path: root/recipes-core/multitech/config/network/interfaces
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 81 deletions
diff --git a/recipes-core/multitech/config/network/interfaces b/recipes-core/multitech/config/network/interfaces
deleted file mode 100644
index 67c934b..0000000
--- a/recipes-core/multitech/config/network/interfaces
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-# /etc/network/interfaces -- configuration file for ifup(8), ifdown(8)
-# The loopback interface
-auto lo
-iface lo inet loopback
-# Wired interface
-auto eth0
-iface eth0 inet static
-# Forwarding packets on eth0
-# gateway
-# pre-up bash -c 'echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward'
-# post-up iptables -F
-# post-up iptables -t nat -F
-# post-up iptables -t mangle -F
-# post-up iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
-# Bridge interface with eth0 (comment out eth0 lines above to use with bridge)
-# iface eth0 inet manual
-# auto br0
-# iface br0 inet static
-# bridge_ports eth0
-# address
-# netmask
-# Wifi client
-# For MTR WiFi only:
-# NOTE: udev rules will bring up wlan0 automatically if a wifi device is detected
-# and the wlan0 interface is defined, therefore an "auto wlan0" line is not needed.
-# If "auto wlan0" is also specified, startup conflicts may result.
-#iface wlan0 inet dhcp
-#wpa-conf /var/config/wpa_supplicant.conf
-#wpa-driver nl80211
-# For Conduit WiFi:
-# You must configure wpa_supplicant.conf as appropriate for your WiFi access point
-# and its security. The "pre-up" section is needed to create the VAP device,
-# wifi0. udhcpc_opts should be used to prevent DHCP from giving up too soon. The
-# default timeout is less than 10 seconds, and in some circumstances is not enough
-# time for wifi to connect. The udhcpc options specified below are in addition to
-# those preconfigured in the ifup program. The option "-t" specifies the number
-# of DHCP retries. By default each trial is 3 seconds long. As specified here,
-# udhcpc will try for thirty seconds. The option "-b" specifies that if the
-# attempts are made and all fail, the boot will proceed, and the udhcpc program
-# will continue to periodically attempt to reach the DHCP server. Without the -b
-# option, udhcpc will fail and abort if the server is not reached within the
-# specified timeout. The boot will continue after the timeout, but the network
-# will never be connected without some other intervention.
-# Specifying "-t 0" results in udhcpc not running in the background, regardless
-# of the presence of "-b". This causes udhcpc to enter a loop trying to reach
-# the DHCP server, and only relinquising control to the boot (or ifup) if the
-# server responds.
-# The udhcpc_opts parameter will result in the following invocation
-# of udhcpc from ifup:
-# udhcpc -R -n -p /var/run/ -i wifi0 -t 10 -b
-# See for more information.
-# auto wifi0
-# iface wifi0 inet dhcp
-# wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
-# wpa-driver nl80211
-# pre-up bash -c '([[ -d /sys/class/net/wifi0 ]] || /opt/rs9113/onebox_util rpine0 create_vap wifi0 sta sw_bmiss)'
-# udhcpc_opts -t 10 -b
-# The pan0 interface purpose is to support bluetooth pand
-# If access to another network is required, the ip forwarding
-# for eth0 could be enabled.
-# auto pan0
-# iface pan0 inet static
-# address
-# netmask
-# pre-up brctl addbr pan0
-# pre-up brctl setfd pan0 0
-# pre-up brctl stp pan0 off