""" This module implements the block map (bmap) creation functionality and
provides the corresponding API in form of the 'BmapCreate' class.
The idea is that while images files may generally be very large (e.g., 4GiB),
they may nevertheless contain only little real data, e.g., 512MiB. This data
are files, directories, file-system meta-data, partition table, etc. When
copying the image to the target device, you do not have to copy all the 4GiB of
data, you can copy only 512MiB of it, which is 4 times less, so copying should
presumably be 4 times faster.
The block map file is an XML file which contains a list of blocks which have to
be copied to the target device. The other blocks are not used and there is no
need to copy them. The XML file also contains some additional information like
block size, image size, count of mapped blocks, etc. There are also many
commentaries, so it is human-readable.
The image has to be a sparse file. Generally, this means that when you generate
this image file, you should start with a huge sparse file which contains a
single hole spanning the entire file. Then you should partition it, write all
the data (probably by means of loop-back mounting the image or parts of it),
etc. The end result should be a sparse file where mapped areas represent useful
parts of the image and holes represent useless parts of the image, which do not
have to be copied when copying the image to the target device.
This module uses the FIBMAP ioctl to detect holes. """
# Disable the following pylint recommendations:
# * Too many instance attributes - R0902
# * Too few public methods - R0903
# pylint: disable=R0902,R0903
import hashlib
from mic.utils.misc import human_size
from mic.utils import Fiemap
# The bmap format version we generate
class Error(Exception):
""" A class for exceptions generated by this module. We currently support
only one type of exceptions, and we basically throw human-readable problem
description in case of errors. """
class BmapCreate:
""" This class implements the bmap creation functionality. To generate a
bmap for an image (which is supposedly a sparse file), you should first
create an instance of 'BmapCreate' and provide:
* full path or a file-like object of the image to create bmap for
* full path or a file object to use for writing the results to
Then you should invoke the 'generate()' method of this class. It will use
the FIEMAP ioctl to generate the bmap. """
def _open_image_file(self):
""" Open the image file. """
self._f_image = open(self._image_path, 'rb')
except IOError as err:
raise Error("cannot open image file '%s': %s" \
% (self._image_path, err))
self._f_image_needs_close = True
def _open_bmap_file(self):
""" Open the bmap file. """
self._f_bmap = open(self._bmap_path, 'w+')
except IOError as err:
raise Error("cannot open bmap file '%s': %s" \
% (self._bmap_path, err))
self._f_bmap_needs_close = True
def __init__(self, image, bmap):
""" Initialize a class instance:
* image - full path or a file-like object of the image to create bmap
* bmap - full path or a file object to use for writing the resulting
bmap to """
self.image_size = None
self.image_size_human = None
self.block_size = None
self.blocks_cnt = None
self.mapped_cnt = None
self.mapped_size = None
self.mapped_size_human = None
self.mapped_percent = None
self._mapped_count_pos1 = None
self._mapped_count_pos2 = None
self._sha1_pos = None
self._f_image_needs_close = False
self._f_bmap_needs_close = False
if hasattr(image, "read"):
self._f_image = image
self._image_path = image.name
self._image_path = image
if hasattr(bmap, "read"):
self._f_bmap = bmap
self._bmap_path = bmap.name
self._bmap_path = bmap
self.fiemap = Fiemap.Fiemap(self._f_image)
self.image_size = self.fiemap.image_size
self.image_size_human = human_size(self.image_size)
if self.image_size == 0:
raise Error("cannot generate bmap for zero-sized image file '%s'" \
% self._image_path)
self.block_size = self.fiemap.block_size
self.blocks_cnt = self.fiemap.blocks_cnt
def _bmap_file_start(self):
""" A helper function which generates the starting contents of the
block map file: the header comment, image size, block size, etc. """
# We do not know the amount of mapped blocks at the moment, so just put
# whitespaces instead of real numbers. Assume the longest possible
# numbers.
mapped_count = ' ' * len(str(self.image_size))
mapped_size_human = ' ' * len(self.image_size_human)
% (SUPPORTED_BMAP_VERSION, self.image_size_human,
self.image_size, self.block_size, self.blocks_cnt)
xml += " \n" % (mapped_size_human, 100.0)
xml += " "
self._mapped_count_pos2 = self._f_bmap.tell()
xml = "%s \n\n" % mapped_count
# pylint: disable=C0301
xml += " \n"
xml += " "
self._sha1_pos = self._f_bmap.tell()
xml = "0" * 40 + " \n\n"
xml += " \n"
xml += " \n"
# pylint: enable=C0301
def _bmap_file_end(self):
""" A helper function which generates the final parts of the block map
file: the ending tags and the information about the amount of mapped
blocks. """
xml = " \n"
xml += "\n"
self._f_bmap.write("%s or %.1f%%" % \
(self.mapped_size_human, self.mapped_percent))
self._f_bmap.write("%u" % self.mapped_cnt)
sha1 = hashlib.sha1(self._f_bmap.read()).hexdigest()
self._f_bmap.write("%s" % sha1)
def _calculate_sha1(self, first, last):
""" A helper function which calculates SHA1 checksum for the range of
blocks of the image file: from block 'first' to block 'last'. """
start = first * self.block_size
end = (last + 1) * self.block_size
hash_obj = hashlib.new("sha1")
chunk_size = 1024*1024
to_read = end - start
read = 0
while read < to_read:
if read + chunk_size > to_read:
chunk_size = to_read - read
chunk = self._f_image.read(chunk_size)
read += chunk_size
return hash_obj.hexdigest()
def generate(self, include_checksums = True):
""" Generate bmap for the image file. If 'include_checksums' is 'True',
also generate SHA1 checksums for block ranges. """
# Save image file position in order to restore it at the end
image_pos = self._f_image.tell()
# Generate the block map and write it to the XML block map
# file as we go.
self.mapped_cnt = 0
for first, last in self.fiemap.get_mapped_ranges(0, self.blocks_cnt):
self.mapped_cnt += last - first + 1
if include_checksums:
sha1 = self._calculate_sha1(first, last)
sha1 = " sha1=\"%s\"" % sha1
sha1 = ""
if first != last:
self._f_bmap.write(" %s-%s \n" \
% (sha1, first, last))
self._f_bmap.write(" %s \n" \
% (sha1, first))
self.mapped_size = self.mapped_cnt * self.block_size
self.mapped_size_human = human_size(self.mapped_size)
self.mapped_percent = (self.mapped_cnt * 100.0) / self.blocks_cnt
except IOError as err:
raise Error("cannot flush the bmap file '%s': %s" \
% (self._bmap_path, err))
def __del__(self):
""" The class destructor which closes the opened files. """
if self._f_image_needs_close:
if self._f_bmap_needs_close: