/* / _____) _ | | ( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__ \____ \| ___ | (_ _) ___ |/ ___) _ \ _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | | (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_| (C)2013 Semtech-Cycleo Description: Configure Lora concentrator and forward packets to a server Use GPS for packet timestamping. Send a becon at a regular interval without server intervention License: Revised BSD License, see LICENSE.TXT file include in the project Maintainer: Michael Coracin */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --- DEPENDANCIES --------------------------------------------------------- */ /* fix an issue between POSIX and C99 */ #if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 600 #else #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500 #endif #include /* C99 types */ #include /* bool type */ #include /* printf, fprintf, snprintf, fopen, fputs */ #include /* memset */ #include /* sigaction */ #include /* time, clock_gettime, strftime, gmtime */ #include /* timeval */ #include /* getopt, access */ #include /* atoi, exit */ #include /* error messages */ #include /* modf */ #include #include /* socket specific definitions */ #include /* INET constants and stuff */ #include /* IP address conversion stuff */ #include /* gai_strerror */ #include #include "trace.h" #include "jitqueue.h" #include "timersync.h" #include "parson.h" #include "base64.h" #include "loragw_hal.h" #include "loragw_gps.h" #include "loragw_aux.h" #include "loragw_reg.h" /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --- PRIVATE MACROS ------------------------------------------------------- */ #define ARRAY_SIZE(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof((a)[0])) #define STRINGIFY(x) #x #define STR(x) STRINGIFY(x) /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --- PRIVATE CONSTANTS ---------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef VERSION_STRING #define VERSION_STRING "undefined" #endif #define DEFAULT_SERVER /* hostname also supported */ #define DEFAULT_PORT_UP 1780 #define DEFAULT_PORT_DW 1782 #define DEFAULT_KEEPALIVE 5 /* default time interval for downstream keep-alive packet */ #define DEFAULT_STAT 30 /* default time interval for statistics */ #define PUSH_TIMEOUT_MS 100 #define PULL_TIMEOUT_MS 200 #define GPS_REF_MAX_AGE 30 /* maximum admitted delay in seconds of GPS loss before considering latest GPS sync unusable */ #define FETCH_SLEEP_MS 10 /* nb of ms waited when a fetch return no packets */ #define BEACON_POLL_MS 50 /* time in ms between polling of beacon TX status */ #define PROTOCOL_VERSION 2 /* v1.3 */ #define XERR_INIT_AVG 128 /* nb of measurements the XTAL correction is averaged on as initial value */ #define XERR_FILT_COEF 256 /* coefficient for low-pass XTAL error tracking */ #define PKT_PUSH_DATA 0 #define PKT_PUSH_ACK 1 #define PKT_PULL_DATA 2 #define PKT_PULL_RESP 3 #define PKT_PULL_ACK 4 #define PKT_TX_ACK 5 #define NB_PKT_MAX 8 /* max number of packets per fetch/send cycle */ #define MIN_LORA_PREAMB 6 /* minimum Lora preamble length for this application */ #define STD_LORA_PREAMB 8 #define MIN_FSK_PREAMB 3 /* minimum FSK preamble length for this application */ #define STD_FSK_PREAMB 5 #define STATUS_SIZE 200 #define TX_BUFF_SIZE ((540 * NB_PKT_MAX) + 30 + STATUS_SIZE) #define UNIX_GPS_EPOCH_OFFSET 315964800 /* Number of seconds ellapsed between 01.Jan.1970 00:00:00 and 06.Jan.1980 00:00:00 */ #define DEFAULT_BEACON_FREQ_HZ 869525000 #define DEFAULT_BEACON_FREQ_NB 1 #define DEFAULT_BEACON_FREQ_STEP 0 #define DEFAULT_BEACON_DATARATE 9 #define DEFAULT_BEACON_BW_HZ 125000 #define DEFAULT_BEACON_POWER 14 #define DEFAULT_BEACON_INFODESC 0 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --- PRIVATE VARIABLES (GLOBAL) ------------------------------------------- */ /* signal handling variables */ volatile bool exit_sig = false; /* 1 -> application terminates cleanly (shut down hardware, close open files, etc) */ volatile bool quit_sig = false; /* 1 -> application terminates without shutting down the hardware */ /* packets filtering configuration variables */ static bool fwd_valid_pkt = true; /* packets with PAYLOAD CRC OK are forwarded */ static bool fwd_error_pkt = false; /* packets with PAYLOAD CRC ERROR are NOT forwarded */ static bool fwd_nocrc_pkt = false; /* packets with NO PAYLOAD CRC are NOT forwarded */ /* network configuration variables */ static uint64_t lgwm = 0; /* Lora gateway MAC address */ static char serv_addr[64] = STR(DEFAULT_SERVER); /* address of the server (host name or IPv4/IPv6) */ static char spi_device_path[64] = {0} ; /* custom SPI device path */ static char serv_port_up[8] = STR(DEFAULT_PORT_UP); /* server port for upstream traffic */ static char serv_port_down[8] = STR(DEFAULT_PORT_DW); /* server port for downstream traffic */ static int keepalive_time = DEFAULT_KEEPALIVE; /* send a PULL_DATA request every X seconds, negative = disabled */ /* statistics collection configuration variables */ static unsigned stat_interval = DEFAULT_STAT; /* time interval (in sec) at which statistics are collected and displayed */ /* gateway <-> MAC protocol variables */ static uint32_t net_mac_h; /* Most Significant Nibble, network order */ static uint32_t net_mac_l; /* Least Significant Nibble, network order */ /* network sockets */ static int sock_up; /* socket for upstream traffic */ static int sock_down; /* socket for downstream traffic */ /* network protocol variables */ static struct timeval push_timeout_half = {0, (PUSH_TIMEOUT_MS * 500)}; /* cut in half, critical for throughput */ static struct timeval pull_timeout = {0, (PULL_TIMEOUT_MS * 1000)}; /* non critical for throughput */ /* hardware access control and correction */ pthread_mutex_t mx_concent = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; /* control access to the concentrator */ static pthread_mutex_t mx_xcorr = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; /* control access to the XTAL correction */ static bool xtal_correct_ok = false; /* set true when XTAL correction is stable enough */ static double xtal_correct = 1.0; /* GPS configuration and synchronization */ static char gps_tty_path[64] = "\0"; /* path of the TTY port GPS is connected on */ static int gps_tty_fd = -1; /* file descriptor of the GPS TTY port */ static bool gps_enabled = false; /* is GPS enabled on that gateway ? */ /* GPS time reference */ static pthread_mutex_t mx_timeref = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; /* control access to GPS time reference */ static bool gps_ref_valid; /* is GPS reference acceptable (ie. not too old) */ static struct tref time_reference_gps; /* time reference used for GPS <-> timestamp conversion */ /* Reference coordinates, for broadcasting (beacon) */ static struct coord_s reference_coord; /* Enable faking the GPS coordinates of the gateway */ static bool gps_fake_enable; /* enable the feature */ /* measurements to establish statistics */ static pthread_mutex_t mx_meas_up = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; /* control access to the upstream measurements */ static uint32_t meas_nb_rx_rcv = 0; /* count packets received */ static uint32_t meas_nb_rx_ok = 0; /* count packets received with PAYLOAD CRC OK */ static uint32_t meas_nb_rx_bad = 0; /* count packets received with PAYLOAD CRC ERROR */ static uint32_t meas_nb_rx_nocrc = 0; /* count packets received with NO PAYLOAD CRC */ static uint32_t meas_up_pkt_fwd = 0; /* number of radio packet forwarded to the server */ static uint32_t meas_up_network_byte = 0; /* sum of UDP bytes sent for upstream traffic */ static uint32_t meas_up_payload_byte = 0; /* sum of radio payload bytes sent for upstream traffic */ static uint32_t meas_up_dgram_sent = 0; /* number of datagrams sent for upstream traffic */ static uint32_t meas_up_ack_rcv = 0; /* number of datagrams acknowledged for upstream traffic */ static pthread_mutex_t mx_meas_dw = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; /* control access to the downstream measurements */ static uint32_t meas_dw_pull_sent = 0; /* number of PULL requests sent for downstream traffic */ static uint32_t meas_dw_ack_rcv = 0; /* number of PULL requests acknowledged for downstream traffic */ static uint32_t meas_dw_dgram_rcv = 0; /* count PULL response packets received for downstream traffic */ static uint32_t meas_dw_network_byte = 0; /* sum of UDP bytes sent for upstream traffic */ static uint32_t meas_dw_payload_byte = 0; /* sum of radio payload bytes sent for upstream traffic */ static uint32_t meas_nb_tx_ok = 0; /* count packets emitted successfully */ static uint32_t meas_nb_tx_fail = 0; /* count packets were TX failed for other reasons */ static uint32_t meas_nb_tx_requested = 0; /* count TX request from server (downlinks) */ static uint32_t meas_nb_tx_rejected_collision_packet = 0; /* count packets were TX request were rejected due to collision with another packet already programmed */ static uint32_t meas_nb_tx_rejected_collision_beacon = 0; /* count packets were TX request were rejected due to collision with a beacon already programmed */ static uint32_t meas_nb_tx_rejected_too_late = 0; /* count packets were TX request were rejected because it is too late to program it */ static uint32_t meas_nb_tx_rejected_too_early = 0; /* count packets were TX request were rejected because timestamp is too much in advance */ static uint32_t meas_nb_beacon_queued = 0; /* count beacon inserted in jit queue */ static uint32_t meas_nb_beacon_sent = 0; /* count beacon actually sent to concentrator */ static uint32_t meas_nb_beacon_rejected = 0; /* count beacon rejected for queuing */ static pthread_mutex_t mx_meas_gps = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; /* control access to the GPS statistics */ static bool gps_coord_valid; /* could we get valid GPS coordinates ? */ static struct coord_s meas_gps_coord; /* GPS position of the gateway */ static struct coord_s meas_gps_err; /* GPS position of the gateway */ static pthread_mutex_t mx_stat_rep = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; /* control access to the status report */ static bool report_ready = false; /* true when there is a new report to send to the server */ static char status_report[STATUS_SIZE]; /* status report as a JSON object */ /* beacon parameters */ static uint32_t beacon_period = 0; /* set beaconing period, must be a sub-multiple of 86400, the nb of sec in a day */ static uint32_t beacon_freq_hz = DEFAULT_BEACON_FREQ_HZ; /* set beacon TX frequency, in Hz */ static uint8_t beacon_freq_nb = DEFAULT_BEACON_FREQ_NB; /* set number of beaconing channels beacon */ static uint32_t beacon_freq_step = DEFAULT_BEACON_FREQ_STEP; /* set frequency step between beacon channels, in Hz */ static uint8_t beacon_datarate = DEFAULT_BEACON_DATARATE; /* set beacon datarate (SF) */ static uint32_t beacon_bw_hz = DEFAULT_BEACON_BW_HZ; /* set beacon bandwidth, in Hz */ static int8_t beacon_power = DEFAULT_BEACON_POWER; /* set beacon TX power, in dBm */ static uint8_t beacon_infodesc = DEFAULT_BEACON_INFODESC; /* set beacon information descriptor */ /* auto-quit function */ static uint32_t autoquit_threshold = 0; /* enable auto-quit after a number of non-acknowledged PULL_DATA (0 = disabled)*/ /* Just In Time TX scheduling */ static struct jit_queue_s jit_queue; /* Gateway specificities */ static int8_t antenna_gain = 0; /* TX capabilities */ static struct lgw_tx_gain_lut_s txlut; /* TX gain table */ static uint32_t tx_freq_min[LGW_RF_CHAIN_NB]; /* lowest frequency supported by TX chain */ static uint32_t tx_freq_max[LGW_RF_CHAIN_NB]; /* highest frequency supported by TX chain */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --- PRIVATE FUNCTIONS DECLARATION ---------------------------------------- */ static void sig_handler(int sigio); static int parse_SX1301_configuration(const char * conf_file); static int parse_gateway_configuration(const char * conf_file); static uint16_t crc16(const uint8_t * data, unsigned size); static double difftimespec(struct timespec end, struct timespec beginning); static void gps_process_sync(void); static void gps_process_coords(void); /* threads */ void thread_up(void); void thread_down(void); void thread_gps(void); void thread_valid(void); void thread_jit(void); void thread_timersync(void); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --- PRIVATE FUNCTIONS DEFINITION ----------------------------------------- */ static void sig_handler(int sigio) { if (sigio == SIGQUIT) { quit_sig = true; } else if ((sigio == SIGINT) || (sigio == SIGTERM)) { exit_sig = true; } return; } static int parse_SX1301_configuration(const char * conf_file) { int i; char param_name[32]; /* used to generate variable parameter names */ const char *str; /* used to store string value from JSON object */ const char conf_obj_name[] = "SX1301_conf"; JSON_Value *root_val = NULL; JSON_Object *conf_obj = NULL; JSON_Object *conf_lbt_obj = NULL; JSON_Object *conf_lbtchan_obj = NULL; JSON_Value *val = NULL; JSON_Array *conf_array = NULL; struct lgw_conf_board_s boardconf; struct lgw_conf_lbt_s lbtconf; struct lgw_conf_rxrf_s rfconf; struct lgw_conf_rxif_s ifconf; uint32_t sf, bw, fdev; /* try to parse JSON */ root_val = json_parse_file_with_comments(conf_file); if (root_val == NULL) { MSG("ERROR: %s is not a valid JSON file\n", conf_file); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* point to the gateway configuration object */ conf_obj = json_object_get_object(json_value_get_object(root_val), conf_obj_name); if (conf_obj == NULL) { MSG("INFO: %s does not contain a JSON object named %s\n", conf_file, conf_obj_name); return -1; } else { MSG("INFO: %s does contain a JSON object named %s, parsing SX1301 parameters\n", conf_file, conf_obj_name); } /* set board configuration */ memset(&boardconf, 0, sizeof boardconf); /* initialize configuration structure */ val = json_object_get_value(conf_obj, "lorawan_public"); /* fetch value (if possible) */ if (json_value_get_type(val) == JSONBoolean) { boardconf.lorawan_public = (bool)json_value_get_boolean(val); } else { MSG("WARNING: Data type for lorawan_public seems wrong, please check\n"); boardconf.lorawan_public = false; } val = json_object_get_value(conf_obj, "clksrc"); /* fetch value (if possible) */ if (json_value_get_type(val) == JSONNumber) { boardconf.clksrc = (uint8_t)json_value_get_number(val); } else { MSG("WARNING: Data type for clksrc seems wrong, please check\n"); boardconf.clksrc = 0; } MSG("INFO: lorawan_public %d, clksrc %d\n", boardconf.lorawan_public, boardconf.clksrc); /* all parameters parsed, submitting configuration to the HAL */ if (lgw_board_setconf(boardconf) != LGW_HAL_SUCCESS) { MSG("ERROR: Failed to configure board\n"); return -1; } /* set LBT configuration */ memset(&lbtconf, 0, sizeof lbtconf); /* initialize configuration structure */ conf_lbt_obj = json_object_get_object(conf_obj, "lbt_cfg"); /* fetch value (if possible) */ if (conf_lbt_obj == NULL) { MSG("INFO: no configuration for LBT\n"); } else { val = json_object_get_value(conf_lbt_obj, "enable"); /* fetch value (if possible) */ if (json_value_get_type(val) == JSONBoolean) { lbtconf.enable = (bool)json_value_get_boolean(val); } else { MSG("WARNING: Data type for lbt_cfg.enable seems wrong, please check\n"); lbtconf.enable = false; } if (lbtconf.enable == true) { val = json_object_get_value(conf_lbt_obj, "rssi_target"); /* fetch value (if possible) */ if (json_value_get_type(val) == JSONNumber) { lbtconf.rssi_target = (int8_t)json_value_get_number(val); } else { MSG("WARNING: Data type for lbt_cfg.rssi_target seems wrong, please check\n"); lbtconf.rssi_target = 0; } val = json_object_get_value(conf_lbt_obj, "sx127x_rssi_offset"); /* fetch value (if possible) */ if (json_value_get_type(val) == JSONNumber) { lbtconf.rssi_offset = (int8_t)json_value_get_number(val); } else { MSG("WARNING: Data type for lbt_cfg.sx127x_rssi_offset seems wrong, please check\n"); lbtconf.rssi_offset = 0; } /* set LBT channels configuration */ conf_array = json_object_get_array(conf_lbt_obj, "chan_cfg"); if (conf_array != NULL) { lbtconf.nb_channel = json_array_get_count( conf_array ); MSG("INFO: %u LBT channels configured\n", lbtconf.nb_channel); } for (i = 0; i < (int)lbtconf.nb_channel; i++) { /* Sanity check */ if (i >= LBT_CHANNEL_FREQ_NB) { MSG("ERROR: LBT channel %d not supported, skip it\n", i ); break; } /* Get LBT channel configuration object from array */ conf_lbtchan_obj = json_array_get_object(conf_array, i); /* Channel frequency */ val = json_object_dotget_value(conf_lbtchan_obj, "freq_hz"); /* fetch value (if possible) */ if (json_value_get_type(val) == JSONNumber) { lbtconf.channels[i].freq_hz = (uint32_t)json_value_get_number(val); } else { MSG("WARNING: Data type for lbt_cfg.channels[%d].freq_hz seems wrong, please check\n", i); lbtconf.channels[i].freq_hz = 0; } /* Channel scan time */ val = json_object_dotget_value(conf_lbtchan_obj, "scan_time_us"); /* fetch value (if possible) */ if (json_value_get_type(val) == JSONNumber) { lbtconf.channels[i].scan_time_us = (uint16_t)json_value_get_number(val); } else { MSG("WARNING: Data type for lbt_cfg.channels[%d].scan_time_us seems wrong, please check\n", i); lbtconf.channels[i].scan_time_us = 0; } } /* all parameters parsed, submitting configuration to the HAL */ if (lgw_lbt_setconf(lbtconf) != LGW_HAL_SUCCESS) { MSG("ERROR: Failed to configure LBT\n"); return -1; } } else { MSG("INFO: LBT is disabled\n"); } } /* set antenna gain configuration */ val = json_object_get_value(conf_obj, "antenna_gain"); /* fetch value (if possible) */ if (val != NULL) { if (json_value_get_type(val) == JSONNumber) { antenna_gain = (int8_t)json_value_get_number(val); } else { MSG("WARNING: Data type for antenna_gain seems wrong, please check\n"); antenna_gain = 0; } } MSG("INFO: antenna_gain %d dBi\n", antenna_gain); /* set configuration for tx gains */ memset(&txlut, 0, sizeof txlut); /* initialize configuration structure */ for (i = 0; i < TX_GAIN_LUT_SIZE_MAX; i++) { snprintf(param_name, sizeof param_name, "tx_lut_%i", i); /* compose parameter path inside JSON structure */ val = json_object_get_value(conf_obj, param_name); /* fetch value (if possible) */ if (json_value_get_type(val) != JSONObject) { MSG("INFO: no configuration for tx gain lut %i\n", i); continue; } txlut.size++; /* update TX LUT size based on JSON object found in configuration file */ /* there is an object to configure that TX gain index, let's parse it */ snprintf(param_name, sizeof param_name, "tx_lut_%i.pa_gain", i); val = json_object_dotget_value(conf_obj, param_name); if (json_value_get_type(val) == JSONNumber) { txlut.lut[i].pa_gain = (uint8_t)json_value_get_number(val); } else { MSG("WARNING: Data type for %s[%d] seems wrong, please check\n", param_name, i); txlut.lut[i].pa_gain = 0; } snprintf(param_name, sizeof param_name, "tx_lut_%i.dac_gain", i); val = json_object_dotget_value(conf_obj, param_name); if (json_value_get_type(val) == JSONNumber) { txlut.lut[i].dac_gain = (uint8_t)json_value_get_number(val); } else { txlut.lut[i].dac_gain = 3; /* This is the only dac_gain supported for now */ } snprintf(param_name, sizeof param_name, "tx_lut_%i.dig_gain", i); val = json_object_dotget_value(conf_obj, param_name); if (json_value_get_type(val) == JSONNumber) { txlut.lut[i].dig_gain = (uint8_t)json_value_get_number(val); } else { MSG("WARNING: Data type for %s[%d] seems wrong, please check\n", param_name, i); txlut.lut[i].dig_gain = 0; } snprintf(param_name, sizeof param_name, "tx_lut_%i.mix_gain", i); val = json_object_dotget_value(conf_obj, param_name); if (json_value_get_type(val) == JSONNumber) { txlut.lut[i].mix_gain = (uint8_t)json_value_get_number(val); } else { MSG("WARNING: Data type for %s[%d] seems wrong, please check\n", param_name, i); txlut.lut[i].mix_gain = 0; } snprintf(param_name, sizeof param_name, "tx_lut_%i.rf_power", i); val = json_object_dotget_value(conf_obj, param_name); if (json_value_get_type(val) == JSONNumber) { txlut.lut[i].rf_power = (int8_t)json_value_get_number(val); } else { MSG("WARNING: Data type for %s[%d] seems wrong, please check\n", param_name, i); txlut.lut[i].rf_power = 0; } } /* all parameters parsed, submitting configuration to the HAL */ if (txlut.size > 0) { MSG("INFO: Configuring TX LUT with %u indexes\n", txlut.size); if (lgw_txgain_setconf(&txlut) != LGW_HAL_SUCCESS) { MSG("ERROR: Failed to configure concentrator TX Gain LUT\n"); return -1; } } else { MSG("WARNING: No TX gain LUT defined\n"); } /* set configuration for RF chains */ for (i = 0; i < LGW_RF_CHAIN_NB; ++i) { memset(&rfconf, 0, sizeof rfconf); /* initialize configuration structure */ snprintf(param_name, sizeof param_name, "radio_%i", i); /* compose parameter path inside JSON structure */ val = json_object_get_value(conf_obj, param_name); /* fetch value (if possible) */ if (json_value_get_type(val) != JSONObject) { MSG("INFO: no configuration for radio %i\n", i); continue; } /* there is an object to configure that radio, let's parse it */ snprintf(param_name, sizeof param_name, "radio_%i.enable", i); val = json_object_dotget_value(conf_obj, param_name); if (json_value_get_type(val) == JSONBoolean) { rfconf.enable = (bool)json_value_get_boolean(val); } else { rfconf.enable = false; } if (rfconf.enable == false) { /* radio disabled, nothing else to parse */ MSG("INFO: radio %i disabled\n", i); } // } else { /* radio enabled, will parse the other parameters */ snprintf(param_name, sizeof param_name, "radio_%i.freq", i); rfconf.freq_hz = (uint32_t)json_object_dotget_number(conf_obj, param_name); snprintf(param_name, sizeof param_name, "radio_%i.rssi_offset", i); rfconf.rssi_offset = (float)json_object_dotget_number(conf_obj, param_name); snprintf(param_name, sizeof param_name, "radio_%i.type", i); str = json_object_dotget_string(conf_obj, param_name); if (!strncmp(str, "SX1255", 6)) { rfconf.type = LGW_RADIO_TYPE_SX1255; } else if (!strncmp(str, "SX1257", 6)) { rfconf.type = LGW_RADIO_TYPE_SX1257; } else { MSG("WARNING: invalid radio type: %s (should be SX1255 or SX1257)\n", str); } snprintf(param_name, sizeof param_name, "radio_%i.tx_enable", i); val = json_object_dotget_value(conf_obj, param_name); if (json_value_get_type(val) == JSONBoolean) { rfconf.tx_enable = (bool)json_value_get_boolean(val); if (rfconf.tx_enable == true) { /* tx is enabled on this rf chain, we need its frequency range */ snprintf(param_name, sizeof param_name, "radio_%i.tx_freq_min", i); tx_freq_min[i] = (uint32_t)json_object_dotget_number(conf_obj, param_name); snprintf(param_name, sizeof param_name, "radio_%i.tx_freq_max", i); tx_freq_max[i] = (uint32_t)json_object_dotget_number(conf_obj, param_name); if ((tx_freq_min[i] == 0) || (tx_freq_max[i] == 0)) { MSG("WARNING: no frequency range specified for TX rf chain %d\n", i); } /* ... and the notch filter frequency to be set */ snprintf(param_name, sizeof param_name, "radio_%i.tx_notch_freq", i); rfconf.tx_notch_freq = (uint32_t)json_object_dotget_number(conf_obj, param_name); } } else { rfconf.tx_enable = false; } MSG("INFO: radio %i %sabled (type %s), center frequency %u, RSSI offset %f, tx enabled %d, tx_notch_freq %u\n", i, (rfconf.enable?"en":"dis"), str, rfconf.freq_hz, rfconf.rssi_offset, rfconf.tx_enable, rfconf.tx_notch_freq); // } /* all parameters parsed, submitting configuration to the HAL */ if (lgw_rxrf_setconf(i, rfconf) != LGW_HAL_SUCCESS) { MSG("ERROR: invalid configuration for radio %i\n", i); return -1; } } /* set configuration for Lora multi-SF channels (bandwidth cannot be set) */ for (i = 0; i < LGW_MULTI_NB; ++i) { memset(&ifconf, 0, sizeof ifconf); /* initialize configuration structure */ snprintf(param_name, sizeof param_name, "chan_multiSF_%i", i); /* compose parameter path inside JSON structure */ val = json_object_get_value(conf_obj, param_name); /* fetch value (if possible) */ if (json_value_get_type(val) != JSONObject) { MSG("INFO: no configuration for Lora multi-SF channel %i\n", i); continue; } /* there is an object to configure that Lora multi-SF channel, let's parse it */ snprintf(param_name, sizeof param_name, "chan_multiSF_%i.enable", i); val = json_object_dotget_value(conf_obj, param_name); if (json_value_get_type(val) == JSONBoolean) { ifconf.enable = (bool)json_value_get_boolean(val); } else { ifconf.enable = false; } if (ifconf.enable == false) { /* Lora multi-SF channel disabled, nothing else to parse */ MSG("INFO: Lora multi-SF channel %i disabled\n", i); } else { /* Lora multi-SF channel enabled, will parse the other parameters */ snprintf(param_name, sizeof param_name, "chan_multiSF_%i.radio", i); ifconf.rf_chain = (uint32_t)json_object_dotget_number(conf_obj, param_name); snprintf(param_name, sizeof param_name, "chan_multiSF_%i.if", i); ifconf.freq_hz = (int32_t)json_object_dotget_number(conf_obj, param_name); // TODO: handle individual SF enabling and disabling (spread_factor) MSG("INFO: Lora multi-SF channel %i> radio %i, IF %i Hz, 125 kHz bw, SF 7 to 12\n", i, ifconf.rf_chain, ifconf.freq_hz); } /* all parameters parsed, submitting configuration to the HAL */ if (lgw_rxif_setconf(i, ifconf) != LGW_HAL_SUCCESS) { MSG("ERROR: invalid configuration for Lora multi-SF channel %i\n", i); return -1; } } /* set configuration for Lora standard channel */ memset(&ifconf, 0, sizeof ifconf); /* initialize configuration structure */ val = json_object_get_value(conf_obj, "chan_Lora_std"); /* fetch value (if possible) */ if (json_value_get_type(val) != JSONObject) { MSG("INFO: no configuration for Lora standard channel\n"); } else { val = json_object_dotget_value(conf_obj, "chan_Lora_std.enable"); if (json_value_get_type(val) == JSONBoolean) { ifconf.enable = (bool)json_value_get_boolean(val); } else { ifconf.enable = false; } if (ifconf.enable == false) { MSG("INFO: Lora standard channel %i disabled\n", i); } else { ifconf.rf_chain = (uint32_t)json_object_dotget_number(conf_obj, "chan_Lora_std.radio"); ifconf.freq_hz = (int32_t)json_object_dotget_number(conf_obj, "chan_Lora_std.if"); bw = (uint32_t)json_object_dotget_number(conf_obj, "chan_Lora_std.bandwidth"); switch(bw) { case 500000: ifconf.bandwidth = BW_500KHZ; break; case 250000: ifconf.bandwidth = BW_250KHZ; break; case 125000: ifconf.bandwidth = BW_125KHZ; break; default: ifconf.bandwidth = BW_UNDEFINED; } sf = (uint32_t)json_object_dotget_number(conf_obj, "chan_Lora_std.spread_factor"); switch(sf) { case 7: ifconf.datarate = DR_LORA_SF7; break; case 8: ifconf.datarate = DR_LORA_SF8; break; case 9: ifconf.datarate = DR_LORA_SF9; break; case 10: ifconf.datarate = DR_LORA_SF10; break; case 11: ifconf.datarate = DR_LORA_SF11; break; case 12: ifconf.datarate = DR_LORA_SF12; break; default: ifconf.datarate = DR_UNDEFINED; } MSG("INFO: Lora std channel> radio %i, IF %i Hz, %u Hz bw, SF %u\n", ifconf.rf_chain, ifconf.freq_hz, bw, sf); } if (lgw_rxif_setconf(8, ifconf) != LGW_HAL_SUCCESS) { MSG("ERROR: invalid configuration for Lora standard channel\n"); return -1; } } /* set configuration for FSK channel */ memset(&ifconf, 0, sizeof ifconf); /* initialize configuration structure */ val = json_object_get_value(conf_obj, "chan_FSK"); /* fetch value (if possible) */ if (json_value_get_type(val) != JSONObject) { MSG("INFO: no configuration for FSK channel\n"); } else { val = json_object_dotget_value(conf_obj, "chan_FSK.enable"); if (json_value_get_type(val) == JSONBoolean) { ifconf.enable = (bool)json_value_get_boolean(val); } else { ifconf.enable = false; } if (ifconf.enable == false) { MSG("INFO: FSK channel %i disabled\n", i); } else { ifconf.rf_chain = (uint32_t)json_object_dotget_number(conf_obj, "chan_FSK.radio"); ifconf.freq_hz = (int32_t)json_object_dotget_number(conf_obj, "chan_FSK.if"); bw = (uint32_t)json_object_dotget_number(conf_obj, "chan_FSK.bandwidth"); fdev = (uint32_t)json_object_dotget_number(conf_obj, "chan_FSK.freq_deviation"); ifconf.datarate = (uint32_t)json_object_dotget_number(conf_obj, "chan_FSK.datarate"); /* if chan_FSK.bandwidth is set, it has priority over chan_FSK.freq_deviation */ if ((bw == 0) && (fdev != 0)) { bw = 2 * fdev + ifconf.datarate; } if (bw == 0) ifconf.bandwidth = BW_UNDEFINED; else if (bw <= 7800) ifconf.bandwidth = BW_7K8HZ; else if (bw <= 15600) ifconf.bandwidth = BW_15K6HZ; else if (bw <= 31200) ifconf.bandwidth = BW_31K2HZ; else if (bw <= 62500) ifconf.bandwidth = BW_62K5HZ; else if (bw <= 125000) ifconf.bandwidth = BW_125KHZ; else if (bw <= 250000) ifconf.bandwidth = BW_250KHZ; else if (bw <= 500000) ifconf.bandwidth = BW_500KHZ; else ifconf.bandwidth = BW_UNDEFINED; MSG("INFO: FSK channel> radio %i, IF %i Hz, %u Hz bw, %u bps datarate\n", ifconf.rf_chain, ifconf.freq_hz, bw, ifconf.datarate); } if (lgw_rxif_setconf(9, ifconf) != LGW_HAL_SUCCESS) { MSG("ERROR: invalid configuration for FSK channel\n"); return -1; } } json_value_free(root_val); return 0; } static int parse_gateway_configuration(const char * conf_file) { const char conf_obj_name[] = "gateway_conf"; JSON_Value *root_val; JSON_Object *conf_obj = NULL; JSON_Value *val = NULL; /* needed to detect the absence of some fields */ const char *str; /* pointer to sub-strings in the JSON data */ unsigned long long ull = 0; /* try to parse JSON */ root_val = json_parse_file_with_comments(conf_file); if (root_val == NULL) { MSG("ERROR: %s is not a valid JSON file\n", conf_file); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* point to the gateway configuration object */ conf_obj = json_object_get_object(json_value_get_object(root_val), conf_obj_name); if (conf_obj == NULL) { MSG("INFO: %s does not contain a JSON object named %s\n", conf_file, conf_obj_name); return -1; } else { MSG("INFO: %s does contain a JSON object named %s, parsing gateway parameters\n", conf_file, conf_obj_name); } /* gateway unique identifier (aka MAC address) (optional) */ str = json_object_get_string(conf_obj, "gateway_ID"); if (str != NULL) { sscanf(str, "%llx", &ull); lgwm = ull; MSG("INFO: gateway MAC address is configured to %016llX\n", ull); } /* server hostname or IP address (optional) */ str = json_object_get_string(conf_obj, "server_address"); if (str != NULL) { strncpy(serv_addr, str, sizeof serv_addr); MSG("INFO: server hostname or IP address is configured to \"%s\"\n", serv_addr); } /* spi device path (optional) */ str = json_object_get_string(conf_obj, "spi_device"); if (str != NULL) { strncpy(spi_device_path, str, sizeof(spi_device_path)-1); MSG("INFO: SPI device is configured to \"%s\"\n", spi_device_path); } /* get up and down ports (optional) */ val = json_object_get_value(conf_obj, "serv_port_up"); if (val != NULL) { snprintf(serv_port_up, sizeof serv_port_up, "%u", (uint16_t)json_value_get_number(val)); MSG("INFO: upstream port is configured to \"%s\"\n", serv_port_up); } val = json_object_get_value(conf_obj, "serv_port_down"); if (val != NULL) { snprintf(serv_port_down, sizeof serv_port_down, "%u", (uint16_t)json_value_get_number(val)); MSG("INFO: downstream port is configured to \"%s\"\n", serv_port_down); } /* get keep-alive interval (in seconds) for downstream (optional) */ val = json_object_get_value(conf_obj, "keepalive_interval"); if (val != NULL) { keepalive_time = (int)json_value_get_number(val); MSG("INFO: downstream keep-alive interval is configured to %u seconds\n", keepalive_time); } /* get interval (in seconds) for statistics display (optional) */ val = json_object_get_value(conf_obj, "stat_interval"); if (val != NULL) { stat_interval = (unsigned)json_value_get_number(val); MSG("INFO: statistics display interval is configured to %u seconds\n", stat_interval); } /* get time-out value (in ms) for upstream datagrams (optional) */ val = json_object_get_value(conf_obj, "push_timeout_ms"); if (val != NULL) { push_timeout_half.tv_usec = 500 * (long int)json_value_get_number(val); MSG("INFO: upstream PUSH_DATA time-out is configured to %u ms\n", (unsigned)(push_timeout_half.tv_usec / 500)); } /* packet filtering parameters */ val = json_object_get_value(conf_obj, "forward_crc_valid"); if (json_value_get_type(val) == JSONBoolean) { fwd_valid_pkt = (bool)json_value_get_boolean(val); } MSG("INFO: packets received with a valid CRC will%s be forwarded\n", (fwd_valid_pkt ? "" : " NOT")); val = json_object_get_value(conf_obj, "forward_crc_error"); if (json_value_get_type(val) == JSONBoolean) { fwd_error_pkt = (bool)json_value_get_boolean(val); } MSG("INFO: packets received with a CRC error will%s be forwarded\n", (fwd_error_pkt ? "" : " NOT")); val = json_object_get_value(conf_obj, "forward_crc_disabled"); if (json_value_get_type(val) == JSONBoolean) { fwd_nocrc_pkt = (bool)json_value_get_boolean(val); } MSG("INFO: packets received with no CRC will%s be forwarded\n", (fwd_nocrc_pkt ? "" : " NOT")); /* GPS module TTY path (optional) */ str = json_object_get_string(conf_obj, "gps_tty_path"); if (str != NULL) { strncpy(gps_tty_path, str, sizeof gps_tty_path); MSG("INFO: GPS serial port path is configured to \"%s\"\n", gps_tty_path); } /* get reference coordinates */ val = json_object_get_value(conf_obj, "ref_latitude"); if (val != NULL) { reference_coord.lat = (double)json_value_get_number(val); MSG("INFO: Reference latitude is configured to %f deg\n", reference_coord.lat); } val = json_object_get_value(conf_obj, "ref_longitude"); if (val != NULL) { reference_coord.lon = (double)json_value_get_number(val); MSG("INFO: Reference longitude is configured to %f deg\n", reference_coord.lon); } val = json_object_get_value(conf_obj, "ref_altitude"); if (val != NULL) { reference_coord.alt = (short)json_value_get_number(val); MSG("INFO: Reference altitude is configured to %i meters\n", reference_coord.alt); } /* Gateway GPS coordinates hardcoding (aka. faking) option */ val = json_object_get_value(conf_obj, "fake_gps"); if (json_value_get_type(val) == JSONBoolean) { gps_fake_enable = (bool)json_value_get_boolean(val); if (gps_fake_enable == true) { MSG("INFO: fake GPS is enabled\n"); } else { MSG("INFO: fake GPS is disabled\n"); } } /* Beacon signal period (optional) */ val = json_object_get_value(conf_obj, "beacon_period"); if (val != NULL) { beacon_period = (uint32_t)json_value_get_number(val); if ((beacon_period > 0) && (beacon_period < 6)) { MSG("ERROR: invalid configuration for Beacon period, must be >= 6s\n"); return -1; } else { MSG("INFO: Beaconing period is configured to %u seconds\n", beacon_period); } } /* Beacon TX frequency (optional) */ val = json_object_get_value(conf_obj, "beacon_freq_hz"); if (val != NULL) { beacon_freq_hz = (uint32_t)json_value_get_number(val); MSG("INFO: Beaconing signal will be emitted at %u Hz\n", beacon_freq_hz); } /* Number of beacon channels (optional) */ val = json_object_get_value(conf_obj, "beacon_freq_nb"); if (val != NULL) { beacon_freq_nb = (uint8_t)json_value_get_number(val); MSG("INFO: Beaconing channel number is set to %u\n", beacon_freq_nb); } /* Frequency step between beacon channels (optional) */ val = json_object_get_value(conf_obj, "beacon_freq_step"); if (val != NULL) { beacon_freq_step = (uint32_t)json_value_get_number(val); MSG("INFO: Beaconing channel frequency step is set to %uHz\n", beacon_freq_step); } /* Beacon datarate (optional) */ val = json_object_get_value(conf_obj, "beacon_datarate"); if (val != NULL) { beacon_datarate = (uint8_t)json_value_get_number(val); MSG("INFO: Beaconing datarate is set to SF%d\n", beacon_datarate); } /* Beacon modulation bandwidth (optional) */ val = json_object_get_value(conf_obj, "beacon_bw_hz"); if (val != NULL) { beacon_bw_hz = (uint32_t)json_value_get_number(val); MSG("INFO: Beaconing modulation bandwidth is set to %dHz\n", beacon_bw_hz); } /* Beacon TX power (optional) */ val = json_object_get_value(conf_obj, "beacon_power"); if (val != NULL) { beacon_power = (int8_t)json_value_get_number(val); MSG("INFO: Beaconing TX power is set to %ddBm\n", beacon_power); } /* Beacon information descriptor (optional) */ val = json_object_get_value(conf_obj, "beacon_infodesc"); if (val != NULL) { beacon_infodesc = (uint8_t)json_value_get_number(val); MSG("INFO: Beaconing information descriptor is set to %u\n", beacon_infodesc); } /* Auto-quit threshold (optional) */ val = json_object_get_value(conf_obj, "autoquit_threshold"); if (val != NULL) { autoquit_threshold = (uint32_t)json_value_get_number(val); MSG("INFO: Auto-quit after %u non-acknowledged PULL_DATA\n", autoquit_threshold); } /* free JSON parsing data structure */ json_value_free(root_val); return 0; } static uint16_t crc16(const uint8_t * data, unsigned size) { const uint16_t crc_poly = 0x1021; const uint16_t init_val = 0x0000; uint16_t x = init_val; unsigned i, j; if (data == NULL) { return 0; } for (i=0; i>32))); net_mac_l = htonl((uint32_t)(0xFFFFFFFF & lgwm )); /* prepare hints to open network sockets */ memset(&hints, 0, sizeof hints); hints.ai_family = AF_INET; /* WA: Forcing IPv4 as AF_UNSPEC makes connection on localhost to fail */ hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM; /* look for server address w/ upstream port */ i = getaddrinfo(serv_addr, serv_port_up, &hints, &result); if (i != 0) { MSG("ERROR: [up] getaddrinfo on address %s (PORT %s) returned %s\n", serv_addr, serv_port_up, gai_strerror(i)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* try to open socket for upstream traffic */ for (q=result; q!