/* * Copyright (C) 2015 by Multi-Tech Systems * * This file is part of radio-query. * * radio-query is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * radio-query is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with radio-query. If not, see . * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Version.h" const std::string DEFAULT_PORT("/dev/modem_at1"); const std::string DEFAULT_CACHE("/var/run/radio"); const std::string FMODEL("model"); const std::string FIMEI("imei"); const std::string FMEID("meid"); const std::string FIMSI("imsi"); const std::string FTYPE("type"); const std::string FCODE("code"); const std::string FRSSI("rssi"); const std::string FFIRMWARE("firmware"); const std::string FFIRMWAREBUILD("firmwarebuild"); const std::string FVENDORFIRMWARE("vendorfirmware"); const std::string FCARRIER("carrier"); const std::string FMDN("mdn"); const std::string FICCID("iccid"); std::string g_sCache(DEFAULT_CACHE); std::string g_sModel; std::string g_sType; std::string g_sPort(DEFAULT_PORT); Json::Value g_jData; MTS::AutoPtr g_apRadio; int32_t g_iOptions = 0; const uint32_t OPT_INDIVIDUAL = 0x00FFFFFF; const uint32_t OPT_SUMMARY = 0x7F000000; const uint32_t OPT_INITIALIZE = 0x10000000; const uint32_t OPT_FIRMWARE = 0x00000001; const uint32_t OPT_IMEI = 0x00000002; const uint32_t OPT_IMSI = 0x00000004; const uint32_t OPT_LAC = 0x00000008; const uint32_t OPT_MODEL = 0x00000010; const uint32_t OPT_NETREG = 0x00000020; const uint32_t OPT_NETWORK = 0x00000040; const uint32_t OPT_MDN = 0x00000080; const uint32_t OPT_PHONENUMBER = OPT_MDN; const uint32_t OPT_RSSI = 0x00000100; const uint32_t OPT_TOWER = 0x00000200; const uint32_t OPT_ICCID = 0x00000400; const uint32_t OPT_SERVICE = 0x00000800; const uint32_t OPT_TYPE = 0x00001000; const uint32_t OPT_CARRIER = 0x00002000; const uint32_t OPT_DATETIME = 0x00004000; const uint32_t OPT_ACTIVEFIRMWARE = 0x00008000; const uint32_t OPT_LOCATION = 0x00010000; const uint32_t OPT_FIRMWAREBUILD = 0x00020000; const uint32_t OPT_SIM_STATUS = 0x00040000; const uint32_t OPT_RADIO_CODE = 0x00080000; const uint32_t OPT_SIM_CARRIER_CODE = 0x00100000; const uint32_t OPT_VENDORFIRMWARE = 0x00200000; const uint32_t OPT_UE_OPERAION_MODE = 0x00400000; const uint32_t OPT_SUMMARY_STATIC = 0x01000000; const uint32_t OPT_SUMMARY_NETWORK = 0x02000000; const uint32_t OPT_CELL_MODE = 0x04000000; const uint32_t OPT_SUPPORTED_CELL_MODE = 0x08000000; void handle_sigterm(int signum); void printHelp(const std::string& sApp); void parseOptions(int argc, char** argv); void initializeCache(); void shutdown(); template bool writeToCache(const std::string& sFile, const T& tValue); std::string cellularModeStr(MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::CELLULAR_MODES networks); Json::Value getStaticData(); Json::Value getNetworkData(); bool g_bIstty = false; int main(int argc, char** argv) { using namespace MTS::IO; signal(SIGTERM, handle_sigterm); signal(SIGINT, handle_sigterm); MTS::Logger::setPrintLevel(MTS::Logger::PrintLevel::OFF_LEVEL, true); if (isatty(fileno(stdin)) && isatty(fileno(stdout))) g_bIstty = true; //Assuming cache needs to be built bool bBuildCache = true; parseOptions(argc, argv); printTrace("istty: %d\n", g_bIstty); if(!(g_iOptions & OPT_INITIALIZE)) { std::ifstream fModel; fModel.open(g_sCache + "/" + FMODEL); if(fModel.is_open()) { std::string sModel; fModel >> sModel; fModel.close(); if(sModel.size() > 0) { printTrace("Pulling Model from cache: [%s]", sModel.c_str()); g_sModel = sModel; } bBuildCache = false; } } MTS::IO::CellularRadioFactory factory; g_apRadio.reset(factory.create(g_sModel, g_sPort)); if(g_apRadio.isNull() || !g_apRadio->initialize()) { printf("Error creating radio interface [%s][%s]\n", g_sPort.c_str(), g_sModel.c_str()); exit(1); } if((g_iOptions & OPT_INITIALIZE) || bBuildCache) { initializeCache(); if(g_iOptions & OPT_INITIALIZE) { //Initialization was the only purpose shutdown(); return 0; } } ICellularRadio::CODE result = ICellularRadio::CODE::SUCCESS; if(g_iOptions & OPT_SUMMARY_NETWORK) { printf("%s", getNetworkData().toStyledString().c_str()); } else if(g_iOptions & OPT_SUMMARY_STATIC) { printf("%s", getStaticData().toStyledString().c_str()); } else if(g_iOptions & OPT_SIM_STATUS) { Json::Value jValue; result = g_apRadio->getSimStatusSummary(jValue); if(result == ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { printf("%s", jValue.toStyledString().c_str()); } } else if(g_iOptions & OPT_RSSI) { int32_t iValue; result = g_apRadio->getSignalStrength(iValue); if(result == ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { writeToCache(FRSSI, iValue); printf("%d", iValue); } }else if(g_iOptions & OPT_LOCATION) { std::string sValue; result = g_apRadio->getModemLocation(sValue); if(result == ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { printf("%s", sValue.c_str()); } else { printf("Radio has not location support"); } }else if(g_iOptions & OPT_NETREG) { std::string sValue; ICellularRadio::REGISTRATION eReg; result = g_apRadio->getRegistration(eReg); if(result == ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { result = g_apRadio->convertRegistrationToString(eReg, sValue); if(result == ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { printf("%s", sValue.c_str()); } } } else if(g_iOptions & OPT_LAC) { std::string sValue; result = g_apRadio->getLac(sValue); if(result == ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { printf("%s", sValue.c_str()); } } else if(g_iOptions & OPT_TOWER) { std::string sValue; result = g_apRadio->getTower(sValue); if(result == ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { printf("%s", sValue.c_str()); } } else if(g_iOptions & OPT_ICCID) { std::string sValue; result = g_apRadio->getIccid(sValue); if(result == ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { writeToCache(FICCID, sValue); printf("%s", sValue.c_str()); } } else if(g_iOptions & OPT_SERVICE) { std::string sValue; result = g_apRadio->getService(sValue); if(result == ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { printf("%s", sValue.c_str()); } } else if(g_iOptions & OPT_NETWORK) { std::string sValue; result = g_apRadio->getNetwork(sValue); if(result == ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { printf("%s", sValue.c_str()); } } else if(g_iOptions & OPT_MDN) { std::string sValue; result = g_apRadio->getMdn(sValue); if(result == ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { writeToCache(FMDN, sValue); printf("%s", sValue.c_str()); } } else if(g_iOptions & OPT_FIRMWARE) { std::string sValue; result = g_apRadio->getFirmware(sValue); if(result == ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { writeToCache(FFIRMWARE, sValue); printf("%s", sValue.c_str()); } } else if(g_iOptions & OPT_FIRMWAREBUILD) { std::string sValue; result = g_apRadio->getFirmwareBuild(sValue); if(result == ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { writeToCache(FFIRMWAREBUILD, sValue); printf("%s", sValue.c_str()); } } else if(g_iOptions & OPT_VENDORFIRMWARE) { std::string sValue; result = g_apRadio->getVendorFirmware(sValue); if(result == ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { writeToCache(FVENDORFIRMWARE, sValue); printf("%s", sValue.c_str()); } } else if(g_iOptions & OPT_IMEI) { std::string sValue; result = g_apRadio->getImei(sValue); if(result == ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { printf("%s", sValue.c_str()); } } else if(g_iOptions & OPT_IMSI) { std::string sValue; result = g_apRadio->getImsi(sValue); if(result == ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { printf("%s", sValue.c_str()); } } else if(g_iOptions & OPT_MODEL) { std::string sValue; result = g_apRadio->getModel(sValue); if(result == ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { printf("%s", sValue.c_str()); } } else if(g_iOptions & OPT_RADIO_CODE) { std::string sValue; std::string sCode; result = g_apRadio->getModel(sValue); if(result == ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { result = g_apRadio->convertModelToMtsShortCode(g_sModel, sCode, g_apRadio.get()); if(result == ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { printf("%s", sCode.c_str()); } } } else if(g_iOptions & OPT_TYPE) { std::string sValue; std::string sType; result = g_apRadio->getModel(sValue); if(result == ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { result = g_apRadio->convertModelToType(sValue, sType); if(result == ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { printf("%s", sType.c_str()); } } } else if(g_iOptions & OPT_CARRIER) { std::string sValue; result = g_apRadio->getCarrier(sValue); if(result == ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { writeToCache(FCARRIER, sValue); printf("%s", sValue.c_str()); } } else if(g_iOptions & OPT_DATETIME) { std::string sDate, sTime, sZone; result = g_apRadio->getTime(sDate, sTime, sZone); if(result == ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { printf("%s %s GMT%s", sDate.c_str(), sTime.c_str(), sZone.c_str()); } } else if(g_iOptions & OPT_ACTIVEFIRMWARE) { std::string sValue; result = g_apRadio->getActiveFirmware(sValue); if(result == ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { printf("%s", sValue.c_str()); } } else if(g_iOptions & OPT_SUPPORTED_CELL_MODE) { std::string sValue; ICellularRadio::CELLULAR_MODES networks; result = g_apRadio->getSupportedCellularModes(networks); if (result == ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { result = g_apRadio->convertCellModesToString(networks, sValue); if(result == ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { printf("%s", sValue.c_str()); } } } else if(g_iOptions & OPT_CELL_MODE) { std::string sValue; ICellularRadio::CELLULAR_MODES networks; result = g_apRadio->getCellularMode(networks); if (result == ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { result = g_apRadio->convertCellModesToString(networks, sValue); if(result == ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { printf("%s", sValue.c_str()); } } } else if (g_iOptions & OPT_SIM_CARRIER_CODE) { std::string sValue; result = g_apRadio->getSimCarrierCode(sValue); if (result == ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { printf("%s", sValue.c_str()); } } else if (g_iOptions & OPT_UE_OPERAION_MODE) { std::string sValue; ICellularRadio::UE_MODES_OF_OPERATION mode; result = g_apRadio->getUeModeOfOperation(mode); if (result == ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { result = g_apRadio->convertUeModeToString(mode, sValue); if(result == ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { printf("%s", sValue.c_str()); } } } if (g_bIstty && result == ICellularRadio::CODE::SUCCESS) printf("\n"); shutdown(); return (result == ICellularRadio::CODE::SUCCESS) ? 0 : 1; } void handle_sigterm(int signum) { if (signum == SIGTERM) { shutdown(); } } void shutdown() { printDebug("Shutting Down"); if(!g_apRadio.isNull()) { g_apRadio->shutdown(); g_apRadio.reset(); } } void initializeCache() { if(mkdir(g_sCache.c_str(), 0777) != 0) { if(errno != EEXIST) { printf("Error creating cache directory [%s] [%d][%s]\n", g_sCache.c_str(), errno, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } } //Gather Static Information const Json::Value jData = getStaticData(); printTrace("Static Data:\n%s\n", jData.toStyledString().c_str()); //Save to radio cache directory std::ofstream ofile; ofile.open(g_sCache + "/" + FMODEL); ofile << jData[MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_MODEL].asString(); ofile.close(); if(g_sType == MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::VALUE_TYPE_CDMA) { ofile.open(g_sCache + "/" + FIMEI); ofile << jData[MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_MEID].asString(); ofile.close(); ofile.open(g_sCache + "/" + FMEID); ofile << jData[MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_MEID].asString(); ofile.close(); } else { ofile.open(g_sCache + "/" + FIMEI); ofile << jData[MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_IMEI].asString(); ofile.close(); ofile.open(g_sCache + "/" + FMEID); ofile << jData[MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_IMEI].asString(); ofile.close(); } ofile.open(g_sCache + "/" + FIMSI); ofile << jData[MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_IMSI].asString(); ofile.close(); ofile.open(g_sCache + "/" + FTYPE); ofile << jData[MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_TYPE].asString(); ofile.close(); ofile.open(g_sCache + "/" + FCODE); ofile << jData[MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_CODE].asString(); ofile.close(); ofile.open(g_sCache + "/" + FFIRMWARE); ofile << jData[MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_FIRMWARE].asString(); ofile.close(); ofile.open(g_sCache + "/" + FFIRMWAREBUILD); ofile << jData[MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_FIRMWARE_BUILD].asString(); ofile.close(); ofile.open(g_sCache + "/" + FVENDORFIRMWARE); ofile << jData[MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_VENDOR_FIRMWARE].asString(); ofile.close(); ofile.open(g_sCache + "/" + FCARRIER); ofile << jData[MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_CARRIER].asString(); ofile.close(); } template bool writeToCache(const std::string& sFile, const T& tValue) { std::ofstream ofile; ofile.open(g_sCache + "/" + sFile); if(!ofile.is_open()){ return false; } std::stringstream ss; ss << tValue; ofile << ss.str(); ofile.close(); return true; } Json::Value getStaticData() { using namespace MTS::IO; Json::Value jData; std::string sImei; ICellularRadio::CODE eCode = g_apRadio->getImei(sImei); if(eCode != ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { printWarning("Radio IMEI not found: %s", ICellularRadio::getCodeAsString(eCode).c_str()); } if(g_apRadio->getModel(g_sModel) == ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_MODEL] = g_sModel; } else { printWarning("Radio model not found"); } if(g_apRadio->convertModelToType(g_sModel, g_sType) == ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_TYPE] = g_sType; } else { printWarning("Radio type not supported"); } std::string sCode(ICellularRadio::VALUE_UNKNOWN); if(ICellularRadio::convertModelToMtsShortCode(g_sModel, sCode, g_apRadio.get()) != ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { printWarning("Radio MTS short code not supported"); } jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_CODE] = sCode; if(g_sType == ICellularRadio::VALUE_TYPE_CDMA) { jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_MEID] = sImei; } else { jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_IMEI] = sImei; std::string sIccid; if(g_apRadio->getIccid(sIccid) == ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_ICCID] = sIccid; } } std::string sImsi(ICellularRadio::VALUE_UNKNOWN); if(g_apRadio->getImsi(sImsi) != ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { printWarning("Radio IMSI not found"); } jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_IMSI] = sImsi; std::string sMsid(ICellularRadio::VALUE_UNKNOWN); if(g_apRadio->getMsid(sMsid) != ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { printWarning("Radio MSID not found"); } jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_MSID] = sMsid; std::string sFirmware(ICellularRadio::VALUE_UNKNOWN); if(g_apRadio->getFirmware(sFirmware) != ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { printWarning("Radio Firmware not found"); } jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_FIRMWARE] = sFirmware; std::string sFirmwareBuild(ICellularRadio::VALUE_UNKNOWN); if(g_apRadio->getFirmwareBuild(sFirmwareBuild) != ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { printWarning("Radio Firmware Build not found"); } jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_FIRMWARE_BUILD] = sFirmwareBuild; std::string sVendorFirmware(ICellularRadio::VALUE_UNKNOWN); if(g_apRadio->getVendorFirmware(sVendorFirmware) != ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { printWarning("Radio Vendor Firmware not found"); } jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_VENDOR_FIRMWARE] = sVendorFirmware; std::string sCarrier(ICellularRadio::VALUE_UNKNOWN); if(g_apRadio->getCarrier(sCarrier) != ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { printWarning("Radio Carrier not found"); } jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_CARRIER] = sCarrier; std::string sHardware(ICellularRadio::VALUE_UNKNOWN); if(g_apRadio->getHardware(sHardware) != ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { printWarning("Radio Hardware Version not found"); } jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_HARDWARE] = sHardware; std::string sManufacturer(ICellularRadio::VALUE_UNKNOWN); if(g_apRadio->getManufacturer(sManufacturer) != ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { printWarning("Radio Manufacturer not found"); } jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_MANUFACTURER] = sManufacturer; std::string sMdn(ICellularRadio::VALUE_UNKNOWN); if(g_apRadio->getMdn(sMdn) == ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { //CDMA Provisioned Flag if(g_sType == ICellularRadio::VALUE_TYPE_CDMA) { if(sMdn.size() == 0 || sMdn.find("000000") != std::string::npos) { jData["provisioned"] = false; } else { jData["provisioned"] = true; } } } else { printWarning("Radio MDN not found"); } jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_MDN] = sMdn; Json::Value jMip; if(g_apRadio->getMipProfile(jMip) == MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { jData[MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_MIP] = jMip; } std::string sSupportedCellModes(ICellularRadio::VALUE_UNKNOWN); ICellularRadio::CELLULAR_MODES supportedCellModes; if(g_apRadio->getSupportedCellularModes(supportedCellModes) == ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { g_apRadio->convertCellModesToString(supportedCellModes, sSupportedCellModes); } jData[MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_SUPPORTED_CELL_MODES] = sSupportedCellModes; std::string sCarrierCode(ICellularRadio::VALUE_UNKNOWN); if(g_apRadio->getSimCarrierCode(sCarrierCode) != ICellularRadio::SUCCESS) { printWarning("SIM carrier information not found"); } jData[MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_SIM_CARRIER_CODE] = sCarrierCode; return jData; } Json::Value getNetworkData() { Json::Value jData; g_apRadio->getNetworkStatus(jData); return jData; } void parseOptions(int argc, char** argv) { int c; int iOption; std::string sPath; if(argc == 1) { printHelp(argv[0]); exit(0); } while (1) { static struct option long_options[] = { { "help", no_argument, 0, '?' }, { "version", no_argument, 0, 'v' }, { "device", required_argument, 0, 'd' }, { "printlvl", required_argument, 0, 'p' }, { "init", optional_argument, 0, 'i' }, { "cachedir", required_argument, 0, 'c' }, { "firmware", no_argument, &iOption, OPT_FIRMWARE }, { "firmwarebuild",no_argument, &iOption, OPT_FIRMWAREBUILD }, { "vendorfirmware",no_argument, &iOption, OPT_VENDORFIRMWARE }, { "imei", no_argument, &iOption, OPT_IMEI }, { "imsi", no_argument, &iOption, OPT_IMSI }, { "lac", no_argument, &iOption, OPT_LAC }, { "model", no_argument, &iOption, OPT_MODEL }, { "netreg", no_argument, &iOption, OPT_NETREG }, { "network", no_argument, &iOption, OPT_NETWORK }, { "phonenumber", no_argument, &iOption, OPT_PHONENUMBER }, { "mdn", no_argument, &iOption, OPT_MDN }, { "rssi", no_argument, &iOption, OPT_RSSI }, { "location", no_argument, &iOption, OPT_LOCATION }, { "tower", no_argument, &iOption, OPT_TOWER }, { "iccid", no_argument, &iOption, OPT_ICCID }, { "service", no_argument, &iOption, OPT_SERVICE }, { "type", no_argument, &iOption, OPT_TYPE }, { "carrier", no_argument, &iOption, OPT_CARRIER }, { "datetime", no_argument, &iOption, OPT_DATETIME }, { "active-firmware", no_argument, &iOption, OPT_ACTIVEFIRMWARE }, { "sim-status", no_argument, &iOption, OPT_SIM_STATUS }, { "code", no_argument, &iOption, OPT_RADIO_CODE }, { "static", no_argument, &iOption, OPT_SUMMARY_STATIC }, { "dynamic", no_argument, &iOption, OPT_SUMMARY_NETWORK }, { "cellular-mode",no_argument, &iOption, OPT_CELL_MODE }, { "supported-cellular-modes", no_argument, &iOption, OPT_SUPPORTED_CELL_MODE }, { "sim-carrier-code", no_argument, &iOption, OPT_SIM_CARRIER_CODE }, { "ue-mode-of-operation", no_argument,&iOption, OPT_UE_OPERAION_MODE }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; /* getopt_long stores the option index here. */ int option_index = 0; c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "d:p:ic:?v", long_options, &option_index); /* Detect the end of the options. */ if (c == -1) { break; } if(c == 0) { g_iOptions |= iOption; continue; } switch (c) { case '?': printHelp(argv[0]); exit(0); break; case 'v': printf("Version: %s\n", Version::version.c_str()); exit(0); break; case 'p': int iPrintLvl; if(MTS::Text::parse(iPrintLvl, optarg) && iPrintLvl >= 0 && iPrintLvl <= 100) { MTS::Logger::setPrintLevel(iPrintLvl); } else { printf("print level out of range [0-100]\n"); exit(1); } break; case 'i': if(optarg != 0) { g_sModel = optarg; } g_iOptions |= OPT_INITIALIZE; break; case 'c': if(optarg != 0) { g_sCache = optarg; } break; case 'd': if(optarg != 0) { g_sPort = optarg; } break; default: printf("OPTION: [%d] ABORTING!!\n", c); abort(); break; } } printTrace("OPTS: %08X\n", g_iOptions); /* Print any remaining command line arguments (not options). */ if (optind < argc) { fprintf(stderr, "non-option ARGV-elements: \n"); while (optind < argc) fprintf(stderr, "%s ", argv[optind++]); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } } void printHelp(const std::string& sApp) { printf("Usage: %s ...\n", sApp.c_str()); printf("\tSimple utility to pull info from supported radios in a consistent manner\n"); printf("\t--init (i) : initializes the utility for all future calls\n"); printf("\t--device (d) : specify modem device to query, default: /dev/modem_at1\n"); printf("\t--printlvl (p) : sets the printlvl [0-100]\n"); printf("\t--help (?) : returns this message\n"); printf("\t--version (v) : returns version\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\tQueries:\n"); printf("\t--firmware\n"); printf("\t--firmwarebuild\n"); printf("\t--vendorfirmware\n"); printf("\t--imei\n"); printf("\t--imsi\n"); printf("\t--lac\n"); printf("\t--model\n"); printf("\t--code\n"); printf("\t--netreg\n"); printf("\t--network\n"); printf("\t--phonenumber\n"); printf("\t--mdn\n"); printf("\t--rssi\n"); printf("\t--location\n"); printf("\t--tower\n"); printf("\t--iccid\n"); printf("\t--service\n"); printf("\t--type\n"); printf("\t--carrier\n"); printf("\t--datetime\n"); printf("\t--sim-status\n"); printf("\t--cellular-mode\n"); printf("\t--supported-cellular-modes\n"); printf("\t--sim-carrier-code\n"); printf("\t--ue-mode-of-operation\n"); // Applicable for LTE910-NA1 dual FW images only // printf("\t--active-firmware\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\tSupported Radios:\n"); printf("\t\tHE910, GE910, DE910, CE910, LE910, ME910, EG95, EG25\n"); }