path: root/lora_pkt_fwd/inc
diff options
authorHarsh Sharma <>2018-06-13 13:26:38 -0500
committerHarsh Sharma <>2018-06-13 13:26:38 -0500
commit2a02a3a7dfda2679ebda86fa830023fe996a06c9 (patch)
tree96aee456765756759d04e59361ae07726b053e24 /lora_pkt_fwd/inc
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'lora_pkt_fwd/inc')
5 files changed, 509 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lora_pkt_fwd/inc/base64.h b/lora_pkt_fwd/inc/base64.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e57eb47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lora_pkt_fwd/inc/base64.h
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ / _____) _ | |
+( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__
+ \____ \| ___ | (_ _) ___ |/ ___) _ \
+ _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
+(______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_|
+ (C)2013 Semtech-Cycleo
+ Base64 encoding & decoding library
+License: Revised BSD License, see LICENSE.TXT file include in the project
+Maintainer: Sylvain Miermont
+#ifndef _BASE64_H
+#define _BASE64_H
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- DEPENDANCIES --------------------------------------------------------- */
+#include <stdint.h> /* C99 types */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- PUBLIC FUNCTIONS PROTOTYPES ------------------------------------------ */
+@brief Encode binary data in Base64 string (no padding)
+@param in pointer to a table of binary data
+@param size number of bytes to be encoded to base64
+@param out pointer to a string where the function will output encoded data
+@param max_len max length of the out string (including null char)
+@return >=0 length of the resulting string (w/o null char), -1 for error
+int bin_to_b64_nopad(const uint8_t * in, int size, char * out, int max_len);
+@brief Decode Base64 string to binary data (no padding)
+@param in string containing only base64 valid characters
+@param size number of characters to be decoded from base64 (w/o null char)
+@param out pointer to a data buffer where the function will output decoded data
+@param out_max_len usable size of the output data buffer
+@return >=0 number of bytes written to the data buffer, -1 for error
+int b64_to_bin_nopad(const char * in, int size, uint8_t * out, int max_len);
+/* === derivative functions === */
+@brief Encode binary data in Base64 string (with added padding)
+int bin_to_b64(const uint8_t * in, int size, char * out, int max_len);
+@brief Decode Base64 string to binary data (remove padding if necessary)
+int b64_to_bin(const char * in, int size, uint8_t * out, int max_len);
+/* --- EOF ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
diff --git a/lora_pkt_fwd/inc/jitqueue.h b/lora_pkt_fwd/inc/jitqueue.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b674f75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lora_pkt_fwd/inc/jitqueue.h
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+ / _____) _ | |
+( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__
+ \____ \| ___ | (_ _) ___ |/ ___) _ \
+ _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
+(______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_|
+ (C)2013 Semtech-Cycleo
+ LoRa concentrator : Just In Time TX scheduling queue
+License: Revised BSD License, see LICENSE.TXT file include in the project
+Maintainer: Michael Coracin
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- DEPENDANCIES --------------------------------------------------------- */
+#include <stdint.h> /* C99 types */
+#include <stdbool.h> /* bool type */
+#include <sys/time.h> /* timeval */
+#include "loragw_hal.h"
+#include "loragw_gps.h"
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- PUBLIC CONSTANTS ----------------------------------------------------- */
+#define JIT_QUEUE_MAX 32 /* Maximum number of packets to be stored in JiT queue */
+#define JIT_NUM_BEACON_IN_QUEUE 3 /* Number of beacons to be loaded in JiT queue at any time */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- PUBLIC TYPES --------------------------------------------------------- */