=NULL; q=q->ai_next) { sock_up = socket(q->ai_family, q->ai_socktype,q->ai_protocol); if (sock_up == -1) continue; /* try next field */ else break; /* success, get out of loop */ } if (q == NULL) { MSG("ERROR: [up] failed to open socket to any of server %s addresses (port %s)\n", serv_addr, serv_port_up); i = 1; for (q=result; q!=NULL; q=q->ai_next) { getnameinfo(q->ai_addr, q->ai_addrlen, host_name, sizeof host_name, port_name, sizeof port_name, NI_NUMERICHOST); MSG("INFO: [up] result %i host:%s service:%s\n", i, host_name, port_name); ++i; } exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* connect so we can send/receive packet with the server only */ i = connect(sock_up, q->ai_addr, q->ai_addrlen); if (i != 0) { MSG("ERROR: [up] connect returned %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } freeaddrinfo(result); /* look for server address w/ downstream port */ i = getaddrinfo(serv_addr, serv_port_down, &hints, &result); if (i != 0) { MSG("ERROR: [down] getaddrinfo on address %s (port %s) returned %s\n", serv_addr, serv_port_up, gai_strerror(i)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* try to open socket for downstream traffic */ for (q=result; q!=NULL; q=q->ai_next) { sock_down = socket(q->ai_family, q->ai_socktype,q->ai_protocol); if (sock_down == -1) continue; /* try next field */ else break; /* success, get out of loop */ } if (q == NULL) { MSG("ERROR: [down] failed to open socket to any of server %s addresses (port %s)\n", serv_addr, serv_port_up); i = 1; for (q=result; q!=NULL; q=q->ai_next) { getnameinfo(q->ai_addr, q->ai_addrlen, host_name, sizeof host_name, port_name, sizeof port_name, NI_NUMERICHOST); MSG("INFO: [down] result %i host:%s service:%s\n", i, host_name, port_name); ++i; } exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* connect so we can send/receive packet with the server only */ i = connect(sock_down, q->ai_addr, q->ai_addrlen); if (i != 0) { MSG("ERROR: [down] connect returned %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } freeaddrinfo(result); /* set custom SPI device path if configured */ if (strlen(spi_device_path) > 0) lgw_spi_set_path(spi_device_path); /* starting the concentrator */ i = lgw_start(); if (i == LGW_HAL_SUCCESS) { MSG("INFO: [main] concentrator started, packet can now be received\n"); } else { MSG("ERROR: [main] failed to start the concentrator\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* spawn threads to manage upstream and downstream */ i = pthread_create( &thrid_up, NULL, (void * (*)(void *))thread_up, NULL); if (i != 0) { MSG("ERROR: [main] impossible to create upstream thread\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } i = pthread_create( &thrid_down, NULL, (void * (*)(void *))thread_down, NULL); if (i != 0) { MSG("ERROR: [main] impossible to create downstream thread\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } i = pthread_create( &thrid_jit, NULL, (void * (*)(void *))thread_jit, NULL); if (i != 0) { MSG("ERROR: [main] impossible to create JIT thread\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } i = pthread_create( &thrid_timersync, NULL, (void * (*)(void *))thread_timersync, NULL); if (i != 0) { MSG("ERROR: [main] impossible to create Timer Sync thread\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* spawn thread to manage GPS */ if (gps_enabled == true) { i = pthread_create( &thrid_gps, NULL, (void * (*)(void *))thread_gps, NULL); if (i != 0) { MSG("ERROR: [main] impossible to create GPS thread\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } i = pthread_create( &thrid_valid, NULL, (void * (*)(void *))thread_valid, NULL); if (i != 0) { MSG("ERROR: [main] impossible to create validation thread\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } /* configure signal handling */ sigemptyset(&sigact.sa_mask); sigact.sa_flags = 0; sigact.sa_handler = sig_handler; sigaction(SIGQUIT, &sigact, NULL); /* Ctrl-\ */ sigaction(SIGINT, &sigact, NULL); /* Ctrl-C */ sigaction(SIGTERM, &sigact, NULL); /* default "kill" command */ /* main loop task : statistics collection */ while (!exit_sig && !quit_sig) { /* wait for next reporting interval */ wait_ms(1000 * stat_interval); /* get timestamp for statistics */ t = time(NULL); strftime(stat_timestamp, sizeof stat_timestamp, "%F %T %Z", gmtime(&t)); /* access upstream statistics, copy and reset them */ pthread_mutex_lock(&mx_meas_up); cp_nb_rx_rcv = meas_nb_rx_rcv; cp_nb_rx_ok = meas_nb_rx_ok; cp_nb_rx_bad = meas_nb_rx_bad; cp_nb_rx_nocrc = meas_nb_rx_nocrc; cp_up_pkt_fwd = meas_up_pkt_fwd; cp_up_network_byte = meas_up_network_byte; cp_up_payload_byte = meas_up_payload_byte; cp_up_dgram_sent = meas_up_dgram_sent; cp_up_ack_rcv = meas_up_ack_rcv; meas_nb_rx_rcv = 0; meas_nb_rx_ok = 0; meas_nb_rx_bad = 0; meas_nb_rx_nocrc = 0; meas_up_pkt_fwd = 0; meas_up_network_byte = 0; meas_up_payload_byte = 0; meas_up_dgram_sent = 0; meas_up_ack_rcv = 0; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mx_meas_up); if (cp_nb_rx_rcv > 0) { rx_ok_ratio = (float)cp_nb_rx_ok / (float)cp_nb_rx_rcv; rx_bad_ratio = (float)cp_nb_rx_bad / (float)cp_nb_rx_rcv; rx_nocrc_ratio = (float)cp_nb_rx_nocrc / (float)cp_nb_rx_rcv; } else { rx_ok_ratio = 0.0; rx_bad_ratio = 0.0; rx_nocrc_ratio = 0.0; } if (cp_up_dgram_sent > 0) { up_ack_ratio = (float)cp_up_ack_rcv / (float)cp_up_dgram_sent; } else { up_ack_ratio = 0.0; } /* access downstream statistics, copy and reset them */ pthread_mutex_lock(&mx_meas_dw); cp_dw_pull_sent = meas_dw_pull_sent; cp_dw_ack_rcv = meas_dw_ack_rcv; cp_dw_dgram_rcv = meas_dw_dgram_rcv; cp_dw_network_byte = meas_dw_network_byte; cp_dw_payload_byte = meas_dw_payload_byte; cp_nb_tx_ok = meas_nb_tx_ok; cp_nb_tx_fail = meas_nb_tx_fail; cp_nb_tx_requested += meas_nb_tx_requested; cp_nb_tx_rejected_collision_packet += meas_nb_tx_rejected_collision_packet; cp_nb_tx_rejected_collision_beacon += meas_nb_tx_rejected_collision_beacon; cp_nb_tx_rejected_too_late += meas_nb_tx_rejected_too_late; cp_nb_tx_rejected_too_early += meas_nb_tx_rejected_too_early; cp_nb_beacon_queued += meas_nb_beacon_queued; cp_nb_beacon_sent += meas_nb_beacon_sent; cp_nb_beacon_rejected += meas_nb_beacon_rejected; meas_dw_pull_sent = 0; meas_dw_ack_rcv = 0; meas_dw_dgram_rcv = 0; meas_dw_network_byte = 0; meas_dw_payload_byte = 0; meas_nb_tx_ok = 0; meas_nb_tx_fail = 0; meas_nb_tx_requested = 0; meas_nb_tx_rejected_collision_packet = 0; meas_nb_tx_rejected_collision_beacon = 0; meas_nb_tx_rejected_too_late = 0; meas_nb_tx_rejected_too_early = 0; meas_nb_beacon_queued = 0; meas_nb_beacon_sent = 0; meas_nb_beacon_rejected = 0; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mx_meas_dw); if (cp_dw_pull_sent > 0) { dw_ack_ratio = (float)cp_dw_ack_rcv / (float)cp_dw_pull_sent; } else { dw_ack_ratio = 0.0; } /* access GPS statistics, copy them */ if (gps_enabled == true) { pthread_mutex_lock(&mx_meas_gps); coord_ok = gps_coord_valid; cp_gps_coord = meas_gps_coord; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mx_meas_gps); } /* overwrite with reference coordinates if function is enabled */ if (gps_fake_enable == true) { cp_gps_coord = reference_coord; } /* display a report */ printf("\n##### %s #####\n", stat_timestamp); printf("### [UPSTREAM] ###\n"); printf("# RF packets received by concentrator: %u\n", cp_nb_rx_rcv); printf("# CRC_OK: %.2f%%, CRC_FAIL: %.2f%%, NO_CRC: %.2f%%\n", 100.0 * rx_ok_ratio, 100.0 * rx_bad_ratio, 100.0 * rx_nocrc_ratio); printf("# RF packets forwarded: %u (%u bytes)\n", cp_up_pkt_fwd, cp_up_payload_byte); printf("# PUSH_DATA datagrams sent: %u (%u bytes)\n", cp_up_dgram_sent, cp_up_network_byte); printf("# PUSH_DATA acknowledged: %.2f%%\n", 100.0 * up_ack_ratio); printf("### [DOWNSTREAM] ###\n"); printf("# PULL_DATA sent: %u (%.2f%% acknowledged)\n", cp_dw_pull_sent, 100.0 * dw_ack_ratio); printf("# PULL_RESP(onse) datagrams received: %u (%u bytes)\n", cp_dw_dgram_rcv, cp_dw_network_byte); printf("# RF packets sent to concentrator: %u (%u bytes)\n", (cp_nb_tx_ok+cp_nb_tx_fail), cp_dw_payload_byte); printf("# TX errors: %u\n", cp_nb_tx_fail); if (cp_nb_tx_requested != 0 ) { printf("# TX rejected (collision packet): %.2f%% (req:%u, rej:%u)\n", 100.0 * cp_nb_tx_rejected_collision_packet / cp_nb_tx_requested, cp_nb_tx_requested, cp_nb_tx_rejected_collision_packet); printf("# TX rejected (collision beacon): %.2f%% (req:%u, rej:%u)\n", 100.0 * cp_nb_tx_rejected_collision_beacon / cp_nb_tx_requested, cp_nb_tx_requested, cp_nb_tx_rejected_collision_beacon); printf("# TX rejected (too late): %.2f%% (req:%u, rej:%u)\n", 100.0 * cp_nb_tx_rejected_too_late / cp_nb_tx_requested, cp_nb_tx_requested, cp_nb_tx_rejected_too_late); printf("# TX rejected (too early): %.2f%% (req:%u, rej:%u)\n", 100.0 * cp_nb_tx_rejected_too_early / cp_nb_tx_requested, cp_nb_tx_requested, cp_nb_tx_rejected_too_early); } printf("# BEACON queued: %u\n", cp_nb_beacon_queued); printf("# BEACON sent so far: %u\n", cp_nb_beacon_sent); printf("# BEACON rejected: %u\n", cp_nb_beacon_rejected); printf("### [JIT] ###\n"); /* get timestamp captured on PPM pulse */ pthread_mutex_lock(&mx_concent); i = lgw_get_trigcnt(&trig_tstamp); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mx_concent); if (i != LGW_HAL_SUCCESS) { printf("# SX1301 time (PPS): unknown\n"); } else { printf("# SX1301 time (PPS): %u\n", trig_tstamp); } jit_print_queue (&jit_queue, false, DEBUG_LOG); printf("### [GPS] ###\n"); if (gps_enabled == true) { /* no need for mutex, display is not critical */ if (gps_ref_valid == true) { printf("# Valid time reference (age: %li sec)\n", (long)difftime(time(NULL), time_reference_gps.systime)); } else { printf("# Invalid time reference (age: %li sec)\n", (long)difftime(time(NULL), time_reference_gps.systime)); } if (coord_ok == true) { printf("# GPS coordinates: latitude %.5f, longitude %.5f, altitude %i m\n", cp_gps_coord.lat, cp_gps_coord.lon, cp_gps_coord.alt); } else { printf("# no valid GPS coordinates available yet\n"); } } else if (gps_fake_enable == true) { printf("# GPS *FAKE* coordinates: latitude %.5f, longitude %.5f, altitude %i m\n", cp_gps_coord.lat, cp_gps_coord.lon, cp_gps_coord.alt); } else { printf("# GPS sync is disabled\n"); } printf("##### END #####\n"); /* generate a JSON report (will be sent to server by upstream thread) */ pthread_mutex_lock(&mx_stat_rep); if (((gps_enabled == true) && (coord_ok == true)) || (gps_fake_enable == true)) { snprintf(status_report, STATUS_SIZE, "\"stat\":{\"time\":\"%s\",\"lati\":%.5f,\"long\":%.5f,\"alti\":%i,\"rxnb\":%u,\"rxok\":%u,\"rxfw\":%u,\"ackr\":%.1f,\"dwnb\":%u,\"txnb\":%u}", stat_timestamp, cp_gps_coord.lat, cp_gps_coord.lon, cp_gps_coord.alt, cp_nb_rx_rcv, cp_nb_rx_ok, cp_up_pkt_fwd, 100.0 * up_ack_ratio, cp_dw_dgram_rcv, cp_nb_tx_ok); } else { snprintf(status_report, STATUS_SIZE, "\"stat\":{\"time\":\"%s\",\"rxnb\":%u,\"rxok\":%u,\"rxfw\":%u,\"ackr\":%.1f,\"dwnb\":%u,\"txnb\":%u}", stat_timestamp, cp_nb_rx_rcv, cp_nb_rx_ok, cp_up_pkt_fwd, 100.0 * up_ack_ratio, cp_dw_dgram_rcv, cp_nb_tx_ok); } report_ready = true; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mx_stat_rep); } /* wait for upstream thread to finish (1 fetch cycle max) */ pthread_join(thrid_up, NULL); pthread_cancel(thrid_down); /* don't wait for downstream thread */ pthread_cancel(thrid_jit); /* don't wait for jit thread */ pthread_cancel(thrid_timersync); /* don't wait for timer sync thread */ if (gps_enabled == true) { pthread_cancel(thrid_gps); /* don't wait for GPS thread */ pthread_cancel(thrid_valid); /* don't wait for validation thread */ i = lgw_gps_disable(gps_tty_fd); if (i == LGW_HAL_SUCCESS) { MSG("INFO: GPS closed successfully\n"); } else { MSG("WARNING: failed to close GPS successfully\n"); } } /* if an exit signal was received, try to quit properly */ if (exit_sig) { /* shut down network sockets */ shutdown(sock_up, SHUT_RDWR); shutdown(sock_down, SHUT_RDWR); /* stop the hardware */ i = lgw_stop(); if (i == LGW_HAL_SUCCESS) { MSG("INFO: concentrator stopped successfully\n"); } else { MSG("WARNING: failed to stop concentrator successfully\n"); } } MSG("INFO: Exiting packet forwarder program\n"); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --- THREAD 1: RECEIVING PACKETS AND FORWARDING THEM ---------------------- */ void thread_up(void) { int i, j; /* loop variables */ unsigned pkt_in_dgram; /* nb on Lora packet in the current datagram */ /* allocate memory for packet fetching and processing */ struct lgw_pkt_rx_s rxpkt[NB_PKT_MAX]; /* array containing inbound packets + metadata */ struct lgw_pkt_rx_s *p; /* pointer on a RX packet */ int nb_pkt; /* local copy of GPS time reference */ bool ref_ok = false; /* determine if GPS time reference must be used or not */ struct tref local_ref; /* time reference used for UTC <-> timestamp conversion */ /* data buffers */ uint8_t buff_up[TX_BUFF_SIZE]; /* buffer to compose the upstream packet */ int buff_index; uint8_t buff_ack[32]; /* buffer to receive acknowledges */ /* protocol variables */ uint8_t token_h; /* random token for acknowledgement matching */ uint8_t token_l; /* random token for acknowledgement matching */ /* ping measurement variables */ struct timespec send_time; struct timespec recv_time; /* GPS synchronization variables */ struct timespec pkt_utc_time; struct tm * x; /* broken-up UTC time */ struct timespec pkt_gps_time; uint64_t pkt_gps_time_ms; /* report management variable */ bool send_report = false; /* mote info variables */ uint32_t mote_addr = 0; uint16_t mote_fcnt = 0; /* set upstream socket RX timeout */ i = setsockopt(sock_up, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (void *)&push_timeout_half, sizeof push_timeout_half); if (i != 0) { MSG("ERROR: [up] setsockopt returned %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* pre-fill the data buffer with fixed fields */ buff_up[0] = PROTOCOL_VERSION; buff_up[3] = PKT_PUSH_DATA; *(uint32_t *)(buff_up + 4) = net_mac_h; *(uint32_t *)(buff_up + 8) = net_mac_l; while (!exit_sig && !quit_sig) { /* fetch packets */ pthread_mutex_lock(&mx_concent); nb_pkt = lgw_receive(NB_PKT_MAX, rxpkt); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mx_concent); if (nb_pkt == LGW_HAL_ERROR) { MSG("ERROR: [up] failed packet fetch, exiting\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* check if there are status report to send */ send_report = report_ready; /* copy the variable so it doesn't change mid-function */ /* no mutex, we're only reading */ /* wait a short time if no packets, nor status report */ if ((nb_pkt == 0) && (send_report == false)) { wait_ms(FETCH_SLEEP_MS); continue; } /* get a copy of GPS time reference (avoid 1 mutex per packet) */ if ((nb_pkt > 0) && (gps_enabled == true)) { pthread_mutex_lock(&mx_timeref); ref_ok = gps_ref_valid; local_ref = time_reference_gps; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mx_timeref); } else { ref_ok = false; } /* start composing datagram with the header */ token_h = (uint8_t)rand(); /* random token */ token_l = (uint8_t)rand(); /* random token */ buff_up[1] = token_h; buff_up[2] = token_l; buff_index = 12; /* 12-byte header */ /* start of JSON structure */ memcpy((void *)(buff_up + buff_index), (void *)"{\"rxpk\":[", 9); buff_index += 9; /* serialize Lora packets metadata and payload */ pkt_in_dgram = 0; for (i=0; i < nb_pkt; ++i) { p = &rxpkt[i]; /* Get mote information from current packet (addr, fcnt) */ /* FHDR - DevAddr */ mote_addr = p->payload[1]; mote_addr |= p->payload[2] << 8; mote_addr |= p->payload[3] << 16; mote_addr |= p->payload[4] << 24; /* FHDR - FCnt */ mote_fcnt = p->payload[6]; mote_fcnt |= p->payload[7] << 8; /* basic packet filtering */ pthread_mutex_lock(&mx_meas_up); meas_nb_rx_rcv += 1; switch(p->status) { case STAT_CRC_OK: meas_nb_rx_ok += 1; printf( "\nINFO: Received pkt from mote: %08X (fcnt=%u)\n", mote_addr, mote_fcnt ); if (!fwd_valid_pkt) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&mx_meas_up); continue; /* skip that packet */ } break; case STAT_CRC_BAD: meas_nb_rx_bad += 1; if (!fwd_error_pkt) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&mx_meas_up); continue; /* skip that packet */ } break; case STAT_NO_CRC: meas_nb_rx_nocrc += 1; if (!fwd_nocrc_pkt) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&mx_meas_up); continue; /* skip that packet */ } break; default: MSG("WARNING: [up] received packet with unknown status %u (size %u, modulation %u, BW %u, DR %u, RSSI %.1f)\n", p->status, p->size, p->modulation, p->bandwidth, p->datarate, p->rssi); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mx_meas_up); continue; /* skip that packet */ // exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } meas_up_pkt_fwd += 1; meas_up_payload_byte += p->size; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mx_meas_up); /* Start of packet, add inter-packet separator if necessary */ if (pkt_in_dgram == 0) { buff_up[buff_index] = '{'; ++buff_index; } else { buff_up[buff_index] = ','; buff_up[buff_index+1] = '{'; buff_index += 2; } /* RAW timestamp, 8-17 useful chars */ j = snprintf((char *)(buff_up + buff_index), TX_BUFF_SIZE-buff_index, "\"tmst\":%u", p->count_us); if (j > 0) { buff_index += j; } else { MSG("ERROR: [up] snprintf failed line %u\n", (__LINE__ - 4)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Packet RX time (GPS based), 37 useful chars */ if (ref_ok == true) { /* convert packet timestamp to UTC absolute time */ j = lgw_cnt2utc(local_ref, p->count_us, &pkt_utc_time); if (j == LGW_GPS_SUCCESS) { /* split the UNIX timestamp to its calendar components */ x = gmtime(&(pkt_utc_time.tv_sec)); j = snprintf((char *)(buff_up + buff_index), TX_BUFF_SIZE-buff_index, ",\"time\":\"%04i-%02i-%02iT%02i:%02i:%02i.%06liZ\"", (x->tm_year)+1900, (x->tm_mon)+1, x->tm_mday, x->tm_hour, x->tm_min, x->tm_sec, (pkt_utc_time.tv_nsec)/1000); /* ISO 8601 format */ if (j > 0) { buff_index += j; } else { MSG("ERROR: [up] snprintf failed line %u\n", (__LINE__ - 4)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } /* convert packet timestamp to GPS absolute time */ j = lgw_cnt2gps(local_ref, p->count_us, &pkt_gps_time); if (j == LGW_GPS_SUCCESS) { pkt_gps_time_ms = pkt_gps_time.tv_sec * 1E3 + pkt_gps_time.tv_nsec / 1E6; j = snprintf((char *)(buff_up + buff_index), TX_BUFF_SIZE-buff_index, ",\"tmms\":%llu", pkt_gps_time_ms); /* GPS time in milliseconds since 06.Jan.1980 */ if (j > 0) { buff_index += j; } else { MSG("ERROR: [up] snprintf failed line %u\n", (__LINE__ - 4)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } } /* Packet concentrator channel, RF chain & RX frequency, 34-36 useful chars */ j = snprintf((char *)(buff_up + buff_index), TX_BUFF_SIZE-buff_index, ",\"chan\":%1u,\"rfch\":%1u,\"freq\":%.6lf", p->if_chain, p->rf_chain, ((double)p->freq_hz / 1e6)); if (j > 0) { buff_index += j; } else { MSG("ERROR: [up] snprintf failed line %u\n", (__LINE__ - 4)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Packet status, 9-10 useful chars */ switch (p->status) { case STAT_CRC_OK: memcpy((void *)(buff_up + buff_index), (void *)",\"stat\":1", 9); buff_index += 9; break; case STAT_CRC_BAD: memcpy((void *)(buff_up + buff_index), (void *)",\"stat\":-1", 10); buff_index += 10; break; case STAT_NO_CRC: memcpy((void *)(buff_up + buff_index), (void *)",\"stat\":0", 9); buff_index += 9; break; default: MSG("ERROR: [up] received packet with unknown status\n"); memcpy((void *)(buff_up + buff_index), (void *)",\"stat\":?", 9); buff_index += 9; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Packet modulation, 13-14 useful chars */ if (p->modulation == MOD_LORA) { memcpy((void *)(buff_up + buff_index), (void *)",\"modu\":\"LORA\"", 14); buff_index += 14; /* Lora datarate & bandwidth, 16-19 useful chars */ switch (p->datarate) { case DR_LORA_SF7: memcpy((void *)(buff_up + buff_index), (void *)",\"datr\":\"SF7", 12); buff_index += 12; break; case DR_LORA_SF8: memcpy((void *)(buff_up + buff_index), (void *)",\"datr\":\"SF8", 12); buff_index += 12; break; case DR_LORA_SF9: memcpy((void *)(buff_up + buff_index), (void *)",\"datr\":\"SF9", 12); buff_index += 12; break; case DR_LORA_SF10: memcpy((void *)(buff_up + buff_index), (void *)",\"datr\":\"SF10", 13); buff_index += 13; break; case DR_LORA_SF11: memcpy((void *)(buff_up + buff_index), (void *)",\"datr\":\"SF11", 13); buff_index += 13; break; case DR_LORA_SF12: memcpy((void *)(buff_up + buff_index), (void *)",\"datr\":\"SF12", 13); buff_index += 13; break; default: MSG("ERROR: [up] lora packet with unknown datarate\n"); memcpy((void *)(buff_up + buff_index), (void *)",\"datr\":\"SF?", 12); buff_index += 12; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } switch (p->bandwidth) { case BW_125KHZ: memcpy((void *)(buff_up + buff_index), (void *)"BW125\"", 6); buff_index += 6; break; case BW_250KHZ: memcpy((void *)(buff_up + buff_index), (void *)"BW250\"", 6); buff_index += 6; break; case BW_500KHZ: memcpy((void *)(buff_up + buff_index), (void *)"BW500\"", 6); buff_index += 6; break; default: MSG("ERROR: [up] lora packet with unknown bandwidth\n"); memcpy((void *)(buff_up + buff_index), (void *)"BW?\"", 4); buff_index += 4; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Packet ECC coding rate, 11-13 useful chars */ switch (p->coderate) { case CR_LORA_4_5: memcpy((void *)(buff_up + buff_index), (void *)",\"codr\":\"4/5\"", 13); buff_index += 13; break; case CR_LORA_4_6: memcpy((void *)(buff_up + buff_index), (void *)",\"codr\":\"4/6\"", 13); buff_index += 13; break; case CR_LORA_4_7: memcpy((void *)(buff_up + buff_index), (void *)",\"codr\":\"4/7\"", 13); buff_index += 13; break; case CR_LORA_4_8: memcpy((void *)(buff_up + buff_index), (void *)",\"codr\":\"4/8\"", 13); buff_index += 13; break; case 0: /* treat the CR0 case (mostly false sync) */ memcpy((void *)(buff_up + buff_index), (void *)",\"codr\":\"OFF\"", 13); buff_index += 13; break; default: MSG("ERROR: [up] lora packet with unknown coderate\n"); memcpy((void *)(buff_up + buff_index), (void *)",\"codr\":\"?