diff options
authorRod Whitby <>2005-11-25 16:10:41 +0000
committerOpenEmbedded Project <>2005-11-25 16:10:41 +0000
commitfe3eab8f4b97b657330f493a774096ed44ad7866 (patch)
parent2b6507f864f059a87049fd41ee3ddb4eeda5e01d (diff)
Fixed eFfeM's mess by removing the nslu2-linux files that he added to the wrong monotone branch.
26 files changed, 0 insertions, 1093 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index aec0489e3b..0000000000
--- a/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,595 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile for the NSLU2 Linux development system
-# Licensed under the GPL v2 or later
-# Change these if you are unfortunate enough to have a split net personality.
-SVN_SSH ?= "-l ${SVN_USER}"
-HOST_MACHINE:=$(shell uname -m | sed \
- -e 's/i[3-9]86/i386/' \
- -e 's/armv5teb/armeb/' \
- -e 's/armv5b/armeb/' \
- )
-HOST_FIRMWARE:=$(shell uname -m | sed \
- -e 's/i[3-9]86/Linux/' \
- -e 's/armv5teb/OpenSlug/' \
- -e 's/armv5b/Unslung/' \
- )
-.PHONY: all
-all: update build
-.PHONY: prefetch
-prefetch: prefetch-unslung prefetch-openslug prefetch-ucslugc prefetch-optware
-.PHONY: build
-build: build-unslung build-openslug build-ucslugc build-optware
-.PHONY: setup
-ifneq ($(HOST_MACHINE),armeb)
-setup: setup-master setup-bitbake setup-openembedded setup-unslung setup-openslug setup-ucslugc setup-optware
-ifeq ($(HOST_FIRMWARE),OpenSlug)
-setup: setup-master setup-bitbake setup-openembedded setup-openslug
-setup: setup-master setup-optware
-.PHONY: setup-developer
-setup-developer: setup-master setup-bitbake setup-openembedded setup-optware-developer
-.PHONY: update
-ifneq ($(HOST_MACHINE),armeb)
-update: update-master update-bitbake update-openembedded update-optware
-ifeq ($(HOST_FIRMWARE),OpenSlug)
-update: update-master update-bitbake update-openembedded
-update: update-master update-optware
-.PHONY: status
-status: status-master status-bitbake status-openembedded status-optware
-.PHONY: clobber
-clobber: clobber-unslung clobber-openslug clobber-ucslugc clobber-optware
-.PHONY: distclean
-distclean: distclean-master distclean-bitbake distclean-openembedded \
- distclean-unslung distclean-openslug distclean-ucslugc distclean-optware distclean-releases
-.PHONY: prefetch-unslung
-ifneq ($(HOST_MACHINE),armeb)
-prefetch-unslung: unslung/.configured bitbake/.configured openembedded/.configured
- ( cd unslung ; ${MAKE} prefetch )
-.PHONY: prefetch-openslug
-ifneq ($(HOST_MACHINE),armeb)
-prefetch-openslug: openslug/.configured bitbake/.configured openembedded/.configured
- ( cd openslug ; ${MAKE} prefetch )
-ifeq ($(HOST_FIRMWARE),OpenSlug)
-prefetch-openslug: openslug/.configured bitbake/.configured openembedded/.configured
- ( cd openslug ; ${MAKE} prefetch )
-.PHONY: prefetch-ucslugc
-ifneq ($(HOST_MACHINE),armeb)
-prefetch-ucslugc: ucslugc/.configured bitbake/.configured openembedded/.configured
- ( cd ucslugc ; ${MAKE} prefetch )
-.PHONY: prefetch-optware
-prefetch-optware: prefetch-optware-nslu2 prefetch-optware-wl500g prefetch-optware-ds101 prefetch-optware-ds101g
-.PHONY: prefetch-optware-nslu2
-ifneq ($(HOST_MACHINE),armeb)
-prefetch-optware-nslu2: optware/nslu2/.configured
- ( cd optware/nslu2 ; ${MAKE} source )
-ifeq ($(HOST_FIRMWARE),Unslung)
-prefetch-optware-nslu2: optware/nslu2/.configured
- ( cd optware/nslu2 ; ${MAKE} source )
-.PHONY: prefetch-optware-%
-ifneq ($(HOST_MACHINE),armeb)
-prefetch-optware-%: optware/%/.configured
- ( cd optware/$* ; ${MAKE} source )
-prefetch-openslug-%-beta: releases/OpenSlug-%-beta/.configured
- ( cd releases/OpenSlug-$*-beta ; ${MAKE} prefetch )
-.PHONY: unslung build-unslung
-ifneq ($(HOST_MACHINE),armeb)
-unslung build-unslung: unslung/.configured bitbake/.configured openembedded/.configured
- ( cd unslung ; ${MAKE} )
-unslung build-unslung:
-.PHONY: openslug build-openslug
-ifneq ($(HOST_MACHINE),armeb)
-openslug build-openslug: openslug/.configured bitbake/.configured openembedded/.configured
- ( cd openslug ; ${MAKE} )
-ifeq ($(HOST_FIRMWARE),OpenSlug)
-openslug build-openslug: openslug/.configured bitbake/.configured openembedded/.configured
- ( cd openslug ; ${MAKE} )
-openslug build-openslug:
-.PHONY: ucslugc build-ucslugc
-ifneq ($(HOST_MACHINE),armeb)
-ucslugc build-ucslugc: ucslugc/.configured bitbake/.configured openembedded/.configured
