path: root/loragw_pkt_logger/README
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authorSylvain Miermont <>2014-03-28 16:58:48 +0100
committerSylvain Miermont <>2014-03-28 16:58:48 +0100
commitf991b0e35ad1bd3b999c70e68c518bae91bd36a6 (patch)
tree7e098ae53dc1401d88efa12de3bfc24ff405d88c /loragw_pkt_logger/README
parent0e2b2cfa32767e516870a4e6a2ce0b6cce827910 (diff)
- Added TX power management. - Added full support for SX1301 reference board. - Changed build system with configuration for multiple chip/radio/band support. - SX125x bandwidth set to 1MHz by default (was 800 kHz). - Solved warnings with 64b integer printf when compiling on x86_64. - Renamed helper programs to reduce the concentrator vs. gateway confusion.
Diffstat (limited to 'loragw_pkt_logger/README')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 88 deletions
diff --git a/loragw_pkt_logger/README b/loragw_pkt_logger/README
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index 9469904..0000000
--- a/loragw_pkt_logger/README
+++ /dev/null
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- / _____) _ | |
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- ©2013 Semtech-Cycleo
-Lora Gateway packet logger
-1. Introduction
-This software is used to set up a Lora concentrator using a JSON configuration
-file and then record all the packets received in a log file, indefinitely, until
-the user stops the application.
-No filtering is done and all packets that are Lora packets with the correct RF
-parameters (frequency, datarate, bandwidth) should appear in the log.
-2. Dependencies
-This program uses the Parson library ( by
-Krzysztof Gabis for JSON parsing.
-Many thanks to him for that very practical and well written library.
-This program is a typical example of Lora Gateway HAL usage for receiving
-Only high-level functions are used (the ones contained in loragw_hal) so there
-is no hardware dependencies assuming the HAL is matched with the proper version
-of the hardware.
-Data structures of the received packets are accessed by name (ie. not at a
-binary level) so new functionalities can be added to the API without affecting
-that program at all.
-It was tested with v1.0.0 of the libloragw library, and should be compatible
-with any later version of the library assuming the API is downward-compatible.
-3. Usage
-To stop the application, press Ctrl+C.
-The only optional parameter when launching the application is the log rotation
-time (in seconds).
-The way the program takes configuration files into account is the following:
- * if there is a debug_conf.json parse it, others are ignored
- * if there is a global_conf.json parse it, look for the next file
- * if there is a local_conf.json parse it
-If some parameters are defined in both global and local configuration files, the
-local definition overwrites the global definition.
-The global configuration file should be exactly the same throughout your
-network, contain all global parameters (parameters for "sensor" radio channels)
-and preferably default "safe" values for parameters that are specific for each
-gateway (eg. specify a default MAC address).
-The local configuration file should contain parameters that are specific to each
-gateway (eg. MAC address, frequency for backhaul radio channels).
-In each configuration file, the program looks for a JSON object named
-"SX1301_conf" that should contain the parameters for the Lora concentrator board
-(RF channels definition, modem parameters, etc) and another JSON object called
-"gateway_conf" that should contain the gateway parameters (gateway MAC address,
-IP address of the Lora MAC controller, network authentication parameters, etc).
-To learn more about the JSON configuration format, read the provided JSON files
-and the API documentation. A dedicated document will be available later on.
-The received packets are put in a CSV file whose name include the MAC address of
-the gateway in hexadecimal format and a UTC timestamp of log starting time in
-ISO 8601 recommended compact format:
-yyyymmddThhmmssZ (eg. 20131009T172345Z for October 9th, 2013 at 5:23:45PM UTC)
-To able continuous monitoring, the current log file is closed is closed and a
-new one is opened every hour (by default, rotation interval is settable by the
-user using -r command line option).
-No packet is lost during that rotation of log file.
-Every log file but the current one can then be modified, uploaded and/or deleted
-without any consequence for the program execution.
-4. Changelog
-2013-10-24, v1
-Initial version.