\"", 11); buff_index += 11; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Lora SNR, 11-13 useful chars */ j = snprintf((char *)(buff_up + buff_index), TX_BUFF_SIZE-buff_index, ",\"lsnr\":%.1f", p->snr); if (j > 0) { buff_index += j; } else { MSG("ERROR: [up] snprintf failed line %u\n", (__LINE__ - 4)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (p->modulation == MOD_FSK) { memcpy((void *)(buff_up + buff_index), (void *)",\"modu\":\"FSK\"", 13); buff_index += 13; /* FSK datarate, 11-14 useful chars */ j = snprintf((char *)(buff_up + buff_index), TX_BUFF_SIZE-buff_index, ",\"datr\":%u", p->datarate); if (j > 0) { buff_index += j; } else { MSG("ERROR: [up] snprintf failed line %u\n", (__LINE__ - 4)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else { MSG("ERROR: [up] received packet with unknown modulation\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Packet RSSI, payload size, 18-23 useful chars */ j = snprintf((char *)(buff_up + buff_index), TX_BUFF_SIZE-buff_index, ",\"rssi\":%.0f,\"size\":%u", p->rssi, p->size); if (j > 0) { buff_index += j; } else { MSG("ERROR: [up] snprintf failed line %u\n", (__LINE__ - 4)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Packet base64-encoded payload, 14-350 useful chars */ memcpy((void *)(buff_up + buff_index), (void *)",\"data\":\"", 9); buff_index += 9; j = bin_to_b64(p->payload, p->size, (char *)(buff_up + buff_index), 341); /* 255 bytes = 340 chars in b64 + null char */ if (j>=0) { buff_index += j; } else { MSG("ERROR: [up] bin_to_b64 failed line %u\n", (__LINE__ - 5)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } buff_up[buff_index] = '"'; ++buff_index; /* End of packet serialization */ buff_up[buff_index] = '}'; ++buff_index; ++pkt_in_dgram; } /* restart fetch sequence without sending empty JSON if all packets have been filtered out */ if (pkt_in_dgram == 0) { if (send_report == true) { /* need to clean up the beginning of the payload */ buff_index -= 8; /* removes "rxpk":[ */ } else { /* all packet have been filtered out and no report, restart loop */ continue; } } else { /* end of packet array */ buff_up[buff_index] = ']'; ++buff_index; /* add separator if needed */ if (send_report == true) { buff_up[buff_index] = ','; ++buff_index; } } /* add status report if a new one is available */ if (send_report == true) { pthread_mutex_lock(&mx_stat_rep); report_ready = false; j = snprintf((char *)(buff_up + buff_index), TX_BUFF_SIZE-buff_index, "%s", status_report); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mx_stat_rep); if (j > 0) { buff_index += j; } else { MSG("ERROR: [up] snprintf failed line %u\n", (__LINE__ - 5)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } /* end of JSON datagram payload */ buff_up[buff_index] = '}'; ++buff_index; buff_up[buff_index] = 0; /* add string terminator, for safety */ printf("\nJSON up: %s\n", (char *)(buff_up + 12)); /* DEBUG: display JSON payload */ /* send datagram to server */ send(sock_up, (void *)buff_up, buff_index, 0); clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &send_time); pthread_mutex_lock(&mx_meas_up); meas_up_dgram_sent += 1; meas_up_network_byte += buff_index; /* wait for acknowledge (in 2 times, to catch extra packets) */ for (i=0; i<2; ++i) { j = recv(sock_up, (void *)buff_ack, sizeof buff_ack, 0); clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &recv_time); if (j == -1) { if (errno == EAGAIN) { /* timeout */ continue; } else { /* server connection error */ break; } } else if ((j < 4) || (buff_ack[0] != PROTOCOL_VERSION) || (buff_ack[3] != PKT_PUSH_ACK)) { //MSG("WARNING: [up] ignored invalid non-ACL packet\n"); continue; } else if ((buff_ack[1] != token_h) || (buff_ack[2] != token_l)) { //MSG("WARNING: [up] ignored out-of sync ACK packet\n"); continue; } else { MSG("INFO: [up] PUSH_ACK received in %i ms\n", (int)(1000 * difftimespec(recv_time, send_time))); meas_up_ack_rcv += 1; break; } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mx_meas_up); } MSG("\nINFO: End of upstream thread\n"); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --- THREAD 2: POLLING SERVER AND ENQUEUING PACKETS IN JIT QUEUE ---------- */ void thread_down(void) { int i; /* loop variables */ /* configuration and metadata for an outbound packet */ struct lgw_pkt_tx_s txpkt; bool sent_immediate = false; /* option to sent the packet immediately */ /* local timekeeping variables */ struct timespec send_time; /* time of the pull request */ struct timespec recv_time; /* time of return from recv socket call */ /* data buffers */ uint8_t buff_down[1000]; /* buffer to receive downstream packets */ uint8_t buff_req[12]; /* buffer to compose pull requests */ int msg_len; /* protocol variables */ uint8_t token_h; /* random token for acknowledgement matching */ uint8_t token_l; /* random token for acknowledgement matching */ bool req_ack = false; /* keep track of whether PULL_DATA was acknowledged or not */ /* JSON parsing variables */ JSON_Value *root_val = NULL; JSON_Object *txpk_obj = NULL; JSON_Value *val = NULL; /* needed to detect the absence of some fields */ const char *str; /* pointer to sub-strings in the JSON data */ short x0, x1; uint64_t x2; double x3, x4; /* variables to send on GPS timestamp */ struct tref local_ref; /* time reference used for GPS <-> timestamp conversion */ struct timespec gps_tx; /* GPS time that needs to be converted to timestamp */ /* beacon variables */ struct lgw_pkt_tx_s beacon_pkt; uint8_t beacon_chan; uint8_t beacon_loop; size_t beacon_RFU1_size = 0; size_t beacon_RFU2_size = 0; uint8_t beacon_pyld_idx = 0; time_t diff_beacon_time; struct timespec next_beacon_gps_time; /* gps time of next beacon packet */ struct timespec last_beacon_gps_time; /* gps time of last enqueued beacon packet */ int retry; /* beacon data fields, byte 0 is Least Significant Byte */ int32_t field_latitude; /* 3 bytes, derived from reference latitude */ int32_t field_longitude; /* 3 bytes, derived from reference longitude */ uint16_t field_crc1, field_crc2; /* auto-quit variable */ uint32_t autoquit_cnt = 0; /* count the number of PULL_DATA sent since the latest PULL_ACK */ /* Just In Time downlink */ struct timeval current_unix_time; struct timeval current_concentrator_time; enum jit_error_e jit_result = JIT_ERROR_OK; enum jit_pkt_type_e downlink_type; /* set downstream socket RX timeout */ i = setsockopt(sock_down, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (void *)&pull_timeout, sizeof pull_timeout); if (i != 0) { MSG("ERROR: [down] setsockopt returned %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* pre-fill the pull request buffer with fixed fields */ buff_req[0] = PROTOCOL_VERSION; buff_req[3] = PKT_PULL_DATA; *(uint32_t *)(buff_req + 4) = net_mac_h; *(uint32_t *)(buff_req + 8) = net_mac_l; /* beacon variables initialization */ last_beacon_gps_time.tv_sec = 0; last_beacon_gps_time.tv_nsec = 0; /* beacon packet parameters */ beacon_pkt.tx_mode = ON_GPS; /* send on PPS pulse */ beacon_pkt.rf_chain = 0; /* antenna A */ beacon_pkt.rf_power = beacon_power; beacon_pkt.modulation = MOD_LORA; switch (beacon_bw_hz) { case 125000: beacon_pkt.bandwidth = BW_125KHZ; break; case 500000: beacon_pkt.bandwidth = BW_500KHZ; break; default: /* should not happen */ MSG("ERROR: unsupported bandwidth for beacon\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } switch (beacon_datarate) { case 8: beacon_pkt.datarate = DR_LORA_SF8; beacon_RFU1_size = 1; beacon_RFU2_size = 3; break; case 9: beacon_pkt.datarate = DR_LORA_SF9; beacon_RFU1_size = 2; beacon_RFU2_size = 0; break; case 10: beacon_pkt.datarate = DR_LORA_SF10; beacon_RFU1_size = 3; beacon_RFU2_size = 1; break; case 12: beacon_pkt.datarate = DR_LORA_SF12; beacon_RFU1_size = 5; beacon_RFU2_size = 3; break; default: /* should not happen */ MSG("ERROR: unsupported datarate for beacon\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } beacon_pkt.size = beacon_RFU1_size + 4 + 2 + 7 + beacon_RFU2_size + 2; beacon_pkt.coderate = CR_LORA_4_5; beacon_pkt.invert_pol = false; beacon_pkt.preamble = 10; beacon_pkt.no_crc = true; beacon_pkt.no_header = true; /* network common part beacon fields (little endian) */ for (i = 0; i < (int)beacon_RFU1_size; i++) { beacon_pkt.payload[beacon_pyld_idx++] = 0x0; } /* network common part beacon fields (little endian) */ beacon_pyld_idx += 4; /* time (variable), filled later */ beacon_pyld_idx += 2; /* crc1 (variable), filled later */ /* calculate the latitude and longitude that must be publicly reported */ field_latitude = (int32_t)((reference_coord.lat / 90.0) * (double)(1<<23)); if (field_latitude > (int32_t)0x007FFFFF) { field_latitude = (int32_t)0x007FFFFF; /* +90 N is represented as 89.99999 N */ } else if (field_latitude < (int32_t)0xFF800000) { field_latitude = (int32_t)0xFF800000; } field_longitude = (int32_t)((reference_coord.lon / 180.0) * (double)(1<<23)); if (field_longitude > (int32_t)0x007FFFFF) { field_longitude = (int32_t)0x007FFFFF; /* +180 E is represented as 179.99999 E */ } else if (field_longitude < (int32_t)0xFF800000) { field_longitude = (int32_t)0xFF800000; } /* gateway specific beacon fields */ beacon_pkt.payload[beacon_pyld_idx++] = beacon_infodesc; beacon_pkt.payload[beacon_pyld_idx++] = 0xFF & field_latitude; beacon_pkt.payload[beacon_pyld_idx++] = 0xFF & (field_latitude >> 8); beacon_pkt.payload[beacon_pyld_idx++] = 0xFF & (field_latitude >> 16); beacon_pkt.payload[beacon_pyld_idx++] = 0xFF & field_longitude; beacon_pkt.payload[beacon_pyld_idx++] = 0xFF & (field_longitude >> 8); beacon_pkt.payload[beacon_pyld_idx++] = 0xFF & (field_longitude >> 16); /* RFU */ for (i = 0; i < (int)beacon_RFU2_size; i++) { beacon_pkt.payload[beacon_pyld_idx++] = 0x0; } /* CRC of the beacon gateway specific part fields */ field_crc2 = crc16((beacon_pkt.payload + 6 + beacon_RFU1_size), 7 + beacon_RFU2_size); beacon_pkt.payload[beacon_pyld_idx++] = 0xFF & field_crc2; beacon_pkt.payload[beacon_pyld_idx++] = 0xFF & (field_crc2 >> 8); /* JIT queue initialization */ jit_queue_init(&jit_queue); while (!exit_sig && !quit_sig) { /* auto-quit if the threshold is crossed */ if ((autoquit_threshold > 0) && (autoquit_cnt >= autoquit_threshold)) { exit_sig = true; MSG("INFO: [down] the last %u PULL_DATA were not ACKed, exiting application\n", autoquit_threshold); break; } /* generate random token for request */ token_h = (uint8_t)rand(); /* random token */ token_l = (uint8_t)rand(); /* random token */ buff_req[1] = token_h; buff_req[2] = token_l; /* send PULL request and record time */ send(sock_down, (void *)buff_req, sizeof buff_req, 0); clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &send_time); pthread_mutex_lock(&mx_meas_dw); meas_dw_pull_sent += 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mx_meas_dw); req_ack = false; autoquit_cnt++; /* listen to packets and process them until a new PULL request must be sent */ recv_time = send_time; while ((int)difftimespec(recv_time, send_time) < keepalive_time) { /* try to receive a datagram */ msg_len = recv(sock_down, (void *)buff_down, (sizeof buff_down)-1, 0); clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &recv_time); /* Pre-allocate beacon slots in JiT queue, to check downlink collisions */ beacon_loop = JIT_NUM_BEACON_IN_QUEUE - jit_queue.num_beacon; retry = 0; while (beacon_loop && (beacon_period != 0)) { pthread_mutex_lock(&mx_timeref); /* Wait for GPS to be ready before inserting beacons in JiT queue */ if ((gps_ref_valid == true) && (xtal_correct_ok == true)) { /* compute GPS time for next beacon to come */ /* LoRaWAN: T = k*beacon_period + TBeaconDelay */ /* with TBeaconDelay = [1.5ms +/- 1µs]*/ if (last_beacon_gps_time.tv_sec == 0) { /* if no beacon has been queued, get next slot from current GPS time */ diff_beacon_time = time_reference_gps.gps.tv_sec % ((time_t)beacon_period); next_beacon_gps_time.tv_sec = time_reference_gps.gps.tv_sec + ((time_t)beacon_period - diff_beacon_time); } else { /* if there is already a beacon, take it as reference */ next_beacon_gps_time.tv_sec = last_beacon_gps_time.tv_sec + beacon_period; } /* now we can add a beacon_period to the reference to get next beacon GPS time */ next_beacon_gps_time.tv_sec += (retry * beacon_period); next_beacon_gps_time.tv_nsec = 0; #if DEBUG_BEACON { time_t time_unix; time_unix = time_reference_gps.gps.tv_sec + UNIX_GPS_EPOCH_OFFSET; MSG_DEBUG(DEBUG_BEACON, "GPS-now : %s", ctime(&time_unix)); time_unix = last_beacon_gps_time.tv_sec + UNIX_GPS_EPOCH_OFFSET; MSG_DEBUG(DEBUG_BEACON, "GPS-last: %s", ctime(&time_unix)); time_unix = next_beacon_gps_time.tv_sec + UNIX_GPS_EPOCH_OFFSET; MSG_DEBUG(DEBUG_BEACON, "GPS-next: %s", ctime(&time_unix)); } #endif /* convert GPS time to concentrator time, and set packet counter for JiT trigger */ lgw_gps2cnt(time_reference_gps, next_beacon_gps_time, &(beacon_pkt.count_us)); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mx_timeref); /* apply frequency correction to beacon TX frequency */ if (beacon_freq_nb > 1) { beacon_chan = (next_beacon_gps_time.tv_sec / beacon_period) % beacon_freq_nb; /* floor rounding */ } else { beacon_chan = 0; } /* Compute beacon frequency */ beacon_pkt.freq_hz = beacon_freq_hz + (beacon_chan * beacon_freq_step); /* load time in beacon payload */ beacon_pyld_idx = beacon_RFU1_size; beacon_pkt.payload[beacon_pyld_idx++] = 0xFF & next_beacon_gps_time.tv_sec; beacon_pkt.payload[beacon_pyld_idx++] = 0xFF & (next_beacon_gps_time.tv_sec >> 8); beacon_pkt.payload[beacon_pyld_idx++] = 0xFF & (next_beacon_gps_time.tv_sec >> 16); beacon_pkt.payload[beacon_pyld_idx++] = 0xFF & (next_beacon_gps_time.tv_sec >> 24); /* calculate CRC */ field_crc1 = crc16(beacon_pkt.payload, 4 + beacon_RFU1_size); /* CRC for the network common part */ beacon_pkt.payload[beacon_pyld_idx++] = 0xFF & field_crc1; beacon_pkt.payload[beacon_pyld_idx++] = 0xFF & (field_crc1 >> 8); /* Insert beacon packet in JiT queue */ gettimeofday(¤t_unix_time, NULL); get_concentrator_time(¤t_concentrator_time, current_unix_time); jit_result = jit_enqueue(&jit_queue, ¤t_concentrator_time, &beacon_pkt, JIT_PKT_TYPE_BEACON); if (jit_result == JIT_ERROR_OK) { /* update stats */ pthread_mutex_lock(&mx_meas_dw); meas_nb_beacon_queued += 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mx_meas_dw); /* One more beacon in the queue */ beacon_loop--; retry = 0; last_beacon_gps_time.tv_sec = next_beacon_gps_time.tv_sec; /* keep this beacon time as reference for next one to be programmed */ /* display beacon payload */ MSG("INFO: Beacon queued (count_us=%u, freq_hz=%u, size=%u):\n", beacon_pkt.count_us, beacon_pkt.freq_hz, beacon_pkt.size); printf( " => " ); for (i = 0; i < beacon_pkt.size; ++i) { MSG("%02X ", beacon_pkt.payload[i]); } MSG("\n"); } else { MSG_DEBUG(DEBUG_BEACON, "--> beacon queuing failed with %d\n", jit_result); /* update stats */ pthread_mutex_lock(&mx_meas_dw); if (jit_result != JIT_ERROR_COLLISION_BEACON) { meas_nb_beacon_rejected += 1; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mx_meas_dw); /* In case previous enqueue failed, we retry one period later until it succeeds */ /* Note: In case the GPS has been unlocked for a while, there can be lots of retries */ /* to be done from last beacon time to a new valid one */ retry++; MSG_DEBUG(DEBUG_BEACON, "--> beacon queuing retry=%d\n", retry); } } else { pthread_mutex_unlock(&mx_timeref); break; } } /* if no network message was received, got back to listening sock_down socket */ if (msg_len == -1) { //MSG("WARNING: [down] recv returned %s\n", strerror(errno)); /* too verbose */ continue; } /* if the datagram does not respect protocol, just ignore it */ if ((msg_len < 4) || (buff_down[0] != PROTOCOL_VERSION) || ((buff_down[3] != PKT_PULL_RESP) && (buff_down[3] != PKT_PULL_ACK))) { MSG("WARNING: [down] ignoring invalid packet len=%d, protocol_version=%d, id=%d\n", msg_len, buff_down[0], buff_down[3]); continue; } /* if the datagram is an ACK, check token */ if (buff_down[3] == PKT_PULL_ACK) { if ((buff_down[1] == token_h) && (buff_down[2] == token_l)) { if (req_ack) { MSG("INFO: [down] duplicate ACK received :)\n"); } else { /* if that packet was not already acknowledged */ req_ack = true; autoquit_cnt = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&mx_meas_dw); meas_dw_ack_rcv += 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mx_meas_dw); MSG("INFO: [down] PULL_ACK received in %i ms\n", (int)(1000 * difftimespec(recv_time, send_time))); } } else { /* out-of-sync token */ MSG("INFO: [down] received out-of-sync ACK\n"); } continue; } /* the datagram is a PULL_RESP */ buff_down[msg_len] = 0; /* add string terminator, just to be safe */ MSG("INFO: [down] PULL_RESP received - token[%d:%d] :)\n", buff_down[1], buff_down[2]); /* very verbose */ printf("\nJSON down: %s\n", (char *)(buff_down + 4)); /* DEBUG: display JSON payload */ /* initialize TX struct and try to parse JSON */ memset(&txpkt, 0, sizeof txpkt); root_val = json_parse_string_with_comments((const char *)(buff_down + 4)); /* JSON offset */ if (root_val == NULL) { MSG("WARNING: [down] invalid JSON, TX aborted\n"); continue; } /* look for JSON sub-object 'txpk' */ txpk_obj = json_object_get_object(json_value_get_object(root_val), "txpk"); if (txpk_obj == NULL) { MSG("WARNING: [down] no \"txpk\" object in JSON, TX aborted\n"); json_value_free(root_val); continue; } /* Parse "immediate" tag, or target timestamp, or UTC time to be converted by GPS (mandatory) */ i = json_object_get_boolean(txpk_obj,"imme"); /* can be 1 if true, 0 if false, or -1 if not a JSON boolean */ if (i == 1) { /* TX procedure: send immediately */ sent_immediate = true; downlink_type = JIT_PKT_TYPE_DOWNLINK_CLASS_C; MSG("INFO: [down] a packet will be sent in \"immediate\" mode\n"); } else { sent_immediate = false; val = json_object_get_value(txpk_obj,"tmst"); if (val != NULL) { /* TX procedure: send on timestamp value */ txpkt.count_us = (uint32_t)json_value_get_number(val); /* Concentrator timestamp is given, we consider it is a Class A downlink */ downlink_type = JIT_PKT_TYPE_DOWNLINK_CLASS_A; } else { /* TX procedure: send on GPS time (converted to timestamp value) */ val = json_object_get_value(txpk_obj, "tmms"); if (val == NULL) { MSG("WARNING: [down] no mandatory \"txpk.tmst\" or \"txpk.tmms\" objects in JSON, TX aborted\n"); json_value_free(root_val); continue; } if (gps_enabled == true) { pthread_mutex_lock(&mx_timeref); if (gps_ref_valid == true) { local_ref = time_reference_gps; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mx_timeref); } else { pthread_mutex_unlock(&mx_timeref); MSG("WARNING: [down] no valid GPS time reference yet, impossible to send packet on specific GPS time, TX aborted\n"); json_value_free(root_val); /* send acknoledge datagram to server */ send_tx_ack(buff_down[1], buff_down[2], JIT_ERROR_GPS_UNLOCKED); continue; } } else { MSG("WARNING: [down] GPS disabled, impossible to send packet on specific GPS time, TX aborted\n"); json_value_free(root_val); /* send acknoledge datagram to server */ send_tx_ack(buff_down[1], buff_down[2], JIT_ERROR_GPS_UNLOCKED); continue; } /* Get GPS time from JSON */ x2 = (uint64_t)json_value_get_number(val); /* Convert GPS time from milliseconds to timespec */ x3 = modf((double)x2/1E3, &x4); gps_tx.tv_sec = (time_t)x4; /* get seconds from integer part */ gps_tx.tv_nsec = (long)(x3 * 1E9); /* get nanoseconds from fractional part */ /* transform GPS time to timestamp */ i = lgw_gps2cnt(local_ref, gps_tx, &(txpkt.count_us)); if (i != LGW_GPS_SUCCESS) { MSG("WARNING: [down] could not convert GPS time to timestamp, TX aborted\n"); json_value_free(root_val); continue; } else { MSG("INFO: [down] a packet will be sent on timestamp value %u (calculated from GPS time)\n", txpkt.count_us); } /* GPS timestamp is given, we consider it is a Class B downlink */ downlink_type = JIT_PKT_TYPE_DOWNLINK_CLASS_B; } } /* Parse "No CRC" flag (optional field) */ val = json_object_get_value(txpk_obj,"ncrc"); if (val != NULL) { txpkt.no_crc = (bool)json_value_get_boolean(val); } /* parse target frequency (mandatory) */ val = json_object_get_value(txpk_obj,"freq"); if (val == NULL) { MSG("WARNING: [down] no mandatory \"txpk.freq\" object in JSON, TX aborted\n"); json_value_free(root_val); continue; } txpkt.freq_hz = (uint32_t)((double)(1.0e6) * json_value_get_number(val)); /* parse RF chain used for TX (mandatory) */ val = json_object_get_value(txpk_obj,"rfch"); if (val == NULL) { MSG("WARNING: [down] no mandatory \"txpk.rfch\" object in JSON, TX aborted\n"); json_value_free(root_val); continue; } txpkt.rf_chain = (uint8_t)json_value_get_number(val); /* parse TX power (optional field) */ val = json_object_get_value(txpk_obj,"powe"); if (val != NULL) { txpkt.rf_power = (int8_t)json_value_get_number(val) - antenna_gain; } /* Parse modulation (mandatory) */ str = json_object_get_string(txpk_obj, "modu"); if (str == NULL) { MSG("WARNING: [down] no mandatory \"txpk.modu\" object in JSON, TX aborted\n"); json_value_free(root_val); continue; } if (strcmp(str, "LORA") == 0) { /* Lora modulation */ txpkt.modulation = MOD_LORA; /* Parse Lora spreading-factor and modulation bandwidth (mandatory) */ str = json_object_get_string(txpk_obj, "datr"); if (str == NULL) { MSG("WARNING: [down] no mandatory \"txpk.datr\" object in JSON, TX aborted\n"); json_value_free(root_val); continue; } i = sscanf(str, "SF%2hdBW%3hd", &x0, &x1); if (i != 2) { MSG("WARNING: [down] format error in \"txpk.datr\", TX aborted\n"); json_value_free(root_val); continue; } switch (x0) { case 7: txpkt.datarate = DR_LORA_SF7; break; case 8: txpkt.datarate = DR_LORA_SF8; break; case 9: txpkt.datarate = DR_LORA_SF9; break; case 10: txpkt.datarate = DR_LORA_SF10; break; case 11: txpkt.datarate = DR_LORA_SF11; break; case 12: txpkt.datarate = DR_LORA_SF12; break; default: MSG("WARNING: [down] format error in \"txpk.datr\", invalid SF, TX aborted\n"); json_value_free(root_val); continue; } switch (x1) { case 125: txpkt.bandwidth = BW_125KHZ; break; case 250: txpkt.bandwidth = BW_250KHZ; break; case 500: txpkt.bandwidth = BW_500KHZ; break; default: MSG("WARNING: [down] format error in \"txpk.datr\", invalid BW, TX aborted\n"); json_value_free(root_val); continue; } /* Parse ECC coding rate (optional field) */ str = json_object_get_string(txpk_obj, "codr"); if (str == NULL) { MSG("WARNING: [down] no mandatory \"txpk.codr\" object in json, TX aborted\n"); json_value_free(root_val); continue; } if (strcmp(str, "4/5") == 0) txpkt.coderate = CR_LORA_4_5; else if (strcmp(str, "4/6") == 0) txpkt.coderate = CR_LORA_4_6; else if (strcmp(str, "2/3") == 0) txpkt.coderate = CR_LORA_4_6; else if (strcmp(str, "4/7") == 0) txpkt.coderate = CR_LORA_4_7; else if (strcmp(str, "4/8") == 0) txpkt.coderate = CR_LORA_4_8; else if (strcmp(str, "1/2") == 0) txpkt.coderate = CR_LORA_4_8; else { MSG("WARNING: [down] format error in \"txpk.codr\", TX aborted\n"); json_value_free(root_val); continue; } /* Parse signal polarity switch (optional field) */ val = json_object_get_value(txpk_obj,"ipol"); if (val != NULL) { txpkt.invert_pol = (bool)json_value_get_boolean(val); } /* parse Lora preamble length (optional field, optimum min value enforced) */ val = json_object_get_value(txpk_obj,"prea"); if (val != NULL) { i = (int)json_value_get_number(val); if (i >= MIN_LORA_PREAMB) { txpkt.preamble = (uint16_t)i; } else { txpkt.preamble = (uint16_t)MIN_LORA_PREAMB; } } else { txpkt.preamble = (uint16_t)STD_LORA_PREAMB; } } else if (strcmp(str, "FSK") == 0) { /* FSK modulation */ txpkt.modulation = MOD_FSK; /* parse FSK bitrate (mandatory) */ val = json_object_get_value(txpk_obj,"datr"); if (val == NULL) { MSG("WARNING: [down] no mandatory \"txpk.datr\" object in JSON, TX aborted\n"); json_value_free(root_val); continue; } txpkt.datarate = (uint32_t)(json_value_get_number(val)); /* parse frequency deviation (mandatory) */ val = json_object_get_value(txpk_obj,"fdev"); if (val == NULL) { MSG("WARNING: [down] no mandatory \"txpk.fdev\" object in JSON, TX aborted\n"); json_value_free(root_val); continue; } txpkt.f_dev = (uint8_t)(json_value_get_number(val) / 1000.0); /* JSON value in Hz, txpkt.f_dev in kHz */ /* parse FSK preamble length (optional field, optimum min value enforced) */ val = json_object_get_value(txpk_obj,"prea"); if (val != NULL) { i = (int)json_value_get_number(val); if (i >= MIN_FSK_PREAMB) { txpkt.preamble = (uint16_t)i; } else { txpkt.preamble = (uint16_t)MIN_FSK_PREAMB; } } else { txpkt.preamble = (uint16_t)STD_FSK_PREAMB; } } else { MSG("WARNING: [down] invalid modulation in \"txpk.modu\", TX aborted\n"); json_value_free(root_val); continue; } /* Parse payload length (mandatory) */ val = json_object_get_value(txpk_obj,"size"); if (val == NULL) { MSG("WARNING: [down] no mandatory \"txpk.size\" object in JSON, TX aborted\n"); json_value_free(root_val); continue; } txpkt.size = (uint16_t)json_value_get_number(val); /* Parse payload data (mandatory) */ str = json_object_get_string(txpk_obj, "data"); if (str == NULL) { MSG("WARNING: [down] no mandatory \"txpk.data\" object in JSON, TX aborted\n"); json_value_free(root_val); continue; } i = b64_to_bin(str, strlen(str), txpkt.payload, sizeof txpkt.payload); if (i != txpkt.size) { MSG("WARNING: [down] mismatch between .size and .data size once converter to binary\n"); } /* free the JSON parse tree from memory */ json_value_free(root_val); /* select