- ( cd ucslugc ; ${MAKE} )
-ucslugc build-ucslugc:
-.PHONY: unslung-image build-unslung-image
-ifneq ($(HOST_MACHINE),armeb)
-unslung-image build-unslung-image: unslung/.configured bitbake/.configured openembedded/.configured
- ( cd unslung ; ${MAKE} image)
-unslung-image build-unslung-image:
-.PHONY: openslug-image build-openslug-image
-ifneq ($(HOST_MACHINE),armeb)
-openslug-image build-openslug-image: openslug/.configured bitbake/.configured openembedded/.configured
- ( cd openslug ; ${MAKE} image )
-openslug-image build-openslug-image:
-.PHONY: ucslugc-image build-ucslugc-image
-ifneq ($(HOST_MACHINE),armeb)
-ucslugc-image build-ucslugc-image: ucslugc/.configured bitbake/.configured openembedded/.configured
- ( cd ucslugc ; ${MAKE} image)
-ucslugc-image build-ucslugc-image:
-.PHONY: unslung-kernel build-unslung-kernel
-ifneq ($(HOST_MACHINE),armeb)
-unslung-kernel build-unslung-kernel: unslung/.configured bitbake/.configured openembedded/.configured
- ( cd unslung ; ${MAKE} kernel)
-unslung-kernel build-unslung-kernel:
-.PHONY: openslug-kernel build-openslug-kernel
-ifneq ($(HOST_MACHINE),armeb)
-openslug-kernel build-openslug-kernel: openslug/.configured bitbake/.configured openembedded/.configured
- ( cd openslug ; ${MAKE} kernel )
-openslug-kernel build-openslug-kernel:
-.PHONY: ucslugc-kernel build-ucslugc-kernel
-ifneq ($(HOST_MACHINE),armeb)
-ucslugc-kernel build-ucslugc-kernel: ucslugc/.configured bitbake/.configured openembedded/.configured
- ( cd ucslugc ; ${MAKE} kernel)
-ucslugc-kernel build-ucslugc-kernel:
-.PHONY: build-optware
-build-optware: build-optware-nslu2 build-optware-wl500g build-optware-ds101 build-optware-ds101g
-.PHONY: optware-nslu2 build-optware-nslu2
-ifneq ($(HOST_MACHINE),armeb)
-optware-nslu2 build-optware-nslu2: optware/nslu2/.configured
- ( cd optware/nslu2 ; ${MAKE} autoclean ; ${MAKE} )
-ifeq ($(HOST_FIRMWARE),Unslung)
-optware-nslu2 build-optware-nslu2: optware/nslu2/.configured
- ( cd optware/nslu2 ; ${MAKE} autoclean ; ${MAKE} )
-optware-nslu2 build-optware-nslu2:
-.PHONY: optware-wl500g build-optware-wl500g
-ifneq ($(HOST_MACHINE),armeb)
-optware-wl500g build-optware-wl500g: optware/wl500g/.configured
- ( cd optware/wl500g ; ${MAKE} autoclean ; ${MAKE} )
-optware-wl500g build-optware-wl500g:
-.PHONY: optware-ds101 build-optware-ds101
-ifneq ($(HOST_MACHINE),armeb)
-optware-ds101 build-optware-ds101: optware/ds101/.configured
- ( cd optware/ds101 ; ${MAKE} autoclean ; ${MAKE} )
-optware-ds101 build-optware-ds101:
-.PHONY: optware-ds101g build-optware-ds101g
-ifneq ($(HOST_MACHINE),armeb)
-optware-ds101g build-optware-ds101g: optware/ds101g/.configured
- ( cd optware/ds101g ; ${MAKE} autoclean ; ${MAKE} )
-optware-ds101g build-optware-ds101g:
-openslug-%-beta: update-openslug-%-beta build-openslug-%-beta
- echo "$@ completed"
-build-openslug-2.3-beta: releases/OpenSlug-2.3-beta/.configured
- ( cd releases/OpenSlug-2.3-beta ; ${MAKE} openslug-firmware )
-build-openslug-%-beta: releases/OpenSlug-%-beta/.configured
- ( cd releases/OpenSlug-$*-beta ; ${MAKE} firmware )
-.PHONY: setup-master
-setup-master MT/.configured:
- [ -e monotone/nslu2-linux.db ] || ( mkdir -p monotone && \
- wget -O monotone/nslu2-linux.db.gz && \
- gunzip monotone/nslu2-linux.db.gz )
- - ( monotone -d monotone/nslu2-linux.db unset database default-server )
- - ( monotone -d monotone/nslu2-linux.db unset database default-include-pattern )
- ( monotone -d monotone/nslu2-linux.db pull org.{nslu2-linux.*,} )
- [ -e MT/revision ] || ( monotone -d monotone/nslu2-linux.db co -b . )
- touch MT/.configured
-.PHONY: setup-bitbake
-setup-bitbake bitbake/.configured: MT/.configured
- [ -e bitbake/bin/bitbake ] || monotone co -b org.nslu2-linux.bitbake bitbake
- touch bitbake/.configured
-.PHONY: setup-openembedded
-setup-openembedded openembedded/.configured: MT/.configured
- [ -e openembedded/conf/machine/nslu2.conf ] || monotone co -b openembedded
- touch openembedded/.configured
-.PHONY: setup-optware
-setup-optware optware/.configured: MT/.configured
- [ -e downloads ] || ( mkdir -p downloads )
- [ -e optware/Makefile ] || ( cvs -q -d co -d optware unslung )
- touch optware/.configured
-# This pattern rule has to come before the subsequent %/.configured openembedded pattern rule.