+enum jit_pkt_type_e {
+enum jit_error_e {
+ JIT_ERROR_OK, /* Packet ok to be sent */
+ JIT_ERROR_TOO_LATE, /* Too late to send this packet */
+ JIT_ERROR_TOO_EARLY, /* Too early to queue this packet */
+ JIT_ERROR_FULL, /* Downlink queue is full */
+ JIT_ERROR_EMPTY, /* Downlink queue is empty */
+ JIT_ERROR_COLLISION_PACKET, /* A packet is already enqueued for this timeframe */
+ JIT_ERROR_COLLISION_BEACON, /* A beacon is planned for this timeframe */
+ JIT_ERROR_TX_FREQ, /* The required frequency for downlink is not supported */
+ JIT_ERROR_TX_POWER, /* The required power for downlink is not supported */
+ JIT_ERROR_GPS_UNLOCKED, /* GPS timestamp could not be used as GPS is unlocked */
+ JIT_ERROR_INVALID /* Packet is invalid */
+struct jit_node_s {
+ /* API fields */
+ struct lgw_pkt_tx_s pkt; /* TX packet */
+ enum jit_pkt_type_e pkt_type; /* Packet type: Downlink, Beacon... */
+ /* Internal fields */
+ uint32_t pre_delay; /* Amount of time before packet timestamp to be reserved */
+ uint32_t post_delay; /* Amount of time after packet timestamp to be reserved (time on air) */
+struct jit_queue_s {
+ uint8_t num_pkt; /* Total number of packets in the queue (downlinks, beacons...) */
+ uint8_t num_beacon; /* Number of beacons in the queue */
+ struct jit_node_s nodes[JIT_QUEUE_MAX]; /* Nodes/packets array in the queue */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- PUBLIC FUNCTIONS PROTOTYPES ------------------------------------------ */
+@brief Check if a JiT queue is full.
+@param queue[in] Just in Time queue to be checked.
+@return true if queue is full, false otherwise.
+bool jit_queue_is_full(struct jit_queue_s *queue);
+@brief Check if a JiT queue is empty.
+@param queue[in] Just in Time queue to be checked.
+@return true if queue is empty, false otherwise.
+bool jit_queue_is_empty(struct jit_queue_s *queue);
+@brief Initialize a Just in Time queue.
+@param queue[in] Just in Time queue to be initialized. Memory should have been allocated already.
+This function is used to reset every elements in the allocated queue.
+void jit_queue_init(struct jit_queue_s *queue);
+@brief Add a packet in a Just-in-Time queue
+@param queue[in/out] Just in Time queue in which the packet should be inserted
+@param time[in] Current concentrator time
+@param packet[in] Packet to be queued in JiT queue
+@param pkt_type[in] Type of packet to be queued: Downlink, Beacon
+@return success if the function was able to queue the packet
+This function is typically used when a packet is received from server for downlink.
+It will check if packet can be queued, with several criterias. Once the packet is queued, it has to be
+sent over the air. So all checks should happen before the packet being actually in the queue.
+enum jit_error_e jit_enqueue(struct jit_queue_s *queue, struct timeval *time, struct lgw_pkt_tx_s *packet, enum jit_pkt_type_e pkt_type);
+@brief Dequeue a packet from a Just-in-Time queue
+@param queue[in/out] Just in Time queue from which the packet should be removed
+@param index[in] in the queue where to get the packet to be removed
+@param packet[out] that was at index
+@param pkt_type[out] Type of packet dequeued: Downlink, Beacon
+@return success if the function was able to dequeue the packet
+This function is typically used when a packet is about to be placed on concentrator buffer for TX.
+The index is generally got using the jit_peek function.
+enum jit_error_e jit_dequeue(struct jit_queue_s *queue, int index, struct lgw_pkt_tx_s *packet, enum jit_pkt_type_e *pkt_type);
+@brief Check if there is a packet soon to be sent from the JiT queue.
+@param queue[in] Just in Time queue to parse for peeking a packet
+@param time[in] Current concentrator time
+@param pkt_idx[out] Packet index which is soon to be dequeued.
+@return success if the function was able to parse the queue. pkt_idx is set to -1 if no packet found.
+This function is typically used to check in JiT queue if there is a packet soon to be sent.
+It search the packet with the highest priority in queue, and check if its timestamp is near
+enough the current concentrator time.
