to recursively follow RDEPENDS and RRECOMMENDS for images
+do_rootfs[recrdeptask] = "do_package_write"
+# Images are generally built explicitly, do not need to be part of world.
+USE_DEVFS ?= "0"
+PID = "${@os.getpid()}"
+DEPENDS += "makedevs-native"
+def get_image_deps(d):
+ import bb
+ str = ""
+ for type in ('IMAGE_FSTYPES', d, 1) or "").split():
+ deps ='IMAGE_DEPENDS_%s' % type, d) or ""
+ if deps:
+ str += " %s" % deps
+ return str
+DEPENDS += "${@get_image_deps(d)}"
+# Get a list of files containing device tables to create.
+# * IMAGE_DEVICE_TABLE is the old name to an absolute path to a device table file
+# * IMAGE_DEVICE_TABLES is a new name for a file, or list of files, seached
+# for in the BBPATH
+# If neither are specified then the default name of files/device_table-minimal.txt
+# is searched for in the BBPATH (same as the old version.)
+def get_devtable_list(d):
+ import bb
+ devtable ='IMAGE_DEVICE_TABLE', d, 1)
+ if devtable != None:
+ return devtable
+ str = ""
+ devtables ='IMAGE_DEVICE_TABLES', d, 1)
+ if devtables == None:
+ devtables = 'files/device_table-minimal.txt'
+ for devtable in devtables.split():
+ str += " %s" % bb.which('BBPATH', d, 1), devtable)
+ return str
+# some default locales
+IMAGE_LINGUAS ?= "de-de fr-fr en-gb"
+LINGUAS_INSTALL = "${@" ".join(map(lambda s: "locale-base-%s" % s,'IMAGE_LINGUAS', d, 1).split()))}"
+do_rootfs[nostamp] = "1"
+do_rootfs[dirs] = "${TOPDIR}"
+do_build[nostamp] = "1"
+# Must call real_do_rootfs() from inside here, rather than as a separate
+# task, so that we have a single fakeroot context for the whole process.
+fakeroot do_rootfs () {
+ set -x
+ rm -rf ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}
+ if [ "${USE_DEVFS}" != "1" ]; then
+ mkdir -p ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/dev
+ for devtable in ${@get_devtable_list(d)}; do
+ makedevs -r ${IMAGE_ROOTFS} -D $devtable
+ done
+ fi
+ rootfs_${IMAGE_PKGTYPE}_do_rootfs
+ insert_feed_uris
+ rm -f ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}${libdir}/ipkg/lists/oe
+ export TOPDIR=${TOPDIR}
+ for type in ${IMAGE_FSTYPES}; do
+ if test -z "$FAKEROOTKEY"; then
+ fakeroot -i ${TMPDIR}/fakedb.image bbimage -t $type -e ${FILE}
+ else
+ bbimage -n "${IMAGE_NAME}" -t "$type" -e "${FILE}"
+ fi
+ done
+insert_feed_uris () {
+ echo "Building feeds for [${DISTRO}].."
+ for line in ${FEED_URIS}
+ do
+ # strip leading and trailing spaces/tabs, then split into name and uri
+ line_clean="`echo "$line"|sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//'`"
+ feed_name="`echo "$line_clean" | sed -n 's/\(.*\)##\(.*\)/\1/p'`"
+ feed_uri="`echo "$line_clean" | sed -n 's/\(.*\)##\(.*\)/\2/p'`"
+ echo "Added $feed_name feed with URL $feed_uri"
+ # insert new feed-sources
+ echo "src/gz $feed_name $feed_uri" >> ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/etc/ipkg/${feed_name}-feed.conf
+ done
+log_check() {
+ set +x
+ for target in $*
+ do
+ lf_path="${WORKDIR}/temp/log.do_$target.${PID}"
+ echo "log_check: Using $lf_path as logfile"
+ if test -e "$lf_path"
+ then
+ rootfs_${IMAGE_PKGTYPE}_log_check $target $lf_path
+ else
+ echo "Cannot find logfile [$lf_path]"
+ fi
+ echo "Logfile is clean"
+ done
+ set -x
+# set '*' as the rootpassword so the images
+# can decide if they want it or not
+zap_root_password () {
+ sed 's%^root:[^:]*:%root:*:%' < ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/etc/passwd >${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/etc/
+ mv ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/etc/ ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/etc/passwd
+create_etc_timestamp() {
+ date +%2m%2d%2H%2M%Y >${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/etc/timestamp
+# Turn any symbolic /sbin/init link into a file
+remove_init_link () {
+ if [ -h ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/sbin/init ]; then
+ LINKFILE=${IMAGE_ROOTFS}`readlink ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/sbin/init`
+ rm ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/sbin/init
+ cp $LINKFILE ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/sbin/init
+ fi
+make_zimage_symlink_relative () {
+ if [ -L ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/boot/zImage ]; then
+ (cd ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/boot/ && for i in `ls zImage-* | sort`; do ln -sf $i zImage; done)
+ fi
+# export the zap_root_password, create_etc_timestamp and remote_init_link
+EXPORT_FUNCTIONS zap_root_password create_etc_timestamp remove_init_link do_rootfs make_zimage_symlink_relative
+addtask rootfs before do_build after do_install