-optware/%/.configured: optware/.configured
- [ -e optware/$*/Makefile ] || ( \
- mkdir -p optware/$* ; \
- echo "OPTWARE_TARGET=$*" > optware/$*/Makefile ; \
- echo "include ../Makefile" >> optware/$*/Makefile ; \
- ln -s ../../downloads optware/$*/downloads ; \
- ln -s ../make optware/$*/make ; \
- ln -s ../scripts optware/$*/scripts ; \
- ln -s ../sources optware/$*/sources ; \
- )
- touch optware/$*/.configured
-.PHONY: setup-optware-developer
- [ ! -e optware ] || ( mv optware optware-user )
- cvs -q -d :ext:${CVS_USER} co -d optware unslung
- ${MAKE} setup-optware
-.PHONY: setup-unslung setup-openslug setup-ucslugc
-setup-unslung setup-openslug setup-ucslugc: setup-%: MT/.configured
- rm -rf $*/.configured
- ${MAKE} $*/.configured
-%/.configured: MT/.configured
- [ -d $* ] || ( mkdir -p $* )
- [ -e downloads ] || ( mkdir -p downloads )
- [ -L $*/Makefile -o ! -e $*/Makefile ] || ( cd $* ; mv Makefile Makefile.delete-me)
- [ -e $*/Makefile ] || ( cd $* ; ln -s ../common/ Makefile )
- [ -L $*/setup-env -o ! -e $*/setup-env ] || ( cd $* ; mv setup-env setup-env.delete-me )
- [ -e $*/setup-env ] || ( cd $* ; ln -s ../common/setup-env . )
- [ -e $*/downloads ] || ( cd $* ; ln -s ../downloads . )
- [ -e $*/bitbake ] || ( cd $* ; ln -s ../bitbake . )
- [ -e $*/openembedded ] || ( cd $* ; ln -s ../openembedded . )
- [ -d $*/conf ] || ( mkdir -p $*/conf )
- [ ! -f $*/conf/local.conf -o -e $*/conf/auto.conf ] || ( cd $*/conf ; mv local.conf local.conf.delete-me )
- [ -e $*/conf/local.conf.sample ] || ( cd $*/conf ; ln -s ../../common/conf/local.conf.sample . )
- [ -e $*/conf/site.conf ] || ( cd $*/conf ; ln -s ../../common/conf/site.conf . )
- [ ! -f $*/conf/auto.conf ] || ( cd $*/conf ; rm -f auto.conf )
- [ -e $*/conf/auto.conf ] || ( \
- if [ "${HOST_MACHINE}" = "armeb" ] ; then \
- echo "DISTRO=\"$*-native\"" > $*/conf/auto.conf ; \
- else \
- echo "DISTRO=\"$*\"" > $*/conf/auto.conf ; \
- fi ; \
- echo "MACHINE=\"nslu2\"" >> $*/conf/auto.conf \
- )
- rm -rf $*/tmp/cache
- touch $*/.configured
-.PHONY: setup-slugimage-developer
- cvs -q -d :ext:${CVS_USER} co slugimage
-.PHONY: setup-upslug-developer
- cvs -q -d :ext:${CVS_USER} co upslug
-.PHONY: setup-sluggo-developer
- cvs -q -d :ext:${CVS_USER} co sluggo
-.PHONY: setup-apex
-setup-apex apex/Makefile:
- cvs -q -d co apex
-.PHONY: setup-apex-developer
- cvs -q -d :ext:${CVS_USER} co apex
-setup-openslug-2.3-beta releases/OpenSlug-2.3-beta/.configured:
- [ -e releases/OpenSlug-2.3-beta ] || ( \
- mkdir -p releases ; \
- svn checkout svn:// \
- releases/OpenSlug-2.3-beta \
- )
- ( cd releases/OpenSlug-2.3-beta ; ${MAKE} conf/local.conf setup-env )
- [ -e downloads ] || ( mkdir -p downloads )
- [ -e releases/OpenSlug-2.3-beta/downloads ] || ln -s ../../downloads releases/OpenSlug-2.3-beta/
- touch releases/OpenSlug-2.3-beta/.configured
-setup-openslug-%-beta releases/OpenSlug-%-beta/.configured:
- [ -e releases/OpenSlug-$*-beta ] || ( \
- mkdir -p releases ; \
- svn checkout svn://$*-beta \
- releases/OpenSlug-$*-beta \
- )
- ( cd releases/OpenSlug-$*-beta ; ${MAKE} setup-env )
- [ -e downloads ] || ( mkdir -p downloads )
- [ -e releases/OpenSlug-$*-beta/downloads ] || ln -s ../../downloads releases/OpenSlug-$*-beta/
- touch releases/OpenSlug-$*-beta/.configured
- [ -e releases/OpenSlug-$*-beta ] || ( \
- mkdir -p releases ; \
- svn checkout svn+ssh://$*-beta \
- releases/OpenSlug-$*-beta \
- )
- ${MAKE} setup-openslug-$*-beta
-.PHONY: setup-host-debian
- su - -c " \
- apt-get install \
- autoconf automake automake1.9 \
- bison \
- ccache \
- cvs \
- docbook \
- flex \
- g++ gawk gcj gettext \
- libc6-dev libglib2.0-dev libtool \
- m4 make \
- patch pkg-config \
- python python-dev python-psyco python2.4 python2.4-dev \
- sed \
- texinfo \
- unzip \
- subversion \
- bzip2 ;\
- echo You will have to install monotone separately. See \
- "
-.PHONY: setup-host-ubuntu
- su - -c " \
- apt-get install \
- autoconf automake automake1.9 \
- bison \
- ccache \
- cvs \
- docbook \
- flex \
- gcc g++ gawk gcj gettext \
- libc6-dev libglib2.0-dev libtool \
- m4 make \
- patch pkg-config \
- python python-dev python2.4 python2.4-dev \
- sed \
- texinfo \
- unzip \
- subversion \
- texinfo \
- bzip2 ;\
- echo You will have to install monotone separately. See \
- echo To get python2.4-psyco (Recommended to speed up builds), please read \
- echo \
- "
-.PHONY: setup-host-gentoo
- su - -c "mkdir -p /etc/portage ; echo >> /etc/portage/package.keywords ; \
- grep monotone-0.22 /etc/portage/package.keywords || \
- echo ~dev-util/monotone-0.22 ~* >> /etc/portage/package.keywords ; \
- grep dev-libs/boost-1.32.0 /etc/portage/package.keywords || \