TX mode */ if (sent_immediate) { txpkt.tx_mode = IMMEDIATE; } else { txpkt.tx_mode = TIMESTAMPED; } /* record measurement data */ pthread_mutex_lock(&mx_meas_dw); meas_dw_dgram_rcv += 1; /* count only datagrams with no JSON errors */ meas_dw_network_byte += msg_len; /* meas_dw_network_byte */ meas_dw_payload_byte += txpkt.size; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mx_meas_dw); /* check TX parameter before trying to queue packet */ jit_result = JIT_ERROR_OK; if ((txpkt.freq_hz < tx_freq_min[txpkt.rf_chain]) || (txpkt.freq_hz > tx_freq_max[txpkt.rf_chain])) { jit_result = JIT_ERROR_TX_FREQ; MSG("ERROR: Packet REJECTED, unsupported frequency - %u (min:%u,max:%u)\n", txpkt.freq_hz, tx_freq_min[txpkt.rf_chain], tx_freq_max[txpkt.rf_chain]); } /* insert packet to be sent into JIT queue */ if (jit_result == JIT_ERROR_OK) { gettimeofday(¤t_unix_time, NULL); get_concentrator_time(¤t_concentrator_time, current_unix_time); jit_result = jit_enqueue(&jit_queue, ¤t_concentrator_time, &txpkt, downlink_type); if (jit_result != JIT_ERROR_OK) { printf("ERROR: Packet REJECTED (jit error=%d)\n", jit_result); } pthread_mutex_lock(&mx_meas_dw); meas_nb_tx_requested += 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mx_meas_dw); } /* Send acknoledge datagram to server */ send_tx_ack(buff_down[1], buff_down[2], jit_result); } } MSG("\nINFO: End of downstream thread\n"); } void print_tx_status(uint8_t tx_status) { switch (tx_status) { case TX_OFF: MSG("INFO: [jit] lgw_status returned TX_OFF\n"); break; case TX_FREE: MSG("INFO: [jit] lgw_status returned TX_FREE\n"); break; case TX_EMITTING: MSG("INFO: [jit] lgw_status returned TX_EMITTING\n"); break; case TX_SCHEDULED: MSG("INFO: [jit] lgw_status returned TX_SCHEDULED\n"); break; default: MSG("INFO: [jit] lgw_status returned UNKNOWN (%d)\n", tx_status); break; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --- THREAD 3: CHECKING PACKETS TO BE SENT FROM JIT QUEUE AND SEND THEM --- */ void thread_jit(void) { int result = LGW_HAL_SUCCESS; struct lgw_pkt_tx_s pkt; int pkt_index = -1; struct timeval current_unix_time; struct timeval current_concentrator_time; enum jit_error_e jit_result; enum jit_pkt_type_e pkt_type; uint8_t tx_status; while (!exit_sig && !quit_sig) { wait_ms(10); /* transfer data and metadata to the concentrator, and schedule TX */ gettimeofday(¤t_unix_time, NULL); get_concentrator_time(¤t_concentrator_time, current_unix_time); jit_result = jit_peek(&jit_queue, ¤t_concentrator_time, &pkt_index); if (jit_result == JIT_ERROR_OK) { if (pkt_index > -1) { jit_result = jit_dequeue(&jit_queue, pkt_index, &pkt, &pkt_type); if (jit_result == JIT_ERROR_OK) { /* update beacon stats */ if (pkt_type == JIT_PKT_TYPE_BEACON) { /* Compensate breacon frequency with xtal error */ pthread_mutex_lock(&mx_xcorr); pkt.freq_hz = (uint32_t)(xtal_correct * (double)pkt.freq_hz); MSG_DEBUG(DEBUG_BEACON, "beacon_pkt.freq_hz=%u (xtal_correct=%.15lf)\n", pkt.freq_hz, xtal_correct); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mx_xcorr); /* Update statistics */ pthread_mutex_lock(&mx_meas_dw); meas_nb_beacon_sent += 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mx_meas_dw); MSG("INFO: Beacon dequeued (count_us=%u)\n", pkt.count_us); } /* check if concentrator is free for sending new packet */ pthread_mutex_lock(&mx_concent); /* may have to wait for a fetch to finish */ result = lgw_status(TX_STATUS, &tx_status); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mx_concent); /* free concentrator ASAP */ if (result == LGW_HAL_ERROR) { MSG("WARNING: [jit] lgw_status failed\n"); } else { if (tx_status == TX_EMITTING) { MSG("ERROR: concentrator is currently emitting\n"); print_tx_status(tx_status); continue; } else if (tx_status == TX_SCHEDULED) { MSG("WARNING: a downlink was already scheduled, overwritting it...\n"); print_tx_status(tx_status); } else { /* Nothing to do */ } } /* send packet to concentrator */ pthread_mutex_lock(&mx_concent); /* may have to wait for a fetch to finish */ result = lgw_send(pkt); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mx_concent); /* free concentrator ASAP */ if (result == LGW_HAL_ERROR) { pthread_mutex_lock(&mx_meas_dw); meas_nb_tx_fail += 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mx_meas_dw); MSG("WARNING: [jit] lgw_send failed\n"); continue; } else { pthread_mutex_lock(&mx_meas_dw); meas_nb_tx_ok += 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mx_meas_dw); MSG_DEBUG(DEBUG_PKT_FWD, "lgw_send done: count_us=%u\n", pkt.count_us); } } else { MSG("ERROR: jit_dequeue failed with %d\n", jit_result); } } } else if (jit_result == JIT_ERROR_EMPTY) { /* Do nothing, it can happen */ } else { MSG("ERROR: jit_peek failed with %d\n", jit_result); } } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --- THREAD 4: PARSE GPS MESSAGE AND KEEP GATEWAY IN SYNC ----------------- */ static void gps_process_sync(void) { struct timespec gps_time; struct timespec utc; uint32_t trig_tstamp; /* concentrator timestamp associated with PPM pulse */ int i = lgw_gps_get(&utc, &gps_time, NULL, NULL); /* get GPS time for synchronization */ if (i != LGW_GPS_SUCCESS) { MSG("WARNING: [gps] could not get GPS time from GPS\n"); return; } /* get timestamp captured on PPM pulse */ pthread_mutex_lock(&mx_concent); i = lgw_get_trigcnt(&trig_tstamp); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mx_concent); if (i != LGW_HAL_SUCCESS) { MSG("WARNING: [gps] failed to read concentrator timestamp\n"); return; } /* try to update time reference with the new GPS time & timestamp */ pthread_mutex_lock(&mx_timeref); i = lgw_gps_sync(&time_reference_gps, trig_tstamp, utc, gps_time); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mx_timeref); if (i != LGW_GPS_SUCCESS) { MSG("WARNING: [gps] GPS out of sync, keeping previous time reference\n"); } } static void gps_process_coords(void) { /* position variable */ struct coord_s coord; struct coord_s gpserr; int i = lgw_gps_get(NULL, NULL, &coord, &gpserr); /* update gateway coordinates */ pthread_mutex_lock(&mx_meas_gps); if (i == LGW_GPS_SUCCESS) { gps_coord_valid = true; meas_gps_coord = coord; meas_gps_err = gpserr; // TODO: report other GPS statistics (typ. signal quality & integrity) } else { gps_coord_valid = false; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mx_meas_gps); } void thread_gps(void) { /* serial variables */ char serial_buff[128]; /* buffer to receive GPS data */ size_t wr_idx = 0; /* pointer to end of chars in buffer */ /* variables for PPM pulse GPS synchronization */ enum gps_msg latest_msg; /* keep track of latest NMEA message parsed */ /* initialize some variables before loop */ memset(serial_buff, 0, sizeof serial_buff); while (!exit_sig && !quit_sig) { size_t rd_idx = 0; size_t frame_end_idx = 0; /* blocking non-canonical read on serial port */ ssize_t nb_char = read(gps_tty_fd, serial_buff + wr_idx, LGW_GPS_MIN_MSG_SIZE); if (nb_char <= 0) { MSG("WARNING: [gps] read() returned value %d\n", nb_char); continue; } wr_idx += (size_t)nb_char; /******************************************* * Scan buffer for UBX/NMEA sync chars and * * attempt to decode frame if one is found * *******************************************/ while(rd_idx < wr_idx) { size_t frame_size = 0; /* Scan buffer for UBX sync char */ if(serial_buff[rd_idx] == (char)LGW_GPS_UBX_SYNC_CHAR) { /*********************** * Found UBX sync char * ***********************/ latest_msg = lgw_parse_ubx(&serial_buff[rd_idx], (wr_idx - rd_idx), &frame_size); if (frame_size > 0) { if (latest_msg == INCOMPLETE) { /* UBX header found but frame appears to be missing bytes */ frame_size = 0; } else if (latest_msg == INVALID) { /* message header received but message appears to be corrupted */ MSG("WARNING: [gps] could not get a valid message from GPS (no time)\n"); frame_size = 0; } else if (latest_msg == UBX_NAV_TIMEGPS) { gps_process_sync(); } } } else if(serial_buff[rd_idx] == LGW_GPS_NMEA_SYNC_CHAR) { /************************ * Found NMEA sync char * ************************/ /* scan for NMEA end marker (LF = 0x0a) */ char* nmea_end_ptr = memchr(&serial_buff[rd_idx],(int)0x0a, (wr_idx - rd_idx)); if(nmea_end_ptr) { /* found end marker */ frame_size = nmea_end_ptr - &serial_buff[rd_idx] + 1; latest_msg = lgw_parse_nmea(&serial_buff[rd_idx], frame_size); if(latest_msg == INVALID || latest_msg == UNKNOWN) { /* checksum failed */ frame_size = 0; } else if (latest_msg == NMEA_RMC) { /* Get location from RMC frames */ gps_process_coords(); } } } if(frame_size > 0) { /* At this point message is a checksum verified frame we're processed or ignored. Remove frame from buffer */ rd_idx += frame_size; frame_end_idx = rd_idx; } else { rd_idx++; } } /* ...for(rd_idx = 0... */ if(frame_end_idx) { /* Frames have been processed. Remove bytes to end of last processed frame */ memcpy(serial_buff, &serial_buff[frame_end_idx], wr_idx - frame_end_idx); wr_idx -= frame_end_idx; } /* ...for(rd_idx = 0... */ /* Prevent buffer overflow */ if((sizeof(serial_buff) - wr_idx) < LGW_GPS_MIN_MSG_SIZE) { memcpy(serial_buff, &serial_buff[LGW_GPS_MIN_MSG_SIZE], wr_idx - LGW_GPS_MIN_MSG_SIZE); wr_idx -= LGW_GPS_MIN_MSG_SIZE; } } MSG("\nINFO: End of GPS thread\n"); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --- THREAD 5: CHECK TIME REFERENCE AND CALCULATE XTAL CORRECTION --------- */ void thread_valid(void) { /* GPS reference validation variables */ long gps_ref_age = 0; bool ref_valid_local = false; double xtal_err_cpy; /* variables for XTAL correction averaging */ unsigned init_cpt = 0; double init_acc = 0.0; double x; /* correction debug */ // FILE * log_file = NULL; // time_t now_time; // char log_name[64]; /* initialization */ // time(&now_time); // strftime(log_name,sizeof log_name,"xtal_err_%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ.csv",localtime(&now_time)); // log_file = fopen(log_name, "w"); // setbuf(log_file, NULL); // fprintf(log_file,"\"xtal_correct\",\"XERR_INIT_AVG %u XERR_FILT_COEF %u\"\n", XERR_INIT_AVG, XERR_FILT_COEF); // DEBUG /* main loop task */ while (!exit_sig && !quit_sig) { wait_ms(1000); /* calculate when the time reference was last updated */ pthread_mutex_lock(&mx_timeref); gps_ref_age = (long)difftime(time(NULL), time_reference_gps.systime); if ((gps_ref_age >= 0) && (gps_ref_age <= GPS_REF_MAX_AGE)) { /* time ref is ok, validate and */ gps_ref_valid = true; ref_valid_local = true; xtal_err_cpy = time_reference_gps.xtal_err; //printf("XTAL err: %.15lf (1/XTAL_err:%.15lf)\n", xtal_err_cpy, 1/xtal_err_cpy); // DEBUG } else { /* time ref is too old, invalidate */ gps_ref_valid = false; ref_valid_local = false; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mx_timeref); /* manage XTAL correction */ if (ref_valid_local == false) { /* couldn't sync, or sync too old -> invalidate XTAL correction */ pthread_mutex_lock(&mx_xcorr); xtal_correct_ok = false; xtal_correct = 1.0; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mx_xcorr); init_cpt = 0; init_acc = 0.0; } else { if (init_cpt < XERR_INIT_AVG) { /* initial accumulation */ init_acc += xtal_err_cpy; ++init_cpt; } else if (init_cpt == XERR_INIT_AVG) { /* initial average calculation */ pthread_mutex_lock(&mx_xcorr); xtal_correct = (double)(XERR_INIT_AVG) / init_acc; //printf("XERR_INIT_AVG=%d, init_acc=%.15lf\n", XERR_INIT_AVG, init_acc); xtal_correct_ok = true; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mx_xcorr); ++init_cpt; // fprintf(log_file,"%.18lf,\"average\"\n", xtal_correct); // DEBUG } else { /* tracking with low-pass filter */ x = 1 / xtal_err_cpy; pthread_mutex_lock(&mx_xcorr); xtal_correct = xtal_correct - xtal_correct/XERR_FILT_COEF + x/XERR_FILT_COEF; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mx_xcorr); // fprintf(log_file,"%.18lf,\"track\"\n", xtal_correct); // DEBUG } } // printf("Time ref: %s, XTAL correct: %s (%.15lf)\n", ref_valid_local?"valid":"invalid", xtal_correct_ok?"valid":"invalid", xtal_correct); // DEBUG } MSG("\nINFO: End of validation thread\n"); } /* --- EOF ------------------------------------------------------------------ */