+enum jit_error_e jit_peek(struct jit_queue_s *queue, struct timeval *time, int *pkt_idx);
+@brief Debug function to print the queue's content on console
+@param queue[in] Just in Time queue to be displayed
+@param show_all[in] Indicates if empty nodes have to be displayed or not
+void jit_print_queue(struct jit_queue_s *queue, bool show_all, int debug_level);
+/* --- EOF ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
diff --git a/lora_pkt_fwd/inc/parson.h b/lora_pkt_fwd/inc/parson.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2669a18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lora_pkt_fwd/inc/parson.h
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+ Parson ( )
+ Copyright (c) 2012 - 2016 Krzysztof Gabis
+ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+ in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+ to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+ all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+#ifndef parson_parson_h
+#define parson_parson_h
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+#include <stddef.h> /* size_t */
+/* Types and enums */
+typedef struct json_object_t JSON_Object;
+typedef struct json_array_t JSON_Array;
+typedef struct json_value_t JSON_Value;
+enum json_value_type {
+ JSONError = -1,
+ JSONNull = 1,
+ JSONString = 2,
+ JSONNumber = 3,
+ JSONObject = 4,
+ JSONArray = 5,
+ JSONBoolean = 6
+typedef int JSON_Value_Type;
+enum json_result_t {
+ JSONSuccess = 0,
+ JSONFailure = -1
+typedef int JSON_Status;
+typedef void * (*JSON_Malloc_Function)(size_t);
+typedef void (*JSON_Free_Function)(void *);
+/* Call only once, before calling any other function from parson API. If not called, malloc and free
+ from stdlib will be used for all allocations */
+void json_set_allocation_functions(JSON_Malloc_Function malloc_fun, JSON_Free_Function free_fun);
+/* Parses first JSON value in a file, returns NULL in case of error */
+JSON_Value * json_parse_file(const char *filename);
+/* Parses first JSON value in a file and ignores comments (/ * * / and //),
+ returns NULL in case of error */
+JSON_Value * json_parse_file_with_comments(const char *filename);
+/* Parses first JSON value in a string, returns NULL in case of error */
+JSON_Value * json_parse_string(const char *string);
+/* Parses first JSON value in a string and ignores comments (/ * * / and //),
+ returns NULL in case of error */
+JSON_Value * json_parse_string_with_comments(const char *string);
+/* Serialization */
+size_t json_serialization_size(const JSON_Value *value); /* returns 0 on fail */
+JSON_Status json_serialize_to_buffer(const JSON_Value *value, char *buf, size_t buf_size_in_bytes);
+JSON_Status json_serialize_to_file(const JSON_Value *value, const char *filename);
+char * json_serialize_to_string(const JSON_Value *value);
+/* Pretty serialization */
+size_t json_serialization_size_pretty(const JSON_Value *value); /* returns 0 on fail */
+JSON_Status json_serialize_to_buffer_pretty(const JSON_Value *value, char *buf, size_t buf_size_in_bytes);
+JSON_Status json_serialize_to_file_pretty(const JSON_Value *value, const char *filename);
+char * json_serialize_to_string_pretty(const JSON_Value *value);
+void json_free_serialized_string(char *string); /* frees string from json_serialize_to_string and json_serialize_to_string_pretty */
+/* Comparing */
+int json_value_equals(const JSON_Value *a, const JSON_Value *b);
+/* Validation
+ This is *NOT* JSON Schema. It validates json by checking if object have identically
+ named fields with matching types.
+ For example schema {"name":"", "age":0} will validate
+ {"name":"Joe", "age":25} and {"name":"Joe", "age":25, "gender":"m"},
+ but not {"name":"Joe"} or {"name":"Joe", "age":"Cucumber"}.
+ In case of arrays, only first value in schema is checked against all values in tested array.
+ Empty objects ({}) validate all objects, empty arrays ([]) validate all arrays,
+ null validates values of every type.