- echo ~dev-libs/boost-1.32.0 ~* >> /etc/portage/package.keywords ; \
- emerge -n \
- autoconf automake \
- bison \
- ccache \
- cvs \
- flex \
- glib \
- libtool \
- m4 \
- make \
- monotone \
- patch \
- pkgconfig \
- sed \
- sys-apps/texinfo \
- unzip \
- psyco \
- subversion \
- bzip2"
-.PHONY: update-master
-update-master: MT/.configured
-# if [ `monotone -d monotone/nslu2-linux.db list keys | wc -l` = 8 ] ; then \
-# monotone -d monotone/nslu2-linux.db dropkey ; \
-# fi
- monotone pull
- if [ `monotone automate heads | wc -l` != "1" ] ; then \
- monotone merge -b ; \
- fi
- monotone update
- if [ `monotone automate heads | wc -l` != "1" ] ; then \
- monotone merge -b ; \
- fi
-.PHONY: update-bitbake
-update-bitbake: bitbake/.configured
- monotone pull
- if [ `monotone automate heads org.nslu2-linux.bitbake | wc -l` != "1" ] ; then \
- monotone merge -b org.nslu2-linux.bitbake ; \
- fi
- ( cd bitbake ; monotone update )
- if [ `monotone automate heads org.nslu2-linux.bitbake | wc -l` != "1" ] ; then \
- monotone merge -b org.nslu2-linux.bitbake ; \
- fi
-.PHONY: update-openembedded
-update-openembedded: openembedded/.configured
- if grep "org.openembedded.nslu2-linux" openembedded/MT/options >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then \
- sed -i -e 's/org.openembedded.nslu2-linux/' openembedded/MT/options ; \
- monotone propagate org.openembedded.nslu2-linux ; \
- fi
- monotone pull
- if [ `monotone automate heads | wc -l` != "1" ] ; then \
- monotone merge -b ; \
- fi
- ( cd openembedded ; monotone update )
- if [ `monotone automate heads | wc -l` != "1" ] ; then \
- monotone merge -b ; \
- fi
-.PHONY: update-optware
-update-optware: optware/.configured
- ( cd optware ; cvs -q update -d -P )
-update-openslug-%-beta: releases/OpenSlug-%-beta/.configured
- ( cd releases/OpenSlug-$*-beta ; svn up )
-.PHONY: status-master
-status-master: MT/.configured
- monotone status --brief
-.PHONY: status-bitbake
-status-bitbake: bitbake/.configured
- ( cd bitbake ; monotone status --brief )
-.PHONY: status-openembedded
-status-openembedded: openembedded/.configured
- ( cd openembedded ; monotone status --brief )
-.PHONY: status-optware
-status-optware: optware/.configured
- ( cd optware ; cvs -q update -d -P )
- ( cd releases/OpenSlug-$*-beta ; svn status )
-.PHONY: clobber-unslung
- [ ! -e unslung/Makefile ] || ( cd unslung ; ${MAKE} clobber )
-.PHONY: clobber-openslug
- [ ! -e openslug/Makefile ] || ( cd openslug ; ${MAKE} clobber )
-.PHONY: clobber-ucslugc
- [ ! -e ucslugc/Makefile ] || ( cd ucslugc ; ${MAKE} clobber )
-.PHONY: clobber-optware
-clobber-optware: clobber-optware-nslu2 clobber-optware-wl500g clobber-optware-ds101 clobber-optware-ds101g
-.PHONY: clobber-optware-%
- [ ! -e optware/$*/Makefile ] || ( cd optware/$* ; ${MAKE} distclean )
-.PHONY: distclean-master
- rm -rf MT common downloads openslug scripts ucslugc unslung
-.PHONY: distclean-bitbake
- rm -rf bitbake
-.PHONY: distclean-openembedded
- rm -rf openembedded
-.PHONY: distclean-unslung
- rm -rf unslung
-.PHONY: distclean-openslug
- rm -rf openslug
-.PHONY: distclean-ucslugc
- rm -rf ucslugc
-.PHONY: distclean-optware
- rm -rf optware
-.PHONY: distclean-releases
- rm -rf releases
-# Targets for use by those with write access to the repositories
-.PHONY: push
-push: push-master push-bitbake push-openembedded
-.PHONY: push-master
-push-master: update-master
- monotone push
-.PHONY: push-bitbake
-push-bitbake: update-bitbake
- ( cd bitbake ; monotone push )
-.PHONY: push-openembedded
-push-openembedded: update-openembedded
- ( cd openembedded ; monotone push )
-# Targets for use by core team members only
-.PHONY: import-bitbake
-import-bitbake: bitbake/.configured
- mv bitbake bitbake.old
- svn co svn://
- cp -rp bitbake.old/MT bitbake.old/.mt-attrs bitbake
- rm -rf bitbake.old
- ( cd bitbake ; rm -rf .svn ; monotone status )
-# End of Makefile
diff --git a/common/.mtn2git_empty b/common/.mtn2git_empty
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2..0000000000
--- a/common/.mtn2git_empty
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/common/conf/.mtn2git_empty b/common/conf/.mtn2git_empty
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2..0000000000
--- a/common/conf/.mtn2git_empty
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/common/conf/local.conf.sample b/common/conf/local.conf.sample
deleted file mode 100644
index c191c8ff63..0000000000
--- a/common/conf/local.conf.sample
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-# Sample local configuration
-# You do not need a 'local.conf' file, however you may use one to alter
-# how the build proceeds and to specify bitbake options.
