AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFiles
2019-01-10Update header to include gpio defs for mtac cards, extern EEPROM4.0.1Mike Nicholson2
2019-01-08Bump the version of the driver to 44.0.0John Klug1
2018-12-19Call firmware_request_direct() (no userspace)Mike Nicholson1
2018-12-12Get rid of Allman style braces to match fileMike Nicholson1
2018-12-12Load EEPROM via request_firmwareMike2
2018-10-25Add mtac_free function to mtac module1.1.0John Klug2
2018-10-16More accurate README1.0.0John Klug1
2018-10-15mtac driver derived from mts-io 2.2.2John Klug9