+ */
+JSON_Status json_validate(const JSON_Value *schema, const JSON_Value *value);
+ * JSON Object
+ */
+JSON_Value * json_object_get_value (const JSON_Object *object, const char *name);
+const char * json_object_get_string (const JSON_Object *object, const char *name);
+JSON_Object * json_object_get_object (const JSON_Object *object, const char *name);
+JSON_Array * json_object_get_array (const JSON_Object *object, const char *name);
+double json_object_get_number (const JSON_Object *object, const char *name); /* returns 0 on fail */
+int json_object_get_boolean(const JSON_Object *object, const char *name); /* returns -1 on fail */
+/* dotget functions enable addressing values with dot notation in nested objects,
+ just like in structs or c++/java/c# objects (e.g. objectA.objectB.value).
+ Because valid names in JSON can contain dots, some values may be inaccessible
+ this way. */
+JSON_Value * json_object_dotget_value (const JSON_Object *object, const char *name);
+const char * json_object_dotget_string (const JSON_Object *object, const char *name);
+JSON_Object * json_object_dotget_object (const JSON_Object *object, const char *name);
+JSON_Array * json_object_dotget_array (const JSON_Object *object, const char *name);
+double json_object_dotget_number (const JSON_Object *object, const char *name); /* returns 0 on fail */
+int json_object_dotget_boolean(const JSON_Object *object, const char *name); /* returns -1 on fail */
+/* Functions to get available names */
+size_t json_object_get_count(const JSON_Object *object);
+const char * json_object_get_name (const JSON_Object *object, size_t index);
+/* Creates new name-value pair or frees and replaces old value with a new one.
+ * json_object_set_value does not copy passed value so it shouldn't be freed afterwards. */
+JSON_Status json_object_set_value(JSON_Object *object, const char *name, JSON_Value *value);
+JSON_Status json_object_set_string(JSON_Object *object, const char *name, const char *string);
+JSON_Status json_object_set_number(JSON_Object *object, const char *name, double number);
+JSON_Status json_object_set_boolean(JSON_Object *object, const char *name, int boolean);
+JSON_Status json_object_set_null(JSON_Object *object, const char *name);
+/* Works like dotget functions, but creates whole hierarchy if necessary.
+ * json_object_dotset_value does not copy passed value so it shouldn't be freed afterwards. */
+JSON_Status json_object_dotset_value(JSON_Object *object, const char *name, JSON_Value *value);
+JSON_Status json_object_dotset_string(JSON_Object *object, const char *name, const char *string);
+JSON_Status json_object_dotset_number(JSON_Object *object, const char *name, double number);
+JSON_Status json_object_dotset_boolean(JSON_Object *object, const char *name, int boolean);
+JSON_Status json_object_dotset_null(JSON_Object *object, const char *name);
+/* Frees and removes name-value pair */
+JSON_Status json_object_remove(JSON_Object *object, const char *name);
+/* Works like dotget function, but removes name-value pair only on exact match. */
+JSON_Status json_object_dotremove(JSON_Object *object, const char *key);
+/* Removes all name-value pairs in object */
+JSON_Status json_object_clear(JSON_Object *object);
+ *JSON Array
+ */
+JSON_Value * json_array_get_value (const JSON_Array *array, size_t index);
+const char * json_array_get_string (const JSON_Array *array, size_t index);
+JSON_Object * json_array_get_object (const JSON_Array *array, size_t index);
+JSON_Array * json_array_get_array (const JSON_Array *array, size_t index);
+double json_array_get_number (const JSON_Array *array, size_t index); /* returns 0 on fail */
+int json_array_get_boolean(const JSON_Array *array, size_t index); /* returns -1 on fail */
+size_t json_array_get_count (const JSON_Array *array);
+/* Frees and removes value at given index, does nothing and returns JSONFailure if index doesn't exist.
+ * Order of values in array may change during execution. */
+JSON_Status json_array_remove(JSON_Array *array, size_t i);
+/* Frees and removes from array value at given index and replaces it with given one.
+ * Does nothing and returns JSONFailure if index doesn't exist.