-# bitbake options
-# bitbake logs build progress to per-package log files. By default if an
-# error occurs bitbake outputs the name of this file with an error message.
-# If you set BBINCLUDELOGS to 'yes' then bitbake will also output the log
-# file itself.
-#BBMASK = "regular expression"
-# bitbake examines all the .bb files listed in the BBFILES variable. BBMASK
-# can be used to exclude some (or, indeed, all) of these files by matching
-# against a regular expression. Typically you do not want to do this because
-# bitbake freeze can be used to generate a minimal list for BBFILES.
-# OpenSlug (and derivatives) options
-#FEED_URIS = "<name>##<url>"
-# Define local feeds - <name> should be replaced by a name which identifies
-# your local feed (not a generic name!) and <url> should be the location of
-# the Packages.gz file (and, therefore, all the ipks). This is not required;
-# the feed defaults to the internet one.
-#<DISTRO>_EXTRA_DEPENDS = "packages to add to the build"
-# Any packages in this list will be built as depenencies of the firmware
-# image, but they will not be included in the image (see below).
-#<DISTRO>_EXTRA_RDEPENDS = "packages to add to the firmware image"
-# Any packages in this list will be added to the firmware image. Please do
-# not distribute such images - make a new DISTRO.conf file following the
-# instructions in conf/distro/ucslugc.conf
-#<DISTRO>_EXTRA_BBFILES = "paths of extra .bb files"
-# Files in this list will be parsed by bitbake to find packages in addition
-# to the default list of bb files in conf/distro/<distro>-packages.conf. The
-# setting of this variable is irrelevant after bb freeze has been built or if
-# bb unfreeze is built (in the latter case bitbake will examine all of the
-# openembedded packages).
diff --git a/common/conf/site.conf b/common/conf/site.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index f40ae58e3d..0000000000
--- a/common/conf/site.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# NSLU2 master makefile bitbake site configuration
-# It should not be necessary to alter this file!
-# This configuration defines the location of the directories
-# bitbake requires to build a particular distribution (DISTRO)
-# Each DISTRO must create a appropriate topdir file containing
-# (just) the definition of TOPDIR
-include conf/topdir.conf
-# These definitions should be the same for every DISTRO - if
-# a change is necessary make it in the DISTRO auto.conf. The
-# rvalues are evaluated here for safety (i.e. to prevent accidents
-# if something else defines TOPDIR).
-TMPDIR := "${TOPDIR}/tmp"
-CACHE := "${TMPDIR}/cache"
-DL_DIR := "${TOPDIR}/downloads"
-# The following is not defined or used by the standard bitbake
-# configuration files, however it must be defined here for 'freeze'
-# and 'unfreeze' to work correctly
-PKGDIR := "${TOPDIR}/openembedded"
-# BBFILES is the list of all the .bb files bitbake looks at when
-# working out how to build a package. By default this value is
-# overridden later in the ${DISTRO}.conf file (when it includes
-# conf/distro/freeze.conf).
-BBFILES := "${PKGDIR}/packages/*/*.bb"
-# The distro must create the following directories - either by
-# populating them with the required files or, in the master makefile
-# environment, by symbolic links to the relevant shared directories
-# (which are directories of the same name in ..)
-# common - contains conf/site.conf - this file
-# bitbake - the directory containing the bitbake program
-# downloads - contains the source files downloaded from the network
-# openembedded - the directory containing the OE source
-# All these directories may be shared between multiple distros.
-# The 'tmp' directory may not be shared, however bitbake will create
-# it automatically when required. The 'downloads' directory will also
-# be created if required by bitbake.
diff --git a/common/ b/common/
deleted file mode 100644
index cf452cf721..0000000000
--- a/common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile for OpenEmbedded builds
-# Licensed under the GPL v2 or later
-# conf/auto.conf must exist in the same directory as the Makefile (i.e.
-# the directory where Makefile is used - it may be a symbolic link to
-# this file). conf/auto.conf defines:
-# DISTRO - the OpenEmbedded 'distro' to build
-# MACHINE - the OpenEmbedded build target machine
-# All of these values are (should be, must be) quoted in double quotes
-include conf/auto.conf
-BUILD_DIRS = downloads
-REQUIRED_DIRS = bitbake openembedded
-BITBAKE = bitbake
-# The default rule is to build everything in an unprotected environment.
-distro: $(FIRMWARE_DEPS)
- . ./setup-env; exec ${BITBAKE} $(DISTRO)-packages
-# The default rule is to build the firmware in an unprotected environment.
-image: $(FIRMWARE_DEPS)
- . ./setup-env; exec ${BITBAKE} $(DISTRO)-image
-# The default rule is to build the firmware in an unprotected environment.
-kernel: $(FIRMWARE_DEPS)
- . ./setup-env; exec ${BITBAKE} virtual/kernel
-# This rule clobbers the environment (note that ccache uses '$HOME' by
-# default, so the cache will end up there).
- env -i HOME="$${HOME}" PATH="$${PATH}" $(MAKE) distro
-# The default rule is to build the firmware in an unprotected environment.
-prefetch: $(FIRMWARE_DEPS)
- . ./setup-env; exec ${BITBAKE} -cfetch $(DISTRO)-packages
-# topdir.conf is re-created automatically if the directory is
-# moved - this will cause a full bitbake reparse
-.PHONY: create-topdir
-create-topdir: conf/topdir.conf
- . conf/topdir.conf && test "`pwd`" = "$$TOPDIR" || echo "TOPDIR='`pwd`'" > conf/topdir.conf
- echo "TOPDIR='`pwd`'" >$@
-# rules for directories - if a symlink exists and the target does not
-# exist something will go wrong in the build, therefore cause a failure
-# here by the mkdir.
