/* / _____) _ | | ( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__ \____ \| ___ | (_ _) ___ |/ ___) _ \ _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | | (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_| (C)2013 Semtech-Cycleo Description: LoRa concentrator : Packet Forwarder trace helpers License: Revised BSD License, see LICENSE.TXT file include in the project Maintainer: Michael Coracin */ #ifndef _LORA_PKTFWD_TRACE_H #define _LORA_PKTFWD_TRACE_H #define DEBUG_PKT_FWD 0 #define DEBUG_JIT 0 #define DEBUG_JIT_ERROR 1 #define DEBUG_TIMERSYNC 0 #define DEBUG_BEACON 0 #define DEBUG_LOG 1 #define MSG(args...) printf(args) /* message that is destined to the user */ #define MSG_DEBUG(FLAG, fmt, ...) \ do { \ if (FLAG) \ fprintf(stdout, "%s:%d:%s(): " fmt, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ } while (0) #endif /* --- EOF ------------------------------------------------------------------ */