diff options
authorRod Whitby <>2007-02-12 05:55:36 +0000
committerRod Whitby <>2007-02-12 05:55:36 +0000
commit7edfef39a97bf8b6922f7fb4bfe50bd911ce76cb (patch)
parent4b3665fdb3579a172d574a82e4e5871a4bed69cf (diff)
nslu2.conf: Deprecated in favour of nslu2le.conf and nslu2be.conf.
3 files changed, 19 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/conf/machine/nslu2.conf b/conf/machine/nslu2.conf
index 966334a0d6..7e45825f69 100644
--- a/conf/machine/nslu2.conf
+++ b/conf/machine/nslu2.conf
@@ -2,20 +2,4 @@
#@NAME: Linksys NSLU2
#@DESCRIPTION: Machine configuration for the Linksys NSLU2 product
-# Note that TARGET_ARCH gets set by the DISTRO for the "nslu2" machine.
-# (Yes, this was a mistake, but it's legacy and can't be easily changed now.)
-# The "nslu2" machine is deprecated - use "nslu2le" or "nslu2be" instead.
-require conf/machine/include/ixp4xx.conf
-# This should eventually be removed (when we move from nslu2 to nslu2le/nslu2be).
-MACHINE_ARCH = "${@['ixp4xxbe', 'ixp4xxle']['SITEINFO_ENDIANESS', d, 1) == 'le']}"
-# This should eventually be removed (when we move from nslu2 to nslu2le/nslu2be).
-PACKAGE_ARCH = "${@['armeb', 'arm']['SITEINFO_ENDIANESS', d, 1) == 'le']}"
-# This should eventually be removed (when we move from nslu2 to nslu2le/nslu2be).
-PACKAGE_EXTRA_ARCHS = "${@['ixp4xxbe nslu2be', 'ixp4xxle nslu2le']['SITEINFO_ENDIANESS', d, 1) == 'le']}"
-# This should eventually be removed (when we move from nslu2 to nslu2le/nslu2be).
-EXTRA_IMAGECMD_jffs2 += "${@['--big-endian', '--little-endian']['SITEINFO_ENDIANESS', d, 1) == 'le']}"
+MACHINE_CHECK := ${@bb.fatal('You must set MACHINE to nslu2le or nslu2be.')}
diff --git a/conf/machine/nslu2be.conf b/conf/machine/nslu2be.conf
index 7cbdd80c1b..16d1ed8508 100644
--- a/conf/machine/nslu2be.conf
+++ b/conf/machine/nslu2be.conf
@@ -2,8 +2,15 @@
#@NAME: Linksys NSLU2 (big-endian)
#@DESCRIPTION: Machine configuration for an NSLU2 in big-endian mode
-require conf/machine/ixp4xxbe.conf
+TARGET_ARCH = "armeb"
+PACKAGE_EXTRA_ARCHS = "armv4b armv4tb armv5eb armv5teb ixp4xxbe"
MACHINE_ARCH = "ixp4xxbe"
+IXP4XX_MACHINE_OVERRIDE = ":nslu2:ixp4xx"
+require conf/machine/include/ixp4xx.conf
+EXTRA_IMAGECMD_jffs2 += "--big-endian"
-PACKAGE_EXTRA_ARCHS += "ixp4xxbe"
+OVERRIDES = "local:${MACHINE}:nslu2:ixp4xx:${DISTRO}:${TARGET_OS}:${TARGET_ARCH}:build-${BUILD_OS}:fail-fast:pn-${PN}"
diff --git a/conf/machine/nslu2le.conf b/conf/machine/nslu2le.conf
index cc8e8b8b98..1dd1ddaf2f 100644
--- a/conf/machine/nslu2le.conf
+++ b/conf/machine/nslu2le.conf
@@ -2,8 +2,15 @@
#@NAME: Linksys NSLU2 (little-endian)
#@DESCRIPTION: Machine configuration for an NSLU2 in little-endian mode
-require conf/machine/ixp4xxle.conf
+TARGET_ARCH = "arm"
+PACKAGE_EXTRA_ARCHS = "armv4 armv4t armv5e armv5te ixp4xxle"
MACHINE_ARCH = "ixp4xxle"
-PACKAGE_EXTRA_ARCHS += "ixp4xxle"
+require conf/machine/include/ixp4xx.conf
+EXTRA_IMAGECMD_jffs2 += "--little-endian"
+OVERRIDES = "local:${MACHINE}:nslu2:ixp4xx:${DISTRO}:${TARGET_OS}:${TARGET_ARCH}:build-${BUILD_OS}:fail-fast:pn-${PN}"