- test -d $@ || if test -d ../$@; then ln -s ../$@ .; else mkdir $@; fi
-# these directories must already exist - either in TOPDIR (here) or in ..
- test -d $@ || if test -d ../$@; then ln -s ../$@ .; else exit 1; fi
-.PHONY: clobber
- rm -rf tmp
-.PHONY: source
-source: $(REQUIRED_DIRS)
- tar zcf $(DISTRO).tar.gz --exclude=MT Makefile setup-env conf/site.conf conf/auto.conf \
- conf/local.conf.sample $(REQUIRED_DIRS:=/.)
-# This target probably isn't important any longer, because the -source
-# target above does the right thing
-distclean: clobber
- rm -rf conf/topdir.conf conf/local.conf $(BUILD_DIRS)
-# This target is mainly for testing - it is intended to put the disto directory
-# back to its original state, it will destroy a source-tarball system (because
-# it removes directories from the tarball).
-really-clean: distclean
- rm -rf $(REQUIRED_DIRS) $(DISTRO)-source.tar.gz
diff --git a/common/setup-env b/common/setup-env
deleted file mode 100644
index a1e0d3fbd5..0000000000
--- a/common/setup-env
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-# setup up the environment for a bitbake build. This is used
-# by the makefile and may also be directly sourced from an
-# interactive shell. The makefile uses 'env -i' to ensure
-# no variables are inherited apart from CCACHE_DISABLE and
-# topdir must exist in the directory and define TOPDIR to
-# the full path name of the working directory
-. ./conf/topdir.conf
-test -n "$TOPDIR" -a -d "$TOPDIR" || {
- echo "environment: TOPDIR not defined" >&2
- exit 1
-# the following must match the definitions in common/conf/site.conf
-export PYTHONPATH="${TOPDIR}/bitbake/lib"
-export BBPATH="${TOPDIR}:${TOPDIR}/openembedded:${TOPDIR}/bitbake"
-export PATH="${TOPDIR}/bitbake/bin:${PATH}"
-export LANG=C
-#NOTE: if you add export definitions here add them below too!
-# unset the following (unnecessary for the makefile, but safe)
-unset LC_CTYPE
-unset CC
-unset CXX
-unset MFLAGS
-unset DISTRO
-unset MACHINE
-# make bb into a 'safe' bitbake
-alias bb-safe="env -i \
- HOME='${HOME}' \
- PATH='${PATH}' \
- LANG='${LANG}' \
- '${TOPDIR}/bitbake/bin/bitbake'"
-alias bb="'${TOPDIR}/bitbake/bin/bitbake'"
-# remove TOPDIR - not required
-unset TOPDIR
diff --git a/openembedded/.mtn2git_empty b/openembedded/.mtn2git_empty
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2..0000000000
--- a/openembedded/.mtn2git_empty
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/openembedded/packages/.mtn2git_empty b/openembedded/packages/.mtn2git_empty
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2..0000000000
--- a/openembedded/packages/.mtn2git_empty
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/openembedded/packages/pvrusb2-mci/.mtn2git_empty b/openembedded/packages/pvrusb2-mci/.mtn2git_empty
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2..0000000000
--- a/openembedded/packages/pvrusb2-mci/.mtn2git_empty
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/openembedded/packages/pvrusb2-mci/pvrusb2-mci-20051016/.mtn2git_empty b/openembedded/packages/pvrusb2-mci/pvrusb2-mci-20051016/.mtn2git_empty
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2..0000000000
--- a/openembedded/packages/pvrusb2-mci/pvrusb2-mci-20051016/.mtn2git_empty
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/openembedded/packages/pvrusb2-mci/pvrusb2-mci-20051016/Makefile.patch b/openembedded/packages/pvrusb2-mci/pvrusb2-mci-20051016/Makefile.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index b79c42e2c5..0000000000
--- a/openembedded/packages/pvrusb2-mci/pvrusb2-mci-20051016/Makefile.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
---- driver/Makefile- 2005-09-11 13:22:08.000000000 -1000
-+++ driver/Makefile 2005-09-17 01:02:06.341217389 -1000
-@@ -37,10 +37,10 @@
- all: modules
- modules modules_install clean:
-- $(MAKE) INSTALL_MOD_DIR=$(INSTALL_MOD_DIR) -C $(KDIR) M=$(shell pwd) $@
- install:
-- $(MAKE) INSTALL_MOD_DIR=$(INSTALL_MOD_DIR) -C $(KDIR) M=$(shell pwd) modules_install
-+ $(MAKE) INSTALL_MOD_DIR=$(INSTALL_MOD_DIR) CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) $(TARGET_CFLAGS)" -C $(KDIR) M=$(shell pwd) modules_install
- else
diff --git a/openembedded/packages/pvrusb2-mci/ b/openembedded/packages/pvrusb2-mci/
deleted file mode 100644
index bd3362c730..0000000000
--- a/openembedded/packages/pvrusb2-mci/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-DESCRIPTION = "Driver for the Hauppauge WinTV PVR USB2"
-PRIORITY = "optional"
-SECTION = "kernel/modules"
-MAINTAINER = "dyoung <>"
-PR = "r1"
-# It in fact requires these modules, but for now is using the local ones.