+ * json_array_replace_value does not copy passed value so it shouldn't be freed afterwards. */
+JSON_Status json_array_replace_value(JSON_Array *array, size_t i, JSON_Value *value);
+JSON_Status json_array_replace_string(JSON_Array *array, size_t i, const char* string);
+JSON_Status json_array_replace_number(JSON_Array *array, size_t i, double number);
+JSON_Status json_array_replace_boolean(JSON_Array *array, size_t i, int boolean);
+JSON_Status json_array_replace_null(JSON_Array *array, size_t i);
+/* Frees and removes all values from array */
+JSON_Status json_array_clear(JSON_Array *array);
+/* Appends new value at the end of array.
+ * json_array_append_value does not copy passed value so it shouldn't be freed afterwards. */
+JSON_Status json_array_append_value(JSON_Array *array, JSON_Value *value);
+JSON_Status json_array_append_string(JSON_Array *array, const char *string);
+JSON_Status json_array_append_number(JSON_Array *array, double number);
+JSON_Status json_array_append_boolean(JSON_Array *array, int boolean);
+JSON_Status json_array_append_null(JSON_Array *array);
+ *JSON Value
+ */
+JSON_Value * json_value_init_object (void);
+JSON_Value * json_value_init_array (void);
+JSON_Value * json_value_init_string (const char *string); /* copies passed string */
+JSON_Value * json_value_init_number (double number);
+JSON_Value * json_value_init_boolean(int boolean);
+JSON_Value * json_value_init_null (void);
+JSON_Value * json_value_deep_copy (const JSON_Value *value);
+void json_value_free (JSON_Value *value);
+JSON_Value_Type json_value_get_type (const JSON_Value *value);
+JSON_Object * json_value_get_object (const JSON_Value *value);
+JSON_Array * json_value_get_array (const JSON_Value *value);
+const char * json_value_get_string (const JSON_Value *value);
+double json_value_get_number (const JSON_Value *value);
+int json_value_get_boolean(const JSON_Value *value);
+/* Same as above, but shorter */
+JSON_Value_Type json_type (const JSON_Value *value);
+JSON_Object * json_object (const JSON_Value *value);
+JSON_Array * json_array (const JSON_Value *value);
+const char * json_string (const JSON_Value *value);
+double json_number (const JSON_Value *value);
+int json_boolean(const JSON_Value *value);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/lora_pkt_fwd/inc/timersync.h b/lora_pkt_fwd/inc/timersync.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..497e538
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lora_pkt_fwd/inc/timersync.h
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ / _____) _ | |
+( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__
+ \____ \| ___ | (_ _) ___ |/ ___) _ \
+ _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
+(______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_|
+ (C)2013 Semtech-Cycleo
+ LoRa concentrator : Just In Time TX scheduling queue
+License: Revised BSD License, see LICENSE.TXT file include in the project
+Maintainer: Michael Coracin
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- DEPENDANCIES --------------------------------------------------------- */
+#include <sys/time.h> /* timeval */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- PUBLIC FUNCTIONS PROTOTYPES ------------------------------------------ */
+int get_concentrator_time(struct timeval *concent_time, struct timeval unix_time);
+void thread_timersync(void);
diff --git a/lora_pkt_fwd/inc/trace.h b/lora_pkt_fwd/inc/trace.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a067851
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lora_pkt_fwd/inc/trace.h
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ / _____) _ | |
+( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__
+ \____ \| ___ | (_ _) ___ |/ ___) _ \
+ _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
+(______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_|
+ (C)2013 Semtech-Cycleo
+ LoRa concentrator : Packet Forwarder trace helpers
+License: Revised BSD License, see LICENSE.TXT file include in the project
+Maintainer: Michael Coracin
+#define DEBUG_PKT_FWD 0
+#define DEBUG_JIT 0
+#define DEBUG_JIT_ERROR 1
+#define DEBUG_BEACON 0
+#define DEBUG_LOG 1
+#define MSG(args...) printf(args) /* message that is destined to the user */
+#define MSG_DEBUG(FLAG, fmt, ...) \
+ do { \
+ if (FLAG) \
+ fprintf(stdout, "%s:%d:%s(): " fmt, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
+ } while (0)
+/* --- EOF ------------------------------------------------------------------ */