path: root/recipes-kernel/rs9113/
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFiles
2020-07-14rs9113 kernel module version/revision to match other kernel modulesJohn Klug1
2020-05-14mpower-thud: missing SRCREV_FORMAT in rs9113-from-src fails buildAndrii Pientsov1
2019-04-17Use Redpine bridge patchJohn Klug1
2019-04-17Use Redpine bridge patchJohn Klug1
2019-03-25Bump the version of rs9113 for new firmware and WEP fix.John Klug1
2019-03-19rs9113 startup moved to package rs9113-autostartJohn Klug1
2019-03-08Bump the version of rs9113 package to correspond to driver patchJohn Klug1
2019-02-14Remove wpa_supplicant init script from rs9113-noarch, and simplify recipe.John Klug1
2019-02-13Split off seldom used rs9113 driver filesJohn Klug1
2019-02-12New rs9113 driver for Linux versions up to 4.14John Klug1