-# RDEPENDS = "kernel-module-tveeprom kernel-module-tuner kernel-module-msp3400 kernel-module-saa7115"
-SRC_URI = " \
- file://Makefile.patch;patch=1"
-S = "${WORKDIR}/pvrusb2-mci-20051016/driver"
-inherit module
-CFLAGS = "'-I${KERNEL_SOURCE}/include' \
- '-D__LINUX_ARM_ARCH__=5'"
- 'CC=${KERNEL_CC}' \
- 'LD=${KERNEL_LD}' \
-do_install() {
- install -d ${D}${base_libdir}/modules/${KERNEL_VERSION}/kernel/drivers/usb/media
- install -m 0644 *${KERNEL_OBJECT_SUFFIX} ${D}${base_libdir}/modules/${KERNEL_VERSION}/kernel/drivers/usb/media
diff --git a/openslug/.mtn2git_empty b/openslug/.mtn2git_empty
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2..0000000000
--- a/openslug/.mtn2git_empty
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/openslug/openembedded/.mtn2git_empty b/openslug/openembedded/.mtn2git_empty
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2..0000000000
--- a/openslug/openembedded/.mtn2git_empty
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/openslug/openembedded/packages/.mtn2git_empty b/openslug/openembedded/packages/.mtn2git_empty
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2..0000000000
--- a/openslug/openembedded/packages/.mtn2git_empty
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/openslug/openembedded/packages/cdstatus/.mtn2git_empty b/openslug/openembedded/packages/cdstatus/.mtn2git_empty
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2..0000000000
--- a/openslug/openembedded/packages/cdstatus/.mtn2git_empty
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/openslug/openembedded/packages/cdstatus/ b/openslug/openembedded/packages/cdstatus/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ae728f836..0000000000
--- a/openslug/openembedded/packages/cdstatus/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# cdstatus OE build file
-FILES_${PN} += ${datadir}/cdstatus.cfg
-SRC_URI="${SOURCEFORGE_MIRROR}/cdstatus/cdstatus-0.96.05.tar.gz \
- file://cdstatus.patch;patch=1"
-inherit autotools
-do_install() {
- install -d 0755 ${D}/${bindir}
- install -d 0755 ${D}/${datadir}
- install -d 0755 ${D}/${mandir}
- install -m 0755 src/cdstatus ${D}/${bindir}
- install -m 0644 cdstatus.cfg ${D}/${datadir}
- install -m 0644 cdstatus.1 ${D}/${mandir}
diff --git a/openslug/openembedded/packages/cdstatus/cdstatus-0.96.05/.mtn2git_empty b/openslug/openembedded/packages/cdstatus/cdstatus-0.96.05/.mtn2git_empty
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2..0000000000
--- a/openslug/openembedded/packages/cdstatus/cdstatus-0.96.05/.mtn2git_empty
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/openslug/openembedded/packages/cdstatus/cdstatus-0.96.05/cdstatus.patch b/openslug/openembedded/packages/cdstatus/cdstatus-0.96.05/cdstatus.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 913cd721e0..0000000000
--- a/openslug/openembedded/packages/cdstatus/cdstatus-0.96.05/cdstatus.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-*** cdstatus-0.96.05/src/cdstatus.c.orig 2005-11-26 16:23:27.000000000 +0100
---- cdstatus-0.96.05/src/cdstatus.c 2005-11-26 19:06:57.000000000 +0100
-*** 436,441 ****
---- 436,501 ----
- return 0;
- }
-+ /* following code copied from
-+ it has been slightly modified as we did not have a reason to output
-+ big endian or float
-+ */
-+ static short ShortSwap( short s )
-+ {
-+ unsigned char b1, b2;
-+ b1 = s & 255;
-+ b2 = (s >> 8) & 255;
-+ return (b1 << 8) + b2;
-+ }
-+ static short ShortNoSwap( short s )
-+ {
-+ return s;
-+ }
-+ static int LongSwap (int i)
-+ {
-+ unsigned char b1, b2, b3, b4;
-+ b1 = i & 255;
-+ b2 = ( i >> 8 ) & 255;
-+ b3 = ( i>>16 ) & 255;
-+ b4 = ( i>>24 ) & 255;
-+ return ((int)b1 << 24) + ((int)b2 << 16) + ((int)b3 << 8) + b4;
-+ }
-+ static int LongNoSwap( int i )
-+ {
-+ return i;
-+ }
-+ static short (*LittleShort) ( short s );
-+ static int (*LittleLong) ( int i );
-+ static void InitEndian( void )
-+ {
-+ char SwapTest[2] = { 1, 0 };
-+ if( *(short *) SwapTest == 1 )
-+ {
-+ // little endian
-+ //set func pointers to correct funcs
-+ LittleShort = ShortNoSwap;
-+ LittleLong = LongNoSwap;
-+ }
-+ else
-+ {
-+ // big endian
-+ LittleShort = ShortSwap;
-+ LittleLong = LongSwap;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ /* end of copied code */
- static void writeWavHeader(unsigned int readframes, FILE * audio_out)
- {
- long int chunksize;
-*** 456,478 ****
- wavHeader wHeader;
- /* "RIFF" */
-! wHeader.RIFF_header = 0x46464952;
- chunksize = readframes * CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW;
-! wHeader.total_size = (int32_t)(chunksize + sizeof(wavHeader));
- /* "WAVEfmt " */
-! wHeader.WAVE = 0x45564157;
-! wHeader.fmt = 0x20746D66;
-! wHeader.subchunk_size = 16;
-! wHeader.audio_format = 1;
-! wHeader.number_channels = 2;
-! wHeader.sampling_rate = 44100;
-! wHeader.byte_rate = 176400;
-! wHeader.block_align = 4;
-! wHeader.bits_per_sample = 16;
- if(fwrite((const void *) &wHeader, sizeof(wavHeader), (size_t) 1, audio_out)!=1)
