diff options
authorKoen Kooi <>2007-03-25 09:26:46 +0000
committerKoen Kooi <>2007-03-25 09:26:46 +0000
commit683486ef28c1a8413b027c36daaff85005653d9f (patch)
parente06636078b375d497bba32b0a8b29394f8b21aaa (diff)
gpstk: add a custom do_install
* the autotools based system doesn't build everything * only a static libgpstk is created * somehow strip fails, leaving us with a 9.5MB big gpstk-bin package
1 files changed, 59 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/gpstk/ b/packages/gpstk/
index 8d13b5f225..64ed3e025f 100644
--- a/packages/gpstk/
+++ b/packages/gpstk/
@@ -3,11 +3,70 @@ HOMEPAGE = ""
SECTION = "libs"
+PR = "r1"
SRC_URI = "${SOURCEFORGE_MIRROR}/gpstk/gpstk-${PV}-src.tar.gz \
inherit autotools lib_package
+EXTRA_OECONF = "--enable-shared"
do_stage() {
+# This is a handcrafted do_install because 'make install' isn't working.
+# This should install the same files as my native (x86) jam based build, but doesn't since the Makefiles
+# aren't up to date (e.g. bc2sp3 is missing).
+# Koen - 20070325
+do_install() {
+install -d ${D}${bindir}
+install -d ${D}${libdir}
+install -d ${D}${includedir}/
+for i in bc2sp3 calgps DDBase ddmerge DiscFix EditRinex ephdiff example1 example2 example3 example4 example5 \
+ fic2rin ficacheck ficafic ficcheck ficdiff ficfica findMoreThan12 IonoBias mergeFIC mergeRinMet \
+ mergeRinNav mergeRinObs mergeSRI mkord mpsolve navdmp NavMerge novaRinex ordClock ordEdit ordGen \
+ ordLinEs ordPlot ordStats poscvt posInterp PRSolve ResCor resplot reszilla RinexDump rinexpvt \
+ rinexthin RinSum rmwcheck rmwdiff rnwcheck rnwdiff rowcheck rowdiff rstats rtAshtech sp3version \
+ TECMaps timeconvert tnl tsrif tsrifsu tsriftu vecsol wheresat
+ do install -m 755 `find . -name $i` ${D}${bindir}/ || true
+ cp -pPr src/.libs/libgps* ${D}${libdir}/
+for i in AlmanacStore.hpp AlmOrbit.hpp ANSITime.hpp Bancroft.hpp BasicFramework.hpp BCEphemerisStore.hpp \
+ BinexData.hpp BinexFilterOperators.hpp BinexStream.hpp BinUtils.hpp BivarStats.hpp CheckPRData.hpp \
+ CivilTime.hpp ClockModel.hpp CodeBuffer.hpp CommandOption.hpp CommandOptionParser.hpp \
+ CommandOptionWithCommonTimeArg.hpp CommandOptionWithPositionArg.hpp CommandOptionWithTimeArg.hpp \
+ CommonTime.hpp convhelp.hpp DayTime.hpp DOP.hpp ECEF.hpp EngAlmanac.hpp EngEphemeris.hpp EngNav.hpp \
+ EphemerisRange.hpp EphemerisStore.hpp EpochClockModel.hpp Exception.hpp Expression.hpp ExtractC1.hpp \
+ ExtractCombinationData.hpp ExtractD1.hpp ExtractD2.hpp ExtractData.hpp ExtractL1.hpp ExtractL2.hpp \
+ ExtractLC.hpp ExtractP1.hpp ExtractP2.hpp ExtractPC.hpp FFBinaryStream.hpp FFData.hpp FFStreamError.hpp \
+ FFStream.hpp FFTextStream.hpp FICAStream.hpp FICBase.hpp FICData109.hpp FICData162.hpp FICData62.hpp \
+ FICData9.hpp FICData.hpp FICFilterOperators.hpp FICHeader.hpp FICStreamBase.hpp FICStream.hpp \
+ FileFilterFrame.hpp FileFilterFrameWithHeader.hpp FileFilter.hpp FileHunter.hpp FileSpec.hpp \
+ FileStore.hpp FileUtils.hpp GenXSequence.hpp Geodetic.hpp GeoidModel.hpp geometry.hpp getopt.h \
+ gps_constants.hpp GPSEpochWeekSecond.hpp GPSGeoid.hpp gpstkplatform.h GPSWeekSecond.hpp GPSWeekZcount.hpp \
+ GPSZcount29.hpp GPSZcount32.hpp GPSZcount.hpp icd_200_constants.hpp IonoModel.hpp IonoModelStore.hpp \
+ JulianDate.hpp LinearClockModel.hpp LoopedFramework.hpp MathBase.hpp MatrixBase.hpp \
+ MatrixBaseOperators.hpp MatrixFunctors.hpp Matrix.hpp MatrixImplementation.hpp MatrixOperators.hpp \
+ mergePCodeWords.h MiscMath.hpp MJD.hpp ModeledPR.hpp ModeledPseudorangeBase.hpp ModeledReferencePR.hpp \
+ MOPSWeight.hpp MSCData.hpp MSCStream.hpp ObsClockModel.hpp ObsEpochMap.hpp ObsID.hpp ObsRngDev.hpp \
+ ORDEpoch.hpp PCodeConst.hpp PolyFit.hpp Position.hpp PRSolution.hpp RACRotation.hpp \
+ RinexEphemerisStore.hpp RinexMetBase.hpp RinexMetData.hpp RinexMetFilterOperators.hpp \
+ RinexMetHeader.hpp RinexMetStream.hpp RinexNavBase.hpp RinexNavData.hpp RinexNavFilterOperators.hpp \
+ RinexNavHeader.hpp RinexNavStream.hpp RinexObsBase.hpp RinexObsData.hpp RinexObsFilterOperators.hpp \
+ RinexObsHeader.hpp RinexObsID.hpp RinexObsStream.hpp RinexSatID.hpp RinexUtilities.hpp RTFileFrame.hpp \
+ RungeKutta4.hpp SatID.hpp SimpleIURAWeight.hpp SMODFData.hpp SMODFStream.hpp SolverBase.hpp SolverLMS.hpp \
+ SolverWMS.hpp SP3Base.hpp SP3Data.hpp SP3EphemerisStore.hpp SP3Header.hpp SP3SatID.hpp SP3Stream.hpp \
+ Stats.hpp stl_helpers.hpp StringUtils.hpp SVExclusionList.hpp SVPCodeGen.hpp SystemTime.hpp \
+ TabularEphemerisStore.hpp TimeConstants.hpp TimeConverters.hpp TimeString.hpp TimeTag.hpp Triple.hpp \
+ TropModel.hpp UnixTime.hpp ValidType.hpp VectorBase.hpp VectorBaseOperators.hpp \
+ Vector.hpp VectorOperators.hpp WeightBase.hpp WGS84Geoid.hpp WxObsMap.hpp X1Sequence.hpp \
+ X2Sequence.hpp Xvt.hpp YDSTime.hpp
+ do install -m 644 `find . -name $i` ${D}${includedir}/ || true