- {
---- 516,539 ----
- wavHeader wHeader;
-+ InitEndian();
- /* "RIFF" */
-! wHeader.RIFF_header = LittleLong(0x46464952);
- chunksize = readframes * CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW;
-! wHeader.total_size = LittleLong((int32_t)(chunksize + sizeof(wavHeader)));
- /* "WAVEfmt " */
-! wHeader.WAVE = LittleLong(0x45564157);
-! wHeader.fmt = LittleLong(0x20746D66);
-! wHeader.subchunk_size = LittleLong(16);
-! wHeader.audio_format = LittleShort(1);
-! wHeader.number_channels = LittleShort(2);
-! wHeader.sampling_rate = LittleLong(44100);
-! wHeader.byte_rate = LittleLong(176400);
-! wHeader.block_align = LittleShort(4);
-! wHeader.bits_per_sample = LittleShort(16);
- if(fwrite((const void *) &wHeader, sizeof(wavHeader), (size_t) 1, audio_out)!=1)
- {
-*** 492,497 ****
---- 553,559 ----
- }
- }
-+ chunksize = LittleLong(chunksize);
- if(fwrite((const void *) &chunksize, sizeof(long int), (size_t) 1, audio_out)!=1)
- {
- perror("Error writing wav file chunksize header");
diff --git a/openslug/openembedded/packages/pvrusb2-mci/.mtn2git_empty b/openslug/openembedded/packages/pvrusb2-mci/.mtn2git_empty
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2..0000000000
--- a/openslug/openembedded/packages/pvrusb2-mci/.mtn2git_empty
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/openslug/openembedded/packages/pvrusb2-mci/pvrusb2-mci-20051113/.mtn2git_empty b/openslug/openembedded/packages/pvrusb2-mci/pvrusb2-mci-20051113/.mtn2git_empty
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2..0000000000
--- a/openslug/openembedded/packages/pvrusb2-mci/pvrusb2-mci-20051113/.mtn2git_empty
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/openslug/openembedded/packages/pvrusb2-mci/pvrusb2-mci-20051113/Makefile.patch b/openslug/openembedded/packages/pvrusb2-mci/pvrusb2-mci-20051113/Makefile.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index b79c42e2c5..0000000000
--- a/openslug/openembedded/packages/pvrusb2-mci/pvrusb2-mci-20051113/Makefile.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
---- driver/Makefile- 2005-09-11 13:22:08.000000000 -1000
-+++ driver/Makefile 2005-09-17 01:02:06.341217389 -1000
-@@ -37,10 +37,10 @@
- all: modules
- modules modules_install clean:
-- $(MAKE) INSTALL_MOD_DIR=$(INSTALL_MOD_DIR) -C $(KDIR) M=$(shell pwd) $@
- install:
-- $(MAKE) INSTALL_MOD_DIR=$(INSTALL_MOD_DIR) -C $(KDIR) M=$(shell pwd) modules_install
-+ $(MAKE) INSTALL_MOD_DIR=$(INSTALL_MOD_DIR) CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) $(TARGET_CFLAGS)" -C $(KDIR) M=$(shell pwd) modules_install
- else
diff --git a/openslug/openembedded/packages/pvrusb2-mci/ b/openslug/openembedded/packages/pvrusb2-mci/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ac677e329..0000000000
--- a/openslug/openembedded/packages/pvrusb2-mci/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-DESCRIPTION = "Driver for the Hauppauge WinTV PVR USB2"
-PRIORITY = "optional"
-SECTION = "kernel/modules"
-MAINTAINER = "dyoung <>"
-PR = "r0"
-# It in fact requires these modules, but for now is using the local ones.
-# RDEPENDS = "kernel-module-tveeprom kernel-module-tuner kernel-module-msp3400 kernel-module-saa7115"
-SRC_URI = ""
-#SRC_URI = " \
-# file://Makefile.patch;patch=1"
-S = "${WORKDIR}/pvrusb2-mci-20051113"
-inherit module
-CFLAGS = "'-I${KERNEL_SOURCE}/include' \
- '-D__LINUX_ARM_ARCH__=5'"
- 'CC=${KERNEL_CC}' \
- 'LD=${KERNEL_LD}' \
- -rpath-link ${STAGING_DIR}/${TARGET_SYS}/lib"
-do_compile() {
- cd ivtv; oe_runmake
- cd ../driver; oe_runmake
-do_install() {
- install -d ${D}${base_libdir}/modules/${KERNEL_VERSION}/kernel/drivers/usb/media
- install -m 0644 ivtv/*${KERNEL_OBJECT_SUFFIX} ${D}${base_libdir}/modules/${KERNEL_VERSION}/kernel/drivers/usb/media
- install -m 0644 driver/*${KERNEL_OBJECT_SUFFIX} ${D}${base_libdir}/modules/${KERNEL_VERSION}/kernel/drivers/usb/media
diff --git a/scripts/.mtn2git_empty b/scripts/.mtn2git_empty
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2..0000000000
--- a/scripts/.mtn2git_empty
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
deleted file mode 100644
index 45c64134f8..0000000000
--- a/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-my $pat = shift(@ARGV) || usage(1);
-my $infile = shift(@ARGV) || usage(1);
-my $outfile = shift(@ARGV) || "-";
-print STDERR "Package-strip processing input file $infile\n";
-print STDERR "Output to " . ($outfile ne "-" ? $outfile : "stdout") . "\n";
-# massage the regexp to accept semi-shell-style *
-$pat =~ s/\*/.*/g;
-open (I,"<$infile") || die $@;
-open (O,">>$outfile") || die $@;
-undef $/;
-my $srctext = <I>;
-my @srclist = split(/\012\012\012/,$srctext);
-my @outlist = grep(/Package: $pat/,@srclist);
-print O join("\012\012\012",@outlist);
-print O "\012\012\012";
-sub usage {
- my $cack = shift(@_);
- print STDERR "usage: Package-strip <regexp> <filename> [output filename]\nRemember to escape wildcard characters for the shell.";
- die if $cack;